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4-129-231- 11 (1) P/N7525000004A Digital Photo Frame DPF-D82/D92 © 2009 Sony Corporation Bef ore op erat io n Basic op erations Adva nced oper ations Using an externa l device (with Blueto oth) Using.
2 GB To reduce fire or shock haz ard, do not expose the unit to rai n or moisture. Do not expose the bat teries to excessiv e heat suc h as sunshine , fire or the like. CAUTION Replace th e batte ry with th e specifie d type only. O therwise, fire or injury may re sult.
3 GB For the State o f Californ ia, USA only Perchlor ate Material - spec ial handling ma y apply, See azardouswaste /perchlorate Perchlor ate Material: Lit hium batter y contains perchlora te.
4 GB Notes on LCD screen • D o no t pres s agai nst th e LCD scree n. The scree n may be disc olored and tha t may cause a malfunc tion. • Ex posing the LCD screen to di rect sunli ght for long perio ds may cause malfunctio ns. • Th e LCD screen is manu factured usi ng extremely high-pre cision technolo gy, so over 99.
5 GB Notice fo r use rs Program © 200 9 Sony Corporati on Documenta tion © 2009 Sony Corpor ation All right s reserve d. This manu al or the sof tware describ ed herein, in whole or in part , may not be reprodu ced, tran slated or redu ced to any mac hine read able form witho ut pr ior w ritten approv al f rom Sony C orporation.
6 GB Table of Cont ents Before operation Enjoying your pho to frame i n various ways .............. ........................... ...... 8 Features ......... .................. ............... 9 Checking included items ............... 11 Identifying the parts .
7 GB Connecti ng to a comp uter to ex change imag es .... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ... 51 Disconne ctin g your co mputer . ...... . 52 Error messages If an er ror message appear s ......... 53 Troubleshoo ting If trouble occ urs ......
8 GB Before o perat ion Enjoying your ph oto frame in variou s ways The S ony D PF-D8 2/D92 is a di gital pho to fr ame f or ea si ly di spla ying image s t aken with a di git al camer a or othe r de vice , wi thou t usi ng a comp uter .
9 GB Before oper ation Featu res x Support f or vario us memo ry car ds * Supp orts va rious m emor y card s and othe r devi ces, such as a “Memory St ick ”, CompactFlash ca rd, SD memor y card, xD- Picture Ca rd, and USB memor y.
10 GB x Search funct ion You ca n search for ima ges by th e date, folder , i mage dire ction , an d mark . ( . page 39) x Alarm functi on The ph oto fram e annou nces th e spec ified time on th e image and using so und. ( . page 43) x Aut oma tic ro ta tion of im ag es The photo f rame automatical ly rotate s images to their p roper orie ntation.
11 GB Before oper ation Checking in cluded item s Make sure that the followin g items are incl uded . • Digital ph oto frame (1) • Stand ( 1) • Rem ote cont rol (1 ) • AC ada ptor (1 ) • Opera ting In struct ions (this manual ) (1) • Read This F irst (1) • Warran ty (1) (In som e regi ons, th e warr anty is n ot suppl ied.
12 GB Rear A Connector for USB A/Bluetooth adaptor ( . pa ge 49) You can tr ansfer images wir elessl y f rom a BLUET OOTH™ c ompatibl e mobile pho ne or dig ital ca mera by conn ecti ng a Blu eto oth adaptor (op tional: DPPA-BT1) . You ca n also co nnect a digita l camer a, USB memory, o r ph oto stor age co mpatib le wit h USB mass storage.
13 GB Before oper ation P Buzzer Q VIEW MODE button ( . page 2 3) R Alarm switch ( . p age 43) S Holes for hangin g unit on the wall ( . page 17) T Space for storing the stand Con ti nu ed.
14 GB Remote c ontrol A VIEW MODE bu tton ( . pa ge 23) B SLIDE-SHOW ( ) button ( . page 23) C INDEX ( ) button ( . page 23) This but ton sw itches from th e singl e view mode t o the in dex im age di splay. D SINGLE ( ) button ( . page 23) E MENU button F BACK button G 1 (on/standby ) button H CLOCK ( ) button ( .
15 GB Basic operati ons Basic oper ations Prepa ring the re mote control The suppli ed lithiu m battery (C R2025) has alre ady be en in sert ed i nto t he rem ote co ntro l.
16 GB • Using a battery other than the specif ied one ma y result in the battery ruptu ring. • Dispose of used bat teries as speci fied by the lo cal author ities.
17 GB Basic operati ons When th e phot o frame is pl aced in the por trai t orientati on, the imag e is also automatically rotate d to its prop er orie ntation . The direct ions ind icate d on t he dir ectio n butt on on the r ear pane l depend o n the orien tation of the ph oto fra me.
