ToshibaメーカーIntegrated Wireless Handsetの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Telecommunication Systems Division May 1999 Integrated Wireless Handset User Guide TM.
Publicatio n Informatio n T oshiba A merica Informatio n System s, Inc., T elecommunicati o n Systems Division, reserves the right, without pri or notice, to rev ise this informa tion publica tion for.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 i Contents Introduction Organizati on ...................... .................................... .................................... ..................... ... vii Conventions ............. ............
Contents Chapte r 3 - Handset O peration ii Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Chapter 3 – Handset Operation Powering On and O ff .......................... ........................... .................................... ..............
Contents Chapt er 4 - Digital F eatures Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 iii Call Forward–All Cal l s ............................. .................................... ..................................40 Call Forward–Busy ........
Contents Chapter 5 - Standard Feature s iv Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Toshiba Voice M ail In tegration . .................................... .................................... ................ 70 Voice Mail Ident i fication Code .
Contents Chapter 5 - Standard Feature s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 v Repeat Last N umber Dialed .................................. .................................... .......................100 Speed Dial ........................
Contents Chapter 5 - Standard Feature s vi Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 vii Introduction This gui de describes the features and op eration of the S trata AirLink™ Integra ted W ir eless han dset in S trat a DK sys tems and many non-T oshiba sys tems. The S trata DK systems t hat support the handset are: ♦ DK16e/DK16 ♦ DK40i/DK40 ♦ DK424/DK280 (Re lease 3.
Intr oduction Con venti ons viii Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 € Chapter 4 – Digital Fe atures describes how t he system featur es work with your handset , such as Call Forwar d, Message W aiting, and Paging.
Intr oduction Conv e ntio ns Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ix [PhDN] Repres ents any Phan tom Directory Number button (an addi tiona l DN) . [B] Represents t he pre-programmed d igital handset buttons 4 ~9. This is not ap plicable to the analo g handse t.
Introduction Related Documents x Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Action/Response T able Related Documents Some document s listed here may app ear in di ffe rent vers ions on th e CD-ROM, FYI, or in pr int. T o compare and fi nd the most cur rent ver sion, check the doc ument title page.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 1 The Grand T our 1 Y ou r Str ata Air Lin k Inte grate d W ire less h andset bring s mobi lity and pro duct ivit y to the of fice envir onment. Greater cal l access cuts down on “telephone t ag” delays, and its compact design makes it easy to take with you.
The Grand T our Hands et 2 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Handset Y ou r wireless hands et (shown at rig ht) stores up t o eight system and handset IDs that are configu red by your System Admin istrato r .
The Grand T our Handset Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 3 T able 1 LCD Fields, Fixed Buttons, and Icons Descriptions Handset Descripti on LCD Fiel ds Idle Me ssage Area Displ a ys an id le m es sage. Date Disp la ys the current date . Time/Call Duration Displa ys the c all duration and current time .
The Grand T our Hands et 4 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Fixed Buttons (contin ued) & Æ Scrol l s forw ard through the Speed Dial l i st and loc ks/ unloc ks the dial pad. )&1 + 4 1 Plac es calls o n Hold. )&1 + 5 1 Conf erenc es or trans f ers calls .
The Grand T our Buttons Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 5 Buttons If your ha ndset inter faces to the Stra ta DK teleph one syst em using a digit al port , the handset buttons have special capab ilities as discussed in t he following par agraphs.
The Grand T our Liqu id Crystal Dis pla y 6 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Secondary D irectory Numbe r [SDN] The [P DN] of ano ther exte nsion that appea rs on your handset is an [SDN]. Y ou cannot s et Call Forward or a VMID code for [S DNs] on you r handset .
The Grand T our Charger Bas e Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 7 Char ger B ase The handse t comes with a Char ger Base (shown at ri ght) that has front and rear sl ots. The front slot functio ns as a cradle fo r the h andset and a charg er for the handset battery .
The Grand T our Battery 8 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Battery The handse t uses one Nickel Metal Hydride ( NiMH) battery . When fu lly char ged it provide s up to 4 hours of t alk and 40 hours of standby time. ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o charge the battery i Return t he handset to the Charger Base .
