True FitnessメーカーPS700の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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800.426.6570 ww w .truef itness .com P S S erie s T re admill O w ner's Gu ide • • • •.
In 1981, Frank T rulaske launched TRUE F itness ® T echnology , Inc. and began manufacturing hand- cr afted treadmills . His team ’ s obsession with quality has propelled TRUE to the top of the fitness industry and has cr eated one of America ’ s oldest, largest and most respected fitness equipment manufac turers .
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Review f or Y our S af ety I MPOR TANT S AF ETY I NSTRUC TIONS 1 Whe n using this ex erci se machine, ba sic pre cautions should always be followed , including the following: Read and understand all instr uctions and warnings pr ior to use.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Review f or Y our S af ety I MPOR TANT S AF ETY I NSTRUC TIONS 2 Do not exc e ed maximum user weight of 350 lbs . Keep the top side of the moving surface clean and dr y . Keep children and animals away .
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Quick Star t Guide 3 Before Y our W orkout During Y our W orkout Quick Start into a manual workout by pressing , or set up a differen t wor kout by pressing a workout key and adjusting the setting as necessar y .
F ront Sec tion Safety instructions , Quick Start Guide, Model Differenc es and S tar ting and Stopping the T readmill Safely . page 1 1 - Basic Operation page 9 2 - Hear t Rate Control W orkouts page 19 3 - User Progr ams How to record and run User Programs .
Model Differ ences Y our ne w tre admill is part of the T r ue Performance S eries treadmills . Since this ow ner’ s guide c overs all five P erformance models , you might notice descr iptions of feat ures tha t ar e differen t from your treadmill. The main differenc es are in the consoles .
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE S ta rt i n g A n d S t o p p i n g t h e T r e a d m i l l Sa f e ly 7 Place your feet on the straddle covers. A ttach t he safety lanyard to your waistband. Place the safety ke y on the ke y holder .
Basic Oper ation In This Chapt er : Hear t Rate Monitoring Special W orkouts Classic P re-Set W ork outs chapter one Chapter 1: Basic Operation Chapter 2: Heart Rate C ontrol W orkouts Chapter 3: User.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE U sing the K eyboard C HAPTER O NE : B ASIC O PERATION Selecting W orkouts : Press any of the workout ke ys and press to b egin your workout using the default se t tings .
P ress Quick St art : St art the treadbelt a t 0.5 mph a t the default workout time of 30 minutes. OR... Setting T ime or Di stance T arget s : Enter your weight and press . Now either en ter a workout time and pr ess , or pr ess to be pr ompted for a target dist anc e.
This treadmill can monitor your heart rate using either the chest strap provide d w it h the treadmill or the metal grips on t he hand rails ( called contact he art ra te, or C HR pad s). A chest strap transmits your he art ra te to the treadmill via radio, and the C HR pads connect to a spec ial computer circuit to extract your hear t rate.
C ontact Hear t R a te C HAPTER O NE : B ASIC O PERATION Con tac t Hear t R a te ( CHR) The contact heart rat e (CHR) system lets you monitor your hear t rate without wearing a strap. Gently grasp the contact heart rat e pads . When t he system de t e cts your hands , the Heart Rate lab e l will start f lashing in time with your heart be a t .
Each workout has a four -minute warm up and a two-minute cool down. Spe ed or incline changes stay in effect until the next change requeste d by t he program. C hanging the default wor kout time adds or removes seg ments; it do es not stretch or c ompress the workout profile.
Z er o-grade walking or running inter vals are in one-mi nute seg ments . Grade changes are p ermanent; spe ed change s affe ct the current one-min ute s egment only . Z er o-grade gradually increas es sp eed then de crease s spe ed, changing once per m inute .
These ar e T r ue’ s original four pre-se t workouts . C hanging the workout time stretches and compr esse s the wor kout pr ofile, in contrast to the four new pre-set work outs . Other dif f erences ar e explained below in the indiv idual workout sections .
Sp eed In te rval s 2 Different from Spee d Inter vals 1 w it h the sp eed changing in var ying amounts . P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Classic Pr e -S et W ork outs C HAPTER O NE .
Hear t R at e C ontr ol W orkouts In This Chapt er : HRC W orkout Introduction The Ea sy Step s to a H eart Rate Control W orkout Im por tant Points A bout HRC chapter two Chapter 1: Basic Operation C.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE HRC Intr oduc tion C HAPTER T W O : H EAR T R ATE C ON TROL W OR KOUTS HRC W orkout Introduction T rue’ s heart rat e con trol (H R C ) workouts let.
21 P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Ea sy S te ps to a Hea r t Rat e C on tr ol W ork ou t Easy Steps to a Heart Rate C ontrol W orkout C HAPTER T W O : H EAR T R ATE C ON TROL W ORKOUTS 1. Press the Hear t Rate Con trol key . Press .
The hear t rate monit or transmitt er stra p provided with your treadmill should be worn directly against your skin at about one inch b elow the pectoral muscles/breast line. W omen should b e careful to place the transmitter below their bra line. Some moisture is necessar y betwe en the stra p and your skin.
U ser P rog r ams In This Chapt er : How to Recor d and Run User Progr ams chapter three Chapter 1: Basic Operation Chapter 2: Heart Rate C ontrol W orkouts Chapter 3: User W orkouts Chapter 4: Audio .
Creat e a User Prog ram 1. Press U ser Program K e y on console. 2. Selec t User 1 or 2 by pressing k e y once or twice (ther e are two user prog rams available). 3. Enter your desired work out time and beg in using treadmill in a manually-controlled wor kout .
