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PRINTED IN JAPAN TOSHIBA Thermal Printer B-SX6T/SX8T SERIES Document No. EO13-33002 Original Mar., 2006 (Revised ) S y stem Mode Manual.
EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 1 1.1 Key Operation Flow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1- 1 1.
EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul 24, 2008) Page 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2-35 2.3.1 Feed Amount Fine Adjust m ent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-37 2.
EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul 24, 2008) CAUTION! 1. This manual may not be copied in whole or in part without prior written permission of TOSHIBA TEC. 2. The contents of this manual may be changed without notification. Copyright © 2006 by TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION A ll Rights Reserved 570 Ohito, Izunokuni-shi, Shiz uoka-ken, JAPAN Page 2.
1. INTRODUCTION EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 1.1 Key Operation Flow 1- 1 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes key operations using the keys and LCD display on the printer that you can operate on a printer alone.
1. INTRODUCTION EO13-33002 1.2 Operation Panel 1- 2 1.2 Operation Panel The figure below illustrates the O peration Panel and key functions. The LCD Message Display is a 16-c haracter x 2-line display, which shows messages in alphanumeric characters and symbols to indica te the printer’s status.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2. SYSTEM MODE 2- 1 2. SYSTEM MODE System mode consists of ten main menus: Self-diagnostic test, Parame ter setting, Printer parameter fine adjustment, Test print, Sensor adjus tment, RAM clear, IP address setting, Basic setting, and Factory mode.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2. SYSTEM MODE 2- 2 NOTES: 1. System Mode menu can be selected with the [RESTART] or [FEED] key. 2. Pressing the [PAUSE] key allows you to enter the sub menus of each System Mode menu. Flowcharts of each menu’ s sub menus are provided on the following pages.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 3 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test Outline of Self-diagnostic Test In the Self-diagnostic test mode, the printer automa tically checks and prints out the printer system information such as the sensor stat us or interface, and t he maintenance counter.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 4 2.1.1 Printing Mode Selection While “PRT TYPE TRANSFR” is displayed on the LCD, press the [PAUSE] key. The type of printing mode can be selected: “TRANSFR” (Thermal transfer) or “DIRECT” (Thermal direct).
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 5 2.1.3 Maintenance Counter/Parameter Settings Print Out When “MAINTENANCE CONT” is disp layed, the printer is ready to print out the Maintenance Counter/Parameter Settings. Press the [PAUSE] key to start.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 6 NOTE: Print conditions: Print speed: 4”/sec., Sensor: No sensor, Pr inting mode: Thermal transfer/Direct thermal (*1) , Media length: 240 mm, Issue mode: Batch printing (*1) Depends on the printing mode setting.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 7 • Descriptions of the Maintenance Counter # Item Count Condition Range (1) Total media distance covered 0.0 to 3200.0 km (2) Media distance covered Counts when the feed motor is driven to feed, print or issue media.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 8 • Descriptions of the Parameters Item # Description Specification FEED (11) Print start position fine adjus tment (PC), (KEY) -50.0 mm to +50.0 mm CUT (12) Cut/strip position fine adjustm ent (PC), (KEY) -50.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 9 Item # Description Specification RIBBON (32) Ribbon type select ion TRANS: Transparent ribbon NON TRANS: Non tran.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2- 10 Item # Description Specification BASIC (61) BASIC interpreter setting ON: Available OFF: Unavailable BASIC TRACE.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-11 2.1.4 Self-Diagnostic Test and Result Print Out When the Maintenance Counter/Parameter Settings is printed, the message returns to “<1>DIAG. Vx.x”. Press the [PAUSE] key twice.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-12 • Descriptions (1) Program ROM Check (Model Name, Da te, Version, Part number, Checksum) PROGRAM B-SX8T MAIN 15OCT2002 V1.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-13 (5) SDRAM Capacity SDRAM 16MB (6) Sensor 1 Check The status of the Strip Sens or, Ribbon Feed Motor Sensor, Ribbon Take-up Motor Sensor, Cutter Home Position Switch, Head Up Sensor, and Pinch Roller Sensor are printed.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-14 (7) Sensor 2 Check The status o f the Print Head Thermistor, Ambient Temperature Thermistor, Black Mark Sensor, and Feed Gap Sensor, Print Head resistance r ank, and print head resolution are printed.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-15 (9) Manual Threshold Check M THRE. [R]5.0V [T]5.0V [RANK]1 305DPI Resistance rank Average resistance (ohm) Resistance rank Average resistance (o.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-16 (11) Internal Serial Interface Check EX.232C NG Connect the jig like below to the serial inte rface connector and perform a loop back check. (12) SIO Interface check Result of optional serial in terface check is printed.