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T elecommunication Systems Division July 20 06 CIX40 V oice Processing System User Guide.
Publication Information T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc., T elecommunication Systems Division, reserves the right, without p rior notice, to revise this information publication for any reason, in cluding, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of technical arts or to simply change the design of this document.
T oshiba America Infor mation Systems, Inc. T elecommunication Systems Division End-User Limited W arranty T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc., (“T AIS”) warrants that this telephone equipm.
Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 1 Content s Introduction Organization .................... ....................... ...................... ....................... .................. ...... 5 Conventions ..................... ..........
Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 2 System Distribution Lists ................. ...................... ....................... ...................... 10 Directory ............... ...................... ....................... ..........
Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 3 Review a Greeting ............................ ...................... ....................... .................. .... 50 Change Your User Options ......................... ....................... ....
Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 4.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 7 Introduction This guide describes the voice messaging capabilitie s and procedures for making your voice mail sys tem work for you . Organization This guide is divided as follows: • Chapter 1 – The Grand T our is an overview of the voice mail system.
Introd uction Conv entions 8 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Conventions Conventions Descriptio n Note Elaborates specific items or refere nces other information. W ithin some tables, general notes apply to the entire table and numbered notes apply to specific items.
Introduction Rela ted Docume nts/Medi a Strata CIX40 V oi ce Processing User Guide 07/06 9 Action/R espon se T able Related Document s/Media Note Some docu ments list ed here may appea r in dif ferent versions on the CD- ROM, FYI, or in print .
Introd uction Related Documents/Media 10 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 1 The Grand T our 1 This chapter provides an overview of th e system and covers the following general topics: • Features to per sonalize your mailbox .
The Grand T our Overview 2 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Overview Y our voice mail s yst em mana ges multiple voice processing fun ctions simultaneously 24-hours-a-day , 7-days-a-week. Y our mailbox is alwa ys available for callers to leave private voice messages.
The Grand T our Overview Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 3 Figure 1 Admin Main Men u Play the ne xt message Save the current message Delete the current message Forward the current mess.
The Grand T our Features to Personalize Y our Mail box 4 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Features to Personalize Y our Mailbox Y our voice mail processing system offers a vari ety of features to personalize your User ID Mailbox.
The Grand T our Message Queues Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 5 Note The Pending m essages feature is a vailable on a mailbox-to-mailbox b asis. Check with yo ur System Admin istrator to find out if your mailbox is configured for this feature.
The Grand T our Message T ypes 6 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Message T ypes New and Saved Messages can co nsist of the following special types of messages— forwarded and me ssage reply . Forwarded Message Any message sent to you can be forward ed to a single destination or a persona l or system distribution list.
The Grand T our Greetings Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 7 Greetings Y ou can select either a person al or system gr eeting to play to callers when you do n ot answer or when your telephone is busy . Depending on how your syste m is configured, callers may hear a separa te busy greeting—the system or the cu stom busy greeting.
The Grand T our Special Delivery Options 8 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 S p ecial Delivery Options In addition to recording and sending a new messa ge, you can mark the me ssage urgent, private, or request a return receipt. Urgent Messages can be marked ur gent by the sender and alwa ys play first in the New Message Queue.
The Grand T our Message Destination Selections Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 9 Message Destination Selections At the beginning of the Send Messages menu , you are asked to enter the message destination( s).Y ou c an choose to enter a si ngle destination (e.
The Grand T our User Options 10 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 System Distribution List s In addition to Personal Distribution Lists, your voice mail sys tem supports system- wide distribut ion lists created by the System Admin istrator for use by ever yone in your company .
The Grand T our User Prompt s Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 11 • Busy Greet ing – Y ou can record your own custom busy greeting that plays when callers reach your extension, and it is busy .
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Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 13 Getting S t arted 2 This chapter instructs yo u on accessing and ex iting your mailbox and ou tlines the user tutorial steps.
Getting Started Access Y our Mailbox 14 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Step 1: Access Y our Mailbo x The Main Menu (shown belo w) is your st ar ting po int for all o f your vo ice mail system ’ s messaging fea tu res . Pres sing 999 from most menus return s you to the Main Menu.
Getting S tarted Access Y our Mailbox Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 15 From External T elephone From Internal T elephone 1. From an extern al telephone, call yo ur voice mail system on ___________. The system answers with your st andard comp any greeting.
Getting Started Access Y our Mailbox 16 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 2. Enter the default secu rity code + # . If you make a mistake while enteri ng the cod e, press * to re-enter . If your voice mail system is des igned with a fixed length number for your secur ity code, do no t press # after e ntering the security code.