18 GB • Whe n you wa nt to re -insert th e memory card, remove the photo frame from the wall, the n eject and re-inse rt the mem ory card while the photo frame is placed on a st able s urface. • Sto re the sta nd in th e place prov ided when you ha ng the ph oto frame on the wall.
19 GB Basic operati ons • Insert the plug of the AC adaptor f irmly, if the conne ction is l oose, t he photo frame m ay turn off when it is move d. • A fter use, rem ove the AC adapto r from the DC IN 12 V jack of the photo frame, and remove the AC adap tor from the outl et.
20 GB Turn ing o ff the power Hold 1 (on/stan dby) on the ph oto fram e or remote cont rol until the power turns off . The stan dby in dica tor t urns to r ed fr om gr een . Note Do not t urn the ph oto fr ame off o r disconnec t the AC adapto r from the photo fra me befor e the standby indicator turns red.
21 GB Basic operati ons 6 Select th e format of the da te. 1 Press v / V to select [Date Displ ay Order] and then press . 2 Press v / V to select a format and then press . •Y - M - D •M - D - Y •D - M - Y 7 Set the da y to s tart the week for the calenda r.
22 GB To remov e a me mory card Remove the memory card from it s slot i n the opposite d irection from which i t was ins erted. Notes • When i nser ting the memor y car d, it will onl y ins ert part of th e way, so do not try to force i t as this could damage the memory car d and/or photo f rame.
23 GB Basic operati ons Changing th e display 1 Press VIEW MODE. The view mode scr een is dis played. 2 Select th e group you wa nt. Tip Select the grou p you want using B / b after moving the cursor to the group area using B / b / v / V , when you operate the photo frame usin g the but tons o n the p hoto fram e.
24 GB Slideshow d isplay Tips • I f the powe r is on, and no me mory card is ins erted, and no device i s conn ected, the im ages st ored i n internal memory are d isplaye d. If n o images are saved in interna l memor y, demo nstration mo de start s autom atically .
25 GB Basic operati ons Clock and calendar display Note You c an select only the (Set tings) tab wh en the Clock and cal endar displa y is displayed. Tip You can use the VIEW MODE button on the phot o frame.
26 GB Single view mode Tips • I f the powe r is on, and no me mory card is ins erted, and no device i s conn ected, the im ages st ored i n internal memory are d isplaye d. If n o images are saved in interna l memor y, demo nstration mo de start s autom atically .
27 GB Basic operati ons Index image display Tips • A thumbnail is a small-siz ed image f or index use that is re corded in the pictures tak en by a digital camera. • If the power is on, and no m emory card is in serted, and no device is connected, th e images in internal memo ry are displaye d.
28 GB About th e inf ormat ion dis play The followin g informa tion is di splayed. 1 Display type – Entire i mag e – Fit to screen – Entire image (with Exif) – Fit to sc reen (with Exif) 2 Image displ ay order/Total number of images Input in dica tions for an i mage are d ispl ayed .
29 GB Advance d opera tions Advanced ope rati ons Enjoying a slide show You can disp lay image s stored in the int ernal memory or on a memory card , one aft er another, automaticall y.
30 GB • Whe n the scre en is too brig ht, it may make you fe el nauseous. Be car eful that you do not make the brightnes s setti ngs too b right wh en you u se the photo frame.
31 GB Advance d opera tions *: Fact ory defa ult sett ings Item Setting D escri ption Slide show Setting s Interval Set a v alue from 3 sec. , 7 se c.*, 20 sec. , 1 min. , 5 min ., 30 mi n., 1 hour, 3 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours fo r the interval between ima ges.
32 GB Refres h mode Due t o on e of t he ch arac teris tic s of the devi ce, images sto red for a long time or rea d many times may be su bjec t to data err or whe n read too of ten. This photo fra me refreshe s the interna l memory automaticall y to prevent these errors, depend ing on the status of the in ternal memo ry.
33 GB Advance d opera tions Slideshow display Index ima ge display 2 Press v / V to selec t [Add this image], [Selected images ] or [Add all images ] and then press . If you s elect [Add th is image], the imag e cur rentl y di spl ayed i s a dded to t he al bum.
34 GB 6 Press when the confir mation screen is dis played. Notes • Image s in the int ernal memory cannot be added to the album . • Do not turn off t he power, remove t he memory ca rd, or di sco nnec t the ext ern al de vice whil e an im age is being adde d.
35 GB Advance d opera tions 5 Specify t he ima ge to export f rom the image l ist. About the ima ge list During a search: Displ ays all the images applicable t o the crit eria used f or the search . Other than du ring a se arch: Displ ays the image list of the album on th e screen.
