Sun Microsystemsメーカー10の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Functio nalit ies Use Cases Best Practices Cookbooks Solari s 10 Container Guide - Funct iona lity status up t o Sola ris 10 10/ 09 and OpenS ola ris 20 09.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Table of conten ts Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................. ... ... .... .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 4.1.5 .1. Soft ware install ati on by the glob al zone – usage in all zones ............ ....................... ...................... ..............36 4.1.5 .2. Soft ware install ati on by the glob al zone – us age in a loc al zone .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 4.5. Management and monitoring .................................................................................................... ... .... .55 4.5.1. Using boot arguments in zones .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.2. Network .......................................................................................................................... .... ... ... .... ... .81 5.2.1. Change network configuration for shared IP instan ces .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Disclai mer Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Disclaime r Sun Microsyst ems GmbH does not offe r any guarantee regarding the completeness and accuracy of the information and examples contained in this document.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Disclai mer Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Versio n Conten ts Who Drawin gs 1 - 6 a s an imag e Detle f Drew anz 1.2 06/1 1/20 06 Gene ral chapt er v irtualiz ation Addi tio nal netw ork exa mples Detle f Drew anz, Ul rich Grä f 1.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 1. Intro ducti on Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 1. In troductio n [dd/ug] This guide is a bout Solaris Containers, how th ey work and h ow to use them. Although the original guide was developed in german [ 25 ], starting with version 3.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2. F unctiona lity 2.1. Solaris Cont ainers and Solaris Zones 2.1.1. Overview [ug] Solaris Zones is the term for a virtuali zed execution enviro nment – a virtualization at the operating system level (in contrast to HW virtualization).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Thus, a local zone is a Solaris environment t hat is separated fro m o ther zones and can be used indepen dently.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.1.2. Zones and softwa re instal latio n [dd] The respective requirements on local zones determine the manner in which sof tware is installed in zones. There are two ways of supplyi ng sof tware in zones: 1.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.1.5. Zones and resource ma nagement [ug] In S olaris 9 , resource management was introduced on the basis of projects, tasks and resource pools. In Solaris 10, resource management can be applie d to zones as well.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Memory resource management [ug] I n Solaris 10 (in an update of Solaris 9 as well), main memo ry consumption can be limited at the level of zones, projects and processes.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.1.7. Zones and hig h availabi lity [tf/d u/hs] In the presence o f all RAS capabilities, a zone has only the availabil ity of a computer and it decreases with the number of components of the machine (MTBF).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.1.9. Solaris contai ner c luster (aka "zone cluster") [hs] In autumn 2008, within the scope o f the O pen HA Cluster Project, zone clusters were announc ed.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2. Virtualiza tion tech nolo gies compare d [ug] Conve ntional data center technologies inclu de • A.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2.1. Domains/p hysica l parti tions [ug] A computer can be partitioned by configuration into sub-computers (domain, partition). Domains are almost completely physically separated since e lectrical connections are t urned o ff.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2.2. Logic al partitio ns [ug] A minimal operating system called the hypervisor, that virtualizes the interface between the hardware and the O S of a computer, runs on the compute r's hardware.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2.3. Containe rs (Sola ris zones) in an OS [ug] In an operating system installation, execution environments for a pplic ations and services are created that a re independ ent of each other.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2.4. Consol idati on i n o ne com puter [ug] The applications are installed on a computer and used under different userid. This is the type of consolid ation feasible with modern operating systems.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 2.2.5. Summary of virtual izatio n technol ogie s [ug] The virtualization technologies discussed above can be summarized in the following table – compared to installation on a separate computer.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 2. Funct ional ity Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 15 Figur e 6 : [dd] Com pari son of vi rtuali zat ion techno logi es HW OS App Lo gical virtuali sation .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3. Use Cases The following chapter discusses a variety of use cases for Solaris Containers and evaluates the m.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.2. Small web servers Requirement [ug] One of the following situations exists: • An In ternet Service Provider (ISP) would l ike to have the option to set u p web servers automatically, without additional costs.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.3. Mu lti- network consoli datio n Requirement [dd] A company uses several d ifferent networks t hat are separated either by firewalls or by routers. Applications are run in the individual networks.