Getting S tarted Record Y our Name Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 17 Step 2: Recor d Y our Name Y our name is annou nced whenever you log onto your mailbox, the directory is accessed, the system greeting is selected, or when a message is sent by another voice mail user .
Getting Started Record Y our Personal Greeti ng(s) 18 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Step 3: Recor d Y our P er sonal Greeting(s) The tutorial now pr ompts you to record your pe rsonal greeting . This greeting beco mes your Personal Greeting #1.
Getting S tarted Change Y our Secu rity Code Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 19 Step 4: Change Y o ur Security Code The tutorial prompt s you to change your mailbox’s secur ity code from the preassigned code.
Getting Started Exit Y our Mailbox or User Mode 20 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Step 5: Exit Y our Mailbo x or User Mode ä T o exit your mailbox, press # to hang up from a T oshiba telephone system When you press # to hang up , you hear “Thank you for calling.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 21 Play Messages 3 This chapter explains ho w to use the Play Me ssages feature. It discu sses: • Access Messag es • Playback Contro ls • Play you.
Play Messages Playback Controls 22 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 If new message s arrive while you are acce ssi ng your mailbox, your voice mail system notifies you that a new message is in the queue upo n returning to the Main men u.
Play Messages Playback Controls Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 23 1 Play Next Message Plays next message in queu e. If you are at th e last message in the q ueue, goes to the first message in the same queue. * 2 Play Previous Message Plays previous message in queue.
Play Messages Play Y our Messages 24 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Play Y our Messages When you access your mail box, your voice mail system tells you the number of urgent, new and saved mess ages (if supported by your system; chec k with your System Administrator) yo u have in your mail box.
Play Messages Play Y our Messages Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 25 1. From the Main Me nu, press 1 Play Messages. A message plays. Once you play a message, your v oice mail system prompts you with the Play Mess ages Menu until you press 9 to exit the menu or you activate another selection.
Play Messages Play Y our Messages 26 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 5 Forwar d the curr ent message With the exception of priv ate messages, all messages can be forwarded to a sing le u ser , multiple users, or a destination list. See “Forward a Message” on page 37 for details on this fe ature.
Play Messages Special Functions Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 27 S p ecial Functions Y ou can check the date and time a message was se nt, or review a message set for future delivery in the Play Messages menu. When you play a message, th is option is available by pressing 7 Special Functions.
Play Messages Special Functions 28 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 9 Return to the Special Functions Menu Y our voice mail system tells you the tot a l number of messages that will be deleted when you log out of your mailbox, and then returns to the S pecial Functions Menu.
Play Messages Special Functions Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 29 Important! The playback starts with the f irst messag e in the queu e and continues until the pr eset time has expir ed. If ther e ar e two queues—new and saved—the playbac k occurs on ly in the queue you ar e in when you press 8 for continuous playbac k.
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Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 31 Send Messages 4 From any tone-dialing telephone, you can r ecord and send a messa ge to a user , several users, or to a personal or system distribution list.
Send Messages Recording Controls 32 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 4 Pause/Resume (toggle or 30 seconds) At any time while recording mess ages to another mailbox in the system, you can press 4 to pause for 30 seconds. Th e message resumes recording as soon as you press 4 .
Send Messages Send a Message Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 33 Send a Message Using the Send Messages Menu ( shown below), you can r ecord a message and sen d it to a single mailbox or mult iple destinations (e.g., person al or system distribution list), forward a message (with a commen t), or reply to a message sent you.
Send Messages Send a Message 34 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 1. From the Main Me nu, press 2 Send Messages. Y our voice mail system prompts you to enter the destination (i.e., User ID, Personal, System List, or Multiple Destinations).
Send Messages Send a Message Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 35 © 01 Personal List Enter a list number ( 1 ~ 7 ). Y ou are prompted for the destinatio n list number . Y our voice mail system plays the list comment or number for confirma tion.
Send Messages Send a Message 36 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 3 Append r ecor ding Press # when done. The appended re cording plays af ter the already recorded por tion of the message. T he system pro mpts you to record at the beep. 4 Select Additional Destinations Send the message to additional destinations.
Send Messages Forward a Messa ge Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 37 Forward a Message Any message sent to you can be forward ed to a single destination or a persona l or system distribution list. Wh en forwarding a message, recording a message ( comment) is optional.
Send Messages Forward a Message 38 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 © 01 Personal List Enter a list number ( 1 ~ 7 ). Y ou are prompted for the destinatio n list number . Y our voice mail system plays the list comment or number for conf irmation.
