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i > Preface Pr eface Thank you for purchasing the 6555i/80 55i. This Operation Guide is intended to help you operate the ma chine correctly , perform routin e maintenanc e, and take simple troubleshooting measu res as needed so that th e machine can always be used in the optimum condition.
ii > Overview Ov er view This machine is equipped st andard with copy and print f unctions, an d a scanned image can be sent to an E-mail recipient as an attachment or to a computer on the same network. A fax function is available as an option. NOTE • Before using the machine, be sure to re ad Legal and Safety Informatio n on pag e 1-1 .
iii > Machine F eatures Mac hine F ea tur es The machine is equippe d with many useful functions. Here are some examples. For details, refer to Using V arious Functions (pag e 6-1) . Optimize your office workflow Access to frequen tly used functio ns with just one touch (P rogram) Y ou can preset frequently used functions.
iv > Machine F eatures Save energy and cost Create attrac tive docum ent s Print multiple originals onto o ne sheet (Duplex / Combine) Y ou can print originals on both sides of the p aper .
v > Machine F eatures Strengt hen security Protect dat a on the hard disk (Encryption / Overwrite) Y ou can overwrite the unnecessary data that remains on the hard disk automati cally . T o prevent an external leakage, th e machine is able to encrypt data before writing it to the hard disk.
vi > Machine F eatures Use functions more efficient ly Inst all the machine without concerning the network cables (Wireless Netwo rk) In an environment where the wireless LAN is used, you can install the machine without concerning the n etwork cables.
vii > Color and Image Quality Functio ns Color and Ima ge Quality Functions The machine is equipped with various color and image qualit y function s. Y ou can adju st the scanned image as desired . Basic Color Modes The basic color mode s are as follows.
viii > Color and Image Quality Functions Adjusting Ima ge Quality T o adjust the image quality , use the following functions. I want to... Sample i mage Function Page Before Af ter Easily adjust the image quality to match your own image Remove dark bac kground or bleed-through from the original such as a newspaper .
ix > Guides Provided with the Machine Guides Pr o vided with the Mac hine The following guides are prov ided with the machine. Refer to each guide as needed. The content s of the guides are subject to change withou t notice for th e purpose of improvement of machine performance.
x > About the Operation Guide (this Guide) About the Oper a tion Guide (this Guide) Str uctur e of the guide The Operation Guide contains the following chapters. Chapter Content s 1 Legal and Safety Information Provides precautions regardin g use of the machine and trademark information.
xi > About the Operation Guide (this Guide) Con v entions Used in T his Guide Adobe Reader X is used as an example in the explanations below . Certain items are indicated in this gui de by the conventions described below . NOTE The items that appear in Adobe Reader vary dependin g on how it is used.
xii > About the Operation Guide (this Guide) On pages that explain a conven ient f unction, the modes in which that function can be used are indicated by icons. Icon Description Icon Description The function can be used when copying a document. Copy screen The function can be used when saving to or printing from a custom box.
xiii > About the Operation Guide (this Guide) Conventions used in proce dures for operating the machine In this Operation Guide, continuous op eration of the keys on the touch p anel is as follows: T ouch panel keys that are pre ssed are outlin ed in red.
xiv > About the Operation Guide (this Guide) Originals and Paper Sizes Original sizes and paper sizes such as A4, B5, and Letter ca n be used in both the horizont al and vertical orienta tions. T o distinguish th e orientations when these sizes ar e used, "R" is added to sizes used in the horizontal orient ation.
xv Contents Preface .................... ................ ................ .................... ................ ................ ........................ ..... i Overview ................. ................ ................ ................ ..........
xvi Network Setup (LAN Cable Connection) ....... .... ................ ................ ................... .... 2-27 Quick Setup Wizard ............ .................... ...... .......... ................ ................ ................ . 2-30 Checking the Counter .
xvii 5 Operation on the Machine ............................. ........................ ................. 5-1 Loading Originals .................. ...... ................. ................... ................ ................ ................ . .. 5-2 Placing Originals on the Platen .
xviii Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory ................... ................ .......... 5-68 Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to US B) .. ................... ................ ................ . 5-70 Check the USB memory informat ion .
xix FTP Encrypted TX ... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................... .............. 6-63 File Size Confirmation ...... ....................... ... ....... ................... ................ ...............
xx Group Authorization Set. ......... ................... ................ ................ ................ .............. 9-15 Guest Authorization Set. ..... ................. ................ ................... ................ ................ . 9-18 Obtain NW User Property .
xxi Banner Tray (Option) .......... ................. ................ ................ ................... ............... 11-28 Glossary .............. ................ ................ ................ ................... ................. ........
xxii > Menu Map Menu Map (The names displayed on th e touch panel are used he re. These may differ from the r eferenced titles.) or Org./Paper/Finishing Original Size (page 6-1 1) Paper Selection (.
xxiii > Menu Map Layout/Edit Page # (page 6-43) Memo Page (page 6-45) Image Repeat (page 6-46) T ext S tamp (p age 6-47) Bates S tamp (page 6-49) Advanced Setup Continuous Scan (page 6-51) Auto Ima.
xxiv > Menu Map or Destination Address Book (page 5-26) E-mail Addr Entry (page 5-29) Folder Path Entry (page 5-31) F AX No. Entry (refer to F AX Operation Gu ide ) i-F AX Address Entry (refer to F AX Operation Guide ) WSD Scan/DSM Scan (page 5-37) Org.
xxv > Menu Map Advanced Setup Zoom (page 6-26) Centering (page 6-32) Border Erase (page 6-33) F AX Delayed T ransmission (refer to F AX Operation Guide ) Continuous Scan (page 6-51) Job Finish Noti.
xxvi > Menu Map Custom Box St o r e F i l e Functions Original Size (p age 6-1 1) Mixed Size Originals (page 6-13) 2-sided/Book Original (page 6-56) Original Orientation (page 6-15) S toring Size (.
xxvii > Menu Map Custom Box Open Print Functions Paper Selection (page 6-12) Collate/Offset (page 6-17) S taple/Punch (page 6-18) S taple (p age 6-18) Punch (page 6-19) Paper Output (page 6-21) Com.
xxviii > Menu Map Custom Box Open Send Destination (page 5-26) Functions Sending Size (page 6-57) File Format (page 6-58) F AX TX Resolution (refer to F AX Operation Guide ) Centering (page 6-32) F.
xxix > Menu Map Job Box Private Print/S tored Job (page 4-14) Quick Copy/Proof and Hold (page 4-16) Repeat Copy (page 6-54) Form for Form Overlay (page 5-66) Removable Memory Print Functi ons Pap e.
xxx > Menu Map Removable Memory St o r e F i l e Functions Original Size (p age 6-1 1) Mixed Size Originals (page 6-13) 2-sided/Book Original (page 6-56) Original Orientation (page 6-15) S toring S.
xxxi > Menu Map or Printing Jobs (page 7-4) Sending Jo bs (page 7- 6) S toring Jobs (page 7-7) Device/Communication (page 7-17) Paper/Supplies (page 7-18) Status / Job Cancel.
xxxii > Menu Map or Quick Setup Wizard F AX Setup (page 2-30) Energy Saver Setup (page 2-30) Cassette/MP T ray Settings Cassette 1 (page 8-7) Cassette 2 (page 8-7) Cassette 3 (page 8-7) Cassette 4 .
xxxiii > Menu Map Common Settings Error Handling Duplexi ng Error (page 8-14) Finishing Erro r (page 8-14 ) No S taple Error (page 8-14) Finished Pages Exceeded (page 8-14) Punch W aste Full Error .
xxxiv > Menu Map Common Settings Function Defaults Color TIFF Compression (page 8-18) Image Quality (File Format) (page 8-18) Collate/Offset ( page 8-18) JPEG/TIFF Print (page 8-18) XPS Fit to Page (page 8-18) PDF/A (page 8-18) Cont.
xxxv > Menu Map Copy Paper Selection (page 8-28) Auto Image Rotation Action (page 8-28) Auto Paper Selection (page 8-28) Auto % Priority (page 8-28) Paper Size for Small Original (page 8-28) Preset Limit (page 8-28) Reserve Next Priority (page 8-29) Quick Setup Registration (page 8-29) Send Quick Setup Registration (page 8-29) Dest.
xxxvi > Menu Map Printer Emulation (page 8-35) EcoPrint (page 8-35) T oner Save Level (EcoPrint) (page 8-35) Override A4/Letter (page 8-35) Duplex (page 8-35) Copies (page 8-35) Orientation (page 8.
xxxvii > Menu Map Report Login History Settings Login Hi story (page 8-40) Auto Sending (page 8-40) Destination (page 8-40) Subject (page 8-40) Log Reset (page 8-40) Device Log History Settings Device Log History (page 8-41) Auto Sending (page 8-41) Destination (page 8-41) Subject (page 8-41) Secure Comm.
xxxviii > Menu Map System/Netw ork Ne twork Protocol Settings LDAP (page 8-46) SNMPv1/v2c (page 8-46) SNMPv3 (page 8-46) Enhanced WSD (page 8-46) Enhanced WSD over SSL (page 8- 46) Security Setting.
xxxix > Menu Map User Login/Job Accounting User Login Setting User Login (page 9-4) Authentication Security User Account Lockout Set. (page 9- 6) Password Policy Settings (page 9-7) Local User List (page 9-8) Local Authorization (page 9-15) Group Authorization Set.
xl > Menu Map Date/T imer/Energy Saver Date/T ime (page 8-54) Date Format (page 8-54) T ime Zone (page 8-54) Auto Panel R eset (pag e 8-54) Auto Error Clear (page 8-54) Low Power T imer (page 8- 54.
xli > Menu Map.
1-1 1 Le gal and Saf ety Inf or ma tion Please read th is information before using your machine. This chapter provide s information on the following topics. Notice ........... ................ ................ ................ .................... ...
1-2 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Notice Saf ety Con v entions in T his Guide The sections of this g uide and part s of the machine mark ed with symbols are safety warnings meant to p rotect the user , other individua ls and surroundin g objects, and ensure corr ect and safe usage of the machine.
1-3 Legal and Safety Information > Notice En vironment The service environment al conditions are as follows: • T emperature: 50 to 90. 5 °F (10 to 32.5 °C) (But humidit y should be 70% or less wh en temperature is 90.5 °F (32.5 °C).) • Humidity: 15 to 80% (But temperature should be 86 °F (30 °C) or less when humidity is 80%.
1-4 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Pr ecautions f or Use Cautions when ha ndling consumables CAUTION Do not attempt to incinerate part s which cont ain toner . Dangerous sp arks may cause burns. Keep par ts which conta in toner out of the reach of children .
1-5 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Laser Saf ety (Eur ope) Laser radia tion could be hazardous to the human bo dy . For th is reason, laser radiation emitted inside this machin e is hermetically seal ed within the protec tive housing and exte rnal cover .
1-6 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Le gal R estriction on Cop ying/Scanning It may be prohibited to copy/scan copyrigh ted material withou t perm ission of the copyright owner . Copying/Scanning the fo llowing items is prohibited and may b e pen alized by low .
1-7 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Le gal Infor mation Copying o r other reprod uction of all or part of this guide without the pr ior written cons ent of Copy right owner is prohibited. Regarding T rade Names • PRESCRIBE is a registered tradema rk of Kyocera Corporation.
1-8 Legal and Safety Information > Notice GPL/LGPL This product contains GPL (http://www .g nu.org/licenses/gpl.ht ml) and/or LGPL (http://www .gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) software as p art of its firmwar e. Y ou can get the sour ce co de, and you are permitted to copy , redistribute and modify it under the terms of GPL/LGPL.
1-9 Legal and Safety Information > Notice 1. Redistributio ns of source c ode must retain th e copyrigh t notice, this list of conditio ns and the following disclaimer .
1-10 Legal and Safety Information > Notice 10 Y ou shall not sublicense, sell, lea se, or otherwise transf er the Sof tware and/or T ypefaces without the prior written consent of Mon otype Imaging.
1-11 Legal and Safety Information > Notice "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or tr anslation of a Source form , including but not limited to compiled ob ject code, generated documen tation, and conver sions to other media types.
1-12 Legal and Safety Information > Notice 5. Submission o f Contributions . Unless Y ou explicitly state oth erwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by Y ou to the Licensor shall be u nder the ter ms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions .
1-13 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Ener g y Saving Control Function The device com es equipped with a L ow Power Mode where energy con sumption is re duced after a certain amou nt of time e.
1-14 Legal and Safety Information > Notice Ener g y Star (ENERGY ST AR ® ) Pr og r am We have dete rmined as a particip ating company in the International Energy S tar Program that this product is compliant with the st andards laid out in the Inter national Energy S tar Program.
