Sony EricssonメーカーK510iの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 Sony Ericss on GSM 900 /1800/ 1900 This use r guide is publish ed by Sony E ricsson Mobile Communications AB, withou t any warranty. Improveme nts and changes t o this use r guide necessitated by ty.
2 Menu ov ervie w Status b ar icons * Some m enus are operat or-, net work- and subscri ption-d epend ent. ** The menu depends on which contacts are selected as default.
3 Cont ents Content s Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Calls, cont acts, voice mail, voic e control , call optio ns. Messagi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Text messag ing, pictur e messaging, voice messag ing, email .
4 Getting to know yo ur p hone Phone ov erview , assembly, SIM card, battery, turn ing on, use the me nus, activi ty menu, file man ager, languag e, entering letters, St yle-up™ covers.
5 User gui de symbols The follow ing instruct ion symbols app ear in this user guide: Assembli ng your p hone Inse rt the SIM card and att ach the ba tter y to use your p hone. SIM card When you register as a subsc riber wit h a network operator, you get a SIM (Subscr iber Identity Mo dule) card .
6 To ins ert th e SIM c ard a nd char ge th e batt ery 1 Slid e th e cove r op en a nd lift it o ff. 2 Insert the SIM card. Make sure the SIM card is place d under the silve ry holders. 3 Place th e batte ry in the phon e with th e label side up and th e connecto rs facing ea ch other.
7 PIN You ma y need a PIN (Persona l Ident ification Number) from your ne twork opera tor to activ ate the servic es in your phon e. Each PIN dig it appears as * , un le ss it st art s wit h em er genc y nu mber di gits , for ex ample 112 or 911 .
8 Navigati ng the menus The ma in menus are show n as i cons on th e deskto p. Some subm enus include tabs that appea r on the screen. • Pres s th e navi gat io n key in the cent re or in a dire cti on: Press to go t o th e desk top o r to se lect items.
9 Activi ty me nu ta bs • New even ts – such as missed calls and messages. • My shortc uts – appl icat ion s tha t ar e runn ing i n the bac kground a nd your sho rtcuts. Y ou c an add, delete and cha nge the order of shortcuts. • Bookmar ks – yo ur Internet bookmark s.
10 To cha nge t he ph one l ang uage • } Settings } Gene ral } Langua ge } Ph one l ang uag e , sele ct a langu age. • From standby , press: 0000 fo r Engl ish or 8888 fo r Aut omatic languag e (SIM d ependen t). To sele ct wri ting lang uages 1 } Settings } General } Langua ge } Writing la nguage .
11 To add wo rds to the T9 Text I nput dicti ona ry 1 While en teri ng let ter s } More } Spe ll word . 2 Edit the word by using multitap input. Navigate between the le tter s with and . T o d elete a char acter, press . T o d elete t he en tire wo rd, pres s a nd hold .
12 Calling To ch ange th e bat tery c over 1 Appl y pres sure w ith th e heel of one ha nd whi le pushing away with the thumb of your other hand. You may need to a pply signifi cant pressure the first ti me you remov e the batt ery cov er. 2 Locate the notches along each sid e of the ph one.
13 Calling To an swer or rej ect a cal l } Answer to answer a c all. } Busy to reject a cal l. To cha nge the ear speake r vo lume During a call, press or to increase or decrease the vo lume . To se lect mo re op tions d uring a call Press and select an opt ion.
14 Calling To mak e an emer genc y cal l Enter, for e xample, 112 } Call . To view your local em erge ncy number s } Contacts } Options } Special numb ers } Emergen cy nos. Contac ts Choose your d efault c ontacts fr om o ne of the followi ng: • Phone c ontacts – detailed info rmati on saved in the phone memory .
15 Calling To ad d your own busi ness car d } Cont act s } Op ti ons } My business card and enter the informa tion for you r business card } Save . To se nd your busine ss car d } Conta cts } Options } My busin ess car d } Send my car d an d select tran sfer meth od.
16 Calling To edi t a SI M cont act 1 If SIM con tacts is defa ult } Cont act s . If Phone contacts is default } Contacts } Options } SIM cont acts . 2 Select th e name and num ber you w ant to edit. 3 } More } Edit co ntact and e dit the name and number .
