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NextMove ES Motion Controller MOTIO N CONTROL Installation Manu al 8/03 M N1928.
Content s i MN1928 Contents 1 General Information 1-1 ................................. 2 Introduction 2-1 ........................................ 2.1 Next Move ES feat ures 2-1 .................................. 2.2 Receiving and ins pection 2-3 ...
ii Cont ents MN1928 5 Backplanes 5 - 1 ........................................ 5.1 I ntr oduction 5-1 ............................................ 5.2 BPL010 -501 non-isolat ed backplane 5-2 ....................... 5.2.1 Analog inputs 5-2 ...........
Content s ii i MN1928 6.5 Serv o axis - test ing and tuning 6-1 1 ............................ 6.5.1 T est ing the demand output 6-1 1 ....................................... 6.5.2 An introduc tion to c los ed loop contr ol 6-13 ......................
iv Cont ents MN1928 Appendices A Appendix A-1 .......................................... A.1 A xis renum bering A -1 ..................................
General I nformat ion 1- 1 MN1928 Copy right Baldor ( c) 2003. A ll rights res erv ed. L T0202A00 This manual is c opyr ighted and all rights are r eserv ed. This document or attached s oftw are may not, in whole or in par t, be c opied or reproduc ed in any form wit hout the prior w ritten c ons ent of BALD OR .
1-2 General Inf ormati on MN1928 Safety N otice Only qualified pers onnel s hould attempt to s tart -up, program or troubles hoot this equipment. This equipment may be c onnec ted to other mac hines that hav e rotating part s or parts that are cont rolled by t his equipment.
Int roducti on 2-1 MN 1928 2.1 NextMove ES features Nex tMov e ES is a high performanc e multi -axis intelligent cont roller for serv o and s tepper motors . Nex tMov e ES featur es th e MintMT motion contr ol language. MintMT is a s truc tur ed form of Bas ic, c us tom designed f or st epper or s erv o motion cont rol applicat ions.
2-2 I ntroduct ion MN 1928 Inc luded with Nex tMov e ES is the B aldor Motion T oolk it CD . This c ontains a number of utilities and usef ul resour ces to get the mos t fr om you MintMT c ontr oller . Thes e include: H Mint WorkBenc h v 5 This is the us er interfac e for c ommunicating w ith the Nex tMove ES .
Int roducti on 2-3 MN 1928 2.2 Receiving and inspectio n When y ou receiv e y our Nex tMov e ES, there are s ev eral things you s hould do immediately : 1. Chec k t he condition of the pack aging and repor t any damage immediately to the c arr ier that deliv ered y our Nex tMov e ES.
2-4 I ntroduct ion MN 1928 2.3 Units and abbreviations The following unit s and abbrev iations may appear in this manual: V V olt ( also VAC and VDC ) ............... WW a t t .............. A Ampere ............... Ω Ohm ............... µF mic rofarad .
Basic I nst allat ion 3- 1 MN1928 3.1 Intr oduction Y ou should read all t he sections in Basi c Insta llation . It is impor tant that the c orrec t s teps ar e followed w hen installing the N ext Move ES . This s ec tion des cribes the mec hanical ins tallation of the Nex tMove E S.
3-2 Basic Inst all ati on MN1928 3.1 .2 Inst alling the Ne xt Mov e ES ca rd CAUTION : Before t ouching the c ard, be s ure to dis c harge s tatic electr icity from y our body and c lothing by touc hing a grounded metal s urfac e. Alter natively, wear an ear th st rap while handling the c ard.
Input / Out put 4- 1 MN1928 4.1 Intr oduction This sec tion des cribes the input and out put capabilities of the N ext Move ES . The following c onv entions w ill be us ed to refer t o the inputs and out puts: I/O Input / Out put .............. DIN Digital Input .
4-2 Input / Output MN1928 4.2. 1 96-pi n co nn ector pi n assig n ment Row Pin c b a 1 +5VDC +5VDC +5V DC 2 +5VDC +5VDC +5V DC 3 DGND DGND DGND 4 DOUT6 DOUT7 OUT COM 5 DOUT3 DOUT4 DOUT5 6 DOUT0 DOUT1 .
