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NextMove ES Motion Controller MOTIO N CONTROL Installation Manual 01/05 M N1928.
Content s i MN1928 Contents 1 General Information 1-1 ................................. 2 Introduction 2-1 ........................................ 2.1 Next Move ES feat ures 2-1 .................................. 2.2 Receiving and inspec tion 2-3 ...
ii Cont ents MN1928 5 Backplanes 5 -1 ........................................ 5.1 I ntr oduction 5-1 ............................................ 5.2 BPL010 -501 non-isolat ed backplane 5-2 ....................... 5.2.1 Analog inputs 5-3 ............
Content s ii i MN1928 6.4 S t epper axis - test ing 6-10 .................................... 6.4.1 T est ing the output 6-10 .............................................. 6.5 Serv o axis - test ing and tuning 6-1 1 ............................ 6.5.1 T est ing the demand output 6-1 1 .
iv Cont ents MN1928 8.1.10 Enc oder inputs 8-4 ................................................ 8.1.1 1 S tepper c ontrol outputs 8-4 .......................................... 8.1.12 Serial R S232/R S485 port 8-4 .....................................
www .s General I nformat ion 1- 1 MN1928 L T0202A02 Copyr ight Baldor (c ) 2005. A ll rights r eser ved. This manual is c opy righted and all right s ar e res erv ed. This document or attac hed s oftwar e may not, in whole or in par t, be c opied or repr oduced in any form w ithout the prior wr itten c onsent of B ALDO R.
www .s 1-2 General Inf ormati on MN1928 Safety Notice Only qualified pers onnel s hould attempt to s tar t -up, program or troubles hoot this equipment. This equipment may be c onnec ted to other machines that hav e rot ating parts or par ts t hat are cont rolled by t his equipment .
www .s Int roducti on 2-1 MN 1928 2.1 NextMove ES features Nex tMov e ES is a high perfor mance multi -axis intelligent c ontroller for s erv o and s tepper motors .
www .s 2-2 I ntroduct ion M N1928 Inc luded with N extMov e ES is t he Baldor Motion T oolk it C D. This c ontains a number of utilities and usef ul res ourc es to get t he most f rom you Mint MT cont roller . Thes e include: H WorkBenc h v 5 This is the us er interfac e for c ommunic a ting with the Nex tMov e ES.
www .s Int roducti on 2-3 MN 1928 2.2 Receiving and inspectio n When y ou receiv e y our N extMov e ES , there ar e sev eral things y ou s hould do immediately : 1. Chec k t he conditi on of the pack aging and repor t any damage immediately to the c arrier that deliv ered y our Nex tMov e ES.
www .s 2-4 I ntroduct ion M N1928 2.3 Units and abbreviations The following unit s and abbr eviations may appear in this manual: V V olt ( also VAC and VDC ) ............... WW a t t .............. A Ampere ............... Ω Ohm .......
www .s Basic I nst allat ion 3-1 MN1928 3.1 Intr oduction Y ou should read all t he sections in Basi c Instal lation . It is important that the c orrec t s teps are follow ed when ins talling the Nex tMov e ES. This sec tion des cr ibes t he mechanic al ins tallation of the N extMov e ES .
www .s 3-2 Basic Inst all ation MN1928 3.1 .2 Inst alling the Ne xtM ove ES c ar d CAUTION : Before touc hing the c ard, be s ure t o disc harge s tatic elec tric ity from y our body and c lothing by touc hing a grounded metal s urfac e. A lternativ ely, wear an ear th s trap while handling t he card.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 1 MN1928 4.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion des cr ibes the input and output c apabilities of the Nex tMov e ES. The following c onv entions will be us ed to refer to the inputs and outputs : I/O Input / O utput ..