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.1 Self-diagnostic Test 2-17 2.1.5 Print Head Element Check This function is used to check for any br oken thermal elements of the print head. If blurred print or missing dots occurs, this check help s you find whether the thermal elements are actually broken or the print head is just stained.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-18 2.2 Parameter Setting Outline of Parameter Setting In the Parameter Setting mode, various ki nds of parameters, such as comm unicat ion, key, LCD, etc. can be set. This will allow a use of the printer to comply with your operating conditions.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-19 How to Enter Parameter Setting Mode Turn on the printer while pressing the [FEED] and the [PAUSE] keys at the same time. Hold both keys until the “<1>DIAG. Vx.x” message appears. Press the [FEED] key.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-20 2.2.2 Character Zero Selection This parameter is to choose the wa y to indicate zero between “0” and “ Ø ”. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key twice. Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-21 2.2.4 Data Length Selection This parameter is to choose a communication data length of the RS- 232C interface. 7 bits is used when transmitting al phanumeric data only. 8 bits is us ed to when transmitting special characters.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-22 2.2.6 Parity Selection This parameter is to choose the par ity of the RS-232C interface. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears. Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-23 2.2.8 LCD Language Selection This parameter is to choose a language in which the LCD message is displayed. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-24 NOTES: 1. If the printer is not used for a few days, the top edge of the media may become curly, which may cause a paper jam. The Auto Forward Wait Function pre vents this problem since th e media feed amount is increased so that the media stops past the platen.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-25 3. The ribbon saving function is activated whe n there is a 20-mm or more non-print area i n the media feed direction.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-26 After setting the control code fo r Control Code 1, press the [PAUSE] key to show the CONTROL CODE2 screen. In a same manner, press the [PAUSE] key after setting the control code for Control Code 2 to display the CONTROL CODE3 screen.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-27 2.2.15 FEED Key Function Selection This parameter is to c hoose the function of the [FEED] key. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears. Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-28 2.2.18 Auto Print Head Check Selection This parameter is to choose whether to perform the Auto Print Head Check function at the power on time. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-29 2.2.20 Web Printer Function Selection This parameter is to choose whether to use the printer as a web printer. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-30 2.2.22 Input Prime Selection This parameter is to choose whether to enable a reset operation when INIT signal is ON. Normally, when the printer receives a reset re quest signal (nInit signal) from the host via Centronics interface, the printer will be reset and turn to the idle state.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-31 2.2.24 Plug & Play Selection This parameter is to choose whether to enable a Plug & Play function. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-32 NOTE: Difference between TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 TYPE1: When a label end or ribbon end is detected, printing is immediately stopped. When the prin ting is restarted, first the initial feed is performed, and then the printer starts printing from the unfinished label.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-33 2.2.26 Pre-Strip Selection This parameter is to choose whether to activate the Pre-strip function. When this parameter is set to ON (Available), the t op edge of a label is separated (pre-stripped) from the backing paper before the label is printed.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.2 Parameter Setting 2-34 2.2.29 Strip Motor Torque Selection This parameter is to c hoose a strip motor torque. When “<2>PARAMETER SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears. NOTE : This parameter is fixed to R0.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-35 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment Outline of Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment In the Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment mode, you can fine adjust each parameter, such as Print tone, Print start position, Threshold, etc.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-36 How to Enter Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment Mode Turn on the printer while pressing the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys at the same time. Hold both keys until the “<1>DIAG. Vx.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-37 2.3.1 Print Start Position Fine Adjustment This parameter is to fine adjust a print start position after printing (= to fine adjust the feed amount to the next media’s print start position).
