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5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 TOSHIBA C6628- 0702M1 V .92 56K Internal Modem User’ s Guide.
2 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 FCC Notice “Declarati on of Confo rmity Information ” This equip ment has be en tested a nd found to comply wi th the l imits for a Class B digital de vic e, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC ru les.
3 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Industr y Canada Requiremen t This Class B digital apparatus compli es with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil num érique de la classe B est conformé à la norme NMB-0 03 du Ca nada.
4 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 in advance of this disconnec tion. If advance notice is no t feasibl e, you will be notified as soon as possibl e. When you are notified, you will be giv en the oppo rtunity to correct the proble m and inf ormed of yo ur righ t to file a complaint with the FCC.
5 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 wate r pipe sy stem, if p resent, are connec ted toge ther . This pre caution may be particula rly importan t in rural a reas. Caution: Use rs should not attem pt to mak e such connec tions themselv es, b ut shou ld cont act the ap propriate electric insp ection author ity , or ele ctrician, as appro priate.
6 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 T oshi ba assumes no liabilit y for damag e s incurred directly or indire ctly from errors , om issio ns or d iscr epanc ies be tween the m odem and the us er’ s guid e. T rademarks Microsoft and W i ndows are regist ered trade marks of M icrosoft Corpora tion.
7 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Contents Introdu ction .................. ................... .................... ..... 12 Conventions ........................................................... 12 Features .................................................
8 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 3: Using the In ternal Modem ......... .............. 44 Connection procedures ................................ .......... 44 Analog or digital? ............................................. 45 Connecting the internal modem .
9 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Xn Result code selection, c all progress monitoring ................................................. 63 Extended result codes ...................................... 64 Dial tone detect .............................
10 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S2 A T escape chara cter (user -defined) ............ 83 S3 Command line te rmination charact er (user - defined) ............................................ 83 S4 Response formatting characte r (user - defined) .
11 Cont ents 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Commands (%Cn) ......................................... 100 Appendix A: Sp ecifications ....................... ............... 101 Network control unit (NCU) ................................. 101 Communication specifications .
12 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Introduction Congratulations on becoming the o wner of a V .92 56K-compliant internal modem of fering adv anced functions for fax and data communication. This user’ s guide provides detai led information on features, operat ion and technica l specif ications of your i nternal modem.
13 Introd uction Conv ention s 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Keys The ke ybo ard ke ys are used i n the text t o describe man y computer operations. A distincti ve typeface identif ies the key top symbols as they appear on the k e yboard. For example, Enter identif ies the Enter ke y .
14 Intro ducti on Featur es 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Messages Messages are used in this user’ s guide to bring important information to your attenti on.
15 Introd uction Feat ures 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 ❖ Data Compression—increases transmission speeds using the ne w V .44 compression algorithm, which is optimized for W orld W ide W eb browsing. The modem also supports MNP5 and V .42bis data compression protocols.
16 Intro ducti on Featur es 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 56K data c ommu- nicati on The intern al modem use s the V .92 prot ocol to connect t o host V .92 mo dems at d ata rate s of up to 53,000 bits per seco nd (bps) . It us es the V .90 protocol to connec t at data rates of up to 53,000 bps when connect ing to a V .
17 Introd uction Functi on c harts 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Function charts The modem supports these communication protocols: Ring indi cator The computer can be po wered on automat i- cally when t he modem an swers a cal l. This feature is a vailab le onl y when the c omputer is in Resume/Stand by mode.
18 Intro ducti on Functi on ch arts 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Defini tion : bps sta nds for bi ts per sec ond. V .32 4800, 9600 bps V .22bis 1200, 240 0 bps V .22 1200 bps V .23 75, 600, 1200 bp s V .21 300 bps BELL212A 1200 bps BELL103 300 bps MNP 5 Data compr essio n MNP 4 Erro r contro l V .