36 GB Deleting a n image 1 Press M ENU when an image is dis play ed on t he s creen . The men u is displa yed. 2 Press B / b to s elect the (Editing) tab. The sc reen used fo r ed iting is disp laye d. 3 Press v / V to se lect [De lete] a nd then press .
37 GB Advance d opera tions Tips • You can also use the MEN U button on the photo frame. • You can enlarge or reduce the imag e when you select the inde x image displa y. Registe ring a mar k You c an prod uce a slides how on ly wi th ima ges which have bee n selec ted be fore hand an d have been marke d.
38 GB to the ch eck box of all the imag es. Go to step 7. 6 Specify the im age to wh ich you wa nt to att ach a ma rk from the image list. About the ima ge list During a search: Di splays all the ima ges applic able to the crite ria used for t he search .
39 GB Advance d opera tions Searchin g for an image (Filtering) You can search for an image which is stored in internal me mory or on a memory card. You ca n filter an image us ing var ious cri teria, such as the date, the fold er in which the image is saved, the orienta tion of t he image or ma rk, etc.
40 GB Specify ing the playbac k device You ca n spec ify the me mory c ard or ext ernal devi ce t o be disp laye d. 1 Press MENU. The men u is displa yed. 2 Press B / b to se lect th e (Select devi ce) tab . The sc reen use d for s electi ng a de vice is displ ayed.
41 GB Advance d opera tions Press ROTAT E ( ) on t he remote contro l. Each press of the button rota tes the im age 90 degr ees coun ter- cl ockwi se. Operat e from th e menu of t he photo fra me 1 Press ME NU in sin gle displ ay mode . The menu is disp layed.
42 GB Changing the settings of the auto power on /off functio n The time r fun ction t o turn th e photo fr ame on / off automatic ally can b e set. Main powe r needs to be switc hed ON for this fu nction. 1 Press MENU. The men u is displa yed. 2 Press B / b to se lect th e (Settings ) tab.
43 GB Advance d opera tions zone ch anges t o gray, a fter you select the blu e time zon e and t hen pres s . The p ower supply of the phot o fram e is turned off while it is in t he gray time zone. Tip The power is turned off automati cally at th e time you set for [ Auto power OFF] whe n you are using the phot o frame.
44 GB 1 Press MENU. The men u is displa yed. 2 Press B / b to se lect th e (Settings ) tab. The settin gs screen is displaye d. 3 Press v / V to se lect [Al arm Setting ] and p ress . 4 Press v / V to se t the tim e you wan t. Tips • To set the clock, r efer to “Setti ng the current time” (page 20).
45 GB Advance d opera tions 3 Press v / V to sel ect the it em yo u want to change a nd then press . The settin g screen of the se lected it em is display ed. For e xampl e, when [Slide show Se tting s] is select ed. 4 Press v / V to sel ect the it em yo u want to change a nd then press .
46 GB Items to set *: Factory defaul t settings Item Setti ng Descr ip ti on Slidesh ow Sett ings Refer to “Enjoyi ng a slideshow” (page 2 9). Alarm S etting Sets the specific time for an alarm. ( . pa ge 43) Auto power ON/ OFF Sets the timer func tion which turns the power supply of the photo frame on or off, automatic ally.
47 GB Advance d opera tions Syste m Info rm atio n Version Displ ays the version of the firmware of the photo frame. Internal memor y Memor y capacity Indica tes the ma ximu m amoun t of space ava ilable in inte rnal m emor y in the initi al s tate.
48 GB Operating an ext ernal device con nect ed to the photo fr ame You ca n conne ct a mass -storage -comp laint digital c amera, a US B memory device, a photo stor age devi ce, o r ot her e xter nal devi ce to the photo f rame a nd disp lay an image di rectl y from the ex ternal devi ce.
49 GB Using an e xterna l device (with Blu etooth ) Using an ext erna l device (with Blue toot h) Connecting to a Bluetooth device You ca n conn ect a Blu etooth adaptor (optio nal) to the USB A/ Blue toot h conn ect or of the p hoto frame a nd trans fer images from a Blue tooth comp atibl e mobile p hone or other de vice.
50 GB To sele ct th e photo f rame fro m a Bluetoot h-com pliant de vice, selec t “Sony DPF-D9 2 ##,” “S ony DPF- D82 ##. ” (“## ” stands for the t wo fig ures from the righ t of th e addres s dis play ed in [S ystem Info rmat ion] .) When inp ut of Passke y * is required Inpu t “0000.
51 GB Using a n external device (with a c omput er) Using an ext ernal d evice (w ith a comput er) Connecting to a comp uter You ca n conn ect to a co mputer t o view and copy i mag es fr om th e int erna l me mory o f th e phot o fram e to the comput er, and copy i mages from the com puter to t he photo frame.