www .s 4-2 Input / Output MN1928 4.2. 1 96-p in co nn ecto r pin assi gn men t Row Pin c b a 1 +5VDC +5VDC +5V DC 2 +5VDC +5VDC +5V DC 3 DGND DGND DGND 4 DOUT6 DOUT7 OUT COM 5 DOUT3 DOUT4.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 3 MN1928 4.3 Analog I/O The Nex tMov e ES pr ovides : H T w o 12-bit res olution analog inputs . H Four 12 -bit res olution analog outputs . 4.3 .1 Ana log input s The analog inputs are av ailable on pins a28 & b28 (AIN 0) and a27 & c 28 (A IN1) .
www .s 4-4 Input / Output MN1928 AIN0 ( ADC.0 ) AIN0 ( ADC.0 ) b28 a28 a30 AIN0- Differential connec tion Single ended c onnection AIN0+ AI N0+ GND b28 a28 a30 Figure 2 - AIN 0 analog input wir ing AIN0 1k Ω , 0.25W potentiometer ( ADC.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 5 MN1928 4.3 .2 Ana log output s The four analog output s are av ailable on a range of pins, as s hown in s ec tion 4.2.1. H Four independent analog output s. H Output r ange: ±10VD C (±0.1%) . H Res olution: 12 -bit.
www .s 4-6 Input / Output MN1928 Next Move ES Demand0 AGND 2 Fle xDri v e II / dr ive amplif ier AIN0+ AIN0- Connect overall s hield at one end only a32 Shield Drive amplif ier ±10VDC de.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 7 MN1928 4.4 Digital I/O The Nex tMov e ES pr ovides : H 20 general purpos e digital inputs . H 12 general purpos e digital outputs . 4.4 .1 Digit al input s The digital inputs are av ailable ac ros s a r ange of pins, as s hown in s ec tion 4.
www .s 4-8 Input / Output MN1928 Auxiliary encoder inputs - DIN17 (STEP), DIN18 (DIR ), DIN19 (Z) DIN 17-DIN 19 may als o be us ed as an auxiliar y enc oder input.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 9 MN1928 DGND DIN0 GND MintMT INX.0 +5V Next Move ES 10k 74AHCT14 1nF USRV+ DOUT0 Fle xDri v e II / equipment output NEC PS2562L-1 User supply GND User supply 24.
www .s 4-10 Input / Output MN1928 4.4. 2 Dig ital ou tp uts The digital outputs are av ailable ac ros s a r ange of pins, as s hown in s ec tion 4.2.1. H 12 general purpos e digital outputs . H One er ror output, c onfigur able as a gener al purpos e digital output.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 11 MN1928 DO UT 8 - DO UT1 1 Outputs D OU T8 - DOU T1 1 are dr iven by a U LN2003 dev ice. T he outputs are des igned to si nk cur rent from an ex ternal s upply (t ypic ally 24VDC ), but hav e no over cur rent or s hort c irc uit protec tion.
www .s 4-12 Input / Output MN1928 4.4 .3 Err or output - Error Out The error output is available on pin b1 1. This 100mA output c an be us ed to st op exter nal equipment in the event of an err or . The output level c an be c ontrolled us ing jumpers JP3, J P4 and JP 5, whic h are s ituated at the top edge of the car d.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 13 MN1928 4.5 Other I/O 4.5 .1 S teppe r control output s The s tepper c ontrol outputs are av ailable ac ros s a r ange of pins , as s hown in s ec tion 4.2.1. There are f our s ets of stepper motor c ontrol out puts, operating in the r ange 0Hz to 500k Hz .
www .s 4-14 Input / Output MN1928 4.5 .2 Encode r inputs The enc oder inputs are av ailable on pins a7 -a10, b7 -b10 and c7 -c10. See s ec tion 4.2.1. T w o incr emental encoder s may be c onnec ted to Nex tMov e ES, eac h w ith complement ary A, B and Z channel input s.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 15 MN1928 A and B signal Maximum cable len gth A a n d B s i g n a l frequency meters f eet 1.3MHz 2 6.56 500kHz 10 32.8 250kHz 20 65.6 100kHz 50 164.0 50kHz 100 328.1 20kHz 300 984.2 10kHz 700 2296.6 7kHz 1000 3280.