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.4. Mu lti- network monitoring Requirement [dd] A company has several diff erent networks that are separated into se veral levels either by firewalls or by routers.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.5. Mu lti- network backup Requirement [dd] A company has several different networks that are sepa rated in different stages either by firewalls or by routers.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.6. Con solidat ion dev elopmen t/test /inte gratio n/pro ducti on Requirement [ug] Usually, further systems.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.7. Con solidat ion of test systems Requirement [ug] To test software and applicati ons, there are many test systems in the data center environment that are only ever used fo r test s.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.8. Train ing systems Requirements [ug] In tra ining dep artments, computers that a re provided for trai ning participants (including pupils/students) must frequently be reset.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.9. Server conso lidati on Requirement [ug] In a data center, several applications run whose workload is t oo low (of ten much less than 50%). The computers themselves usually require a lot of electricity, cooling and space.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.10. Confide ntial ity of data and processes Requirement [ug] In the da ta center, appli cations are running on different computers because • Certain d epartments want to be certain that d ata a nd pr ocesses are not seen by other departments.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.11. Test systems f or develo pers Requirement [ug] Developers need test systems to te st their a pplic ation. Frequently, the interaction of several computers must be teste d as well.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.12. Solaris 8 a nd Solaris 9 cont ainers for dev elopment Requirement [ug] There are st ill system s runnin.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.13. Solaris 8 a nd Solaris 9 cont ainers as revision sy stems Requirement [ug] For legal reasons o r due to revision requests, it is necessary to have certain systems available for years under Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.14. Hosting f or several comp anies on one computer Requirement [ug] An application service p rovid er operates systems f or a variety of companies. The syste ms are underutili zed.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.15. SAP portals i n Solaris c ontain ers Requirement [da] The operation of SA P syste m environments is becoming more complex.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.16. Upgrade- and Patch- managemen t in a virtual enviro nment Requirement [da] Virtualization by means of Solaris Containers allows the application to be disengage d from the hardware.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.17. "Flying zo nes" – Service-oriented Solaris server infrastructur e Requirement [os] A highly.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 3. Use Cases Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 3.18. Solaris Con tainer Cluster (aka "zon e clus ter") Requirement [hs] • In a virtualized environment based on Solaris containers, the administrator of a zo ne should also be able to administer t he cluster part of the application in the zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4. Best P ractices The f ollow ing chapter describes concepts for the implementation of architectures with Solaris containers.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.3. Comparison between sparse-root zones and whol e-r oot zones [dd] From the considerations listed above, a comparison can be drawn between sparse-root zones and whole-ro ot zones.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.5. Software installa tions in Solaris and zones [dd] Th e zones' directory structure is determined main ly from t he need to install soft ware with special needs in this area.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Software instal lation by the gl obal zon e – usage in the gl obal zone • non-pkg software − Software A is installed by the global zone e .g.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.6. Storage concepts Storage for the ro ot file system of the local zones [ug] It is usually sufficient fo r several zones to share a file sys tem.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Root disk layout [dd] Depending on availabi lity requireme nts, root disks within a system are mirrored via internal disks or made avail able through a variet y of controllers and e xternal sto rage devices.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Opti ons for using ZFS in loca l zo nes [hes] Dependi ng on the manner of configuration of ZF S in zones, t here are different application options for ZFS in zones.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.7. Network concepts Intro ducti on i nto networ ks and zones [dd] A network address is not mandatory when configuring a zone. However, services within a zone can only be reached from th e outside through the network.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Exclusive IP instanc e [dd] With exclusive IP instances, an almost complete separation of t he network stacks between zones is achieved (from Solaris 10 8/07).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Zones an d lim itatio ns in the ne twork [dd] Zones have different limitations related to network configurations. The following table shows the differences separated by zone type and IP instance type .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.8. Additi onal de vices in zones Confi gurati on of devices [ug] In principle, a local zone uses no p hysical devices. To use n etwork interfaces exclusively in one zone, the zone has to be configured a s an exclusive IP zone ( 4.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.1.9. Separate name s ervices in zones [ug] Name services include among other things the hosts database and the userids ( passwd , shadow ) and are configured with the f ile /etc/nsswitch.