ToshibaメーカーStrata DKの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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May 2000 Telecommunication Systems Division Digital Business Telephone Systems Electronic Telephone User Guide (includes LCD and Direct Station Selection Console).
Pub licatio n Inf ormat ion T oshiba Americ a I nf o r mation S ys t ems, In c ., T elec om municat ion Systems Divi sion, reserves th e right, with out prior notice , to revise this i nformat ion pub.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 i Contents Introduction Organizati on ..................... .................. ........................... .................. ........................... ... .. viii Conventions ... ........................... ....
Contents Chapte r 2 - Feature s ii Strat a DK Electron ic T elep hone 5/00 On-Hook Dialing ............................ ............................................. ..................................1 6 Answering Calls ............ ..................
Contents Chap ter 2 - F eatu res Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 iii Do Not Disturb (DND) ............................... ........................... .................. .........................42 Door Lock ................................. .....
Contents Chapte r 3 - LCD Ope ration iv Strat a DK Electron ic T elep hone 5/00 Two (Tandem) CO Line Connection ................... .................. ......... ......... ......................... 70 Voice Mail In tegration .............. ............
Contents Appe ndi x B – Cen trex App lic ati on Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 v Paging Access Codes ................ .................. ........................... .................. .......................108 Speed Dial Acc ess Codes .......
Contents Chapte r 4 - Button L abels vi Strat a DK Electron ic T elep hone 5/00.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 vii Introduction This gui de descri bes how to us e electr onic tel ephones for Str ata DK syst ems. Models covered in this us er guide i nclude el ectronic t elephones equipped wi th a Liqui d Crystal Display ( LCD) and/o r speaker phone.
Introduction Organiz ation viii Str ata DK Elect ronic T e lephone 5/00 Orga nization ♦ Chapter 1 – The Grand T our provides an overvie w of the equipment, b uttons, Light Emit ting Diode s (LEDs), and LCDs. ♦ Chapter 2 – Features des cribes t he avai lable el ectronic tele phone feat ures in alphabet ical or der .
Introduction Conv entions Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 ix W ARNING! A lerts you when the given task could cause p ersonal injury or death. [DN ] Represents any Direct ory Number bu tton, als o known as an extensi on or int ercom number . [PDN] Represents any Prim ary Direc tory Number butt on (the extension number fo r the te lephone).
Introduction Relate d Docu ments and Media x Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Action/Response Related Documents and Media Note Some document s liste d here may app ear in dif ferent versio ns on the CD-R OM, F YI, o r in p r int.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 1 The Grand T our 1 This chap ter familiarize s you with t he control s and indi cators l ocated on your electr onic key tel ephone (EKT) (s ee “ 20-Button Ele ctronic Key T elephone with LCD ” on Page 2 ).
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 2 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Electronic T elephone Diagram Figure 1 20-Button Elec tronic Key T elephone w ith LCD RNG VOL Flexible Buttons M.
The Grand T our Electronic T elephon e Diagram Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 3 Buttons There ar e two sets of buttons, fixe d and flex ible. The f ixed butt ons, such as 0,& , +2/' , &21)7 516 , and 92 / are shown in Fig ure 1 on the prio r page.
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 4 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 +2/' (continu ed) If the he ld party hangs u p, the cal l is rele ased and the &2 provides a hold-rel ease sig nal.
The Grand T our Electronic T elephon e Diagram Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 5 Flexible Butt ons All fle xible but tons must be programmed f or your te lephone i n system pro gramming and vary for in dividual telephone s.
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 6 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 T able 2 Directory Button Definitions Button Definitions [PDN] Primary Di r ectory N umber ➤ Press to answer a ca ll to t he Primary D irectory Nu mber or to init iat e a phon e ca ll.
The Grand T our Electronic T elephon e Diagram Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 7 Figure 2 Multiple Directory Numbers Ex ample Feature But tons Preprogr ammed featur e buttons can be ass igned to yo ur telep hone and var y for indivi dual tele phones.
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 8 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 outside call in progre ss, the elapsed t ime displ ay shows the duration of the ca ll. Y ou can als o send/rec eive shor t messages with other LCD t elephones ( see “ Me ssage s ” on Page 86 ).
