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Model C 302 Sl ush F reezer Original Ope ra ting Instruc tions 059661-M 6/22/ 04 (Or igi nal Publ icat ion) (Up da ted 4 /5 /11 ).
Com plete thi s page for qui ck r efer ence whe n ser vice i s re quir ed: Taylor Distributor: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mai l: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor ma tion found on the data lab.
Mode l C30 2 Table of Cont ent s T able of Contents Section 1 To the Installer 1 ............................................ Se ction 2 To the O per ator 5 ........................................... Section 3 S afety 6 ..............................
Table of Cont ent s Mode ls C3 02 Table of Contents - P age 2 Disassemb ly 31 .......................................................... Brush Cleani ng 32 ....................................................... Se ction 7 Impor tant: Oper ator Che ckli st 33 .
1 Model C3 0 2 To the Insta ller Section 1 T o the Ins tal ler The f ollowing are general ins tallat ion instr uct ions. For complet e inst allation det ails, please see t he checko ut card. Installer Safety In all areas of the world, equipment should be installed i n accordanc e with exis ting local c odes.
2 Model C 3 02 T o the I nstaller 1 10329 Air Coole d Un its Air c ooled units r equire a minimum of 3” (76 m m) of air spac e on both sides , 3” ( 76 mm) at t he rear, and 12” (305 m m) on t he top of the unit . Minimum air clearanc es must be met t o assur e adequate air f low for opt imum perf ormanc e.
3 Model C3 02 To the Insta ller 101 130 Electr ical Connections Each f reezer requires one power s upply. Chec k the data label on t he fr eezer f or branc h circuit overc urrent prot ect ion or fuse, circ uit ampacit y and electr ical spec ificat ions.
4 Model C 302 T o the Installer 1 10329 Initial F reezing Cylinder Cleanin g Due to t he ty pes of pr oducts used in F CB equipment , it is imper ativ e that the f reezing c ylinder and the inlet t ube be thoroughly brus h cleaned, rinsed, and sanit ized bef ore running any product .
5 Model C3 02 To the Ope ra tor 1 10329 Section 2 To the Operator The f reezer you have pur chased has been caref ully engineered and manuf act ured to giv e you dependable operat ion. The M odel C302, when proper ly operat ed and cared for, will pr oduce a consis tent qualit y product .
6 Model C 302 Safety 1 10329 Section 3 Sa fety We, at T aylor Company, ar e concerned about the safet y of t he operator when he or s he comes in contac t wit h the f reezer and it s part s. T aylor has gone to ex trem e eff orts t o design and manuf actur e built- in safet y f eatures t o protec t bot h you and the serv ice tec hnician.
7 Model C 302 Safety 080826 S DO NOT allow unt rained pers onnel to operat e this m achine. S DO NOT operat e t he freez er unless all serv ice panels and access doors ar e restrain ed with screw s. S DO NOT rem ove any int ernal operat ing part s (example: f reezer door, beat er, scr aper blades, et c.
8 Mode l C3 02 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n Section 4 Operator Parts Ident ification C302 Figur e 2 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 PANEL-SI DE*LEFT 059721 2 PANEL-REAR 059657 3 PANEL-SI DE*RI GHT 059722 4 DISPLAY- LIGHTED 059584- 27 5 PANEL-FRONT- UPPER 059577 6 PANEL-FRONT- SHELL 059576 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO.
9 Mo del C302 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n 100323 Beater Door A ssembly Figur e 3 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 DOOR A.- SLUSH PRESS. X39572-BLA 1a CAP-SPOUT- DOOR-FCB- BLK 046191-BLA 1b SPRING- COMP. 480X.072X3. 0 039320 1c VALVE-DRAW- DOOR-PRESS.
10 Model C 302 Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Accessor ies Figur e 4 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 PAIL- MIX 10 QT 013163 2 BRUSH-MI X PUMP BODY-3” X7” 023316 3 BRUSH-DOUBLE ENDED 013072 4 BRUSH-REAR BRG 1” DX2“L 013071 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO.