26 P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Cle aring a User Pr ogram – this will clear both u ser pr ograms 1. T urn power off. 2. Simultaneously depress t he Start , + (plus) and – (min us) keys . 3. T urn on tr eadmill power switch on side of treadmill at right base.
A u d i o a n d V id e o S y st e m f o r t h e P S 5 00 / 7 0 0 T r ea d m i l l s In This Chapt er : Audio & Video System Cable Connections chapter f our Chapter 1: Basic Operation Chapter 2: He.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Built-in A udio & V ideo S y stem C HAPTER F OUR : A UDIO AND V IDEO S YST EMS The PS 500, and PS 700 have a built -in audio and video system. This system can: • Pla y back audio and vide o f r om DVD players or VC Rs .
Connect a cable T V feed or antenna t hrough the coaxi al cable connector at the b ottom of the right pede stal leg . Connect headphones into the por t. Conne ct the headphone output of your m usic player into the p ort. Change Display ke y t oggle s be tween a vide o playback and the treadmill’ s progress display .
Designing an Ex er cise P rog r am In This Chapt er : W hat i s the F .I . T . Concept? Usin g the F .I . T . Concept Y our F itness P rogram Deter mi nin g Y our N eed s Beg in nin g Y our E xercise .
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE The F .I.T . C onc ept Defined C HAPTER F IVE : D ESIG NING AN E XER CISE P R OGRAM The workout portion of your ex ercise program c onsist s of thr ee major v ariables : Fr equenc y , Intensity , and T ime.
As your f itness le vel improves , you will need to incre ase your workout intensity in order to reach your target heart rat e. T he first increase may b e ne c essar y after two to four weeks of r eg ular ex ercise. Never ex cee d your target he art rate zone.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Utilizing the F .I.T . Conc ept C HAPTER F IVE : D ESIG NING AN E XER CISE P R OGRAM The F .I. T . c oncept is de signed to help you be gin a program tailored to your nee ds. Y ou may wi sh to ke ep an ex ercise log to monitor your pr og r ess .
In addition to monit oring your he art ra te as you ex ercise, be certain of how quickly your he art rate r e c overs . If your he art rate is over 120 beats per min ute five minutes after e xer cising , or is higher than normal the morning after ex ercising , your ex ertion ma y be t o o strenuous for your cur ren t level of fitness .
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE Y our F .I.T . Progr am C ontinued C HAPTER F IVE : D ESIG NING AN E XER CISE P R OGRAM W orkout: Brisk and Rh ythmic Ex ercise The workout trains and c onditions your he art, lungs , and muscles to op erat e more eff icien tly .
If you can sustain 12 but not 20 contin uous minut es of ex ercise in your target heart rat e zone: Exercise thr ee to f ive days a we e k . Rest at lea st two days p er we e k . T r y to reach and maintain 60-75 percent of your ma ximum hear t rate with moderate rhythmic ex ercise.
P E R F O R M A N C E S ERIES O WNER ’ S G UIDE W eight and Spor ts T raining P rogr ams C HAPTER F IVE : D ESIG NING AN E XER CISE P R OGRAM T r y to reach and maintain 60-75 percent of your ma ximum hear t rate with moderate exercise. Exercise for 30-45 min utes at 60-65 percen t of your target he art rate.
C ar e and Maint enance In This Chapt er : T readbelt L u bric ation Regular Cleani ng T readbelt A dju stment T readbelt T ension chapter six Chapter 1: Basic Operation Chapter 2: Heart Rate C ontrol.
Lubrica tion and Cleaning C HAPTER S IX : C AR E AND M AINTENANCE Y our T rue treadmill i s constructe d of quality material s and manufactured to provide many years of f aithful s erv ic e. Simple routine cle aning and a pre ven tive main tenance prog ram will ext end the life of your treadmill.
Exper t ser vice and maintenance at a rea sonable cost are available through your factor y- trained, a uthorize d T rue dealer . T he dealer maintains a stock of repair and r eplacement parts and ha s the technical knowledge to me et your ser vice needs .
T readbelt T ension C HAPTER S IX : C AR E AND M AINTENANCE T urn both rear roller adjustment b olts counter -clockw ise until treadbelt just b egins slipping when walking on it , then turn b oth rear roller adjustment bolts clockwi se in equal quarter turn increments un til treadbelt stop s slipping .
T ar get Hear t R at e Char t A G uide to H elp Y ou P ick an I nitial T a rget H ear t Rate appendix a 43.
Remember to check with your physician b ef ore beginning an y ex ercise prog ram. He can help determine an appropriate target heart ra te. Me dications often affect heart rat e.
ME T s T able H ow Speed and I ncl ine Affect W orkload , E xpre ssed in MET s appendix b 47.
TRUE off ers a full line of premium car diov ascular and fle xibility equipment. PS800 T readmill ES.90 T readmill ES 9.0 Recumbent TRUEStretch.
©2007 TRUE FITNESS TECHNOLOGY , INC. TRUE is a register ed trademark of TRUE FITNESS. Specifications subject to change. Founded 1981 865 Hoff Road O’F allon, MO 63366 800.
デバイスTrue Fitness PS700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
True Fitness PS700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTrue Fitness PS700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。True Fitness PS700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。True Fitness PS700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
True Fitness PS700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTrue Fitness PS700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、True Fitness PS700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTrue Fitness PS700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。