The Grand T our Electronic T elephon e Diagram Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 9 (See Ch a pte r 3 – LCD Op e r atio n for an explana tion of h ow to use the se button s.) T able 3 Mod e Definitio ns MODE Definition Exit mo de and retu rn to clock/cal endar dis play .
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 10 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 LED Indicators Each line and fea ture bu tton h as a L ED n ext to it whi ch i ndi cate s th e sta tus of the line or feat ure assoc iated wit h the butt on. Line LEDs l ight and/ or flas h at varyi ng rates to indic ate call st atu s (se e Ta b l e 4 ).
The Grand T our Electronic T elephon e Diagram Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 11 On-hook/Off-hook Some pr ocedures i n this us er guid e instru ct you to pe rform a st ep whil e “ on-hook ” or “ of f-hook. ” The se te rms re fer to the po siti on of the han ds et.
The Grand T our Electron ic T elephone Diagram 12 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 13 Features 2 This chap ter lists al l the ele ctronic telep hone feat ures in al phabetic al order beginning on Page 18 . These feat ures appl y to all E KT s connected t o St rata DK Syst ems, but they do no t apply t o digital telephon es (DKT s).
Feature s Before Y ou Begin 14 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Automatic Line Selection Yo u have Automatic Line Selection, i f you go of f-hook and hear di al tone an d the [DN], CO, or Pooled Lin e (PL) LED lights steady . The LCD displays th e statio n number ( 20 1 ) and the sei zed CO Line ( 1 1).
Feature s Quick Re ference Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 15 Quick Referenc e The fo llowing i s a quick r eference chart fo r usin g your tel ephone ’ s standard f eatures. Making an Internal Call Making an Outside Call 1. Lift t he handset .
Feature s Quick Re ference 16 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Making an Outside Call to an ISDN T runk On-Hook Dialing The di splay au tom atic ally changes f rom dialed number to el apsed ti me after a progra mmed peri od. After you hang up, ela psed time is di splayed f or 15 seconds and then cha nges to date /time dis pl ay .
Feature s Quick Re ference Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 17 Answering Calls When you rec eive an in coming call , the LCD displa ys either the CO Line ( 10 ) ... or the station [PDN] ( 21 0 ). ➤ T o answer the i ncoming call Incoming Call Notification Muted ri nging whil e you are on a call indicates an in coming call.
Feature s Account Code Cal ls 18 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Account Code Calls Entered before or after a call, Accou nt Codes can be used for a var iety of r easons includi ng billi ng, tracki ng, and li ne restr iction appl ications .
Feature s Account Co de Calls Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 19 If the sys tem i s set for V erifi ed Account Codes, you must ent er speci fic ve rifi ed codes when ente ring the V oluntary Acc ount Cod e or the co de is not v alidated for the SMDR repor t.
Feature s Alarm Reset 20 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Alarm Rese t Y our S trata DK syst em can be con nected to a faci lity alar m system. All telephone s produce a startl ing to ne whenever this ala rm is acti vated. ➤ T o reset t he al arm ➤ Press $/50 .
Feature s Automatic Bu sy Redial (ABR) Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 21 ➤ T o call a sp ecific c onsole ➤ T o call all co nsoles fo r an emerge ncy Automatic Busy Redial (ABR) After r eaching a b usy outsi de number , you can a ctivate ABR so that t he Str ata DK system automati cally redials the numbe r at regu lar inte rvals.
Feature s All Call V oice Pag e 22 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel ABR ➤ Press $%5 ...or [DN] + . All Call V oice Page Y ou can mak e an All Call Page t o elec troni c tel ephone s assi gned t o the “ All Call P ag e Group.
Feature s Automatic Callback (ACB) Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 23 Automatic C allback (ACB) After r eaching a b usy/DND stat ion, you can set ACB t o have the s ystem call you when the c alled st ation bec omes availa ble.
Feature s Automati c Hold 24 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel ACB to a bus y or DND stati on ➤ Press $&% or [DN] + . Automatic Hold Automatic Hold enable s yo u to automatic ally p lac e a cal l o n hol d by pre ss ing anothe r outs ide &2 or [DN] butt on — there is n o n eed to p res s +2/' .