The Grand T our Battery Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 9 Removi ng and Re-installing t he Battery CA UTION! If yo u have to r emove the battery , turn off the power first. This saves your menu changes and Speed Dial (SD) additions since the last ti me you turned o n the power .
The Grand T our Battery 10 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 11 Installation 2 This chap ter descri bes insta llation proced ures and ho w to char ge the handset batter ies. Important! The Strata AirLi nk W ir eless Sys t em must be pr ogrammed be for e the handset o perates.
Installation Battery 12 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Step 2: Char ge Batteries f or Fir st Time 1. Remove th e handset carr ying case, if it has one. 2. Make sure the power is off . 3. Inse rt the handset (batte ry in it) in the front slot of the charge r (shown at upper right).
Installation Battery Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 13 Important! Do not use th e batt ery bef or e it has complet ed the rapid char ge cy cle, even if the handset b attery i con displays ful l str ength. The batte ry must char ge for two cont inuous hours.
Installation Battery 14 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 15 Handset Operation 3 This chap ter descri bes handset operation, inc luding powering on and off, m enu functi onality , a nd SD.
Hand set Opera tion Makin g Calls 16 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Making Calls Y ou can make calls outsid e the tele phone sys tem by diali ng direc t or using CO Line Access Code s. See “CO Line Access Codes ” on Page 109 for more in formation.
Han dset O perati on Men u Options Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 17 Menu Options The handse t must be idle to use its own menu. Ta b l e 2 describes e ach option. ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o ac cess me nu op t ions 1. Press )&1 + ▲ The LCD scrolls backward throu gh menu optio ns 13~1.
Hand set Opera tion Menu Opt ions 18 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 A uto Answer ( : + )&1 ) Change Idle Message ( 46 + )&1 , Important! Do not use the full 18 charact ers because the d ate displays al so. 1. Press )& 1 + ▼ (seven t imes) .
Han dset O perati on Men u Options Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 19 Click V o lume ( 7 + )&1 , 3. Press t he character s or numb er s f or a n ew message. See Ta b l e 4 for more info rmatio n. 4. Press 672 + (1' . The new idle message is st ored in memor y .
Hand set Opera tion Menu Opt ions 20 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Delete Last Number Dial ed ( 45 + )&1 ) Display Contrast ( ; + )& 1 , 2. Press )&1 # again. Y ou hear levels of beeper volume or t his displays: Note Y our choices ar e VOL1~3 and si lent.
Han dset O perati on Men u Options Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 21 Display T est Optio n ( < + )&1 , Ringer T yp e ( 5 + )&1 , 2. Press )&1 until th e contras t that you want is v isible. There are seven types of contrast available .
Hand set Opera tion Menu Opt ions 22 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Ringer V o lume ( 6 + )&1 , Time Format ( 9 + )&1 , 1. Press )&1 + ▼ (three times) ...or 6 + )&1 . 2. Press )&1 agai n. Y ou hear l evels of ringe r or this d ispla y s: 3.
Han dset O perati on Using th e Hooks witch Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 23 Using the Hookswi tch Note This fea ture is only ava i lable to hands ets that use th e BSIA interface to Strat a DK s y stem s. The ordin ary telephone hoo kswitch is locat ed in the han dset cradle of y our telepho ne.
Hand set Opera tion Mute 24 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Mute There are two types of mut e—voic e and ringe r . V oice mute tempor aril y discon nects the hands et micro phone and t he othe r part y cannot he ar you. Ri ng mute tempo rari ly disconne cts the ringer during an incoming call without af fecting t he call.
Han dset O perati on Speed D ial Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 25 Speed Di al Y our handset st ores 70 SD numbers int ernally—10 ar e dialed by press ing 1 button. Y ou can also ass ign SD memory locatio ns or names. If a number or na me is longer than 18 di gits, it scro lls to the next LCD line.
Hand set Opera tion Speed Dia l 26 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel storing a number i Press (1' . ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o edit stor ed SD numbers ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel the edi ting pr ocess at an ytime i Press (1' .