Input / Out put 4- 3 MN1928 4.3 Analog I/O The Nex tMov e ES prov ides : H T w o 12-bit res olution analog inputs . H Four 12 -bit resolut ion analog outputs . 4.3 .1 Ana log input s The analog inputs are av ailable on pins a28 & b28 ( AIN 0) and a27 & c 28 (AIN 1).
4-4 Input / Output MN1928 AIN0 ( ADC.0 ) AIN0 ( ADC.0 ) b28 a28 a30 AIN0- Differential connec tion Single ended c onnection AIN0+ AI N0+ GND b28 a28 a30 Figure 2 - AIN 0 analog input wiring AIN0 1k Ω ,0 . 2 5 W potentiometer ( ADC.0 ) 1.5k Ω , 0.25W 0V +24VDC b28 a28 a30 Figure 3 - T ypical input circuit to provide 0-10V (approx.
Input / Out put 4- 5 MN1928 4.3 .2 Ana log output s The four analog output s are av ailable on a range of pins, as s hown in s ection 4. 2.1. H Four independent analog output s. H Output r ange: ±10VDC (±0.1%) . H Re sol uti on : 12- bi t (accu ra cy ± 4.
4-6 Input / Output MN1928 4.4 Digital I/O The Nex tMov e ES prov ides : H 20 general purpos e digital inputs . H 12 general purpos e digital outputs . 4.4 .1 Digit al input s The digital inputs are av ailable acr oss a range of pins , as show n in sec tion 4.
Input / Out put 4- 7 MN1928 A uxiliary encoder input s - DIN17 (STEP), D IN18 (DIR), DIN19 (Z) DIN 17-DIN 19 may als o be us ed as an aux iliary enc oder input. DI N17 ac cepts s tep (puls e) signals and DI N18 ac cepts direc tion s ignals, allowing an ex ternal s ourc e to prov ide the referenc e for the speed and dir ect ion of an axis .
4-8 Input / Output MN1928 4.4. 2 Dig ital ou tp uts The digital outputs are av ailable acr oss a range of pins , as s hown in s ection 4. 2.1. H 12 general purpos e digital outputs . H One err or output, c onfigur able as a general pur pose digit al output.
Input / Out put 4- 9 MN1928 D OU T8 - D OUT 1 1 Outputs D OUT 8 - DO UT1 1 are driv en by a U LN2003 dev ic e. The outputs are des igned to sink cur rent from an ex ternal s upply (ty pic ally 24V DC) , but have no ov ercur rent or s hort c irc uit protec tion.
4-10 Input / Output MN1928 4.4 .3 Err or output - Error Out The error output is available on pin b1 1. This 5V 100mA output c an be used t o stop ex ternal equipment in the ev ent of an error. The output level can be c ontrolled us ing jumpers JP 3, J P4 and JP 5 as s hown in T able 2.
Input / Out put 4- 1 1 MN1928 4.5 Other I/O 4.5 .1 S te pper c ontrol output s The st epper c ontrol outputs are av ailable acr oss a range of pins , as s hown in s ection 4. 2.1. There are f our s ets of s tepper motor c ontrol outputs , operat ing in the range 10Hz to 1MH z.
4-12 Input / Output MN1928 4.5 .2 Encode r inputs The encoder inputs are available on pins a7 -a10, b7-b10 and c7 -c10. S ee sec tion 4.2.1. T w o incr emental encoder s may be connec ted to N ex tMove ES , eac h with c omplementary A, B and Z c hannel inputs.
Input / Out put 4- 13 MN1928 4.5. 3 RS232 serial co nn ecti on Locatio n Seria l Mating c onnector : 9 -pin female D-ty pe Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 1 Shield Shield c onnect ion a32 2 RXD.
4-14 Input / Output MN1928 NextMove ES (DCE) 9- -p i n Computer COM Port (DCE / DTE) RS232 RXD 2 TXD 3 GND 5 2R X D 3T X D 5G N D RTS 7 CTS 8 7R T S 8C T S COM Connect overall shiel d to connector backs hell. Figure 12 - RS232 serial port connections The maximum r ecommended c able length is 3m (10ft) at 57.