Feature s Call Fo rwar ding Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 25 Call Forwarding If your telephone has been sy stem progr ammed for a &DOO) RU ZDUG button, you can use a &DOO) RUZDU G button t o set the feat ure for a [PDN].
Feature s Call For war ding 26 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Call Forward – All Calls This fea t ure enables you to forward all calls automatic ally to a nother st ation. Y our stati on does not ring. ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – All Cal ls ➤ Press &) $& + 63.
Feature s Call Fo rwar ding Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 27 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Busy ➤ Press &)% + 63.5 . ...or [PDN] + + 63.
Feature s Call For war ding 28 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – No Answer ➤ Press &)1$ + 63 .5 . ...or [PDN] + + 63.
Feature s Call Fo rwar ding Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 29 Forward Bus y forwards all calls any time your telepho ne is in us e and/or a ny time all of your [ PDNs] are i n use by oth e r telephones. 1. Press &)%1$ ...or [PDN]/[ PhDN] + .
Feature s Call For war ding 30 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Busy/No Ans wer ➤ Press &)%1$ + 63.5 .
Feature s Call Fo rwar ding Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 31 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Externa l ➤ Press &)²(;7 ...or [PDN] + + 63.
Feature s Call Pa rk Orbits 32 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Call Park Orbits The Call P ark fe ature ena bles you t o hold a cal l tempora rily in an orbit (th e area wher e the cal l is held). An yone can retrie ve the cal l from the orbit using the sa me or a dif f er ent sta ti on.
Feature s Call Park Orbit s Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 33 ♦ If your station is busy , the parked ca ll camps- on. If you ha ve an LCD tel ephone, you ca n let the sy stem automatically s elect an availa ble orbit number which displays on your LCD.
Feature s Call Park and Page 34 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o retriev e a p a rke d cal l Call Park and Page Y ou can use the Park f eature in c onjunctio n with the Page featu re. Thi s operation c an be progra mmed on a 6' button fo r one-touch activati on (See “ Fe ature Acces s Codes ” on Page 64 .
Feature s Call Pickup Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 35 Call Pickup Y ou can pick u p a call t hat is r inging anot her stati on [PDN] or [P hDN], a call placed on hold at anoth er stati on, and oth er typ es of call s.
Feature s Group Pi ckup 36 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o pick up a ringi ng CO Line in a te nant system Group Picku p St ations ca n be assign ed in syst em programming to pickup g roups.
Feature s Call T ra nsfer with Camp-on Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 37 Call T ransfer with Camp-on Y ou can trans fer calls to idle o r busy [DNs], Hunt Group Numbers, ACD Gr oup [DNs], et c.
Feature s Call W aiting 38 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Call W aiting Y ou can ans wer a call that is transfe rred to y our stati on, even when your stat ion is busy . When another c all is c amped onto yo ur station, y ou hear two camp-on tone beeps and the [ DN] or CO LED flas hes red (o n-hold).
Feature s Confe renc e Ca ll s Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 39 Conference Calls This fea t ure enables you to add other par ties to a n exis ting cal l. The foll owing confere ncing conf igura tions are possible : ♦ Up to two st ations a nd two CO line s.
Feature s Direct Inward Sy stem Access (DISA) 40 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Direct Inward Sy stem Ac cess (DISA) Outside callers with tele phones tha t send Dual -tone Mul ti-freque ncy (DTMF) tone s can call on CO lines programmed f or DISA and di al a [DN] or outgoing CO Line without go ing thr ough an at ten dant or oper ato r .
Feature s Direct Stat ion Selection (DSS) Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 41 Direct Station Selection (DSS) This opt ional feature e nables you to use a '66 button to co nnect directly to anothe r stati on. The LED of t he button s hows the st atus (id le/busy) of the st ation and/ or the stat ion ’ s [P DN ].
Feature s Do Not Disturb (DND) 42 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Do Not Disturb (DND) If yo ur s tat ion is i n th e DN D m od e, in ter nal, ext erna l a nd trans ferr ed c all s do no t r ing your sta tion and OCA c alls are denied. Y ou can contin ue to make ca lls whil e in the DND mode.