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-38 2.3.2 Cut/Strip Positi on Fine Adjustment This parameter is to fine adjus t a cut or strip position. When “<3>ADJUST SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key twice. Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-39 [Handling of labels having the label pitch of less than 38 mm in cut issue mode] Method 1 Under the conditions described below, the printe r performs as follows in cut issue mode.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-40 (b) Operation example Issue count: 3, Cut interval: 1 • Example of Strip Position Fine Adjustment When setting +3.0 mm Compared with “+0.0 mm” position, the stop position after printing is shifted forward.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-41 2.3.3 Reverse Feed Amount Fine Adjustment This parameter is to fine adj ust a reverse feed amount. When “<3>ADJUST SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-42 NOTES: 1. The fine adjustment value equals to the sum of the fine adjustment values set by the PC comm and and this parameter. The maximum reverse feed amount fine adjustment value is + 9.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-43 • Example of X Coordinate Fine Adjustment When setting –50.0 mm Compared with “+0.0mm” position, the print position is shifted to the left. When setting +0.0 mm When setting +50.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-44 2.3.5 Print Tone Fine Adjustment ( Thermal Transfer/Thermal Direct Print) This parameter is to fine adjust the Print Tone. When “<3>ADJUST SET” appears, press the [PAUSE] key until the following display appears.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-45 2.3.6 Ribbon Motor Voltage Fine Adjustment (Feed/Take-up Motor) This parameter is to fine adjust the Ribbon Motor Voltage (Torque). When the ribbon is slack or wrinkled and printing is af fected, fine adjust the ribbon motor torque by using the following procedure.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.3 Printer Parameter Fine Adjustment 2-46 2.3.7 Threshold Manual Fine Adjustment (Black Mark/Feed Gap Sensor) This parameter is to set a threshold voltage of the black mark sensor or feed gap sensor.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-47 2.4 Test Print Outline of Test Print In the Test Print mode, you can print the test patterns and set print conditions for a test print. This is useful to check the print quality of new media or ribbon.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-48 How to Enter Test Print Mode While pressing the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys at the same time, turn on t he printer. Hold both keys until the “<1>DIAG. Vx.x” Message appears. Press the [FEED] key 3 times.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-49 2.4.1 Specifying the Print Condition for the Test Print The print conditions for the Test Print should be specified bef ore printing. When “<4>TEST PRINT” appears, press the [PAUSE] key. To set the print conditions, press the [PAUSE] key.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-50 Sensor Type Selection Select a sensor type among “TRANS” (Feed Gap Sensor ), “REFLECT” (B lack Mark Sensor) and “NONE”. After selecting a sensor type, press the [PAUSE] key to go to Printing Mode Selection.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-51 Media Length Setting Select a label length for the test print from a range of 5 mm to 999 mm. [FEED] key: Pressing the [FEED] key one time causes a –1 mm change, up to 5 mm. [RESTART] key: Pressing the [RESTART] key one time causes a +1 mm change, up to 999 mm.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-52 2.4.2 Test Print Pattern Selection Several print patterns are provided for test print. When “<4>TEST PRINT” appears after paper feed selection, press the [PAUSE] key. Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-53 2.4.3 Slant Line (1 dot) Pressing the [PAUSE] key while SLANT LINE (1 DOT) is display ed causes the slant line patterns (1 dot) to be printed. Print Sample of Slant Line (1 dot) After printing is completed, the disp lay returns to “<4>TEST PRINT”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-54 2.4.4 Slant Line (3 dots) Pressing the [PAUSE] key while SLANT LINE (3 DOT) is display ed causes the slant line patterns (3 dots) to be printed. Print Sample of Slant Line (3 dots) After printing is completed, the di splay returns to “<4>TEST PRINT”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-55 2.4.5 Characters Pressing the [PAUSE] key while CHARACTERS is displayed caus es the characters to be printed. Print Sample of Characters After printing is completed, the di splay returns to “<4>TEST PRINT”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-56 2.4.7 Non-Printing Pressing the [PAUSE] key while NON-PRINTING is displayed causes a blank medi a to be issued. NOTE: The Non-Printing function looks like a media feeding. Print Sample of Non-print After printing is completed, the di splay returns to “<4>TEST PRINT”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.4 Test Print 2-57 2.4.9 Auto Print Pressing the [PAUSE] key while AUTO PRINT (TRAN) or AUTO PRINT (REFL) is displayed causes the following automatic test print: (1) [PAUSE].
