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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENE RAL INFORMA TION ..... ............. ........... ............. ............. ............. ....... 6 1.1 CHECKLIST ................................................................................ ................. 6 1.2 CARE AND MAINTENANCE .
3 3.3.4 Alti/Baro data display ....................................................................... 27 3.3.5 Reference altitude ............................................................................ 28 3.3.6 Barometric Memory ................
4 4.1 MONT BLANC CLIMBING ..................................... .................................... 60 4.1.1 Arrival and initial preparations ......................................................... 60 4.1.2 First hiking day .. .....................
5 12. LOCAL GRID LIST ............ .............. ............. .......... ............. ............. ........ 89 13. GLOSSARY ..... ............. ........... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. 9 0 14. DISCLAIME RS .
6 1. GENERAL INFORMATION The Suunto X9i wristop computer is a reli able high-precision el ectronic instrument intended for recreational use. Suunto X9 i should not be substituted for obtain ing measurements that require profes sional or industrial precision.
7 1.3. WATER RESISTANCE Suunto X9i is water resistant. Its water resistance is tested to 100m/3 30ft according to ISO 2281 standard (ww This means that you can use the Suunto X9i for swimming or other water sports activities but it should not be used for scuba diving or freediving.
8 Charging the battery with a mains charger To charge the battery with a mains charger: 1. Plug the charger in to the mains outlet and attach its data clip firmly to your Suunto X9i. 2. When the battery level indicator is full, di sconnect the charger from th e mains outlet.
9 The battery level indicator displays an estimate of the remaining battery level. The indicator value is obtained by referencing the current power consumption against the measured discharge state of the battery. The current power consumption varies depending on the function used.
10 Navigation method Activity status ST ART/DA T A Mode indicator STOP/BACK Battery level UP DOWN ENTER Altitude alarm Weather alarm T ime alarm GPS signal.
12 The menus are organized hierarchically under the modes. When you select a mode with UP/DOWN, first the name of the mode is displayed, then its main display opens. When you scroll from one mode to another qui ckly, only the names of the modes are displayed.
13 3. MODES 3.1. GENERAL INFORMATION Suunto X9i has five different modes: Ti me, Alti/Baro, Compass, N avigation and Activity. You can switch between the modes with UP/DOWN. Each mode has several sub-modes. The mode indicator on the left side of the display indicates the active mode.
14 3.2.2. Stopwatch To use the stopwatch: 1.Select the stopwatch shortcut with STOP/BACK. 2.Press START/DATA to start the stopwatch. If you want to record a split time, press STAR T/DAT A again. The split time stays on the display for three (3) seconds.
15 The current time is displayed on the bottom row for r eference. 4. Set the correct hour with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The minute selection is activated. 5. Set the correct minutes with U P/DOWN and press ENTER. The alar m is now set and you return to the Alarm menu .
16 3.2.4. Time/Date The current time is visible on the sec ond row of the Time mode's main display. The dual time enables you to keep track of another time, for example, another time zone while traveling. The dual time can be di splayed as a shortcut on the third row of the Time mode's main display.
17 Sync When the Sync setting is on, Suunto X9i sych ronizes the current time from the satellite signal every time the GPS is activated. You wi ll also have to set the correct UTC Offset for your time zone. If Sync is off, the manually set time is not automatically updated.
18 3.2.5. Units The Units menu includes the unit and format settings used with all the Suunto X9i functions. They have an effect on how the in formation is displayed in all the mode s. Setting the time format The time format setting defines whet her the 12h or 24h format is used.
19 Setting the temperatu re unit The Temp setting defines the unit in which the temperature is displayed. The options are Celsius (°C) and Fahre nheit (°F). To change the temperature unit: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Un its and press ENTER. The Units menu is displayed.
20 Setting the vertical speed u nit The Vert setting defines the unit that the altimeter uses. The options are meters per minute (m/min), meters per hour (m/h), feet per minute (ft/min) and feet per hour (ft/h). To change the vertical speed unit: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.
21 Setting the datum The Datum setting defines the map datum you use. (For more information on different datums and their corr esponding numbers, see the GPS Datum List appendix.) To set the datum: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Un its and press ENTER.
22 To set the position format: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER. The Units menu is displayed. 2. Scroll to Position and press ENTER. 3. Select the desired format with U P/DOWN and press ENTER. The position format is now set. The following table shows you the possible position formats and whether they use a datum or a grid.