Feature s Door Lock Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 43 Door Lock Y our teleph one may have up to five '5/. ( a ) buttons , which enabl es you to unlock a door . Door Ph ones Door phones are used to call digita l/elect ronic te lephones s elected in system programmin g.
Feature s Door Phone s 44 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o answer a door phone call ➤ T o pick up a door phone call ringing at another t elephone 1. Lift t he handset ...or lift t he h a nds et and pres s /,1( . Y ou hear dial tone. 2.
Feature s DTMF T one Dialing with and # Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 45 ➤ T o call/monitor a do or phone DTMF T one Dial ing with an d # Y ou may have to send and DTMF ton es t o som e de vic es or s erv ices , suc h as a voice ma il devi ce or c omputer output s ervice.
Feature s Emergenc y Ring dow n /Hotl ine Servic e 46 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Emerge nc y Ring down/ Hotli ne Serv ice The Emer gency Ringdown or Hot line Ser vice feat ure enabl es standa rd telep hones to automa ticall y ring a de signated e xtension by going off -hook.
Feature s Handsfree Answerb ack Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 47 Hands free An swerback Y ou can ta lk back to inter nal or i ncoming T ie-line calls wit hout lif ting the handset. Handsfree Monitorin g Calls pl aced on hol d by an o utside pa rty may be moni tored han dsfree.
Feature s ISDN Ou tgoing Call ing 48 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ISDN Outg oing Calling This fea t ure enable s you to make o utgoing call s using an Integ rated Ser vices Digi tal Network (I SDN) trunk, p rovided t hat you are connecte d to a S trata DK424i, DK424 with sof tware Release 4.
Feature s Messa ge Wai ting Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 49 Message W aiting All tel ephones have a s tandar d MW/FL LED for r ecei ving/r etri eving mes sages left by caller s that ca lled a [ PDN] that was busy or did not answer .
Feature s Messa ge W a itin g 50 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel th e Message W aiting on your [PDN] The LCD can sh ow up to three st ations that h ave le ft messag es for the [PDN] and three for each of your [PhD Ns]. 2. Press 6&5/ to display them.
Feature s Messa ge Wai ting Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 51 ➤ T o retri eve a Message W aiting on your [PhDN] ➤ T o cancel th e Message W aiting on your [PhDN] 1. Press t he flash ing re d MW/FL LED. Y our phone rin gs the sta t ion or voice mai l device that left th e messag e.
Feature s Micr ophone C ut-Of f 52 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o set the Mes sage W aiting LED on another telephone ➤ T o cancel a Mes sage W aiting light set on another s t ation ➤ Press [ DN] and dial + [PDN] or [Ph DN].
Feature s Off-hook Call Annou nce (OCA) Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 53 Off-hook Call Announce (OCA) This fea t ure enables you to cal l and spea k through t he handset or speake r of an bus y , of f-hook telephone . The calle d statio n must be set in syst em program ming for th is featur e to work.
Feature s Off-hook Call Annou nce (OCA) 54 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 T one S ignaling ➤ T o make an OCA call SP-OCA ➤ T o answer an SP-OCA ca ll ➤ T o disconnect an SP-OCA call to your stati on 1. Lift t he handset and dial t he [DN].
Feature s Overri de Call s Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 55 Overr id e Call s The availab l e override fea tu res are: ♦ Busy Overri de – enables you to send a muted ring tone to a busy s tation t o indicat e that a call is waiting.
Feature s Override Calls 56 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Busy Station Override Do Not Disturb Override Executive Override ➤ Press . A muted to ne is he ard at the busy stat ion , indicating tha t a cal l is w ait ing. T he st atio n number ( 210 ) dis plays.
Feature s Page Annou ncement s Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 57 Privacy Override T oll Re striction Override Page Anno un cemen ts S tation users can make page anno uncements to tele phones and e xtern al speaker s. ➤ Press &2 . Connected p arties ma y hear an optional ton e signal before yo u are conne cted.
Feature s Priv ac y On- Line 58 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 All Call Page Y ou can mak e an All Call Page t o elec troni c tel ephone s assi gned t o the “ All Call P ag e Group. ” S tations are as signed to the “ Al l Call Page Grou p ” in syst em programming .