2-1 2 Installing and Setting up the Mac hine This chapter provides information for the administrator of this machine, such as p art names, cable connection, and software inst allation. Part Names .. ................ ................ ................ .
2-2 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names Pa r t N a m e s Mac hine Exterior Optional Equipment (page 1 1-2) 1 Document Processor 2 Original Loaded Indicator 3 Original Width Guides 4 .
2-3 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Part Names 23 Paper Width Adjusting T a b 24 Paper Length Gu ide 25 (Paper Width Guid e) Lock 26 Right Tray 27 Right Cover 1 28 Right Cover 1 Lever 29 R.
2-4 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names Connector s/Interior 1 Network Interface Connector 2 USB Port (A2) 3 USB Interface Connector ( B1) 4 Option Interface 5 T oner Cont ainer (Bla.
2-5 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Part Names W ith Optional Equipments Attached 1 Mailbox 2 4,000-Sheet Finisher 3 Folding Unit 4 Control Section of th e 4,00 0-Sheet Finisher Manual S t.
2-6 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Determining the Co nnection Method an d Preparing Cables Deter mining the Connection Method and Pr eparing Ca bles Check the method to connect th e equipment to a PC or netw ork, and prep are the necessary cables for your en vironment.
2-7 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Determining the Co nnection Method an d Preparing Cables Pr eparing Necessar y Cables Prepar e the necessary cables according to the interface you use. A vailable S t andard Interfaces Connection Environment Function Necessary Cable Connect a LAN cable to the machine.
2-8 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Connecting Cables Connecting Cables Connecting LAN Cable 1 Connect the machine. 1 Remove the covers from the machine in orde r from the top. 2 Connect the LAN cable to the network inte rface connector . IMPORT ANT If the power is on, turn the main power switch off.
2-9 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Connecting Cables 3 Insert the cord into th e groove. 4 Attach the covers in order from the bottom, takin g care not to pinch the cord. 5 Connect the other end of the cable to the hub. 2 Set up the machine.
2-10 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Connecting Cables Connecting USB Cable 1 Connect the machine. 1 Remove the covers from the machine in orde r from the top. 2 Connect the USB cable to th e USB interfac e connector ( B1) located on the left side of t he body .
2-11 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Connecting Cables 3 Insert the cord into th e groove. 4 Attach the covers in order from the bottom, takin g care not to pinch the cord.
2-12 Installing and Setting up t he Machine > Power On/Off Pow e r O n / O f f Pow e r O n When the main power indicator is lit... (Recovery from sleep) Press the [ Power ] key . When the main power indicator is off... T urn the main power switch on.
2-13 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Power On/Off Pow e r O f f When not turni ng off the main power swi tch... (sleep) Press the [ Power ] key . The [ Power ] key light will go out, and the Main Power indicator will light up. When turning off the main power switch.
2-14 Installing and Setting up t he Machine > Power On/Off 2 T ur n the main power s witc h of f . In case of not using th e machine for an extended period of time... CAUTION If this machine will be left unused for an extended peri od ( e.g. overnight), turn it off at the main power switch.
2-15 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software Installing Software Install ap propriate sof tware on your PC fr om the included DVD (Product Library) if you want to use th e printer function o f this machine or perform TW AIN / WIA transmission or Network F AX transm ission fro m your PC.
2-16 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Installing Software Installing Printer Driv er in W indo ws The following procedu re is an example for inst alling th e soft ware in Windows 7 using [ Express Inst all ]. Y ou can use either [ Express Inst all ] or [ Custom Inst all ] can be selected for the inst allation method.
2-17 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software 3 Install using [ Express Install ]. Y ou can also select [Use host name for port name] an d set to use the host name of the standa rd TCP/IP port. (A USB connection cannot be used.) 4 Finish the installat ion.
2-18 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Installing Software Uninstalling the Software Perform the following pro cedure to delete the Softwar e from your computer .
2-19 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software Installing Printer Driv er in Macintosh The machine's pr inter functionality can be used by a Macintosh computer . 1 Inser t the D VD. Double-click the [ GEN_LIB ] icon. 2 Display the screen.
2-20 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Installing Software 4 Configure the printer . 1 Display the window . 2 Click the IP icon for an IP c onnection and then enter the IP address and printer name. 3 Select the options available for the machine and click Continue .
2-21 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software Setting TWAIN Driv er Register this machin e to the TW AIN Driver . Instructions are based on inte rface elements as they appea r in Windows 7. 1 Display the screen. 1 Select [ Start ] button on the Windows, [ All Programs ], [(Brand Name)] and then [ TW AIN Driver Setting ].
2-22 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Installing Software Setting WIA Driv er Register this machine to the WIA Driv er . Instructions are based on interface ele ments as they appear in Wind ows 7. 1 Display the screen. 1 Click [ Star t ] button on the Windows an d enter [ Scanner ] in [ Program and File Search ].
2-23 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Login/Logout Login/Logout If you are s etting a funct ion that requ ires administrator rights, or if user login administration is enabl ed, you must enter your login user name and login password. Login Normal login 1 Enter the login user name an d login pass wor d to login.
2-24 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Login/Logout Simple Login If this screen is displayed during operatio ns, select a user and log in. Logout T o logout from the m achine, press the [ Authentication/Logout ] key to return to the login user name/login password entr y screen.
2-25 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine Default Settings of the Mac hine The default settings of the machine can be cha nged in System Menu. Before using this machine, configur e such settings as date and time, network configu ration, and energy saving functions as nee ded.
2-26 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine 2 Configure the settings. 1 Set the time zone. 2 Set the summer time. 3 Set the date and time. NOTE If you select a region that does not utilize summer time, th e summer time setting screen will not appear .
2-27 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine Netw or k Setup (LAN Cable Connection) The machine is equipped with network interface, which is co mpatible with network pr otocols such as TCP/IP (IPv4), TCP/IP (IPv6), IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, and IPSec.
2-28 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine 2 Select "Network" and then "TCP/IP Sett ing". 2 Configure the settings. When using DHCP server [DHCP]: Set to [On]. When setting the st atic IP address [DHCP]: Set to [Off].
2-29 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine Bonjour Settings Configure the settings for Bon jour . 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key and select [System/Net work]. 2 Select "Network" and then "TCP/IP Sett ing".
2-30 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine Quic k Setup W izar d For Energy Saver and F AX functions, the following settings can be configured in a wizard-style screen. 1 Display the screen. Energy Saver Setup Configures sleep mode and low-powe r mode.
2-31 Installing and Sett ing up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine 2 Select a function. 3 Configure the settings. S tart the wizard. Follow th e instructions o n the screen to configure settings. NOTE If you experienc e difficulty configuring the settings , refer to Help Screen on page 3- 12 .
2-32 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Checking the Counter Chec king the Counter Press the [ Counter ] key to check the number of sheet s printed and scanned. Y ou can check the number of pages printed in each p aper size by pressing [Printed Pages by Paper Size].
2-33 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Additional Preparations for the Administrator Ad ditional Pr epar ations f or the Administr ator In addition to the information provided in this chapter , the administrator of this machine should check the following , and configure the settings as needed.
2-34 Installing and Setting up the Machine > Additional Prep arations for the Administrator *1 The optional Card Authentication Kit is required. *2 The optional Data Security Kit is required. *3 The optional Printed Document Guard Kit is required. Protect the transmission from interception and wiret apping.
2-35 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Embedded Web Server RX Embedded W eb Ser v er RX If the machine is connected to the network, you can conf igure var ious settings using Embedded W eb Server RX. This section exp lains how to access Embedded Web Serve r RX, and how to change secu ri ty settings and the host name.
2-36 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Embedded Web Server RX Accessing Embedded W eb Ser v er RX 1 Display the screen. 1 Launch you r Web browser . 2 In the address or location bar , enter the machine's IP address or the ho st name. Examples: http s://192.
2-37 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Embedded Web Server RX Changing Security Settings This section explains how to change the security settings. 1 Display the screen. Access Embedded Web Se rver RX by referring to Accessing Em bedded Web Ser ver RX on page 2- 36 .
2-38 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Embedded Web Server RX Changing Host Name Change the host name of the machin e. 1 Display the screen. 1 Access Embe dded W eb Server RX by referring to Ac cessing Embedded W eb Server RX on page 2-36 . 2 From the [ Device Settings ] menu, select [ System ].
2-39 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Embedded Web Server RX E-mail settings By configuring the SMTP settings, yo u can send E-mail notifications on completed jobs. T o use this f unction, this m achine must b e connected t o a mail server using the SMTP protocol.
2-40 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Embedded Web Server RX 2 Configure the settings. Enter the appropria te values to each field. Setting De scription SMTP Set to send e-mail from the machine. SMTP Protocol Set SMTP protocol. Set the "SMTP (E-mail TX)" setting to [ On ] on the [ Protocol Settings ] page.
2-41 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Embedded Web Server RX 3 Click [ Submit ]. E-mail Send Settings E-mail Size Limit Enter the maximum size of E-mail that can be sent in kilobytes. When E-mail size is greater than this value, an error message appears and E-mail se nding is cancelled.
2-42 Installing and Settin g up the Machine > Embedded Web Server RX R e gistering Destina tions Y ou can register destinations to the machine's Address Book, from Emb edded Web Server RX. 1 Display the screen. 1 Access Embedded W eb Server RX by referring to Accessin g Embedded We b Server RX on page 2-36 .
2-43 Installing and Setting up the Ma chine > Embedded Web Server RX R e gistering a Custom Bo x Y ou can register a custom box from Embedded W eb Server RX. 1 Display the screen. 1 Access Embedded W eb Server RX by referring to Accessing Embe dded Web Server RX on page 2-36 .
2-44 Installing and Setting up t he Machine > Transferring dat a from our other products T r ansfer ring data fr om our other pr oducts By using the machine's utility , you can smoothly migrate address books w hen the machine is to be replaced.
2-45 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Transferring dat a from our other products 4 Select [ Create from device ] and r emove the checkmark fro m [ Overwrite settings on t arget device ], and th en click [ Next ]. 5 Select the model you want to back up, and click [ Next ].
2-46 Installing and Setting up t he Machine > Transferring dat a from our other products 8 After saving the file, always click [ Cancel ] to close the scree n. Please note that selecting [ Finish ] will write the data to the machine's Address Book.
2-47 Installing and Setting up th e Machine > Transferring dat a from our other products 4 Select [ Create from file ] and r emove the checkmark from [ Overwrite settings on target device ], and then click [ Ne xt ]. Selecting the [ Overwrite settings on target device ] checkbox will ov erwrite the machine's Address Book from entry No.
2-48 Installing and Setting up t he Machine > Transferring dat a from our other products.
3-1 3 Pr epar a tion bef or e Use This chapter explains the following operations. Using the Operation Panel .............. .................... ................... ....................... ................... ...... .......... .................. 3-2 Operation Panel Keys .
3-2 Preparation befo re Use > Using the Operation Panel Using the Oper a tion P anel Oper a tion Panel K eys Blinks while printi ng or sending/r eceiving. Blinks while the ma chine is accessing the hard disk, fax memory or USB memory (general purpose ite m).
3-3 Preparation befo re Use > Using the Operation Panel Adjusting the Oper a tion P anel Angle The angle of the operation panel can be adjusted. Mo ve the ope ration panel and arm up or down and left or right t o a position that is easy to use.
3-4 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display T ouc h P anel Display Home Scr een This screen is displayed by pressing t he [ Home ] key on the operation panel. T ouching an icon will display the corresponding scre en. Y ou can change the icons to dis play on the Ho me screen as well as its backgrou nd.
3-5 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Editing the Home Scr een Y ou can change the background of the Home scre en as well as which icons are displayed. 1 Display the screen. Press the [ System Menu ] key and select [Home]. 2 Configure the settings.
3-6 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display A vailable Function s to Display on Desktop *1 Selected at the time of shipment from factory. *2 Displayed when the corresponding optional component is attached. *3 The icon of the application appears.
3-7 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display A vailable Functions to Dis play on T askbar Function Icon Description Reference pa g e St atus/Job Canc el / Displays the S tatus screen. If an error occurs, the icon will show "!". Once the error clears, the display will return to normal.
3-8 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Display f or Originals and P aper The copy screen displays the selected p aper source and outp ut tray . Display of k eys that cannot be set Keys of featu res that cann ot be used due to feat ure combination restrictions or non-installation o f options are in a non- selectable state.
3-9 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Original Pr e view Y ou can display a previ ew image of the scanned document on the p anel. 1 On the Home screen, press [Copy] or [Send ], and then place the original. 2 Press [Previe w]. The machine starts scanning the original.