23 3.2.7. General The General menu contains several general settings for your Suunto X9i. Setting the light With the Light setting you can adjust the ba cklight of the Suunto X9i display.
24 Setting the contrast This setting adjusts the contrast of the Suunto X9i display. The contrast is measured on a scale of 1 (minimum) to 9 (maximum). The maximum contrast setting consumes more power than the minimum setting. To change the contrast: 1.
25 3.3. ALTI/BARO MODE The Alti/Baro mode is used for measuring altitude, ba rometric pressure and temperature. Suunto X9i calculates the altitu de from the current barometric pres sure, which is more sensitive and accurate than the altitude measurement with the GPS, and is also available when the GPS is off.
26 To change the Use setting: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Use and press ENTER. The Alti/ Baro field is activated. 2.Sel ect alti or baro with UP/DOWN and press ENTER . 3.Press STOP/BACK to return to the main display. 3.3.2.Alti use When you select Alti, the following main display opens.
27 3.3.3. Baro use When you select Baro, the following main display opens. It has three rows: Sea level barometric pressure: The first row displays the barometric pressure at sea level in the unit of your choice.
28 3.3.5. Reference altitude To ensure that the altimeter shows co rrect readings, you first need to set an accurate reference altitude. To do this, go to a location whose altitude you have checked, for example, with the help of a topographical map, and set the reference altitude to match the map reading .
29 3.3.6. Barometric Memory The Baro mem function stores weather-related infor mation (sea level barometric pressure) f rom the last 7 days/168 hours. To view the weather information: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Baro mem with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
30 To activate or deactivate the weather alarm: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Alarm with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The Alarm menu opens. 2. Sc roll to Baro Al with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The On/Off field is activated. 3.Change the field to either On or Off with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
31 3.4. COMPASS MODE The compass mode aids the GPS functions and offers you navigational support even when the GPS is off. In the Compass menu you can set the declination and calibrate the compass to ensure accurate readings in any location. 3.4.1. Main display When you select the Compass mode, the main display opens.
32 Bearing (bea): I f you are navigating a route from the Navigation menu, the third shortcut displays the bea ring to the next waypoint. If you have not activat ed a route and the GPS is on, the shortcut displays the bearing to the start position (where the GPS or an activity w as switched on).
33 2. Hold your Suunto X9i horizontally level a nd rotate it 360 degrees in th e direction of the arrows for 30 seconds. If the calibrat ion succeeds, the message ‘COMPLETE’ is displayed. If it does not succe ed, the message ‘FAILED’ is displayed.
34 Setting the compass de clination manually To set the compass declination manually: 1.In the Set menu, Declination is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it. The On/Off/Auto field is a ctivated. 2.Sel ect On with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. The direction field is activated.
35 3.5.1. Using the Navigation mode This section contains a brief guide on how to use the Navigation mode. You can find more detailed instructions in the sections below. To use the Navigation mode: 1. Create a route either on Suunto X9i or using Suunto Trek Manager and transfer it to Suunto X9i (section 3.
36 Waypoint: When Navigate is on, the first row displays the name and number of the navigated wa ypoint. If Navigate is off, it displays the position where the GPS was first activate d (this point is named START). Distance to waypoint: When the GPS is on, the second row displays the distance to the next waypoint.
37 3.5.3. Creating a route Suunto X9i does not include any factory-set routes. So, to be able to use the route function, you first need to create a rou te. You can store up to 50 routes in the memory. Each route can include 50 waypoints, ten of which can be alarm p oints.
38 Creating a new waypoint to a rou te by entering the coordinates With this function you can add new way points to previously cre ated routes. To create a new waypoint: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Route and press ENTER. The route list is displayed. 2.
39 5. Choose the order number a nd the name of the new waypoint, and add the bear ing and the distance from the prev iously selected way point . 6. Press STOP/BACK if you want to return to the waypoint list without accepting changes. 7. Long press ENTER to accept the cha nges and return to the main display.
40 The symbol options are: You will navigate from the beginning or th e active waypoint to the end of the route. When you arrive at the waypoint, Suunt o X9i will automatically activate the next waypoint. You will navigate in the r eversed order, fr om the end or fr om the active waypoint to the beginning of the route.
41 Viewing waypoints To view waypoints: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Route and press ENTER. The route list is displayed. 2. Select a route with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. A list of waypoints is displayed. 3. Select a waypoint with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
42 MyPoints The MyPoints function stores up to 50 indi vidual waypoints (10 of wh ich can be alarm points) that are not affixed to a route in the Suunto X9i memory. To navigate to a MyPoints wp: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Route and press ENTER. The route list is displayed.