11 Model C3 02 Importa nt: To the Oper a tor Section 5 Important: T o the Operator Figur e 5 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON 1 CONTROL SWITCH- LEFT SIDE 2 CONTROL SWITCH- RIGHT SI DE 3 KEYPAD 4 LIQUI D CRYSTAL DIS.
12 Model C 302 Import ant : T o the Opera tor Liquid Cr ystal Displays Ther e are two Liquid Cr yst al Displays ( LCD's) located on t he upper f ront panel behind the illuminat ed display. The t wo LCD's dis play infor mation f or t he two f reezing c ylinders loc ated direct ly beneat h them.
13 Model C3 02 Importa nt: To the Oper a tor 060823 Oper ator Menu Tim eout If t he display is lef t in t he operat or menu or any of the oper ator m enu select ions, except f or Curr ent Conditions, the display will return t o the system mode sc reen 60 seconds aft er t he last keypr ess.
14 Model C 302 Import ant : T o the Opera tor 6. SYRUP PRESS LOW - W hen the sy rup out indicator display s a lack of sy rup, t he barr el will enter a HOLD mode. At t his time, no ref rigerat ion or product f low fr om the f low contr ol will be allowed.
15 Model C3 02 Importa nt: To the Oper a tor Scree n C is SET CLO CK .U s et h eA U T O( -- > )a n d OF F (< - -) k eys to place t he cursor under t he element t o be s et (hours , minutes , month, day , or ye ar ). Use t he P RIM E (+++) an d BEATER (- - -) keys t o increment or decrement t he value.
16 Model C 302 Import ant : T o the Opera tor The f ourt h feat ure will display t he Po wer S aver Mode, O FF, RES T, or STANDBY s tat us. If t he Power Sav er Mode is O FF , the f ollowing scr een will be displayed. POWER SAVER MODE OFF SEL If a Power Saver Mode is pr ogramm ed, one of the following sc reens will appear .
17 Model C3 02 Importa nt: To the Oper a tor Pres s the A UTO (- -> ) key to m ove to t he next scr een. T he next s creen will indicat e when t he fault was satis fied. FAULT HISTORY 2 02/25/ 04 14:06: 19 RESTORED FROM FAULT PAGE 2 + + + - - - SEL Pre ss the M ENU ( SEL ) key to re turn to the OPERATOR MENU.
18 Model C 302 Import ant : T o the Opera tor CO 2 Out Indicator AUTO MODE AUTO OK SYRUP OK CO2-OUT WATER- OK On t he LCD, if t he word “O UT” appears nex t t o the word “C O 2 ” it indicat es a lack of CO 2 being supplied to t he fr eezer. The pr oduct light will als o illuminate and a warning t one will sound.
19 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Section 6 Operating Procedures The M odel C302 contains four 7 quart (6. 6 liter ) freez ing cylinder s. CAUTI ON: Th is u ni t i s pressu riz ed when in ope ra tion. The contr ol switc hes mus t be in the O FF posit ion until t he unit is com pletely assem bled.
20 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures Step 2 Lubricat e the ins ide diameter of t he driv e shaft seal. Inst all t he drive shaf t s eal bushing in t he drive shaf t seal. Figur e 7 Note: T he driv e shaft bushing m ust be posit ioned in the c enter of t he drive s haft seal.
21 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 6 Align the f lat s on the end of t he beater assem bly with t he drive s haft . Mak e sure t he beater assem bly locating pin i s in posit ion in the locat ing hole of t he drive s haft . T urn the beat er s lightly t o be cert ain that the beat er is pr operly seat ed.
22 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures Step 9 Snap the dr aw valve handle ont o the door spout . Align the hole in t he draw v alve with t he slot in t he draw handle. Figur e 15 Step 10 Slide the piv ot pin t hrough t he draw handle and into the draw va lve.
