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TRO Y -BIL T L LC, P .O . BOX 3 6 1 1 3 1 CL E VEL AND, OHIO 44 1 36- 0 0 1 9 Prin ted In USA O p e r a t O r ’ s M a nu a l Safe Operation Practices • Set-Up • Operation • Maintenance • Ser.
Customer Support Please do NOT return the machin e to the retailer o r deal er without f irst contacti ng the Customer Supp or t De par tme nt. If you hav e dif ficult y assembling this product or have an y questions regarding the controls, operation, or maintenanc e of this machine , you can se ek help from the e xper t s.
Impor t ant Safe O peration Prac tices 2 3 General Operation 1. Read, un ders tand , and foll ow all instruc ti ons on the machine and in th e manual(s ) b efore at temp ting to assembl e and op erate. Keep this manua l in a safe p lace for future and regular ref erence and for orderin g replacement parts.
4 S ecti on 2 — i m portant S afe o pera t ion p r acticeS 12 . A missing or damaged dis charge cover can cause b lade contac t or thrown o bjec t injuries . 13 . Stop the bla de(s ) wh en crossing gravel dri ves, walk s, o r roads and w hile not cut tin g grass.
5 S ecti on 2 — i m portant S afe o pera t ion p r acticeS Children 1. T ragic accide nts can o ccur if the op erator is not a ler t to the presen ce of children. Chil dren are of ten at tr ac ted to the machine and th e mowing ac ti vit y. They do not unde rst and the dange rs.
6 S ecti on 2 — i m portant S afe o pera t ion p r acticeS 3. Periodi cally che ck to make sure the blad es come to complet e stop within a pproximately (5) f ive seconds a f ter oper ating the bla de disen gagem ent control.
7 S ecti on 2 — i m portant S afe o pera t ion p r acticeS Safet y Symbols This pag e depic t s and des cribes s afet y s ymb ols that may app ear on this pro duc t. Re ad, unde rst and, an d follow all ins truc tions on th e machine b efore at temptin g to assembl e and op erate.
8 S ecti on 2 — i m portant S afe o pera t ion p r acticeS (OK) ( T OO STEEP) USE THIS SL OPE GAUGE T O DETERMINE IF A SL OPE IS TOO STEEP FOR SAFE OPERA TION! T o check the slope , proceed as follows: 1. Remove this page and f old along the dashed line.
Ass embly & Set -Up 3 9 NOTE: Th is Ope rator ’ s M anual covers several m odels . T rac tor features may var y by mo del . Not all feature s in this manual are applic able to all tra cto r mode ls and the tra c tor depic te d may dif fer from yours.
10 S ecti on 3— A SSemb l y & S et -U p 3. Rotate the s eat into position a nd secu re the seat into place with the previously rem oved shoulder screws, f lang e bearin gs and f lange l ock nut s. Be c aref ul not to crimp or damage the w ire harne ss while inst alling the s eat.
11 S ecti on 3 — A SSem bl y & S et -U p Installing the S teering Wheel (If n ecess ar y ) The hard ware for at t aching the s teerin g whee l has be en packe d within the s teerin g whe el, be neath the ste ering w hee l cap. Caref ully pr y of f the steerin g whe el cap and r emove the hardwar e.
12 S ecti on 3— A SSemb l y & S et -U p Connec ting the Bat ter y Cables CALIF ORNIA P ROPOSI TION 65 W ARNING ! Bat ter y p osts , terminals, a nd related a ccessories contain lead an d lead comp ounds , chemic als know n to the State of Califor nia to cause ca ncer and reproduc tive harm.
13 S ecti on 3 — A SSem bl y & S et -U p c. Place the deck lif t lever in th e desire d mowing height setting. d. Reinser t th e should er bol t (with each deck wh eel) into the inde x hole that le aves approximately ½- inch be twe en the b ot tom of the wh eel an d the pavement.
Con tr ols & Features 4 14 Fuel T ank Cap Throttle/C hoke Contr ol Leve r or Thr ot tl e Contr ol Leve r (If so e quipped) Brake P edal Storage T ray Cup Holder Sea t Adjus tm ent Leve r T ransmis.
15 S ecti on 4 — c ontro lS & F ea tur eS Throttle / Choke Control Le ver ( If so equipped) The throt tle / ch oke control lever is lo cated on th e lef t side of the tr ac tor ’ s dash p anel.
16 S ectio n 4 — c ont rolS & F eatureS Park Brak e/Cruise Control Le ver Located i n the center of the tra cto r’s dash panel b elow the s teerin g whee l, the par k brake/cruise control lever is use d to engage th e park ing bra ke and the cruise contro l.
Operation 5 17 WA R N IN G! Avoid serio us injur y or death . Go up and down sl opes , not across. Avoid sudde n turns. Do not op erate the tr ac tor whe re it could slip or tip. If machine s tops goin g uphill, s top the PTO and b ack down the hill s afely.
18 S ecti on 5 — o pe ration Rev erse C aution Mode The REVERSE CAUTION MODE position of th e ignition modul e allows the tra ctor to b e ope rated in rever se with the blades (PT O) engaged. NOTE: Mow ing in reverse is n ot recomm ende d. WA R N IN G! Use e x treme c aution whil e ope rating the trac tor in th e RE VERSE C AUTION M ODE .
