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726+,%$ Telecom munication Sy stems Di vision May 1999 Digital Business Telephone Solutions Programming Manual Software Release 4.1 and ACD Software Release 3.
Publicati on Informatio n T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc., T elecommunication Systems Division, reserves the rig ht, with out prior notice, to revise this info rm ation publicatio n for any reason, including, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of technical arts or to simply change the design of this document.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 i Contents Introduction Organizati on ..................... .................. ........................... ........................... ...................... ....................... vii Conventions.... ......................
Contents Chapte r 3 – System & Station ii Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 13 – Defining the Message Center ................. ........................... .................. ........................ 3 -43 Program 15 – Ground/Loop/Ti e/DID Line Options.
Contents Chapter 4 – T oll Restriction Strata DK Programming 5/99 iii Program 72 – DNIS Number Network Ta ble Assignments ..................... ........................... ............. 3-154 Program 74 – System NT Button Lo ck Password ........
Contents Chap ter 6 – Autom atic C all D istr ibuti on iv Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 50-2 – LCR Home Area Code ................................. ........................... ........................... ....... .5 - 5 Programs 5 0-3 (1~5) – LCR Speci al Codes .
Contents C h a p t e r8–E 9 1 1 Strata DK Programming 5/99 v Program *43 -1~3 – D-Channel Cont rol and NFAS Ass ignments .................... .................. ............... 7-10 Program *43 -2 – Non-Facil ity Associat ed Signaling ( NFAS) Assignmen t .
Contents Chap ter 8 – E 911 vi Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 vii Intr oduction This manual provides for progr amming the St rata DK14, DK40i , and DK424 dig ital bus iness telepho ne s ystems. I t is i ntende d for qu ali fied servi ce tech nic ians a nd syst em prog ramme rs. At t he time of t his prin ting, this bo ok contai ns Release 4.
Intr oduction Con ventions viii Strata DK Programming 5/99 The progr ams i n eac h chapter are gi ven in nume ri cal or der (e xce pt Initi al iz ati on a nd T est which i s given i n order of impo rtanc e). The “*” pr ograms a re loc ated b ehind t he pr ogram of th e same na me (e.
Intr oduction Related D ocu me nts / M edi a Strata DK Programming 5/99 ix Related Documents/Media Note Some document s listed here ma y appear i n diffe rent versio ns on the CD-ROM, FYI or in print . T o find t he mos t curre nt ver sion , check the ve rsion /date in the Publ icatio n Informat ion on the back of th e document’ s title page.
Intr oduction Relate d Docu ments/ Media x Strata DK Programming 5/99 ♦ Keyprint 20 00 User Guide p rovides i nstructi ons for t he Keypr int 2000 s oftware pr inting package whic h allows you to pr.
Intr oduction Related D ocu me nts / M edi a Strata DK Programming 5/99 xi ♦ Insight DK CD-ROM which incl udes Insight DK software , the upgra de to Insi ght DK Plus, Demo softwar e, Insigh t DK documentat ion and trai ning module s.
Intr oduction Relate d Docu ments/ Media xii Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-1 Overvie w Overview 1 Numerical Progra m Listing The foll owing numerical listing gi ves you the Strat a DK program numbers , titles and program types.
Overview Numer ical Pro gram Listin g 1-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 *14-1 Auto Answ er with Zip T one Assigned to Agent ID X 14-2 ACD Supervisor Passwords X *14-2 DID/T ie/DNIS/ANI Line Aft er Shift .
Overv iew Nume ric al Pr ogra m Lis tin g Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-3 Overvie w 34 Hold Recall T im ing X *34 Station Class of Service (Standard T elephone Camp-on Busy and Busy Override T one Opti.
Overview Numer ical Pro gram Listin g 1-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 46-1 1~81 T oll R estriction Class Par ameters X 46-21,46-31 46-41, 46-51, 46-61, 46-71, 46-81 T oll R estriction Classes 2~8 X 47 .
Overv iew Nume ric al Pr ogra m Lis tin g Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-5 Overvie w *64-2 Number of DID/DNIS Digits f or T runk Groups X *65 Call by Call Channel Group Assignment X *66-1 Channel Group .
Overview Numer ical Pro gram Listin g 1-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 *81, *84, *87 Ground/Loop Start/ CO Line to Directory Nu mber Button LED Flash Assignmen ts X 81~89 Ground/Loop Start/CO Line/Stati.
Overv iew Alphabet ical Program Listing Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-7 Overvie w Feature or T opic Program Number Account Codes 15, 70, 39, 69, 30, 60 ACD 03, 09, * 09, 10-4, 1 1, 14-0, 14- 1, *14-1 ,.
Overview Alphabet ical Pr ogram Listin g 1-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 DNIS 12, 17, 2 0, 60-1, 7 1-(0-5) , 72, 77-4 Do Not Disturb 39 Do Not Disturb Ov erride 05, 30 Door Lock Con trol 3 9, 77-1, 7 7.
Overv iew Alphabet ical Program Listing Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-9 Overvie w Physical P ort Displ ay/Change 02 Pooled C O Lines 16, 39 Pooled Line Butto ns 16, 39 Pooled Line LED – No Fl ash 31 .
Overview How to Progra m a Strata DK System 1-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 How to Program a Strata DK System Fill ou t the rec ord sheet s that are pr ovided, then ente r this da ta using a 20- button LCD di gital (DKT) or el ectroni c (EKT) teleph one.
Overv iew How to Program a Strata DK Sys tem Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-1 1 Overvie w Program Sequence Detaile d data ent ry instruct ions are on the top of each re cord sheet (see Fi gure 1-2 ). ➤ T o use the pr ogram sequence on the recor d sheet 1.
Overview How to Progra m a Strata DK System 1-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programming Data V ariations Ther e are t wo differ ent wa ys to ente r dat a in Step 3 ( Figure 1-2 ) of a prog ram: pr essing the butt ons on the di al pad and pressing the LED butto ns.
Overv iew How to Program a Strata DK Sys tem Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-13 Overvie w ➤ T o check the s tatus of a CO li ne in Pr ogram 15 1. Press t he 0RGH button ( below the LCD) after e ntering t he progra m code. 2. Then ente r the CO li ne number to be veri fied.
Overview First-tim e Programmin g 1-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 First-time Programming Follow thes e general proce dures the first ti me you install a sys tem or after major hard ware changes and/or y ou need to sta rt from scrat ch.
Overv iew First-time Progra mm ing Strata DK Programming 5/99 1-15 Overvie w ♦ T imed Reminders ♦ Digital T ele phone V olume Levels ♦ Call For ward Memory (Power OFF , then ON). ♦ S tation Message W aiting S tatus ♦ Caller ID Lost Call Memory 2.
Overview Programming Examples 1-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Progra mming Ex amples Some commonly us ed progra ms have explici t examples (l isted be low).
Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-1 Initialization & T est Initialization & T est 2 This chap ter give s you infor mation on t he S trata DK’ s Initial ization and T es t programs. The programs in this c hapter ar e not given i n numerical order , rather in order of import ance.
Initialization & T est Program 9 1-9 – Syste m Initial ization 2-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 91-9 – System Init ialization Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Init.
Initializati on & T est Pro gram 9 1-9 – S ystem Ini tiali zati on Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-3 Initialization & T est Program 91-9 Example Action (press buttons + LED Buttons) LCD Response 1. Use th e programm ing LCD electroni c or di gital tele phone.
Initialization & T est Progr am 90 – I niti alize Prog rams 0 0~*99 2-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 90 – Initialize Programs 00~*99 Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T yp.
Initializati on & T est Program 90 – Initialize Prog rams 00~*99 Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-5 Initialization & T est Program 90 Example Action LCD Response 1. Use the L CD program ming phone per Minim um Hardware Requ ireme nts on -14 . No.
Initialization & T est Program 9 1-1 – Autom atic PCB Re cognitio n and Port Re number 2-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 91-1 – Automati c PCB Recogn ition an d Port Renumber Processor T .
Initializati on & T est Program 91-1 – Automat ic PCB Recogn ition and Port Renu mber Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-7 Initialization & T est Program 91-1 Example Action (press buttons + LED Buttons) LCD Response 1. Use the L CD program ming phone per Minim um Hardware Requ ireme nts on -14 .
Initialization & T est Program 9 1-2 – Data T ransfer fro m T emp orary Mem ory to Wor king Memory 2-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Progra m 91-2 – D ata T ransfe r from T empor ary Memo ry to W.
Initializati on & T est Program 92 – Initializing Misc. Bac kup RAM Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-9 Initialization & T est Program 92 – Initializing Misc.
Initialization & T est Prog ram 92 – Init iali zing Misc . Bac kup RA M 2-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ● Program 92- 9 does not af fect Call Forwa rd External o r Fixed Call Fo rward setti ngs. ● Y ou must power the syst em OFF then back ON to clear teleph one LCD Call Forward Displ ays and Call For ward but ton LEDs.
Initializati on & T est Program 92 – Initializing Misc. Bac kup RAM Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-1 1 Initialization & T est 7. 6SNU6SHD NHU Prepare s ystem for another se lection (go back to Step 5) or exit Prog ram 92 (con tinue with Step 8).
Initialization & T est Program 0 0 – Part 1: Software Check 2-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 00 – Part 1: Software Check Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: T e st -.
Initializati on & T est Program 00 – Part 1: Softw are Ch eck Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-13 Initialization & T est Program 00 Part 1 - Ov erview This prog ram enab les you to run vario us checks on the S trata DK Sys tem. DK14 : the QKYS f eature key must be install ed on the QRCU3 PCB to a llow AA.
Initialization & T est Program 0 0 – Part 1: Software Check 2-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 1111 Define the Level 1 remot e maintenanc e security cod e from the System Record Sheet (four digits maxim um). Lev el 1 a llows remot e acces s to all pr ograms and data.
Initializati on & T est Program 00 – Part 2: Proces sor RAM T est Strata DK Programming 5/99 2-15 Initialization & T est Program 00 – Part 2: Processor RAM T es t Processor T ype: DK14, DK.
Initialization & T est Program 00 – Part 2: Processor RAM T e st 2-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Display Backup RAM T est Results Program 00 Part 2 - Ov erview Use this p rogr am to t est the R AM o n sys tem p roces sor . If a R AM t est error occu rs du ring this t est , the proce ssor ca using th e error shou ld be replac ed.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 System & Stati on System & Station 3 This chap ter give s you progra mming info rmation for the S t rata DK system and its stat ions.
System & St ation Program 0 2 – Station Physical Port Display and/or Ch ange 3-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 02 – Station Physical Port Display and/or Change Processor T ype: DK14, DK40.
System & Station Program 03 f or DK14 – Slot Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-3 System & Stati on Program 03 for DK14 – Slot Assignments When DK14 i s powered ON, Pr ogram 03 auto maticall y assigns the correct codes for install ed PCBs.
System & St ation Program 0 3 for DK40i – Fle xible PCB Slot As signments 3-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 03 for DK40i – Flexible PCB Slot Assignments Processor T ype: DK40i Program T y.
System & Station Program 03 for DK40i – Flexib le PCB Slot Assignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-5 System & Stati on Program 03 for DK40i - O verview Program 03 tells the s ystem what type of optiona l PCBs are inst alled i n the Expansion KSU.
System & St ation Program 0 3 for DK42 4 – Flexible PCB Cabine t Slot Assi gnments 3-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 03 for DK424 – Fl exible PCB Cabinet Sl ot Assignments Processor T ype.
