Star MicronicsメーカーDot Impact Printerの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Dot Impact Printer ST AR Command Specications Rev . 0.70 Star Micronics Co., Ltd. Special Products Operating Division.
Contents 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 2. COMMAND FUNCTION LIST 2-1 3. COMMAND DET AILS 3-1 3-1 Explanation of T erms 3-1 3-2 Exception processing 3-2 3-3 Standard Command Details 3-3 3-3-1 Font style an.
ESC GS R n1 n2 3-32 3-3-7 Download 3-33 ESC & NUL n1 n2 [m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 (d6 d7)] n2 - n1 + 1 3-33 ESC & m n1 n2 [d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 .
4. CHARACTER CODE T ABLE 4-1 5. APPENDIX 5-1 5-1 StatusSpecications 5- 1 5-1-1 ENQ Command Status 5-1 5-1-2 EOT Command Status 5-1 5-1-3 Automatic Status 5-2 5-1-4 PrinterStatus.
1-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ThisspecicationsdocumentdescribesthecommandspecicationsfortheST ARMODEondotimpactprinters. Information contained herein applies to models with the following conditions.
2-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 2. COMMAND FUNCTION LIST • Standard Commands Class Commands Name Font Style and Character Set ESC GS t Specify code page ESC R Specify international .
2-2 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Class Commands Name Horizo ntal ESC RS A Set print region Direct ion ESC I Set left margin Positi on ESC Q Set right margin HT Moveprintposition.
2-3 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Class Commands Name Others RS Ringbuzzer CAN Cancel print data and initialize commands DC3 Printer deselect DC1 Select printer ESC @ Command initial.
3-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3. COMMAND DET AILS 3-1 Explanation of T erms •Receptionbuffer Thebufferforstoringdata(receptiondata)receivedfromthehost,asitiscalledthereceptionbuf fer .
3-2 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-2 Exception processing 1)Undenedcodes Codesfrom <00>Hto <1F>Haretargeted.When codesnot denedas commandsinthis regionare received,they are discarded.
3-3 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3 Standard Command Details 3-3-1 Font style and character set ESC GS t n [Name] Select code page [Code] ASCII ESC GS t n Hexadecimal 1B 1D 74 n Decimal 27 29 1 16 n [Dened Area] ndiffersdependingonthespecications.
3-4 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC R n [Name] Specify international character set [Code] ASCII ESC R n Hexadecimal 1B 52 n Decimal 27 82 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 14 n = 64 [Initial V alue] Memory switch setting [Function] Speciesinternationalcharactersaccordingtothevalueofn.
3-5 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC 6 [Name] Switch to IBM character set #2 [Code] ASCII ESC 6 Hexadecimal 1B 36 Decimal 27 54 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Switches from IBM character set #1 to #2.
3-6 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC M [Name] Specify 7 x 9 font (half dots) (default) [Code] ASCII ESC M Hexadecimal 1B 4D Decimal 27 77 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Species7x9(half)dotfont.
3-7 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC : [Name] Specify 5 x 9 font (3P-1) [Code] ASCII ESC : Hexadecimal 1B 3A Decimal 27 58 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Species5x9(3pulse=1)dotfonts.
3-8 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-2 Character Expansion Settings SO [Name] Specifydouble-wideexpandedcharacters [Code] ASCII SO Hexadecimal 0E Decimal 14 [Dened Area].
3-9 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC W n [Name] Specify/cancelexpandeddouble-wideprinting [Code] ASCII ESC W n Hexadecimal 1B 57 n Decimal 27 87 n [Dened Area] n=.
3-10 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-3 Print mode ESC E [Name] Select emphasized printing [Code] ASCII ESC E Hexadecimal 1B 45 Decimal 27 69 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] Emphasized printing cancelled. [Function] Speciesemphasizedprintingforsubsequentdata.
3-1 1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC – n [Name] Specify/cancel underling mode [Code] ASCII ESC - n Hexadecimal 1B 2D n Decimal 27 45 n [Dened Area] n=0,1,48,49 [Initial V alue] n = 0 (Underline cancelled) [Function] Speciesunderlineaccordingtothevalueofn.
3-12 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC 4 [Name] Specifywhite/blackinversionandredcolorprinting [Code] ASCII ESC 4 Hexadecimal 1B 34 Decimal 27 52 [Dened Area].
3-13 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS 4 m n [Name] Selectred/blacksubstitutefunction[ESC4/5setting] [Code] ASCII ESC GS 4 m n Hexadecimal 1B 1D 34 m n Decimal 27 2.
