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V 1.2.
S uper easy IP Came ra 2 is the registered trademark of Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., L td. A ll the products and product names mentioned here in are th e trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective h olders.
S uper easy IP Came ra 3 Contents 1. Produ ct overview .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Pack age list .....................................................
S uper easy IP Came ra 4 3.4.1. 1 Edit Cam era .................................................................................................. 20 3.4.1. 2 View Event ..................................................................................
S uper easy IP Came ra 5 5.2.4 N etwork se tting ........................................................................................................ 38 5.2.4. 1 LA N setti ngs ................................................................ .....
S uper easy IP Came ra 6 5.3.3. 1 Video p arameters s e t ting ................................ .............................................. 51 5.3.4 N etwork se tting .................................................................................
S uper easy IP Came ra 7 1. Product overview 1.1 Package list Please c heck caref u l ly i f all listed items are include d i n the pa c kag e as below: 1 、 One I P - Camera; 2 、 One Qu ick Instal.
S uper easy IP Came ra 8 1.3 Introduction Tenda s uper easy IP Cam e ra provi des a prof essional home or sm a l l business surveill ance Solution . T hr ou g h our m obile pho ne APPs “ Cl o udNe t.
S uper easy IP Came ra 9 voice w ithin the s cope of th e ca m era to m onitor, the camera wil l trigg e r the alarm automatical ly, and sen d a l arm inf ormation through E-m a il, FTP.
S uper easy IP Came ra 10 SD series IP camera (C30, C3) C30 C3 If camera ima ge is not cl ear , you can rotate t he lens to impro v e.
S uper easy IP Came ra 11 2. Installation 2.1.Hardware installation 2.1.1 Table install 2. 1. 1 .1 C u be IP C am e ra Figure 1 .T a k e out the bracket ,tu rn the screw on the cam era base c ounter - c l ock wise to l oosen it. Figure 2 .C a m era conn ect to cam era base, t urn the col lar on the ca m era base clockwis e t o tighten it.
S uper easy IP Came ra 12 2. 1. 2 .1 C u be IP C am e ra Figure 1:Take out t he brack et ,t hen fix th e bracket t o t he wall using screws. Figure 2:Turn th e s crew on t he bracket c ounter - clock wis e t o loosen it. Figure 3:Camera c onnect to bracket, t u r n t he coll a r on the br a ck et clockwis e to tighte n i t.
S uper easy IP Came ra 13 2.1.3 Hardware Connection 2 .1 .3 . 1 PT Z C a me r a Figure 1 . C onnect an E thernet c able to th e L AN port on your r outer. Note: I f your R o ute r c onnected t o a MODEM. The c a m era is un a bl e to conne ct to the p ort of the MODEM.
S uper easy IP Came ra 14 power a dapter to a n earby pow er strip. (Mak e s ure power a dapter is plugged properly into de v ice power r eceptacle. S o m e users m ay m i stakenly plug th e p o w er conn ector to d e vic e ' s audio interfa c e).
S uper easy IP Came ra 15 3. Smartphone View and Install 3. 1 “ CloudNeteye ” downloa d and install You ca n choose any the fol lowing way to download and inst a l l "Cl ou dN eteye" . 3.1.1 Iphone Way 1 : S erach “ Clo u dN eteye ” in A PP Store, download it and instal l.
S uper easy IP Came ra 16 3.2 Add IP Camera A s f ollowing, we wil l introdu ce how to add IP camera ba s ed on diff er en t operati ng systems IOS an d A ndroid. 3.2.1 IOS 1. Ru n “CloudN eteye” AP P o n y our Iphon e . 2. You c an choose one of following w ay A.
S uper easy IP Came ra 17 B: Rec o m mend to sc an QR code to add cam era . Click “ Q RCode ”, an d s can the UID QR code at t he bottom of the cam era ; input passw ord “admin ” ; c lick “Sav e” to fi nish ad d cam era. C: A lso, you can c l ic k “ A dd ” to in put camera U ID numb er m anuall y.
S uper easy IP Came ra 18 B: Scan the UID QR code at the bottom of th e camera, input passw ord “ admin” , Cl ick “OK ” to finish add camer a . C: Input U ID num b e r m anually as show in th e f ollowi ng picture; t hen in put passw ord" admin " , click “O K” to f inish ad d camera.
S uper easy IP Came ra 19 3.4 IP Camera se t ting and management 3.4 .1 Android smartphone Select d e vi ce and h o l d on 3 sec onds or cl ic k “ ” but t o n near the d evice to d o param eters settings. U ser can s e t reconnect, edit camera, v iew sna pshot and re m ove cam era.
