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Instruct ion Manual P5205 High V oltage Diff erential Pr obe 070-9472- 02 www .tektr onix. com.
Copyright © T ekt ronix, Inc . All rights reserved. T e ktroni x product s are cove red by U.S. a nd foreign pa te nts, i ss ued a nd pendi ng. Inform ati on in t his publi ca tion superc ede s that in a ll previ ously publi shed m ate ria l. Speci fic at ions and price cha nge privil ege s reserve d.
W ARRANTY T e kt r oni x wa r r a nt s t ha t t he pr oduct s t hat i t ma nufa ct ure s and se ll s wil l be fr ee f rom de f ec ts i n ma te ri al s and workm a ns hi p f or a pe r i od of one ( 1) ye a r f r om the da te of pur cha se f rom a n a ut hor i z e d T ekt roni x dis tr ibut or .
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual i T abl e of Conte nts G e ner a l Sa fe ty Sum ma ry v ............................ Servi ce Safety Su mmary vii ............................. Co ntactin g T ektr on ix viii ............................... Ge tting Started 1 .
T a ble of Conte nts ii P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Bandwidt h 32 ......................................... DC CM RR 33 ......................................... Replace able Par ts 35 ................................... P arts O rder ing In fo rmatio n 35 .
T a ble of Conte nts P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual iii List of Figures Figure 1: P5205 High-V olta ge Dif fere nti al Probe 2 ........... F igu re 2: S afety limits (vo ltage between eith er i nput and ea rth ground) 1 1 ................................
T a ble of Conte nts iv P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual List of T a bles T a ble 1: Funct ional Che ck 8 ............................ T able 2: W arr anted Electrical Char acteris tics 15 ............. T a ble 3: Certi fica ti ons and Compli anc es 16 ...
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual v General Safet y Summ ary Revi ew the foll owing safety pre ca uti ons to avoi d injury a nd preve nt dam age to t his product or a ny product s connec ted t o it . T o avoi d po tential h azard s , us e this pr oduct only as speci fie d.
G ener al Saf ety S ummar y vi P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Do N ot Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect t here is da ma ge to t his product , have it i nspecte d by qual ifi ed servic e pe rsonnel. Do N ot Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions. Do N ot Operate in an Explosive A tmosphere.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual vii Service Safet y Summ ary Only qual ifi ed personnel should perform servi ce proc edure s. Rea d this Servic e Safe ty Summar y and the General Safe ty Summar y before perform ing a ny service proce dures. Do N ot Service Alone.
S erv ice Saf ety S ummar y viii P 5205 Instruct ion Manua l Conta cting T e ktronix Phone 1 - 800 - 833 - 9200 * Address T ektronix, Inc . 14200 SW Karl Braun Driv e P .
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 1 G etti ng Sta rte d This sectio n des cribes the H igh V o ltage D if feren tial Pr ob e and giv es instruc ti ons on how t o insta ll and func ti onall y te st the probe.
G etting S tarted 2 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual ON Figure 1: Hi gh V oltage Differ ential Probe.
G etting S tarted P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 3 The P5205 has seve ral fe at ures a nd access or ies that make pr obin g and meas ur ement a s impler tas k. T ake a mo ment to familiar ize yourself wit h the se it ems and t hei r uses. Differ ential Inputs.
G etting S tarted 4 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Input Leads. T he input l ea ds of the different ia l probe conne ct t o t he c rocodil e c li ps and plunge r c la mps t hat com e wit h the probe . T he c onnec tors are 4 m m insula te d banana plugs and a re doubl e i nsulat ed for sa fe t y .
G etting S tarted P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 5 Zero Adjust. T he z ero adj ust al lows you to set t he probe output to t he z ero refe renc e poi nt prior t o ma king me asurem ents. Use the adjustm ent t ool provide d. Soft Case. T he soft case prote ct s the probe a nd all ows you to ha ng the probe nea r the point of me asurem ent .
G etting S tarted 6 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Insta llation Instal l the P5205 probe as foll ows : 1. Connec t the out put of the probe to the TE KP ROBE input of the os cillos cop e or oth er meas ur ement ins trumen t. The measur ement instrum ent i nput must have a ground refere nce .
G etting S tarted P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 7 Functiona l Che ck T o ma ke a simpl e functi onal c hec k of the P5205 probe, sele ct a s ou rce th at s up plies AC line v oltage and us e the f ollo win g pr oced ur e. This pro cedu re v erif ies a majority o f the cir cuitr y w ithin the probe .