43 3.5.5. Editing routes and waypoin ts You can edit the routes and waypoints you have creat ed and erase those that you no longer need. Editing waypoints To edit a waypoint: 1. In the Set menu, scroll to Route and press ENTER. The route list is displayed.
44 When the EPE = 1m and GPS signal strengt h indicator shows 5 bars, th e location is updated automatically. You can also accept a lower accuracy by pressing ENTER. Erasing a rout e To erase a route: 1.In the Set menu, scroll to Route and press ENTER.
45 3.5.6. Navigation data displays All navigation data displays show you info rmation reg arding the selected route and its waypoints. The amount of data you rece ive depends on your selections. You cannot use this function before you have activated a r oute.
46 Route summary The summary displays the n ame and total length of the route, the number of waypoints and the total ascent. Waypoint da ta pages These pages display the name of the waypoint, distance, bearing and altitude difference. The method how the information is displayed depends on the selected navigation method.
47 NOTE: If you are currently navi gating, and approach the next point, this waypoint data page di splays the distance an d time to that point. Navigat ion methods and the Track back function After you have selected a route and pressed START/DATA, you can only see the summary page.
48 Cross Track Error (xte): This is the short est distance from your current location to the straight line connecting the waypoints of the route. Speed (spd): Displays the speed in the unit of your choice. Heading (hea): Displays the heading in degrees.
49 3.6. ACTIVITY MODE While the Navigation mode shows you where to go, the Activity mode displays your current performance. It is the mode you need when you want to measure an d record your activity, be it running in your neighborho od or navigating in the wilderness.
50 3.6.2.Activity The Activity function records data from a track. To use the Activity function: 1.In the Set menu, Activity is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it. The symbol field is activated. 2.Choose the desired activity symbol with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
51 3.6.3. GPS fix The selected GPS fix interval determines how often your Suunto X9i establishes a satellite connection and how often it stores data in the memory. This in turn affects the battery life. To select a GPS fix: 1. In the Set menu, select GPS fix with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
52 NOTE: If you want to only record the altitude profile of your activity without GPS positioning, set the GPS fix interval to Manual and sta rt the activity. 3.6.4. Memory The Memory function displays the amount of free memory and the list of log files.
53 Viewing log files To view a log file: 1. View is displayed in reversed color. Press ENTER to select it. You can scroll the log information pages with UP/DOWN.
54 3.6.5. Track back (track log) You can use the Activity mode’s Track Back function to navigate along any track log file found in the memory. Suunto X9i will guide you to the nearest waypoint and from there to the starting location, or to the finish if you so choose.
55 3.6.6. Activity data display The Activity data display shows you the info rmation summary for the current activity or in case you do not have a current one, the latest activity. To activate the display, press START/DATA in the Activity mode’s main disp lay.
56 3.7. FUNCTION MENU To enter the Function menu, lo ng press ENTER in any of the main displays. The Function menu opens and the follow ing functions are available. 3.7.1. GPS The GPS function allows you to turn the GPS on or off. To turn the GPS on or off: 1.
57 3.7.3. Mark Home With Mark Home function you can store a posit ion where you wish to return. After storing the position, you can start search ing for it with t he Find Home function. To store a position: 1. In the Function menu, scroll to Mark Home and press ENTER.
58 The Find Home display shows the following information: Heading: The sighting marks appear on the u pper corner of the display and the circular bearing indicator app ears on the outer rim of the display. When the bearing indicator is inside the sighting marks, you are moving in the direction of the set bearing.
59 To view the Find Home data display: 1. In the Find Home display, press START/DATA to enter the Find Home Data display. There you can see the recording time on the upper row and the coordinates and the bearing on the lower rows. 2. Press STOP/BACK to exit the Find Home Data display.
60 4. SUUNTO X9i IN ACTION 4.1. MONT BLANC CLIMBING In this chapter you will follow an American mountaineer on his independent two-day trip to the summit of Mont Blanc along the G outer route.
61 4.1.2. First hiking day While starting to hike, he sets the GPS fi x to 1 sec in the Activity mode and selects as the Activity option. He chooses t he 1 sec option because he wants the GPS to update the information as often as possible.
