Sony EricssonメーカーT618の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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This is th e Int ernet versi on of th e use r's gui de. © Prin t only for p rivate use. Conte nts 1 Contents Gettin g to know you r phone 4 Key functions, q uick keys, ente ring letters and characters. Persona lizing your phone 22 Download settings or choose from the phone.
1 Content s Gett ing started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Assemb le the phone, SIM c ard, batte ry, make a call , replace co vers. Getting to know your phon e . . . . . . . . 9 Phone over view , us e the me nus , ente r l etter s, acti vity menu, and file manage r.
2 Sony Er icsson GSM 90 0/1800/1900 First edi tion (June 2 005) This user guide is pu blished by Sony Ericsso n Mobile Comm unications AB, w ithout any warranty.
3 T9™ Text Input is a tr ademark or a registered trademar k of Tegic C ommunicatio ns. T9™ Text Input is li censed under one or more of the followi ng: U.S. Pat . Nos. 5,818 ,437, 5,953,5 41, 5,187,48 0, 5,945,928 , and 6,011,554 ; Canadian Pat. No.
4 Gettin g starte d Gettin g started Assemble the phon e, SIM card, battery, m ake a call, replace covers . More i nformation and down loads are availabl e at www.
5 Gettin g star ted SIM card and battery information Always turn of f the phone and de tach the charg er before you insert or remove a SIM card. To inse rt SIM car d and ba ttery 1 Remove the battery cov er by sliding it as shown in the pictur e. You may need to app ly sign ifican t pressu re the fir st tim e you rem ove the batt ery cover.
6 Gettin g starte d To ch arge the b attery 1 Connec t the charger to th e phone. The sym bol on the charg er plug must face upwards. 2 It may t ake up to 30 minutes be fore the batter y icon ap pears on the screen. 3 W ait appro ximately 4 hou rs or until the battery icon ind icates that th e battery is fully charged.
7 Gettin g star ted Turnin g on t he ph one a nd makin g calls Make sur e that t he phone is charg ed and yo ur SI M card is ins erted befo re you tur n it on. When you have turne d the phone o n, you can use the s etup wizard t o quickl y and easily p repare y our phone f or use.
8 Gettin g starte d Replacin g Style- Up™ co vers To re place the front co ver 1 Locate t he notches along the sides of t he front cover, as show n. 2 Use you t humbnail to lift th e front cover off the p hone. It may be ne cessary to lift up on bot h sides of th e fro nt cov er.
9 Gettin g to know your pho ne Gettin g to know your phone Phone ov erview, use the menu s, enter letters, activity menu, and fi le manager. Phone ov erview 15 16 1 Ear spe aker 2 Screen 3, 5 Selectio.
10 Getti ng to kn ow your phone Overvie w, menu 1. PlayNow™* 2. Internet services* 3. Entertainment Online services* Games VideoDJ™ Phot oDJ ™ MusicDJ™ Remote control Record sound Demo tour 4. Camera 5. Messaging Write new Inbox Emai l Call voicemai l Drafts Outbox Sent messages Saved messages Templ ates Settings 6.
11 Gettin g to know your pho ne Keys and navi gation Standby screen a nd main m enu an d stat us b ar The standby screen is displaye d when you are not calling or usi ng the menus. Th is is where you can see, for ex ample, the na me of your opera tor, the time and th e date.
12 Getti ng to kn ow your phone Pres s to tak e a pictu re or to recor d a video cl ip. Press and ho ld to call yo ur voicema il service (if set). - Press and ho ld any of thes e key s to reach a conta ct beginning with a specif ic l etter . - Press any of these ke ys and pre ss Call to spee d dial.
13 Gettin g to know your pho ne Phone lang uage Most SIM cards automatically set the language used in the me nu to the language of th e country/ region where you bou ght your SI M card. If this is not the ca se, the prede fined langua ge is English. To cha nge the ph one langua ge 1 } Setti ngs } the Gene ral tab } Language } Phone lang uage .
14 Getti ng to kn ow your phone To ed it a navig ation ke y shortcu t } Settings } th e Genera l ta b } Shortc uts and sel ect which short cut you want to edit } Edit .