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.5 Sensor Adjustment 2-58 2.5 Sensor Adjustment Outline of the Sensor Adjustment In the Sensor Adjustment m ode, the status of the sens ors and thermistors is displayed. Also you can store media level voltage and media end level voltage for t he Black Mark, Feed Gap, and Ribbon End Sensors.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.5 Sensor Adjustment 2-59 How to Enter the Sensor Adjustment Mode While pressing the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys at the same time, turn on t he printer. Hold both keys until the “<1>DIAG. Vx.x” Message appears. Press the [FEED] key 4 times.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.5 Sensor Adjustment 2-60 2.5.3 Feed Gap Sensor Adjustment Follow the procedure below to store a backing paper level voltage of the Feed Gap Sensor. (1) Place the backing paper (labels are removed) in the printer so that the F eed gap Sensor detects it.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: May 22, 2007) 2.6 RAM Clear 2-61 2.6 RAM Clear Outline of RAM Clear In the RAM Clear mode, clearing t he Maintenance Counter and initializing the Parameters are possible. After replacing the print head, ribbon motor, or platen, perform a maintenance clear.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: May 22, 2007) 2.6 RAM Clear 2-62 2.6.1 RAM Clear Menu Selection When “<6>RAM CLEAR” appears, press the [PAUSE] key. Choose a RAM Clear menu among “No RA M Clear”, “Maintenance Counter Clea r”, or “Parameter Clear”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: May 22, 2007) 2.6 RAM Clear 2-63 When the Maintenance Counter Clear is completed, the following message appears. Turn off the printer to exit this mode. Initial values after clearing the main tenance counter (MANTE.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.6 RAM Clear 2-64 Initial values after clearing the parameters (PARAMETER CLEAR) Item Initial Value Feed amount fine adjustment (PC), (KEY.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.6 RAM Clear 2-65 Item Initial Value Label pitch 76.2 mm Effective print length 74.2 mm B-SX6T-TS12-QM-R 170.6 mm Effective print width B-SX8T-TS12-QM-R 213.3 mm Printing mode Thermal transfer Sensor type Feed gap sensor Print speed 4”/sec.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.7 IP Address Setting 2-66 2.7 IP Address Setting Outline of the IP Address Setting In the IP Address Setting mode, you can set the IP Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask, DHCP, DHCP Client ID, and DHCP Host Name which are necessary for a netwo rk communication.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.7 IP Address Setting 2-67 When “<7>IP ADDRESS” appears, press the [PAUSE] key. Choose an IP Address menu am ong “Printer IP Address”, “Socket Po rt”, “Gateway IP Address”, “Subnet Mask”, or “DHCP”.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.7 IP Address Setting 2-68 2.7.2 Socket Port Setting To set a socket port number, follow the procedure below. 2.7.3 DHCP and DHCP Client ID Setting To set the DHCP and the DHCP client ID, follow the procedure below. Enter the 5th digit of the port number with the [RESTART] or [FEED] key.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.7 IP Address Setting 2-69 2.7.4 DHCP Host Name Setting After DHPC client ID has been set, the DHCP host name setting menu is displayed. Press the [PAUSE] key and set the DHCP host name one byte by one byte. NOTES: 1. Code used to enter a DHCP client ID is sele ctable between ASCII code (alphanumeric) and Hex.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.8 BASIC Setting 2-70 2.8 BASIC Setting Outline of Basic Setting The Basic function enables the printer to operate with t he program created for other printers, by converting it to Basic program and downloading this Basic progr am to the printer.