23 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 14 Inst all t he prime plug. Place t he t wo o-rings on t he prime plug and light ly lubric ate. Figur e 20 Figur e 21 Step 15 Place t he large o-r ing into t he door groov e and lightly lubric ate. Figur e 22 Note: E very four mont hs or les s, dis card t he o-rings and install new o- rings.
24 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures 080307 Sani tizing IMP ORT ANT: I f a unit is sanitized, and will not be used for an ext ended period of tim e, c lean water should be used t o flus h all sanitiz er fr om t he lines. Remove t he water fr om all t he lines and component s prior t o st orage of t he unit.
25 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 5 Wit h the bag c onnector att ached t o the s yrup line, place the s yrup line int o the pail of sanit izing soluti on. Figur e 28 Step 6 To place t he lef t f reezing cy linder in t he SANI TI ZE mode, press the M ENU (S EL) key .
26 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures Step 12 Press the BEATER (- - -) key. Agitate the solutio n in the f reezing c ylinders f or f ive minut es. Figur e 30 Step 13 Wit h a pail beneath t he door spout s, open t he draw valves and drain all t he solution f rom t he f reezing cylinder s.
27 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 5 Pres s the PRIME (+ + + ) key. Figur e 34 Step 6 Slowl y move the syrup samp lin g valve to the full y open position by t urning the handle “ down” towar d the sam pling line. A llow the liquid t o run into a pail until all t he sanit izer is r emoved and f ull st rength product is f lowing.
28 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures Step 9 To adjus t t he brix, tur n the adjus tment sc rew locat ed behind the drip t ray shelf . Clock wise adjust ment s increas e the amount of syr up to wat er, and counter clock wise adjust ments decr ease the am ount of syrup to water.
29 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 15 Close the illum inated dis play when complet e. Replace the panels and t he hood, and at tach wit h scr ews.
30 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures 080307 Rinsing Note: T he f ollowing instr uctions are f or one pair of fr eezing cylinder s under an LCD. Af ter the instr uct ions are com plete, repeat f or the t wo f reezing cylinder s on the ot her side of t he machine under the other LCD.
31 Model C 302 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Pres sing the M ENU (SE L) key will give you t he option t o sanit ize the lef t c ylinder. Mov e the cur sor under the word “YES” . Pressing t he MENU (SEL) key at this tim e will star t the flow of cleaner/ sanit izer through the syrup syst em into the f reezin g cylinder.
32 Model C 302 Op erati ng P roced ures 080926 Br ush Cleaning Step 1 Prepar e a sink or a pail wit h an approved c leaning solutio n. USE WARM WAT ER AND FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER 'S SPECIFICATIO NS (examp les: Kay- 5® or St era-S heen®). IMP ORT ANT: F ollow the label dir ections .
33 Model C3 02 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck list 080926 Section 7 Important: Operator Checklist Dur ing Cleani ng and Sani tizing ALWAYS FOLLOW LOCAL HEALTH CODES Cleaning and saniti zing schedules are gover ned by your S tat e or local regulat ory agencies and m ust be followed acc ordingly.
34 Model C 302 Import ant : Oper ator C he ck list Winter S torage If t he place of bus iness is t o be clos ed during the winter mont hs, it is import ant t o protect t he freezer by following c ert ain precaut ions, par tic ularly if the building is subjec t t o freez ing conditions .
35 Model C 302 Trouble shoot ing Guide Section 8 T roubleshooting G uide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PAGE REF. 1. Produc t is t oo st iff . a. T oo much wat er t o syrup rat io. Im proper brix adjustm ent. a. Adju st the brix accord ingl y. 27 b. Consis tency cont rol needs adjustm ent.
36 Model C 302 T roubles hooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PAGE REF. 6. Unable to r emove t he drive s haft fr om the r ear shell bearing. a. Rounded cor ners of hex end of dr ive shaf t, drive coupling, or bot h. a. Replace t he drive s haft , or call a servi ce techni cian to replace t he direct driv e unit.