15 Gettin g to know your pho ne • Y ou can use the volume buttons as a shortcut to certai n letter s. T o ente r a ‘ B ’, press and hold the volu me but ton and press .
16 Getti ng to kn ow your phone • Writing la nguage — a list of available lan guages is sho wn. • Writing m ethod — a list of meth ods avai labl e for the curre nt language is shown . • Dictiona ry (T9) — t urn T9 T ext Input dictionary on or of f.
17 Gettin g to know your pho ne Stroke input A Chinese c haracter is bu ilt up of strokes. There are more than 30 ba sic strokes, which are group ed into 5 stroke catego ries. E ach cat egory i s represen ted on the keyp ad by one of the key s - . The Wild Ca rd key , is used when you are not sure of wh ich stroke to use.
18 Getti ng to kn ow your phone Compon ents The basic bui lding units of Chin ese characters are compon ents that are ma de up of strokes. Aft er entering th e first two strokes of the desired chara cter , the comp onent and ch ara cter c andi dates that st arted wit h that strok e are displ ayed in the candida te row.
19 Gettin g to know your pho ne Pinyin in put Press the keys contai ning the required Pin yin letters, and the ph one will make various prop osals on the screen, according to the pronunciatio n rules of Manda rin. Below is the key m apping of Pi nyin letters on the keypa d.
20 Getti ng to kn ow your phone Activity menu You ca n open the ac tivity menu to view an d handle new even ts, and access bookm arks and shortcuts. Activi ty men u tab s • New ev ent s — th is sho ws new even ts suc h as missed calls and me ssages.
21 Gettin g to know your pho ne To use a fi le fr om t he fi le ma nage r 1 Highlig ht a file in the Pic tur es or Sounds folder. 2 More Use as . Select w hat you want to use the fi le for. To move a file to a folder 1 File mana ger and ope n a folder .
22 Calling Calling Call s, cont acts, voi ce cont rol, ca ll option s. Making cal ls Before y ou can make or receive any calls, you m ust turn on t he phone and be within ra nge of a netw ork. % 7 Turnin g on the phone and ma king calls . Network s When you turn on the phone, it automatically selects your home network if this is within range.
23 Calling Receivin g cal ls When y ou r eceive a cal l, th e p hone ri ngs a nd the caller’s num ber is displayed (if you r subscription include s the Calling L ine Identifi cation service and the calle r’s number is iden tified).
24 Calling The phone redials the number up to ten t imes or until: • The call is c onnected • Y o u press Cancel • Y ou recei ve a call Auto matic r edialli ng is no t avail able for data cal ls.
25 Calling Contacts You can save y our conta ct informatio n in the phone me mory as conta cts, or on the SIM card a s names an d numbers. Y ou can choose whi ch contac ts informa tion — Pho ne contacts or SIM contacts — is shown as defa ult. For useful inform ation and set tings } Contacts } Optio ns .
26 Calling To ad d a phone c ontact 1 } Contacts } New contac t } Add . 2 Enter the na me direc tly or pres s Add and enter the name } OK . 3 Enter the nu mber di rectly or press Ad d and enter the n umber } OK . 4 Select a nu mber type. 5 Scroll betw een the tabs an d select fields to enter more inf ormation.
27 Calling To cal l a contact written in Chinese charac ters 1 } C ontacts . Scr oll to the contact you want to call. 2 When th e contact is hi ghlighted, pre ss or to se lect a numb er } Cal l . To cal l a contact written in Latin charac ters 1 } Cont act s .
28 Calling Updat ing conta cts You can easily update a nd edit any info rmation in your co ntacts. To ed it a phone contact 1 } Contacts and se lect a conta ct } More } Edit cont act . 2 Use , , and to scr oll to th e relev ant tab and ed it the info rmat ion you want to edit } Save .
29 Calling Sendin g contac ts You ca n send co ntac ts usin g one of the avai labl e transf er metho ds. To sen d a co ntac t } Conta cts and sele ct a contac t } Mo re } Send c ontact and s elect a tr ansfer metho d. To se nd all co ntacts } Conta cts } Options } A dvanced } Send a ll contact s and select a t ransfer method.