G etting S tarted 8 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 9 Operatin g Basics T o he lp you use t he High V olt age Different ia l Probe safe ly and effect ive ly , thi s sec ti on provides importa nt inform at ion about safe ty limits , oper ating ch aracter is tics , and pr ob ing tech niq ues .
O per ating B as ics 10 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Minimiz ing R isk o f R F Bu r n ( pr obe l eads) W ARNI NG. T o avoi d personal inj ury , do not handl e t he pr obe l eads when the l eads ar e conne cte d to a sour c e that is above the v olt age and fr eque ncy l imit s give n in F igur e 2 on page 1 1.
O per ating B as ics P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 11 V oltage (RMS) 1000 V 100 V DC or 0 10 M 100 M 1M Frequency (Hz) 5M 5 0M 500 V 50 V 100 k 500 k Category II m aximum voltage lim it (1, 000 V) RF bu.
O per ating B as ics 12 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Both ra nges are ra te d for the ma xim um i nput limits, b ut y ou can obta in a useful me asurem ent only i f the vol ta ge you a pply i s w i thi n the s pecif ied limits o f the op eratin g ran ge.
O per ating B as ics P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 13 Figure 3: T wisting the input leads Extension Leads The exten s ion lead s allo w y ou to r each w idely s paced c onne ct ion point s. Connec t the ext ension l ea ds to the i nput l ea ds us ing t he ada pte rs provided.
O per ating B as ics 14 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Wi th ext ension l eads Without extension l eads 50 ns/div 50 ns/div 250 mv/ div 250 mv/ div Figure 4: HF T ransient response with and without exten.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 15 Specif icatio ns The speci fic ati ons in T a ble s 2 through 6 appl y to a P5205 probe insta ll ed on a T ekt ronix T DS 460A os c illos cope.
S pecif ication s 16 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual T able 2: War rant ed Electrical Character istics (Cont.) Max im um Operating Input V oltage 500X dif ferential : ± 1.
S pecif ication s P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 17 T able 3: Cert ifications and Com pli ances (C ont.) Instal lati on Category D escr iptio ns T erminals on this produc t may have dif ferent instal lati on category desi gnations . The instal lation categori es are: CA T III Distri bution-l evel mai ns (usually perm anently connec ted).
S pecif ication s 18 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual T able 4: T ypical Electrical Character istics (Cont.) Overdriv e Recovery < 50 ns to 10% of fi nal v alue after 10X overdri ve (50X range onl y) Zero Adjus t 50X: ± 0.
S pecif ication s P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 19 T able 5: T ypical Mechani cal Character i stics (Cont .) Unit W eight (probe onl y) 1 1 oz (315 g) Shippi ng W eight (with ac cess ories) 3 lb, 2 oz (1.42 kg) Im pedance (Z) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k 1 M 10 M 100 M 10 M 1M 100 k 10 k 1k 100 Frequency (Hz) Figure 6: I nput Im pedance vs.
S pecif ication s 20 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual T able 6: Nomi nal El ectr i cal Character istics (Cont.) Gai n Sw itc hable: 1/50 (“50X”) and 1/500 (“500X”) Audibl e Overrange Audi ble ov er range sounds whenever ON, and over range LED is li t.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 21 Ma inte nanc e Refe r to t his secti on for inform at ion a bout ma int ai ning a nd servici ng the H igh V oltage D iff erential P ro be.
Maint ena nce 22 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual T o re move a T EKPRO BE i nte rface pin, fi rmly gra sp the poi nte d ti p with pli ers and pull the pi n out of the c onnec tor . See Figure 7. N o to ols are req uir ed to install a r eplacement pin . Ins ert a new pin int o the conne ct or socket a s far as poss ibl e using fi nger pre ss ure.
Maint ena nce P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 23 Removi ng and Replaci ng the TEKPROBE Inter face Coll ar T o remo ve the TEK P RO BE interf ace collar , firmly g ras p the com pensat ion box body with one hand, and t he T EKPRO BE inter face co llar w ith the o ther han d.
Maint ena nce 24 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Removi ng the Compensation Box Covers T o ope n the c ompe nsati on box, fol low these ste ps: 1. Press the opti onal re le ase tool pi ns int o the com pensati on box cov er catches and gen tly lift the cov er of f a small dis tance.
Maint ena nce P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 25 Ta b Figure 10: Replacing the compensation box cover Packaging For Return S hipment If pos sible , use the origi nal pac kagi ng to return the probe t o T e ktroni x.
Maint ena nce 26 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual.