19 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 1 Modem On Hold Y our comput er comes wit h the Mode m On Hold app licatio n preinst alled. Th is appl ication enable s you to an swer incomi ng vo ice ca lls or mak e out going v oice calls whi le maint aining you r Inte rnet connectio n, b y putting the In ternet connecti on on hold.
20 Modem On Hol d Using Mod em On Hold 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 The Modem On Ho ld applic ation comes conf igured to auto maticall y launch when you start the comput er , displaying an icon on t he system tr ay . Howe ver , you can ch ange this conf igurat ion.
21 Modem On Hol d Using Mode m On Hold 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 2 T o answer an i ncoming cal l, cl ick Answer , then pi ck up your telep hone handset . The Call Status box in dicates t hat the Internet c onnecti on is on hol d while you complete you r v oice ca ll.
22 Modem On Hol d Using Mod em On Hold 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Res uming modem connectio n dialo g box The modem connectio n is automatica lly renegot iated an d your Int ernet connecti on resu mes. NOTE: A “Call Can celed ” message may di splay .
23 Modem On Hol d Using Mode m On Hold 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 The V .92 Modem On Hol d dialog ap pears, instructi ng you to cl ick the Ca ll b utton. Sample Pla cing a v oice call dialo g box 3 Befo re the 15-se cond ti mer ru ns out, click Call . Othe rwise, click Ig nore to cancel th e call.
24 Modem On Hol d Using Mod em On Hold 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 6 T o end your v oice call and resume yo ur Internet connecti on, w ait un til the i ncoming caller h as hung up, then cl ick Resume Data Call . If you ha ng up befo re the i ncoming cal ler , a “Cal l Cancell ed” messa ge may displ ay .
25 Modem On Hol d Conf iguring Modem On Hol d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Viewing Call Histor y The Modem On Hold appl ication pro vides a l og of the last ten inc oming calls . The lo g includes the da te, time, ph one number , and Call er ID (if you have Cal ler ID se rvice).
26 Modem On Hol d Conf iguri ng Modem On Ho ld 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Configuring Modem On Hold set tings Y ou conf igure Modem On Hold set tings fr om the V .92 MoH Settin gs dial og. 1 T o open the V .92 MoH Settings dialog, dou ble-click the icon, locat ed on th e syst em tr ay in the lower-right corner o f your deskto p.
27 Modem On Hol d Conf iguring Modem On Hol d 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 3 If you do not w ant the Modem On Hold featu re enab led, sel ect Disconnect call. Switch to v oice . When the modem detect s an in coming v oice cal l during an In ternet c onnection , it di sconnec ts the I nterne t connecti on so t hat you ca n answer the v oice call.
28 Modem On Hol d Conf iguri ng Modem On Ho ld 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Enabling/Disabl ing the Modem On Hold autorun status 1 Right-c lick the icon, loc ated on the syste m tray , to display the mode m popup wind ow . Sample modem p opup wind ow 2 If Start A utomatic ally is check ed, you c an click it to clear the ch eck m ark.
29 Modem On Hol d Loca ting th e Modem On Hold applic ation v ersion 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Removing the icon 1 Right-c lick the icon, loc ated on the syste m tray , to display the mode m popup wind ow . Sample modem p opup wind ow 2 Click Exit MOH .
30 Modem On Hol d Loca ting the Modem On Hold a pplica tion ve rsion 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 2 Click About MOH t o display the app licatio n vers ion. Sample Abou t MOH.
31 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 2 Function Check This chap ter describes ho w to chec k the internal mo dem’ s functi ons. Use t his procedur e when t he modem is not worki ng prope rly , to help identi fy the problem and , in man y cases, t he solution.
32 Functi on Check Runn ing d iagnost ics 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Cont r ol P anel 2 Double -click Phone and Mo dem Options to open the Phone and Mode m Options wind o w .
33 Functi on Ch eck Running dia gnosti cs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Phone and Modem Optio ns window 3 Click th e Modems tab to dis play the insta lled modems.