17 Calling To ch eck your voi cemai l nu mber } Messag in g } Settings } Voice mail num ber . Voice contro l Manage c alls with your voic e and a handsf ree. Creat e voic e command s to voi ce dial , answer or rej ect calls . V oic e com mands ca nnot be save d on the SI M card .
18 Calling To us e voice diall ing • Wi thout a h andsf ree: fro m standb y , press and ho ld Calls and say the na me. • W it h a hand sfr ee : sa y you r ma gi c wor d o r pre ss the call ha ndling butto n. W ait for the to ne and say the nam e you reco rded earl ier , for examp le “Joh n mobi le”, the call conne cts.
19 Calling Receiv ing a s econd ca ll When yo u rece ive a seco nd ca ll, se lect one o f the following opt ions: • T o answer and put th e ongoing c all on hold, } Answe r . • T o reject a nd c ontinue t he ongo ing call, } Busy . • T o answer and end th e ongoing c all, } Repl ace active ca ll .
20 Calling To ch ange th e nam e of a lin e } Settings } Display } Edit line names an d select the line to edit. My numb ers View, add and edi t your own phon e numb ers. To ch eck you r phone number s } Contacts } Options } Special numb ers } My numb ers and select o ne of the optio ns.
21 Calling Fixed di all ing The fixe d dialling funct ion allows ca lls to be made only to certa in numbers save d on the SIM card. Th e fixe d numb ers are pro tec ted by your P IN2. Partial num bers can be saved. For example, saving 012345 6 allows ca lls to be ma de to all numb ers starting w ith 0123456 .
22 Calling Trans fer ring sound wh en us ing a Blue tooth™ handsf ree Trans fer th e soun d for cal ls whe n usi ng a Bluet oot h handsfre e. You can a lso transfer t he sound fo r calls using the k eypad. To tr ansfer soun d when using a ha ndsfre e Durin g a call , } More } Tran sfe r s ound and select a devi ce.
23 Messagi ng Messaging Text messaging, picture messaging, voice messaging, email . Y our phone supports va rious messagin g services. Contact you r serv ice provider about the se rvices y ou can use or visit www.Sony /support . Text m essagi ng (SM S) Text messag es can contai n pictures, animations , melodie s and sound effec ts.
24 Messagi ng To co py and paste tex t in a messag e 1 While wri ting your message } More } Edit . 2 Select Copy all to co py al l of the text in your messag e, or Co py t ext } Start an d use the navigati on key to mark t ext } End . 3 } More } Edit } Paste .
25 Messagi ng Long me ssage s The numbe r of char acters a llowed in a text mes sage depends on the lan guage used for writin g. You c an send a longe r message by linki ng two or more messages. Y ou are ch arged for each of the messages linked in a lo ng message.
26 Messagi ng To cr eate an d send a pictur e mess age 1 } Messagin g } Write n ew } Pictur e msg . 2 } More to add an item to th e mess age. Wh en writ ing , } OK } More t o inse rt an item. 3 } More to add more item s to t he mes sage. When yo u are ready to send , continue as when sending a text message % 23 Text me ssaging (SMS ) .
27 Messagi ng 4 Select Ent er em ail add r. to enter an email address, or Ente r phone n o. to enter the recipi ent’s numbe r , or Contac ts look-up to retrieve a number or gro up from Conta cts , or selec t fro m th e last used re cipien ts li st } Se nd .
28 Messagi ng To re ceive a nd re ad emai l mes sages 1 Select Messaging } Emai l } Inbox . If the inbox is em pty } Send& rec . If the inbo x is not empty } Mor e } Send & receive . 2 New messages are downloaded, select a message } View to read i t.
29 Imaging To cre ate a gr oup of numb ers an d email ad dress es 1 } Contacts } Options } Groups } Ne w group } Add . 2 Enter a name for the group } Conti nue . 3 } New } Add to find and se lect a contact number or emai l addres s. 4 Repeat to add more numbe rs or email addresses.
30 Imagi ng To ta ke pict ures an d video clips 1 Press and hold to start t he camera, press or to switch be tween video and ph oto. 2 Press again to t ake th e pi ctur e or star t th e video. 3 T o end vi deo reco rding, press aga in. To swi tch bet ween v ideo an d phot o Press or .