Input / Out put 4- 15 MN1928 4.5. 5 CAN con nect io n The CA N c onnection is made us ing the RJ 45 c onnector on the Nex tMov e ES c ard. Locatio n Ne xtM ove ES ca rd Pin Name Descriptio n 1 CAN+ CA.
4-16 Input / Output MN1928 The CA N c hannel is opto -isolated. A v oltage in the range 12 -24V mus t be applied to pin 5 of the CAN c onnector. An internal v oltage regulator pr ovides the 5V r equired for the is olated C AN cir cuit.
Input / Out put 4- 17 MN1928 4.6 Connection su mm ary - minimum system wiring As a guide, Figure 14 s hows an ex ample of the ty pical minimum w iring required t o allow the Nex tMov e ES and a s ingle axis s tepper amplifier to work together. The optional opto-isolat ing back plane c ard BPL010 -502 is s hown.
4-18 Input / Output MN1928 Backplan e card connector Pin Name o f signal Function Conn ection on dr ive (Not e: driv e may be labelled differently) X6 9 USR GND Us er power s upply G ND Enable signal .
Input / Out put 5- 1 MN1928 5.1 Intr oduction This sec tion des cribes the optional bac k plane car ds av ailable for us e wit h the Nex tMove E S. Thes e cards all prov ide s tandard wir ing connec tions to the Nex tMov e ES, but there are a number of va riants av ailable: H Baldor part number BPL010 -501: Non -isolated back plane.
5-2 Input / Output MN1928 5.2 BPL010-501 non-isolated backplane This bac k plane prov ides dir ect c onnec tion to the N extMov e ES s ignals without is olation. The electr ical s pec ific ations of all s ignals are theref ore the s ame as des c ribed in s ection 4.
Input / Out put 5- 3 MN1928 5.2 .2 Ana log output s (de ma nds) Locatio n X7 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c onnect ion a3.
5-4 Input / Output MN1928 5.2 .3 Digit al inputs 0 -7 Locatio n X12 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onnect ion a32 9 DGND .
Input / Out put 5- 5 MN1928 5.2 .5 Digit al inputs 1 6-19 Locatio n X6 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DIN19 Digital input DIN 19 b26 3 DIN18 Digital input DIN 18 c25 2 DIN17 Digital input DIN 17 c24 1 DIN16 Digital input DIN 16 c1 1 See s ection 4.
5-6 Input / Output MN1928 5.2. 7 Dig ital o ut pu ts 8-1 1 Locatio n X5 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DOUT1 1 D igital output D OUT 1 1 c22 3 DOUT10 Digital output DO UT10 c16 2 DOUT9 Digital output D OU T9 b13 1 DOUT8 Digital output D OU T8 a13 See s ection 4.
Input / Out put 5- 7 MN1928 5.2. 8 Stepp er axes ou tpu ts 0-1 Locatio n X9 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c onnect ion a32.
5-8 Input / Output MN1928 5.2. 9 Stepp er axes ou tpu ts 2-3 Locatio n X10 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c onnect ion a32 .
Input / Out put 5- 9 MN1928 5.2 .10 Power input s Locatio n X1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DGND Digital gr ound a3 3 +5 +5V input a1 2 -12 -12V input a31 1 +12 +12V input a29 See s ection 3.
5-10 Input / Output MN1928 5.2 .12 Encode r input 1 Locatio n X2 Enc oder1 Mating c onnector : 9 -pin male D-type Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 1 CHA+ Channel A s ignal a8 2 CHB+ Channel B s .
Input / Out put 5- 1 1 MN1928 5.3 BPL010-502/503 backplane with op to-isolator card These bac k planes ar e prov ided with an additional plug in c ard w hich pr ovides opto -isolation for many of the Nex tMov e ES s ignals. On BP L010 -502, the general purpos e digital outputs are PN P (c urrent s ourc ing) output s.
5-12 Input / Output MN1928 5.3 .1 Ana log input s Locatio n X8 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 10 REL COM C ommon relay contac t.
Input / Out put 5- 13 MN1928 E rro r relay co nnection s The double -pole relay on the opto -isolator car d is c ontrolled direc tly by the Error Out s ignal (s ection 4.
5-14 Input / Output MN1928 5.3 .2 Ana log output s (de ma nds) Locatio n X7 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c o.