34 Functi on Check Runn ing d iagnost ics 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Modems tab dialo g box 4 If it is not al ready s elected, click To s h i b a S o f t w a r e Modem , then click Pr operties to open the T oshib a Softwa re Modem Pr operties win do w .
35 Functi on Ch eck Running dia gnosti cs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample T oshiba Softwar e Modem Pr opert ies windo w 5 Click th e Diagnostics tab..
36 Functi on Check Runn ing d iagnost ics 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Dia gnostics t ab 6 Cli ck Query Mo dem . The syste m exec utes an au tomatic ope rations test, displ ayin g the fo llowing me ssage while th e tes t is in progres s.
37 Functi on Ch eck Running dia gnosti cs 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Dia gnostics r esults If the diagnosti cs test fails , you may s ee a “Can’ t Open Port” mes sage. Thi s indica tes that anothe r applic ation is using the COM port, or the modem dri ver is not properly instal led.
38 Functi on Check Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 12 Reinsta ll th e T oshiba Soft ware Modem dri ver . If you do not ha v e the lates t dri ver , you can do wnload it from www 13 Repeat step 1 t hrough step 6 to run di agnostic s again.
39 Functi on Ch eck Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Cont r ol P anel 2 Double -click Phone and Mo dem Options to open the Phone and Mode m Options wind o w .
40 Functi on Check Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Phon e and Modem Opt ions windo w 3 Click th e Modems tab to dis play the insta lled modems.
41 Functi on Ch eck Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Modems tab 4 If it is not al ready s elected, click To s h i b a S o f t w a r e Modem , then click Pr operties to open the T oshib a Softwa re Modem Pr operties win do w .
42 Functi on Check Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample T oshiba So ftwar e Modem Pr operties wi ndow 5 Click th e Diagnostics tab.
43 Functi on Ch eck Dete rminin g cu rr e nt co nnecti on protocol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Sample Dia gnostics tab 6 Click V iew log t o display connect ion info rmation abo ut the la st call . 7 Loca te the data com pre ssion fo rmat in the lo g. If i t lists V .
44 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 3 Using the Internal Modem This chap ter describes connect ion proce dures a nd basic operati ons. Connection proce dures This sect ion descr ibes ho w to connect the intern al modem to, and disc onnect it from, a telephone jack.
45 Using t he Int ernal Modem Conn ection pr oc edures 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Analog or digital? ❖ If you ar e not sure which t ype of li ne a part icular l ine jack of fers, as sume that i t is digi tal and d o not connec t the in terna l mode m to it.
46 Using t he In tern al Modem Conn ection pr o cedures 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Connecti ng the int ernal modem NOTE: Wh en yo u conne ct the RJ11 jack, in sert i t unt il you hea r a click.
47 Using t he Int ernal Modem Basic ope r ation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Basic operation After yo u connec t the mo dular cabl e to your inter nal modem and a tel ephone line, you a re re ady to run y our comm uni catio n soft ware. Refer to you r soft ware documen tation fo r instr uctions o n opera ting your i nternal modem.
48 Using t he In tern al Modem Basic o per ation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Extension line If you ar e calli ng from an e xtension line, such as in an off ice bu ilding, and need t o dial ni ne or anoth er number t o gain ext ernal access, f ollo w the steps bel o w .
49 Using t he Int ernal Modem Basic ope r ation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Receiving a call T o s et the number o f ring s before the in ternal m odem auto maticall y answer s the phone , set t he S0 re gister as follows: AT S 0 = * and press Enter . The aste risk * indicate s the number of ri ngs.
50 Using t he In tern al Modem Basic o per ation 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 CTS/R TS control This cont rol met hod is har dwar e-depende nt. T o control data flo w , the modem and c omputer transmit Clear T o Send/ Request T o Send signals to eac h other .
51 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 4 A T Commands In most ca ses, you wil l not nee d to ty pe A T commands manually . Ho we ver , there may be s ome occasion s when you will nee d to do so. This chap ter describes A T commands for data mode. F ax comm ands a re i ssue d by appl icatio n sof tware.