Han dset O perati on Speed D ial Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 27 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o SD using memory locati ons 10~69 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o scroll memory location s for SD numbers ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o program a pause 1. Dial a memor y locati on ( 43 ~ 9< ).
Hand set Opera tion Speed Dia l 28 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o enter a “wait” ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o delete one stor ed number 1. Press &$// . Y ou can contin ue dialing. 2. Press an d hold & Æ . 1. En ter a mem ory locati on and press 5&/ .
Han dset O perati on Speed D ial Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 29 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o dele te all n u mber s T o familiari ze yourse lf with the f eatures of your ha ndset, you n eed to know ho w it is configu red. See you Syst em Administr a tor for speci fic info rmation.
Hand set Opera tion Speed Dia l 30 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 31 Digital Features 4 This chap ter descri bes Strat a AirLink handset features when it is configured to digita l ports in Strata DK 16, DK16e, DK40, DK40 i, DK280 (Release 3.0 and higher) , and DK424 telephone systems.
Digital Features Account Code Calls 32 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Account Code Calls Account Cod es are used for b illing, call t racking, a nd line restrict ion applicati ons. The codes are recorded and printed in a SMDR report .
Digital Features Account C ode Calls Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 33 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o use a V oluntary Acco unt Code V erified Ac count Codes Some Str ata DK systems veri fy the ent ered Forced or V oluntary Codes. Thes e codes are cal led V erifie d Account Codes, an d they a re ent ered wi th the V oluntary Accoun t Code.
Digital Features Attend ant Cons ole Calling 34 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Attendant Console Calling Y ou can call th e Attendant Con sole usin g up to three ways, depending upon syst em programmin g.
Digital Features A utomatic Call back (A CB) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 35 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o activate ABR ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o answer an ABR call ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel ABR i Press &$// # + &77 .
Digital Features A utomatic Cal l back (A CB) 36 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o set ACB ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o answer an ACB call ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel ACB to busy or DND st ation i Press $XWR # &DOOEDF N ( )&1 + [B]) + (1' .
Digital Features A utomatic Hol d Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 37 A utomatic Hold Y ou can place yo ur call on ho ld aut omat ic all y b y pressing a n out si de li ne, a [DN], a [PhDN], or )&1 + 4 . Y ou can also s witch between c alls if your hands et and the Strata DK is programm ed fo r this f eature.
Digital Features Call F orward (CF) 38 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Forwar d (CF) Y ou can assign CF des tinations for each [DN] on yo ur han dset (up to one [ PDN] and four [Ph DN s]). Each [DN] ca n be independen t ly set for a d ifferent CF feature .
Digital Features Call F or ward (CF ) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 39 € CF–No Answer for wards all ca lls if y ou fai l t o a nswer withi n a d esi gnated time (set by you when you enabl e the fea t ure).
Digital Features Call F orward (CF) 40 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Forward–All Calls ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF – All Calls i Press &$// + &DOO # )UZ G # $OO # &DO OV ( )&1 + [B ]) ...or &$// + [PDN] + &934 + (1' .
Digital Features Call F or ward (CF ) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 41 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a Call Forwar d—Busy i Press &DOO # )U Z G # %XV ( )&1 + # [B] ) + (1' ...or &$// + [PDN] + &934 + (1' . Call Forward–No Ans wer .
Digital Features Call F orward (CF) 42 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–No Answer i Press &DOO # )U Z G # 1R # $QV ZHU ( )&1 + [B]) + (1' ...or &$// + [PDN] + &934 + (1' . 3. E n ter the time dela y ( 3; a 93 ) s econds.
Digital Features Call F or ward (CF ) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 43 Call Forward–Busy/No Ans wer ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–Busy/No Answer i Press &DOO # )U Z G # %XV 2 1$QV ( )&1 + [B]) + (1' ...or &$// + [PDN] + &934 + (1' .
Digital Features Call F orward (CF) 44 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Forward–Fix ed Call Forward–External ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–External i Press &DOO # )U Z G # ([WHU QD O # ( )&1 + [B]) ...or &$// + &9:3 + (1' .