Input / Out put 5- 15 MN1928 5.3 .3 Digit al inputs 0 -7 Locatio n X12 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onnect.
5-16 Input / Output MN1928 5.3 .4 Digit al inputs 8 -15 Locatio n X13 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onnect .
Input / Out put 5- 17 MN1928 5.3 .5 Digit al inputs 1 6-19 Locatio n X6 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onnec.
5-18 Input / Output MN1928 BPL010- 502 - Act ive high inputs The us er power s upply connec tion U SR G ND is c ommon to all inputs . T o ac tiva te an input, a volt age must be applied that is s ufficient to c aus e at least 5mA in the input c irc uit.
Input / Out put 5- 19 MN1928 5.3. 6 Dig ital o ut pu ts 0-7 Locatio n X1 1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 10 USR COM Common s u.
5-20 Input / Output MN1928 B PL010-502 - PNP outputs An ex ternal s upply ( typic ally 24VDC ) is used to pow er the U DN2982 out put devic es , as s how n in Figure 22.
Input / Out put 5- 21 MN1928 5.3. 7 Dig ital o ut pu ts 8-1 1 Locatio n X5 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound.
5-22 Input / Output MN1928 5.3. 8 Stepp er axes ou tpu ts 0-1 Locatio n X9 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c on.
Input / Out put 5- 23 MN1928 5.3. 9 Stepp er axes ou tpu ts 2-3 Locatio n X10 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield c onnect ion a.
5-24 Input / Output MN1928 5.3 .10 Power input s Locatio n X1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Name Descriptio n NextMove E S 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DGND Digital gr ound a3 3 +5 +5V input a1 2 -12 -12V input a31 1 +12 +12V input a29 See s ection 3.
Input / Out put 5- 25 MN1928 5.3 .12 Encode r input 1 Locatio n X2 Enc oder1 Mating c onnector : 9 -pin male D-type Pin Name Descriptio n 96-pin connector 1 CHA+ Channel A s ignal a8 2 CHB+ Channel B .
5-26 Input / Output MN1928.
Oper ati on 6-1 MN1928 6.1 Intr oduction The sof tware pr ovided inc ludes a number of applic ations and utilities t o allow y ou to conf igure, tune and program the N ext Move ES . The Baldor Motion T oolkit C D c ontaining the s oftw are can be found s eparat ely w ithin the pac kaging.
6-2 Oper ation MN1928 6.1. 4 Preli mi nary ch ecks Before y ou apply power f or the firs t time, it is v ery important t o verif y the f ollowing: H Dis connec t the load fr om the motor until ins truc ted to apply a load. H Inspec t all pow er c onnections for ac c urac y , work mans hip and tightnes s.
Oper ati on 6-3 MN1928 6.2 W orkBench v5 WorkBenc h v5 is a fully featured applic at ion for progr amming and contr olling the Nex tMov e ES. The main Work Benc h window c ontains a menu sy s tem, the T oolbox and other toolbars . Many funct ions c an be ac ces se d from the menu or by c lick ing a button - use whic hever you pr efer .
6-4 Oper ation MN1928 6.2. 2 St artin g WorkBen ch v5 1. On the W indows Start menu, selec t Programs , Wo rk Benc h v5 , Wo rk Benc h v5 . WorkBenc h v 5 will s tart, and the Tip of the Day dialog will be display ed. Y ou can prev ent the Tip of the Day dialog appearing nex t time by remov ing the c heck mark nex t to Show tips at s tar tup.
Oper ati on 6-5 MN1928 3. In the Selec t Cont roller dialog, go to t he drop down box near the top and s elec t the PC ser ial port to w hich the N ext Move ES is c onnec ted. If y ou are uns ure whic h PC ser ial port is c onnec ted to the driv e, s elect Scan all serial p orts .
6-6 Oper ation MN1928 6.3 Configuri ng an axi s The Nex tMov e ES is capable of contr olling 4 stepper and 2 ser vo ax es. This s ec tion desc ribes the bas ic s etup for bot h types of ax is. Commands typed in t he Command window hav e immediate effect - they do not need t o be separat ely dow nloaded to the Nex tMov e ES.