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.2. Paradigms Paradigms are design rules for the construction of zones. Depending on the application, a d ecisi on must be made which one of them should be applied.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.2.3. One appli cation per zone [ug] Another paradigm is to a lways install one applicat ion per zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 administrator. With the software p roducts described here, t he requir ements with respect to visualiz ation and f lexibil ization of containers right up to disaster recovery concepts can be covered completely.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.2.5. Solaris Contai ner Cluster [hs] One of the essential properties of containers is the possibil ity to delegate ad min istrative t asks to the administrator or the user of one or more containers.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.3. Con figurati on and administrat ion 4.3.1. Manual con figurat ion o f zo nes w ith zonecf g [ug] The command zonecfg is used t o configure a zone; see the example in the Cookbook.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 As a g ener al rule, so me guidelin es are specified locally, for example: • Which file syst ems are to be inherited from the global zone ( in herit- pkg-dir ).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.4. Life cycle management 4.4.1. Patching a system with l ocal zones [dd/ug] In a Solaris system with native zones, the local zones always have the sa me patch status as in the global zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.4.3. Patching with up grade server [ug] A zone is tran sported from t he production computer to a so-called upgrade server ( zoneadm detach and zoneadm attach ) tha t has the same version as the production server.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.4.6. Re-installa tion a nd service prov ision ing instead of patchin g [dd] Pa tching o f zones can force zones into single user mode, when system patches are applied.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.4.8. Backup of zo nes w ith ZFS [ug] Starting with Solaris 10 10/08, zones o n ZFS are of ficially supported. This considerably simplifies the backup of zones.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.5.2. Consol idati ng l og inform ation o f zone s [dd] The u se o f zones as a runtime environment for services leads t o an increase in the number of operating system environments that are part of a n architecture.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.5.6. DTrace of processes with in a zone [dd/ug] DTrace can be u sed to examine processes in zones. To do so, DTrace scripts can be extended by the va riab le zonename in order to e.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.6. Reso urce managem ent 4.6.1. Types of resource management [dd] There are 3 differen t types of resource management in all: • Fair re sources: Here, all resources are distributed fairly a mong all requesters and according to the defined rules.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Fair share schedul er (FSS ) [ug] When multiple zones are running in one resource pool, then the distribution of CPU time among these zones is configurable.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.6.3. Limiti ng memory resources [ug] Memory usage by zone s is calculated almost exactly (since Solaris 10 8/07). This is done in the followi ng way: Fir st, the set of all memory segments of t he processes in the zone is determined.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Limit ing locked memory [ug] Real time programs and databases can establish the locking of virtual memory pages in the main memory. To do so, the programs require th e privilege ( proc_lock_memory ) which must be configured for the zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 4.7. Solaris contain er navi gator [dd] The following segment n avi gates through the considerations required p rior t o the applicati on o f Solaris containers.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 63 Figur e 2 9: [dd] Self -qual ificat ion of an applic atio n i n a contai ner A-3: Self-qualification .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 4. Best Pr actices Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 64 Figur e 3 0: [dd] Determ ini ng the confi gurat ion of a co ntain er B: Determini ng the c onfigurat .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5. Coo kbooks The Cookbooks chapter demonstrates the impl ementation of conceptional Best P ractices with concrete examples. 5.1. Ins tallatio n and config uratio n 5.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.2. Special commands for zones [dd/ug] The creation and usage of zones in Solaris 10 is done by the follo.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 The following commands allow information t o be displayed dependi ng on the zones: Command Descriptio n df(1.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.3. Root disk layout [dd] The f ollow ing t able gives an e xample for a root disk layout of a syste m with a local zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.4. Config urin g a s parse root zone: required Actions [dd] To change a sparse root zone into a whole root zone it is necessary t o re-install t he zone a fter change of the configuration.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.5. Config urin g a wh ole root zone : required Actions [dd] Whole root zones do not contain inherit-pkg-dir and are generated with zonecfg create from the default file /etc/zone/SUNWdefault.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.6. Zone instal latio n [dd] Be fore using a zone for th e first time it must be installed according to your configuration. The installation t ime varies dependi ng on whether a sparse-root zone or a whole-root zone is installed.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.8. Unins talling a zone [dd] Installed zones are uninstalled by zoneadm -z <zone> uninstall .