www .s 4-16 Input / Output MN1928 4.5. 4 Serial p o rt Locatio n Seria l Mating c onnector : 9 -pin female D -type Pin RS232 n ame RS485 / R S422 name 96-pin connector 1 Shield (NC) a32 2.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 17 MN1928 NextMove ES (DCE) 9- -p i n Computer COM Port (DCE / DTE) Serial RXD 2 TXD 3 GND 5 2R X D 3T X D 5G N D RTS 7 CTS 8 7R T S 8C T S COM Connect overall shiel d to connector backs hell.
www .s 4-18 Input / Output MN1928 4.5. 6 Mu lti dro p u sin g RS485 / RS422 Mu lti dro p system s a ll ow on e de vice to a ct as a ‘ne twor k m ast er’ , con tro lling and interacting with the ot her (s lav e) dev ices on the netw ork .
www .s Input / Out put 4- 19 MN1928 4.5. 7 Con nect in g serial Bal do r HMI Op erato r Panel s Serial B aldor HMI O perator Panels use a 15 -pin male D -type c onnec tor (mar ked P LC PO RT), but the Nex tMov e ES S erial c onnector uses a 9 -pin male D -type c onnector.
www .s 4-20 Input / Output MN1928 4.6 CAN The CA N bus is a s erial bas ed netw ork originally developed f or automotiv e applicat ions, but now us ed for a w ide range of indus trial applic ations .
www .s Input / Out put 4- 21 MN1928 4.6 .2 CA N wiring A v ery low err or bit rat e over CAN c an only be ac hiev ed with a s uitable wir ing sc heme, s o the following points s hould be obs erv ed: H The two -wire data bus line may be routed par allel, twis ted and/or shielded, depending on EMC r equirements .
www .s 4-22 Input / Output MN1928 4.6. 3 CANop en The Nex tMov e ES mus t hav e the CAN open firmw are loaded to us e this protoc ol. Baldor hav e implemented a C ANopen pr otocol in Mint.
www .s Input / Out put 4- 23 MN1928 Note: All CAN r elated MintMT k eyw ords are ref erenc ed to either C ANopen or B aldor CAN us ing the ‘bus’ dot parameter .
www .s 4-24 Input / Output MN1928 channel t o operate on pins 1 and 2 of the RJ 45 c onnec tors . On t he Baldor C AN node, jumper JP 3 can be us ed to c onnec t an internal 120 Ω ter minating res istor, provided the node is at the end of the netw ork .
www .s Input / Out put 4- 25 MN1928 4.7 Connectio n su mm a ry - minimum system wiring As a guide, Figure 21 s hows an ex ample of the ty pic al minimum wiring r equired to allow the Nex tMov e ES and a s ingle ax is s tepper amplif ier to wor k t ogether .
www .s 4-26 Input / Output MN1928 Backplan e card connector Pin Nam e of signal Function Connection on amplifier (Not e: connect ions may be labeled differently) X6 9 USR GND Us er power .
www .s Backplanes 5- 1 MN1928 5.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion des cr ibes the opt ional back plane c ards available f or us e with the N extMov e ES .
www .s 5-2 Backpl anes MN1928 5.2 BP L010-501 non-isolated backplane This back plane prov ides direc t c onnection t o the Nex tMove E S s ignals w ithout is olation. The elect rical s pec ific ations of all s ignals are t herefore t he same as des cr ibed in sec tion 4.
www .s Backplanes 5- 3 MN1928 5.2 .1 Ana log input s Locatio n X8 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onnec tio.
www .s 5-4 Backpl anes MN1928 5.2 .2 Ana log outputs ( dem ands ) Locatio n X7 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shiel.
www .s Backplanes 5- 5 MN1928 5.2 .3 Digit al inputs 0 -7 Locatio n X12 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 10 Shield Shield c onn.