Oper ati on 6-7 MN1928 5. Clic k Apply . This immediately sets the sc aling factor for the selec ted ax is, w hich w ill remain in the Nex tMov e ES until another s cale is defined or power is remov ed fr om the N ext Move ES. See s ection 6.10 for details about sav ing conf iguration parameter s.
6-8 Oper ation MN1928 4. If y ou ar e going t o use the er ror output, dr ag t h eR e l a y 0i c o nt ot h e grey D riv e E nable OP icon on the right of the sc reen.
Oper ati on 6-9 MN1928 6.3 .3 T esting the driv e enable output 1. On the main W ork Bench v 5 toolbar , c lic k the Ax is 0 button. In the Selec t D efault Ax es dialog, selec t the ax es to be c ontrolled. C lick OK to cl ose the dialog. 2. On the main W ork Bench v 5 toolbar , c lic k the Driv e enable button.
6-10 Oper ation MN1928 6.4 S tep per axis - testing This sec tion des cribes the method for test ing a stepper axis . The s tepper c ontrol is an open loop sy s tem so no tuning is nec ess ary. 6.4 .1 T esting the output This sec tion tes ts the operation and direc tion of the out put.
Oper ati on 6-1 1 MN1928 6.5 Ser vo axis - testing and tuning This sec tion des cribes the method for test ing and tuning a ser vo ax is . The amplifier mus t already have been tuned f or basic c urrent or veloc ity cont rol of the motor.
6-12 Oper ation MN1928 5. T o repeat the tes ts for negativ e (r ever se) demands, ty pe: TORQUE.4=-5 This should c ause a demand of -5% of max imum output ( -0.5V) to be produc ed at the DEMA ND0 output. Corr espondingly, the S py window ’s V eloc ity dis play should show a negative v alue.
Oper ati on 6-13 MN1928 6.5 .2 An intr oduction to c lose d loop control This s ec tion desc ribes the bas ic pr inciples of c losed loop c ontrol. If y ou are familiar w ith clos ed loop c ontrol go s traight to s ec tion 6.
6-14 Oper ation MN1928 The remaining gain ter ms ar e V elo city Feed f orw ard ( KVELFF ) and Acceler ation Feed forward ( KACCEL ) desc ribed below . In s ummary, the following rules can be us ed as a guide: H KPR OP: Incr easing KP RO P will s peed up the res pons e and reduc e the effect of distur bances and load v ariations .
Oper ati on 6-15 MN1928 Figure 28 - The NextMove ES servo loop.
6-16 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 Ser vo axis - tuning for curr ent contr ol 6.6. 1 Select in g servo lo op g ain s All s erv o loop parameters default to z ero, meaning t hat the demand output w ill be zer o at power up.
Oper ati on 6-17 MN1928 3. Clic k in t he KPRO P box and enter a v alue that is approximately one quar ter of the value of KDE RIV . If the motor begins to vibrate, decr ease the v alue of KP RO P or inc reas e the value of KD ERIV until the v ibration s tops .
6-18 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 .2 Unde rda mped r es ponse If the graph s hows that t he res ponse is underdamped (it overs hoots the demand, as s hown in Figure 29) t hen the value f or KDE RIV should be inc reas ed to add ex tra damping to the mov e.
Oper ati on 6-19 MN1928 6.6 .3 Ove rda mped r es ponse If the graph s hows that t he res ponse is over damped (it reac hes the demand too s lowly, as show n in Figure 30) t hen the value f or KDE RIV should be dec reas ed to reduc e the damping of the move.
6-20 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 .4 Cr itic ally da mped re spons e If the graph s hows that t he respons e reac hes the demand quick ly and only ov ers hoots the demand by a s mall amount, this c an be cons idered an ideal r espons e for mos t system s. See Figure 31.
Oper ati on 6-21 MN1928 6.7 Ser vo axis - eliminating steady-state err ors In syst e m s whe re p reci se po siti on in g accur acy is r equired, it is oft en neces sar y t o position within one enc oder c ount.
6-22 Oper ation MN1928 6.8 Ser vo axis - tuning fo r velocity control Driv es designed for veloc ity cont rol inc orporate their own v elocity feedbac k term to prov ide syste m da m pi ng. F or th is rea son, K DER IV ( a nd KVEL ) can often be set to zero.