3-10 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display 4 If there is no problem with the preview image, press the [ St ar t ] key . Copying start s. Using the Preview Screen When the Preview screen is displayed, you can do the following by moving the finger that is touching the touch p anel.
3-11 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Enter k ey and Quick No . Sear ch k ey This section explains how to use the [ Enter ] key and [ Quick No.
3-12 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Help Scr een If you have dif ficulty operating the machine, you ca n check how to operate it using the touch p anel. T o show the Help screen, press the [ Help ] key on the operatio n panel. The He lp screen shows explanations of functions and how to use them.
3-13 Preparation befo re Use > Touch Panel Display Accessibility Functions (Magnifying the V iew) Y ou can magnify the text and keys displayed on the touch panel . Y ou can also select items and move to the ne xt screen using the numeric keys. While using the Copy or Send functions, press the [ Accessibility Displa y ] key .
3-14 Preparation be fore Use > Energy Save r function Ener g y Sav er function Lo w P ow er Mode and Auto Lo w P ow er Mode Low Power Mode T o activate Low Power Mode, press the [ Energy Saver ] key .
3-15 Preparation be fore Use > Energy Sa ver function Sleep and Auto Sleep Sleep T o enter Sleep, press the [ Power ] key . T ouch p anel and all indicators on the operation p anel will go out to save a maximum amount of power except the Main Power indicator .
3-16 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Loading P aper Load pa per in the cassettes and multipurpose tray . For the paper loa d methods for each cass ette, refer to the page below .
3-17 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Bef or e Loading P aper When you open a new pa ckage of paper , fan the sheet s to sepa rate them slightly prior to loading in the following steps. 1 Bend the whole set of sheet s to swell them in the middle.
3-18 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Loading in the Cassettes Cassette 1, Cassette 2, Cass ette 5 (PF-780), Cassette 6 (P F-730), and Cassette 7 (PF-730) The cassettes will each hold plain paper , recycled paper or color pa per .
3-19 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 2 Press the (Paper Wid th Guide) Lock to release the lock. Grasp the p aper width adjusting tab and move the p aper wid th guides to fit the paper . 3 Load paper . 1 Align the pa per flush against the right side of the cassette.
3-20 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 3 Press the (Paper Wid th Guide) Lock to lock. 4 Gently push the cassette back in. NOTE • If the machine will not be used for a prolonged period, protect all p aper from humidity by removing it from the cassettes and s ealing it in the p aper storage bag.
3-21 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Cassette 3, Cassette 4, Cassette 6 (PF-740), and Cassette 7 (PF-740) The cassettes will each hold plain pa per , recycled paper or color pa per . The cassettes can hold up to 1,500 sheets of plain p aper (80 g/m 2 ) (or up to 1,750 sheets of 64 g/m 2 plain pape r).
3-22 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 2 Insert the Paper Size Guide (A) into the slot (bottom of cassette) for the paper size to be used. Make sure that the top of the paper size guide (A ) matches the paper size to be used, attach the clamp, and rotate the clamp to lock it.
3-23 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper B5 Open the Pa per Size Gu ide (B) as shown, inser t into the s lot marke d B5 (on th e bottom o f the cassette), and lock the hook (it will make a "click" sound). Gently try moving the Paper S ize Guid e (B) to verif y that it is fixed.
3-24 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 4 Gently push the cassette back in. IMPORT ANT • Load the p aper with the print side fa cing up. • Af ter removing new p aper from it s p ackaging, fan the p aper before loading it in the multi-purpose t ray .
3-25 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Side Feeder (3,000-sheet) (Option) The side feeder hold up to 3,000 sheets of plain p aper (80 g/m 2 ). The following pa per sizes are supported: A4 , B5 and Letter . Pull the cassette out toward you until it stops and in sert t he paper into the cassette.
3-26 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Loading P aper in the Multi Pur pose T r ay The multi purpose tray will hold up to 150 sheets of A4 or smaller plain paper (80 g/m 2 ) (or up t o 165 sheets of 64 g /m 2 plain pap er) or up to 50 sheet s of plain paper (80 g/m 2 ) (or up to 55 sheets of 64 g/m 2 plain paper) lag er than A4.
3-27 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 2 Adjust the multi pur pose tr ay size. 3 Load paper . Insert the p aper along the pap er width guides into the tray until it stops. After removing new paper from it s packaging, fan the paper before lo ading it in the multi- purpose tra y .
3-28 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper When you load envelopes or car dstock in the multi purp ose tray Load the pa per with the print side facing do wn. For the procedur e for printing, refer to th e Printing System Driver User Guide . Example: When printin g the address.
3-29 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper When you load index p ape r in the multi purpose tray 1 Prepar e paper . Sort the page s so that the 1st page is at the back. 2 Orient the pa per in the same orientation. Place the paper print side down, oriented so that the tabs are on the trailing side of the paper when it feeds in.
3-30 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Specifying P aper Size and Media The default pa per size setting for casse ttes 1 to 4, for the mu lti purpose tr ay and for the optional side feeder (cassettes 5 to 7) is "Auto", a nd the default media type setting is "Plain".
3-31 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key . 2 Press [Cassette/MP T ray Settings]. 2 Configure the settings. 1 In "Cassette/MP Tray Settings", select one of [Cassette 1] - [Cassette 7], and press [Next].
3-32 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 3 Press [OK]. The previous screen re appears. 4 Press [Change] of "Media T ype" to sele ct the media type and pr ess [OK].
3-33 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper Specifying Paper Size and Media T ype for th e Multi Purpose T ray (MP T r ay Setting) T o fix the type of p aper to be us ed in the multi purpose tray , specify the paper size. Wh en using other than a plain pape r , specify the m edia type.
3-34 Preparation be fore Use > Loading Paper 2 Configure the settings. 1 For automatic dete ction of the paper size, press [Auto] and select [Metric] or [Inch] as the unit. T o select the paper size, press [S tandard Sizes 1], [ S tandard Sizes 2], [Others] or [Size Entry] and select the paper size.
3-35 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC Pr epar ation f or Sending a Document to a PC Check the information that needs to be set on the machine and create a folder to receive the document on your computer . Screens of Windows 7 are used in the following ex planation.
3-36 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC Making a note of the user name and domain name Check the domain name and user name for logging onto Windows. 1 Display the screen. From [ Sta rt ] button on the Windows, select [ All Programs ] (or [ Programs ]), [ Accessories ] and then [ Command Prompt ].
3-37 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC Cr ea ting a Shar ed F older , Making a Note of a Shar ed F older Create a shared folder to receive the document in the destination computer . 1 Create a folder . 1 Create a folder on your computer .
3-38 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 2 Right-click the "scannerd ata" folder and click [ Share ] and [ Adv anced sharing ]. Click the [ Advanced Sharing ] button. In Windows XP , right-click the "scanne rdata" folder and select [ Sharing and Security ] (or [ Sharing ]).
3-39 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 3 4 Select the [ Allow ] checkbox of the " Change " and " Read " permissions and press [ OK ]. In Windows XP , go to step 6. 5 Click the [ OK ] button in the " Advanced Sharing " screen to close the screen.
3-40 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 6 Make sure that checkmarks appear on [ Allow ] checkbox for the " Modify " and " Read & ex ecute " permissions, and click the [ Close ] button.
3-41 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC Configuring W indows Firewall (f or W indo ws 7) Permit sharing of files and printers and set the port used for SMB transmission.
3-42 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 2 Add a por t. 1 From [ St a rt ] button on the Win dows, select [ Control Panel ], [ System and Security ], and [ Check firewall st atus ].
3-43 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 6 Select [ Speci fic local port s ], and enter "445". 7 8 Make sure all checkboxes are selected.
3-44 Preparation befo re Use > Preparation for Sending a Docume nt to a PC 9 Enter "Scan to SMB" in " Name " and click [ Finish ]. In Windows XP or W indows Vist a 1 In Windows XP , from [ Sta rt ] button on the Windows, select [ Control Panel ], and then [ Windows Firewall ].
3-45 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book R e gistering Destina tions in the Ad dr ess Book Save frequently used destinations to the Addr ess Book or One T ouch Keys. The saved destinations can be changed. The destinations are available for Send a s E-mail, Send to Folder , and Fax T ransmission (optional).
3-46 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book 2 Add the name. 1 T o specify the "Address Number", press [Change] in Address Number . 2 Use [+] / [-] or the numeric keys to enter an address number (1 to 2500) .
3-47 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book 3 Add the address. 1 Press [E-mail] to add an E-mail addr ess, [SMB] to add a folder on the PC, or [FTP] to add an FTP fold er . The procedure differs depending on the transmi ssion method selected.
3-48 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book The Folder (SMB) Address Press [Change] of "Host Name", "Path", "Login User Name" and "Login Password", enter th e information for each item and press [OK].
3-49 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book The Folder (FTP) Addres s Press [Change] of "Host Name", "Path", "Login User Name" and "Login Password", enter th e information for each item and press [OK].
3-50 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book Group Compile two or more cont acts into a group. Designation s in the group can be added at the same time. When add ing a group, a maximum of 500 groups can be added in the Addre ss Book.
3-51 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book 3 Select the member s (destinations). 1 Press [Member] and then [Add]. 2 Select destinations (cont acts) to add to the group. 3 Press [OK]. If you have more destinations to add, repeat S teps 2 to 4.
3-52 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book Editing and Deleting Address Book Entries Edit and delete the destina tions (contact s) you added to the Address Boo k. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key .
3-53 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book Adding a Destination on One T ouch K ey (One T ouc h K ey) Assign a new destination (cont act or group) to an on e touc h key . A maximum of 1,000 destinations can be r egistered.
3-54 Preparation befo re Use > Registering Destinations in the Add ress Book Editing and Deleting One T ouch Key Edit/delete the destinations you adde d to One T ouch Key . 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key . 2 Press [ ], [Edit Destination] and th en [Add/Edit] of "One T ouch Key".
4-1 4 Printing fr om PC This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Printing from PC ........... ................... ................. ................ ................ ................... ............ .............. ................... .. 4-2 Printer driver print sett ings screen .
4-2 Printing from PC > Printing from PC Printing fr om PC Follow the steps below to prin t documents fro m applications. 1 Display the screen. Click [ File ] and select [ Print ] in the application. 2 Configure the settings. 1 Select the machine from the "Name" me nu and click the [ Properties ] button .
4-3 Printing from PC > Printing from PC 2 Select the [ Basic ] tab. 3 Click "Print size" menu and select t he paper size to use for printing. T o load the paper of size that is not included in print sizes of the machin e such as cardstock or envelopes, the paper size needs to be registered.
4-4 Printing from PC > Printing from PC 5 Enter the p aper size. When a document length from 470.1 mm (18.51") to a maximum of 1220.0 mm (48") is specified for printing, refer to Banner prin ting on page 4-7 .
4-5 Printing from PC > Printing from PC Printer driv er print settings screen The printer driver print settings screen allows you to co nfig ure a varie ty of print-related settin gs. For more inform ation, refer to the Printing System Driver User Guide on the DVD.
4-6 Printing from PC > Printing from PC Printer Driv er Help The printer driver includes Help. T o learn about print settings , open the printer driver print settings screen and display Help as explained below . • Click the [ ? ] button in the upper right corner of the screen and then click the item you want to know about.
4-7 Printing from PC > Banner printing Banner printing When a document length fr om 470.1 mm (18.51") to a maximum of 1220.0 mm (48") is specifie d for printing, the print job is treated as banner pr inting. * When the banner tray (option) is used, up to 10 s heets of banner paper can be fed continuously.
4-8 Printing from PC > Banner printing 3 Setting the print paper size. 1 Select the custom pape r size that you registered in the "Print size" menu. 2 Click the [ OK ] button. When you execute printing in this case, a messag e appears on the machine's operation panel.
4-9 Printing from PC > Banner printing IMPORT ANT If an output tray that cannot be used for ba nner printing such as Mailbox (option) is select ed in the printer driver , the output tray automatically changes to a tray that can be used.
4-10 Printing from PC > Banner printing Using the Banner T ray (Option) When the banner tray (option) is used, up to 10 sheet s of banner paper ca n be fed continuously . 1 Open the multi pur pose tr ay . Open the multi purpose tray until it stop s.
4-11 Printing from PC > Banner printing 2 Attach the banner tray to the multi purpose tray . Fit the openings on the sides of the banner tra y onto the tabs on the sides of the multi purpose tray , and press into p lace. 3 Load paper . 1 Open the pa per width guides on the multi purpose tray to the maximum wid th.
4-12 Printing from PC > Banner printing 3 Loop the banner p aper back and place the end on the paper support. 4 Adjust the paper width guides to the width of the paper . 5 Adjust the pap er width guides on the banne r tray to the same width as the pa per width guides on the multi purpos e tray and lock.