www .s 5-6 Backpl anes MN1928 5.2 .5 Digit al inputs 1 6-19 Locatio n X6 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound.
www .s Backplanes 5- 7 MN1928 5.2. 7 Dig ital o u tpu ts 8-1 1 Locatio n X5 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr o.
www .s 5-8 Backpl anes MN1928 5.2. 8 Stepp er axes ou tp uts 0-1 Locatio n X9 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shield.
www .s Backplanes 5- 9 MN1928 5.2. 9 Stepp er axes ou tp uts 2-3 Locatio n X10 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shiel.
www .s 5-10 Backpl anes MN1928 STEP2+ DGND 1 DS26LS31 STEP2- 3 Backpla ne MicroF lex / drive amp lifier DGND Step Connect shiel ds at one end only 6 Shield ‘X3’ ‘X10’ 10 11 DIR2+ .
www .s Backplanes 5- 1 1 MN1928 5.2 .10 Power input s Locatio n X1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DGND Digital gr ound a3 3 +5V +5V input a1 2 -12V - 12V input a31 1 +12V +12V input a29 See s ection 3.
www .s 5-12 Backpl anes MN1928 5.2 .12 Encode r input 1 Locatio n X2 Enc oder1 Mating c onnector : 9 -pin male D-ty pe Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 1 CHA+ Channel A s ignal a8.
www .s Backplanes 5- 13 MN1928 5.3 BPL010-502/503 backplane with opt o-isolator card Thes e back planes are prov ided with an addit ional plug in car d whic h prov ides opt o-is olation for many of the Nex tMov e ES s ignals . On BP L010 -502, the general purpos e digital outputs are PN P (c urr ent s ourc ing) outputs .
www .s 5-14 Backpl anes MN1928 Shield USRGND USRGND USR V+ USR V+ !RSTIN DIN19 DIN18 DIN17 DIN16 X2 X3 X4 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X1 1 X12 X13 X5 Shield USRGND DIN15 DIN14 DIN13 DIN12 DIN1 1 DIN1.
www .s Backplanes 5- 15 MN1928 5.3 .1 Ana log input s Locatio n X8 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 10 REL COM C o.
www .s 5-16 Backpl anes MN1928 Er ror relay con nection s The double -pole relay on the opto -isolator c ard is c ontr olled direc tly by the E rror O ut s ignal (s ecti on 4.
www .s Backplanes 5- 17 MN1928 5.3 .2 Ana log outputs ( dem ands ) Locatio n X7 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 1.
www .s 5-18 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3 .3 Digit al inputs 0 -7 Locatio n X12 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 10 Shiel.
www .s Backplanes 5- 19 MN1928 5.3 .4 Digit al inputs 8 -15 Locatio n X13 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 10 Shie.
www .s 5-20 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3 .5 Digit al inputs 1 6-19 Locatio n X6 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 10 Shie.
www .s Backplanes 5- 21 MN1928 St atus+ St atus- MicroFlex / equi pment output NEC PS2562L-1 Backpl ane & opto-isolator card 96 pin connector 2k2 TLP521-4 DIN16 User supply 24V User s.
www .s 5-22 Backpl anes MN1928 B PL010-503 - A ctive low inputs The us er power supply c onnect ion USR V+ is c ommon to all inputs . T o ac tivat e an input it must be gr ounded to the 0V s ide of the us er pow er s upply ( USR GN D) .
www .s Backplanes 5- 23 MN1928 USRV+ DOUT0 Fle xDri v e II / equipment output NEC PS2562L-1 Backpl ane & opto-isolator card 96 pin connector 2k2 TLP521-4 USR V+ DIN16 User supply 24V .
www .s 5-24 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3. 6 Dig ital o u tpu ts 0-7 Locatio n X1 1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/10 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 10 U.
www .s Backplanes 5- 25 MN1928 BP L010-502 - P NP o utputs An external supply ( typic ally 24VD C) is us ed to power the UDN 2982 output devic es , as shown in Figure 37.
