Texas InstrumentsメーカーTMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0 Getting S tarted Guide Literature Number: S PRUE66E December 2008.
IMPORT ANT NOTICE T exas Inst ruments Incorp orated and it s subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corre ctions, modific ations, enhanc ements , improv ements , and othe r chang es to it s product s and services a t any time and to discontinue any produ ct or servi ce without not ice.
EV ALUA TION BOARD/KIT IMPORT ANT NOTICE T exas Ins trument s (TI) provid es the en closed produ ct(s) unde r the following conditions: This eva l uatio n board/kit is intende d for use for ENGINEERIN.
FCC W arning This eva l uatio n board/kit is intende d for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT , DEM ON- STRA TION, OR EV ALUA TION PURPOSES ONL Y and is not consid ered by TI to be a finis hed end- product fit for gen eral consumer use.
v This is a draft version printed from file: pref.fm on 12/18/08 Preface About This Guide The DVEV M (Digital Video Evaluation Mo dule) kit is an eva luation platform that show case s the DM64 4x archit ecture a nd lets use rs evaluate the power and perform ance of the DM644x as a mult imedia engin e.
vi Not ational Conv entions Notational Con ventions This doc ument uses th e followi ng conventi ons: ❏ Progra m listings, pr ogram e xamples, an d interac tive displ ays are shown in a mono-spaced font .
vii This is a draft version printed fro m file: davinci_gsgTOC.fm on 12/18/08 Content s 1 DVEV M Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 This cha pter intr oduces the DVEVM ( Digital V ideo Eva luation Modu le) kit .
Conten ts viii 4.3.5 Exporting a S hared File Syste m for Target A ccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 4.3.6 Testing th e Shared Fil e System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 4.3.7 Configuring the Boot S etup for PA L Video Users .
1-1 Chap ter 1 DVEVM Overview This chapte r introduc es the DVEVM (Di gital Video Evaluation Module) kit. 1.1 Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 2 1.2 What’s in thi s Kit? . .
Wel c om e ! 1-2 1.1 Wel come! Y our new DVEVM ( Digital Video Evalua tion Module) kit will allow you to evalu ate TI’s new DaVinci TM T echnol ogy and the DM644x archite cture. This techno logy br ings to gether sy stem-so lutio n compo nents tailored fo r efficient an d compe llin g digital vid eo and aud io.
What’ s in this Kit? DVEVM Overview 1-3 1.2 What’s in this Kit? Y our DVEVM kit c ontains the following hardware item s. Secti on 2.1, Setting Up the Hardware tells how to connect these com ponents.
What’ s on the Boar d? 1-4 1.3 What’s on the Board? The EV M comes loaded wi th peripher als your multime dia appl ications may need to make u se of. T he hard d rive on th e boar d also comes pr e- loaded wi th demons tration s oftware. Th e followi ng bloc k diagram shows the major hardware com ponents.
What’ s Next? DVEVM Overview 1-5 1.4 What’s Ne xt? T o get started ev al uating t he DVEVM k it a nd d ev elo pin g ap pli cati ons for the DM644 x, begin by using this Get ting S tarted gui de. It wi ll ste p you through connecti ng the ha rdware, testing th e software, and be ginning t o develop applica tions.
2-1 Chap ter 2 EVM Hardware Setup This cha pter tells y ou how to s et up the E VM hard ware. 2.1 Setting Up the Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 2 2.2 Connectin g to a Console Window . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Hardware 2-2 2.1 S et ti n g U p the Har dw are T o set up th e hardware pr ovided w ith the EVM, us e the steps in th e sect ions th at foll ow . Y ou may s kip sec tions if you do not ne ed to access a particular p er ipher al . Fo r examp le, i f y ou do no t n eed to us e the s erial cable, s kip that section.
Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setu p 2-3 4) Con nect the red and white audio cable s to the EVM Audio O utput and the LCD display R/L Audio Input jacks as shown be low: 5) Con nect the BNC-to- RCA connector to the coax cable. Then connect the coax cable to the video camera and the EV M Video Input.