30 Calling To co py names and num bers to th e SIM card 1 } Contacts } Options } Advan ced } Copy to SIM . 2 Select Copy all or Copy a number . To co py names and numbe rs to phon e contacts 1 } Contacts } Options } Advan ced } Copy from SIM . 2 Select Copy all or Copy a number .
31 Calling To set or replac e speed dial ling number s 1 } Contacts } Options } Sp eed dial . 2 Scroll to the posi tion in the li st } Add or } Replace . Voicem ail If your subsc ription include s an answering se rvice, calle rs can leav e a voicem ail mess age when yo u cann ot answer a ca ll.
32 Calling To ac tivate v oice dialling and record name s 1 } Settings } the General tab } Voice contro l } Voice dia lling } Acti vate } Yes } New voice and sel ect a con tact. 2 If the cont act ha s more th an one num ber , use and to view the numbers .
33 Calling The ma gic word You can record a ma gic word and use it as a vo ice comma nd to allow totally handsfree access to voice dialling. Instead of pressing an d holding a volum e button to voic e dial, you say the magi c word and then one of your recorde d voice com mands.
34 Calling To answ er a call us ing voice comman ds When the phone r ings, say “Answ er” and the ca ll is connected. To rejec t a call using voice comman ds When the ph one rings, say “Busy” . The call is reject ed. The cal ler is diver ted to vo icemai l, if activated , or hears a busy tone.
35 Calling Diverting calls If you c annot answer i ncoming ca lls, you can di vert them to anothe r number, for exam ple, your answ ering se rvice. You can choose between the following divert options: • Dive rt a lwa ys — divert all ca lls. • When busy — divert calls if you a re already on the phone .
36 Calling Recei ving a second voic e call When yo u receive a second call, you can do the fo llowing: • } An swer and put the ongo ing call o n hold. • } Busy to reject the seco nd cal l and con tinue th e ongoing c all. • } Replace a ctive call to an swer the second cal l and end th e ongoing cal l.
37 Calling To have a private convers ation 1 Press } Talk to and selec t the partic ipan t that you want to talk to. 2 Press } J oin call s to resume the conference c all. Two voic e lines If you hav e a subscription that supports an alternate line servi ce, your p hone m ay have two voice lin es with differe nt phone numbers.
38 Calling Restricte d dialli ng You can use the r estri ct c alls servi ce to res trict outgoin g and incoming ca lls. You need a password which you get fr om your se rvice provid er. The follow ing calls can be restri cted: • All outgo ing — All o utgoing cal ls.
39 Calling Call time and cost During a call, th e duration of the c all is shown on the screen . Y ou can ch eck th e dur atio n of yo ur la st call, outgoi ng calls and the to tal tim e. To check the call tim e } Setti ngs } the Cal ls tab } Time & co st } Call t ime rs .
40 Messagi ng To cr eate a gr oup of nu mbers and email addr esse s 1 } Contacts } Options } Grou ps } Ne w grou p } Add . 2 Enter a name f or the group } Contin ue . 3 } New } Add to fin d and sele ct a contac t number . 4 Repe at st ep 3 to ad d mo re nu mber s.
41 Messagi ng To se t the ser vice ce ntre num ber 1 } Me ssag ing } Settings } Text me ssage } Service c entre . If the serv ice centre num ber is s aved o n the SIM c ard, i t is s hown i n th e list.
42 Messagi ng To ca ll a number in a text message Select the phone number } Call . Savi ng and deletin g text messa ges Text messages are saved in the phone memory. When the phone mem ory is full, you must delete messages or move them to t he SIM card to be able to receive new m essages .
43 Messagi ng To tur n l ong mes sa ges on or of f } Messag in g } Settings } Text me ssage } Max. m sg length } Ma x. available . Templates If you have message s that you send often, you can save these as templates. You can c reate your own templa tes.
44 Messagi ng Befor e you sta rt Before se nding a picture message , make sure that: 1 The address of your message server is set } Messagin g } Settings } Picture me ssage } Message server . 2 Y ou have entere d the corre ct sett ings } Messagin g } Settings } Picture me ssage } Internet p rofile .