31 Imaging • Effect s – select di fferent effects for your pi cture or video. • View all pic tur es (pic tures) . • Shoot mo de (p ictu res) – sele ct from Normal for no frame, Pa norama to co mbine a fe w pic tures into one w ide pic ture, Frames to add a frame to your picture and Burst to t ake a few pi ctur es in rapid succession.
32 Imagi ng To view your vi deo clips 1 } F ile mana ger } Vide os and select a vi deo clip in a f older . 2 } View } Play . 3 } St op to stop the vi deo clip, } More to disp lay optio ns, for exam ple Horizontal , or Vide oDJ™ , to edit the vi deo clip .
33 Imaging VideoDJ ™ Compose and edit your own vi deo clips by us ing video c lips, picture s and tex t. You ca n also use tri m to dele te u nwa nted par ts to s hor ten a vi deo cl ip.
34 Imagi ng To op en an it em for ed iting • } Entertainm ent } P hotoDJ™ and select an item . • } Camera pic tures a nd selec t an item } View } More } Edit . Option s for editi ng a sel ected p ictur e } Tool to vi ew opt io ns: • Add clip art – selec t an d ad d clip art .
35 Enterta inment Entertain ment Media p layer, Disc2P hone, PlayNow™ , ringtones, sounds, M usicDJ™, t hemes, games, Jav a™ and more. Medi a pla yer Play music an d video cl ips that you downl oad or receiv e in a picture message or tran sfer from your comput er.
36 Ente rtain ment • Tracks – lists all music tracks (no t ringtones) in your phone . • Playlists – create or play your own lists of m usic tracks. • Videos – li sts all video clip s in your phone. •P r e s s or – move up or down in the list.
37 Enterta inment PlayNow™ } Ent ert ain ment } PlayNow™ to pre-list en, buy and downl oad music via the I ntern et. If se ttin gs are no t alread y in your phone % 40 Settings . For mo re informa tion, cont act your serv ice provide r or visit www.
38 Ente rtain ment The blocks are grouped into Intro , Verse , Ch orus and Brea k . You co mpose a m elody by add ing music blocks to the tra cks. To co mpose a melody 1 } Entertain ment } M usicDJ™ . 2 Choose to Insert , Copy and Paste blocks to compose.
39 Enterta inment To se nd and r eceiv e a the me 1 } File mana ger } Them es and sel ect a theme 2 } More } Send and selec t a trans fer meth od. When you r eceive a th eme, fo llow th e instru ctio ns that appear . To downl oad a theme } File ma nager } Themes and scro ll to a di rect link } Go to .
40 Connec tivit y Java ap pli catio n scre en siz e For most ga mes and ap plic atio ns th e scr een s ize setting should not be changed fro m the default. Some down loaded Jav a applicatio ns may have been design ed for other sc reen sizes. The ph one will emula ted th e screen size se lecte d in the scree n size setting.
41 Connec tivit y Ente ring settin gs If the settings ar e not already entered in your phone, you ca n: • Receiv e settings in a message from your network opera tor, service prov ider or visit www.Son support . • Enter or ed it settings you rself.
42 Connec tivit y To do wnload from the Sony Ericss on Web sit e 1 } Internet s ervices } Sony Eri css on . 2 Browse the W eb page, sel ect an item to download and follow the instructions that appear . To cle ar cook ies } Internet s ervices } Mor e } Advanc ed } Other } Clear cookie s } Yes .
43 Connec tivit y Remote synch roniz ation via In tern et Synchroni ze onlin e via an Int ernet service. To ent er the re mote synch roniz atio n setti ngs 1 } Or gani ze r } Synchro nizatio n and } Yes or } New acco unt . 2 Enter a na me f or th e new acco unt } Continue .
44 Connec tivit y To tur n on Bl ueto oth i n your phone } Settings } Co nnec ti vit y } Bluetooth } Turn on . To en ter a p hone name 1 } Settings } Connectiv ity } Blueto oth } Phone na me . 2 Enter a name for your pho ne to be shown to other de vices.
45 Connec tivit y To tr ansfe r items usi ng Blue toot h 1 Selec t an item to transf er. 2 } More } Send and select Vi a Blue tooth . Infra red po rt The infrare d port in your ph one can be used t o exchange inf ormation with ano ther devi ce equipped with infrared.