Setting Up the Hardware 2-4 7) Con nect the mic rophone t o the EVM. 8) Con nect the power ca ble to the EVM powe r jack on the boa rd. T o be ESD safe , do not plu g in the ot her end of the cable yet. 9) If you will us e the Etherne t connec tion, connec t the Ether net cable t o the Ether net Port on the EVM and to an E thernet netwo rk port.
Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setu p 2-5 10) If you pla n to use th e UART port for a co nsole windo w , c onnect the RS-232 n ull modem cable to t he EVM UART port and a COM por t on your host Linux wor kst ation. See Se ction 2.2 , Con necting to a Console Wi ndow for m ore abou t using a console window .
Conne cting to a Cons ole Wi ndow 2-6 2.2 Connecting to a Console Window Y ou c an open a console window that allow s you to watch and interrup t EVM boot message s by foll owing thes e steps: 1) Con nect a serial cable betwee n the serial port on the EV M and the serial po rt (for ex ample, COM1) on a PC.
3-1 Chap ter 3 Running the Demonstration Software This chapte r ex plains how to ru n the software de mos provide d with the DVEVM k it. 3.1 Default Boo t Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 2 3.2 Starting the Stan dalone Demos .
Defaul t Boot Co nfiguration 3-2 3.1 Default Boot Configuration Out of the box, the E VM boots from f lash and starts the demos automa tically af ter a few seconds when you power u p the board. It does not require an NFS mount or a TFTP server to run the standard demos.
S tarting t he S tandalon e Demos Runnin g the Demons tration Softw are 3- 3 running . Ot he rwis e y ou wil l see er r or me ss ag es rais ed whe n d evice drivers fail to op en. Once the EV M board has boot ed, the disp la y should show a picture o f the re mote cont rol.
Runni ng the S tandalon e Demos 3-4 3.3 Running the Standalone Demos 1) Press "Play" or " OK" on the remo te to mov e from the rem ote control diagram to the mai n menu sc reen, which looks l ike this: The Encod e + Decod e demo all ows you to r ecord and p layback video.
Runni ng the S tandalon e Demos Runnin g the Demons tration Softw are 3- 5 5) Use the le ft and right arr ows to cycle th rough the options until the setting y ou want is shown. 6) Pres s "Pla y" to begi n the Enco de+Decod e and Decod e demos.
Runni ng the S tandalon e Demos 3-6 3.3.2 About the E ncode + Decode Demo The Encode + Dec ode demo al lows you to record an d playback video. Video comes from the ca mera, is enco ded, the n decoded , and then sent to the L DC displa y. The Enc ode + Dec ode does on ly vide o processi ng; it does not encod e and decod e audio or speech .
Runni ng the S tandalon e Demos Runnin g the Demons tration Softw are 3- 7 3.3.3 About the E ncode Demo Like the Encode + Deco de dem o, the En code dem o also e ncode s video . In addit ion, it also encodes s peech. The spe ech sour ce is the microp hone.
Runni ng the S tandalon e Demos 3-8 The appli cation runs on the ARM using Linux. The vide o and audio signals are passed to e ncoders on the DSP b y the Codec Engine. S hared memory is used whe n passing data. T o use th is demo from the comman d line, see S ection 3.
Runn ing th e Dem os fro m th e C omman d Li ne Runnin g the Demons tration Softw are 3- 9 The su pported vid eo algor ithms are M PEG4 (.mp eg4 file extensio n), H.264 (.26 4 file ex tension) an d MPEG2 ( .m2v fil e extension). The su pported a udio algor ithm is AA C (.
Runni ng the Demos from the Comma nd Line 3-10 3) Mo ve to the ap propriate directo ry on the target using the followin g comm and. (See Se ction 4.1.1 for the meanin gs of com mand pro mpts shown in this docume nt.