System & Station Program 03 for DK424 – Flexibl e PCB Cabinet Slot Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-7 System & Stati on DK424 PCB Codes See th e foll owin g text for sp eci fi c ins talla tion ru les o n the a bove PCB s.
System & St ation Program 0 3 for DK42 4 – Flexible PCB Cabine t Slot Assi gnments 3-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 03 for DK424 - Overview Program 03 tells the s ystem what type of optiona l PCBs are inst alled. The Progr am 03 record sheet is the main record f or the har dware configur ation of the enti re system.
System & Station Program 03 for DK424 – Flexibl e PCB Cabinet Slot Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-9 System & Stati on RCIU/RCIS or RCIU2/RCIS When i nstal ling R C IU2/R CIS, e nter t he Call er ID c ircui t numb ers on th e reco rd sh eet in p l ace of the CO lin e number .
System & St ation Program 0 3 for DK42 4 – Flexible PCB Cabine t Slot Assi gnments 3-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 03 Example Action (press bu ttons + LED button s) LCD Response 1. Use an LC D program ming pho ne per Minim um Hardware Requ ireme nts on Page 1- 14.
System & Station Program * 03 for DK424 – Cabin et T ype Identificatio n Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 1 System & Stati on Program *03 for DK424 – Cabi net T ype Identificati on Processor.
System & St ation Program 0 4 – Station Logical Port [PDN] Ass ignment 3-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 04 – Station Logical Port [PDN] Assignment Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: See [PDNs] in the record s heets DK14 Record Sheet 1.
System & Station Program 04 – Station Logica l Port [PD N] Assign ment Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-13 System & Stati on Expansi on Slot Conf iguration Reco rd 1 : Slot 15 ______ Slo t 16 ______ Slot 17 ______ Slo t 18 ____ __ 1.
System & St ation Program 0 4 – Station Logical Port [PDN] Ass ignment 3-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 DK424 Record Sheet Proc essor [PDN] Port R ange Initialized [PDNs] DISA Por.
System & Station Program 04 – Station Logica l Port [PD N] Assign ment Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-15 System & Stati on Program 04 Overview Program 04 ass igns the Primary Dir ectory Number [PDN] to each t elephone (logi cal port). [PDNs] can be one t o four digits.
System & St ation Program 0 4 – Station Logical Port [PDN] Ass ignment 3-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 04 Example Action (press b uttons+LED buttons) LCD Response 1. Use an LC D program ming pho ne per Minim um Hardware Requ ireme n ts in C hapt er 1 - Ove rview.
System & Station Program *04 – [PhDN ] and Dist ributed H unt [DN] As signments For Inter nal and T ie Line Ca lls Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-17 System & Stati on Program *04 – [PhDN ] a.
System & St ation Program *04 – [PhDN] a nd Dist ributed Hunt [DN] Assi gnments For Internal and Tie Line Call s 3-18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *04 Overview Program *04 assigns t he system Phant om Directory Numbe rs [PhDNs] a nd Distribute d Hunt (DH) Group [DNs].
System & Station Program 05 – Flexible Acc ess Code N umberin g Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-19 System & Stati on Program 05 – Flexible Access Code Nu mbering Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i,.
System & St ation Progr am 05 – Fle xible Ac cess Code Numbering 3-20 Strata DK Programming 5/99 4 Def ault [PDNs] and P ar k Orbits (see Program 04) Def ault [PhDNs] (see Program * 04) A utomat.
System & Station Program 05 – Flexible Acc ess Code N umberin g Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-21 System & Stati on Program 05 Overview Program 0 5 enabl es y ou to cha nge fe ature acce ss co des. The f irst di git of a fe ature acce ss co de can be change d to a dif ferent digit or to two digit s.
System & St ation Program *05 – Call Park Pickup Abbre viated Dialin g 3-22 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *05 – Call Park Pickup Abbreviated Dialing Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC T.
System & Station Program 0 9 – Built-in Auto Attend ant Prompt / Station Ass ignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-23 System & Stati on Program 09 – Built-in Auto Attendant Prompt / Stati.
System & St ation Program 0 9 – Built-in Aut o Attendant Prompt / Stat ion Assignment s 3-24 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ➤ T o cre ate one-digit dialing pr ompts and to assig n the associ ated destina tion station numbers 1. Enter Progr am 09. 2.
System & Station Program *09 – [PDN], [PhDN], DH, ACD o r Modem DID Ext. Assignm ents Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-25 System & Stati on Program *09 – [PDN], [PhDN], DH, ACD or Modem DID Ext.
System & St ation Program *09 – [PDN], [PhDN], DH, ACD o r Modem DID Ext. Assignm ents 3-26 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *09 Overview This prog ram assign s the rout ing desti nations for incoming DI D line c alls.
System & Station Program 10-1 – System Assignm ents, Part 1 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-27 System & Stati on Program 10-1 – System Ass ignments, Part 1 of 3 Processor T ype: DK14, DK.
System & St ation Program 1 0-1 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 1 of 3 3-28 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 10-1 Overview Y ou can m ake the fo llowing sy stem assig nments with Program 1 0-1: LED 20: T wo-CO Line Confer ence T w o lines ca n be conferen ced wit h one or two tel ephones (d igital, electro nic, or st andard).
System & Station Program 10-1 – System Assignm ents, Part 1 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-29 System & Stati on LED 07: Ring T ransfer of CO Line Allowed This opt ion define s station op eration for tran sferrin g [DN] and CO li ne calls.
System & St ation Program 1 0-2 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 2 of 3 3-30 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 10-2 – System Ass ignments, Part 2 of 3 Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
System & Station Program 10-2 – System Assignm ents, Part 2 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-31 System & Stati on Program 10-2 Overview Y ou can m ake the fo llowing sy stem assig nments wi.
System & St ation Program 1 0-2 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 2 of 3 3-32 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 15: External Page Included wit h All Call Page External speakers and all e lectroni c and digi tal telepho nes are pag ed by dia ling: Direc tory Number [DN] + .
System & Station Program 10-2 – System Assignm ents, Part 2 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-33 System & Stati on LED 08: Display Dialed Number T iming An LCD teleph one will di splay a d i.
System & St ation Program 1 0-2 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 2 of 3 3-34 Strata DK Programming 5/99 This fea ture appl ies to l oop and ground st art li nes, and also T ie, DID, and DNIS lines as signed with Prog ram 17, LED 05 ON; t hese lines wi ll use Progr am 71 (1~3) a ssignments.
System & Station Program 10-3 – System Assignm ents, Part 3 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-35 System & Stati on Program 10-3 – System Ass ignments, Part 3 of 3 Processor T ype: DK14, DK.
System & St ation Program 1 0-3 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 3 of 3 3-36 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 19: Speed Dial Entry Timeout S t ati on use rs can e it her ha ve up to o ne mi nut e o r up to t hr ee minut es t o s tor e a Speed Dia l number or memo.
System & Station Program 10-3 – System Assignm ents, Part 3 of 3 Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-37 System & Stati on LEDs 13-10: SMDI Station Number Digit Le ngth Set LED 10-1 3 ON so tha t the hex v alues add up t o the V oi ce Mail st ation dig it length f or SMDI VM inter face.
System & St ation Program 1 0-3 – Syste m Assignme nts, Part 3 of 3 3-38 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LEDs 01~04: Amplifie d Conference Assignments Ligh t LEDs 01~ 04 to i de ntify whic h PEK U por ts sho uld be conn ect ed to ex terna l amp lifie r s.
System & Station Program * 10 – Enhan ced 91 1 O peration Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-39 System & Stati on Program *10 – Enhanced 91 1 Operation Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs Pr.
System & St ation Program *10 – Enhanc ed 91 1 O peration 3-40 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programs *10-1 1 and *10-12 O verview Programs 1 0-1 1 and 10-12 as sign which QSTU2, KSTU2, RSTU2, RSTU, RDSU, PSTU, or PESU standa rd teleph one ports are connec ted to the E91 1 interfac e unit.
System & Station Prog ram 12 – Sys tem A ssignm ent s, Basi c Timi ng Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-41 System & Stati on Program 12 – System Assignme nts, Basic Timing Processor T ype: DK14.
System & St ation Program 1 2 – System Assignmen ts, Basic Timing 3-42 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Code 3: Pause Timing Code 3 enab les stat ion users to progra m short and long pau ses in Spee d Dial number s.
System & Station Program 13 – Defining t he Mess age Cent er Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-43 System & Stati on Program 13 – Defining the Message Center Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: No port assi gne d Program 13 Overview This progr am as signs a stat ion as the M essag e Cen ter .
System & St ation Program 1 5 – Groun d/Loop/T ie/DID Lin e Options 3-44 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 15 – Ground/Loo p/T ie/DID Line Options Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
System & Station Program 15 – Ground /Loop/Ti e/DID Lin e Option s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-45 System & Stati on Program 15 Overview This prog ram spec ifies op erational o ptions on a line by l ine basi s.
System & St ation Program 1 5 – Groun d/Loop/T ie/DID Lin e Options 3-46 Strata DK Programming 5/99 T w o-CO line DISA cal ls always release when AR/ CPC is sent.
System & Station Program *15 – CO Line T en ant Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-47 System & Stati on Program *15 – CO Line T enant Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All R.
System & St ation Program 1 6 – Assig n CO Line Groups (or D ial 9) 3-48 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 16 – Assign CO Lin e Groups (or Dial 9) Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
System & Station Program 16 – Assign CO Line G roups (or Di al 9) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-49 System & Stati on Program 16 Overview Use Progr am 16 to assign e ach CO line t o a CO line gro up or a gene ral “dial 9” group.
System & St ation Prog ram 17 – DID/ Tie L i ne Op tions 3-50 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 17 – DID/T ie Line Options Processor T ype: DK40i, All RCT U s Program T ype: System Initialized Default: LED 01/ 02 OFF , LED 03/04 O N Program 17 Overview Program 17 assigns line s for T ie and DID oper ation.
System & Station Program 17 – DID/T ie Line O ptions Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-51 System & Stati on LED 08: ANI/DNIS Digit Format Most DID/T ie lines wi th ANI/DNIS digi t format incl ude tone wi th digits (LED 08 ON) .
System & St ation Prog ram 17 – DID/ Tie L i ne Op tions 3-52 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 03: DID Camp-on/Busy T u rn LED 03 ON if DID line cal lers should he ar ring back tone and camp on to busy st ation s when calli ng busy stations. Turn LED 03 OFF if the DI D callers sho uld hear busy t one when cal ling busy sta tions.
System & Station Program *1 7 – DID Int ercept Port N umber (V acant or Wrong Numb er) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-53 System & Stati on Program *17 – DID Intercept Port Number (V acant or.
System & St ation Program 1 9 – Alternat e Backgrou nd Musi c Source Sl ot Assignmen t 3-54 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Progra m 19 – Alternate Background Music Sourc e Slot Assignment Processor T ype: DK40i, All RCTUs (not u sed for DK14.
System & Station Program 20 – Compu ter and Data Interface Un it Confi guration Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-55 System & Stati on Program 20 – Computer and Data Interface Un it Configurati.
System & St ation Program 2 0 – Compute r and Da ta Interfac e Unit Config uration 3-56 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ● If a PC is connected to the RPCI or P DIU, set the communi cation mode escape sequen ces in the P C communicatio n software “Modem Initi alization ” charact er sequenc e.