4-13 Printing from PC > Banner printing IMPORT ANT Remove the p aper when banner printing finis hes, or when you are not using the ba nner tray . NOTE The print confirmation screen can be set in System Menu to not appear when the banner tray is attached.
4-14 Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on t he Printer Printing Da ta Sa v ed on the Printer If you configure settings in the [ Job ] t ab of the printer driver and then prin t, the print job will be saved in the Job Box (memory) and prin ting can be executed at the machine.
4-15 Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on t he Printer 2 Select the document to print and press [Print]. 3 S p ecify the number of co pies to print as desired. 4 Press [S tart Print]. Printing starts. Upon completion of printing, the Private Print job is automatically dele ted.
4-16 Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on t he Printer Quic k Cop y/Pr oof and Hold Quick Copy/Proo f and Hold box stores th e print data which is pr inted by using the printer driv er as a Quick Copy or Proof and Hold Print job.
4-17 Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on t he Printer 2 Print and delete the document. Printing the docu ment 1 Select the cr eator of the document an d press [Open ]. 2 Select the document to print and press [Print]. 3 S p ecify the number of co pies to print as desired.
4-18 Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on t he Printer.
5-1 5 Oper a tion on the Mac hine This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Loading Originals ... ................ ................... ................ ................ ................. ................ ...... .......................... ........ 5-2 Placing Originals on the Platen .
5-2 Operation on the Machine > Loadin g Originals Loading Originals Placing Originals on the Pla ten Y ou may place books or magazines on the platen in addition to ordinary sheet originals. NOTE For details on Original Orient ation, refe r to Original Orientation on p age 6-15 .
5-3 Operation on the Machine > Loadin g Originals Loading Originals in the Document Pr ocessor The document proce ssor automatically scans each sheet of multiple origina ls. Both sides of two-sided originals are scanned. Originals Supported by the Document Pro cessor The document proce ssor supports th e following types of originals.
5-4 Operation on the Machine > Loadin g Originals 1 Adjust the origin al width guides. 2 Place the originals. Put the side to be scanned (or the first side of two-sided origin als) face-up. Slide the leading edge into the document processo r as far as it will go.
5-5 Operation on the Machine > Checki ng the Equipment's Serial Number Chec king the Equipment's Serial Number The equipment's seria l number is printed in the location shown in the fig ure. NOTE Y ou'll need the equipment's serial number when contacti ng your Ser vice Representative.
5-6 Operation on the Machine > Progra m Pr og r am By registering set s of frequently used functions as a si ngle program , you can si mply press the program num ber as needed to recall those functions. Y ou can also nam e the programs for easy identification whe n recalling.
5-7 Operation on the Machine > Progra m R e gistering Pr og r ams Use the procedure below to register a program. The following pr ocedure is an example o f registering the co pying function. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [ Copy ] on the Home screen.
5-8 Operation on the Machine > Progra m 2 Press the key for the program num ber you want to recall. Press the [ Quick No. Search ] key or [No.] to enter the program number (01 to 50) directly for recalling. 2 Execute the progr am. Place the originals a nd press the [ Start ] key .
5-9 Operation on the Machine > Progra m Editing and Deleting Pr og r ams Y ou can change program number an d program name, or delete program. Use the procedure below to edit or delete a program. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [Program] on the Home scre en.
5-10 Operation on the Machine > Application A pplicat ion The functionality of the machine can be expanded by inst alling applications. Applications that help you perfor m your daily more efficiently such as a scan feature and an authenticatio n feature are available.
5-11 Operation on the Machine > Application 2 Install the application. 1 Press [Add]. 2 Insert the removable memory containi ng the application to be i nstalled into the USB Port (A1). 3 Select the application to be inst alled and press [Install]. Y ou can view detailed information on the selected application by pressing [Detail].
5-12 Operation on the Machine > Application 2 Activate/Deactiva te the application. 1 Select the desired applica tion and press [Activate]. Y ou can view detailed information on the selected application b y pressing [Detail]. 2 Enter the license key and press [Of ficial].
5-13 Operation on the Machine > Application Deleting A pplica tions The procedure is as follows. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key . 2 Press [ ] and then [Application]. 2 Delete the application. 1 Select the application you want to delete, and press [Delete].
5-14 Operation on the Machine > Regi stering Shortcuts (Copy, Send, and Document Box Settings) R e gistering Shor tcuts (Cop y , Send, and Document Bo x Settings) Y ou can register shortcuts in the Quick Setup scree n for easy access to the frequently used functions.
5-15 Operation on the Machine > Regi stering Shortcuts (Copy, Send, and Document Box Settings) Editing and Deleting Shor tcuts Follow the step s shown below to change a shortcut nu mber/name or delete a shortcut. 1 In the setup screen of each f unction, press [Ad d Shor tcut] in the bottom of the screen.
5-16 Operation on the Machine > Us ing the Internet Br owser Using the Inter net Br o wser If the machine is connected to the network, yo u can browse the Intern et on the touch panel. Launc hing and Exiting the Br o wser Use the procedure below to launch and exit the Internet browser .
5-17 Operation on the Machine > Us ing the Internet Browser Using the Br o wser Screen The operations availa ble in the Inte rnet browser scree n are shown below . NOTE Pressing the [ Reset ] key while the Internet browser is displayed will exit the browser and return you to the application list screen without displaying the browser exit.
5-18 Operation on the Machine > Cancelin g Jobs Canceling J obs Follow the steps below to cancel any print or send job be ing executed. Canceling J obs Y ou can also cancel jobs by pressing the [ Stop ] k ey . Printing jobs 1 Press the [ Stop ] k ey with the cop y screen or send scr een displayed.
5-19 Operation on the Machine > Cancelin g Jobs Canceling printing fr om a computer T o cancel a print job executed using the pr inter driver before the prin ter begins printing, do the fo llowing: 1 Double-click the printer icon ( ) displayed on the taskbar at the botto m right of the Windows desktop to display a dial og box for the printer .
5-20 Operation on the Machine > Copying Cop ying Basic Oper a tion Follow the steps as below for basic copying. 1 Press [Copy] on the Home screen. 2 Place the originals. 3 Select the functions. Select the copier funct ions to use. Press tabs to di splay other functions.
5-21 Operation on the Machine > Copying R eser v e Ne xt This function allows you to reserve the next j ob during printing. Using th is function, the original will be scanned while the machine is printing. When the cu rrent print job ends, the reserved copy job is pr inted.
5-22 Operation on the Machine > Copying Inter r upt Copy This function allows you to pa use the current jobs in pro gress when you need to make copies immediately . When the interruption copy ends, the machine resu mes the paused print jobs. 1 Configure the settings.
5-23 Operation on the Machine > Sending Sending This machine can se nd a scanned image a s an attachme nt of an E-mail message or to a PC linked to the network. In order to do this, it is ne cessary to register the sender and desti nation (recipient) address on the networ k.
5-24 Operation on the Machine > Sending Basic Oper a tion 1 Press [Send] on the Home screen. 2 Place the originals. 3 Specify the destination. Select the destinatio n to which to send an image. Loading Originals (page 5-2) S pecifying Destination (page 5-26) Send Destination Detail ABCD abcd@efg.
5-25 Operation on the Machine > Sending 4 Select the functions. Press tabs to di splay other functions. 5 Press the [ Star t ] k ey . Sending st arts. Send (p age 6-4) Destination Detail ABCD abcd@efg.com 㪘㪻㪻㫉㪼㫊㫊 㪙㫆㫆㫂 Folder Path Entry 㪜㪄㫄㪸㫀㫃 㪘㪻㪻㫉㩷㪜㫅㫋㫉㫐 No.
5-26 Operation on the Machine > Sending Specifying Destina tion Select the destination using ei ther of the fo llowing methods: • Choosing from the Addres s Book (page 5-26 ) • Choosing from th.
5-27 Operation on the Machine > Sending Destination Search Destinations r egistered in th e Address Bo ok can be sea rched. Advance d search by ty pe or by initial letter is also available. The procedures for using the different search modes are explained bel ow .
5-28 Operation on the Machine > Sending 3 Accept the destinati on, and press [OK]. Choosing from the One T ouch Key Select the destination using the One T ouch Keys. In the basic screen for se nding, press t he One T ouch Keys where the destinatio n is registere d.
5-29 Operation on the Machine > Sending Choosing from the Speed Dial Access the destination by specifying the 4-digit (0001 to 1000) One T ouch Key number (speed dial). In the basic scr een for sendin g, press the [ Quick N o. Search ] key or [No.] and use the nu meric keys to enter the spe ed dial number in the numeric entry screen .
5-30 Operation on the Machine > Sending 2 Enter destination E-mail address. 1 Press [E-mail Address], and enter the address. The maximum length of the E-ma il address is 128 characters. 2 Press [OK]. 3 Press [OK]. T o enter multiple dest inations, press [Ne xt Destination] and enter the next destina tion.
5-31 Operation on the Machine > Sending Specifying a New PC Folder S pecify either the desired shared folder on a computer or an FTP server as the destination. 1 In the basic screen for sendin g, press [F older Pa th Entr y]. 2 Enter the destination inf or mat ion.
5-32 Operation on the Machine > Sending For send to fo lder (SMB ) * To specify a port number different from the default (445), enter using the format "Host name: port number" (Example: SMBhostna me:140). To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
5-33 Operation on the Machine > Sending For send to folder (FTP) * To specify a port number different from the default (21), enter using the format "Host name: port number" (Example: FTPh ostname:140). To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
5-34 Operation on the Machine > Sending 4 Accept the destination. Press [OK]. Chec king and Editing Destina tions Check and edit a selected destination. 1 Display the screen. Referring to S pecifying Destination on page 5-26 , specify the destination.
5-35 Operation on the Machine > Sending Confir mation Screen of Destinations When selecting [On] for Destination C heck before Send ( Dest. Check before Send on page 8- 29 ), the confirm ation screen of destinations appea rs after pressing the [ Start ] key .
5-36 Operation on the Machine > Sending Sending to Dif ferent Types of Destina tions (Mult i Sending) Y ou can specify destinations that combin e E-mail addresses, folders (SMB or FTP) and fax numbers*. This is referred to as Multi Sending. This is useful for sending to diff erent types of destination (E-mail addresse s, folders, etc.
5-37 Operation on the Machine > Sending WSD Scan/DSM Scan WSD Scan WSD Scan saves images of originals scanned on this machine as files on a WSD-comp atible computer . Inst alling Driver Sof tware (for Windows 7) 1 Click the [ Star t ] button on the W i ndows, and then c lick [ Network ].
5-38 Operation on the Machine > Sending WSD scan 1 Press [Send] on the Home screen. 2 Place the originals. 3 Display the screen. Press [WSD Scan/DSM Scan]. If DSM Scan on page 8-45 is set to [Off] in th e network settings, press [WSD Scan] and go to step 4.
5-39 Operation on the Machine > Sending 3 Set the type of original, f ile format, etc., as desired. 4 Press the [ Star t ] key . Sending begins and the software installed on the computer is activated. Procedure from Y our Computer 1 Press [From Computer] and pr ess [Next].
5-40 Operation on the Machine > Sending 3 Press [WSD Sc an/DSM Scan]. If WSD Scan on page 8-45 is set to [Of f] in the network settings, press [DSM Scan] and go to step 5. 4 Select [DSM Scan] and pres s [Ne xt]. 5 Select the scan process to be used and pr ess [OK].
5-41 Operation on the Machine > Scannin g using TWAIN Scanning using TWAIN This section explains how to scan an or iginal using TWAI N. The machine's TW AIN/WIA ca n be used for two types of scanning: scanning a document placed in the machine, and sc anning a docum ent that has been stored in a custo m box.
5-42 Operation on the Machine > Scannin g using TWAIN The settings that appear in the TW AIN dialog box are as follows. 3 Place the originals. 4 Scan the originals. Click the [ Scan ] button. The document dat a is scanned. Item Detail Basic Original Si ze This setting sets the size of the scan area .
5-43 Operation on the Machine > Scannin g using TWAIN Scanning a document stor ed in a custom bo x 1 Display the TWAIN dialog bo x. 1 Activate the TW AIN compatib le application software. 2 Select the machine using the ap plication and display the TW AIN dialog box.
5-44 Operation on the Machine > Scannin g using TWAIN 3 Scan the originals. 1 Select the docume nt data to be scanned from [ Documen t List ]. Enter the document data name in the Search (Name) to find the data having the same document data name or the docume nt data name with the same b eginning.
5-45 Operation on the Machine > Scannin g with FMU Connection Scanning with FMU Connection "FMU Connection" is installed on the machine as a standard application.
5-46 Operation on the Machine > How to use the FAX Functio n Ho w to use the F AX Function By installing the optional F AX Kit in the machine you can use the fax fu nction.