Runnin g the Ne twork Dem o Runnin g the Demons tration Softw are 3-1 1 3.5 Running the Network Demo As an ex ample of standa rd TCP/IP n etworking s upport, the DVEVM example s include a small HTTP web ser ver . This web s erver is started on the GPP-si de as part of the Linux startup sequenc e.
4-1 Chap ter 4 DVEVM Software Setup This cha pter explains how to use t he software pr ovided with the DVEV M kit. 4.1 Software Overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 – 2 4.2 Preparing to Ins tall .
Software Overvie w 4-2 4.1 Softw are O verview T o begin deve loping a pplications , you need to install the DVE VM develop ment envi ronment. Th is chapt er outline s the st eps required t o load the DVE VM so ftware onto the de velop ment hos t. Y ou will ne ed the distributi on disk s or the fil es they contain to get started.
Sof t ware Ov ervie w DVEVM Software Setu p 4-3 T exas In struments, in agreement with Mo ntaVist a Softwar e Inc., is provid ing a dem ons trati on versio n of th e Li nux Prof es si ona l E dit ion v5.0 embedded operatin g system a nd developm ent tools .
Software Overvie w 4-4 4.1.2 Software Component s The foll owing figure s hows the s oftware co mponents used for applica tion develop ment with th e DVEVM kit : In the pr evious fi gure, you r appli cation r uns on the ARM subsyste m. It handles I/O and app licatio n process ing.
Prepar i ng t o Insta ll DVEVM Software Setu p 4-5 4.2 Preparing to Install On a host syst em, mount the DVEVM demonstra tion DVD an d copy the followin g files to a tempor ary locati on wit h at least 2.3 GB ava ilable space. Sinc e you ca n delete th e installati on files after installin g the software , a direct ory like /tmp is rec ommended .
Inst alling the Sof tware 4-6 4.3.1 Install ing the Target Linux Software This sec tion expl ains how to ins tall Linux for us e on the target boa rd. This is a dem onstration v ersio n of MontaVista Linux Pr o v5.0. Note that separate version s of Linux ar e used by the targe t and your host Linux works tation.
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-7 4.3.2 Install ing the DVSDK Software The DVSD K softwar e include s Codec En gine comp onents, DSP /BIOS Link, sa mple data file s, xDAIS and xDM heade r files, and a cont iguous memory allocator for Linux (CME M).
Inst alling the Sof tware 4-8 When the i nstaller prom pts for an ins tallation locati on, do not us e the default locati on. Instead, us e the entire path to the dvsdk _#_# codeg en directo ry . Y ou w ill need to manua lly cr eate the folder cg6x_6_ #_#, wher e # repres ents part of the v ersion num ber .
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-9 4.3.4 Install ing the SoC Analyzer SoC An alyzer is a graphic al tool tha t runs on a Windows de velop ment host and uses data collect ed from Lin.
Inst alling the Sof tware 4-10 4) Pe rform the fol lowing co mmands to create a c opy of the target file system with perm issions set fo r writing to the shared a rea as <use racc t> . Subs titute yo ur user na me for <u sera cct> . If you installed in a loc ation other than /opt/ mv_pro_5.
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-1 1 4.3.6 Testing t he Shared Fil e System T o test you r NFS setup, fo llow thes e steps: 1) G et the IP add ress o f your hos t Linux work stations as fo llows. L ook for the IP address a ssociated with the eth 0 Etherne t port.
Inst alling the Sof tware 4-12 See Se ction A. 4, Alternate B oot Methods for inform ation abou t booting with TFTP or NFS and using flash or the EVM’ s hard drive. 4.3.7 Configuring the Boot Setup for PAL Video Users Y ou ca n configur e the EVM to sele ct either the NTSC or P AL vide o standard du ring the d efau lt boot s equ enc e.
Sett ing U p the B uild /Dev elo pm ent Envir onm ent DVEVM Software Setu p 4-13 These codecs ar e prov ided un der a " for demo nstration- only" license agreemen t. If you w ish to use t hese cod ecs in a pr oductio n develop ment environme nt, you c an go to the DVEV M Updates web site a t http://www .