Oper ati on 6-23 MN1928 The analog demand output is cont rolled by a 12 -bit DA C, whic h c an cr eate output v oltages in the range -10V to +10V . This means a max imum output of +10V c orres ponds to a DAC value of 2048.
6-24 Oper ation MN1928 9. Us ing the c heck boxes below t he graph, selec t the Meas ured v elocit y and D emand vel ocit y tra ces. Measur ed velocity De ma nd ve loci ty Figure 32 - Corr ect value of KVELFF It may be neces s ary to make c hanges to the c alculated v alue of KVELFF .
Oper ati on 6-25 MN1928 6.8 .2 Adjus ting K PR OP The KPR OP term can be us ed to r educe follow ing error. Its v alue will us ually be muc h s maller than the v alue used for an equivalent curr ent c ontrolled s ys tem. A f rac tional value, f or ex ample 0.
6-26 Oper ation MN1928 Measur ed position Demand position Figure 33 - Cor rect value of KPRO P The two t races will probably appear with a s mall offset fr om each other, which r epresent s the following er ror . Adjust KPRO P by s mall amounts until t he two tr aces appear on top of eac h other (appr oximately ), as s hown in Figur e 33.
Oper ati on 6-27 MN1928 6.9 Digit al input/output configur ation The Digital I /O w indow c an be used to s etup other digital inputs and outputs. 6.9 .
6-28 Oper ation MN1928 4. Now dr ag the IN1 ic on onto the Fw d Limit icon . This will s etup IN1 as the Forw ard Limit input of axis 0. 5. Clic k Apply to s end the c hanges to the N ex tMove ES . Note: If required, multiple inputs c an be configur ed before c lick ing Apply .
Oper ati on 6-29 MN1928 6.10 S avin g setup information When power is remov ed fr om the Nex tMove E S all data, inc luding c onfiguration and tuning parameters , is lost . Y ou should ther efore s ave t his infor mation in a file, whic h c an be loaded when the c ard is next used.
6-30 Oper ation MN1928 4. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Save File . Loc ate a folder , enter a filename and clic k Save . 6.10. 1 L oad i ng saved i nfo rmati on 1. In the T oolbox , clic k the Edit & D ebug ic on. 2. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Open File.
T roubl eshooti ng 7-1 MN1928 7.1 Intr oduction This sec tion ex plains c ommon problems and their s olutions . If y ou want to k now the meaning of the LED indic ators , s ee sec tion 7.
7-2 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2 NextMove ES indicators 7.2. 1 St atus d isp lay The S t atus LE D normally dis plays the unit ’s node number . T o display information about a spec ific axis , us e the LED k ey word ( see t he MintMT help f ile). When a spec ific axis is s elec ted, the follow ing symbols may be display ed by the S t atus LED.
T roubl eshooti ng 7-3 MN1928 Offset move. The ax is is per forming an offset mov e. Pos itional Move. The ax is is perf orming a linear mov e. See the MOVEA and MOVER key wor ds. S top. A STOP c ommand has been is s ued or the s top input is act ive.
7-4 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2. 3 Commu ni cati on If the problem is not lis ted below pleas e c ontact B aldor tec hnical s upport. Symptom Check Cannot detec t N extMov e ES Chec k that the Nex tMove E S is powered. For s erial c onnect ions, c hec k that the ser ial cable is wir ed cor rec tly and properly connec ted.
T roubl eshooti ng 7-5 MN1928 Sympto m Check Motor runs uncont rollably when c ontroller is s witc hed on and ser vo loop gains are applied or when a mov e is set in progres s. Motor then st ops after a shor t time. (Ser vo outputs only ) Chec k that the enc oder feedbac k signal( s) are connec ted to t he corr ect encoder input (s) .
7-6 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928.
S pecif icati ons 8-1 MN1928 8.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion prov ides t echnic al s pecific ations of the Nex tMov e ES c ard. Separate spec ific ations for the optional opto -isolating bac k planes ar e show n where nec es sar y . 8.1 .1 Input power De scri pti on Va l u e Input power +5V , 1A +12V , 50mA -12V , 50mA 8.