Digital Features Call F or ward (CF ) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 45 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o change a remot e forwarding destin ation number If Call Forwa rd-Exter nal mode is set at you r stati on, you can chan ge the for warding destina tion from a tel ephone outs ide of the syste m.
Digital Features Call H old 46 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Hold ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o retur n to the ca ll on hold Call P ark Orbits The Call Park feature ho lds calls tempor arily in an or bit. Anyone can retrieve a call from the orbi t using the same or a dif ferent station.
Digital Features Call P ar k Orbit s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 47 Y ou can answer the parke d recall by putt ing the new call on hold or end t he second call an d answer the parke d recall by h anging up. The parked call re m ain s camped onto your handse t until you r espond.
Digital Features Call P ar k Orbits 48 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o retrie ve a pa rked call ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o park and page a call 1. Press &$// + 3DU N # LQ # 2UELW ( )&1 + [B]) Y ou hear dial to ne. .
Digital Features Call Pickup Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 49 Call Pic kup Y ou can pic k u p a call t hat i s ringing at a nother stat io n o r on hold an d o ther types of calls w ith the Call Pickup f eature. Ta b l e 5 describe s the func tions of each co de.
Digital Features Call Pi ck up 50 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o use Call Pickup ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o use Direct ed Call Picku p. T able 5 Call Pic kup Access Cod es and Functions Code Funct ion &8#.# ;;; Picks up calls ringing o r on hold at s pecific [PDNs] o r [PhDNs].
Digital Features Call Pickup Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 51 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o pick up a ringing CO line i n a tenant system ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o pick up calls that are ringin g in.
Digital Features Call W aiting 52 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o pickup a page or inte rnal call Call W aiting When you are talking, inc oming call s are camped onto yo ur station. Y ou must end the conve rsation or tr ansfer the cal l to another st ation to answer t he camped on call.
Digital Features Conf erence Call s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 53 Conference Calls This fea ture enables you t o add other parti es t o an existing cal l.
Digital Features Direct Inw ard System Access (DISA) 54 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o make a direct inward station cal l with DISA ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o make an outgoing call with DISA 1. From outsi de the system, di al the DISA CO line telepho ne number .
Digital Features Do Not Disturb Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 55 Do Not Disturb If your handset is in DND, CF–Busy , or CF–Busy/No Answer , i nternal, ext ernal and transf erred calls do not ring on it. Ca lls are forward ed to V oice Mai l or anot her stati on if your [P DN] or [PhDN] ap pears at th ose stat ions.
Digital Features DTMF T ones 56 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o call and/or monitor a d oor telephone DTMF T ones Some dev i ces or servic es require DTMF to nes ( - and & ), suc h as a V oi c e Mail device o r computer output service.
Digital Features Messag e W aitin g Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 57 Making an I SDN outgoing call i s handled automati cally with a ti mer or by yo u initi ating the ISDN “Sta rt” seque nce. The met hod depends on s ystem progra mming.
Digital Features Messa ge W aiti ng 58 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o set a MW indicati on at another tele phone ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel the MW i ndication a t another telephon e ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel your MW icon 2.
Digital Features Ov erri de Ca ll s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 59 Overr ide Call s Note The stat ions indicated in the sample LCD s ( 203 , 20 4 , 205 , and 210 ) are examples, not handset de faults.
Digital Features Overri de Call s 60 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Busy Override Do Not Disturb Override Executive Override i Press 5 . A muted tone is hea rd at the busy stat ion. The station number ( 210 ) d isplays. i Press 5 . A tone s ignal is heard at the DND station, indicating an incoming ca ll.
Digital Features Ov erri de Ca ll s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 61 Privac y Ove rride T oll Restr iction Override i Press &$// + /L QH # ( )&1 + [B]). Connected p arties hear an optional tone signal before you a re con nect ed.
Digital Features P aging Announcem ents 62 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 P aging Announ cements T elephones ar e assigned to spe cific page group s in system progr amm ing. Y ou can page Digi tal and Electr onic telephone sp eakers and exter nal speakers .
Digital Features Sav ed Numb er Redial Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 63 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o release an active call and answer an incoming ca ll Sa ved Nu mber Redi al Saved Nu mber Redial stores a diale d telephone/st ation number and re dials the number with the t ouch of a button.