3-14 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Whenm=83(“S”)Red/blackadornmentof ANKspacecharacters(20H). m n Red adornment of ANK space characters (20H).
3-15 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 SI [Name] Select upside-down printing [Code] ASCII SI Hexadecimal 0F Decimal 15 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] Upside-down printing cancelled [Function] Speciesupside-downprinting Thiscommandisenabledonlywhenatthetopoftheline.
3-16 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC RS i n [Name] Specify/cancel character rotated mode [Code] ASCII ESC RS i n Hexadecimal 1B 1E 69 n Decimal 27 30 105 n [Dened Area] 0 .
3-17 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-4 Line Spacing LF [Name] Line feed [Code] ASCII LF Hexadecimal 0A Decimal 10 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] Set line feed to 1/6 inch [Function] Afterprintingdatainthelinebuffer ,paperisfedaccordingtothecurrentlysetlinefeedamount.
3-18 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC a n [Name] Feed paper n lines [Code] ASCII ESC a n Hexadecimal 1B 61 n Decimal 27 97 n [Dened Area] 1 ≤ n ≤ 127 [Initial V alue] -.
3-19 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC z 0 [Name] Set line feed to 1/12 inch [Code] ASCII ESC z 0 Or ESC z “0” Hexadecimal 1B 7A 00 1B 7A 30 Decimal 27 122 0 27 122 48 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] 1/6 inch [Function] Setssubsequentlinefeedamountsto1/12inch.
3-20 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC A n [Name] Denen/72inchpitchlinefeed [Code] ASCII ESC A n Hexadecimal 1B 41 n Decimal 27 65 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 85 [Initial V alue] n = 12 (1/6 inch line feed) [Function] Deneslinefeedamountforonelineasn/72inch.
3-21 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC 3 n [Name] Set line feed to n/216 inch line feed pitch (approximate value) [Code] ASCII ESC 3 n Hexadecimal 1B 33 n Decimal 27 51 n [Dened A.
3-22 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC J n [Name] Execute n/72 inch paper feed one time [Code] ASCII ESC J n Hexadecimal 1B 4A n Decimal 27 74 n [Dened Area] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255.
3-23 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-5 Page Control Commands FF [Name] Form feed [Code] ASCII FF Hexadecimal 0C Decimal 12 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Thiscommandperformsthefollowingoperationsaftertheprinterprintstheprintingdatainthelinebuffer .
3-24 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC C n [Name] Set page length to n lines [Code] ASCII ESC C n Hexadecimal 1B 43 n Decimal 27 67 n [Dened Area] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Initial V.
3-25 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 VT [Name] Feedpapertoverticaltabposition [Code] ASCII VT Hexadecimal 0B Decimal 1 1 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Fun.
3-26 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC N n [Name] Setbottommargintonlines [Code] ASCII ESC N n Hexadecimal 1B 4E n Decimal 27 78 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 25.
3-27 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-6 Horizontal Direction Printing Position ESC RS A n [Name] Set print region [Code] ASCII ESC RS A n Hexadecimal 1B 1E 41 n Decimal 27 30 65 n [De.
3-28 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC l n [Name] Set left margin [Code] ASCII ESC l n Hexadecimal 1B 6C n Decimal 27 108 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ (right margin -2) ≤ 25.
3-29 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC Q n [Name] Set right margin [Code] ASCII ESC Q n Hexadecimal 1B 51 n Decimal 27 81 n [Dened Area] 2 ≤ n ≤maximumprintable.
3-30 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 HT [Name] Movehorizontaltab [Code] ASCII HT Hexadecimal 09 Decimal 9 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Moveprintpositiontonexthorizontaltabposition.
3-31 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS a n [Name] Specify position alignment [Code] ASCII ESC GS a n Hexadecimal 1B 1D 61 n Decimal 27 29 97 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 2 .
3-32 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS A n1 n2 [Name] Specifyabsoluteposition [Code] ASCII ESC GS A n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 1D 41 n1 n2 Decimal 27 29 65 n1 n2 [Dened Area].
3-33 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-7 Download ESC & NUL n1 n2 [m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 (d6 d7)] n2 - n1 + 1 [Name] Registerdownloadcharacters(vertical1bytefont) [C.
3-34 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 [Ex.] Whenselecting7x9fonts,anddeningthecharacterto21H: ESC & NUL n1 n2 m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 Code .