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.8 BASIC Setting 2-71 2.8.1 Basic Specificat ion Selection Mode This parameter is to choose whether to enabl e the BASIC specificati on function or not. When “<8>BASIC” appears, press the [PAUSE] key. 2.8.2 Basic File Brow ser This parameter is to display the data files in the program file and basic file area.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 2.8 BASIC Setting 2-72 2.8.4 Basic Expansion Mode (Execution of Basic Program) This parameter is to execute the Basic expansion mode program. NOTE: In this mode, it is possible to add the program ex lucisvely for the B-SX6T/SX8T to the programs for other printer systems.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-73 2.9 RFID Module Setting Outline of the RFID Module Setting In the RFID Module Setting mode, you can set va rious parameters related to the RFID module. It is necessary to set these paramet ers before operating the RFID module.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-74 How to Enter RFID Module Setting Mode Turn on the printer while pressing the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys at the same time. Hold both keys until the “<1>DIAG.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-75 When the RFID module type is set to “NONE” or a communication c annot be established, a message, “NON RFID MODULE”, is displayed. “NO RFID MODULE”, “TIMEOUT” or “RFID READ ERRO R” indicates an error.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-76 2.9.3 RFID Tag Type Selection This parameter is to choose an RFID tag type to be used. Available tag type is different depending on the RFID module type. When the RFID Module Type has been set to NONE Use the [FEED] or [RESTART] key to select a desired option.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-77 2.9.5 Maximum Number of RFID Issue Retries This parameter is to set the maximum number of times to issue an RFID tag.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-78 2.9.6 Maximum Number of RFID Read Retries This parameter is to set the maximum number of times to read an RFID tag. If the printer does not succeed even if after having retr ied for the maximum number of times, the printer stops, resulting in an error (TIMEOUT).
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-79 2.9.7 RFID Read Retry Time-out This parameter is to set the time- out for retry to read an RFID tag. If the printer does not succeed within the specified ti me-out, the printer stops, resulting in an error (TIMEOUT).
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-80 2.9.8 Maximum Number of RFID Write Retries This parameter is to set the maximum number of times to write data onto an RFID tag.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-81 2.9.9 RFID Write Retry Time-out This parameter is to set the time-out for retry to write data onto an RFID tag. If the printer does not succeed within the specified ti me-out, the printer stops, resulting in an error (TIMEOUT).
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-82 2.9.10 RFID Adjustment for Retry If the printer fails to write data to an RFID tag, it feeds the RFID tag forward or backward for a specified length, then starts retrying to write data.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-83 2.9.11 RFID Wireless Pow er Level Setting With this parameter, it is possible to adjust the le vel of radio frequency output from the RFID module. The optimum level differs depending on the tag types and module types.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-84 2.9.13 RFID Module Q Value Setting This parameter is to set the Q value. In the case multiple RFID tags are read at the same time, this menu is useful to pinpoint a target tag.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-85 2.9.14 AGC Threshold for Data Write Setting This parameter is to set the AGC threshold for data write. When the Q value is set to 1 or greater, the AG C threshold for data writ e becomes effective.