System & Station Program 20 – Compu ter and Data Interface Un it Confi guration Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-57 System & Stati on LED 06: DTR Pulse LED 06 should always be OFF . LED 06 shoul d be of f for a ll PDIU-DS, RPCI-DIs , or PDIU-DIs .
System & St ation Program 2 1 – Modem Pool Port Assi gnments 3-58 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 21 – Modem Pool Port Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: Blank Notes ● Digital Por ts include: DK14 KSU, DK40 i Base KSU, QCDU2, KCDU, PDKU2, and RDSU digita l port s.
System & Station Program 21 – Modem Pool Port Ass ignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-59 System & Stati on Program 21 Overview This prog ram assigns mode ms to the sy stem modem pool. Program 21 i dentifies mod ems connecte d to stan dard tele phone port s (line s ide of modem) and digital /PDIU-DS port s (RS-232 si de of modem).
System & St ation Program 2 2 – RPCI an d DIU Stati on Hunti ng for Data Ca lls 3-60 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 22 – RPCI and DIU Station Hunting for Data Calls Processor T ype: DK14, .
System & Station Program 2 3 – Built-in Aut o Attendant (AA) Primary Annou ncement Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-61 System & Stati on Program 23 – Built-in Auto Attendant (AA) .
System & St ation Progr am 25- 1 – Bu ilt-in AA In co min g C all Ov erfl ow Time 3-62 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programs 23 and 24 O verview Programs 2 3 and 24 ass ign customer -supplied Aut o Attendant announcemen t devices (digita l announcer s) to standa rd telep hone ports (QSTU2, KSTU2, RSTU, RSTU2, PSTU, PESU, RDSU/ RSTS).
System & Station Program 26 – Built-in AA Camp-on Busy T ime Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-63 System & Stati on Program 26 – Built-in AA Camp-on Busy T ime Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All.
System & St ation Program 2 6 – Built-in AA Ca mp-on Busy T ime 3-64 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 26 Overview Note This prog ram only applies to Auto Attenda nt (built -in) ca lls to bus y.
System & Station Program 27 – DKT Handse t/Headset R eceive r V olume Level Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-65 System & Stati on Program 27 – DKT Ha ndset/Headse t Receiver V olume Level Proc.
System & St ation Program 2 8 – DSS Con sole/Attendan t T elephone Assi gnments 3-66 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 28 – DSS Console/Attendant T elephone Assignments Processor T ype: DK40i.
System & Station Program 28 – DSS Cons ole/Attend ant T elephone Ass ignments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-67 System & Stati on Program 28 Overview DK40i: allows up to three DSS c onsoles ( DK40i KSU supports o ne DSS, Expansio n Unit support s two more).
System & St ation Program 2 9-1~8 – DSS C onsole and Number Bu tton Assi gnments 3-68 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 29-1~8 – DSS Co nsole and Number Button Assignments Processor T ype: DK.
System & Station Program 29 -1~8 – DSS Console an d Number Bu tton Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-69 System & Stati on Program 29-1~8 Overv iew Each butt on on th e DSS console s can be flex ibly assi gned as ei ther a Dir ect S tation Sele ction ( '66 ), Line ( &2 ), or 6' but ton.
System & St ation Program 2 9-1~8 – DSS C onsole and Number Bu tton Assi gnments 3-70 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 29 - Initialized Default DSS Cons ole Button Assignments Group 1 Group 2 DSS Button No.
System & Station Program * 29 – Add-on Modules Bu tton Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-71 System & Stati on Program *29 – Add-on Mo dules Button Assignments Processor T ype: DK14.
System & St ation Program *29 – Add-on M odules Bu tton Assi gnments 3-72 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Important! Run th is pr ogram for each s tation that has an ADM or the ADM will not func tion. Pr ogram at least on e ADM key for each A D M. It is impos sible to assign [PDNs], [SDNs] or [PhDNs] t o DSS consol es or ADMs.
System & Station Program 30 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-73 System & Stati on Program 30 – Station Class of Service Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
System & St ation Program 3 0 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-74 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 30 Overview Program 30 enables or disable s featur es for in dividual telephones at the sta tion leve l. The followi ng text de scribes P rogram 30 LEDs.
System & Station Program 30 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-75 System & Stati on LED 16: Change T oll Restriction T ravelin g Class Code When LED 16 is ON f or a por.
System & St ation Program 3 0 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-76 Strata DK Programming 5/99 If a T ie or DID l in e i s Dia l Pulse (Pr ogr am 15-1, LED ON), enable Di al Pul se - DTMF OFF ( LED 1 1 ON) for tha t T ie or DID stat ion por t numbe r .
System & Station Program 30 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-77 System & Stati on LED 04: Call Pickup Code Option Determine s the operation of pic kup code in Release 3.
System & St ation Program 3 0 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-78 Strata DK Programming 5/99 6. LE D bu ttons 01~20 LED but tons 01~2 0 activate fe atures for each stat ion port or port range.
System & Station Program * 30 – T elephone G roup P age Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-79 System & Stati on Program *30 – T elephone Group Pag e Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: All LEDs OFF Shaded gro ups apply t o RCTUC/D an d RCTUE/F only .
System & St ation Program 3 1 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-80 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 31 – Station Class of Service Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: LED 10 ON for Po rts 000~1 19 ; LED 1 1 ~13 ON for all port s.
System & Station Program 31 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-81 System & Stati on LED 09 should be OFF for VM Auto Attendant “blind” tra nsfer and VM tand em CO line connecti on with automat ic rele ase. LED 09 should be ON for VM Aut o Attendant s upervised transf er operat ion.
System & St ation Program 3 1 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-82 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 20: T oshi ba Stratagy/VP (B + Statio n Number) Use wi th T oshi b a Stratag y /Stratag y DK/VP s ystems conn ected to a st andard telep hone po rt (PSTU, RSTU, RSTU2, PESU, RDSU, KSTU2 a nd QSTU2).
System & Station Program 31 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-83 System & Stati on LED 15: T oshi ba Stratagy , Str atagy DK and/or VP Integration (A T one/D T one) Wh.
System & St ation Program 3 1 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-84 Strata DK Programming 5/99 BOV and Camp-on mut ed ring t one freque ncy for st andard te lephone: BOV tone is a 160ms burst of 1209Hz/ unmodulated, twice - t hree secon ds apart.
System & Station Program 31 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-85 System & Stati on LED 03: Off-hook Call Announce (OCA) Enabled (Receive ) Enable t his optio n (LED 03 ON) for any digit al or el ectronic telephon e requiring OCA.
System & St ation Program *31 – Group Pickup As signmen ts 3-86 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *31 – Gr oup Pickup Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Stati.
System & Station Program 32 – Automatic Pre ference Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-87 System & Stati on Progra m 32 – Automa tic Preferen ce Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program .
System & St ation Program 3 2 – Automatic Preference 3-88 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 32 Overview This prog ram defines whi ch [PDN] or CO l ine a digit al (cordles s, corded, or S trata .
System & Station Pro gram *32 – RS -232 V oic e Mai l Mes s a ge Ce nter Port Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-89 System & Stati on Program *32 – RS-232 V oice Mail Message Center Port Process.
System & St ation Program 3 3 – [PDN]/ [P hDN] Statio n Huntin g (V oice Cal ls Only ) 3-90 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 33 – [PDN]/ [PhDN] Station Hunting (V oice Calls Only) Processor .
System & Station Program 33 – [PDN]/ [PhDN ] Station Hu nting (Vo ice Calls Only) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-91 System & Stati on On Ring-fi rst syst ems, if a [ PDN] appears on more tha n one butto n (on owner’ s telephone), the DK will not hunt unti l all ap pearances of the [PDN] are in use.
System & St ation Program *33 – [PhDN] O wner T elephone As signmen t 3-92 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *33 – [PhDN] Owner T elephone Assignment Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs .
System & Station Progra m *33 – [PhDN] Own er T elephone Assi gnme nt Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-93 System & Stati on Program *33 Overview This prog ram assigns ea ch [PhDN] to a designated “Owner” telepho ne.
System & St ation Prog ram 34 – Hol d Reca ll Timi ng 3-94 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 34 – Hold Recall T iming Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initializ.
System & Station Program *3 4 – Station Clas s Of Servic e Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-95 System & Stati on Program *34 – Station Class Of Service Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs.
System & St ation Program *34 – Station Class Of Service 3-96 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *34 Overview Program *34 assigns Ca mp-on tone to st andard t elephones.
System & Station Program 35 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-97 System & Stati on Program 35 – Station Class of Service Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: LED 01, 02, 04 , 05, 16 are ON, all ot her LEDs OFF .
System & St ation Program 3 5 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-98 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 35 Overview LED 19: Busy Station T rans fer (BST), LED 20 / Busy Station Ri nging (BSR) BST and .
System & Station Program 35 – Statio n Class of Service Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-99 System & Stati on LED 17: Continuous DTMF T ones Off 2000-ser ies dig ital tele phones can send DTMF ton es for as long as stat ion users pre ss their buttons (80 msec.
System & St ation Program 3 5 – Station Class of Se rvice 3-10 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 06: Disable Hold Display Scrol li ng (Rel ease 3.2) If LED 06 is ON, Hold Disp lay sc ro ll ing is disa bl ed. Also, a te le phone LCD cannot display wh ich CO lines a re on hold on a [PDN] if the 6FURO O butt on is pressed .
System & Station Program 36 – Fixed Call Forwa rd Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-101 System & Stati on Program 36 – Fixed Call Forw ard Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype.
System & St ation Program *36 – System NT Button Lock Passwo rd Chang ing Station Assignmen t 3-10 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *36 – System NT Button Lock Password Changing Station As.
System & Station Program 37 – Ring T ransfer (Ca mp-on) R ecall T ime Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-103 System & Stati on Program 37 – Ring T ransfer (Camp-on) Rec all Time Processor T ype:.
System & St ation Program *37 – Park Rec all Timing 3-10 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *37 – Park Recall Timing Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initializ.
System & Station Program 38 – Digit al and Ele ctronic T elephone Ke ystrip T ype Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-105 System & Stati on Program 38 – Digital an d Electronic T elephon e Keystr.
System & St ation Program 3 8 – Digital and Elect ronic T elephone Keystrip T ype 3-10 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 38 Overview Four tel epho ne but ton arran gements are prov ided (see t h e Pr ogr am 38 Sys tem Rec ord Sheet).
System & Station Program 38 – Digit al and Ele ctronic T elephone Ke ystrip T ype Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-107 System & Stati on Assignments for 1000-S eries Digital T elephone Keystrips Assignments for Electro nic T ele phone Keystrips 1.
System & St ation Program 3 8 – Digital and Elect ronic T elephone Keystrip T ype 3-10 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Note Button nu mbers 01~200 on ele ctronic te lephones ( 6000, 6500 s eries, et c.) are in the sa me positi on as shown on the 2000-s eries di gital tele phone progr amming keyst rip.
System & Station Program *38 – Stand ard T elephone Rin g-Down Dest ination Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-109 System & Stati on Program *38 – Standard T elephone Ri ng-Down Destination Processor T ype: Release 4.
System & St ation Program *38 – Standard T elephone Ring-Down Destinatio n 3-1 10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *38 Overview S tandard tel ephones ca n be assig ned to rin g a desti nation aut omatically b y going of f-hook (rin g down). They can also be progra mmed to ring a destinati on if an incomplet e valid number is dialed.
System & Station Pro gram 39 – Fle xib le But t on As sign ments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3 - 111 System & Stati on Program 39 – Flexible Bu tton Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initialized Default: See Program 38 Port No.