5-47 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? W hat is Document Bo x? Document Box contain s four types of component boxes which provide the following functions.
5-48 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? Repeat Copy Box (p age 5-66 ) Repeat Copy feature store s the copied original document dat a in the Job Box and allows you to print additional copies later . By default, up to 32 document s can be stored.
5-49 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? Document List The document list is a list of the docu ments stored in the custom bo x. Documents can be listed eithe r by name or as thumbnails. The list can be used as shown below . NOTE Y ou can select multiple documents by pr essing the respective docu ment checkboxes.
5-50 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? V iewing/Editing Box Details Y ou can check and modify box information. Use the procedure below . 1 Press [Ad d/Edit Bo x] in the bo x list screen. 2 Highlight the bo x whose bo x detail s you wish to c hec k or edit and press [D etail/Edit].
5-51 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? Previewing Document s/Checking Document Det ails Y ou can use this function to preview the document s stored in a do cument box or display the docum ent details for checking. 1 Select (highlight) a document to previe w and then press [Preview] or [Detail].
5-52 Operation on the Machine > What is Docume nt Box? Selecting a p age When printing, sending, or copyin g a document w ithin a Custom Box, you can specify any pages at will. Press [Page Selection] in the docume nt list screen of the Cu stom Box, or [Select Pages to Process] in the Preview screen, to display the page selection screen.
5-53 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Using a Custom Bo x Cr ea ting a New Custom Bo x (Add/Edit Bo x) 1 Press [Custom Box] on the Home screen.
5-54 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box 5 Enter the info r mation and then press [OK]. The table be low lists the items to be set. * Displayed when the user login administration is enabled. 6 Check the details y ou hav e en tered and then pr ess [Sav e].
5-55 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Editing Custom Bo x 1 R efer ring to Cr ea ting a New Custom Bo x (Add/Edit Bo x) on page 5-53 , display the scr een for editing the custom bo x. 2 Select the bo x y ou want edi t, and press [Detail/Edit].
5-56 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Storing Documents (Stor e File) The procedure fo r storing document s in a custom box is explained below . 1 Press [Custom Box] on the Home screen. 2 Place the originals. 3 Select the bo x wher e the docum ent will be stor ed and then press [Stor e File].
5-57 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Printing Documents (Print) The procedure for pr inting documents in a custom box is expl ained below . 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [Custom Box] on the Home scree n. 2 Select the box contain ing the document you want to print.
5-58 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box 3 Set the paper selection , duplex printing, etc., as desired. For the features that can be selected, refer to Custom Box (S tore File, Printing, Se nd) (page 6-6) . If a document stored from a computer is select ed, the print settings selectio n screen appears.
5-59 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box 2 Press [Send]. The screen for sending appears. 3 Set the destination. 4 Set the sending size, original image, etc., as de sired. For the features that can be set, refer to Custom Box (S tore File, Printing, Send) (page 6-6) .
5-60 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Editing Documents This function allows you to move or copy document s stored in custom b oxes into other boxes or to join multiple documents to gether . Y ou can also copy docu ments to USB memory connec ted to this machine.
5-61 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box 3 Select the fu nction you wan t to execut e. T o move the document, pre ss [Move to Custom Box]. T o copy the document, press [Copy to Custom Box] or [Copy to Memory]. 4 Press [Next]. 5 Select the destination of copy or move.
5-62 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Joining Documents (Join) Y ou can join documents within a custom box into on e file. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [Custom Box] on the Home scree n. 2 Select the box cont aining the documents you wa nt to join and press [Open].
5-63 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box 3 Arrange the document s into the order in which they are to be joined. Highlight the document you want to rearrange and press [U p] or [Down] to move it to the correct place in the sequence. 4 Press [Next].
5-64 Operation on the Machine > Using a Cu stom Box Deleting Documents The procedure fo r deleting documents in a cu stom box is explained below . 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [Custom Box] on the Home scree n. 2 Select the box cont aining the document you want to delete and press [Open].
5-65 Operation on the Machine > Job Box J ob Bo x This section explains the Repeat Copy Box and the Form for Form Overlay Box. For Private Print/S tored Job Box and Quick Copy/P roof and Hold Box , refer to Private Print/S tored Job on p age 4-14 and Quick Copy/Proof and Hold on page 4-16 .
5-66 Operation on the Machine > Job Box Fo r m f o r Fo r m O v e r l a y Image Overlay feature copies the original document overlaid with a form or image. This Job Box is used to stor e the forms or imag es for over laying. Storing a Form Y ou can store forms to be used for the form overlay in the job box.
5-67 Operation on the Machine > Job Box Deleting a Form Stored Y ou can delete the form stored in the job box 1 Display the screen. 1 Press [Job Box] on the Home screen. 2 Select [Form for Fo rm Overlay] and pre ss [Open]. 2 Delete the for ms. 1 Select the form to delete and press [Dele te].
5-68 Operation on the Machine > Printin g Documents Stored in Remova ble USB Memory Printing Documents Stor ed in R emo vable USB Memor y Plugging USB memory directly into the machine enable s you to quickly and easily print the files stored in the USB memory without having to use a computer .
5-69 Operation on the Machine > Printin g Documents Stored in Remova ble USB Memory 2 Select the file to be printed and press [Print]. 3 Change the num ber of copies, duplex printin g, etc. as desired. For the features that can be selected, refer to Removable Memory (S tore File, Printing Documents) (page 6-9) .
5-70 Operation on the Machine > Saving Docu ments to USB Memory (Scan to USB) Sa ving Documents to USB Memor y (Scan to USB) This function allows you to store scanned imag e files in U SB memory connected to the machine. Y ou can store files in PDF , TIFF , JPEG , XPS or high-compression PDF format.
5-71 Operation on the Machine > Check the USB memory informatio n 3 Store the document. 1 Select the folder where the f ile will be stored and press [Open]. The machine will display th e top 3 folder levels, inclu ding the root folder . 2 Press [S tore File].
5-72 Operation on the Machine > Removin g USB Memory R emo ving USB Memor y Follow the steps below to remove the USB memory . 1 Press [Remo va ble Memor y]. 2 Press [Remo ve Memor y]. Press [OK], and remove the USB memory after "Remo vable Memory can be safely removed.
5-73 Operation on the Machine > Manual Stap le Manual Staple Y ou can staple copied p aper manually without any pr int operation . It is useful when you have forgotte n to set the staple sort mode before starting copyin g, or when yo u want to staple originals.
5-74 Operation on the Machine > Manual Stapl e 3 Load the paper . S traighten the edges of the p aper well and p lace the paper fr ont side down in the shutter opening of the output unit. If the near side of the paper ( ) will be stapled, place the paper against the front guide (A).
6-1 6 Using V arious Functions This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Functions Available on the Machine ................. ... 6-2 Copy ................ ................ ................ ................ 6-2 Send ................ ...............
6-2 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Functions A vaila ble on the Mac hine Cop y T o configure the settings for functions, se l ect the tab and press the function key . For details on e ach function, see the tabl e below .
6-3 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Configure the settings for duplex printing and stamp. Zoom Adjust s the zoom to reduce or enlarg e the image. page 6-26 Combin e Combines 2 or 4 original sheets into 1 printed page. page 6-30 Margin/Centering Margin: Add ma rgins (white space).
6-4 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Send T o configure the settings for functions, se l ect the tab and press the function key . For details on e ach function, see the tabl e below . Ta b Function key Description Reference pa ge Configure the settings for original type and file format.
6-5 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Configure the settings for transmission copy , encrypted transmission, and file size confirmation.
6-6 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Custom Bo x (Stor e File, Printing, Send) T o configure the settings for functions, se l ect the tab and press the function key . For details on e ach function, see the tabl e below .
6-7 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Print Ta b Function key Description Reference pa ge Configure the settings for paper selection and duplex printing when printing from the Custom Box. Paper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that contains the required paper size.
6-8 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Send Ta b Function key Description Reference pa ge Configure the settings for file format and F AX transmission when sending from th e Custom Box. Sending Size Select size of image to be sent.
6-9 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine R emo vable Memor y (Stor e File, Printing Documents) T o configure the settings for functions, se lect the tab and press the function key . For details on e ach function, see the tabl e below .
6-10 Using Various Functions > Func tions Available on the Machine Printing Document s Ta b Function key Description Reference pa ge Configure the settings for paper selection and duplex printing when printing from the removable memory . Paper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that contains the required paper size.
6-11 Using Various Functions > Functions Functions Original Size S pecify the original size to be scanned. Press [S tandard Sizes 1], [S tandard Sizes 2], [Oth ers] or [Size Entry] to se lect the original size. *1 For instructions on how to specify the custo m original sizes (Custom 1 to 4), refer to Custom Original Size on page 8-10 .
6-12 Using Various Functions > Functions P aper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that co ntains the required p aper size. Select from [1] (Cas sette 1) to [7] (Cassette 7) to use the pa per contained in that ca ssette. If [Auto] is selected, the paper matching the size of the original is sele cted automatically .
6-13 Using Various Functions > Functions Mix ed Size Originals Scans all sheets in the docu ment processor , even if they are of different sizes. Copying Metric M odels Inch Models Sending/Storing .
6-14 Using Various Functions > Functions Example: B4 and B5 Different Wi d th (A vailable for metric models only) The supporte d combinations of origin als are as follows.
6-15 Using Various Functions > Functions Original Orienta tion Select the orient ation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction. T o use any of the following functions, the do cument's or iginal orientat ion must be set. * When making copies Select original orient ation from [T op Edge on T op] or [T op Edge on Left].
6-16 Using Various Functions > Functions Fo l d Folds the finished document s. Select the fold method. The following folding options and orientations are availa ble.
6-17 Using Various Functions > Functions Colla te/Of fset Offset s the output by page or set. * If [Off] is selected for "Collate" setting, [Each P age] appears. When [On] is selected, [Each Set] appears. Item Image Description Collate Scans multiple originals and delivers complete sets of copies as required acc ording to page number .
6-18 Using Various Functions > Functions Staple/Punch Stap le S taples the finished documents. The st aple position can be sele cted. Original Orient ation and St aple Position Item Va l u e Description Stap le T op Left Select the staple position.
6-19 Using Various Functions > Functions Mixed Size St apling Even with mixed paper sizes, if the sizes have t he same width or same length as shown in the combinations below , the output can be st apled.
6-20 Using Various Functions > Functions Original Orient ation a nd Punch Hole Position Image Original orient ation Original Pr int result s Gl ass platen Document process or NOTE The inch model provides two-hole and three-hole punching. The metric mode l provides two-hole and four-hole punching.
6-21 Using Various Functions > Functions P aper Output S pecify the output tray . Density Adjust density using 7 or 13 levels. Adjust density pressing [-3] (Ligh ter) to [+ 3] (Darker) . Y ou can change the den sity level [-3] (Lighter) to [+3] (Darker) in half-s teps.
6-22 Using Various Functions > Functions Original Ima ge Select original image type for be st results. Copying/Printing * If gray text is not printed completely using [Tex t + Photo], selecting [Text] may improve the result. Sending/Storing * The setting "for OCR" can be configured.
6-23 Using Various Functions > Functions EcoPrint EcoPrint saves toner when printing. Use th is function for test print s or any other occasion when high quality print is not required. Adju stment can be made in 5 le vels. Color Selection Select the color mode setting.
6-24 Using Various Functions > Functions Shar pness Adjusts the sharpness of imag e outlines. When copying penciled originals with rough or broken lines, clear copies can be ta ken by adjusting sharpness toward "Sharpen".
6-25 Using Various Functions > Functions Pr e vent Bleed-thr u Hides background color s and image bleed-through wh en scanning thin original. ( Va l u e : [Of f] / [On]) Copy Image Quality Send Col.
6-26 Using Various Functions > Functions Zoom Adjust the zoom to reduce or enlarge the image. Copying The following zoom opti ons are available. Auto Adjusts the image to match the paper size. S t andard Zoom Reduces or enlarges at preset magnifications.
6-27 Using Various Functions > Functions Zoom Entry Manually reduces or enlarges the orig inal image in 1% in crements between 25% and 400%. XY Zoom Select vertical and horizontal magnifications individually . Magnificatio ns can be set in 1% increment s between 25% and 400%.
6-28 Using Various Functions > Functions Item Va l u e Description St andard Zoom Metric [# Keys] 25 to 400% (in 1% increments) 100%, Auto, 400% Max.
6-29 Using Various Functions > Functions Printing/Sending/Storing Item Description 100% Reproduces the original size. Auto Reduces or enlarges original to printing/send ing/storing size. NOTE • T o reduce or enlar ge the image, select the p aper size, sending size, or storing size.