Feature s Release and Answer Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 59 Similar to confer ence call s, up to t hree stat ions can b e connecte d to a CO Line. Rele ase an d Answer This feat ure ena bles you t o au toma tica lly disc on nec t o r tra nsf er an act ive call and answer a new call us ing a bu tton, ins tead of the ho okswitch.
Feature s Saved Number Redial 60 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Saved Number Redial This fea t ure enab les you to sto re a dial ed teleph one or s ta ti on nu mb er , then redial t hat number with the t ouch of a bu tton.
Feature s Speed D ial Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 61 ➤ T o answer an inc oming call u sing speaker phone Speed Di al Speed Dial enables you to call a tel ephone number with a two - or thre e-digit acc ess code.
Feature s Speed Dia l 62 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o store/ repl ace a tel ephone number on a Station Spee d Dial butt on ➤ T o clear a tel ephone number on a S tation SD button ➤ Repeat t he previou s procedur e, skippin g S tep 3.
Feature s Speed D ial Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 63 Speed Dial – Advanced F eatures Y ou can pr ogram Speed Dial buttons with feat ure acces s codes f or a singl e featu re or a sequence of featu res as lo ng as the ke yed dia l pad charact ers d o not excee d 20 digit s.
Feature s Speed Dia l 64 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 T able 7 Feature Access C odes Features F eature Acc ess Code Sequ ence Account Code 1 (F requently used cod es) &21)7516 + .
Feature s Speed D ial Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 65 Park Ca ll/ A cces s Page The exis ting cal l is park ed, and yo u are automati cally c onnected to the Page .
Feature s Speed Dia l 66 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Speed Dial Pause Some Spee d Dial number s may requi re a pause (long or r egular) or hookfl ash be include d (e.g., ton e delay re quires a p ause at t he beginni ng of a Spee d Dial number ).
Feature s Speed D ial Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 67 ➤ T o link statio n/system sp eed dial number s Speed Dial Linking Example The foll owing ex amples illus trate what a System Admin istr.
Feature s Speed Dia l 68 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 is th e in terna tion al ar e a co d e. is the count ry code (e xample: Ja pan). is the ci ty cod e (example: T okyo). The S tation Us er stores t he System Spee d Dial information o n Speed Dial Code 10.
Feature s Ti med Rem inders Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 69 Tim ed R e m i n d e r s Y ou can set f ive separ ate remin ders at yo ur station. At the time (hour and mi nute) set by you, your tele phone beeps . If your ph one has an LCD, the mess age is al so display ed.
Feature s T one/Puls e Diali ng 70 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel a T i med Reminder T one/Pulse Dialing W ith some older Central Of fices, you may hav e to make ca lls on CO li nes th at are programmed f or rotar y dial pu lses.
Feature s T wo (T andem) CO L ine Connec tion Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 71 ➤ T o connect two outside l ines using a [DN] button 1. Press & 21)75 16 while ta lking on an outside call using a [DN] butt on. Y ou hear dia l tone. The [ DN] LED flashes (conference rate ).
Feature s T wo (T andem) C O Line Co nnection 72 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o connect t wo outside l ines (usi ng a &2 button) The LED turns OFF when the pa rties ha ng-up. Note If the pu blic telephone c ompany provi des auto disconnec t, the conn ection may release automatic ally when the par ties hang up .
Feature s T wo (T andem) CO L ine Connec tion Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 73 ➤ T o supervise a t andem call and rele ase it 5. Press & 21)75 16 and hang up . Y ou hear dial tone. Both CO LEDs continu e to flas h (exc lus ive- h old rate ) and the tw o li nes ar e con ne cted.
Feature s V oice Mail Inte gratio n 74 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 V oice Mail Integration This sec t ion explains ho w to progra m your te lephone to forward an d retrieve mess ages wh en u sin g a T osh iba V oi ce Ma il S yst em w ith you r Strata D K sy stem .