www .s 5-26 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3. 7 Dig ital o u tpu ts 8-1 1 Locatio n X5 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 5 DGN.
www .s Backplanes 5- 27 MN1928 5.3. 8 Stepp er axes ou tp uts 0-1 Locatio n X9 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 12.
www .s 5-28 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3. 9 Stepp er axes ou tp uts 2-3 Locatio n X10 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/12 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 12 Shield Shie.
www .s Backplanes 5- 29 MN1928 STEP2+ DGND 1 DS26LS31 STEP2- 3 Backpla ne MicroF lex / drive amp lifier DGND Step Connect shiel ds at one end only 6 Shield ‘X3’ ‘X10’ 10 11 DIR2+ .
www .s 5-30 Backpl anes MN1928 5.3 .10 Power input s Locatio n X1 Mating c onnector : Weidmüller Omnimate B L 3.5/5 Pin Nam e Descr iptio n NextMo ve ES 96-pin connector 5 DGND Digital gr ound a3 4 DGND Digital gr ound a3 3 +5V +5V input a1 2 -12V - 12V input a31 1 +12V +12V input a29 See s ection 3.
www .s Backplanes 5- 31 MN1928 5.3 .12 Encode r input 1 Locatio n X2 Enc oder1 Mating c onnector : 9 -pin male D-ty pe Pin Nam e Descr iptio n 96-pin connector 1 CHA+ Channel A s ignal a8.
www .s 5-32 Backpl anes MN1928.
www .s Operat ion 6-1 MN1928 6.1 Intr oduction The s oftware pr ovi ded includes a number of applic ations and utilities to allow you to c onfigur e, tune and program the N ex tMove E S. The Baldor Motion T oolk it CD cont aining the sof twar e can be found s eparat ely w ithin the pac kaging.
www .s 6-2 Oper ation MN1928 6.1. 4 Preli mi nary ch ecks Before y ou apply power for the fir st time, it is v ery important to v erif y the f ollowing: H Dis connec t the load f rom the motor until ins truc ted to apply a load. H Inspec t all pow er c onnect ions for acc urac y, work manship and tight ness .
www .s Operat ion 6-3 MN1928 6.2 W orkBench v5 WorkBenc h v5 is a fully featured application f or programming and controlling t he Next Move E S.
www .s 6-4 Oper ation MN1928 6.2. 2 St arti ng WorkBen ch v5 1. On the W indows Start menu, selec t Programs , Wo r kBe nch v 5, Wo r kBe nch v 5 .
www .s Operat ion 6-5 MN1928 3. In the Selec t Cont roller dialog, go to t he drop down box near the t op and selec t the P C ser ial port to w hich t he Nex tMove E S is connec ted. I f you ar e unsur e whic h PC s erial por t is c onnec ted to the N extMov e ES , s elect S can all serial p orts .
www .s 6-6 Oper ation MN1928 6.3 Configur ing an axi s The Nex tMov e ES is c apable of cont rolling 4 s tepper and 2 s erv o axes . This s ec tion desc ribes how to c onfigure both t ypes of ax is . 6.3. 1 Select in g t he axi s typ e An ax is c an be c onfigured as either a s erv o ax is or a st epper ax is.
www .s Operat ion 6-7 MN1928 6.3. 2 Select in g a scal e MintMT defines all pos itional and speed r elated motion key w ords in t erms of enc oder quadr ature count s (for s erv o motors ) or s teps for stepper mot ors.
www .s 6-8 Oper ation MN1928 6.3. 3 Sett in g th e d rive en abl e ou tp ut A driv e enable output allow s N ext Move E S to enable the ex ternal dr ive amplifier to allow motion, or dis able it in the ev ent of an er ror . Eac h axis c an be conf igured with it s ow n driv e enable output, or c an s hare an output w ith other ax es .
www .s Operat ion 6-9 MN1928 If y ou are going to us e a digital output, drag the bright blue O UT icon t o the grey D riv e E nable OP axis icon on t he right of the s creen. T o c onfigur e multiple ax es with the s ame driv e enable out put, repeat this step f or the other axes .