52 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +++ Escape sequence The escap e sequence allo ws the modem to exit dat a mode and enter o nline c ommand mode . Whi le in onl ine comman d mode, you can communi cate dire ctly with you r modem using A T commands.
53 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Result Cod es: Dn Dial This command instructs the mo dem to dial a telepho ne number . Enter n (the telephone number a nd any mod if iers) after the A TD command. Any di git or sy mbol (0- 9, *, #, A, B, C, D) may be dialed as touch-t one digit s.
54 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 En Echo command This comm and con trols wheth er or not the char acters entere d from your computer k eyboa rd ar e displaye d on your moni tor (echoed) while th e modem is in c ommand mode.
55 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Hn Hook control This command instructs the mo dem to go on-h ook to disconne ct a call , or of f-hook to make the pho ne line b usy . Result Cod es: In Request ID information This command displa ys product information about the modem.
56 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 The foll o wing tabl e cont ains an e xample of the conne ction inform ation r eturne d by t he I11 comma nd: Description Status Last Conne ction V .
57 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 The A TI11 command may be issued from onl ine command mode or af ter the e nd of a cal l.
58 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 T ransmit Signal Power Level (-dB m) The signa l po wer transmit ted upstrea m. Round T rip Delay (msec ) The round t rip dela y , in mill iseco nds. Near Echo Le vel (-dB m) Near echo le vels only .
59 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Result Codes: Call T ermin ation Cause The reaso n the call ended. This v alue is v alid only afte r the call ends. 0 local modem command; A TH, DTR drop. 1 remote modem command: cle ardown , loss of signal .
60 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Ln Monitor speaker volume This command sets speaker v olume to lo w , medium, or high. Result Cod es: Mn Monitor speaker mode This command tur ns the speak er on or of f.
61 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Nn Modulation handshake This command controls whether or not th e local mode m perfor ms a ne gotiat ed hands hake at connec tion time with the remote mode m when the communicatio n speed of t he tw o modems is di f ferent.
62 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 P Select pulse dialing This command configure s the modem for pulse (n on-touch- tone) di aling. Di aled digi ts ar e pulsed unt il a T comman d or dial modi fi er is recei ved. T one dial is the def ault set ting.
63 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Result Cod es: Wn Result Code Option Result Cod es: Xn Result code selection , call progress monitoring This command sets detection options f or dia l tones a nd b usy signals , which is i ts primar y functi on.
64 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Extended result codes Dial tone detect Busy tone detect Disable d: Displays only the b asic res ult codes : OK, CONNECT , RING, NO CARRIER, and ERR OR.
65 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Zn Recall stored profile The modem p erforms a s oft rese t and res tores (recall s) a confi guratio n profile according to the parameter supplied . Y ou can st ore tw o conf iguration pr of iles.
66 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 &Dn Data T erminal Ready (DTR) control This command interprets ho w the modem responds to th e state of the DT R signal an d change s to the DTR s ignal. Result Cod es: &F Load factor y settings This command loads the conf iguration stor ed and programmed a t the f actory .
67 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 &Gn V .22bis guard tone control This command determines which guar d tone, i f an y , to transmi t while tr ansmit ting in t he hig h band (a nswer mod e). This command is only used in V .
68 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 &Pn Select Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio Result Cod es: &Tn Self-test commands These te sts ca n help to i solate p r oble ms if you ex perience periodi c data loss or r andom er rors.
69 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 &V View ac tive configuration and stor ed profile The modem ma intains tw o stored prof iles, in addit ion to the acti ve prof ile. This command is use d to displ ay all thre e modem conf igurations, and any stored t elephone n umbers.
70 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 &Zn=x Store telephone numbe r This co mmand is used t o store u p to four dial ing str ings in the mod em’ s no n volati le mem ory for later d ialin g.