System & St ation Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments 3-1 12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 39 Overview Program 39 as signs fea tures to the f lexible b uttons for individua l telepho nes in the s ystem.
System & Station Pro gram 39 – Fle xib le But t on As sign ments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 13 System & Stati on Call Fo rward A .C. Fixe d Ca ll Frw d to: or CF F 486 For wards al l calls to pre-defi ned des tination.
System & St ation Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments 3-1 14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Redial L ast Num ber ( Button) Re dial or RDL 496 Re dials the last number. Release to Idle Release Call o r RLS 476 Releases current call and makes station idle.
System & Station Pro gram 39 – Fle xib le But t on As sign ments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 15 System & Stati on Directory Number Button A ssignments Directo ry Numbers ar e assigne d to the f lexible button posi tions on telephone s. ♦ Primary Di rectory Number Buttons [PDNs] a re simi lar to I ntercom num bers.
System & St ation Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments 3-1 16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Button T ype B u tto n La bels Code Notes Primary Direct ory Number s [PDNs] 4-Maxi mum of same [P.
System & Station Pro gram 39 – Fle xib le But t on As sign ments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 17 System & Stati on ♦ The tota l number of [DNs] allowe d on a telepho ne ([PDN], [SDNs], a nd [PhDNs]) is li mited to the n umber of but tons on the telephon e (i.
System & St ation Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments 3-1 18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Alert Signal Button Assig nments Station Number: _______ Station Number: _______ The Alert Signal .
System & Station Pro gram 39 – Fle xib le But t on As sign ments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-1 19 System & Stati on Alert Signal Button Progra mming Example Station 200 Code SD * 48 Code SD.
System & St ation Program * 40 – Dist ributed Hunt Gr oup Memb er Assign ments 3-12 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *40 – Distributed Hunt Group Mem ber Assignments Processor T ype: DK14,.
System & Station Program * 40 – Distrib uted Hunt G roup Mem ber Assignm ents Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-121 System & Stati on Program *40 Overview This prog ram assign s the members (stati on primary [DN] p ort numbers and huntin g orders [01~32] of Distr i buted Hunt (DH) grou ps [ 900~ 915] ).
System & St ation Program *41 for DK424 – T1 Assignment Se ries (Part 1) 3-12 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *41 for DK 424 – T1 Assignme nt Series (Par t 1) Processor T ype: RCTUBA/BB, .
System & Station Program * 41 for DK424 – T1 Assig nment Seri es (Part 1) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-123 System & Stati on Program *41-2 – T1 Channel As signments Initialized Default: 1 = Loop Start Important! See Pr ogram 17 for o ther T ie/ DID ass ignments; see Pr ogram * 17 and Pr ogram * 09 for othe r DID assignment s.
System & St ation Program *41 for DK424 – T1 Assignment Se ries (Part 1) 3-12 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Notes ● Y ou must cyc le system power or run Pro gram 91-2 to transfer Progr am 41-2 data fr om temporary memor y to worki ng memory .
System & Station Program * 41 for DK424 – T1 Assig nment Seri es (Part 1) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-125 System & Stati on Program *41-4 – T1 Span Receive Level Pad Assignments Initialized Default: 4 (-3 dB) Note See “Program *4 1-3 Overview”on Page 3-124 above for de cibel le vels.
System & St ation Program *50 – Call er ID Circu it Assignme nts to CO L ine PCBs 3-12 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *50 – Caller ID Circuit Assignme nts to CO Line PCBs Processor T ype.
System & Station Program * 50 – Caller ID Circuit Ass ignment s to CO Li ne PCBs Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-127 System & Stati on Program *50 Overview In DK40i an d DK424, each ana log gro.
System & St ation Program *51 – Station Memor y Allocation 3-12 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *51 – Station Memory Allocation for Storing Caller ID/ANI Numbers on Abandoned/ Unanswered .
System & Station Pro gr am *5 1 – Stat ion Me mory A lloc ation Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-129 System & Stati on Program *51 Overview Use this program to allocate “Abandon-Cal l-Memory” whe n any LCD tele phone must st ore abandon ca ll info rmation fo r Caller ID, Ground/Loop start l ine and/o r ANI, DID/T ie lines.
System & St ation Program *52 – Call er ID/ANI Aba ndoned Call Number Stat ion Owner Assignments 3-13 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *52 – Caller ID/ANI Ab andoned Call Nu mber Station O.
System & Station Program *52 – Caller I D/ANI Aband oned Call Nu mber Statio n Owner Ass ignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-131 System & Stati on Program *52 Overview Use this program fo.
System & St ation Program 5 8 – DK424 Atte ndant Cons ole Series (Part 1) 3-13 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 58 – DK424 Attendant Console Series (Part 1) Processor T ype: RCTUBA/BB, RCT.
System & Station Program 5 8 – DK424 Attendant Co nsole Seri es (Part 1) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-133 System & Stati on Program 58-2 Overview This prog ram iden tifies in software the type of display connected to each con sole. It also enabl es you to se t priori ties for types of incoming ca lls.
System & St ation Program 5 8 – DK424 Atte ndant Cons ole Series (Part 1) 3-13 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 58-5 – Attendant Console Overflow Destination Assignments Initialized Defaul.
System & Station Prog ram 59 – Att endan t Con sole F lex ible B utto n Cod es Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-135 System & Stati on Program 59 – Attendant Console F lexible Button Codes Proc.
System & St ation Prog ram 59 – Att endan t Co nsole Flex ible B utto n Cod es 3-13 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 59 Overview Attendan t Consoles have 24 fle xible but tons (12 o n left an d 12 on the r ight side of the dial pad). This prog ram is used to ass ign each bu tton to a n available function o r options .
System & Station Prog ram 59 – Att endan t Con sole F lex ible B utto n Cod es Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-137 System & Stati on CO Line Appearance CO line access of appearing calls.
System & St ation Prog ram 59 – Att endan t Co nsole Flex ible B utto n Cod es 3-13 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Notes ● See Progr am *15 for T enant Group assign ments. ● Picks up c alls to telephone s in any ca ll pickup group to whi ch the te lephone is as signed in Program *31 .
System & Station Program 60-1 – SMDR Data Outpu t Options Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-139 System & Stati on Program 60-1 – SMDR Data Out put Options Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC T.
System & St ation Program 6 0-2~7 – SMDR Output /Account Co de Digit Length 3-14 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 60-2~7 – SMDR O utput/Account Code Di git Length Processor T ype: DK14, DK.
System & Station Progra m 60-2~7 – SMDR Outpu t/Account Code Digit Le ngth Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-141 System & Stati on Program 60-2-7 Overvi ew This prog ram assign s the type of data t o send to t he St ation Me ssage Detail Report (SMDR).
System & St ation Program 60-8 – Call Forward Ext ernal (Remote Chang e, Security) ID Co de 3-14 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 60-8 – Call Fo rward External (Remote Chang e, Securi ty) .
System & Station Prog ram 69 – V eri fie d Acco unt C odes Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-143 System & Stati on Progra m 69 – V erified A ccount C odes Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC T.
System & St ation Progr am 69 – V e rified Accoun t Codes 3-14 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Pr ogram 69 Over view V erified Accoun t Codes (V ACs) may be added, d eleted, or changed wit h Program 69 . Each V erified Accoun t Code can be 1~15 digi ts long, bu t cannot e xceed the Ac count Code l ength requir ement set i n Program 60-4.
System & Station Program 70 – V erified Account Code T oll Restrict ion Assignments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-145 System & Stati on Program 70 – V erified Account Code T oll Restriction.
System & St ation Program 7 0 – V erified Account Co de T oll Restrictio n Assign ments 3-14 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 70 Overview A Toll Rest riction Cla ss can be a ssigned with this program t o each of the 300 Verifi ed Account Codes ass igned in Pr ogram 69.
System & Station Program 71 – DNIS Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-147 System & Stati on Progra m 71 – DNIS Processor T ype: DK40i, all RCTUs Program T ype: System Initialized Default: All Pr.
System & St ation Program 7 1 – DNIS 3-14 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 71-4: DNIS and ANI Only Lines V oice Mail ID Assignments Program 71-5: DNIS Num ber Name Displa y DNIS Record Sheet.
System & Station Program 71 – DNIS Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-149 System & Stati on Program 71-0 Overview Defines the DID / T ie / DNIS / ANI line exte nsion number s that th e system sh ould be abl e to receiv e.
System & St ation Program 7 1 – DNIS 3-15 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 A DNIS and/or T ie/DID exte nsion number and/or ANI on ly line can b e assigned to route one of the fo llowin g des tinati .
System & Station Program 71 – DNIS Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-151 System & Stati on Program 71-5 Overview This prog ram is used to assign name s to each DNI S number . The names f or each DNIS/ T ie/DID extensi on number is nor mally suppl ied by the cu stomer .
System & St ation Program *71~*73 – [DN] to [ DN], Tie to [DN], and DID to [DN] Ringing Assignments 3-15 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *71~*73 – [DN] to [DN], Tie to [DN], and DID to [D.
System & Station Program *71~*73 – [DN] to [DN] , Tie to [DN], and DID t o [DN] Ringing Assignments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-153 System & Stati on First T e lephone Group Buttons 0 1~20 on the progra mming teleph one are as sociated wit h the tel ephone group s display ed on the t elephone LCD.
System & St ation Program 7 2 – DNIS Num ber Netwo rk T a ble Assi gnments 3-15 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 72 – DNIS Number Network T able Assignments Processor T ype: DK40i, All RCT.
System & Station Program 72 – DNIS N umber Network T a ble Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-155 System & Stati on Program 72 Overview This prog ram define s the exte rnal Ne twork routin g numbers th at can be assigned DNIS/ T ie/DID extensi on numb ers in t he Day , Day2, or Night ringi ng mode.
System & St ation Program 7 4 – System NT Button Lo ck Pass word 3-15 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 74 – System NT Button Lock Password Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program .
System & Station Program 76 -1(X-Y) – DK14, DK40 i, All RCTUs Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-157 System & Stati on Program 76-1(X-Y) – DK14, DK40i, All RCTUs Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, Al.
System & St ation Program 76-2 (X-Z) – WSIU, TSIU an d RSIU / RSIS / RMDS T ransmission Rates 3-15 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 76-2 (X-Z) – W SIU, TSIU and RSIU / RSIS / RMDS T ransmi.
System & Station Program 7 7-1 – Periph eral Options (Door Phones) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-159 System & Stati on Program 77-1 – Peripheral Options (Door Phones) RSIU / RSIS / RMDS, PI.
System & St ation Program 7 7-1 – Periph eral Options (Door Phones) 3-16 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 77-1 Overview This prog ram performs t he following f unctions: ♦ Programs d oor l.
System & Station Program 7 7-1 – Periph eral Options (Door Phones) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-161 System & Stati on LED 14: RMDS or IMDU Modem DK424: This p rogram enab les the DK424 built-i n maintena nce modem funct ion: RMDS or IMDU.
System & St ation Program 7 7-1 – Periph eral Options (Door Phones) 3-16 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 06: NT Relay A relay loca ted on the PIOU, PIOUS, PEPU, DK14 KSU or DK40i KSU can be a ssigned t o operate in one of two Night T ransfer modes ( see next ite m, MOH/NT Relay).
System & Station Program 77 -2 – Door Phone Busy Signal/Doo r Lock Ass ignments Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-163 System & Stati on Program 77-2 – Door Pho ne Busy Signal/Door Lo ck Assignm.