www .s 6-10 Oper ation MN1928 6.4 S tep per axis - testing This s ec tion des cr ibes the method f or tes ting a s tepper ax is. The st epper c ontrol is an open lo op syste m so no tu nin g is ne cessa ry . 6.4 .1 T esting the output This sec tion tes ts the operat ion and direc tion of the output.
www .s Operat ion 6-1 1 MN1928 6.5 Ser vo axis - testing and tuning This s ec tion des cr ibes the method f or tes ting and tuning a s erv o axis . The dr ive amplif ier must already have been t uned for bas ic c urr ent or v eloc ity c ontr ol of the motor .
www .s 6-12 Oper ation MN1928 5. T o repeat the tes ts for negative ( rev ers e) demands , ty pe: TORQUE.4=-5 This should c aus e a demand of -5% of maximum output ( -0.5V) t o be produc ed at the DEMA ND0 output. C orres pondingly, the S py window ’s V eloc ity dis play s hould show a negative v alue.
www .s Operat ion 6-13 MN1928 6.5 .2 An intr oduction to c lose d loop contr ol This s ec tion des cribes the bas ic princ iples of c los ed loop contr ol.
www .s 6-14 Oper ation MN1928 The remaining gain ter ms ar e V el ocity Feed f orw ard ( K VELFF ) and Acceler ation F eed forward ( KACCEL ) desc ribed below .
www .s Operat ion 6-15 MN1928 Figure 45 - The NextMove ES servo loop.
www .s 6-16 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 Ser vo axis - tuni ng for cur re nt control 6.6. 1 Select in g servo lo o p gai ns All s erv o loop parameters default to zer o, meaning that the demand out put will be z ero at power up.
www .s Operat ion 6-17 MN1928 3. Clic k in t he KPR OP box and enter a v alue that is approximately one quarter of the value of KDE RIV . If the motor begins t o vibrat e, decr ease the v alue of K PRO P or inc reas e the value of KD ERI V until the vibrat ion stops .
www .s 6-18 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 .2 Unde rda mpe d re sponse If the graph s how s that the res ponse is under damped (it ov ers hoots the demand, as show n in Figure 46) t hen the value f or KD ERIV should be i ncr eased to add ex tra damping t o the move.
www .s Operat ion 6-19 MN1928 6.6 .3 Ove rda mpe d res ponse If the graph s how s that the res ponse is ov erdamped ( it reac hes t he demand too slow ly, as show n in Figure 47) then the v alue for KD ERI V s hould be decr eased to r educe t he damping of the move.
www .s 6-20 Oper ation MN1928 6.6 .4 Cr itica lly dampe d res ponse If the graph s how s that the res ponse r eaches the demand quic k ly and only ov ers hoots the demand by a s mall amount, t his c an be c onsider ed an ideal res ponse for mos t sy s tems .
www .s Operat ion 6-21 MN1928 6.7 Ser vo axis - eliminating steady-state err ors In syst em s wh ere p reci se po siti oni ng a ccur acy is r equired, it is often nec es sar y to pos ition within one enc oder c ount.
www .s 6-22 Oper ation MN1928 6.8 Ser vo axis - tun ing for velocity control Driv e amplifiers des igned for v eloc ity contr ol incor porate their own v eloc ity f eedback term to pr ovi de syste m da mpi ng. F or th is rea son, K DER IV (a nd KVEL) can often be set to zero.
www .s Operat ion 6-23 MN1928 The analog demand output is c ontrolled by a 12 -bit DAC, w hic h can c reate output volt ages in the range -10V to +10V .
www .s 6-24 Oper ation MN1928 9. Us ing the c heck box es below the graph, selec t the Meas ured v eloc ity and D emand vel ocit y tra ces. Measur ed velocity De ma nd vel oci ty Figure 49 - Corr ect value of KVELFF It may be neces s ary to mak e changes to t he calc ulated v alue of KVELFF .