45 Messagi ng To set a def ault m essag e opt ion } Messag in g } Settings } Pictu re messa ge and sele ct one of the opti ons. Addit ion al send option s You can req uest a read repo rt, a delivery repo rt and set a prior ity fo r a sp ecific mess age.
46 Messagi ng Automa tic down load You can sel ect how you want your pict ure messag es to be dow nload ed. } Messagin g } Set tin gs } Picture me ssage } Auto dow nload to view t he foll owing: • Always — your phone auto matically do wnloads messages to yo ur phone as soon as they c ome to your netwo rk operator ’ s server .
47 Messagi ng Receiv ing voice messages When you receive a voice message, a me ssage alert sounds and you are asked i f you want to play the message. Select Pla y or Yes to liste n to the voi ce mes sage. If you do not want to listen to the m essage at once, select No (i f av aila ble) .
48 Messagi ng To re ply to an email mes sage 1 Open the ema il messag e } Reply . 2 } Include m essage to in clude th e ori ginal message in yo ur reply or } Wr ite n ew to exclud e the ori ginal mess age. W rite you r messag e. } More to view optio ns for the messag e } Continue .
49 Messagi ng To del ete an ema il messag e (IMAP4 users ) 1 } Me ssag ing } Em ail } Inbox and select the message } More . 2 } Mark for dele tion . The messa ge is ma rked f or deletion on the server . If you want to del ete several messages } M ark several .
50 Imagi ng Imaging Camera , video recorder, pict ures, PhotoDJ™ . Cam era and vi deo reco rder Your pho ne has a digital camer a which also works as a digital v ideo recorde r. You ca n take pictures, record vi deo clips, save an d view them an d send them as email atta chme nts o r in p ict ure mes sag es via pic ture messagi ng.
51 Imaging To use t he zoom Use t he navigati on key up and d own to zoo m in and zo om out. To adjus t brightnes s Use t he volume b uttons on t he side of t he phone to increa se or decrea se brightne ss. To ta ke a self -portrait 1 Close the phon e and hold it wit h the external display and t he camera turned t owards you.
52 Imagi ng • Picture q uality — choose betwe en Norma l and Fine pict ure quality . • Self-time r — the picture is taken a few second s after you press the c amera button. Savi ng pictures and vid eo clips When y ou have taken a picture or r ecorded a vide o clip, th e phone aut omatica lly sav es it to a subfo lder in File manager .
53 Imaging To dis play pict ures in a slid e show 1 } File manager } Pictures and scroll to a picture. 2 } View } More } Slide show . To vi ew info rmat ion abou t a pict ur e or vide o clip 1 } File mana ger } Pictures or V ideos , se lect th e picture or video clip.
54 Imagi ng To sen d a pi ctur e } File manager } Pict ures and scroll to the picture you wan t. } More } Send and select a transfer method. To re ceive and save a pi cture 1 Open the message you received t he picture in, or turn on Bluetooth or the infrar ed port if one of these t ransfer methods wa s used to send the pi cture .
55 Enterta inment Entertain ment Media player, Pl ayNow™, ri ngtones, Musi cDJ™, VideoDJ™, sound recorder, themes , games. Medi a pla yer The med ia pl ayer w orks as a mu sic p layer and video playe r all in one. You can play m usic and video cl ips that you rec eive in a pic ture message, or that you do wnload to your pho ne.
56 Ente rtainme nt To de lete playl ists } Med ia p layer select a pl aylist } More } Delete pla ylist . Music a nd vide o clip s To pla y music and videos } Med ia p layer and s elect a play list } Open } Pla y . The p laylist keeps on playing u ntil you } Pau se or Stop .
57 Enterta inment • Minimize — minim ize t he me dia pl ayer a nd retu rn to st andby . The music cont inues to play and you ca n use other appli cations and functi ons in the phone. • Play mod e — change the playback orde r of songs and videos.
58 Ente rtainme nt With the Pl ayNow™ servi ce, you can listen to music tone s before you deci de to purchase and downloa d them to your phone. Each m usic tone is part of an or iginal song and is opt imized for your Sony Eric sson mobile phone.