System & St ation Program 7 7-2 – Door Phone Busy Si gnal/Do or Lock Assi gnments 3-16 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 77-2 Overview This prog ram perfor ms three f unctions: ♦ Sets numbe.
System & Station Program 77 -3 – Night R inging Over PIOU Ex ternal Pag e Zones Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-165 System & Stati on Program 77-3 – Night Ringing Over PIOU External Page Zone.
System & St ation Program 7 7-4 – RSIU Ope n Architecture Interface (OAI ) Data Outp ut Assignmen ts 3-16 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 77-4 – RSIU Open Architecture Interface (OAI) Data Output Assignmen ts Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 3.
System & Station Program 77 -4 – RSIU O pen Archite cture Inte rface (OAI) Da ta Output Assignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-167 System & Stati on LED 01/LED 02: RSIU Open Architecture .
System & St ation Program 7 8 – CO Lin e Special Ringing As signmen ts 3-16 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 78 – CO Line Sp ecial Ringing Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i Program .
System & Station Program 78 – CO Line Special Ringing Ass ignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-169 System & Stati on Program 78 Overview This prog ram assign s ground/l oop start CO lines:.
System & St ation Program 7 9 – Door Phon e Ringing 3-17 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 79 – Door Phone Rin ging Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Station Initializ.
System & Station Program 79 – Door Ph one Ringin g Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-171 System & Stati on Program 79 Overview This prog ram assign s the door phone ringi ng featu re to port s.
System & St ation Program *79 – Door Ph one to [DN ] Flashing As signmen ts 3-17 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *79 – Door Pho ne to [DN] Flashi ng Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK4.
System & Station Program 8 0 – EKT and DK T Ringing T on es (CO Li ne Calls) Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-173 System & Stati on Program 80 – EKT and DKT Ringing T ones (CO Li ne Calls) Pro.
System & St ation Program *80 – Call Forwa rd Statio n Ring A ssignme nt 3-17 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *80 – Call Forward Station Ring Assignment Processor T ype: All RCTU s with R elease 3 .
System & Station Programs 81 ~89 – Gro und/Loop S tart/CO Line Station R inging Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-175 System & Stati on Programs 81~89 – Grou nd/Loop Start/CO Li ne Station Ring.
System & St ation Programs 81~89 – G round/Loo p Start/CO Li ne Station Ringing 3-17 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 81~89 Overv iew Programs 8 1~89 assign t elephones or a Distrib uted Hunt group to each CO li ne that will ring.
System & Station Programs 81 ~89 – Gro und/Loop S tart/CO Line Station R inging Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-177 System & Stati on Day , Day2, Night refer to the b utton’ s three modes.
System & St ation Programs 81~89 – G round/Loo p Start/CO Li ne Station Ringing 3-17 8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ♦ S tation assign ed in Program 82 and the [DN] assigned i n Program *81 – r ing after a 12- second de lay for 12 second s and then s top ringing.
System & Station Pro grams *81, *84, and * 87 – Gr ound/ Loop S tar t/CO Line t o [DN] LED F l ash A ssign men ts Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-179 System & Stati on Programs *81, *84, and *8.
System & St ation Programs *81, *84, and *87 – G round/Loo p Start/CO Line to [ DN] LED Flas h Assign ments 3-18 0 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programs *81, *84 and *87 Overview Ground/l oop start CO lines can be assigned t o ring and flash sp ecific Di rectory Number button s, includi ng [PDNs], [S DNs] or [PhDNs].
System & Station Pro grams *81, *84, and * 87 – Gr ound/ Loop S tar t/CO Line t o [DN] LED F l ash A ssign men ts Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-181 System & Stati on Figure 3-2 Strata DK CO L.
System & St ation Programs *81, *84, and *87 – G round/Loo p Start/CO Line to [ DN] LED Flas h Assign ments 3-18 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *81 CO Line to S t ation [DN] LED flashing Con trol Logic a lso appli es to Programs *84 and *87.
System & Station Program 93 – CO Li ne Identif icatio n Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-183 System & Stati on Program 93 – CO Line Id entification Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
System & St ation Program 9 3 – CO Lin e Identific ation 3-18 4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ➤ T o e nter CO line id enti ficat ion 1. Enter Progr am 93 and select the desi red CO line. 2. U s ing th e g uide below e nter t he CO li ne ide ntifi catio n info rm atio n.
System & Station Program 97 – Printin g Program Da ta through SMDR Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-185 System & Stati on Program 97 – Printing Program Data through SMDR Processor T ype: DK14,.
System & St ation Program 9 7 – Printing Prog ram Data thr ough SMDR 3-18 6 Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-1 T oll Restricti on T oll Restriction 4 This chapt er gi v es you an ove rview of th e T oll Re stri ct ion fe atu r e and st ep- by -st ep instr uct io ns to fill in t he T ol l Restrict ion System Recor d Sheets fo r DK14, DK40i, and all RCTUs.
T oll Restriction T oll Restric tion Featu res 4-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Station Priority Classes 1~8 Eight cl asses of T oll Restrict ion can be defined to assign dif ferent level s of prio rity to i ndividual stations with RCTUC/D and RCTUE/F .
T oll Restriction Comple ting the T oll Rest riction System Re cord Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-3 T oll Restricti on Completing the T oll Res triction System Record The foll owing inst ructions explain h ow to complete Sys tem Reco rd Sheets u sed to pro gram the T o ll Res tr ic ti on f eat ur e.
T oll Restriction Prog ram 40 – Sta tion C O Line Acc es s 4-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 40 – Station CO Line Access Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: T oll Restrict.
T oll Restriction Program 40 – Station CO Line Acc ess Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-5 T oll Restricti on Program 40 Overview This prog ram is used to allow or de ny each st ation and/or DISA to use CO lin es on a lin e by line basis. Th is appli es to all analog and digital li ne types.
T oll Restriction Prog ram 41 – Sta tion O utg oi ng Ca ll Re stric tio n 4-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 41 – Station Ou tgoing Cal l Restriction Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs P.
T oll Restriction Program 41 – Station O utgoing Call Res triction Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-7 T oll Restricti on Program 41 Overview Program 41 restri cts eac h station ( or Direc t Inward System Acces s (DISA) CO l ine) fr om outgoing access t o each l ine.
T oll Restriction Program 4 2-0 – CO Line to PBX/Centrex Co nnection & Ac cess Codes 4-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 42-0 – CO Li ne to PBX/Centrex Conn ection & Access Codes Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: T oll Restrict ion Initialized Default: All LEDs OFF for all CO l ines.
T oll Restriction Program 42 -0 – CO Line to PBX/Centrex Con nection & Acces s Codes Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-9 T oll Restricti on Program 42-0 Overview Use this program to allow Centr ex/PBX (aft er flas h) features to operat e.
T oll Restriction Program 4 2-1~8 – PBX/Centrex Access Code s 4-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 42-1~8 – PBX/Centrex Acce ss Codes Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: T o.
T oll Restriction Program 43 – 0 + Credit Ca rd Dialing Option Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-1 1 T oll Restricti on Program 43 – 0 + Credit Card Dialing Option Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC .
T oll Restriction Program 4 3 – 0 + Cr edit Card Dia ling Opt ion 4-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 43 Overview This pro gram enable s sel ected stat ion use rs to bypass thei r n ormal T oll Restri ction assig nments b y dialin g “0” immedia tely aft er seizing a CO line.
T oll Restriction Program 44-1 ~8 – T oll Restrict ion/T r aveling Cl ass Overri de Codes Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-13 T oll Restricti on Program 44-1~8 – T oll Restriction/T raveling Cl ass Ov.
T oll Restriction Program 4 4-91~93 – Em ergency Byp ass of Fo rced/V erified Account Codes 4-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 44-91~ 93 – Emergency Bypass of Forced/ V erified Ac count Codes.
T oll Restriction Program 45-1 – LCR /T ol l Restricti on Dial Pla n Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-15 T oll Restricti on Progra m 45-1 – L CR/T oll Re stricti on Dial Plan Processor T ype: DK14, DK.
T oll Restriction Program 4 5-1 – LCR/T oll Res triction Di al Plan 4-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ● The S trata DK Syste m automaticall y restrict s direct dialing of 10XXX+1 and 10XXXXX+1 access c odes to a ny statio n tha t i s t oll re st ri ct ed.
T oll Restriction Program 45-1 – LCR /T ol l Restricti on Dial Pla n Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-17 T oll Restricti on Plan 3 ♦ Plan 3 is 1+AC+NXX/NXX. Use thi s plan where a user places a long distan ce call to a destina ti on out si de the ar ea code by dial in g a 1 bef ore dial i ng the are a cod e.
T oll Restriction Program 4 5-1 – LCR/T oll Res triction Di al Plan 4-18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Plan 7 - ( 10XXX)+1+NXX+NXX/NXX The Strata DK s ys tems in thi s P rogr amming Manua l defa ult to th is pla n. Used whe n dial in g 1 before the long dista nce numbe r .
T oll Restriction Program 45 -2 – T oll Restrict ion Disabl e Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-19 T oll Restricti on Program 45-2 – T oll Restriction Disabl e Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs .
T oll Restriction Prog ram 45 -3~6 – Spe cial Commo n Car r ier N umber s and A utho riza tio n C ode D igit Lengt h 4-20 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 45-3~6 – Special Common Carr ie r Numbe.
T oll Restriction Program 45 -3~6 – S pecial Com mon Carrie r Numbers a nd Authoriz ation Co de Digit Le ngth Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-21 T oll Restricti on There ar e two element s T ol l Restr.
T oll Restriction Program 4 5-8~9 – T oll Restri ction Ov erride Code 4-22 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 45-8~9 – T oll Restriction Override Cod e Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pro.
T oll Restriction Program *4 5-1 (1~4) – T oll R estriction fo r Office Codes Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-23 T oll Restricti on Program *45-1 (1~4) – T oll Restriction for Office Codes Processor .
T oll Restriction Program *45 -2 (1~6) – LCR/T oll Restric tion Bypass 4-24 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *45-2 (1~6) – LC R/T oll Restriction Bypass for Special Numbers that Do Not Begin wit.
T oll Restriction Progra m *45-2 (1~6 ) – LCR/T oll Restricti on Bypas s Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-25 T oll Restricti on This wil l allow Centrex st ation numbe rs (1200#~129 9# and 1300#~ 1399#) to de dialed - overri ding T o ll Restr iction. The call will r oute out the local LCR route im mediatel y after the # is dialed.
T oll Restriction Program *45 -3 (1~9) – L CR/T oll Restriction Bypa ss For Speci al Numbers tha t Begin with */# 4-26 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *45-3 (1~9) – LCR/ T oll Restrict ion Byp .
T oll Restriction Program *45 -3 (1~9) – LCR/ T oll Restriction By pass For Spe cial Numbers that Begin with */# Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-27 T oll Restricti on In the “Dat a = Digit S t rin g.
T oll Restriction Program *45 -4 – Spec ial Code Di ali ng Se quenc e wit h LCR 4-28 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *45-4 – Special Code Dialing Sequence with LCR Processor T ype: DK424, all RCTUs (Release 4.
T oll Restriction Program *45 -4 – Speci al Code Dialing Seq uence with LCR Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-29 T oll Restricti on Program *45-4 LED 02 ON LED 02 OFF LED 01 O N Code + Pause + F-MDT + n .