Building a New Linux Ker nel 4-14 4) host $ arm_v5t_le-gcc hello.c -o hello Perfor m the f ollowing steps on the targe t boar d. Y ou may use either th e target's con sole window ( Section 2.2 ) or a t elnet sessi on. 1) target $ cd /opt/hello 2) Run .
Bui lding a New Linux Kern el DVEVM Software Setu p 4-15 5) T o modi fy the kernel options, yo u will need to use a c onfigura tion comm and suc h a s " mak e m enu co nfi g" o r " ma ke xconf ig" .
Rebuildi ng the DVEVM Software fo r the T arget 4-16 4.6 Re building the DV EV M Software for the Target T o place demo files in the /o pt/dvsdk /dm6446 dir ectory , you need to rebuild the DVSDK s oftware. T o do this, follo w these st eps: 1) If y ou have not al ready done so , rebuild th e Linux kern el as descr ibed in Se ction 4.
Boo ting t he Ne w Lin ux Ker n el DVEVM Software Setu p 4-17 5) Y ou can test the r ebuilt DVE VM softwa re by booting your NF S file system and running the demos from the command li ne as descr ibed in Se ction 3.
T est ing th e Buil d Env ironm ent 4-18 4.8 Testing the Build Environment T o test your DVSDK so ftware installa tion, you can b uild one of the Codec Engin e servers. This se rver is a D SP-side a pplicati on. Building it tes ts the installatio n of DS P-side dev elopment componen ts.
Using th e Digital V ideo T est Bench (DVTB) DVEVM Software Setu p 4-19 3) Cop y th e binar ie s " dv tb-d" and "d vtb -r" to /op t/dv s dk /dm 6 446 on th e device ’s t ar get filesyste m and run it there. It must be in the same directo ry as the DS P exec utables.
Runni ng The SoC Analyzer 4-20 4.10 Running The SoC Analyzer Built up on T exas Instru ments' eXpress DSP data vis ualizat ion tech nology (DVT), the S oC Analyz er simplifies debugging, analysi s, and optimiza tion of DVEVM applica tions.
Doc umen tat ion f or DSP -Si de Dev elopm ent DVEVM Software Setu p 4-21 T o run the S oC Analy zer , double- click the S oC Analyz er icon on th e Windows Desktop or select i t from the Windows S t art menu u nder T exas Instru ments.
Documen tation for D SP-Side Developmen t 4-22 Sec tion 4 .9, Usi ng th e Dig i- tal Video T est Be nch (DVTB) this do cument Codec Engin e Codec En gine Appli cation Develop er User's Guid e (SP.
A-1 Appendix A Additional Procedures This a ppendix describes o ptional p rocedur es you may use dependin g on your s etup and s pecific needs. A.1 Changing the Video Input/Output Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A – 2 A.2 Putting Demo App lications in the T hird-Party Menu .
Changing the Video Input/Output Me thods A-2 A.1 Changing the Video Input/Output Methods The EV M can inp ut video usi ng the fol lowing met hods: ❏ Composit e [defau lt] ❏ S-Video (bes t quality .
Changin g the Vide o Input/O utput Methods Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-3 A.1.2 Using S-Video Output T o switch t o higher -quality S -Video output , follow the se steps: 1) Unp lug th e com posite vi deo c onn ec tor .
Changing the Video Input/Output Me thods A-4 A.1.3 Using Component Vi deo Output T o switc h to high est-quality compone nt video output, foll ow these ste ps: 1) Con nect your c omponent vide o connec tors to the con nectors in a square on the far left of the board.
Putting Demo Appli ca tio ns in the Thi r d-Part y Men u Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-5 A.2 Putting Demo Applications in the Third-Party Menu Y ou can add your o wn demos to the Third-Pa rty Menu by followin g the steps in this sec tion. Only fou r demos can be shown at once i n the user- interfac e.