Digital Features Speed Dia l 64 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Speed Di al Y our wireless h andset can stor e 70 SD numbers in its own memory only . For mo re informat ion, see “Sp e ed Di al” on Pa ge 25 . Timed Reminders Y ou can set fiv e separate remin ders at your sta tion, at a time (hour and min ute) set by you.
Digital Features Speed D ial Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 65 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a Timed Reminder 4. E nter d es ire d L CD message s tation number ( 43 ~ 4< ) o r system numbe r ( 93 ~ << ) ...or ent er 33 # if you do not want the message di splayed when th e time remind er tone sounds.
Digital Features T one /Pul se Di al ing 66 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 T one/Pulse Dialing W ith some old er COs, calls are m ade on CO lines that are pr ogrammed for rota ry dial pul ses.
Digital Features T wo CO Line Connectio n (T andem) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 67 Y ou can also conne ct two CO lines , so you c an drop out of the conversat ion. On some tele phone syst ems, both CO /LQH or 3RR O HG # /LQH # *U S # ( )&1 + [B]) m ust appear o n your handset to enable T andem co nnections .
Digital Features T wo CO Line Connec tion (T andem) 68 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ...or on some systems, yo u can press )&1 + 5 and dial a CO l ine access code foll owed by a telephon e number . It is not necessary to ha ve both CO Line butt ons on your tel ephone.
Digital Features T ran sf erring Call s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 69 T ransf errin g Calls Y ou can transfe r calls to an i dle or bus y station. The st ation can be the [DN] of a telephone, a Hunt Group Number , or ACD Group [DN] .
Digital Features T osh iba V oice Mail Inte gration 70 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 T oshiba Voice Mail Integration This sect ion explains how to use your han dset for retrievi ng messages and sett ing up CF .
Digital Features T oshi ba V oice Mai l Integra tion Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 71 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o assign or change a VMID Note The st ation ( 203 ) indica ted in the LCD is a n example, not a handset de fault. ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel the VMI D i Press &$// + &989 + 5HG LD O ( )&1 + [B]).
Digital Features T osh iba V oice Mail Inte gration 72 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o program the mess age retrieval sequence ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel automatic r etrie val sequence i Press [ D N] + &98: + 5HG L D O ( )&1 + [B ]).
Digital Features T oshi ba V oice Mai l Integra tion Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 73 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o forward calls to V oice Mai l ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel Call Forward 1. Press &$// + &D OO # )RUZDUG # ( )&1 + [B]) .
Digital Features T osh iba V oice Mail Inte gration 74 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 75 Standar d Features 5 This chap ter descri bes Strat a AirLink handset features when it is configured to standar d ports i n Strata D K16, DK16e , DK40, DK40i, DK280 (Re l ease 3.0 and higher) , and DK424.
Standard Features Account Code Calls 76 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Account Code Calls Account Cod es are used for b illing, call t racking, a nd line restrict ion applicati ons. The codes are recorded and printed in a SMDR report .
Standard Features Account C ode Calls Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 77 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o use V oluntary Accoun t Code V erified Ac count Codes Some Str ata DK systems veri fy the ent ered Forced or V oluntary Codes. Thes e codes are cal led V erifie d Account Codes, an d they a re ent ered wi th the V oluntary Accoun t Code.
Standard Features Attend ant Cons ole Calling 78 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Attendant Console Calling Y ou can call th e Attendant Con sole usin g up to three ways, depending upon syst em programmin g.
Standard Features A utomatic Call back (A CB) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 79 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o activate ABR ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o answer an ABR call i Press &$// when yo ur handset ri ngs (ABR has a lready connecte d to the number ).
Standard Features Call F orw ard 80 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o answer an ACB call ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel ACB to busy or DND st ation Call Forwar d Y ou can assign CF des tinations for each [DN] on yo ur han dset (up to one [ PDN] and four [Ph DN s]).
Standard Features Call F orward Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 81 If CF is set, th e foll owin g calls to you r stati on f o rward (e xcep t in CF – Exte rnal mode): € Inte rnal �.