71 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Result Cod es: Qn Local flow control selection Result Cod es: Vn Protocol result code Result Cod es N7 V .42. MNP o r Buf fer (s ame as N3). OK n = 0,1,2,3,4,5,7 ERR OR Otherwise Q0 Disable flo w cont rol.
72 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 %Cn Data compression control This comman d determines the operati on of V .42bis and MNP class 5 data c ompression. Online changes do n ot tak e ef fect until a disco nnect occu rs first . Result Cod es: -V .
73 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +DS44 V .44 Data Compression Command This command configure s the V .44 dat a compressi on direct ion used b y the modem. It ca n also be u sed to display the cur rent da ta compres sion conf iguration , and th e support ed <direc tion> parameter va lues.
74 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Result Cod es: +DS44? This command dis plays the current V .44 compression conf igur ation. +DS44=? This command displa ys the suppor ted +DS44 <direct ion> parame ter v alues. +MS Command This command can be used to set protocol and conn ection speed pa ramete rs f or the mod em.
75 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 This c ommand is used to set th e v arious pa ramete rs desc ribed belo w: <carri er> The m odem protocol . V alid v alue s are: V alue Meaning V92 V .92 (defau lt) V90 V .90 V34 V .34 V32T V .
76 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Example: + MS=V92,1,0,0 This set s the modulation to be V .92 a nd the spe ed nego tiation s to us e automode. Thi s is the modem defa ult. Example: + MS=V90,0,0,45333 This wil l limit t he maximum speed t o 45,333 bps in V .
77 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +PCW Command This command configure s ho w the mode m responds t o a call waiti ng signal . The modem’ s response is also determined by the cur rent c onfi guratio n of th e +VCID calle r ID co mmand (See “+VCID Command” on pa ge 79 for in forma tion on t his command).
78 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +PIG Command This command enables or disab les PCM ups tream. Y ou can also use this command to display the c urrent PCM ups tream conf igurat ion, an d to displ ay the supp orted +PIG command parame ter v alues.
79 A T Command s A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +PMH Command This command enables or disab les the M odem On Hold featur e. Y ou can a l so us e this command t o disp lay th e current Modem on Hold co nfigurat ion, and to displ ay the suppo rted +PMH c ommand para meter v alues.
80 A T Commands A T command for mats 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 +VCID=<value> V alid < v alue> pa rameter v alues are as fol lo ws: Result Cod es: +VCID? This command displa ys the current caller ID conf iguration. +VCID=? This command displa ys the suppor ted +VCID <va lue> parame ter v alues.
81 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 5 S-Registers S-Regi sters conta in the settin gs that deter mine how sev e ral functi ons of the inter nal modem oper ate, su ch as choos ing how many tim es to let the te lepho ne rin g bef ore the m odem answers a nd ho w long to wait before it hangs up i f a connecti on f ails.
82 S-Regis ters S-Re gister val ues 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S-Re gister values ❖ The fo rmat for d ispla ying the v alue of an S-Re gister is: AT S n ? where n i s the re giste r number .
83 S-Regi sters S-Register va lues 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S2 A T escape character (user -defined) This re gister det ermines th e ASCII v alue used for an esc ape sequ ence. The defau lt is th e + char acter . The e scape sequen ce allo ws the modem to e xit data mode and e nter command mode when onl ine.
84 S-Regis ters S-Re gister val ues 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S5 Command line editing cha racter (user defined) This re gis ter sets t he chara cter rec ognized as a ba ckspace and pertai ns to asyn chronous t ransmis sion only . The modem will not rec ognize the backsp ace cha racter i f it is set to an ASCII v alue greater t han 32.
85 S-Regi sters S-Register va lues 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S7 Connection co mpletion time-out This re gister set s the ti me, in se conds, that the modem must wai t before hangin g up beca use the ca rrie r is not d etected. The timer is star ted when the modem finish es diali ng (origi nate), or goes of f-hook (answer) .
86 S-Regis ters S-Re gister val ues 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 S12 Escape guard time This register sets th e value (in 2 0 ms inc reme nts) f or the requir ed pause after t he esc ape sequenc e (def ault 1 second ). S37 Dial line rate Range: 0-255 Defau lt: 50 Units: .