46 Connec tivit y To s tart a US B con necti on 1 Turn o n you r phone. 2 Conn ect the USB cable to yo ur phone and comput er . 3 Select File transfe r or Phon e mode in the phone.
47 More f eatur es To us e Updat e serv ice onlin e Connect the USB c able to th e comput er and the phone. 1 Visit www.SonyEricsso . 2 Sele ct a re gion and co untry . 3 Enter the pr oduct nam e. 4 Select S ony E ricsson Up date Serv ice an d follo w th e ins tructi ons that appea r .
48 More feat ures To set a nd us e an ala rm } Ala rms an d select an opt ion: • T o set a n alar m } Al arm set a time } Sa ve . • T o set a recurre nt alarm } Recu rrent alar m set a time } Continue select days Mar k } Done . • T o select a signal } Alarm signa l sele ct a s ound } Select .
49 More f eatur es To add a new appoint ment 1 } Calendar and sele ct a date } Selec t } New appo intment } Add . 2 Ent er deta ils } Cont inue to conf irm each entry } Select to confirm appoi ntment. To vie w an a ppoin tment 1 } Calendar and sele ct a day.
50 More feat ures Tasks Add new tas ks or u se ex istin g ta sks as temp lates . You can also set reminders f or tasks. To ad d a new task 1 } Organize r } Task s } New t ask } Add . 2 Select Task or Phon e call } Select . 3 Enter detail s a nd conf irm ea ch en try .
51 More f eatur es To us e the s topwa tch 1 } Or gani ze r } Stopwatc h } Start . 2 Select New l ap or Stop . 3 Restart or } Rese t . Timer Your phon e has a built-in ti mer. When the signal rings, press any ke y to turn it off. To set th e time r } Organiz er } Timer and enter the hour s, min utes and seconds for co untdown .
52 More feat ures To ed it your PIN 1 } Settings } General } Lock s } SIM lock } Change P IN . 2 Enter y our PIN } OK . 3 Ente r a new f our - t o ei ght -di git PIN } OK . 4 Re-enter the new PIN to confirm } OK . To tu rn the SIM ca rd lo ck on or off 1 } Settings } General } Lock s } SIM lock } Protectio n and se lect On or Off .
53 More f eatur es To set th e phone loc k 1 } Settings } Gene ral } Loc ks } Phon e lo ck } Protection and sel ect an op tio n. 2 Enter the ph one lock c ode } OK . To edi t your phone lo ck co de } Setti ngs } Ge ner al } Loc ks } Phone lock } Change code .
54 Troub les hoot i ng Forgo t your passc ode? If you forgot your passcode you must reset the code memo. To re set co de memo 1 } Organize r } Code me mo and ent er your passcode } Conti nue } More } Reset . 2 Reset c ode me mo? appe ars } Yes . The code memo is res et and all entr ies ar e clear ed.
55 Troubl esho oting No indic ation of charg ing The batt ery is e mpty or h as not b een used for a lo ng time. It may ta ke up to 30 minute s before the batter y icon appears on t he sc reen. The ph one c annot b e tu rned on / Flash ing red l ight ( LED) Recharge the batter y % 6 To insert the SIM card and ch arge the batt ery or % 60 Battery .
56 Troub les hoot i ng Inse rt corr ect SIM ca rd The phone only works with certain SIM cards. Check if you are using t he correc t operator SIM ca rd for your phone . Emerg. ca lls only You are w ithin range of a networ k, but you are not allowe d to use it.
57 Impo rtant i nform ation Import ant inf ormat ion Sony Eric sson Consumer We b site, safe and efficie nt use, w arranty, de clarati on of con formity. Sony Er icss on C onsu mer Web si te On there is a support section where help and t ips are only a few cl icks away.
58 Import ant inf ormati on Canad a 1-866-76 6-937 4 questi ons.CA@sup port.sonyer Centra l Africa +27 112 589023 questi ons.CF@s upport.son Chile 123-00 20-06 56 questi ons.CL@su pport.son yericsson. com China 400 81000 00 questions.
59 Impo rtant i nform ation Portuga l 808 204 466 questions.PT @support.s onyericsson.c om Roman ia (+402 1) 401 0 401 questions.RO Russia 095 78709 86 questions.RU m Singapo re 6744 0733 questions.