Feature s V oice Mail In tegration Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 75 ➤ T o cancel th e mailbox number Y ou can progr am a flashi ng 0:) / to au toma tica ll y re trie v e yo ur voi ce mail messages when it is presse d. St oring the message r etriev al sequenc e in S teps 1~4 below is requir ed only onc e.
Feature s V oice Mail Inte gratio n 76 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel aut omatic r etrie val ➤ T o retriev e mul tip le me ss age s (LCD T ele p hone s) By se ttin g Cal l Forw ar d to t h e T oshib a V oice M ai l Syst em on yo ur te le ph one, call er s are aut omaticall y connecte d to your v oice mailbox.
Feature s V oice Mail In tegration Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 77 ➤ T o cancel Call Fo rward ...or a [PDN] or [PhDN] + acc ess code. Y ou hear a confi r mati on to ne after enterin g the access code.
Feature s V oice Mail Inte gratio n 78 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 79 LCD Operation 3 This cha pter c overs the LCD, it s but tons and di splays. Spe cial featu r es available only with the LCD are descr ibed in de tail and step-by- step ins truction s on using t hem are given. ( For elect ronic tel ephone st andard fea tures, se e Chapter 1 – The Grand T our .
LCD Operation Control Buttons 80 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o exit fr om any mode 02'( (continue d) Displa ys LCD mes sage nu mber NN, where NN can be perso nal messag es or syste m messa ges. Mod e only displ ays the s elect ed messag e.
LCD Operation Busy La mp Field (BLF) Disp lay Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 81 Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Display This fea ture dis plays when a station is busy or ringing o n any type of [DN] or CO Line. If one or all telepho ne [PDNs] are in use on another telephon e, the tel ephone shows busy on the BLF , even though i t may be idl e.
LCD Operation Caller ID/ANI/DNIS Informatio n Mode 82 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Caller ID/ANI/DNIS Informatio n Mode Automatic Number Ident ification (ANI) info rmation ca nnot co-ex ist on the same telep hone LC D with D ia le d Nu m ber I den tifi cat io n Serv ice (DN IS) i nform at io n.
LCD Operation Caller ID/ANI/ DNIS Informati on Mode Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 83 T able 9 DNIS/ANI Samples Function ANI/Cal ler ID Number 1 1. Caller ID numbers do not display CN: befo re the number , whereas ANI does. DNIS/Caller ID Name Incoming Cal l Incoming ACD Call Answered in comi ng or trans ferred cal l.
LCD Operation Call Park Or bit List Di splay 84 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Call Park Orbit Li st Display This fea t ure enables you to monitor (v iew) the c alls tha t are par ked at your station .
LCD Operation Retrieve a nd Auto Dial Lost Calls Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 85 ➤ T o d ele te los t cal l ➤ T o Auto Dial the l ost call ...or 3$ * ( . Y ou can toggle between th e phone number and cal le r name scree n and th e date and time sc reen.
LCD Operation Messa ges 86 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Messages The LCD on your telephone can be used to se nd or rece ive messages to/from ot her LCD tele phone user s (sample s hown at rig ht). It c an also displ ay the names /numbers of the pe rson calli ng your tel ephone or t he name of t he person you are calli ng.
LCD Operation Messag es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 87 2. Enter t he message/ name/me mo (up to 32 alphanumer ic charact ers), usi ng the followi ng dial p ad keys (dial pad shown a t right) .
LCD Operation Messa ges 88 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 There ar e three ba sic LCD message funct ions: ♦ Advisory mes saging enables you to s to re a n in form ativ e mes sag e fo r L CD telepho nes th at call y our phone. ♦ Silent me ssaging enable s you to wri te a message t hat you ca n send to bus y LCD telepho nes.
LCD Operation Messag es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 89 Station Mess ages Y ou can cr eat e u p t o 10 s tation mes sa g es (10 ~19 ). Onc e ente red , a me ssage c an n ever be delet ed; only o verwritt en. This is a stati on option t hat is enabl ed in sys tem programmin g.
LCD Operation Messa ges 90 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o cancel an ad visory mess age that has been set at your stat ion ➤ T o set an advi sory station m essage f or a r emote statio n 2. E n ter th e des ired message nu m ber: ~ (sta tio n) .
