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Quick Inst allation Guide Adaptive Server Enterpr ise 12.5.x Mac OS X.
DOCUMENT ID: 39123-01-12 50-01 LAST REVISED: Se ptember 20 02 Copyright © 19 89-2002 by Sybase, I nc. All righ ts reserved. This publicatio n pertai ns to Sybase sof tware and to any sub sequent relea se until othe rwise indica ted in new e ditions or technic al not es.
Content s iii About This B ook ................................................................................................................ ............ v CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptive S erver ............ ............. ................... .......
Contents iv Sybase subagent..................................................................... 29 MIB files................................................................................... 29 Configuring trap generation from Adaptive Server ......
v About This Book This guide, Installation Guide Syba se Adap tive Ser ver En terprise, provi des : • An over view of th e Sybase® A daptive Ser ver™ Enterprise installation infras tructure • I.
vi • T ransact-SQL User ’ s Guide – do cuments T ransact-SQL, S ybase’ s enhanced vers ion of the rel ational dat abase la nguage. This manual ser ves as a textb ook for beg inning users of the database manag ement system. This manual also contains descri ptions of the pubs2 and pubs 3 samp le datab ases .
About This Book vii • Using Sybase Failo ver in a High A vailability System – provid e s instruction s for usin g Sybase’ s Failover to confi gur e an Adapti ve Server as a companion server in a high availability system.
viii • The T echnical Libr ary Product Manuals W eb site is an HTML v ersion of the T echnical Library CD that yo u can access us ing a standard W eb browser .
About This Book ix Conventions The f ollowing style conventions are us ed in this manual: • In a sample screen display , commands you should enter exactly as shown are given in: this font • In a s.
1 CHAPTER 1 Inst alling Adaptive Server This documentation describes the step s to install Adaptive Server on Mac OS X, and con tains brief descri ptions o f some of the content of t h is release. This release is sup ported via a newsgr oup, as well as throu gh the terms in your pur chase agreement.
Preinstallation system setup 2 • master de vice p ath nam e – /Applications/Sybase/Sys tem/devices/master .dat • master device size – 10 0MB • sybsystempro cs device pathname – /Applications/Sybase/Sys tem/devices/sybprocs.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 3 • Click localh ost under the machines director y . • Choose Duplicate. • Click on loca lhost copy under values and chan ge it to your machine’ s name.
Installation 4 3 Usi ng a bro wser , go to the W eb site and do wnl oad the di sk i mag e to yo ur desktop. For some browsers , downloading a disk image also caus es the disk image to be mounted automatically . If this does not happen with your browser w hen the downl o ad i s co mple te, do uble-click on the disk i mage.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 5 Figure 1-1: In tr oduction page 2 Y ou see the Read M e notes, whi ch you can print , save, or read by using t he scroll bar on the rig h t. These notes are important, and Sybase reco mmends that you mak e a hard co py of th ese notes by clicking t he Print button.
Installation 6 Figure 1-3: Software license agreement 4 T o continue with the installation, click Agr ee to accept the terms of the license agreement. If you select Disagree, t he installer reverts to the previo us window .
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 7 Figure 1-5 : Select a destination 6 Click Install to pro ceed. If you try to install this pack ag e a second time, this button changes to Up grade.
Installation 8 Figure 1-6: Easy install 7 The insta l l er n ow per fo rms a se ries o f task s, incl udin g so me preinstallation checks and writing files to th e selected disk volume.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 9 Figure 1-8: Proc essing databases a nd stored procedures 9 Y ou are finished. Sybase Adaptive Serv er Enterpris e is now ready for your use. Click on Close, and the inst aller exits. A record of the installation has been saved in /Library/Receipts /Syba se_ASE_12502.