S uper easy IP Came ra 20 3 .4 .1 .1 Ed it C ame r a Advanced S e tting a) C an modify the cam e r a ’ s password b) C an adjust co m mon vid eo parameters: video qual it y , video fl ip, video m ir.
S uper easy IP Came ra 21 2. Notifi cation: Ther e is 4 alarm modes, Sile nt, Tones only , Vibrat e o n l y , Ringtone a nd V ibrate . e) Reco r di ng Setting: There is 3 options, Of f, Full time, Al ar m .
S uper easy IP Came ra 22 3. 4. 2 .1 A dv a nc ed S et t i ng a) S ecurity Code : can change t he camer a password b) Vide o setting: can adjust com mon vi d eo param eters: V id eo quality, video fli.
S uper easy IP Came ra 23 4. PC View and Install A c cordi n g to addendum 2 “ Env orinm enta l prote c t i on downloa d ” , dow nlo ad “ Cl ou dN eteyeFor P C ” s oftw are. 4.1 Software function Below pictures a r e the scree nshot of “ CloudN eteyeFor PC ” , we wil l explain d etailed bas ed on the above 4 funct ions : 4.
S uper easy IP Came ra 24 4.1.1 Video display A . Show IP cam in f o , i nclude n ame, co n ne ct i on way (LAN 、 P2P 、 RLY), resolutio ns and FPS. B. Rec o rd m anuall y. Click this b utton, wh en it show s i n red, re cording sta rt; click aga in, record ing stop.
S uper easy IP Came ra 25 4.1.2 Main Functions 4. 1. 2 .1 S y st e m set t i ng A: Snap sh o t a nd video recording path setti ng. Users cl ick “ ” to ch o os e the disk a nd file i n y o ur com puter to s ave snapsh ot and vide o recordi n g. Users c an set the l e ng th of singl e recordi ng.
S uper easy IP Came ra 26 Em ail server SMTP h ost SMTP h ost port Yahoo smtp.m ail.y a hoo. c om 25 Sohu smtp.so hu.com 25 Gm a il smtp.gm ail.com 465 Tom smtp.t o m .com 25 A fter f ill the informati on, pls c l i ck “ T est ” , cho ose “ Al low ” in appear t i p s, and click “ Sav e ” to finish a l l email se tt i n g.
S uper easy IP Came ra 27 4. 1. 2 .2 P l ay ba c k, B ro ws e s n ap s ho ts an d Ev en t l is t 1) Play back Search fun ct ion , u sers can sear ch all recor ding files of o ne or mor e camera in a certain t ime . Delete f un ction , ca n delete unn e c essary f iles .
S uper easy IP Came ra 28 4. 1. 2 .3 A b ou t show Clo udNetey e version. 4.1.3 Display setting Display split, inclu d e 4, 6, 9, 16 split pa n e, doub le click to f ull screen vi ew.
S uper easy IP Came ra 29 4. 1 . 4 . 1 . 1 S c h e d u l e R e c o r d i n g 1) F u l l-time re c or ding. Whe n open this f unction, manua l recording f unction wil l stop. 2) A ccording t o the sche dule. When th is f unction st a rt, m anual reco rding fun c t ion will stop .
S uper easy IP Came ra 30 4 . 1 . 4 . 1 . 3 Re mo t e d e v i c e i n f o r m a t i o n Remot e d e vi ce inform ation, c h eck the cam e r a i nfo. 4. 1. 4 .2 A dd / De le t e IP Ca m A dd /Delete IP Cam , search I P C a m or ad d manual l y , can supp ort max 1 6 cameras v iew at t he same time.
S uper easy IP Came ra 31 5. Web View a nd Setting 5.1 How to log in Web You ca n log in the Web through the followi ng two way s: Way 1: Run “ S etup Wiz a r d ” t o enter W eb . A c cordi n g to addendum 2 “ E n vir onmental pr otection do w nload ” , dow nload “ Setu p Wizard ” softwa re .
S uper easy IP Came ra 32 Way 2 : U se “ C loudNetey e ” APPs i n smartp h o ne, search camera an d f ind IP a d dr ess, then input th e IP addre s s in browser to enter the W eb . Pls refer to U ser Man u al “ 3 . 2 Add IP C amera ” secti o n, use searc h I P camera f unction.
S uper easy IP Came ra 33 You ca n select 720 P ( Im a ge q uality i s bes t ) , VGA ( Im age quality is good ) an d QVGA ( Image quality in g eneral ) to view v ideo, e xa m ple for vi ew video by 720P in LA N, by VGA in in t e rn et , by QV G A in smartpho ne .
