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USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 1 USB Flash Memor y Tra nsMemory ™ U2M -016G T U2M -008G T U2M -004G T Secu rity Sof tware Inst allation Manual For U2M series.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 2 T able of Contents Chapter 1: Introduct ion ....................................................................................... 3 Chapter 2: Requ ired System C onfig urat ion .....
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 3 Chapter 1: I ntrod uction Thank you for p urchas in g TransMem ory™ USB fl ash m emory. It has t he foll owing features. ・ It is USB flash mem ory em ployi ng T osh iba’s NAND f lash mem ory.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 4 * If you ar e using the W indow s Vista® operating system , do not enable ReadyBoost™ t o use the Privacy Zone. This docum ent descri bes h ow to install T ransMem ory™, how to u se it, and other in form ati on.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 5 Chapter 2: R equ ired S y s tem Configuration The f ollowing are required to properly operate thi s product: - Requir ed hardw are .
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 6 Chapter 3: H o w to Insta ll the Secur it y S of tw are This ch apter d escribes how to inst al l t he security so ftware to us e this product. Be sure to insta ll it correctly in accordance w ith the f ollowing ex pla nation.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 7 5) A dialog box aski ng where the software is to be saved appears. Select on “Desktop ”. 6) W hen th e downlo ad i s com p let e, the follow ing di alog box appe ars. Cli ck “Cl ose”.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 8 7) On the desktop, the d ow nl oad ed so ftware na m ed “U2LM_SecuritSoft_” appears as a new e xecutabl e file. Double cl ick on the icon. 8) It right-cli cks in the icon o f the se cur ity so ftw are i nsta llation program .
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 9 9) T he fo llowing dialog box appears. Click “Nex t”. 10) The foll owing dia lo g box appears.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 10 If th e “De s tination folde r” i s no t th e “ Desktop”, cli ck “Browse…”. The following di alog box appears, so select “Desktop” as th e destin ation folder. 11) The foll owing dia lo g box appears.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 1 1 12) The foll owing fo lde r appears. 10) Op ening the fo ld er d ispl ays the following. That c om ple tes the installation. Once it i s installed, it can b e used in the future by double c li cking on the “Tran sMem o ry_Secu re305.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 12 Chapter 4: H o w to Use th e Secur it y Sof t wa re This chapter describes how to use the securit y softw a re for using Tra nsMem or y™. Be sure to follow the instructions for correct installation.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 13 Cli ck “OK” on the dialogue box below. Cli ck “OK” on the dialogue box below. Di sconnect the TransMem or y™ from the P C. The se dialo gues w ill not ap pear once you finished this protocol.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 14 1. Starting up and for m atting the s ecurity sof tw are Be sur e to start up and f orm at the s ecurity softw are when T ransMem ory™ is connecte d to the persona l com p uter. 1.1 Starting up th e securi ty soft ware 1) Double click on th e “ Tra nsMem or y_Secure305.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 15 3) W hen the follo w in g dialog box appears, confirm an d cl ick on “OK” w hen the re is n o priva cy zone. The dial og of 7) on page 12 app ears when ther e is alre ady a pri vacy zone.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 16 4) Slide the p artition to determine the s i ze of the Pri vacy Z one. Enter the “Password”, re enter the “Confirm Pass word”, th en a “ Hint”, and c lick on “OK”. Note: If you forget th e passw or d, you will not be a bl e to log into the Privacy Zone.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 17 The f ollowing d ialo g box appea rs, then automatically disappears. 6) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, confirm and cli ck on “OK”. 7) T he fo llowing dialog box appears.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 18 1.2 Form atting usin g the s ecurit y software 1) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, click on “Settings”. 2) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, click on “Form at”.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 19 3) W hen t he f ollowing di alog box appea rs, slide the partition to deter m i ne the size of t he Pr ivacy Z one. Enter t he “ Passw ord”, re-enter the “ Conf irm Password”, then a “Hint”.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 20 4) Determ i ne the size of the Privacy Zo ne. Enter the “Password”, re-enter the “Confir m Pass word”, th en a “Hint”, and click on “OK”. Note: T he “Passw ord” is a m a xi m u m of 16 cha racters us in g half-width al phanum e ri c (case sensitive).
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 21 6) T he fo llowing dialog box appears, and then autom ati call y d i sapp ears. 7) W hen the following d ial og box appears, confirm an d cli ck on “OK ” to com ple te formatting.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 22 2) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, click on “Change Password”..
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 23 3) W hen the following dialo g bo x appears, enter th e “Old Passw ord” , th en the “New Password”, r e-enter the “Confirm New Pa ssw ord” , then a “H i nt” .
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 24 4) W hen the “Old Password”, “New Password” , “ Confirm Ne w Password”, and “Hi nt” have been entered, click on “OK”. 5) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, confirm and cli ck on “OK”.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 25 2.2 Loggin g into the Priva c y Zo ne usin g the secu rity soft ware 1) W hen the fol lo w in g dia log box appears, ent er the “Passw or d”. 2) W hen the “Passw ord” has been entered, click on “OK”.
USB Flash Me m ory U2M Secu rity Softw are I nsta llation Manual 26 4) W hen the follo w ing dialog box app ears, l ogging i nto the Pr iva cy Zo ne i s com ple te. 2.3 Loggin g out of the Priva c y Zone usi ng the securit y soft ware 1) Dou ble click on “Logout Privacy Zone” to lo g out.
デバイスToshiba U2M-008GTの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba U2M-008GTをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba U2M-008GTの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba U2M-008GTの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba U2M-008GTで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba U2M-008GTを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba U2M-008GTの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba U2M-008GTに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba U2M-008GTデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。