Installation on X serve 10 Figure 1-9: Finishing the ins tallation Inst allation o n Xserve T o install Adaptive Server on Xserve running in a “headless” mode (without a monitor ,) you have two options: • Use the command line in staller . Place the disk image containi ng the installation package on a disk volume accessible to Xserve.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 11 Release conten t s This distributio n is provided with a Developer ’ s Edition license that enables single-CPU operation, and restricts the number of concurrent users to 25. All other available features are au tomatica lly en abled, and there is no expiration period.
Post-installation tas k s 12 • Backup Server • XP Server • ODBC driver from Open Link Software, Inc. Features not yet availabl e Some of the JAdaptive Serve r features provided fo r other UNIX p.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 13 • V iewin g servers runn ing on y our network • V erifying that you can co nnect to servers • Connecting to Adaptiv e Se rver via Sybase Central • Set.
Entering license key s 14 Figure 1-10 : License Entry icon 2 Y ou are asked w hether y ou have a Sy base Software Asse t Management Certificate. Y ou should have the printed certificate(s) in front of yo u.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 15 Figure 1-1 2: License key entry screen 4 Y ou are asked whether or not you a hve ad ditional license certificates to enter . Y ou will have additional certificates if you purchased any optional features. If you h ave additional certificates click Y es and repeat the previous step to enter the in formatio n.
Environment variables 16 Figure 1-13 : Network license ma nager If you are u sing a network license host to server as a central point to check licenses out, ente r the machin e name and port numb er for the Network License Manager licen se daemon. Th e default port num ber is 29722.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 17 Viewing servers tha t are running o n your network Adaptive Server , along with its associ ated Backu p Server and XP Server , registers with the n etwork using Rendezv ous technology , s o that any Rendezvous client can discover what servi ces are available.
Verifying that you can connect to servers 18 Figure 1-15: Serv er Discove ry text file Y ou can use its Config uratio n menu item to automatically update the Sy base interfaces file fo r those servers that you have hig hlighted in the window .
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 19 Figure 1-16: j ISQL icon Attempt to connect when y ou see the login s creen: In t he lo gin w ind ow , e n t e r: • Username – sa • Password – l eave .
Verifying that you can connect to servers 20 Figure 1-17: jISQL login screen If you can connect successful, yo u see a window that looks like this: Figure 1-18 : Post-connection scree n If you see an erro r mes sage instead of this window , use the Process V iewer or Server Discovery to determine whether or not th e ser ver is actually running.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 21 Connectin g to Adaptive Server via Sybase Cen tral Sybase Central pr ovides a graphical user interface fo r Adaptive Server admini stra tive task s. Syb ase Ce ntra l displa ys a hierarchical list of all servers in the left pane an d a details lis t of the s elected server in the right pan e.
Starting and stopping Adapti ve Server 22 sp_password null, new_password where null is the default password and new_pa sswor d is the password that you are assigning to the “sa” account. S tarting and stopping Ada ptive Server Once you have installed the server, you may need to stop it, or to reinitiali ze it using an alternative disk location.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 23 Rebuilding Ada ptive Server Y o u may need to rebuild the d atabases cr eated during the install process for the following reaso ns : • Y ou want to use an alternative disk de vice for the database devices, perha p s for f aster di sks.
Installing online hel p for Transact-SQL syntax 24 Changing the default chara cter set and sort order Y ou can change the defau lt character set by using the charset utility . Y ou can use this utility onl y from the UNIX shell, s o you must op en a T erminal window .
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 25 For more inf o rmation on sp_syntax , see the Refer ence Manual . This s c ri pt includes syntax infor mation for T ransa c t-SQL, the system procedures, and the Sybase utiliti es. Wh en you execute this script, you install the SQL portion of the sybsyntax database.
Installing online hel p for Transact-SQL syntax 26 /* is the spac e left on the default databas e devices > size of model? */ if (select sum (high-low + 1)from s ysdevices where status & 1 = 1) - (select sum(size) from sysusage, sysdevices where vstart >= sysdev ices.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 27 Adaptive Server dis plays a list of comma nds that contain the word or word fragment “select.” Sybase XP Server XP Server is automatical ly installed by the buil d process. The default name of the XP Server is hostna me _XP .