T oll Restriction Program 4 6-2~4 – T oll Restri ction Allo wed/Deni ed Area Codes by Class 4-30 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 46-2~4 – T oll Restriction Al lowed/Denied Area Codes by C lass .
T oll Restriction Progra m 46-6~8 – T oll Restri ction Allowed/Deni ed Local Office Co des Assi gned by Cl ass Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-31 T oll Restricti on Program 46-6~8 – T oll Restrictio .
T oll Restriction Program 4 6-6~8 – T oll Restri ction Allo wed/Deni ed Local Off i ce Codes Assigned by Cla ss 4-32 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 46-6~8 Overv iew This prog ram de fi nes the of fice codes allo wed or denied for each T oll Restri ct io n Clas s wi thi n the home a rea code.
T oll Restriction Programs 4 6-10~80 – T oll Restric tion Class Parameter s Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-33 T oll Restricti on Progra ms 46 -10~80 – T oll Restric tion C lass Parameters Processor .
T oll Restriction Programs 46-10~80 – T ol l Restrict ion Clas s Parameters 4-34 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LED 02: 01 Restricted Mark an X next to LED 02 if over se as ope ra tor or unassi st ed ove rs eas opera tor calls are rest ri ct ed for the class being defined.
T oll Restriction Programs 46-1 1~46- 81 – T oll Restriction Cla ss (1~8) Param eters Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-35 T oll Restricti on Programs 46-1 1~ 46 -81 – T oll Restriction Class (1~8 ) Pa.
T oll Restriction Program 4 7 – T oll Restricti on Except ion Office C odes Assi gned by Are a Codes (T ables 1 ~16) 4-36 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 47 – T oll Restriction Exception Office.
T oll Restriction Program 47 – T oll Restrict ion Excep tion Offi ce Code s Assign ed by Area Codes (T ables 1~1 6) Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-37 T oll Restricti on Program 47 Overview This prog ram define s excepti ons to pre viously de fined of fice code rest rictio ns for up t o 16 area codes, allowing six-digit T oll Rest riction.
T oll Restriction Program 4 8 – Station T ol l Restricti on Classi fication 4-38 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 48 – Station T oll Restriction Classifi cation Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All.
T oll Restriction Program 48 – Station T oll Restric tion Cl assifica tion Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-39 T oll Restricti on Program 48 Overview This prog ram assign s a combinat ion of Digi t Restri ction and Stat ion Restr iction to e ach stati on port def ined in the s ystem.
T oll Restriction Program 4 8 – Station T ol l Restricti on Classi fication 4-40 Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-1 Least Cost Routing Least Cost Routing 5 The foll owing provi des you an ove rview of t he Least Cost Routing (LCR) feature and step- by-step instru ctions to fi ll in the Le ast Cost Routi ng System recor d sheets. The quantitie s of LCR plans, CO line gr oups, etc.
Least Cost Routing LCR Cond iti ons 5-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Timeout after 0 (Zero) Noti fi es the syste m of th e time de lay to the us er afte r dialin g a 0, b efore a regu la r oper ator i s accesse d.
Least Cost Routing LCR CO L ine Programm ing Referenc e T able Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-3 Least Cost Routing LCR CO Line Programmi ng Reference T able 1. Use Progr am 16 to assign CO l ines in grou ps per the reference t able below . 2. Use Progr am 40 to all ow CO line acc ess to st ations us ing LCR for ou tgoing cal ls.
Least Cost Routing Program 50-1 – LCR Parameters 5-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 50-1 – LCR Parameters Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Least Cos t Routi ng Initialized Default: All LEDs OFF Program 50-1 Overview This prog ram define s general operati ng paramete rs for LCR so ftware.
Least Cost Routing Progr am 50 - 2 – LCR Home Ar ea Code Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-5 Least Cost Routing LED Button 04: Dial T one After LCR Access LED 04 ON: S tation users hear a si mulated dia l tone immed iately aft er diali ng the acc ess LCR code (t ypically 9), until th e first dig it of the pho ne number is dialed.
Least Cost Routing Programs 50-3 (1~5) – LCR Sp ecial Cod es 5-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programs 50-3 (1~5) – LCR Special Codes Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Least Co.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 0-4 – LCR L ong Distan ce Inform ation (LDI) Pl an Numb er Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-7 Least Cost Routing Program 50-4 – LCR Lon g Distance Information (LDI) Plan N.
Least Cost Routing Progr am 50- 5 – LC R Local Call Pl an Nu mber 5-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 50-5 – LCR Local Call Plan Number Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: L.
Least Cost Routing Program 50-6 – LCR Dial 0 (Zero) T ime-out Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-9 Least Cost Routing Program 50-6 – LCR Di al 0 (Zero) T ime-out Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 1 – LCR Area Cod es 5-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 51 – LCR Area Codes Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Program T ype: Least Cos t Routi ng Initialize.
Least Cost Routing Program 51 – LCR Area Codes Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-1 1 Least Cost Routing Program 51 Overview Use Progr am 51 to define wh ich area code calls ar e placed over which LCR Plan Number (01~08 or 01~16) .
Least Cost Routing Program 5 2 – LCR Offi ce Code Exceptio ns for Spec ified Area Code 5-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 52 – LCR Office Code Exceptions for Specified Ar ea Code Processor T .
Least Cost Routing Program 52 – LCR Of fice Code Ex ceptions for Speci fied Area Cod e Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-13 Least Cost Routing Program 52 Overview This Of fice Code exce ption tab le enab.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 3 – LCR Sc hedule Assi gnments f or LCR Plan s 5-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 53 – LCR Schedule Assign ments for LCR Plans Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All R.
Least Cost Routing Program 53 – LCR Sch edule Ass ignments fo r LCR Plan s Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-15 Least Cost Routing Program 53 Overview This prog ram assign s up to thr ee time sc hedule s to each p lan.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 3 – LCR Sc hedule Assi gnments f or LCR Plan s 5-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 LCR Plan 01~16 Sched. 1~3 Prog ra m 56 LCR Station Group (see legend above) Program 5 4 Route Definition # (see le gend abov e) LC R Plan 01~16 Sched.
Least Cost Routing Program 54 – LCR R oute Definit ion T ables Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-17 Least Cost Routing Program 54 – LCR Route Definition T ables Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 4 – LCR Rou te Defin ition T ables 5-18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Route Definition Number Route def inition s define the CO line gro up and modifi ed digit tables u sed for ea ch LCR Plan . See the leg end for th e number of r oute defini tion number s for your processor .
Least Cost Routing Program 55 – LCR Mod ified Digi ts T able Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-19 Least Cost Routing Program 55 – LCR Modified Digi ts T able Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC TUs Pr.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 5-0 – Delete Number of D igits F rom the Fron t of Dialed Number 5-20 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 55-0 – Delete Number of Digits From the Front of Dialed Number.
Least Cost Routing Program 55-1 and 2 – Ad d Digits Bef ore and/or Af ter the Di aled Numb er Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-21 Least Cost Routing Program 55-1 and 2 – Add Digi ts Before and/or Afte.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 5-1 and 2 – Add Digits Befo re and/or Aft er the Diale d Number 5-22 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 55-1 and 2 Ov erview Enter t he digits that must be added to the front of the nu mber dia led in the Add Di gits T able.
Least Cost Routing Program 56 – LCR Station Gr oup Assignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 5-23 Least Cost Routing Program 56 – LCR Station Group Assignments Processor T ype: DK14, DK40i, All RC T.
Least Cost Routing Program 5 6 – LCR Sta tion Grou p Assignmen ts 5-24 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 56 Overview The purpos e of this program is to assig n all def ined statio n ports to one of fou r or eight LCR S tation Gr oups (see Program 56, r ecord shee t notes) .
Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-1 Automatic Call Distribution Automatic Call Distribution 6 This chap ter provides ACD programming information f or the S t rata DK424 system and i ts stations. AC D is not available for the DK14 or DK40i . The progr ams specif ic to ACD are listed b elow .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 03 – RSIU, RSSU, PIOU, PIOUS ACD/MI S Slot Assignments 6-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 03 – RSIU, RSSU, PI OU, PIOUS ACD/MIS Sl ot Assignments Initialized Default: n/a Program 03 Overview This prog ram is for spe cifying RS IU, RSSU, PIOU, or PIOUS ACD/MIS Sl ot Assignmen ts.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 09 – Auto Attend ant Prompt/ ACD Group Assignm ents Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-3 Automatic Call Distribution Program 09 – Auto Attendant Prompt/ACD Group Assignments Initialized Default: n/a 1. Do not use di g its 2, 3 , and 4, unl ess the station numberin g plan is chan ged.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 0 9 – Auto Atte ndant Promp t/ACD Grou p Assignmen ts 6-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ➤ T o enter two-dig it dialing pr ompts along with th eir destination gr oup numbers 1. Enter Progr am 09. “SELECT” appe ars on the LCD.
Automatic Call Distribution Program *09 – ACD Group DID Line Digit Assignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-5 Automatic Call Distribution Program *09 – ACD Group DID Line Digit Assignme nts Initi.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 10-4 – ACD/ISDN Parameters 6-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 10-4 – ACD/ISDN Parame ters Initialized Default: LEDs 12 and 14 are ON Program 10-4 Overview This prog ram provide s three s ystem opti ons. When e nabled/di sabled th ese optio ns apply t o all ACD Groups and Agents.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 10 -4 – ACD/ISDN Parameter s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-7 Automatic Call Distribution Note During busy ACD call traf fic conditio ns, th e algorit hm routes calls t hat have been waiting in the ACD Gr oup queue direc tly to the f irst Agent t elephone tha t becomes avail able.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 1 – ACD Timi ng Assign ments 6-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 1 1 – AC D Timing Assignments Initialized Default: See table below Processo r ACD Group Numb ers RCTUBA/BB 01~08 RCTUC/D 01~16 RCTUE/F 01~16 Code Tim e Initiali zed Data Notes 1 0 000~360 0 sec.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 1 – ACD Timing Assig nment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-9 Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 1 Overview The ACD timer s listed bel ow can be set i ndividual ly for each ACD Gr oup. ACD timers appl y to loop, T ie, DID, DNIS, a nd ANI lines , not ground st art lines.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 1 – ACD Timi ng Assign ments 6-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Code 5: Music Timers 1, 2, and 3 Defines the time i nterval that ACD call ers in qu eue are se nt music fo llowing t he first, second, or third annou ncement.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 1 – ACD Timing Assig nment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-1 1 Automatic Call Distribution Code 9: Call Disconnect T i mer Defin e s the ma xim um time a n ACD call ca n rema in in que ue (ra nges fr om 01 ~ 60 min utes) .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-0 – Loop /Ground Sta rt Line D irect to ACD G roup Assi gnments 6-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 14-0 – Loop/Ground Start Line Dire ct to ACD Group A.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-1 – ACD Agen t Identific ation Code Assignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-13 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-1 – ACD Agent Identification Code Assignments Initialized Default: blank Use th e Re cord S h eet th at foll ows P rogr am 18 .
Automatic Call Distribution Program *14 -1 – Aut o Answer with Zip T one Assigne d to Agent I D 6-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *14-1 – Auto Answer with Zip T one Assigned to Agent ID Initialized Default: Group N umber = 01. Agent ID Co de = blank .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 18 – Agent N ames for SMIS/MIS Ass ignment s Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-15 Automatic Call Distribution Program 18 – Agent Names for SMIS/MIS As signme nts Ini.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 8 – Agent Names for SMIS/MIS As signments 6-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ➤ To e r a s e d a t a ➤ Press LED bu tton 01. Numeric Mode 0 to 9 ar e treate d as numeral s. Note Dial pad starts out i n Numeric Mode.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-2 – ACD Supervisor Pa sswords Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-17 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-2 – ACD Supervisor Pas swords Initialized Default: All blan ks Program 14-2 Overview Assigns a Supervisor I D code to each ACD Gro up.