www .s Operat ion 6-25 MN1928 6.8 .2 Adjus ting KP ROP The KPR OP term c an be used t o reduce f ollowing err or . I ts v alue will us ually be muc h smaller than the v alue used for an equiv alent cur rent c ontrolled system . A fra cti onal v alue, for ex ample 0.
www .s 6-26 Oper ation MN1928 Measur ed position Demand position Figure 50 - Cor rect value of KPRO P The two t rac es w ill probably appear wit h a small offs et from eac h other , whic h repres ents the following er ror .
www .s Operat ion 6-27 MN1928 6.9 Digit al input/output configur ation The Digital I /O w indow c an be used t o setup other digital inputs and outputs .
www .s 6-28 Oper ation MN1928 4. Now dr ag the IN1 ic on onto the Fw d Limit icon . This w ill s etup IN1 as the For ward Limit i nput of axis 0. 5. Clic k Apply to s end the c hanges t o the Nex tMov e ES. Note: If required, multiple inputs c an be c onfigured before c lic king A pply .
www .s Operat ion 6-29 MN1928 6.10 Saving setup info rm ation When power is r emoved fr om the Nex tMov e ES all data, including c onfigur ation and tuning parameters , is los t. Y ou should t herefore s av e this information in a f ile, whic h can be l oaded when the c ard is nex t us ed.
www .s 6-30 Oper ation MN1928 4. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Save File . Loc ate a folder , enter a f ilename and c lic k S ave . 6.10. 1 L o adi ng saved i nf ormat io n 1. In the T oolbox , clic k the Edit & Debug ic on. 2. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Open File.
www .s T roubl eshooti ng 7-1 MN1928 7.1 Intr oduction This sec tion ex plains common pr oblems and their s olutions. If y ou want to k now t he meaning of the LED indicat ors , see s ec tion 7.
www .s 7-2 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2 NextMove ES indicators 7.2. 1 St atu s di spl ay The S t atus LE D normally dis plays the unit ’s node number . T o display informat ion about a s pecific axis , us e the LED k eyw ord (s ee the MintMT help file) .
www .s T roubl eshooti ng 7-3 MN1928 Offset move. T he axis is perfor ming an offset move. Pos itional Mov e. The axis is perf orming a linear mov e. See the MOVEA and MOVER keyw or ds. S top. A STOP command has been is sued or the s top input is ac tive.
www .s 7-4 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2. 3 Commu ni cati on If the problem is not lis ted below pleas e c ontac t Baldor t echnic al s upport. Symptom Check Cannot detec t Ne xtM ove ES Chec k t hat the Nex tMov e ES is pow ered. For s erial c onnec tions, chec k that the s erial c able is wired c orr ectly and properly c onnect ed.
www .s T roubl eshooti ng 7-5 MN1928 Sympto m Check Motor runs uncontr ollably when contr oller is s witc hed on. V er ify t hat the back plane (if used) and driv e are c orrec tly grounded to a c ommon ground point.
www .s 7-6 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2. 5 WorkBen ch v5 Symptom Check The S py w indow does not update The s ys tem refr esh has been dis abled. Go t o the T ools, Options menu item, s elect t he Sy stem t ab and then choos e a Sy s tem Refr esh R ate (500ms is rec ommended).
www .s T roubl eshooti ng 7-7 MN1928 Sympto m Check The CA Nopen bus is ‘off’ This means that the internal C AN contr oller in the N ext Move ES has exper ienced a fat al number of Tx and/or R x error s, gr eater than the off threshold of 255.
www .s 7-8 T r oubleshoot ing MN1928 7.2. 7 Bald or CAN Symptom Check The Baldor C AN bus is ‘ passi ve’ This means that the internal C AN c ontr oller in the N extMov e ES is exper iencing a number of Tx and/or R x er rors , great er than the pass iv e thres hold of 127.