The follow ing servici ng instructions are f or use only by quali fied personnel. T o avoid inj ury, do not perf orm any servicing other t han that st ated in the oper ating instructions unless you are quali fied to do so. Refer t o all safet y summ aries before per for ming any service.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 27 Perfo rman ce V erif icatio n The f ollo w ing pr oced ur e ver ifies the w arranted electrical char acteris - tics of the H igh V oltage Dif fer ential Pr ob e. T able 7 itemizes the equi pme nt requi red, provide s an exa mpl e or pa rt numbe r of the equi pme nt, and expl ai ns the purpose of the equi pme nt.
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on 28 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Cons truction of Modified BN C A dapte r Construct t he modi fied BNC A da pte r from a BN C-ma le -to-dual bindi ng pos t ada pter , T ekt ronix part num ber 103 - 0035 - 00 (see Figure 1 1).
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 29 Vi s e Pliers Modif ied BNC adapter Plastic cover rem oved Figure 12: Removing pl astic covers f rom bindi ng post s Setup W ARNI NG. These pr oce dur es r equi r e t he appli cat ion of high volt age to t he i nputs of the P5205 pr obe.
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on 30 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual NOTE . Th es e pr oced ur es as s um e that you a r e us ing a n os cillos cop e tha t au tom atically d is pla ys the co r r ect volts /divis ion s cale factor for the a ttenu atio n s etting o f the p r ob e.
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 31 10. Atta ch the di f fe rent ia l probe input l eads (without at ta chm ent acces s or ies ) by s liding th e banan a plug o f the leads onto th e bindi ng posts met al sle eve s on the Modifi ed BNC adapt er (see Figure 13).
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on 32 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 15. S et the calib ratio n g ener ator fo r 10 V ou tpu t. Set th e attenuatio n butt on on the probe t o 50X (in). 16. Rec ord the DC am pli tude of the square wave ( ∼ 10V) and divide 1/100 th of th is into only the amp litud e of the o scillos cop e (r efer to s tep 6) .
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 33 7. S et the gener ator to 1 00 M Hz, and s et the os cillos cope to 5 ns/divi sion. Che ck for ≥ 2.1 V a mpl it ude. 8. Disconnec t the set up. DC CM RR 1. Set the a tt enuat ion of the probe to 50X.
Performa nce V erifi ca ti on 34 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual W ARNI NG. T o r educ e the risk of el ec tric shock, e nsur e the ge nerator output is disable d bef or e modif yi ng/di sconnec ting t est set up or conne ct ions s i nce e xposed metal may at a haz ar dous potent ial.
P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 35 Replaceab le Parts This sectio n co ntain s a list of the rep laceable m odule s for t he P5205 pr ob e. Us e this lis t to identif y and ord er replacemen t parts . Parts Or dering Infor ma tion Rep lacement p arts are availab le thr ough your loca l T e ktroni x fie ld of fice or r epr es entativ e.
Rep laceable P arts 36 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual T able 8: Part s List Colum n Descriptions Column C olumn Name Description 1 Figure & Index Number Items in thi s s ecti on are referenced by figure and index numbers to the expl oded vi ew illu str at ions that foll ow .
Rep laceable P arts P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 14: P5205 Pr obe and replaceable accessories.
Rep laceable P arts 38 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual P5205 and Replaceabl e Accessories Fi g. & I ndex Numb er T ektro nix Part Number Ser ial N o . Effecti ve Ser ial N o .
Rep laceable P arts 39 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 1 2 3 NOT E: P arts illustrat ed with dashed lines are not replaceable 4 5 Figure 15: Replaceable parts - compensation box Replaceabl e Part s - Compensat ion Box Fi g. & I ndex Numb er T ektro nix Part Number Ser ial N o .
Rep laceable P arts 40 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual 1 Figure 16: P5205 opt ional accessories Optional Accessories Fi g. & I ndex Numb er T ektro nix Part Number Ser ial N o . Effecti ve Ser ial N o . Di scont ’ d Qty Name & Descri ption M fr .
Rep laceable P arts 41 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual Manufactur ers Cross Index Mfr . Code Manufa cture r Address City , State, Zip Code 18359 PY LO N CO.
Rep laceable P arts 42 P5205 Ins truc ti on Manual.
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Tektronix 070-9472-02をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTektronix 070-9472-02の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Tektronix 070-9472-02の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Tektronix 070-9472-02で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Tektronix 070-9472-02を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTektronix 070-9472-02の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Tektronix 070-9472-02に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTektronix 070-9472-02デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。