Automatic Call Distribution Program *14 -2 – DID, Tie, DN IS, ANI Line After Shif t/Overflow Substituti on Destina tions 6-18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *14-2 – DID, T ie, DNIS, ANI Line A.
Automatic Call Distribution Program *14-2 – DID, Tie , DNIS, ANI Line Af ter Shift/Overfl ow Substitu tion Destinati ons Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-19 Automatic Call Distribution Notes ● If the .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-3 – Annou ncement/ Music Port an d Queue Pattern 6-20 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 14-3 – Announcement/Music Port and Queue Pattern Initialized Default: all bl ank s Program 14-3 Overview This prog ram is used to make a nnouncement /music port and queue p attern a ssignments.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-3 – Annou ncement/ Music Port an d Queue Pattern Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-21 Automatic Call Distribution Each ACD Group c an have from one to three announcement s and a sepa rate music so urce.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-3 – Annou ncement/ Music Port an d Queue Pattern 6-22 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Figure 6-2 ACD Queue Announc ement and Mus ic Patterns Or Or QUEUE PATTERN 1 Go back to repeat announcement 1 assigned in Code 5 above, no overflow point OP0 in Program 14-5XX0.
Automatic Call Distribution Pro gr am 14- 4 – Que ue Time Out Ov er flow D esti nati on Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-23 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-4 – Queue Time Out Overflow Destinati.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-4 – Que ue Time Out Overfl ow Destinati on 6-24 Strata DK Programming 5/99 If the overflow dest ination is to a Normal Ring assi gnment (Pro grams 81~89 and *81, *84, a nd *87), Atte nda nt Con sol e or the built -i n AA, cal l s will exit que ue an d overflow i f t he de stinati on i s idle or bu sy .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-5 – Over flow Point a nd Ring N o Answer R outing Des tination Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-25 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-5 – Overflow Po int an.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-5 – Over flow Point a nd Ring N o Answer R outing Des tination 6-26 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Calls i n que ue c an overfl ow whe n they rea ch a parti cul a.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-5 – Over flow Point a nd Ring N o Answer R outing Des tination Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-27 Automatic Call Distribution ♦ If no ove rflow poin t is sel ected (DA T A = 0) and the queue over flow time i s set to infinity (Progra m 1 1-1), call s do not ove rflow .
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-5 – Over flow Point a nd Ring N o Answer R outing Des tination 6-28 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ♦ Assign Anno uncement 3 to any vacant PDKU or PEKU port (Progra m 14-33). XX = ACD Group number , DA T A = V acant Po rt Number ZZZ.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 14 -6 – After Shift Se rvice Destina tion Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-29 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-6 – After Shift Service Destination Initialized.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-6 – After Shift Se rvice Destin ation 6-30 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 14-6 Overview This prog ram assign s the dest ination for ACD call s, or call s transfer red to an ACD gr oup, that come in after the AC D shi ft h as en ded.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-7 1 – Queu e Size for Al arm, Immedi ate Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-31 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-71 – Queue Size for Alarm, Immed.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-72 – Queue Siz e for Alarm 1 6-32 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 14-72 – Queue Size for Alarm 1 Initialized Default: Queue Size = 010 Program 14-72 Over.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-73 – Queue Siz e for Alarm 2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-33 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-73 – Queue Size for Alarm 2 Initialized Default: Queue S.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 4-8 – Alarm Patte rn Assignme nts 6-34 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 14-8 – Alarm Patte rn Assignments Initialized Default: 0 for each gr oup Program 14-8 Overview This prog ram select s the type o f queue ala rm that is sent to the Supe rvisor t elephone fo r each ACD Group.
Automatic Call Distribution Progra m 14-9 – W ork Unit Ass ignments Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-35 Automatic Call Distribution Program 14-9 – W ork Unit Assign ments Initialized Default: accoun t digits f or each Group = 0 2 Program 14-9 Overview This prog ram selects t he lengt h of the W ork Unit code for each ACD Group.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 1 5 – Groun d/Loop/T ie/DID Lin e Options 6-36 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 15 – Ground/Loo p/T ie/DID Line Options If loop start l ines are rou ted to ACD Groups, set each line to automatic ally rel ease when t he CO sends th e AR signal aft er the outsi de party hang s up.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-37 Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexible Button Assignments fo.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-38 Strata DK Programming 5/99 X Rings a Supervisor [DN] button, enabling an Agent to request assistance w hile talking on an ACD c all. Calls the highest numbered Supervisor telephone or [PDN] X Manually cancels unused wrap-up time.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-39 Automatic Call Distribution Program [PDN] in Program 39 X This is the [PDN] of the Supervisor telephone. Supervisor telephones do not require a unique [PhDN] like Agent telephones.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-40 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 39 Overview This prog ram assign s ACD Agent and Sup ervisor buttons f or T o shiba digit al and/o r electr onic telepho nes.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-41 Automatic Call Distribution Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Direct Yes No No No No No Continue Continue Other Send call to ACD Group queue: go to ACD Flowchart 6-2.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-42 Strata DK Programming 5/99 No No No Go back to 1 above. Go back to 1 above. Go back to 1 above. Yes Continue GO to ACD Flowchart 6-7 "Ring No Answer.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-43 Automatic Call Distribution No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tie/DID.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-44 Strata DK Programming 5/99 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tie/DID/DNIS/ANI Tie/DID/DNIS/ANI Busy Idle NO.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-45 Automatic Call Distribution No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes O.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-46 Strata DK Programming 5/99 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes LED 04 OFF LED 04 ON Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Or Or Or.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-47 Automatic Call Distribution Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Or Or Or An ACD call routes to an idle agent telephone, but it is not answered when it rings.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-48 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Yes Start: call enters queue from ACD Flowchart 6-1. No No Continue Yes, overflow point 1. No, send continuous music. Yes, continue to repeat announcement/music.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-49 Automatic Call Distribution Yes Start: call enters queue from ACD Flowchart 6-1. No Yes No No Continue Yes, Overflow Point 2 Repeat second announcement and music only.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-50 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Yes Start: call enters queue from ACD Flowchart 6-1. No Yes No Caller is connected to second announcement port. this port is assigned in Program 14-32 (not Program 14-33).
Automatic Call Distribution Program 39 – Flexib le Button As signmen ts for ACD T ele phones Strata DK Programming 5/99 6-51 Automatic Call Distribution Start: call enters queue from ACD Flowchart 6-1. Yes No No No Yes Overflow point 3 Yes Yes No 3rd only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 2nd and 3rd Caller is connected to 2nd announcement port.
Automatic Call Distribution Program 3 9 – Flexi ble Button A ssignments for ACD T elephone s 6-52 Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-1 ISDN ISDN 7 This chap ter p rovid es y ou w ith a n ov ervie w of Inte gra ted S yste ms Di gita l Ne twor king (ISD N) a nd provide s step-by- step ins tructio ns to fill in the ISDN r ecord shee ts. Incl uded is an o verview of system an d trunk pro gramming for ISDN.
ISDN System Programs O verview 7-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Flowcha rt 7-1 ISDN System Programs ➤ T o rec ord and enter the data for IS DN system pr ograms 1. Run Progra m 03-Assign the RP TU (PRI) PCB slot posi tion as t ype 79. (See “Progr am 03 for DK424 – Flexi ble PCB Cabinet S lot Assignment s” on Page 3- 6 .
ISDN ISDN Rela ted Progr am s Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-3 ISDN 5. For BRI, run Program *44 to ini tialize th e Service Profile Ide ntifier (SPID) in terface. The TE initial izes the SP ID and sends it to the ne twork. Once the S PID is confir med from the CO, it does no t have to be sent to th e switch a gain.
ISDN ISDN Relat ed Programs 7-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Flowcha rt 7-2 ISDN T runk Programs Programs 81~89, *81~*87 Direct Ringing Lines Programs*09, *17, *71~*73 DID Ringing Programs 71 and 72 DNIS Ringing Standard T runks BRI PRI Program *16 Define ISDN T runk Group T ype (non-ISDN,PRI, BRI).
ISDN T runk Prog rams Overv iew Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-5 ISDN T runk Programs Overview See Fl owchart 7-2 for an ov erview of the ISDN trunk progr amming procedu re. ♦ If you are insta lling all standa rd tru nk groups , skip Prog ram *1 6 (the de fault is for all standa rd TGs).
ISDN Program 1 6 – Assig n CO Line Groups 7-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 16 – Assign CO Lin e Groups This progr am ass ig ns CO line groups (or Dial 9 group s) . Refe r to this progra m only for BRI l in es. Do no t make changes to trunk gro ups assigne d in Program *16 as PRI type.
ISDN Program *16 – ISDN T runk Group T ype Assignme nt Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-7 ISDN Program *16 – ISDN T runk Group T y pe Assign ment Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *42 – Cloc k Source 7-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *42 – Cloc k Source Processor T ype: DK40i, All RCTUs (R elease 4.0 or higher).
ISDN Pro gram * 4 2-1 – P rima ry Timi ng Re fere nce A ssign men ts (Rel eas e 3.1 a nd ear lier ) Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-9 ISDN Program *42-1 – Prima ry T iming Reference Assignments (Release 3.1 and earlier) Initialized Default: Primary = 1, Secondary = 2 Program *42-1 Overview (Rele ase 3.
ISDN Program *43 -1~3 – D-Channel Control and NF AS Ass ignments 7-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *43-1~3 – D-Channel Control and NF AS Assignments Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program *43-2 – Non-Facilit y Associate d Signaling (NF AS) Assignment Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-1 1 ISDN Program *43-2 – Non-Facility Asso ciated Sig naling (NF AS) Assignment Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program *43 -3 – Netwo rk PRI Int e rface Assignme nt 7-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *43-3 – Ne twork PRI Interface Assignme nt Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program *44 – BRI Service Profi le Identifier (SPID) Parameter s Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-13 ISDN Program *44 – BRI Service Profile Identifier (SPID) Parameters Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *60 – BRI Li ne/Station Operat ion Assignm ent 7-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *60 – BRI Line/Stati on Operat ion Assignment Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .0 or high e r) Program T ype: System, BRI Initialized Default: All LEDs OFF Note Power mus t be cycled OFF , then ON be fore chan ges take ef fect.
ISDN Program *61 – Analog T runk Services for ISDN Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-15 ISDN Program *61 – Analog T runk Services for ISDN Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *62 – Non-ISDN S tation Beare r Service 7-16 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *62 – Non-ISDN Station Bearer Service Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *6 3 – ISDN D ialing Param eters Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-17 ISDN Program *63 – ISD N Dialing Parame ters Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *64 -1 – Direct Inward Dialing Pa rameters 7-18 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *64-1 – Dire ct Inward Dialing Parame ters Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *64-2 – Number of DID/DNIS Digits for T runk Groups Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-19 ISDN Program *64-2 – Number of DID/DNIS Digits for T r unk Groups Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *65 – ISDN C hannel Gr oup Assignm ent 7-20 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *65 – ISD N Channel Group As signment Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.0 or hi gher) Program T ype: System, PRI Initialized Default: All LEDS OFF (see Imp ortant! bel ow) Note Program *65 must be assign ed before entering Prog ram*66.