3-35 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 [Ex.] Whenselecting5x9fonts,anddeningthecharacterto21H: ESC & NUL n1 n2 m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Code (Hexad.
3-36 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC & m n1 n2 [d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 .... ak dk] n2 - n1 + 1 [Name] Denedownloadcharacters(vertical2bytefont) [Code] ASCII ESC & m n1 n2 [d1 d2 d3 dk.
3-37 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Relationship of character pattern data and print head. [Ex.] Whenselecting7x9fonts,anddeningthecharacterto2.
3-38 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 [Ex.:] Whenselecting9x9fonts,anddeningthecharacterto21H: ESC & m c1 c2 x d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d1 1 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 Code (Hex.
3-39 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC % N [Name] Specify/cancel download characters [Code] ASCII ESC % n Hexadecimal 1B 25 n Decimal 27 37 n [Dened Area] n=0,1,48,49 [Initial V alue] Cancel download character [Function] Species/cancelsdownloadcharacteraccordingtonvalue.
3-40 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-8 Bit Image Graphics ESC K n NUL d1 d2 … dn [Name] Standarddensitybitimage [Code] ASCII ESC K n NUL d1 d2 .
3-41 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC L n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk [Name] Doubledensitybitimage [Code] ASCII ESC L n1 n2 d1 d2 .. dk Hexadecimal 1B 4C n1 n2 d1 d2 .
3-42 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC m n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk m n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk m n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk [Name] 9/16/18bitimagegraphics [Code] ASCII ESC ^ m n1 n2 d1 d2 .. dk Hexadecimal 1B 5E m n1 n2 d1 d2 .. dk Decimal 27 94 m n1 n2 d1 d2 .
3-43 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 The following drawing shows the relationship of the print head needle wires and the data. 1.Whenm=0,1(9-dotbitimage) dn: 1 to 8 pin data dn + 1: 9 pin data 2.
3-44 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3.Whenm=4,5(18-dotbitimage) dn: 1 to 8 pin data dn + 1: 9 to 16 pin data dn +2: 17 to 18 pin data 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 13 15 .
3-45 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-9 Logo ESC FS q n [x1 1 x12 y1 1 y12 d1…dk]1…[xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1…dk] n [Name] Register logo [Code] ASCII ESC FS q n [x1 1 x12 y1 1 y12 d1 .. dk]1 .. [xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1 .. dk]n Hexadecimal 1B 1C 71 n [x1 1 x12 y1 1 y12 d1 .
3-46 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Relationships of logo and registered data xn = xn1 + xn2 x 256, yn = yn1 + yn2 x 256 Dataspecicationorder(exampleoftheabove) d.
3-47 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC FS p n m [Name] Print logo [Code] ASCII ESC FS p n m Hexadecimal 1B 1C 70 n m Decimal 27 28 1 12 n m [Dened Area] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 (When p.
3-48 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-1 1 Cutter Control ESC d n [Name] Paper cut instruction [Code] ASCII ESC d n Hexadecimal 1B 64 n Decimal 27 100 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n.
3-49 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-12 External Device Drive ESC BEL n1 n2 [Name] Set external drive device 1 pulse width [Code] ASCII ESC BEL n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 07 n1 n2 Decimal 2.
3-50 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 BEL [Name] External device 1 drive instruction [Code] ASCII BEL Hexadecimal 07 Decimal 7 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Executes the external device drive conditions set according to the ESC BEL (external device drive pulse width setting command).
3-51 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 SUB [Name] External device 2 drive instruction (real time) [Code] ASCII SUB Hexadecimal 1A Decimal 26 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Drivesexternaldevice2.Theenergizingtimeanddelaytimearexedat200mseach.
3-52 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS EM DC1 m n1 n2 [Name] Setexternalbuzzerdrivepulsecondition [Code] ASCII ESC GS EM DC1 m n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 1D 19 1 1 m n1 n2 D.
3-53 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS EM DC2 m n1 n2 [Name] Executeexternalbuzzerdrive [Code] ASCII ESC GS EM DC2 m n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 1D 19 12 m n1 n2 Decimal 27 29 25 1.
3-54 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-13 Status ENQ [Name] Inquire ENQ status [Code] ASCII ENQ Hexadecimal 05 Decimal 5 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Thiscommandiseffectiveonlywhenusinganinterfacecapableofbi-directionaldatacommunications.
3-55 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC ACK SOH [Name] Inquire status [Code] ASCII ESC ACK SOH Hexadecimal 1B 06 01 Decimal 27 6 1 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Thiscommandiseffectiveonlywhenusinganinterfacecapableofbi-directionaldatacommunications.