62 As he enjoys the beautiful scenery on his hike towards Glacier de Tete Rousse, he also notices that clouds ar e dispersing from the sky, which gives him a reason to suspect that the barometric pressure has changed.
63 4.1.3. Second hiking day Right on time, Mike wakes up to a beeping sound, shut s down the alarm with a press of a button, and checks the Baro mode. He is happy to notice that the barometric pressure is on the rise, which augurs good weather.
64 4.2. CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING This section describes a typical way to use y our Suunto X9i in such sports activities as running or cycling, where speed and distanc e infor mation is needed more often than navigation. Early Sunday morning, Roger R unner wakes up to the beep of his Suun to X9i.
65 5. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) Suunto X9i uses Global Positioning System (G PS) in determining the user's position . GPS incorporates a set of satellites that or bit the Earth at the altitude of 20 000 km at the speed of 4 km/s.
66 If possible, stay clear from people, tr ees or other dense vegetation when activa ting the GPS. They can cause problems to the si gnal reception. If you are in a forest, try to find an open or scarcely wooded ar ea before activating the GPS.
67 the receiver more quickly, typ ically in 90 seconds, if yo u turned it off in between. Some downloaded data remains valid for several weeks, and subsequent GPS starts will take less time. STRIVE FOR IDEAL ACCURACY CONDITION S Under all-in-view satellite conditions a glob al average horizontal pos itioning error is 7.
68 6. SUUNTO TREK MANAGER Suunto Trek Manager (STM) is a software designed to enhance the functionality of your Suunto X9i. You can use it to perform va rious tasks such as transferring routes or waypoints stored in the Suunto X9i memory. When you have transferred the data, you can easily organize, view and add related information in it.
69 6.4. SUUNTO TREK MANAGER FEATURES The Suunto Trek Manager display is di vided into six separate windows. These windows are shown in the figure below and thei r functions are briefly introduced in th e following sections. (For more detailed instructions, see Suunto Trek Manager Help.
70 6.4.1. X9i window (1) The toolbar on the top of the X9i window contains four icons: • Connect to X9i: With this icon you can create the connection between your Suunto X9i and STM. • Download sele cted item(s) to folder: With this icon you can transfer data from Suunto X9i to STM.
71 6.4.2. Local Data window (2) The toolbar on the top of the Local Data window contains five normal icons and a menu icon: •D r a w / F o c u s : With this icon you can draw rout es on the map. When you hold your left mouse button you can also scroll the map with your mouse.
72 When you click the menu icon on the right si de of the toolbar, the following menu opens. The availability of the menu function s depends o n the selected file or folder. Draw: Explained along with the other icons of the Local Data window. •Add map: Add a map in the selected folder.
73 6.4.3. Map window (3) The toolbar on the top of the Map w i ndow a variable number of icons depending on your selections: • 2D / 3D view: With this icon you can display the routes either in 2 D or 3D format • Create route and add points from map: Click on this icon to create a new route.
74 6.4.4. Profiles window (4) In this window you can view your altitu de profiles and exa ct speed details as graphs. The toolbar on the top of the Profiles window con tains three icons: Time: With this icon you can view t he information by time periods.
75 7. SUUNTO TRACK EXPORTER Suunto Track Exporter is an application used fo r exporting track logs from your Suunto X9i to the Google Earth mapping service. Yo u can then view your tracks on the Google Earth satellite imagery and maps. For expor ting logs to Google Ear th you must have the Google Earth applicati on installed on your PC.
76 Google Earth. 4. Select the track log you want to export to Google Earth and click the Export to button. A preview of the selected track is shown on the watch display in the Suunto Track Exporter application window. NOTE: a track preview is not available on the device.
77 9. SUUNTOSPORTS.COM is an Internet community fo r all Suunto sports instrume nt users. It is a service that adds a new dimension to your sport and to the way in wh ich you use your sports instrument.
78 9.2. SECTIONS includes three sections for di fferent levels of pr ivacy. My Suunto is your personal area that other users do not have access to, Communities inclu des functions for groups, and Sports Forums contain information th at members have published for all SuuntoSports vi sitors.
79 published in a community is only visibl e to the members of the community. Communities can be either open or closed. To participate in the acti vities of a closed community, you first have to be invited or you have to apply for membership and be accepted.
80 10. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General • Operating Temperature -20 °C to +60 °C/-5 °F to +140 °F • Storage Temperature -30 °C to +60 ° C/-22 °F to +140 °F • Weight 76 g • Water-resist.