S uper easy IP Came ra 34 5.2.2 Running status You ca n check som e inform a t ion of the de v ice, exam ple of software v e r s i on, web ve r s ion, Mac ad d r ess, TF/SD c ard statu s.
S uper easy IP Came ra 35 5.2.3 Video setting 5. 2. 3 . 1 V id eo p a r am et e r Note: When y o u m odify th e p ar ameters, y ou need t o click A pp l y to save y our setti ngs.
S uper easy IP Came ra 36 5. 2. 3 . 2 A ud io p a r am et er The c a m era supports G .711 and G. 726 audio encoding fo rmat. The sound of t he G. 711 is better, but it occ upies more bandwidth. I f y ou click “ On” of the audio c ap ture, so it w ill transm it audio in corresp onding video stream.
S uper easy IP Came ra 37 5. 2. 3 .3 Im a ge p ar am e te rs The c a m era will s wit ch to Nig ht M ode in the case of poor lig hting, wh en the Nigh t Mode is " On " , and t he IR L ED Control is set "A ut o" . When th e ca m era is in N ight M ode , the im age of the camera is black an d white.
S uper easy IP Came ra 38 5.2.4 Network setting 5. 2. 4 . 1 L AN s et t in gs There is two way s to assign IP a ddress, on e i s DH CP, one is set m anually ; the defaul t one is DH CP.
S uper easy IP Came ra 39 5. 2. 4 .2 Wi - Fi set t i ng Login c amera in wi red conn ection and enter Wi - Fi setting, and then op erate as th e f ollowing steps.
S uper easy IP Came ra 40 Note: U sing the t hird party DDNS , if the http port i s not 80, t he port num ber shoul d be added to the do m ain nam e with ":". Example: http: //chen.dy nddns:80 81. Note: 1: If there is an y questio n about re m ote ac c es s setting, p l s see add endum 1 f o r referenc e.
S uper easy IP Came ra 41 5.2. 7 Ala rm settin g 5. 2. 7 . 1 Mo t io n D et ec t io n S et ti n g If us ers s et to m o nit or certain ar ea, when t here is exceptio n o ccurs in t h is a rea, it will tr igg er alarm. In the sen s i ti vi ty options, wh en sensitivi ty hi gher, m ore easily to tri gg er alarm .
S uper easy IP Came ra 42 5. 2. 7 . 2 So u nd d e te ct io n S et t in g If th e cam era Soun d d et e c t ion functio n is " on" an d cl ick " ap ply ", and set " Alarm m ode setting" (Refer to 4.
S uper easy IP Came ra 43 5. 2. 7 . 4 Sc h edu l e d t i me se tt i ng Select t he time y ou wa nt t o alarm. The defaul t value is all time. If y ou wa nt to alarm on certain t ime, y ou c an select it on the tim e table.
S uper easy IP Came ra 44 5.2. 8 Advanced setting 5. 2. 8 . 1 A ut o c apt u re The c a m era will s na p to TD/SD c ard or F TP serv er i n the selected tim e by the tim e interval y o u set. If y ou che c k “Save Im ages to the TF/SD ca rd”, the snap pict ures will b e stored i nto SD card during t he setting ti m e.
S uper easy IP Came ra 45 A s shown above, i t sets record f rom Mo n 8:30 to 9: 30, you only ne ed t o cl ick the correspo nding time block to s et t hem, th e tim e bl o ck w ill becom e green wh en you sele cted. Note: When y o u m odify th e p ar ameters, y ou need t o click A pp l y to save y our setti ngs.
S uper easy IP Came ra 46 The SM TP server n ame: It i s m ailbox serv er, for e xam ple of S OHU m ai l b ox, it is “sm tp .s ohu . com”. Pl ease fill all blanks w hich we fil led above. O t herwise, t he settings w ill f ail. Please cli ck “Test ” to test if the E - mail sett i ng i s successf ul.
S uper easy IP Came ra 47 Cru is e la p s : You can c hoose any nu m ber betw een 1 to 50 , the cam era w ill tu rn t he correspo nding num ber. Note: S u gg est you c r u i se laps no t t o set too bi g, If y ou set it is to o big, the m achine s e rvi ce life w i l l be shorten .
S uper easy IP Came ra 48 5.2.9 System setting 5. 2. 9 .1 Us er ma na ge m en t There a re 3 levels o f user autho rization i n i t. A d m ini st rat o r: “admin” has the high est autho r it y , can d o an y setting s. The fact or y default passwor d: admin.