Sybase SNMP subagent 28 Sybase SNMP subagent The Sybas e SNMP su bagent allows SNMP-bas ed network monito ring and error not ification for Sybas e servers.
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 29 ## ./etc/rc.common if ["${SNMPSERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then ConsoleMessage "Starting SNMP server" /usr/sbin/snmpd -x 705 fi Sybase subagent T o install the Sybase SNMP s ubagent, first edit snmpagent.
Sybase SNMP subagent 30 This command should walk thro ugh and return values for sever al MIBs including RDBMS-MIB. For more in form ation on the SNMP command line tool issue m an snmp wal k and man snmcmd .
CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptiv e Serv er 31 • The Sybase subagent maintains a table of the m o st recent 500 err ors raised through sp _errorno tify . These values can be retrieve d from the aseError T able table defi nition i n SYBASE -MIB.
Uninstalling Sybase software 32 Uninst alling Sybase software T o uni nstall Sy base software, use the un insta ll scrip t in /Applications/Sybase/Sys tem/Install .
33 CHAPTER 2 Sybase Software Asset Management This chapter de scribes impor tant concepts regard ing how to license optional Adaptive Server features, add new licenses to existing servers, set up the .
Adaptive Server check-out procedure 34 When Adaptive Server is initiall y installed on the Mac OS X platf orm it includes a Developer’ s Edition (ASE_DEV) license bundled w ith the software. This is true no matter which edition was p urchased. The Developer ’ s Edition of Adaptive Server has sever al limits on its use.
CHAPTER 2 Sybase Software Asset Management 35 For a Developer ’ s Edition all that is in the license file is a Developer ’ s Edition license key (ASE _DEV). The Adaptive Server examines the license and as long as it is valid contin ues s tarting. Because it is a Developer’s Edition all optional non-r oyalty features are enabled.
Adaptive Server check-out procedure 36 T able 2-1: Config uration para meters for optio nal features By default, the configuration parameters for o ptional features ar e set to 0 (off). T o enable an optional feature use sp_configure to set its config uratio n parameter to 1, and restart Adaptive Server .
CHAPTER 2 Sybase Software Asset Management 37 Redundant servers As part of a failover plan or a load-balancing s ystem, you can have multiple servers runni ng on th e sam e Adaptiv e Ser ver configur ation, usin g a redundant licens e across al l servers.
SySAM administration 38 3 For each machine in the re dundant sy stem enter the li cense inf ormation using the License Entry applicatio n. The certificate information is provi ded in you A daptive S erver p ackage on a printed Sybase Software Asset Management Certificate.
CHAPTER 2 Sybase Software Asset Management 39 St arting the software manually If the license manag er is not running, you must start the license manager manually .
SySAM administration 40.
41 A Adap tive Ser ver base li ce nse 33 check-o ut pro ced ures 34 conn ec tin g via Syba s e Cen t ra l 21 default character set 2 optional feat ures 35 page size 2 starting 2 2 stopping 22 uninstal.
Index 42 F full-tex t search 12 H hard d isk co nfigu ration 1 headless systems 10 high ava ilabil ity 12 Historical Se rver 12 host n ame 1 I installation downloading software for 3 fro m CD 3 licens.
Index 43 of A daptiv e Serv er 2 password setting th e System Administrato r 21 path for master device 2 pathnam e for sybsystemprocs 2 port numb er of A daptiv e Serv er 1 of Backup Server 1 of XP Se.
Index 44 viewing servers 17 W WAN 36 X XML 11 XP Se rver 12, 27 XP Server name 1 XP Server port nu m ber 1 Xserve 10.
デバイスSybase 12.5.Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sybase 12.5.Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSybase 12.5.Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sybase 12.5.Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sybase 12.5.Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sybase 12.5.Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSybase 12.5.Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sybase 12.5.Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSybase 12.5.Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。