Standard Features Call F orw ard 82 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Forward–All Calls ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF – All Calls i Press &$// + [PDN ] + &934 + (1' . Call Forward–Busy 1. Press &$// + &934 Y ou hear confi rmation tone.
Standard Features Call F orward Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 83 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–Busy i Press &$// + [PDN ] + &935 + (1' . Call Forward–No Ans wer 3. Press (1' . Calls are f orwarded to the stored [ DN ].
Standard Features Call F orw ard 84 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–No Answer i Press &$// + [PDN ] + &936 + (1' . Call Forward–Busy/No Ans wer ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–Busy/No Answer i Press &$// + [PDN ] + &937 + (1' .
Standard Features Call F orward Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 85 Call Forward–External ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel a CF–External i Press &$// + &9:3 + (1' .
Standard Features Call H old 86 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Call Hold i While on a call, pre ss )/6 + + &74 . ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o retur n to the ca ll on hold 4. E n ter the new destina tion. Notes ♦ Y ou can enter an internal number , V oice Mail number , or a CO li ne access code + a n external telepho ne number .
Standard Features Call P ar k Orbit s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 87 Call P ark Orbits The Call Park feature ho lds calls tempor arily in an or bit. Anyone can retrieve a call from the orbi t using the same or a dif ferent station.
Standard Features Call P ar k Orbits 88 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o retrie ve a pa rked call ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o park and page a call 3. Press (1' . Once the ca ll is parked, you can make or recei ve other ca lls.
Standard Features Call Pickup Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 89 Call Pic kup Y ou can pic k u p a call t hat i s ringing at a nother stat io n o r on hold an d o ther types of calls w ith the Call Pickup f eature. Ta b l e 6 describe s the func tions of each co de.
Standard Features Call Pi ck up 90 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o use Call Pickup ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o pick up calls that are ringin g in your gr oup ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o pick up calls that are ringin g in another gr oup T able 6 Call Pic kup Access Cod es and Functions Code Funct ion &8#.
Standard Features CO L ine Queui ng Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 91 CO Line Queu ing If all outgo ing CO li nes ar e busy , the CO Li ne Queui ng fea ture r ings y our te lephon e when one is available. ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o set CO Line Queuing 1.
Standard Features Conf erence Calls 92 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o answer a CO Line Queue ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel CO Line Queuing i Press &$// + &76 . Conference Calls This fea ture enables you t o add other parti es t o an existing cal l.
Standard Features CO Line Connection (T andem) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 93 CO Line Connection (T andem) ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o connect two out s ide lines Direct Inwar d System Acc.
Standard Features Direct Inw ard System Access (DISA) 94 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o make a direct inward station cal l with DISA 1. From outsi de the system, di al the DISA CO line number . The System Admin istrator has the appropriate number .
Standard Features Direct Inw ard System Access (DISA) Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 95 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o make an outgoing call with DISA 1. From outsi de the system, di al the DISA CO line telepho ne number . The System Admin istrator has the appropriate number .
Standard Features Door Phone s 96 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Door Ph ones Y ou can call a do or telephone and monit or the immed iate area surr ounding it . Only digita l and electroni c stations can be called by door telephone users, but you can pick up t hese calls when t hey are incoming.
Standard Features ISDN Calling Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 97 ISDN Calling T o make outgoing c alls using an I ntegrated Servi ces Digit al Network (ISDN) trunks, you must be an ISDN subscri ber and be connecte d to a Strata DK424 sys tem with Rele ase 4.
Standard Features Overri de Call s 98 Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o set a MW indicati on at another tele phone ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel the MW i ndication a t a.
Standard Features Ov erri de Ca ll s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 99 Busy Override Do Not Disturb Override Executive Override i Press 5 . A muted tone is hea rd at the busy stat ion. The station number ( 210 ) d isplays. i Press 5 .
Standard Features P aging Announcem ents 100 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 P aging Announ cements T elephones ar e assigned to spe cific page group s in system progr amm ing. Y ou can page Digi tal and Electr onic telephone sp eakers and exter nal speakers .