37 Mo del C302 Parts Rep lacemen t Sch edu l e Section 9 Parts Replacement Schedule PART DESCRIPTI ON EVERY 4 MONTHS EVERY 8 MONTHS ANNUALLY Scr aper Blade X Drive S haft Seal X Drive Shaf t O- Ring X.
Section 10 Parts List 38 Parts List Mode l C3 02 090521 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PART NUMBER QTY. WARR. CLASS RE MARKS PART S UPDATE ARM A.
39 Mode l C3 02 Parts List + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER +CAPACITOR- RUN 35UF/440V 048132 2 103 +RELAY-START- COMPRESSOR 051957-27 2 103 +.
40 Parts List Mode l C3 02 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER +CAP-SPOUT- DOOR-FCB- BLACK 046191-BLA 4 103 +HANDLE-DRAW- FCB- BLACK 046192-BLA 4 103 +NUT-SPOUT- DOOR-SLUSH- PRESSURE 039323 4 103 +O-RI NG-1.
41 Mode l C3 02 Parts List + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER HARNESS-WI RE- HI VOLT-R *C302 059622-27 1 103 208- 230V 60HZ 1PH/3PH HOLDER-FUSE- IN LI NE-TYPE HLR 045606 2 103 HOOD * C302* 059658 1 103 KIT A.
42 Parts List Mode l C3 02 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER LINE A. -CO2 MAN/ SOL VLV X59672 1 103 SOL VLV & CARB ADAPTOR-SWV 1/ 4FFLX1/ 4 BARB-SS 016715 4 103 HOSE-BEV. -. 250IDX. 438OD-100' R30317 1' 000 LINE A.
43 Mode l C3 02 Parts List + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER LINE A. -LI QUID * C302*LEFT X59632-27 1 NNN ELBOW-3/ 8S-STREET- SHORT RADIUS 013017 2 000 FITTI NG-3/ 8FS X 3/8FS X 3/ 8FS 062265 1 103 VALVE-SOL- 7/ 64 ORFX3/8SI -1/ 4 062087-27 2 103 LINE A.
44 Parts List Mode l C3 02 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER FITTI NG-3/ 8 MOR X 1/ 4 BARB-SS 049427 1 103 HOSE-BEVERAGE- .
45 Mode l C3 02 Parts List 1 10405 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER CHIP- SOFTWARE UVC2 U11 X40876-SER 2 103 CONTROL-SLUSH- INTF W/ NTB ROHS 064254 2 212 4/1/11: R EPLAC ES NO N- RO HS BO ARD X45622 PROBE A.
46 Parts List Mode l C3 02 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER SHROUD A.- CONDENSER * C302* X59569 1 103 SWITCH- MEMBRANE-5 POSI TION- 23" .
47 Mode l C3 02 Parts List + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER VALVE-RELI EF 30 PSI 1/ 8 MPT SS 039365 4 103 TUBE-FEED- MIX 056807- 5 4 103 CLIP.
48 Parts List Mode l C3 02 + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER HOSE-RUBBER 1/ 2 ID X 7/ 8 OD R50200 5' 000 LABEL-I NLET 037288 1 NNN LINE A.
49 Mode l C3 02 Parts List + Avai labl e Separ atel y DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER HARNESS-WI RE- HI VOLT-R *C302 059622-40 1 103 200V 50HZ 3PH / 220-240V 50HZ 1PH .
Model C 302 059680-27S Rev. 3/11.
Model C 302 059680-33S Rev. 3/11.
Model C 302 059680-37S Rev. 3/11.
Model C 302 059680-40S Rev. 3/11.
Model C 302 059680-58S Rev. 3/11.
デバイスTaylor C302の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Taylor C302をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTaylor C302の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Taylor C302の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Taylor C302で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Taylor C302を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTaylor C302の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Taylor C302に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTaylor C302デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。