59 Enterta inment Ringt ones and melodie s Your phon e comes with a number of standa rd and polyphon ic melodies that can be used as ringtone s. You can exc hange melodi es using one of the avai lable t ransfer method s. Ple ase note that you are not allo wed to exch ange copyrig ht-protected materi al.
60 Ente rtainme nt MusicDJ™ You can compose a nd edit melodies to use as ringto nes using the Mus icDJ ™ . A melody con sists of four t ypes of tr acks — Dr ums , B asses , Chords and Accents . A tr ack contains a number of music blocks. The blocks cons ist of pr e-arranged sou nds with different characteristics .
61 Enterta inment To cr eate a mov ie 1 } Entertainm ent } Vide oDJ ™ . 2 } Add . Se lect to a dd a Vide o clip , a Picture or Text } Select . To edi t a video c lip 1 } File mana ger } Videos } Open and choose the vide o clip you want to open. 2 } Mor e } Ed it } Edi t to Trim , Repl ace or Delete a clip from the curr ent mov ie.
62 Ente rtainme nt Sound r ecorder With the soun d recorder, you ca n record either you r own mem os or calls. If you network op erator or service p rovider support s it, recor ded sounds c an also be set as rin gtones. Recording of a conversa tion is stopp ed if a participant ends the call.
63 Connec tivity To re ceive an d save a theme 1 Open t he mess age you receiv ed th e theme in, or turn on Blu etooth or the infrare d port if thes e tran sfer me tho ds are bein g us ed to send the t heme. 2 When you re ceiv e the item, f ollow t he instr uctio ns that appe ar on th e scree n.
64 Connec tivit y Ente ring Inter net and email set tings If the settings are not already entered in your phone, you can: • Recei ve settings from your netw ork operator or serv ice pro vid er . Settin gs are al so avai labl e at www.So /cn.
65 Connec tivity • Save — save the W eb page or a picture from the current W eb page. • Send link — send a l ink to the c urre nt si te to another phone. • Status — disp lay current status inf ormation, for exampl e, profil e, access type, securi ty , add ress.
66 Connec tivit y To all ow or clea r cookies in your phone Press Set tings } th e Con nectivity ta b } Internet s ettings } Cook ies and select an opti on and confi rm. To clea r the p asswo rd list } Settings } the C onnectivity tab } Internet setting s } Cl ear pass wor ds and } Yes to co nfirm.
67 Connec tivity To check the certifica tes in your phone } Settings } the Connect ivity tab } Int ern et set tin gs } Secur ity } Tru ste d cer t. . Sync hroniz ing You can synchroniz e your pho ne c.
68 Connec tivit y 3 } Connecti on and select the W AP or HTTP profile that you want to us e for the sync hro niza ti on. 4 } Rem ote ini tia tion to set whe ter to al low the synchroni zation server or ot her device to initiate a synchroni zation or not.
69 Connec tivity softwa re on you r compute r. Downl oad it f rom www.So nyEricsso To tu rn Blue tooth on } Setti ngs } the Connectiv ity tab } Bluetooth } Turn o n . To add a devi ce to your phone 1 } Settings } th e Connec ti vit y tab } Bluetooth } My devices } Ne w dev ice .
70 Connec tivit y To en ter a phon e name } Settings } the Co nnec ti vit y tab } Bluet ooth } Phone na me . Visibi lity In order for your phone to be fo und when searched for by othe r Bluetooth device s, you must make sure that Bluetooth i s turned on and y our phone is visible to othe r devices.
71 Connec tivity Tran sfer rin g sound When y ou ar e us ing a Blue toot h h andsfr ee wi th your phone, you can choose where th e sound should be transfe rred during a ca ll. You can also select wh ere the sound should be handled when answe rin g an incomi ng ca ll with th e keypad .
72 Connec tivit y Infra red port You can use t he infrared port to establish c ontact betwee n your phone and a computer or an other device equipped wi th an infrared po rt. You can, for exampl e, s ynchr on ize c alen dar it ems, % 67 Sy nchr oni zi ng , and send items such as pictur es and contacts .