19 S ecti on 5 — o pe ration Driving On Slopes Refe r to the SLOPE GA UG E on page 8 to h elp deter mine slo pes where you may op erate the tr ac tor safe ly. WA R N IN G! D o not mow on incli nes with a sl ope in excess of 1 5 degre es (a rise of approximately 2-⁄ feet ever y 1 0 feet).
20 S ecti on 5 — o pe ration Engaging the PT O (M anual PTO trac tors ) Engaging the P TO transf ers p ower to the cut ting de ck or other (separately availab le) attachm ents . T o engage th e PTO: 1. Move the throt tle to the FAST position. 2. Push the PTO handle f or ward into the en gage d (ON) positio n.
Maint enance & Adjustments 6 21 Maintenance Schedule Befo re Each use Af ter Fir st 5 Hours Ever y 10 Hours Ever y 25 Hours Ever y 50 Hours Ev e r y 10 0 Hours Prio r to Storing See Engin e Manual.
22 S ecti on 6 — M aintenan ce & a djuStMen tS NOTE: Th is Ope rator ’ s M anual covers several m odels . T rac tor features may var y by mo del . Not all feature s in this manual are applic able to all tra cto r mode ls and the tra c tor depic te d may dif fer from yours.
23 S ecti on 6 — M aint enance & a djuStM entS Cleaning the T rac tor Any fuel or oi l spilled o n the machine s hould b e wipe d of f pro mptly. Do NOT allow de bris to accumulate around th e cooling f i ns of the engine, the t ransmission’s cooling fan or o n any other par t of th e machine.
24 S ectio n 6 — M aintenan ce & a djuStMen tS Deck Wheels The wh eels o n the de ck which are sph erica l shape d (50” and 54” deck s have 4) are equipp ed with a gr ease f it ting. Lub ricate with a No. 2 multi- purp ose greas e applie d with a greas e gun af ter ever y 25 hours of trac tor operatio n.
25 S ecti on 6 — M ain tenance & a djuS tMentS 2. Measure the dis tance f rom the out side of th e lef t b lade tip to the ground an d the dist ance from th e outsi de of the right blad e tip to the ground . Both measure ments t aken should b e 4” .
Se r vice 7 26 Bat te r y CALIF ORNIA P ROPOSI TION 65 W ARNING : Bat ter y p osts , terminals, a nd related a ccessories contain lead an d lead comp ounds , chemic als know n to the State of Califor nia to cause ca ncer and reproduc tive harm. Wash hands af ter handling.
27 S ecti on 7 — S erv ice 6. Slide the ro d to the right to remove it . NOTE: Be c aref ul not to damage th e wire harn ess when removing the ro d. 7. R emove the bow pin that s ecures th e PTO cabl e to the bracket on th e deck , sli de the P TO cable out o f the bracket and unho ok the spr ing from th e idler b racket.
28 S ecti on 7 — S erv ice Cutting Blades WA R N IN G! Shut th e engine o f f and rem ove ignition key be fore re moving the cu ttin g blad e(s ) for sharpening or rep lacement.
29 S ection 7 — S ervice 3. Caref ully rem ove the belt f rom aroun d the idler p ulleys and the spindl e pulleys . WA R N IN G! Avoid pinching injur ies. Never p lace your f inger s on the i dler sprin g or be twe en the b elt and a pulley w hile removi ng the be lt.
T r oubleshooting 8 30 Problem Cause Remedy Excess ive vibration 1. Cutting bla de loos e. 2. Damaged, unbalan ced or bent cut ting blade. 1. Tighten bl ade and spindle. 2. Replace blade. Uneven cut 1. Deck not lev eled properly . 2. Dull or dama ged b lade.
Component P art Number a nd Descr ipti on 954- 0 502 1 Deck Belt, 42” Deck 954- 0 5022A Deck Belt, 4 6” Deck 954- 04077 A Deck Belt, 50” D eck 954- 0 5025 A Deck Belt , 54” Deck 9 42 - 0 430 8.
Component P art Number a nd Descr ipti on 62 5 - 0 50 02 I gnition Key 63 1-0 43 54 D ischarge Chut e A ssembly , 42” & 46 ” 63 1-05 1 68 Discharge Chut e A ssembly , 50” & 54” 634- 0 1 04 Rear Whe el Assembly, 2 0.0 x 8.0 x 8 .0, 4 2” , 46 ” & 50“ 634- 0 5 10 7 Rear Wheel Assembly, 2 2 x 9.
At tac h ment s & Accesso ri es 10 33 Par t N o. Par t 1 9 A3000 3 OEM Bagger , 4 2” & 4 6 ” 19 A 3 0 018 O E M Bagger , 50” & 54” 19 A 7 0 0 41O E M Mulch Kit, 42” 1 9B 3000 5OE.
FEDERAL an d / o r C ALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARR ANT Y ST AT EMENT YOUR WARRANT Y RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer G roup Inc , the United States Environme ntal Protec tion Ag enc y (EP A), an.
063015 Rev . B W ARRANT ED P ARTS : The rep air or rep lacement of any warr anted par t o ther wis e eligibl e for warr ant y coverage may be e xcluded f rom such warr ant y coverage if MTD Consume r .
MAN U F A C TU R E R ’S LIM ITE D W AR R ANT Y FOR GDOC - 100020 RE V . A The li mited w arrant y s et fo r th be low is given by Troy-Bilt LLC with respe c t to new me rchandi se purch ased a nd us.
デバイスTroy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Troy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTroy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Troy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Troy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Troy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTroy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Troy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTroy-Bilt 1942/2246/2350/2454デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。