Send Messages Forward a Messa ge Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 39 2 Re-record Press # when done. The system prompt s you to record the comment at the beep. 3 Append recording Press # when done. The appended forwardin g comment plays after the already record ed message comment.
Send Messages Reply to the Current Message 40 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Reply to the Current Message Y our voice mail system lets you reply to a message that you are curre ntly playing.
Send Messages Reply to the Curren t Me ssa ge Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 41 2 Re-record Press # when done. The system prompt s you to re cord your reply at the beep. 3 Append reply Press # when done. The appended re ply plays after the alre ady recorded portion.
Send Messages Reply to the Current Message 42 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 • 01 Personal List Enter a list number ( 1 ~ 7 ). Y ou are prompted for the destinatio n list number . Y our voice mail system plays the list comment or number for confir mation.
Send Messages Special Delivery Op tions Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 43 S p ecial Delivery Options Y ou can send a message as urgent, privat e, or with a return receipt request. The settings can be used in any combination an d changed prior to sending the messa ge.
Send Messages Future De livery 44 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Future Delivery Y our voice mail system can be configured so that your message is delive red at a future specified time and date. Af ter marking the message for future delivery , you can review (play , save, delete ) the message at any tim e before it is sent.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 45 Manage Mailbox 5 Y our voice mail system provides special options to customize and manage your mailbox features (menu shown below).
Manage Mailbox Change Y our Gree ti ng 46 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Change Y our Greeting Y ou can select either a personal or system greeting to play callers when you do not answer or when your telep hone is busy .
Manage Mailbox Change Y our Greetin g Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 47 Create or Record Over a Personal Greeting Personal greetings should be informativ e and advise callers when y ou will be available to return their ca lls or respond to thei r me ssages.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our Gree ti ng 48 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 5. (Optional) Af ter recording, you can press: 1 Review recording The complete greeting plays. 2 Re-record Press # when done. The system prompt s you to record at the beep.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our Greetin g Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 49 Change Y our Greeting Selection 1. From the Main Me nu, press 3 Manage Mailbox. Y our voice mail system plays the Manage Mailbox Menu. 2. Press 1 Change your Gr eeting.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our Gree ti ng 50 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Review a Greeting 1. From the Main Me nu, press 3 Manage Mailbox. Y our voice mail system plays the Manage Mailbox Menu. 2. Press 1 Change your Gr eeting. Y our voice mail system plays a list of options from the Change Y our Greetin g Me nu.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Opti ons Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 51 Change Y our User Options Y our voice mail system provides a number of special optio ns to improve time management and productivity (menu shown below).
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Options 52 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Change Y our Do Not Disturb (DND) Setting If you set this feature to on , yo ur voice ma il sys tem automatically sends calls to y our User ID (mailbox) without first ringing your telephone.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Opti ons Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 53 Change Y our Call Screening Setting If you set this feature to on , yo ur voice mail sys tem asks callers for their name and company .
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Options 54 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Change Y our Security Code Each User ID in the system has a security code. The co de must be entered by you in order to “log on” to your User ID mailbox, enabling you to access your messages, settings, greetings, etc.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Opti ons Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 55 Create or Record Over Y our Busy Greeting Y ou can record your own custom busy gree ting that pla ys when callers reach your extension and it is busy .
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Options 56 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Select Y our Busy Greeting 6. Press 9 t o return to the Manage Mailbox Menu Y ou can select another user Manage Mailbox option. ...or 99 to return to the Main Menu.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Opti ons Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 57 Record Y our Name Y our name is annou nced whenever you log onto your mailbox, the directory is accessed, the system greeting is selected, or when a message is sent by another voice mail user .
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Options 58 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Change Y our Message Notification Y our User ID can have up to 10 notifi cation records progr ammed by the System Administrator with a specific notificati on method (message waiting light s, pagers, voice, etc.
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Opti ons Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 59 4. Enter the notification template number ( 1 ~ 10 ). S tratagy confirms the template number , spells the template title, states whether the te mp la te is enabled or disabled, an d tells you the phone number (if a pplicable).
Manage Mailbox Change Y our User Options 60 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Review Y our Option Settings 1. From the Main Me nu, press 3 Manage Mailbox. Y our voice mail system plays the Manage Mailbox options. 2. Press 2 Change yo ur User Options.
Manage Mailbox Manage Y our Lists Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 61 Manage Y our List s Y our voice mail system provides the ab ility to create and manage up to seven personal distribution lists. Th e lists cons ist of the User IDs to which you most frequently send messag es.