www .s S pecif icat ions 8- 1 MN1928 8.1 Intr oduction This sec tion prov ides tec hnical s pec ific ations of the Nex tMov e ES c ard. S eparate spec ific ations for the optional opt o-is olating back planes are s hown w here nec ess ary.
www .s 8-2 S pecifi cations MN1928 8.1 .4 Digit al inputs ( non-isola ted) This s pec ific ation is for the N extMov e ES car d when us ed separ ately or in c onjunction w ith the optiona.
www .s S pecif icat ions 8- 3 MN1928 8.1 .6 Digit al output s - gener al purpose (non- isola ted) This s pec ific ation is for the N extMov e ES car d when us ed separ ately or in c onjun.
www .s 8-4 S pecifi cations MN1928 8.1. 9 Error rel ay (o pt o- iso lat ed b ackpl anes) This spec ific ation is for the optional opt o-is olating back planes BPL010 -502 or BPL010 -503, when us ed in conjunc tion w ith the N extMov e ES car d.
www .s S pecif icat ions 8- 5 MN1928 8.1. 13 CAN i nt erface De scri pt io n Unit Va l u e Signal 2- wir e, i sol at ed Channels 1 Protocols CAN open or Baldor CA N (s elected by c hoic e of firmw are) Bit r ates CAN open Baldor CA N Kbit/s 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000 10, 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 8.
www .s 8-6 S pecifi cations MN1928.
www .s Appendix A- 1 MN1928 A.1 Feed back cables The Baldor c ables lis ted in T able 4 connec t the ‘E ncoder Out’ s ignal fr om a drive amplif ier (for example Mic roFlex , Flex D riv e II , Flex+D riv e II or MintDriv e II ) to the ‘Enc oder In’ c onnect or on the Nex tMov e ES bac k plane.
www .s A-2 Appendi x MN1928.
Index MN1928 A Abbrev iations , 2 -4 Analog I/O , 4 -3 analog inputs, 4 -3 analog outputs , 4 -5 Aux iliary enc oder inputs , 4 -8 B Bac kplanes BPL010 -501 non-isolat ed, 5 -2 BPL010 -502/503 opto -i.
Index MN 1928 I Indicat ors , 7-2 stat us dis play, 7-2 sur face mount LE Ds , 7-3 Input / Out put, 4-1 96-pin edge c onnector, 4-1 analog inputs, 4 -3, 8-1 analog outputs , 4-5, 8 -1 CAN c onnection,.
Index MN1928 RS485, 4 -18 multidrop us ing RS 485/RS422, 4-18 spec ific ations , 8-4 S Safety Notic e, 1-2 Sav ing set up information, 6 -29 Sc ale, selec ting, 6 -7 Serial por t, 4 -16 connec ting s .
Index MN 1928 X6 s cr ew terminal bloc k non-is olated back plane, 5 -6 opto -isolated bac kplanes , 5 -20 X7 s cr ew terminal bloc k non-is olated back plane, 5 -4 opto -isolated bac kplanes , 5 -17 .
Comments MN1928 If y ou have any s ugges tions f or improv ements to this manual, pleas e let us k now. Write y our comment s in the s pac e prov ided below , remov e this page from the manual and mail it t o: Manuals Baldor UK Lt d Mint Motion Cent re 6 Bris tol Di str ibution Park Hawkley Dri v e Bristol BS32 0BF United K ingdom.
Comment s MN1928 Thank you for taking the time to help us..
P r i n t e di nU K E Baldor UK Ltd Eur ope (Souther n) Baldor ASR AG , Switzer land T el: +41 52 647 4700 Fax: +41 52 659 2394 Euro pe Baldor ASR GmbH, Ger many T el: +49 (0) 89 905 080 Fax: +49 (0) .
デバイスBaldor MN1928の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Baldor MN1928をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBaldor MN1928の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Baldor MN1928の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Baldor MN1928で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Baldor MN1928を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBaldor MN1928の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Baldor MN1928に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBaldor MN1928デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。