73 More f eatures More f eatures Time and date , al arm cl ock, cale ndar , tas ks, Java ™ applica tions, SIM c ard lock, etc. Time an d date The time is alw ays displayed in standby. • T o set the tim e } Settings } the Gen eral tab } Time & d ate } Ti me .
74 More feat ures To ad d a new ap pointment 1 } Organize r } Calenda r and highligh t the date for the ap pointment } Selec t } New appo in tmen t } Add . 2 Enter deta ils and conf irm each entry. To vie w an ap point ment 1 Organiz er } Calendar a nd select a day on which you hav e an app ointment (m arked in bold).
75 More f eatures To se nd an appo intment In the lis t of appoin tments fo r a certain da y, select the item yo u want to send } More } Send and select a tran sfer meth od. Tasks You c an keep track of phone call s you ne ed to make or tasks that you need to do.
76 More feat ures Notes If you ne ed to reme mber somethi ng, you ca n make a note of it in yo ur phone. To ad d a note } Organize r } Not es } New not e } Ad d and enter the no te } Save . To ha ndle notes 1 } Organize r } Not es and a list of notes appe ars.
77 More f eatures To us e the sto pwatch 1 } Or gani ze r } Stopwatc h } Start . 2 } Stop or } New lap if you want a l ap time. 3 T o reset the s topwatc h } Reset . Timer To set th e timer } Organizer } Timer and enter the hours, m inutes and seconds after which you want the timer t o go off.
78 More feat ures Java™ a pplicat ions You ca n run Java ™ applications on your p hone. Games an d other Java applications c an be downl oaded to your phone from the Internet. Java ap pli catio n sec urit y Java a pplications are automatica lly installed a s "Trusted" or "Untrusted".
79 More f eatures SIM card loc k The SIM car d lock protects your subscr iption, but not your phon e itself, from una uthorized use. If you change SIM cards, your phone still wo rks with th e new SIM card. Most SI M car ds ar e lo cked at the time of purc hase.
80 More feat ures To set t he ph one lo ck 1 } Settings } the General tab } Locks } Phone lo ck } Protection and sel ect an alt ernati ve. 2 Enter the phon e lock code } OK . To unl ock th e pho ne If the phone lock is on, enter yo ur code } OK . To ed it your p hone loc k code } Settings } the General tab } Locks } Phone lock } Change c ode .
81 Troubl eshooting To add a new co de 1 } Or gani ze r } Code me mo and ent er your passcode } New code } Add . 2 Enter a na me asso ciat ed wi th t he code, } Continue . 3 Enter th e code } Done . To ch ange th e pass code 1 Open code memo as describe d above } Mor e } Change p asscode .
82 Troub les hoot ing No bat tery icon appears when I sta rt chargi ng the p hone Possi bl e caus e : The battery is empt y or has not been used for a long time . Solu tion : It may take u p to 30 minut es befo re th e batter y i con ap pears on t he sc reen.
83 Troubl eshooting Solution : T ry another battery and ch ar ger for the same phon e model, or visit your retaile r and ask them t o ve rify if the ba tter y and char ge r are workin g properly . The ph one turn s itsel f off Possi ble ca us e : T he battery connec tion is b ad.
84 Troub les hoot ing To re set th e phone 1 } Settings } the General tab } Master re set . 2 } Reset se ttings or } Reset all . 3 } Yes to continue . 4 Enter the phon e lock code ( 0000 or the new code if yo u have changed it) } OK .
85 Troubl eshooting No netw. coverage Possi ble ca us e : Y our phone is not receiving any radi o signa l, or the r eceived signa l is too weak . Solution : Contact yo ur network opera tor and make sur e th at th e ne twor k ha s c overa ge w her e you are .
86 Import ant informa tion Impo rtant i nfo rmati on Sony Ericsson Consumer Web site, safe and effi cien t use , w arr anty, de clar ati on o f con for mity . Sony Eri csso n Cons umer Web site On www.SonyEricsso th ere is a suppo rt secti on whe re hel p and t ips are only a fe w cli cks away .