Standard Features T ran sf erring Call s Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 101 T ransf errin g Calls Y ou can transfe r calls to an i dle or bus y station. The st ation can be the [DN] of a telephone, a Hunt Group Number , or ACD Group [DN] .
Standard Features T osh iba V oice Mail Inte gration 102 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 T oshiba Voice Mail Integration This sect ion explains how to use your han dset for retrievi ng messages and sett ing up CF .
Standard Features T oshi ba V oice Mai l Integra tion Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 103 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o forward calls to V oice Mai l ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel Call Forward V oi.
Standard Features T osh iba V oice Mail Inte gration 104 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o assign or change a VMID ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ T o cancel the VMI D i Press &$// + &989 + & . Message Retriev al Y ou can progr am a [P DN] to auto ma ti cal l y retrieve your vo ice mail mess ages when pressed .
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 105 Appendix This appendi x conta ins: ♦ Handse t spec ificati ons (see Ta b l e 7 ) ♦ T roubleshoo ting tips ( see Ta b l e 8 ) ♦ Acce ss cod es .
Appendix Hands et Specificat ions 106 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Handset Specifications T able 7 Handse t Specificatio ns Item Sp ecification T ransmiss ion Access method FDMA/T.
Appendix T roub leshootin g Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 107 T roubleshooting If your wireless handset does not perfor m to your expectat ions, try the su ggestions in Ta b l e 8 . If you are st ill unable to r esolve the prob lem, contact your Sy stem Admin istrato r .
Appendix T roub leshooting 108 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 NO SER VICE! message . P ow er the hands et off and on or mo ve c loser to the base station. A ha ndset is properly loc ked when y ou see the da te, time , and signal str ength icons afte r power o n.
Appendix Acce ss C odes Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 109 Access Codes Access co des for CO lines, Fe atures, and Pagin g are described in the following sectio ns. CO Line Access Codes Ta b l e 9 list s all of the cod es needed to acces s an outside li ne.
Appendix Acce ss Codes 110 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 Feature Codes T able 10 lists the feature acc ess codes for Strata DK syst ems. It does not cov er all of the code ent ries. For example, “ ;;; ” and “ << ” are variabl e entries tha t can change with dif ferent co des.
Appendix Acce ss C odes Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 111 P ar k Cal l/Acce ss P ag e The e xisting call is park ed, and y ou are automati cally connec ted to the P age .
Appendix Acce ss Codes 112 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 P aging Access Codes Y our wireless h andset can be a member of more than one pa ging group and each group can have as many as 1 20 stations. Ta b l e s 11 ~ 12 have the access code.
Appendix Acce ss C odes Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 113 T able 12 System P agin g Zones External P aging Z one Access Code External P aging Zone Acces s Code DK16 and DK16e Pa g i .
Appendix Acce ss Codes 114 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 T able 13 External P aging Zon es External P agin g Zone Access Code External P agin g Zone Access Code DK40/D K40i/ DK4 24.
Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 115 Inde x A ABR, 34 , 78 access code s, 109 CO, 109 paging, 112 using, 39 acco unt code call s, 32 adju st ing vol ume (rai se /lower), 23 alarm re set.
Index D ~ F 116 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 park orbits, 46 , 87 park and page, 48 , 88 park ing a call , 47 , 87 retrie ving a c all, 48 , 88 pickup, 49 access c odes, 50 , 90 d.
Index G ~ L Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 117 fixe d, 44 , 85 LCD in forma tion, 39 modes, 38 , 81 no answ er, 41 , 83 usin g the acce ss codes, 39 usin g the bu ttons, 39 cal le r I.
Index M ~ P 118 Strata A irLi nk Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 liqui d crys tal di splay , 6 lock/un lock the dial pa d, 24 low b at tery, 13 M making cal ls, 16 memory locations 10~69, 27 menu ope.
Index R ~ W Strata AirLink Integrated Wireless Handset 5/99 119 pause, 27 phantom di rectory number, 6 power on an d off, 15 primary d irectory number, 5 R receiv ing calls, 16 redia l, 63 releas e an.
デバイスToshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba Integrated Wireless Handsetデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。