87 S-Regi sters A T comma nd set result codes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 A T command set result codes The fo llo wing t able sho ws the r esult cod es: Command Set Result Codes T able Result Code Numeric.
88 S-Regis ters A T command s et r esult codes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 CONNECT 9600 EC * 1 2 Connection at 9600 bps CONNECT 14400 EC * 1 3 Connection at 14400 bps CONNECT 19200 EC * 1 4 Connection at .
89 S-Regi sters A T comma nd set result codes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 CONNECT 57600 EC * 1 8 Connection at 57600 bps (DT E rate) CONNECT 115200 EC* 87 Connection at 1152 00 bps (DT E rate) CONNECT 320.
90 S-Regis ters A T command s et r esult codes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 CONNECT 56000 EC * 8 2 Connection at 56000 bps CONNECT 28000 EC* 1 0 0 Connection at 28000 bp s CONNECT 29333 EC* 1 0 1 Connectio.
91 S-Regi sters A T comma nd set result codes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 CONNECT 54666 EC* 1 1 4 Connection at 54666 bp s Command Set Result Codes T able (Continued) Result Code Numeric Description * EC appear s only wh en the Exte nded Resu lt Codes conf igur ation opt ion is enabl ed.
92 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 6 T est Function Normally , data co mmunicati ons are e xecuted by connectin g your compute r and modem to those of a remot e station with a communic ation line.
93 T est Functio n T esting pr ocedu re 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Local/an alo g/loopbac k test T esting pro cedure T o conduct t he loop back test : 1 Ente r the foll o win g A T c omman ds to s et the.
94 T est Functi on T esti ng pr ocedu re 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 4 Ente r the es cape co de as follows to re turn to the command s tate fr om the onlin e state. +++ Recei ve OK. 5 Ente r the foll o win g A T c omman ds to te rmina te the t est: AT & T 0 Recei ve OK.
95 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Chapter 7 MNP and V .42 2 The in tern al mode m has buil t-in p rotoco ls MNP (Micro com Netw orking Pro tocol) Cl ass 4 a nd V .
96 MNP and V .42 Oper atio n modes 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 The prot ocol of both mod ems must be the same. The refore, if the remot e modem suppor ts only cl ass 3 o r belo w , the protoco l for the remote modem will be used . If the r emote modem does not use MNP , the communication will be made at the s peed of th e remote mode m.
97 MNP and V .42 Flow cont r ol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Command s ( Nn ) The foll o wing N mod ulation h andshake commands a re used to set t he communica tion mode: For deta ils, ref er to “ A T Commands” on page 51 .
98 MNP and V .42 Flow con tr ol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Flow contr ol Serial port flow control Serial port d ata flo w is contro lled b y the modem in it s comm uni catio n with a pers onal compu ter .
99 MNP and V .42 Flow cont r ol 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Since th ese tw o codes, XON an d XOFF , are use d as flo w control chara cters, bi nary data that includes these two c odes cannot be tran smitted or recei ved.
100 MNP and V .42 Data compr ession 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Modem port flow control Modem port fl o w co ntrol re fers to flow contr ol bet ween th e modems of th e loca l stati on and remote statio n.
101 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Appendix A Specifications This appe ndix su mmarizes th e T oshiba i nternal modem’ s technic al specif icatio ns. Network control unit (NCU) T ype of NCU AA T ype of lin.
102 Spec ificati ons Communicat ion specif ications 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Communication specificati ons Communicati on system Data: Full dupl ex Fax: Half dupl ex Communicati on protoco l Data : ITU-T -Rec V .21 / V .22 / V .22 bis / V .32 / V .32bis / V .
103 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Appendix B Communication Conditions Communication para meters Select communication pa rameter s from the table belo w. T eleph one line types This int ernal mode m can be co nnected t o 2-wire an alog subscri ber tele phone l ines (PO TS lines ) only .