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.10. Configu ration and instal lation of a Solari s 8/Sola ris 9 container [ug] Solaris 8 containers and Solaris 9 containers can be created using 4 simple steps.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.12. Storage withi n a zone [dd] Storage can be used in different ways in local zones.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 The glo bal zone mou nts a file system when the local zone is booted [dd] File systems can be provided to a local zone by the glob al zone not o nly as loopback filesystems.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 User level NFS server in a loca l zone [ug] The native NFS in the Solaris kernel can currently not be used as a server within a local zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 For dynamic configuration, t he device's majo r and minor numb er must b e determined. Th is information can be obtained with the ls command in the global zone .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Several zones share a fi le syste m [dd] The zone model makes it ve ry easy fo r several zones to share a writable file syst em.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.13. Configu ring a zone by command fi le or template [dd] Zones can be configured by using command files f or zonecfg or by the use of templates. This allows quick and automatic configuration of many zones avoiding errors.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.1.15. Accelerat ed automatic creation of zone s on a ZF S file system [bf/ug] If a zone is configured on a ZF S file system, it can be duplicated very quickly by u sing Z FS snapshots.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.2. Network 5.2.1. Change netwo rk co nfigur ation for shared IP instances [dd] For an already configured zone with a shared IP instance, it may be necessary to change the physical interface or t he network address.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.2.4. Change netwo rk co nfigur ation from shared IP instance to exclusive IP insta nce [dd] Zones that are a lready configured are ru n with sha red IP instances up to Solaris 10 11/06.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.2.6. IP filter be tween exclusive IP zone s on a system [dd] The usual configuration rules for IP filters must be followe d for the use of IP filters in exclusive IP zones.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones i n se parate network segments usi ng the shared IP instance [dd/ug] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in sepa rated network segments and provide services for these network segments.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones i n se parate network segments usi ng exclusiv e IP instances [dd/ug] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in sepa rated network segments and provide services for these network segments.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones i n se parate networks using the shared IP instance [dd/ug] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in separated networks and provide services for other networks.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones i n se parate networks using exclusi ve IP insta nces [dd] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in separated networks and provide services for other networks.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones co nnected to inde pendent customer netw orks usi ng the shared IP instance [dd/ug] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in separated networks and provide services for a va riety of customers in their own networks.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 89 Figur e 36: [dd] Zones connec ted to i ndepe nde nt custom er networ ks using the share d I P instan ce bge0 - bge1 - 0.0.0. 0 bge2 - 0.0.0. 0 reject route 192.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Zones co nnected to inde pendent customer netw orks usi ng exclusi ve IP instance s [dd/ug] Two local zones, zone1 and zone2, are located in separated networks and provide services for a va riety of customers in their own networks.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Connect ion o f zo nes v ia external route rs usin g the shared IP instanc e [dd/ug] A web server in zone1 is contacted from the internet and needs the applicati on server in zone2 to fulfill t he orders.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 • In order to avoid communication between the local zones through the shared TCP /IP stack, reject routes must be set in th e global zone that prevent communication between the IP addresses of the two zones (or the use of ipfilter).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Connect ion o f zo nes thr ough an external load bala ncing router usi ng exclusive IP instances [dd/ug] A web server in zone1 is contacted from the internet and needs the applicati on server in zone2 to fulfill t he orders.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 94 bge0 - ip t ype: s hared Global Zone bge3 - bge1 - Def router - ip ty pe: ex clus ive Zone 1 192.168.1.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3. Life cycle management 5.3.1. Bootin g a zone [dd] zoneadm -z <zone> boot st arts up a zone, mounts the file systems , initializes th e network interface s, sets the resource controls and star ts the service manager of the zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Alternatively, se t the b oot arguments permanently in a zone configuration: global# zonecfg -z keetonga zon.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.4. Software installa tion w ith prov isioni ng system [ug] The N1 SPS software can provision software in zones as well. The requirements are: • A writable directly where the software can be installed.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.6. Zone migrati on wi thin a system [ug] Let us assume that a zone named " test" is to be moved to another directory. Currently, this zone is located on /export /home/zone/test (zonepath).