LCD Operation Messag es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 91 Message Notification W ith an LCD tel ephone, you can s et short mes sages (u p to 32 charact ers) t hat disp lay to call ers with LCD telephone s. Any stati on can record a mes sage; however , only stat io ns with a n LC D ar e ab le to se e th e s tor ed m e ssa ges .
LCD Operation Messa ges 92 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o rec eive a noti ficati on station message ➤ Press 06 *: when the LED flashes. ➤ T o cancel th e message fr om the telephone t hat has the me ssage set 3. Enter t he message number .
LCD Operation Messag es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 93 Group Notificatio n Station Messaging This fea t ure enables a s tation t o set a Cal led S tation Mes sage for a group of s tations . 1. Press 02 '( + . Prompted fo r the de stinati on number .
LCD Operation Messa ges 94 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o rec eive a noti ficati on message ➤ Press 06 *: . ➤ T o cancel th e message fr om the telephone t hat has the me ssage set Silent Messaging (Busy Station) An audibl e tone and a n LCD message ca n be sent t o an LCD station that is busy .
LCD Operation Messag es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 95 ➤ T o return t o a busy station message after r eceiving a busy st ation me ssage 2. Enter t he message number . Station me ssage (10~ 19) and syste m message (60~99). T he LCD displays the messag e.
LCD Operation Memos 96 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Memos Speed Dial Memos Y ou can st ore names ( 12 charact ers maximum) for each of 40 stati on speed di al number s. The memo pa d of names can be scroll ed to se lect th e appropr iate par ty .
LCD Operation Memo s Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 97 ➤ T o dial a SD number ➤ T o check a SD number 1. Press 02 '( + when your p hone is idle. 2. E nte r S tati on Sp eed Dial Code ...or Sy stem Speed Dial Code. 3. Press 3$ * ( to see more of t he director y of num b er s/m emo s.
LCD Operation Name/ N um ber Disp lay 98 Strat a DK Electron ic T elephone 5/00 Timed Reminders See “ T imed Reminders ” on Page 69 . Name/Number Displa y This feat ure enabl es y ou t o e nte r a nam e/ title , tele p hon e num b er, locati o n, e tc .
LCD Operation Name /N um ber Disp la y Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 99 ➤ T o clear name/number display ➤ T o erase name/number d isplay When you ca ll a stati on, the name/tit le displ ays on the bottom o f the cal led stat ion LCD. 1. Press [ DN] + .
LCD Operation Name/ N um ber Disp lay 100 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 101 DSS Console 4 This chapt er provides an overvi ew of the Direct Sta tion Sel ectio n (DSS) Conso le that is avai lable fo r system ope rator s who do not have an att endant con sole. It describe s the fea tures but tons and t heir ass ociated LEDs .
DSS Console [DSS] Buttons 102 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00 [DSS] Buttons Each [DSS] button is associ ated with a partic ular sta t ion in your te lephone sys tem. It can be used to tr ansfer an out si de call to the asso ci ate d station or to make a direc t cal l to the associ ated st ation .
DSS Console Feat ur es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 103 Features The LED color indicat ions desc ribed her e apply to DSS Console models HDSS2060 and HDSS1060.
DSS Console Features 104 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00 ➤ T o tra n sfe r call with c am p -on to a b u sy st a tion Answering a (CO Line) If your DSS Console is equipped wi th a &2 button, yo u can answer CO Line call s from the co nsol e as you woul d from a elec tr oni c tele phone .
DSS Console Feat ur es Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 105 Speed Dial Y our DSS Consol e may be e quipped wit h 6' buttons th at can be programmed to dial telepho ne numbers or to acces s featur es. 6' buttons on the consol e functi on like 6' buttons on electr onic tel ephones.
DSS Console Features 106 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 107 Access Codes A This appe ndix co ntains ac cess codes for outs ide Speed Di al (SD) numbe rs, CO li nes, Paging Gro up and Pagin g Zone Codes. CO Line Acce ss Code s CO lines are use d when you dial an out side numbe r .
Access Codes Featur e Access Codes 108 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00 Notes ♦ acce sses LCR or ge neral line g r oup. ♦ a accesses li ne groups 1 ~16, re spectivel y . ♦ a access es ind ivi dua l lines 1~200, resp ectively .