104 Com munica tion Co nditio ns Dial mod es 5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0 Connectable l ines (2-wire) ❖ Ordinary analo g telephon e lines wi th direct connec tion ❖ Corporat e analog l ines conne cted .
105 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 G lo ssar y Acrony ms bps or BPS: Bits per Sec ond COM1: Communicat ions Port 1 (serial po rt) COM2: Communicat ions Port 2 (serial po rt) CPU: Centr al Processi ng Uni t .
106 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 LFB: Linear Frame Buf fer LPT1: Li ne Printer Port 1 (parallel port) MB: Megab yte MIPS: Milli ons of Instructio ns per Second PBX: Pri vate Branch Exchange PCI:.
107 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 American Na tional Standards Institute ( ANSI) character set: The set of characters a vailable in Micros oft ® W indo ws ® operat ing system (o r other operating system ). The character set includes letters, number s, symbols and fo reign language char acters.
108 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 bits p er seco nd (B PS): A way of measuring the speed at which information is passed between two devices. This is the basic measure used in modem communications. This is similar , but not identical, to the baud rate.
109 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 charac ter: Any l etter , number or symbol y ou can us e on the computer . Some characters are non - printing characters , such as a paragraph b reak in a w ord-proces sing progr am. A character occupies on e byte of computer storag e.
110 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 D D AA: Data Access Arrangement is a circuit th at isolates a de vice from phone lines. data : Information that a computer can proces s. The word “data” is actually plural for “datum,” meanin g a single piece of information.
111 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 DSR signal : This signal tells the personal computer whether the modem is read y for commu nication. DTR signal : T his signal tells the modem whether the personal computer is r eady for commu nication. duple x: The method used to transm it data in both directions betw een two devic es.
112 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Flow cont r ol : Flow con trol ensures smooth data comm unication. If operating speed d iffers between the personal co mputer and modem or b etween your modem an.
113 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 input/output ( I/O): Input and output are tw o of the three functions that compu ters perf orm (the o ther is pro cessing). In put/Outp ut describes the interrelated tasks of p rov iding information to the computer and providing the results of p rocess ing t o use rs.
114 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 N Norm al mode: Error correction is not made by MNP or V .42, but e ven i f seria l port speed is dif ferent fr om modem port sp eed, the buf fers in the modem and its flow control function permit communication withou t changing their s peeds.
115 Glossary 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Pulse dialing: A dialing meth od that uses pulses instead of tones to generate a telephon e number . Generally associated with ro tary dial pho nes, alt hough som e push -but ton pho nes can be us ed on puls e li nes.
116 Glossa ry 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 synchronous: Having a constant time interv al between successi ve bits, characters or e vents. Synchr onous data transmission requires bo th the sending and recei ving devices to use special synchronizing ch aracters to correct v ariation s in timing between the de vices.
117 5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 Index Numerics 56K technology 1 6 A analog/loop back test 9 2 answer ing a ca ll 2 0 A T command 5 2 A T com mand set result codes 8 7 A T com mands answer command 5 2 Cal.
5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 118 Index select stored profile for hardware reset 6 9 sele ct t one dial ing 6 2 self-test c ommands 6 8 store current configuratio n 6 9 store telephone number 7 0 V .
5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 119 Index hook control 5 5 I icons definitions 1 4 inte rnal m odem communica tions protocols 1 7 connec ting 4 5 connecti on procedures 4 4 disconnectin g 4 6 L load factory .
5.375 x 8.3 75 ver 2.4.0 120 Index S-register values A T escape c haracte r 83 Comma pause time 8 5 Command li ne editing c haracter 84 Command line termina tion char acter 83 Connection c ompletion t.
デバイスToshiba V.9256Kの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba V.9256Kをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba V.9256Kの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba V.9256Kの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba V.9256Kで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba V.9256Kを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba V.9256Kの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba V.9256Kに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba V.9256Kデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。