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 2.9 RFID Module Setting 2-86 2.9.15 AGC Threshold Low er Limit for Retry Setting This parameter is to set an AGC threshold lower limit. When the Q value is set to 1 or greater, the AGC th reshold lower limit for re try becomes effective.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3. ON LINE MODE 3- 1 3. ON LINE MODE In the ON LINE mode, the fo llowing settings can be performed. • Automatic threshold setting for the Feed Gap Sensor • Automatic threshold setting for the Black Mark Sensor • Reset • Parameter settings (Same as Section 2.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3. ON LINE MODE 3- 2 LCD message and LED indication Symbols in the message 1: : The LED is illuminated. ~ : The LED is flashing.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 3. ON LINE MODE 3- 3 LED Indication No. LCD Message POWE R ON LINE ERROR Printer Status Restoration by RESTART key Yes/No Acceptance of Status.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.1 Automatic Threshold Setting 3- 4 3.1 Automatic Threshold Setting Outline of Automatic Threshold Setting To maintain a constant print position the printer us es the media sensor to det ect a print start position according to the difference of voltage between a prin t area and a gap or black mark.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.2 Reset Operation 3- 5 3.2 Reset Operation A reset operation clears the print data sent from the host computer to the printer, and returns the printer to an idle condition. How to Perform a Reset Operation NOTE: Failure to press the [RESTART] key for 3 seconds or longer causes the printer to restart printing.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 3.3 Dump Mode 3- 6 3.3 Dump Mode In dump mode, data in the receive buffer are printed. Data are expressed in hexadecimal values . This operation allows the user to verify programming commands or debug the program.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 3.3 Dump Mode 3- 7 The data in the receive buffer is printed as follows: Print Conditions • Printing width: 3.9 inches (100 mm) • Sensor selection: None • Print speed: 4”/sec. • Printing mode: Depends on t he selection in use.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.4 BASIC Expansion Mode 3- 8 3.4 BASIC Expansion Mode It is possible to execute the BASI C expansion mode program in BASI C expansion mode under the following conditions: • The BASIC expansion mode progr am has already been loaded.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.5 Automatic Calibration Setting 3- 9 3.5 Automatic Calibration Setting Whether to activate the automatic calibration at a power on time or not is selectable in the Automatic Calibration Mode.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.5 Automatic Calibration Setting 3- 10 6. This function is available only when the media pitch is 10.0 mm to 150.0 mm . 7. When a label end or head open error occurs during an autom atic calibration, the printer stops, resulting in an error.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.6 LAN Enable/Disable Setting 3-11 3.6 LAN Enable/Disable Setting Whether to enable the LAN or not and whether to enabl e Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or not are chosen by this menu. How to Enable/Disable the LAN [PAUSE] <1>RESET ON LINE B - S X 8 T V x .
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.7 Real Time Clock (RTC) Setting 3-12 3.7 Real Time Clock (RTC) Setting This module holds the current time: y ear, month, day, hour, minute, second. How to perform the Real Time Clock Setting (Continued on the next page.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.7 Real Time Clock (RTC) Setting 3-13 NOTES: 1. Be sure to load the battery and set the low battery che ck function to ON whenever the real time clock is used. If the battery is not loaded or the battery voltage is low, t he real time clock data is erased at the power off time.
3. ON LINE MODE EO13-33002 3.7 Real Time Clock (RTC) Setting 3-14 3. The factory setting for the low battery check function is OFF. 4. To enable the real time clock function, set the low battery check to ON. 5. When the low battery check is set to OFF, the RTC function is available even in a low battery state.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.1 Outline of Features 4- 1 4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup and download the firmware to the printer. The firmware download will be made from a PC via the Centronics interface or RS -232C interface of the printer.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 2 4.2.2 Setup Setup Disk Make sure that you have all two diskettes available of the “B-SA series Download Program”. Installation Procedure (1) While running Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Window s XP, insert Setup Disk (1/2) into the PC floppy drive.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 3 1. First, start the printer in download mode. NOTE : Centronics interface ACK/BUSY timing is different between “DOWNLOAD MODE” and “DOWNLOAD MODE 2”. If data cannot be downloaded in “DOWNLOAD MODE” , choose “DOWNLOAD MODE 2” and retry downloading.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 4 2. Turn on the PC power and start Windows. 3. Click on the START button to access the program menu. 4. Highlight “TOSHIBA TEC”, ”B-SA4T” and “Dwnld”, and click on “B-SA4T Downloader” to start up the download program.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 5 3) Click on the Search button on the above screen, and show the sub menu screen as shown below. Select a directory to be set as the default path. 4) Click on the Select button and then the OK butt on.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 6 6. Select the drive directory in which the firmware file (*.ROM) is stored, and the file name to be downloaded. (File information will be shown on the ri ght side of the screen.) Click on the RUN button.