52 GB Start me nu, and the n open t he remova ble disc. 5 Move th e cursor in th is win dow and right clic k, and then click [N ew] - [Folder]. Nam e th is n ew fold er. I n th is m an ual, the folder name “s ony” is u sed as an examp le. 6 Double c lick to open thi s “so ny” folder.
53 GB Error messag es Error messa ges If an error message appear s If an err or occurs, one of the following error mess ages may be displaye d on the LCD scr een of the photo frame. Fo llow the cor respon ding sol ution below to s olve t he pr oblem .
54 GB The Memory Stick is read only . • A “Memory Stick-ROM” is i nserted. To s ave the imag es, use t he “M emory Stic k” rec omme nded. The Mem ory St ick is prot ected. • A protect ed “Mem ory Sti ck” is ins erted. To ed it and sa ve the images, use an externa l device to remove protectio n.
55 GB Troublesh ooting Troubl eshoot ing If trouble occurs Before submitt ing the p hoto frame f or repair , try usin g the fo llowing guid ance to sol ve the proble m. If the problem persis ts, c onsult with your Sony d ealer or Sony servi ce facilit ies.
56 GB Some images a re not di splay ed. • Are the i mages d isplayed in the inde x view? c If the image is display ed in the index view but ca nnot be di splaye d as sing le ima ge, the i mage f il e may be d amage d ev en though its t humbnail p review data is fine .
57 GB Troublesh ooting Savi ng and de let ing imag es The file name is not dis pl ayed prop erly . • Did yo u r enam e th e f ile wi th a compu ter or ot her devi ce? c If you nam ed or re named the.
58 GB Connec ting a digita l cam era or ot her e xternal devic e Photo fra me Cannot delete a n image. • Is the memory card wri te- protec ted? c Use the de vic e you are us in g to canc el write-prote ction an d try del eting again .
59 GB Troublesh ooting Remote con trol Symptom Che ck item Cause/ Solutions Noth ing happ ens even i f yo u opera te the remote control. • Is the ba ttery ins erted i n the remote con trol pr operly? c Replace the batter y. ( . pag e 15) c Inse rt a batter y.
60 GB Addi tional infor matio n Precau tion s • Be car eful no t to set or dr op any heavy object s on the p owe r cord , or to dam age th e power cord in any wa y.
61 GB Addi tional in formation TV prog rams, films, vide o tape s, port raits of othe r peop le, or ot her m ate rials may b e copyri ght ed. Unautho rize d use of such material s may infringe the provisi ons of the copyri ght law.
62 GB protection te chnology deve loped by Sony using authen ticati on and encrypt ion. *6 The photo frame doe s not support 8 bit parallel data tr ansfer .
63 GB Addi tional in formation • Com pactFlas h Mem ory Card ( Type I/ Type II ) and CF+C ard (T ype I/Ty pe II)- com pat ible Co mp actF lash Car d *6 • Microdriv e You ca n also us e the Sm art Med ia card by using a comm erciall y availa ble Co mpact Flash card ad apto r *7 .
64 GB Specifica tions x Photo fram e LCD s creen LCD panel: DPF-D9 2: 9.0 inch es, TFT ac tive matrix DPF-D8 2: 8.0 inch es, TFT ac tive matrix To tal nu mb er o f do ts: DPF-D9 2: 1,15 2,000 (800 × 3( RGB) × 640 ) dots DPF-D8 2: 1,08 0,000 (1024 × 3 (RGB) × 60 0) dots Disp lay aspec t ratio 15:9 Effecti ve display ar ea DPF-D9 2: 8.
65 GB Addi tional in formation DPF-D 92: Appro x. 276 × 189 × 39.5 mm (10 7 / 8 × 7 1 / 2 × 1 9 / 16 inches ) (wid th /hei gh t/d epth ) DPF-D 82: Appro x. 243 × 162 × 39.5 mm (9 5 / 8 × 6 1 / 2 × 1 9 / 16 inches ) Mass DPF-D 92: App rox. 810 g (1 lb 1 2 5 / 8 oz) DPF-D 82: App rox.
66 GB Index A AC adaptor 18 Acce ss ori es 1 1 Adding to th e inter nal memory 3 2 Alarm 43, 46 Associated file 28 Auto power ON/O FF 46 Auto po wer on/o ff 42 B Blue toot h 49 C Calend ar 21 Changi n.
Sony Corporat ion Printed in China Printed usi ng VOC (Volatile Organic Compou nd)-free vegetable oil based ink..
デバイスSony DPF-D82の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DPF-D82をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DPF-D82の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DPF-D82の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DPF-D82で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DPF-D82を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DPF-D82の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DPF-D82に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DPF-D82デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。