S uper easy IP Came ra 49 5. 2. 9 .3 Re bo ot IP c a me r a The c a m era will a utom atically restart whe n the firm ware upgra de. The c am era will autom at i cally r estart When chang e the cam era "Power Lin e Frequency "or " A ud i o Ty pe " .
S uper easy IP Came ra 50 5.3 SD series Web configuration (C30/C3) 5.3. 1 View video 1. Op eration interface Langu a ge s electi o n: s upport Sim plified C hinese and E nglish Resolu tion selectio n .
S uper easy IP Came ra 51 5.3. 2 Run Status You ca n check dev ice firmwa re v ersion, Web UI ver sion, A lias, devic e MAC addr ess , ge t Wan IP A ddress et c .
S uper easy IP Came ra 52 5.3.4 Network setting 5. 3. 4 .1 L A N s et ti n g Camer a ’ s I P address default t o o b t ain from DHC P s e rv er . If y ou wa nt t o change the I P addres s o f the cam era , pl s don ’ t sele c t “ D ynamic IP A ddress ” .
S uper easy IP Came ra 53 Enter th e Wireless LA N Setti ng, click th e “Scan” but ton, it will show y ou all the wir eless network s detecte d in the Wi re l ess Netwo rk list c o l u m n.
S uper easy IP Came ra 54 5.3. 5 Alarm setting 5. 3. 5 . 1 A la rm se tt in g If us er n e e ds to monit o r a fixed a r ea, it will d etect the m otion an d t ri gg er the ala rm when there is any m oti on i n the ar e a. I n the mot ion detect s ensibility , the sm a l ler the valu e, the more sensitivity .
S uper easy IP Came ra 55 5.3. 6 Advance settin g 5. 3. 6 .1 De vi ce na me set t i ng The u s er c an name t he camera, example f or home, off ice etc.
S uper easy IP Came ra 56 5. 3. 6 .4 F T P se tt i ng The d e vi ce w ill s nap l ive pictu r es and sen d t he m to F TP server w h e n alarming, but need t o set the F TP setting correctly . As shown below, a fter t he setting is finish ed , click “ Test” to check y our setting s are corr ect or not.
S uper easy IP Came ra 57 5. 3. 7 . 3 PT Z s et t i ng s It wil l stop cruise automati cally a f te r cr u i sing an hou r when y ou s elect cru ise turns a s “alway s”. 5. 3. 7 .4 Re st o re f ac t or y s et ti n g Click “ Restore f a cto ry setting” and confi rm, the came r a w ill restor e to fact o ry setti n g a nd reboot.
S uper easy IP Came ra 58 Addendum 1: FAQ 1. After I c onnect th e ca m era acc ording to g uide of Setup Wi zard, and add cam e ra by sm art ph one scanni ng UID QR code, it show s “ Unknown device.
S uper easy IP Came ra 59 Before running Cl oudNetey e APP, pl e as e ensure t hat your sm artphone and the c amera is connecte d t o the sam e Router.
S uper easy IP Came ra 60 Sina em ail. A ccount: cl 9 51 357258@si na.cn password: cl951357 2 58 @ (1), To ensure th a t the user n ame and pa ssword ar e c orrect, a nd t he sende r em a i l correspo ndence . (2), If the sender em ail use QQ m ailbox, y ou wil l need to set up open SM TP serv ice in QQ mail b ox.
S uper easy IP Came ra 61 8. Why smartphone vi ewing im a g e is not c l ear? B ecau se the Clo udNeteye d efa u l t value o f video q ua li ty is l ow, so the r e solution is l imi ted, you can se t b y y ou rself .
S uper easy IP Came ra 62 13. My ca m era cannot b e reset. What shoul d I do? Press th e Reset b ut t on for ab out ten sec onds when y our came ra is conn ected to p o w er source.
S uper easy IP Came ra 63 service. But some ti m es the 3 G network i s not ni ce either. Try lowering t he resolu tion on your mobile phone if y ou use a H .264 form a t ca m er a. 17. What v ideo recor ding modes are supp o r ted on t h e camera? A .
S uper easy IP Came ra 64 Addendum 2: Environmental protection download Off ic ial Website Dow nload : Cli c k here ent e r official we bsite downl oad. Cloud D river Dow n l oad: Click here enter clo ud drive r d o w nload. V i deo Training: Cl ic k here to ob t a in video t r a i ning.
デバイスTenda C5の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Tenda C5をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTenda C5の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Tenda C5の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Tenda C5で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Tenda C5を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTenda C5の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Tenda C5に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTenda C5デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。