4. PROGRAM DOWN LOAD EO13-33002 4.3 Firmware Download 4- 7 8. While the printer is preparing for the downloadi ng, part of the screen may be disordered. After approximately 15 seconds, the following screen will appear causing the firmware to be transferred.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.1 System Requirement 5- 1 5. RFID ANALYZE TOOL When an RFID module is installed, the printer will be able to write data on an RFID tag as well as print data on the surface of t he RFID-tag embedded label.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.2 Set Up 5- 2 5.2 Set up Setup Disk The Installation Setup Disk consists of one CD-ROM. Installation Procedure 1. Start Windows put the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Click on the “Start” button, then choose “Run”.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 3 5.3 Application Functions 5.3.1 Main Menu (1) Front Feed amount: +9999 ~ -9999 (6) Write Test Button (2) Ba.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 4 5.3.2 File Menu (1) Log Information Set Displays the Test Information Setting screen s hown below.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 5 (2) Log Save As Saves text data in the “Results” box of the RFID Analyze Tool screen into a text file. (3) Text Capture Saves the test result into a CSV file.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 6 (5) End (Exit) Exits from the Analyze Tool program. Communication Settings between PC and Printer (Serial P.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 7 5.3.3 Tool Menu (1) Port Open Opens/closes a port to comm unicate with the printer.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 8 (2) CommSetting Makes settings for communication between the PC and the printer. NOTES : 1. In the case of the LAN interf ace, a socket communication is used.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 9 (4) Test Option This menu is available only when the U2 type is sele cted. (However, when the U1 type is selected, only the Power Level Change and Level Range are programmable.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 10 (5) Sheet Setting Makes settings for the media to be used. Sheet Inf. 1) Sheet Count: The number of tags to be tested. (1 ~ 5) After printing on one label, a next tag is automatically fed to continue the test.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 11 (7) Select the printer model Makes a choice of a printer model from Ge t Printer Type menu. Choose “B-SX6T/SX8T”. NOTE : This information can be saved by a parameter save function.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.3 Application Functions 5- 12 5.3.4 Help Menu Displays Printer Version and RFID Module Version. Example NOTE : Printer version and module version are indicated next to the date and time of Log file.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 13 5.4 Operating Procedure 1. Connect the printer to the PC with the serial interface cable or LAN cable.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 14 3. Click on the “Tool” menu, and choose “CommSetting”.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 15 4. When the “CommSetting” screen appears, perform the serial port or LAN setting in accordance with the settings of the B-SX6T/SX8T printer. NOTES: 1. Choose the port to which the printer is connected.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 16 4. Set the following parameters. RFID module type to be analyzed (RFID Module Select) Choose the RFID module to be used fo r the RFID Module Select parameter.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 17 RFID tag type to be analyzed (Tag type) Selectable tag types are different depending on the RFID module types. RFID module type Tag type U1: B-9704-RFID-U1-US/EU ISO18000-6B (U1), EPC Class1 (U1), EPC C1 Gen2 (U1).
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 18 Feed amount range (Front/Back Feed) Set the feed amount range wher e an RFID tag is analyzed. Upper limit (Reverse feed amount ): 0 – 9990 (in units of 0.1 mm) Lower limit (Forward feed amount ): 0 – 9990 (in units of 0.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 19 5. Perform a write test or read test. Write test Click on the “Write Test” button to start a write test. During the write test, total number of successful wr ite and total number of write performed are shown in the status bar.
5.RFID ANALYZE TOOL EO13-33002 (Revision Date: Jul. 24, 2008) 5.4 Operatin Procedure 5- 20 Status ba r Tex t bo x Results bo x Write Test button Status Data A ll read or write test results Read Test b.
デバイスToshiba B-SX8Tの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba B-SX8Tをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba B-SX8Tの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba B-SX8Tの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba B-SX8Tで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba B-SX8Tを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba B-SX8Tの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba B-SX8Tに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba B-SX8Tデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。