3-56 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ETB [Name] Update ETB status (check after printing) [Code] ASCII ETB Hexadecimal 17 Decimal 23 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] Spec.
3-57 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC RS E n [Name] Initialize ASB ETB counter , and ETB status. [Code] ASCII ESC RS E n Hexadecimal 1B 1E 45 n Decimal 27 30 69 n [Dened Area].
3-58 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-14 Kanji Characters (only on models that carry Kanji characters) ESC p [Name] SpecifyJISJapanesecharactermode(Japanesespecica.
3-59 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC $ n [Name] Specify/cancelJISJapanesecharactermode(Japanesespecicationsonly) [Code] ASCII ESC $ n Hexadecimal 1B 24 n De.
3-60 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC s n1 n2 [Name] SettwobyteKanjicharactersleft/rightspaces [Code] ASCII ESC s n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 73 n1 n2 Decimal 27 1 15 n1 n2 .
3-61 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC r c1 c2 [Name] Register Chinese download characters [Code] ASCII ESC r c1 c2 d1 .. dk Hexadecimal 1B 72 c1 c2 d1 .
3-62 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Theyaredesignedasshownbelowanddataissentsequentially . The font of Chinese download characters is composed of 16 x 16 dot patterns.
3-63 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC u 1 [Name] Specify 16 x 16 dot [single density] Kanji characters. [Code] ASCII ESC u 1 Or ESC u “1” Hexadecimal 1B 75 01 1B 75 31 Decimal 27 1 17 1 27 1 17 149 [Dened Area] --- [InitialV alue] Specifytwo-byte16x16dot(singledensity)Kanjicharacters.
3-64 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC x 1 [Name] SpecifytwobyteKanjicharacters(cancelexpandedKanjicharacters) [Code] ASCII ESC x 1 Or ESC x “1” Hexadecimal .
3-65 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC w 1 [Name] Specifytwo-byte16x16dotKanjicharacters[SingleDensity] (Default) [Code] ASCII ESC w 1 Or ESC w “1” Hexade.
3-66 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 <RelationshipofChineseCharacterSizeSelection> * See 5. Appendix 5-2 Expansion Position for details on.
3-67 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-3-15 Others RS [Name] Ringbuzzer [Code] ASCII RS Hexadecimal 1E Decimal 30 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Issuesashortbuzzersoundfromtheprinter .
3-68 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 DC3 [Name] Printer deselect [Code] ASCII DC3 Hexadecimal 13 Decimal 19 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] Select printer [Function] Deselects printer . All received data is discarded until the next DC1 (printer select) is received.
3-69 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC @ [Name] Command initialization [Code] ASCII ESC @ Hexadecimal 1B 40 Decimal 27 64 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Initializeseachcommandafterprintingdatainthelinebuffer .
3-70 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS # m N n1 n2 n3 n4 LF NUL [Name] Set memory switch [Code] ASCII ESC GS # m N n1 n2 n3 n4 LF NUL Hexadecimal 1B 1D 23 m N n1 n2 n3 n4 0A 00 Decim.
3-71 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC # N m n1 n2 n3 n4 LF NUL [Name] Set memory switch [Code] ASCII ESC # N m n1 n2 n3 n4 LF NUL Hexadecimal 1B 23 N m n1 n2 n3 n4 0A 00 Decimal 27 35 .
3-72 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC ? LF NUL [Name] Reset printer and execute self print [Code] ASCII ESC ? LF NUL Hexadecimal 1B 3F 0A 00 Decimal 27 63 10 0 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Hardware resets the printer and executes on self print.
3-73 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-4 Black Mark Related Commands TheStarblackmarkrelatedcommandsaretocontrolthetopofform(blackmark)functions. Thiscommandsareeffectiveonlywhenblackmarkfunctionisvalid.
3-74 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC d n [Name] Paper cut instruction [Code] ASCII ESC d n Hexadecimal 1B 64 n Decimal 27 100 n [Dened Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 3 48 ≤ n ≤5.
3-75 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 FF [Name] Performs T OF operation [Code] ASCII FF Hexadecimal 0C Decimal 12 [Dened Area] --- [Initial V alue] --- [Function] Thiscommandperformsthefollowingoperationsaftertheprinterprintstheprintingdatainthelinebuffer .
3-76 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC FF n1 n2 [Name] Settopofformamountafterdetectingblackmark [Code] ASCII ESC FF n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B 0C n1 n2 Decimal 27 12 .