87 Impo rtant inf ormation Antenn a Only use an antenna t hat has be en specificall y designe d by Sony Ericss on for you r mobile phone . Use of u nauthorized o r modified a ntennas could damage y our mobile phone and may violate regula tions, causing l oss of perfor mance and S AR levels ab ove the recom mended lim its (see belo w).
88 Import ant informa tion Driving Please check if local laws and regulations of your country/r egion restrict the use of mobile phones while driving or require d rivers to use handsfree so lutions. We recomm end that you use only Sony Ericsson handsfre e solutions in tended for us e with your product.
89 Impo rtant inf ormation Power supply Connect the A C power adapter only to desi gnated power sources as marked on the produc t. Make sure the cord is positioned so t hat it will not be subjected to damage or stress. To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug the uni t from any power source before attempting to clea n it.
90 Import ant informa tion • Turn off your mobi l e phon e before rem oving the battery. • Ke ep out of c hil dren ’s re ac h. • Use the battery for th e intended purpose only. • Do not allow the bat tery to be put into the mou th. Battery e l ectrolyte s may be toxic if swallowed.
91 Impo rtant inf ormation Limited Warranty Sony Ericsso n Mobile Communica tions AB, S-221 88 Lund, Sweden, ( Sony Ericsson), p rovi des this Limi ted Warr anty for your mobile phon e and origina l accessory del ivered with yo ur mobile p hone (herei nafter refer red to as “Prod uct”).
92 Import ant informa tion 3 This warranty d oes not cover any failure of the Product due to n ormal wear and tear, o r due to misuse, including but n ot limited to use in other t han the normal and custom ary manner, in accord ance with the Sony Ericsson i nstructions for use and maintenance of the Product.
93 Impo rtant inf ormation TO THE FULL EXTENT THO SE DAMAGES CAN BE DISCLAI MED BY LAW. Some co untries/regions /states do n ot allow the exclusion or limitation of incidenta l or consequ ential damages, or limita tion of the duration o f implied warranties, so the precedi ng limitations o r exclusions may not a pply to you.
94 Icons Icons Icon de scriptions. Icon Des cription T ells you the s trength of t he GSM network sign al GPRS is availabl e Y ou are in a premiu m char ge zone T ells y ou th e stat us of the batter .
95 Icons The inf rared po rt is on Infrare d communicatio n is in progress Bluetoot h is turned on Bluetooth headset is connected to your phone Data is be ing downloaded to the phon e Data is be ing u.
96 Index Index A acce pt ca lls 37 accou nt sett ings , emai l 47 activi ty men u 20 alarm cl oc k 73 alert s 59 animat ions 52 answe ring calls 23 using voice c ontrol 33 answering serv ice 31 appoin.
97 Index cha rgi ng, ba tt ery 6 chinese input 16 code memo 80 codes PIN 6 PUK 6 confe rence call s 36 connect ors 9 contac ts 25 adding ph one contacts 26 checki ng memory 29 default con tacts 25 gro.
98 Index locks SIM car d 79 long messa ges 42 loudspeake r, activate before a nswer 22 loudspeake r, using 22 M magic wor d 33 main me nu 1 1 medi a player 55 –57 melodi es 59 messag e aler t 59 mes.
99 Index remo te con trol 71 repl acin g cove rs 8 resetting ph one 83 restrict ed diall ing 38 ri ngto nes 59 roaming 2 2 S safety guide lines 93 saving from picture messages 45 from text messages 42.
100 Index key sound 59 phone 7 phone loc k 80 rington es, melodies 59 SIM loc k protection 7 9 two voice lines 37 U unbl oc king PIN 6 SIM car d 79 V vibr atin g alert 59 video clip s 55 video rec ord.
www .SonyEricsson.c om/cn Sony E ricsso n Mobile Commun ication s AB, SE-2 21 88 L und, Sw eden An Englis h versio n of this User’ s Guide can be foun d on: ww w .SonyEricsson .com/cn For lat est vers ion of t his User ’ s Guide, please g o to www .
デバイスSony Ericsson T618の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony Ericsson T618をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony Ericsson T618の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony Ericsson T618の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony Ericsson T618で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony Ericsson T618を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony Ericsson T618の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony Ericsson T618に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony Ericsson T618デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。