81 11. GPS DATUM LIST Suunto X9i offers the use of seve ral differ ent GPS datums that can be activated with the Suunto Trek Manager software with the help of the PC interface. Here is the list of available GPS datums and the number co d es used in the activation process For information about activating GPS dat ums, refer to Suunto Trek Manager.
82 025 EUR-T Tunisia 026 LEH Ghana 027 LIB Liberia 028 MAS Eritrea 029 MER Morocco 030 MIN-A Cameroon 031 MIN-B Nigeria 032 MPO Gabon 033 NSD Algeria 034 OEG Old Egypt 035 PTB Mean Solution (Burkina F.
83 057 NAH-B United Arab Emirates 058 NAH-C Saudi Ar abia 059 FAH Oman 060 QAT Qatar 061 SOA Singapore 062 TIL Brunei and East Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah) 063 TOY-M Mean Solution (Japan, Okinawa and .
84 088 OGB-D Wales 089 MOD Sardinia 090 SPK-A Hungary 091 SPK-B Poland 092 SPK-C Czechoslovakia 093 SPK-D Latvia 094 SPK-E Kazakhstan 095 SPK-F Albania 096 SPK-G Romania 097 CCD Czechoslovakia 098 CAC.
85 120 NAR-E Aleutian Islan ds 121 NAR-B Canada 122 NAR-C CONUS 123 NAR-H Hawaii 124 NAR-D Mexico and Central America 125 BOO Columbia 126 CAI Argentina 127 CHU Paraguay 128 COA Brazil 129 PRP-M Mean .
86 151 SAN-L Venezuela 152 ZAN Sur iname 153 AIA Antigua, Leeward Islands 154 ASC Ascension Island 155 SHB St. Helena Island 156 BER Bermuda Islands 157 DID Deception Island, Antarctica 158 FOT Nevis, St.
87 183 IBE Efate and Erromango Islands 184 CAO Phoenix Islan ds 185 CHI Chatham Isla nds (New Zealand) 186 GIZ Gizo Island (New Georgia Islands) 187 EAS Easter Islands 188 GEO New Zealand 189 GUA Guam 190 DOB Guadalcanal Island 191 JOH Johnston Island 192 KUS Caroline Islands, Fed.
88 215 VOI Tunisia/Algeria 216 VOI-2 Tunisia/Algeria 217 YAC Uruguay 218 RT90 Sweden 254 KKJ Kartta Koordinaatisto Järjestelmä, Finland 255 WGS84 Global WGS84 coordinate syst em (This is the default datum and the most widely used degree-based coordinate system.
89 12. LOCAL GRID LIST Suunto X9i offers the use of several different local grids that can be activated with the Suunto Trek Manager software with the help of the PC interface. H ere is the list of available local grids and the number codes used in th e activation process.
90 13. GLOSSARY Alarm point Position coordinates of a specific point on a route or in the MyPoints function that you can use, for example, to warn you about rocks and other hazards. Altitude difference ( dif) Altitude difference between your curre nt position and the next waypoint in the unit of your choice.
91 Heading (hea) Compass direction on the present course. Latitude Angular distance North or South of the Equator. Longitude Angular distance West or East of the prime meridian. Navigation Traveling between two locations on a route with knowledge of the current position in relation to the route.
92 14. DISCLAIMERS 14.1. USER’S RESPONSIBILITY Do not use Suunto X9i as the only navigat ion aid. Use all avai lable navigation aids such as charts, compass, visual sightings etc. and compare them with the Suunto X9i navigation information. Make sure all conflicting infor mation is resolved before continuing with navigation.
93 occur during normal use while in the period of the warranty. It does not cover battery, battery replacem ent, da mage or failures resulting from accident, misuse, neglect, misha ndling, alteration .
94 installed or used in accordance with the inst ructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. There is no guarantee that inter ference will not occur in a particular instance. If this eq uipment does cause harmfu l interference to other equipment, try to correct the problem by relocating the equipment.
COPYRIGHT This publication and its contents are propriet ary to Suunto Oy . Suunto, Wristop Computer , Suunto X9i, Replacing Luck and their logos are registered or unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy .
Suunto Oy 6/2004, 8/2005, 10/2005, 4/2006, 12/2006.
デバイスSuunto X9iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Suunto X9iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSuunto X9iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Suunto X9iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Suunto X9iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Suunto X9iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSuunto X9iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Suunto X9iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSuunto X9iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。