3-77 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC GS ( F p1 p2 a m n1 n2 [Name] Settopofformamountinblackmarkcontrol [Code] ASCII ESC GS ( F p1 p2 a m n1 n2 Hexadecimal 1B .
3-78 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC RS m n [Name] Enable,disableblackmarkdetection [Code] ASCII ESC RS m n Hexadecimal 1B 1E 6D n Decimal 27 30 109 n [Dened Area].
3-79 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-5 USB Related Commands The following commands control USB interface functions..
3-80 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3-6 2-Color Printing Command Details ESC RS C n [Name] Select/cancel 2-color printing mode [Code] ASCII ESC RS C n Hexadecimal 1B 1E 43 n Decimal 27 3.
3-81 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 ESC 4 [Name] Specifywhite/blackinversionandredcolorprinting [Code] ASCII ESC 4 Hexadecimal 1B 34 Decimal 27 52 [Dened Area].
4-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 4. CHARACTER CODE T ABLE Seethecharactercodespecications.
5-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 5. APPENDIX 5-1 Status Specications Thisfunctioniseffectiveonlywhenusinganinterfacecapableofbi-directionaldatacommunications.
5-2 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 5-1-3 Automatic Status Autostatusis agroupof statesthatareautomatically returnedfromtheprinter tothehost whentheprinter ’ sstatushas changed.
5-3 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 2. Header 2 Header 2 is the 1 byte length information transmitted from the second byte of the auto status.The table below shows the composition of the Header 2.
5-4 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 3. Printer Status Printer status is the status of the printer sent from the 3 rd byteoftheautomaticstatus. Fortheprinterstatus,(thenumberofbytesaddedinHeader1minustwo)isreturned.
5-5 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 <Printerstatus4SensorInformation(SixthByte)> Bit Contents Status By model “0” “1” BD100 SP2000 BD500 SP500 SP7.
5-6 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 4. Cautions Do not use ENQ, EOT , ESC, ACK and SOH when auto status is valid.Invalidate the automatic status in advance using the DIPSW (memory switch) or the ESC RS a n command to query these.
5-7 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 5-1-4 Printer Status T ransmission Specication when using Ethernet and Wireless LAN Interfaces ThefollowingexplainstheprinterstatustransmissionspecicationwhenusingEthernetandwirelessLANinterfaces.
5-8 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 B. Classicationcharacter1(1Byte) Sends“:”(3AH). C. DataT ype(1byte) Indicatesthedatatypeoftheprinterstatus,andsends“B”(binarytype,42H).
5-9 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 5-2 Expansion Position 5-2-1 7 x 9 Fonts 5-2-2 5 x 9 (2P-1) Fonts 㩷 㩷 㩷 Head Pin No. Head Pin No. Normal Dot Normal 7 x 9 Double high 7 x 9 Bit Image Half Dot #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Head Pin No.
5-10 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 5-2-2 Japanese Character Fonts #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #1 Normal Dot Half Dot Head Pin No. #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #1 Head Pin No.
6-1 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 6. SPECIAL APPENDIX COMMAND LIST BY MODEL • Standard Commands Class Commands Model Name BD100 SP2000 BD500 SP500 SP700 Font Style and Character Set ESC GS t ○Spec.1 ○Spec.1 ○Spec.
6-2 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Class Commands Model Name BD100 SP2000 BD500 SP500 SP700 Horizontal ESC RS A - - - ○Spec.1 ○Spec.
6-3 ST ARCommandSpecications Rev . 0.70 Class Commands Model Name BD100 SP2000 BD500 SP500 SP700 Others RS ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ CAN ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ DC3 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ DC1 ○ ○ ○ .
200 8 . 0 1 . 1 0 Printed in Japan , 8087 4545 ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION ST AR MICRONICS CO., L TD. 53 6 Nanatsushinya, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka, 424-0066 Japan T el: (int+81)-54-347-01 12, Fax: (int+81)-54-347-0709 Please access the following URL ht t p: / /w w w.
デバイスStar Micronics Dot Impact Printerの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Star Micronics Dot Impact Printerをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはStar Micronics Dot Impact Printerの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Star Micronics Dot Impact Printerの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Star Micronics Dot Impact Printerで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Star Micronics Dot Impact Printerを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はStar Micronics Dot Impact Printerの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Star Micronics Dot Impact Printerに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちStar Micronics Dot Impact Printerデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。