60 Import ant inf ormati on • D o not e xpose yo ur prod uct to extr eme high o r low tempe rature s. Do not ex pose the batte ry to te mperatur es above +6 0°C (+140 °F). • D o not expose your product to open flames or lit to bacco prod ucts. • D o not dr op, throw o r try to be nd your product.
61 Impo rtant i nform ation Use only Sony Ericsson bran ded original batter ies intende d for use with y our mobil e phone . Using other batteri es and cha rgers coul d be da ngerous.
62 Import ant inf ormati on Antenn a This p hone conta ins a bu ilt in ant enna. Us e of antenna devices n ot market ed by Son y Ericsson specifica lly for th is model could da mage your mobile phone, re duce perf ormanc e, and produ ce SAR level s above th e estab lished limi ts (see be low).
63 Impo rtant i nform ation used wit h the ori gina l So ny Er ics son body worn accessory i ntended for this phone. Use of othe r accessories may not ensure compliance with F CC RF expo sur e g ui deli nes . A separat e leaflet with SAR informa tion for thi s mobi le phone m odel is included with th e mater ial that comes with this mobile phon e.
64 Import ant inf ormati on You sha ll not repr oduce, mod ify, distribute , reverse engin eer, decom pile, othe rwise alter or use an y other means to discover the source cod e of the So ftware or any co mponent o f the So ftware.
65 Impo rtant i nform ation Sony Ericsso n and its se rvice partne rs reserve the right t o charge a handlin g fee if a r eturne d Product is found no t to be un der warra nty accordin g to the conditions below.
66 Import ant inf ormati on defecti ve pixels a nd occur w hen indi vidual dots have mal functione d and c an not be adjusted . Two de fect ive pix els are d eem ed acc ept able . Minor variations in ca mera image appear ance may occur b etween pho nes.
67 Impo rtant i nform ation *EUROPEAN UN ION (EU) If you have p urchase d your Produ ct in an EU co untry you can ha ve your Product serviced, un der th e conditio ns set out a bove, with in the w arrant y period in any EU country w here an id entical P roduct is so ld by an auth orised So ny Ericsson dist ributor.
68 Import ant inf ormati on QuickTim e® is a tr ademark of Apple C ompute r, Inc. Mac OS is a trad emark of Apple C omputer, Inc., registe red in the U.S. and other countries. T9™ Tex t Input i s a tradem ark or a r egister ed tradema rk of Te gic Communi cations.
69 Impo rtant i nform ation Decl arati on of Co nform ity We, Sony Ericsso n Mobile Communica tions AB of Nya Vattento rnet S-2 21 88 Lund , Swed en declare under our s ole responsibility that our pr .
70 Index Index A activi ty m enu 8 adding Blue tooth dev ice 44 alarm cl ock 47 alert s 37 answering serv ice 16 applicat ions 38, 39 appointm ent 49 B backup, see synchroniz ing 42 battery 60 chargi .
71 Index code memo 5 3 codes PIN 7, 56 PIN2 56 PUK 56 connect ing com puter using Bluetooth 4 3 connect ing com puter using USB 4 6 cont acts 1 4 add pict ure or ringto ne 14 adding co ntacts 14 defau.
72 Index locks keypad 5 2 phone 52 phone loc k 56 SIM car d 51 loudspeake r, off/on 13 M magic wor d 17 medi a player 3 5–3 6 melodi es 37 composing 3 8 memory contac ts 14 file mana ger 9 menu over.
73 Index Q QuickTime ™ 32 R rece iving melodie s and ringtones 38 picture 32 them es 39 video cl ip 32 recordin g calls 3 8 sounds 38 voice comm ands 17 reminders 49, 50 reset th e phone 55 restrict.
74 Index T tasks 5 0 text input multit ap 10 T9™ 10 text messag es 23–25 themes 38 time 47 timer 51 transfer m ethods 26, 27, 45, 4 6 troubleshoo ting 54 turning on /off Bluetoot h 44 infrared por.
デバイスSony Ericsson K510iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony Ericsson K510iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony Ericsson K510iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony Ericsson K510iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony Ericsson K510iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony Ericsson K510iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony Ericsson K510iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony Ericsson K510iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony Ericsson K510iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。