6-30 Using Various Functions > Functions Combine Combines 2 or 4 original shee ts into 1 printed p age. Y ou can select the page layout and the type of boundary lines around the p ages. The following types of the boundary lines are availab le. Press [2 in 1] or [4 in 1], and se lect the page layout fr om "Layout ".
6-31 Using Various Functions > Functions Layout image Item Image 2 in 1 L to R/T to B R to L/B to T 4 in 1 Right then Down Left then Down Down then Rig ht Down then Left NOTE The paper size s suppo.
6-32 Using Various Functions > Functions Mar gin/Centering, Mar gin, Centering Copying/Printing Add margins (white space). In addition, you can set the mar gin width and the back p age margin. Centering: Centers the o riginal image on the paper when copying onto paper different from the origin al size.
6-33 Using Various Functions > Functions Sending/Storing When you have sent/stored the original af ter specifying the original size and se nding size, depending on these sizes, a margin is created at th e bottom, left, or right side of pape r . By using the Centering functi on, th e image is placed with a margin equally created for all edges.
6-34 Using Various Functions > Functions * The input units can be changed in System Menu. For details, refer to Measu rement on page 8-14 . Item Va l u e Description Border Erase Sheet Border Metric: 0 mm to 50 mm (in 1 mm increments) Inch: 0.00 to 2.
6-35 Using Various Functions > Functions Booklet The Booklet option allows you to copy sh eet originals and pr oduce booklets such as small brochures or pamphlet s. A booklet, such as a magazin e, is made by folding at the center . Y ou can print the cover page onto colored p aper or thick p aper .
6-36 Using Various Functions > Functions Item Va l u e Description Off 1-side d>> Booklet Finishing Binding Lef t, Binding Right, B inding T op Select the binding orientation of copies. Cover Off Cover: Front Cover Prin t Setting Not Print, Front Only , Back Only , Duplex Select whet her to add the cov er .
6-37 Using Various Functions > Functions Book>>Bookl et Or iginal Binding Left, Binding Right Select the binding direction of originals. Finishing Binding Lef t, Binding Right Select the binding orientation of copies. Cover Off, Cover Select whether to add the cover .
6-38 Using Various Functions > Functions Duple x Produces two-sided copies. Y ou can also create single-sided copies from two-sided or iginals or originals with fa cing pages such as books. The following m odes are available. One-sided to T wo-sided Produces two-sided copies fr om one-sided originals.
6-39 Using Various Functions > Functions Book to One-sided Produces a 1-sided copy of a 2-sided or ope n book original. The following binding options ar e available. Binding Left: Originals with facing pa ges are copied from left to right. Binding Right: Originals with facing p ages are copied from right to left .
6-40 Using Various Functions > Functions Copying Prints 1-sid ed or open book originals to 2-sided, or 2-si ded or open boo k originals to 1-sided. Select the binding orientation for original and finished do cuments. When placing the original on the platen , consec utively replace each original and press the [ Start ] key .
6-41 Using Various Functions > Functions Co v er Adds a cover to the finished copies. Y ou can print the first pa ge an d/or the last page onto colored pa per or thick paper fed from the dif ferent pape r source than the regular one. Th e following two op tions are available.
6-42 Using Various Functions > Functions Fo r m O ve r l a y Prints th e original document overlaid with a form or ima ge. Once you scan and register the form, the form is overlaid onto the original. Y ou can also use a form that is alre ady registered in the Job Box.
6-43 Using Various Functions > Functions P a ge # Adds page numbers to the finished documen ts. The available formats for numb ering are [-1-], [P .1] and [1/n]. The format [1/n] prints the to tal number of pa ges in the place of "n". Select the numbering format from [-1-], [P .
6-44 Using Various Functions > Functions * This item appears when [1/n] is selected. Item Va l u e Description Off -1-, P .1, 1/n Position T op Left, T op Middl e, T op Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Middle, Bottom Right, Detail Select the print position of page number .
6-45 Using Various Functions > Functions Memo P a ge Delivers copies with a sp ace for adding notes. Y ou can also print two originals onto the same she et with a space or add lines to indicate p age boundaries. Press [Layout A] or [Layout B] and select the page layo ut from "Layout".
6-46 Using Various Functions > Functions Ima ge R epea t T iles the 1 copied sheet with an or iginal image. Y ou can also specify the area of the original to re peat. * The input units can be changed in System Menu. For details, refer to Measu rement on page 8-14 .
6-47 Using Various Functions > Functions T e xt Stamp Y ou can add a text stamp on the document s. Copying/Printing NOTE This cannot be set when T ext S tamp is set in the system settings.
6-48 Using Various Functions > Functions Sending/Storing Item Va l u e Descr iption Off On Stamp Keyboard, T emplate 1 to 8 Press [Keyboar d] and enter the text string to be printed, or select a text stamp from the displayed templates. NOTE T emplates th at have been set will appear .
6-49 Using Various Functions > Functions Ba tes Stamp Y ou can add a bates stamp on the docume nts. Copying/Printing NOTE This cannot be set when T ext S tamp is set in the system settings.
6-50 Using Various Functions > Functions Sending/Storing Item Va l u e Descr iption Off On Stamp Date, User Name, Serial Number , Numbering, T ext 1, T ext 2 Set the stamp to be printed. When [T ext 1] or [T ext 2] is select ed, press [Change] below and enter the text string.
6-51 Using Various Functions > Functions Continuous Scan Scans a large number of orig inals in separate batches and then pro duce as one job. Orig inals will be scanned continuously until yo u pr ess [Finish Sca n]. Select [On] to use continuous scanni ng.
6-52 Using Various Functions > Functions Auto Image R ota tion Automatically rot ates the image 90 degrees when the sizes of the original a nd the loaded p aper matches b ut the orientations are different. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [On] ) Ne gativ e Ima ge Inverts black and white portions of the ima ge for printing.
6-53 Using Various Functions > Functions J ob Finish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. Users can be notified of the completion of a job while working at a remote desk, saving the time spent waiting beside th e machine to finish. Example of Job Finish Notice: File Name Entr y Adds a file name.
6-54 Using Various Functions > Functions Priority Ov er ride Suspends the current job an d gives a new job top priority . The suspended job resumes after the oth er job is finished. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [On] ) Rep e at C o py Enables additional copies in the desi red quantity as nece ssary after a copy job is completed .
6-55 Using Various Functions > Functions DP R ead Action When the doc ument proc essor is used , select the scanning operation for the documen t processor . Skip Blank P a ge When there are blank p ages in a scanned document, th is function skips the blank p ages and print s only pages that ar e not blank.
6-56 Using Various Functions > Functions 2-sided/Book Original Select the type and orient ation of the binding based on the original. Sample image Item Va l u e Description 1-sided ― "2-si ded/Book Original" is not set. 2-sided Binding Binding Left/Right, Binding T op Select the binding orientation of originals.
6-57 Using Various Functions > Functions Sending Size Select size of image to be sent. Press [S tandard Sizes 1], [S tandard Sizes 2 ], or [O thers] to select the sending size. Relationship between Original Size, Sending Size, and Zoom Original Size (page 6- 1 1) , Sending Size, and Zoom (p age 6-26) are rela ted to each other .
6-58 Using Various Functions > Functions File F or mat S pecify the image file format. Image quality level can also be adjusted. Select the file format from [PDF], [T IFF ], [JPEG], [XPS], and [High C omp. PDF]. When the color mode in scanning ha s been selected for Grayscale or Full Color , set the image quality .
6-59 Using Various Functions > Functions OCR T ext Recognition When [PDF] or [High Comp. PDF] is selected for the file format, yo u can create Searchable PDF file by running OCR on the scanned document. Pr ess [OCR T ext Recognition], and the n [On], select the language o f the document, and press [OK].
6-60 Using Various Functions > Functions PDF Encryption Functions If you have selected PDF or High Comp. PDF for file format, you can restrict the access level for displaying, printing, and editing PDF's by assign ing a secure password. Select [PDF] or [HighComp.
6-61 Using Various Functions > Functions File Separ a tion Creates several files by dividing sca nned or iginal data p age by page , and sends the files. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [Each Page]) Press [Each Page] to set File Separation. Scan R esolution, R esolution Select fineness of scanning resolution.
6-62 Using Various Functions > Functions Send and Print Prints a co py of the document being sent. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [On] ) Send and Store S tores a copy of the document being sent in a Custom Box. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [On] ) NOTE When [On] is selected, sele ct the Custom Box in which the copy is to be stored.
6-63 Using Various Functions > Functions FTP Encr ypted TX Encrypt s images when sending via FTP . Encryp tion secures the document transmission. ( Va l u e : [Off] / [On] ) File Size Confir mation Checks the file size before se nding the original.
6-64 Using Various Functions > Functions Storing Size Select size of image to be stored. Press [S tandard Sizes 1], [S t andard Sizes 2 ], or [Others] to sele ct the storing size. Relationship between Original Size, S toring Size, and Zoom Original Size (page 6 -1 1) , S toring Size, and Zoom (page 6- 26) are related to each other .
6-65 Using Various Functions > Functions JPEG/TIFF Print Select the im age size when printing JPEG or TIFF files. Select [Fit to Paper Size ], [Image Resolution] or [F it to Print Resoluti on]. XPS Fit to P a ge Reduces or enlarg es the image si ze to fit to the s elected paper size when printing XPS file.
6-66 Using Various Functions > Functions Available in the Home Screen Functions A vaila ble in the Home Scr een Send to Me (E-mail) When user login is enabled, the docu ment is sent to the E-mail address of the logged in user .
7-1 7 Sta tus/J ob Cancel This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Checking Job S tatus ................. ................ ................... ................. ................ ................ ...................... ............... 7-2 Details of the S tatus Screens .
7-2 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Chec king J ob Status Check the status of jobs being processed or wa iting to be printed. A vailable S t atus Screens The processing and waiting st atuses of j obs are displayed as a list on the touch pane l in four different screens - Printing Jobs, Sending Jobs, S toring Jobs, and Scheduled Jobs.
7-3 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Displaying St atus Screens 1 Display the screen. Press the [ St atus/Job Cancel ] key . 2 Press the ta b of the job you w ant to chec k. T o check the scheduled transmission job, pr ess [Sendi ng Jobs] and then [Scheduled Job].
7-4 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Details of the Sta tus Scr eens Print Job St atus Screen NOTE Y ou can show the job statuses of all users, or only the st atuses of your own jobs. For det ails, refer to Display S tatus/ Log on pag e 8-25 .
7-5 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status * This item is displayed when user login administration is enabled and the us er has logged in as administr ator. 8 [Pause All Print Jobs] Pauses all the printing jobs. By pres sing this key again, the printing jobs will be resumed.
7-6 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Send Job St atus screen * This item is displayed when user login administration is enabled and the us er has logged in as administr ator.
7-7 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Store Job S t atus screen * This item is displayed when user login administration is enabled and the us er has logged in as administr ator.
7-8 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Scheduled Job St atus Screen * This item is displayed when user login administration is enabled and the us er has logged in as administr ator.
7-9 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status Chec king Detailed Inf or mation of J obs Check the detailed info rmation of each job. 1 Display the screen. Referring to Details of the S tatus Screens on p age 7-4 , display the screen. 2 Check the inf or mat ion.
7-10 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status "S tatus/Destination" is displayed when address is selected. Press [Detail] to display the list. Press [ ] or [ ], select a destination and press [D etail] . Information on the selected job is displayed for checking.
7-11 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History Chec king J ob Histor y Check the history of completed jobs. A vailable Job History Screens The job histories are displa yed separately in thre e screens - Printing Jobs, Sending Jobs, an d S toring Jobs.
7-12 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History Displaying Job History Screen 1 Display the screen. Press the [ St atus/Job Cancel ] key . 2 Press the ta b of the job you w ant to check, and press the [Log] tab. NOTE If the user authentication scr een appears, enter your login user name and login p assword and press [Login].
7-13 Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History Chec king the Detailed Inf or mation of Histories Check the detailed information of each history . 1 Display the screen. Referring to Displaying Jo b History Screen on page 7-12 , display the screen. 2 Check the inf or mat ion.
7-14 Status/Job Cancel > Paus e and Resumption of Jo bs P ause and R esumption of J obs Pause/resume all printing jobs in printing/waitin g. 1 Display the screen. Press the [ St atus/Job Cancel ] key . 2 Press [Pause All Print J obs] on the printing jobs stat us scr een.
7-15 Status/Job Cancel > Priori ty Override for Waiting Jo bs Priority Ov er ride f or W aiting J obs Priority Override function suspends th e current job and prints the job in waiting first. 1 Display the screen. Press the [ St atus/Job Cancel ] key .