8-2 S pecifi cations MN1928 8.1 .4 Digit al inputs ( non-isola ted) This spec ific ation is f or the Nex tMov e ES c ard when us ed s eparately or in c onjunct ion with the optional non -isolating bac kplane B PL010 -501: De scri pti on Unit Va l u e Ty p e +5V inputs , non-is olated Input volta ge Maximum Minimum High Low VDC 5.
S pecif icati ons 8-3 MN1928 8.1 .6 Digit al output s - gener al purpose (non- isola ted) This spec ific ation is f or the Nex tMov e ES c ard when us ed s eparately or in c onjunct ion with the optional non -isolating bac kplane B PL010 -501: De scri pti on Unit Va l u e Load supply volt age (max imum) V 50 Output curr ent Max.
8-4 S pecifi cations MN1928 8.1. 9 Error rel ay (o pt o-i so lated b ackpl anes) This s pec ific ation is f or the optional opto -isolating bac k planes BP L010-502 or B PL010 -503, when us ed in conjunc tion w ith the Nex tMov e ES c ard. S ee sec tions 4.
S pecif icati ons 8-5 MN1928 8.1. 13 En viro nmen tal De scri pti on Unit Oper ating t emperat ure r ange Min Max °C °F 0 +32 +40 +104 Maximum hum idity % 80% for temper atures up to 31°C (87°F ) .
8-6 S pecifi cations MN1928.
Appendix A- 1 MN1928 A.1 Axi s r enum ber ing The fac tory pres et axis numbering as s igns ax es 0 - 3 as stepper axes and axes 4 and 5 as ser vo ax es . How ever, it is pos sible to alt er the ax is number ing sc heme. For example, y ou might wis h ax es 0 and 1 to r efer to the s erv o ax es, and ax es 2 to 5 to refer to the s tepper axes .
A-2 Appendi x MN1928 4. Now ty pe: CONFIG.4=_cfSTEPPER where 4 is the ax is to be configured. Pres s E nter to enter t he v alue. This immediately c onfigures ax is 4 to be a stepper axis . 5. T o configur e axis 0 as a s erv o axis , type: CONFIG.0=_cfSERVO Other axes c an be ass igned as required, s ubject to the limitations desc ribed abov e.
Index MN1928 A Abbrev iations , 2-4 Analog I/O , 4 -3 analog inputs, 4-3 analog outputs , 4 -5 Aux iliary enc oder inputs , 4 -7 B Bac kplanes BPL010 -501 non-isolat ed, 5-2 BPL010 -502/503 opto -isol.
Index MN 1928 encoder input s, 4 -12, 8-4 error out put, 4-10 ser ial port, 4 -13 stepper cont rol outputs , 4-1 1, 8 -4 USB por t, 4 -14 Installation, 3 -1 Introduc tion to c los ed loop contr ol, 6-.
Index MN1928 power , 8-1 rela y , 8 -4 stepper outputs , 8-4 weights and dimens ions, 8 -5 S tat us dis play , 7-2 S tepper axis , 6 -10 contr ol outputs , 4 -1 1 test ing the output, 6 -10 T Te s t i.
Index MN 1928.
Comments MN1928 If y ou have any s uggestions for impr ovement s to t his manual, pleas e let us know. Write your comment s in the s pac e prov ided below , remove t his page fr om the manual and mail it to: Manuals Baldor UK Lt d Mint Motion Cent re 6 Bris tol Dis tr ibution Park Hawkley Dri v e Bristol BS32 0BF United K ingdom.
Comment s MN1928 Thank you for taking the time to help us..
P r i n t e di nU K E Baldor UK Ltd Eur ope (Southe rn) Baldor ASR AG , Switzer land T el: +41 52 647 4700 Fax: +41 52 659 2394 Eur ope Baldor ASR GmbH, Ger many T el: +49 (0) 89 905 080 Fax: +49 ( 0).
デバイスBaldor MN1928の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Baldor MN1928をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBaldor MN1928の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Baldor MN1928の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Baldor MN1928で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Baldor MN1928を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBaldor MN1928の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Baldor MN1928に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBaldor MN1928デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。