Putting D emo Appl ications in th e Third-Party Me nu A-6 uses relati ve refer ences to ac cess the m. For examp le, the fol lowin g directo ry struc ture mig ht be used in the ar chive: |-- app.sh |-- data | |-- datafile1 | `-- datafile2 |-- logo.jpg `-- readme.
Setting Up a TFTP Server Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-7 A.3 Setting Up a TFTP Server Y ou can check to see if a TFTP server i s set up with the foll owing comm and: host $ rpm -q tftp-server If it is n ot set up, you can foll ow these s teps: 1) If yo u have not ye t installed MontaVista Linux Dem o Edition (se e Section 4.
Alternate Boot Metho ds A-8 A.4 Alternate Boot Methods The defa ult conf iguration fo r the E VM is t o boot fr om flash wi th the fil e system on the EV M’s hard drive. The fol lowing are a lternate ways yo u may want t o boot th e board: ❏ TFTP b oot with hard drive file system (Section A .
Alternate Bo ot Methods Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-9 T o boot in this mode, s et the follo wing parameters after y ou abort the automa tic boot seq uence: EVM # setenv bootcmd bootm 0x2050000 setenv .
Alternate Boot Metho ds A-10 A.4.3 Booting fr om Flash Using NFS File System T o boot in this mode, s et the follo wing parameters after y ou abort the automa tic boot seq uence: EVM # setenv bootcmd .
Rebuild ing DSP/BIOS L ink Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-1 1 The < root di rector y to mount > m ust match the file syst em that yo u set up on your workstation . For exam ple, /home /< user acct > /wo rkdi r/fil esys . When you boot, look for the following lines that c onfirm t he boot mod e: TFTP from server 192.
Rest orin g and U pdatin g the E VM Ha rd Dis k Dri ve A-12 A.6 Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk Driv e This sect ion describ es how to r estore and update all the files on the EVM hard dis k drive (H DD), incl uding the Linux file system and the dem os.
Restori ng and U pdating t he EVM Ha rd Disk Driv e Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-13 For exam ple, y ou ca n create a ter minal s ession with Hy perT er minal or T eraT er m on MS W indows, and M inicom or C-Kermit o n Linux. 6) S tart an NFS server o n the hos t workstatio n.
Rest orin g and U pdatin g the E VM Ha rd Dis k Dri ve A-14 A.6.3 Restore the EVM Hard Disk Drive The EVM hard dis k drive (HDD) ca n be restored from a t arget EVM HDD partition or fro m the host Li nux workstation file system. Either met hod will achiev e the same result.
Restori ng and U pdating t he EVM Ha rd Disk Driv e Addi tion al Pr ocedu res A-15 7) The s cript will ask for confirma tion: "Th is will destr oy all data on /dev/hda1 - are you sure?" T y pe yes .
Rest orin g and U pdatin g the E VM Ha rd Dis k Dri ve A-16 3) Go to the /rest ore direc tory . EVM # cd /restore 4) Se t the Linux date v ariable to today's date. If the date i s too far off, the target fil e system installation ge nerates warnings for each file it install s.
Index--1 This is a draft version printed fro m file: davinci_gsgIX.fm on 12/18/08 Index A A/V files 4 -8 AAC audio 3- 9 applica tion 4-4 ARM9 1-3 arr ow but t ons 3-4 audio c ables 2-3 B battery 1- 4,.
Index--2 Index BIOS_INS TALL_DIR 4 -16 FC_I NSTA LL_D IR 4-16 XDC_INSTALL_DIR 4- 1 6 ESD pr eca u tions 2-3 Ethe rnet 2- 4 setup 2-5 EVM # prom pt 2-6, 4-3 exampl es 3-2 exit de mo 3-5 expor ts fi le .
Index--3 Index prompts 4-3 Q quit demo 3-5 R rebuildi ng DVEVM software 4-16 Linux k ernel 4-14 Record bu tton 3-5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4-6 remote con trol 1-3, 3-3 resettin g code 3-3 rest ore H DD A-12 Rules.
Spectrum Digital, Inc. 5081 68-000 1C.
デバイスTexas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTexas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTexas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTexas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。