7-16 Status/Job Cancel > Reordering Print Jobs R eor dering Print J obs This function allows you to select a queued print job and raise it s output priority . 1 Display the screen. Press the [ St atus/Job Cancel ] key . 2 Press [Printing J obs]. 3 Select the job to be assigned a higher priority and pr ess [Mo v e Up].
7-17 Status/Job Cancel > Device/Com municatio n De vice/Communication Configure the devices/line s installed or co nnec ted to this machine or check their status. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ St atus/Job Ca ncel ] key . 2 Press [Device/Communicate].
7-18 Status/Job Cancel > Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner and Paper (Paper/Supp lies) Chec king the R emaining Amount of T oner and P aper (Paper/Supplies) Check the remaining amount of toner , paper , and staple s on the touch panel. 1 Display the screen.
8-1 8 Setup and R e gistr a tion (System Menu) This chapter explains the follo wing topics: System Menu .. ................ ................ .................... ................ ................ ................ ............. ................... ....
8-2 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu System Menu Configure settings related to over all machine operation. Oper a tion Method System Menu is operated as follows: 1 Display the screen. Press the [ System Menu ] k ey . 2 Select a function.
8-3 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu 3 Configure the settings. Refer to System Menu Settings on the following page and configu re as needed. NOTE In order to change settin gs that require administer privileges, you must log in with administrato r privileges.
8-4 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu System Menu Settings This section explains the functions that can be configured in System Menu. T o configure t he settings, select the item in System Menu and press the setting item. For details on each functio n, see the table be low .
8-5 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Send Configure settings for sending functions. page 8-29 Document Box/Re movable Memory Configure setting s related to the Cu stom Box, Job Box, F AX Box, and Polling Box. For details on F AX Box and Polling Box, refer to the FA X Operation Guide .
8-6 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu User Login/Jo b Accounting Configure settings rel ated to machi ne managemen t. For details on User Login, refer to User Login on page 9-4 , and for details on Job Accounting, refer to Job Accounting on page 9-29 .
8-7 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Cassette/MP T r ay Settings Select pap er size and media type for Cassettes and multi purpo se tray .
8-8 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu MP T ray Setting T o fix the type of paper to be used in the multi pu rpose tray , specify the paper size. *1 To change to a media type other than "Plain", refer to Media Type Setting on page 8-10 .
8-9 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Common Settings Configure overall mach ine operation. Language Default Screen *1 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. *2 Referring to Internet on page 8-60 and configure necessary setti ngs for Internet Browser.
8-10 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Keyboard Layout Original/Paper Settings Item Description Keyboar d Layout Set the layou t of the keyboard. Va l u e : QWERTY , QWERTZ, AZERTY Common Settings Item Description Custom Original Size Se t up frequently-used custom original size.
8-11 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Default Paper Sour ce Select paper cassette for default setting. Va l u e : Cassette 1 to 7, Multi Purpose T ray NOTE [Cassette 3] to [Cassette 7] are displayed when the following options are installed.
8-12 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu * If you want to enable the changed defaults immediat ely, move to the function screen and press the [ Reset ] key. Paper Source for Cover Select the paper source in which the cover paper used for the Cover function is placed.
8-13 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Media T ype Setting The following settings can be selected. Y (de fault): Default setting, Y : Available, N: Not available Paper Wei gh t Light *1 *1 The maximum number of sheets th at can be stapled va ries depe nding on the paper weight.
8-14 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu For Custom 1-8, settings for dup lex printing and media type name ca n be changed. Measurement Error Handling Item Descripti on Duplex Print Prohibit Duplex printing not allow ed. Permit Duplex printing allo wed.
8-15 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Punch W a ste Full Error Set what to do when the punch waste box beco mes full during printing. Va l u e Ignore: Printi ng continues without pu nching. Display Error: Message to ca ncel printing is displayed.
8-16 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Paper Output If you want to enable the changed defau lts immediat ely , move to the function screen and press the [ Rese t ] key .
8-17 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Function Default s If you want to enable the changed defau lts immediat ely , move to the function screen and press the [ Reset ] key . Common Settings Item Description Original Orient ation Set the origi nal orientation defaults.
8-18 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Margin Default Set the default margin. Va l u e Metric Lef t/Right: -18 to 18 mm (in 1 mm incremen ts ) T op/Bottom: -18 to 18 mm (in 1 mm in crement s) Inch Left/Right: -0.75 to 0.75" (in 0.
8-19 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu * Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. E-mail Subject/Body Set th e subject and body automatically enter ed (defau lt subject and body) when sending the scanned originals by E-mail.
8-20 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu USB Keyboard T ype System St amp Common Settings Item Description USB Keyboard T ype Set the typ e of USB keyboard that is connected. Va l u e : US-English, US-English with Euro, French, German Common Settings Item Description Basic Configure set tings for stamp s.
8-21 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Printing Jobs Configure setti ngs for st amps wh en a document is printed. After conf iguring the settin g, return to the Copying Fu nctions or Custom Box (Prin ting a Document) screen from System Menu , and press the [ Reset ] key .
8-22 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Sending Jo bs Configure st amp settings for sending documents. After configuring the setting, return to the Sending Functions or Custom Box (Sending Documents) screen from Syst em Menu, and pres s the [ Reset ] key .
8-23 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Storin g Jobs Co nfigure stamp settings for storing documents in removable memory . After co nfiguring the setting, return to the Custom Box (S toring Document s) screen from System Menu, and press the [ Reset ] key .
8-24 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Manual St aple Offset Documents by Job Low T oner Alert Level Common Settings NOTE Only displaye d when the o ptional 4,000 -Sheet Finishe r is installed. Item Description Manual St aple Select wh ether to use Manual Staple.
8-25 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Offset One Page Documents Display St atus/Log * Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. Message Banner Print Common Settings Item Description Offset One Page Docu ment s Set whether one-page documents are sorted.
8-26 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Customize St atus Disp lay Function Key Usage * Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. Common Settings Item Description Customize St atus Display Set th e items that appear in the status screens for printing jobs, sendin g jobs, and storing jobs.
8-27 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Message Board Settings Remote Printing Common Settings Item Description Message Board Select whether to use the Message Board. Va l u e : Off, On Message List Configu re settings for the registered message board.
8-28 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Home Configure settings for Home screen. Editing the Home Screen (page 3-5) Cop y Configure settings for copying functions. Home Copy Item Description Paper Selection Set the default paper selection.
8-29 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu *1 If you want to enable the changed defaults immediatel y, move to the function screen and press the [ Reset ] key. *2 This setting is displayed when the optional 4,000-Sheet Finisher is installed .
8-30 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu *1 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. *2 Displayed only when the optional Internet FAX Kit is installed. Send and Forward Select whethe r to forward the orig inal to another destination when se nding images.
8-31 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu File format for Send and Forward Select the file format for forwarded original. The tabl e below lists the file fo rmats and their det ails.
8-32 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu PDF Encryption Functions If you have selected PDF or High Comp. PDF for file format, you can restrict the access level for displaying, printing, and editing PDF's by assign ing a secure password.
8-33 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu When [Acrobat 5.0 or late r] is selected Send Send and Forward PDF/High Comp. PDF Item Va l u e Description Password to Ope n Document Off, On Enter the password to open the PDF file . Press [Password], enter a password (up to 256 characters) and then press [OK].
8-34 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Document Bo x/R emo va ble Memor y *1 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. *2 This setting is displayed when the opti onal 4,000-Sheet Finisher is installed . Wh en a punching unit is not installed, this it em name is "Staple".
8-35 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu FA X Configure settings for F AX. For details, refer to the F AX Operation Guide . Printer When printing from computers, se ttings are generally made on the application sof tware screen. However , the following settings are available for configu ring the default s to customize the machine.
8-36 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Orient ation Set the defaul t orientation, [Portrait] or [Landscape]. Va l u e : Portrait, Landscape Form Feed T imeout Receiving print data .
8-37 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu R epor t Print reports to ch eck the mach ine settings an d status. Default settings for pr inting the re sult reports can als o be configured.
8-38 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Admin Report Settings Configure settings for fax func ti ons. For details, refer to the F AX Operation Guide . Result Report Settings *1 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. *2 This is not displayed if you se lected [Off] for FAX RX Result Report.
8-39 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Sending Log History Report Item Description Auto Sending This function automatically s ends the log hi story to the spe cified destinatio ns whenever a set number of jobs has been logged. Va l u e : Off, On NOTE If [On] is selected, specify the numbe r of job histories.
8-40 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Login History Settings Report Item Description Login Hist ory Select whether to record the Login H istory . Va l u e : Off, On NOTE If [On] is selected , set the number of histories to be recorded.
8-41 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Device Log History Settings Report Item Description Device Log Histor y Select whether to record the device log hist ory . Va l u e : Off, On NOTE If [On] is selected, set the number of histories to be stored.
8-42 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Secure Comm. Error Log Report Item Description Secure Comm. Error Log Se lect whether to reco rd the secure communication error log history . Va l u e : Off, On NOTE If [On] is selected, set the number of histories to be stored.
8-43 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu System/Netw or k Configure machine system settings. Network Configure network settings. Host Name TCP/IP Setting System/Network Item Description Host Name Check the host name of th e machine. Host name can be cha nged from Embedded Web Server RX.
8-44 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Item Description IPv6 Set up TCP/IP (IPv6) to connect to the network . This settin g is available when [TCP/IP] is [On]. IPv6 Select whether to use IPv6. Va l u e : Off, On NOTE Selecting [On] displays IP address in [IP Address (Link Local)] after restarting the network.
8-45 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Protocol Settin gs Item Description SMTP (E-mail TX) Select whether to send E-mail using SMTP . Va l u e : Off, On POP3 (E-mail RX) Select whether to receive E-mail using POP3. Va l u e : Off, On FTP Client (T ransmission) Select whether to send document s using FTP .
8-46 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Security Settings LAN Inte rface Rest art Network HTTP Select whether to commun icate using HTTP . *1 Va l u e : Off, On HTTPS Se lect whether to communicate using HTTPS. *1, *2 Va l u e : Off, On LDAP Select whether to use LDAP .
8-47 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Proxy Optional Network Basic * The setting will be changed after restarting the device or netw ork.
8-48 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Wireless Network *1 Not displayed if you selected [Ad Hoc] for "Connection Mode". *2 Not displayed if you selected [WPA2-PSK] for "Network Authentica tion". NOTE This function is displayed when the opti onal Wireless Interface Kit is installed.
8-49 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Network Interface (Send) Security Level System/Network NOTE This function is displayed when the opti on al Network Interface Kit is installed. Item Description Network Interface (Send) S pecify the network interface card to be used for send function and connecting to external address book.
8-50 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Interface Block Setting This allows yo u to protect t his machine by blocking t he interface w ith external devices such as USB hosts or optiona l interfaces. Dat a Security Configure settings for dat a stored in the machine's hard disk and memory .
8-51 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Information e rased * Only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. Document Guard Category Dat a erased Devices /jobs • Job settings configured by users • Network settings • Image data saved in Document Box, etc.
8-52 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Limit ations Operation af ter guard pa ttern is detecte d * When sending by file separation, document pages scanned prior to detection ar e sent. If file separation is not performed, t he document is not sent.
8-53 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Edit Destination Address Book Configure settings for ad dress book. Adding a Destination (Address Book) (page 3-45) One T ouch Key Configure settings for On e T ouch Key .
8-54 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu User Pr oper ty Allows you to view informa tion about logged in users and edit some of that information. User Login (page 9-4) Da te/Timer/Ener g y Sav er Configure settings relate d to the date and time.
8-55 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Panel Reset Timer If you select [On] for Auto Panel Reset, set t he amount of time to wait before Auto Panel Reset. Va l u e : 5 to 495 seconds (in 5 second in crements) NOTE This function is displayed when [Device Log History] is set to [On].
8-56 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu *1 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. *2 This is displayed when the optional Card Authentication Kit is installed. Sleep Level (models except for Europe) Select the sl eep level.
8-57 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Adjustment/Maintenance Adjust printing quality and co nduct machine maintenance. * Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. Adjustmen t/Mainte nance Item Description Density Adjustment Adjust density .
8-58 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Item Description Auto Color Correction This setting allows you to a djust the detectio n level used by th e machine to determine whe ther the original is color or black and white in Auto Color Selection Mode.
8-59 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Calibration Calibrate the device to ensure consistency with the original grayscale. For the procedure, refer to Calibration on page 10-35 . NOTE If you find that the gra yscale is not improved by this calibration, use T o ne Curve Adjustment (page 10-33) .
8-60 Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu Inter net A pplica tion Configure application settings. Application (page 5-10) Internet Item Description Internet Browser Select whether to use the Internet brow ser .