Manage Mailbox Manage Y our Lists 62 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 4. After selecting a list, you can press: 1 Review your curr ent list The system promp ts you with the na m e (a nd extension) of each User ID on the list. 2 Add a User ID to the list Y our voice mail system prompt s you to enter the User ID.
Manage Mailbox Manage Guest User IDs Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 63 Manage Guest User IDs Guest User IDs provide limited access to the voice mail system fo r temporary an d project-oriente d employees, such as cons ultan ts and contr actor s.
Manage Mailbox Use Guest User IDs 64 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Use Guest User IDs Instruct your guest users to call th e voic e mail system and ide ntify themselves as guest users of your mailbox.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 65 Integration Features 6 This chapter covers the use of your voic e mail with the S trata CI X40. Call Forward, Message W a iting, CIX Integration, Dire ct T ransfer to V oice Mail, V oice Mail Conference features, and Call Monitor are all d escribed.
Integration Features Call Forward 66 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 © Destination – If the destination is an outside number , press # after entering the destination.
Integration Feat ures Message Waiting Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 67 Message W aiting Use your Msg LED/button and LCD to see/retrieve message(s) . An extension can receive up to four simult aneous Message W aiting indications and LCD message s.
Integration Features CIX Integration 68 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 T urning On/Off Message W aiting LED on Another Exten- sion If you call an extensio n an d it’s busy or there is no ans we r , you can light that extension’s Message W aiting LED and enable that extension to call you back.
Integration Feat ures CIX Integration Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 69 When your telephone is idle , and a message arrives for an extension on you r phone, the Msg LED is activated for the approp riate extension and updates the LCD with this di splay (shown right).
Integration Features CIX Integration 70 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 T able 2 V oice Mail Main Menu Sof t Keys for CIX Digit al T elephones DKT 3014 SDL DKT 3007 SD DKT 3010 SD DKT .
Integration Feat ures CIX Integration Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 71 DELETE DEL DEL Delete the message/g uest mailbox DELETE MBX DEL DEL Delete a mailbox fro m the perso nal distri.
Integration Features CIX Integration 72 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 PREVIOUS PREV Play the Previous message PREV MENU PREV MENU/PREV Return to previous menu REC COMMENT COMM COMM R.
Integration Feat ures CIX Integration Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 73 Call Record to V oice Mail While on an active call, a station user can record the conversation and store it in a voice mailbox. Recordings can also be p aus ed or restarted.
Integration Features Direct T ransfer to V oice Mail box 74 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 3. T o stop recording, press Record . The LED turns off and the recording stops. T o resume recording at this point, you need to begin a new recording, see S tep 1 on previous page.
Integration Feat ures Call Monitor Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 75 Call Monitor Using the flexible Call Monitor button on your telephone, you ca n listen to the message a caller is r ecording in you r voice mailbox. Y ou can also answer the call an d talk to th e caller anytime during the message re cording.
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Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 77 Glossary This glossary defines fr equ ently-used voice processing sys tem feature s and functions. T erm Definition Busy Greeti ng Y ou can select your custom busy or the system busy greeting for callers to hear when your telephone is busy .
Glossary Directory ~ New Message Queue 78 Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 Directory A caller enters digits correspondi ng to the first few letters of a user ’s name and your voice mail system plays the recorded name (and optionally extension) that matches the entered digits.
Glossary Personal Greetings ~ System Greeting Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 79 Personal Greetings Y ou may record up to seve n personal greetings that a re played for callers when you are unavailable.
Glossary System List ~ User Notification 80 Strat a CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 System List Destination (distribution) li st of User IDs created and maintained by the System Administrator . Any user on the voice mail system can use the list.
Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 81 Index A about this guide conventions 8 organization 7 related documents/media 9 access your mailbox 14 B basic functions delete 25 forward 26 play 25.
Index F ~ M 82 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 extension number 8 F FIFO 5 forward message 6, 26, 37 future delivery 8 review 27 setting 44 G getting started 13 greeting busy 7, 55, 5 .
Index N ~ R Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 83 new message queue 4, 28 notification 58 play 21 private 8, 43 queues 4 reply 6, 26, 40 re-record 35 return receipt request 8, 43 review r.
Index S ~ V 84 Strata CIX40 V oice Processing User Guide 07/06 reply message 6, 26, 40 additional users 41 set future delivery 44 special functions 43 return receipt request 8, 43 S security code 13 c.
デバイスToshiba CIX40の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba CIX40をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba CIX40の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba CIX40の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba CIX40で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba CIX40を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba CIX40の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba CIX40に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba CIX40デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。