ISDN Program *6 6-1 – Cha nnel Grou p Number Pa rameters Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-21 ISDN Program *66-1 – Channe l Group Number Para mete rs Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.0 or hi gher) Program T ype: T runk, PRI Initialized Default: Blank Note Program *65 must be assigned before entering Program *66.
ISDN Programs *66-2 and * 66-4 – Cal l-by-Call T runk Group Codes and N etwork ID 7-22 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Programs *66-2 and *66-4 – Call- by-Call T runk Group Codes and Network ID Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Programs *66-2 and * 66-4 – Cal l-by-Call T runk Group Co des and N etwork ID Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-23 ISDN Program *66-4 Call-by-C all Network ID Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program *66 -3 – Cha nnel Grou p/T runk Parameters 7-24 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *66-3 – Channe l Group/T runk Para meters Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.0 or hi gher) Program T ype: T runk, PRI Initialized Default: Blank LEDs 03~06 s pecify th e trunk ty pes shown in the fo llowing tabl e.
ISDN Program *6 6-5 – Line Directo ry Number (L DN) Registra tion Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-25 ISDN Program *66-5 – Line Direc tory Number (LD N) Registration Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program * 66-6 – LD N/T ru nk Group to Chann el Group Assignm ents 7-26 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *66-6 – LDN/T runk Group to Channel Group Assignments Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *6 6-7 – LDN/T runk Group Assignm ents Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-27 ISDN Program *66-7 – LDN/T runk Group Assignments Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program * 67-1 – T runk Group C all Di rection 7-28 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *67-1 – T runk Group Call Direction Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.0 or hi gher) Program T ype: T runk, PRI Initialized Default: Both W ay Program *67-1 Overvie w This prog ram assign s the cal l direct ion for e ach ISDN trun k group.
ISDN Program *67-2 – Call T ypes fo r ISDN T ru nk Group Supported Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-29 ISDN Program *67-2 – Call T ypes for ISDN T runk Group Support ed Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program * 67-3 – ISD N T run k Group Minimum Channel R eservat ion 7-30 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *67-3 – ISDN T runk Gr oup Minimum Channel Reservation Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program * 67-4 – ISD N T runk Groups Maximu m Chann el Rese rvation Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-31 ISDN Progra m *6 7-4 – ISDN T ru nk G roups Maximu m Cha nnel Reservation Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
ISDN Program *67 -5 – Mul t iple Ti me Zo ne Se tting s 7-32 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *67-5 – Multiple Time Zo ne Settings Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.1 or hi gher) Program T ype: T runk, PRI Initialized Default: Defaul t = 0000 Program *67-5 Overvie w This prog ram e nables se tting th ree di ffe rent ti me zones.
ISDN Program *6 8-1 – Cal ling Numb er ID Prese ntation Pa rameters Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-33 ISDN Program *68-1 – Ca lling Number ID Prese ntation Parameters Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *68 -2 – Outboun d CNIS Paramete rs 7-34 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *68-2 – Outbound CNIS Paramete rs Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Progra m *69-1 – CNIS Pr esentatio n Parameter s Strata DK Programming 5/99 7-35 Program *69-1 – CNIS Presentation Parameters Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
ISDN Program *69 -2 – Spe cial Numb er Assignme nt 7-36 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *69-2 – Special Number Ass ignment Processor T ype: DK40 i, Al l RC TUs ( Rele ase 4 .
Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-1 E91 1 E91 1 8 This chap ter cont ains progr amming recor d sheets, along with specific instruc tions for programmin g E91 1 CAMA trunks . Enhanced 9 1 1 CAMA trunks ap ply only to t he DK424, Releas e 4.0. The RMCU/RCMS PCBs provide up to four CAMA trun k circuits.
E91 1 SMDR 8-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 ♦ Press DN b utt on and di al 9 +91 1 (with L CR). When the us er d ials 9, t he station will s ei ze LCR on its PDN, wh en the user dials 91 1, the PDN wil l drop LCR and the same PDN will conne ct to the CAMA tr unk.
E91 1 Progr ammi ng Overv iew Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-3 E91 1 Notes ● This rec ord is si milar to a Sta rt recor d except t hat: ● The fir st charac ter “E” i ndicates “End of Call .” ● Call dur ation is provided. ● T ime of day shows disc onnect ti me.
E91 1 Program *1 1-0 – E91 1/CAM A T runk As signme nts 8-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *1 1-0 – E91 1/CAMA T runk Assignment s Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *1 1 -0 – E91 1 /CAMA T runk Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-5 E91 1 When thi s feature i s used, th e statio n or Attend ant console t hat answer s the E91 1 notif ication c.
E91 1 Program *1 1-1 – CAMA T runk Group Line Assignm ents 8-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *1 1-1 – CAMA T runk Group Line Assignments Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.0) Program T ype: System Initialized Default: all LEDs OFF Program *1 1-1 Overview This prog ram assigns l ines to CAMA trunk g roups.
E91 1 Program * 1 1-2 – CAMA T r unk Gro up Hunt ing Assig nments Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-7 E91 1 Program *1 1-2 – CAMA T runk Group Hunting Assignments Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *1 1-5 – CAMA Digit s Sent on 91 1 Calls 8-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *1 1 -5 – CAMA Digits Sent on 91 1 Calls Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *1 1-6 – E91 1 Interd igital T imer Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-9 E91 1 Program *1 1-6 – E91 1 Interdigital T imer Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *1 1-8 – 91 1 Sp ecial [DN ] Notifica tion Assi gnments 8-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program *1 1-8 – 91 1 Special [DN] Notification Assignments Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *12 – CESID Station Information Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-1 1 E91 1 Program *12 – CESID Station Information Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *12 – CESID Station Inf ormation 8-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 1. When the CAMA tru nk is connecte d to the Pu blic Switched T elephone Network: CESID digits ma y be: 0-NYY -XXXX Note The hyphens are for clarity - d o not try to p rogram them in *1 2 0 = Infor mation code expec ted from a PBX on E91 1 calls.
E91 1 Program *13 – Station T o CAMA T runk G roup Assi gnment Strata DK Programming 5/99 8-13 E91 1 Program *13 – Station T o CAMA T runk Group Assignment Processor T ype: All RCTU s (Releas e 4.
E91 1 Program *13 – Station T o CAMA T runk G roup Assi gnment 8-14 Strata DK Programming 5/99.
Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-1 Glossary Glossary T erm Definition AA Auto A tten dant (built- in or exte rnal) . This featu re ac ts as an a utomat ic op erato r tha t direct s incoming cal lers to sta tions by of fering a menu of dial ing prompts . ACD Automatic Call Distr ibution .
Glossary CCVY ~ DK GL-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 CCVY Call Cent er V iewer “Y” Co nnector—Enabl es two-way tra nsmissions be tween the S trata DK and a host PC, or SMIS equi pment, and one-wa y transmis sions to o ther PCs.
Glossar y DKAdmin ~ D VSU Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-3 Glo ssary DKAdmin T oshiba's c ustomer da tabase pr ogramming and u pload/downl oad softwa re package for S trat a D K sy stem s. DKBackup T oshiba’ s customer database upload/do wnload soft ware package f or Strat a DK systems.
Glossary E91 1 ~ ISDN GL-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 E91 1 Enhanced 91 1 oper ation tha t provides m ore comp lete loc ator inf ormation t o the respondi ng agency .
Glossary K4RCU3 ~ OCA Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-5 Glossary K4RCU3 Dual-T one Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Receiver /ABR T one Detector Unit —An optional PCB installe d on the TMAU motherboa rd.
Glossary OPS ~ PEPU GL-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 OPS Off -premises S tatio n. PBTC A T oshiba-su pplied ca ble used t o connec t customer -suppl ied batte ries to a cabinet power suppl y in a one- or two-ca binet syste m for emer gency reserve power for t he entire syste m.
Glossary PESU ~ QCDU2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-7 Glossary PESU Sta ndard/Ele ctronic T elephone Interfa ce Unit—An o ptional PCB t hat provides the system wit h a combinat ion of two standard a nd four el ectroni c telephone c ircuits .
Glossary QKYS ~ RCMS GL-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99 QKYS Au to Atte ndan t F eatur e Key (D K14) —Prov ides built- in Auto Atte nd ant s oftwa r e without Pr ogram 03 assig nments and i nstalls di rectly onto t he QRCU3 PCB.
Glossary RMCU ~ RGLU Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-9 Glossary RMCU Enhanced 91 1 (E9 11) CAMA Tr unk Direct Interf ace—Enables connect ion from the DK424 (Relea se 4.0 a nd above) to E91 1 locator servi ces witho ut third -party equipme nt. The RMCU su pports two subass emblie s (RCMS) that provid e a to tal of up to four ports.
Glossary RKYS ~ RSIS GL-10 Strata DK Programming 5/99 RKYS Feature Key Upgr ade—Subas sembly that attache s to the co mmon control unit to provide th e system with opt ional feat ures. There are four version s of the RKYS: the RKYS1, the RKYS2, the RKYS3 and th e RKYS4, each of which provides a disti nct set o f features .
Glossary RSIU ~ T API Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-1 1 Glossary RSIU Optional RS-232 Serial Int erfa ce Unit—An optional PCB that pr ovides interf ace to any of th e following f eatures: voice mail.
Glossary TA ~ WSIU GL-12 Strata DK Programming 5/99 TA T ermi nal Adapte r or IS DN modem tha t conver ts PC and other types of protocol i nto a sign al that work s with IS DN. Generally , T As support RJ -1 1 voice ports and RS- 232C or V .3 5 or V .
Strata DK Programming 5/99 IN-1 Index Index A alert s igna l button a ssignments , 3-1 18 button p rogramming example , 3-1 19 alter nate backgr ound music s ource slot as signment (see Program 19) at.
Index E ~ I IN-2 Strata DK Programming 5/99 door phone busy sig nal/door l ock assi gnments (se e Program 77- 2) to [DN] flashing as signments (see Progr am * 79) door phone ringing ( see Program 79) .
Ind ex K ~ P Strata DK Programming 5/99 IN-3 Index non-fac ility associa ted signali ng (see Progr am *43-2) non-ISDN st ation bea rer serv ice (see Program *62) outbound CNI S parameter s (see Progra.
Index P ~ P IN-4 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program * 10-92 – E911 p ause befor e send timer, 3-40 Program * 10 – enhanced 911 operation, 3-3 9 Program *11 -0 – E911/CAMA tr unks, 8-4 Program *1.
Ind ex P ~ P Strata DK Programming 5/99 IN-5 Index Program *80 – call forwa rd station r ing assignmen t, 3-174 Program 00- part 1 – soft ware check, 2-12 Program 00- part 2 – RCTU RAM test , 2-.
Index R ~ S IN-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99 Program 48 – statio n toll re strict ion classi ficati on, 4-38 Program 50-1 – LCR parameters, 5- 4 Program 50- 2 – LCR home area co de, 5- 5 Program .
Ind ex T ~ V Strata DK Programming 5/99 IN-7 Index stat ion class o f serv ice (see Pr ogram * 34) (see Pr ogram 35) CO line ac cess (see Pr ogram 40) hunting (voice ca lls only, see Progra m 33) logi.
Index V ~ V IN-8 Strata DK Programming 5/99.
デバイスToshiba DK14の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba DK14をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba DK14の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba DK14の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba DK14で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba DK14を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba DK14の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba DK14に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba DK14デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。