Access C odes Paging Acces s Codes Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 109 ➤ T o enter a paging group ac cess code ➤ Press [ PDN] + Access Code. T able 12 Paging Groups Paging Group Acces s Code .
Access Codes Speed Dia l Access Codes 11 0 Stra ta DK Elect ronic T elephone 5/00 Speed Dial Acces s Code s The number of stati on and sys tem spee d dial nu mbers avail able to you depend s on the size of your company ’ s telephone system. Check with you r System Admini strato r to find out which codes app l y to your syste m.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 111 Centrex Application B Y our system may be equipped with the Ce ntrex Appli cation, which enhances i ts featur e capabilit y when inst alled beh ind a Centr ex or PBX syst em.Y our telepho ne may have ac cess to on e or more of the enh anced Centr ex featur es list ed below .
Centrex Applicat ion Ringi ng Repe at 11 2 Stra ta DK Elect ronic T elephone 5/00 Ringing Repeat The dist inctive ring patt erns av ailabl e in your Cen trex syst em are aut omaticall y repeat ed with your electro nic tele phone enabl ing you to answer a ppropria tely for either outside, inside or callbac k calls.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 11 3 Button Labels C Flexible Butt ons All fle xible but tons must be programmed f or your te lephone i n system pro gramming and vary for in dividual telephone s. If a but ton does no t appear on your d i splay or telepho ne keystr ip lab el, see you r Syste m Administra tor for b utton ass ignment s.
Button Labels Flexibl e Buttons 11 4 Stra ta DK Elect ronic T elephone 5/00 $/(57a Alert Signa ling Butto ns Press to alert wit h a distin ctive sound a nd to indi cate a pre -arranged meanin g and vis ual indi cation to a prede signated statio n.
Button Labels Flex ible Bu tto ns Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 11 5 &33 * Park/Page Butto n Press to park intern al or outs ide call in orbit and announ ce to othe r telephon es or pag ing speakers to retrieve t he parked calls.
Button Labels Flexibl e Buttons 11 6 Stra ta DK Elect ronic T elephone 5/00 0&2 Microph one Cut off Butt on Press to turn the mi crophone off/on whi le idle, p roviding privacy when you rec eive hand sfree inte rnal calls.
Button Labels Flex ible Bu tto ns Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 11 7 3 $8/ Pause (Lo ng) Butto n Press to insert a 1 0-second pause w hen progra mming Spe ed Dial numbe rs. 3$ 8 Pause But ton Press to set either a one-half or tw o-second pause w hen progra mming Speed D ial numb ers.
Button Labels Flexibl e Buttons 11 8 Stra ta DK Elect ronic T elephone 5/00 5/6$16 Release and Answer Bu tton Press t o disconn ect or c omplete th e transf er the c urrent CO or [DN] call and auto matically ans wer the n ew incomi ng CO or [DN] cal l.
Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 11 9 Index A about th is book conventi ons, viii organiz ation, viii relate d d ocum ent s , x ABR, 21 ACB, 23 access code s CO line, 107 featur e, 63 speed di al,.
Index C ~ H 120 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00 C call f orward, 25 all ca lls, 26 busy ⁄ no answe r, 28 exte rnal, 30 fixe d, 30 no answ er, 27 call pa rk orbit l ist dis play, 84 orbits, 32 .
Ind ex I ~ P Strata DK Electronic T elephone 5/00 121 handsfr ee monitor ing, 47 HOLD, 3 hotlin e service emergency ringdown, 46 I incoming DI SA calls, 40 indicat ors LED, 10 ISDN buttons, 16 , 48 , .
Index Q ~ V 122 Strata DK E lectronic T elephone 5/00 Q quic k referen ce, 15 R releas e and answer , 59 remote de stinati on change, 31 retri eve and aut o dial lo st calls , 84 ringin g repeat, 11 2.
デバイスToshiba Strata DKの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba Strata DKをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba Strata DKの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba Strata DKの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba Strata DKで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba Strata DKを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba Strata DKの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba Strata DKに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba Strata DKデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。