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.7. Duplic ating zones with zone adm c lone [ug] Zone installation can b e accelerated with zoneadm ... clone . In t his example, a zone named test is already configured and installe d.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Now, zone test1 is configured in exactly the same way as zone test but has its own zonepath .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.8. Duplic ating zones with zone adm de tach/attach and zfs c lone [ug] First , the zone " test" is moved to its own ZFS file system. The file syste m must only be available from root otherwise an error message will appear.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.9. Moving a zone betwee n a sun4u and a su n4v system [ug] Currently, two architectures with SPARC- processors a re available from Sun Microsystems that are both supported by Solaris 10.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Next, the zone is to be transported to a sun4v system named bashful . To do so, the contents and the configuration are saved: root@tiger [23] # cd /zone root@tiger [23] # tar cEvf u0.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.3.10. Shutti ng dow n a zone [dd] Zones can be shut down fro m the local zone itself o r fro m the global zone. Depending on which option is used, running services a re either completed or simply stopped.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 The BE is now available e.g. under /.alt.s10- 807+1. Next, the boot archive of this BE is updated and the BE is unmounted again. bootadm update-archive -R /.alt.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.4. Man agement and monit oring 5.4.1. DTrace in a local zo ne [dd] Since Solaris 10 11/06, DTrace can be applied within local zones to processes of this zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.5. Reso urce managem ent 5.5.1. Limiti ng the /tmp- size w ithin a zone [dd] In many cases, /tmp is used as tmpfs in swap. This leads to the swap area being shared by all zones b y /tmp in each zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.5.4. Fair s hare scheduler [ug] The ratio of CPU usage between zones or projects can be set. This is impleme nted by he so-called fair share sch eduler . CPU shares are allocated as follows: • For zones, by using add rctl and the attribute zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 created with poolcfg and pooladm . 5.5.9. Dynamic resource pool s f or zones [dd] As already described in Dynamic resource pools , dynamic resource p ools can very easily be used for zones since Solaris 10 8/07.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 5.5.10. Limitin g the physica l main memory co nsumpti on of a project [dd] To limit the physical main memory of a p roj ect, the resource capping daemon rcapd(1M) can be used.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 5. Cookboo ks Effect ive: 3 0/11 /200 9 Settings for swap (= virtual memory), locked memory and other resource controls of a zone can be queried at runtime with prctl -i zone <zone> . global # prctl -i zone zone1 zone: 22: zone1 NAME PRIVILEGE VALUE FLAG ACTION RECIPIENT zone.
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 Sup plem ent Effective: 30/ 11/ 2009 Supp lemen t A. Solaris Containe r in OpenSolaris A.1. OpenS olari s – ge neral [dd] In 2005, Sun Microsyste ms starte d OpenSolaris as an OpenSource project in order to support and advance the developer community a round Solaris ( http:/ /www .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 A. S olaris Conta iner i n Ope nSola ris Eff ective: 30/ 11/ 2009 A.1. Cookbo ok: Confi guri ng an ipkg zo ne The configuration of the zone is done as usual with zonecfg(1M) .
Version 3.1 -en S olaris 10 Contai ner Gui de - 3.1 B. R eferen ces Effe ctive: 30/1 1/20 09 B. Reference s [1] Jeff Vict or, "So laris C ontain ers T echnol ogy Archite cture Guide ", Sun B luepri nt, May 2006, http:/ /www
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