9-1 9 User A uthentica tion and Accounting (User Login, J ob Accounting) This chapter explains the follo wing topics: User Login .... ................ ................ .................... ................ ................ ................ ...........
9-2 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login User Login User login administration specifies how t he use r access is administered on this machine. Enter a correct login user name and password for use r authenticati on to login.
9-3 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 3 Press [Next] of "User Login Setting". The user login administrat io n setting screen appears. 2 Configure the settings. NOTE If the user authentication screen appears, enter your login user n ame and login passwo rd and press [Login].
9-4 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login User Login This enables user login administration. Select one of the following authentication methods: 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een.
9-5 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login NOTE If the login user name and password ar e rejected, check the following settings.
9-6 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Authentica tion Security If user auth entication is e nabled, config ure the user authentication settings. User Account Lockout Set. Configure these settings to restrict the ope ration for the us er being auth enticated.
9-7 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Password Policy Settings Y ou can prohibit the setting and use of p assword s that do not comply with the password policy . Setting the Password Poli cy makes it more difficul t to break the p assword.
9-8 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Adding a User (Local User List) This adds a new user . Y ou can add up to 1,000 users (including the default login use r name). 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een.
9-9 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 2 Enter the user infor mation. The table be low explains the user information to be registered. Item Descriptions User Name * 1 Enter the name displayed on the user list (up to 32 characters).
9-10 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login *1 Mandatory at user registration. *2 Displayed only when the optional FAX Kit is installed. 3 Press [Sav e]. A new user is added on the local user list. Local Authorization Set usage authority for each user .
9-11 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Changing User Pr oper ties User properties can be changed. T ypes of user proper ties that could be changed may be dif ferent depen ding on user access privilege.
9-12 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Changing user properties 1 Press [Detail ]. 2 Refer to step 2 of Adding a Use r to change a user prope rty . 3 Press [Save]. 4 Press [Y es] in the registration confirmation scr een.
9-13 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 2 Change the user proper ties. 1 Refer to step 2 of Adding a Use r to change a user prope rty . Press [Detail] of "Login User Name" or "Account Name" to check the present st atus.
9-14 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 2 Press [Save]. The user information is changed. ID Card Information Displays the ID card information of the logged in user . NOTE This function is displayed when th e op tional ID Card Au thentication Kit is activated.
9-15 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Local Authoriza tion Select whether or not to use Loca l Authorization. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een.
9-16 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Group List Register the grou ps that are restricted the machine usage . Up to 20 groups can be individually registered. Other users and group s belong to "Others".
9-17 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 2 Configure the settings. 1 Press [Change] of "Group ID". 2 Enter the grou p ID and press [OK]. 3 Press [Change] of "Group Name". 4 Enter the grou p name and press [OK ].
9-18 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Guest Authoriza tion Set. When User Login Administration is enabled, set the functions that guest users who cannot log in to the mach ine are allowed to use. Guest Authorization Use the guest authorization.
9-19 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login * These items are displayed when the optional FAX Kit is installed. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een.
9-20 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 3 Press [Change] of "Account Name". 4 Select the ac count and pr ess [OK] . 5 Press [Next] of "Authorization Rules". 6 Press [Change] of "P rint Restriction".
9-21 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Obtain NW User Pr oper ty Set the required information to obtain the networ k user property from the LDAP server .
9-22 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een. 2 Press [Change] of "Obt ain Network User Prop erty".
9-23 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Simple Login Settings The simple login function allows users to log in simply by se lecting a user name. Users must be r egistered in advance to use this functionality .
9-24 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login 3 Press [Change] in "Display Name", enter the us er name to be displayed, and press [OK]. 4 Press [Change] of "User". 5 T o specify the user from local users, select [Local User].
9-25 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login Specifying the user from ne twork users Press [Login User Name] and [Login Password], enter the informa tion of the user to be registered, and pr ess [OK].
9-26 User Authentication and Accoun ting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > User Login ID Car d Settings If ID card authentication is enabl ed, select the authentication type. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to User Login Setting on pa ge 9-2 , display the user login setting scr een.
9-27 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting J ob Accounting Setting Job accoun ting manages the copy/prin t count accum ulated by individual accounts by assigning an ID to each acco unt. Job accountin g helps the following acti vities in business organ izations.
9-28 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting 3 Press [Next] of "Job Accounting Setting". 2 Configure the settings. NOTE If the user authentication screen appears, enter your login user n ame and login passwo rd and press [Login].
9-29 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting J ob Accounting Enable job accounting. Use the procedur e below . 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to Job Accounting Setting on p age 9-27 , display the job accountin g access screen.
9-30 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting When the screen to enter t he login user name and p assword appears If user login administration is enabled, the scr e en to enter the login user nam e and password appears.
9-31 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting J ob Accounting (Local) Perform job accounting, such as printi ng count s and report s for each acco unt. Print Accounting Report The total p ages counted of all relevant acco unts can be printe d as an accounting report.
9-32 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Accounting List Adding an Account Manage account s. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to Job Accounting Setting on p age 9-27 , display the job accountin g access screen.
9-33 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Mana ging Accounts This changes the registered account information or deletes the account. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to Job Accounting Setting on p age 9-27 , display the job accountin g access screen.
9-34 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Deleting an account 2 Press [Delete]. 3 Press [Y es] in the deletion confirmation screen .
9-35 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Applying Re striction Restriction can be applie d in the following modes: 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to Adding an Account on pa ge 9-32 , display the screen to add an account.
9-36 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Default Setting Select the default value for usage limit, and wh et her or not to enable counting by p aper size. Default Counter Limit When you add a new account, you can chang e the default rest rictions on the number of sheets used.
9-37 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting 2 Configure the settings. 1 Press [Change] for the item you want to modify and then press [+], [-] or use the numer ic keys to enter the defa ult restriction on the nu mber of sheets.
9-38 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Counting the Number of P a ges Printed This counts the number of pages printed. Count s are classi fied into T otal Job Accounting and Each Job Accounting.
9-39 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting Each Job Accounting This counts th e number of pages for ea ch account and reset s the counts by account. 1 Display the screen. 1 Referring to Job Accounting Setting on p age 9-27 , display the job accountin g access screen.
9-40 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Logi n, Job Accounting) > Job Accounting Setting A ppl y Limit This specifies how the machine behave s when the counter ha s reached the limit of restriction. The table below describes the action t aken.
9-41 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > Unknown ID Job Unkno wn ID J ob This specifies the behavior for hand ling the jobs sent with unkn own login user nam es or User ID (i.
9-42 User Authenticatio n and Accounting (Use r Login, Job Accountin g) > Unknown ID Job.
10-1 10 T r oubleshooting This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Regular Maintenance ... ................ ................ ................ ................. ................... ................ .... ..................... ....... 10-2 Cleaning .
10-2 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance R e gular Maintenance Cleaning Clean the machine regular ly to ensure optimum printing quality . Platen Cover/Glass Platen Wipe the backside of the platen cover , the inside of th e document processor and the gl ass platen with a soft cloth dampened with alc ohol or mild deterge nt.
10-3 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance Slit Glass/Dual scanning area If black streaks or dirt appears in copies when using the document processor , clean the slit glass with the supplied cleaning clot h. When u sing the docu ment processo r that f eatures dual scanning, clean t he dual scanning unit also.
10-4 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance Machine Inter ior Clean the conveyor guide regularly ( at least monthly) to ensure optimum printing quality . 1 2 3 IMPORT ANT Wipe the conveyor guide with the dry accessory cloth. Do not use water , soap or solvent s for cleaning.
10-5 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance Sep arator Clean the separato r regularly (a t least monthly ) to ensure o ptimum printin g quality . 1 2 3 CLICK!.
10-6 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance T oner Container R eplacement When toner runs low , "T oner is low . (Replace when empty)" a ppears in the touch pa nel. Make sure you have a new toner container availab le for repla cement. When the tou ch panel displays " T oner is em pty .
10-7 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance 3 4 5 6 CLICK!.
10-8 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance 7 NOTE Return the exhausted toner cont ainer and wa ste toner b ox to your dealer or service representative. The co llected toner container and wast e toner box will be recycled or disposed in accordance with the relevant regula tions.
10-9 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance W aste T oner Bo x R eplacement When "W aste toner box almost full" appea rs in the touch pa nel, make sure you have a new waste ton er box available for replacement. When the touch panel shows "Replace the waste to ner box", immed iately repl ace the waste toner box.
10-10 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance 4 5 6 NOTE Return the exhausted toner cont ainer and wa ste toner box to your dealer or service repre sentative. The collected toner container and waste toner box will be recycled or disposed in acco rdance with the rele vant regulations.
10-11 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance R eplacing Sta ples A staple cartridge is inst alled in the optional 4,0 00-Sheet Finisher , and center-fold unit. The 4,000-Sheet Fin isher contains st aple cartridge hold er A. The optional folding unit contains st ap le cartridge holders B and C.
10-12 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance 3 Refilling S taple Cartridge Holders B/C (Option) Follow the steps below to refill staples for the optional folding unit.
10-13 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance 3 4 5 NOTE The staple cart ridge can only be removed when it cont ains no more staples. 1 2 1 2 1 1 CLICK!.
10-14 Troubleshooting > Regu lar Maintenance Disposing of the Punc h W aste If a message is displaye d on the machine opera tion panel indica ting that the waste punch box is full, be sure to empty the scraps in the punch waste box. Leave the main power switch on the machin e swit ched O N ( | ) while performing th is procedure.
10-15 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting T r oubleshooting Solving Malfunctions The tabl e below provides general guidelines for pr oblem solving. If a problem occur s with your machine, look into the checkpoint s and perform procedures indicated on the following pages.
10-16 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Copies have a moire pattern (dots grouped together in patterns and not aligned uniformly). Is the original a printed photograph ? Set the original image to [Printer Output] or [Book/Magazine] in [Photo]. page 6-22 T exts are not clearly printed.
10-17 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 2 or more sheets are overlaps when ejected. (multi feed) ― Load the paper correctly . page 3-18 page 3-26 Printouts are wrinkled. Are the originals loa ded correctly? Load the p aper correctly . page 3-18 page 3-26 ― Clean the paper sep arator .
10-18 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Dirt on the top edge or back of the paper . Dirt on the both sides of the paper . Check the machine interior . Ope n the right cover . If the machine interior is dirty with toner , clean it usi ng soft, dr y , lint-free cloth.
10-19 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting *1 You can also enter a full computer name as the host name (fo r example, pc001.abcdnet.com). *2 You can also enter login user names in the following formats: Domain_name/user_name ( for ex ample, abcdnet/james.
10-20 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting R esponding to Messages If the touch pa nel or the computer displays a ny of these messages, follow the correspo nding procedure. A B Message Checkpoint s Corrective Action s Reference Page Acceptable fold count exceeded.
10-21 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting C Message Checkpoint s Corrective Actions Reference Page Calibrating... ― The machin e is under the adjustment to maintain it s quality . Please wait. ― Cannot connect to Authentication Server . * — Set machine time to match the server's time.
10-22 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Cannot offset this pa pe r. * Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be offset? If the selected paper is not changed and [Continue] is pressed, offset is released. Select the available paper . Press [Continue] to print.
10-23 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting E F Check the side feeder . — The side feeder is n ot installed correctly . Attach the side feeder . — Confidential do cument was detected. ― The machine detects the document guard pattern. Job is canceled.
10-24 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting H I Message Checkpoint s Corrective Action s Reference Page Hard Disk error . — An error has occu rred on the hard disk. Job is canceled. Press [End]. The possible error codes and th eir descriptions are as follows.
10-25 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting J K M Message Checkpoint s Corrective Actions Reference Page Job Accounting restriction exc eeded. * * When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses.
10-26 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting P R Message Checkpoint s Corrective Action s Reference Page Paper jam. ― If a paper jam occurs, the machine will stop and the location of the jam will be indicated on the screen. Leave the machine on and foll ow the instructions to remove the jammed paper .
10-27 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting S Removable Memory is full. * ― The job is canceled . Press [End]. Insufficient free space in the removable memory . Delete unneeded files. ― Remove originals in the document proc essor . Are there any originals left in the document p rocessor? Remove originals fro m the document processor .
10-28 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting T Message Checkpoint s Corrective Action s Reference Page The cover is open. Is there an y cover which is open? Close th e cover indicated on the screen. ― The folding u nit is open. — Close the fold ing unit.
10-29 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting U W Y Message Checkpoint s Corrective Actions Reference Page Unknown toner in stalled. Is the installed toner container our own brand? We will not be liable for any damage caused by t he use of th ird par ty supplies in this machine.
10-30 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Responding to Send Error Error Code Message Correctiv e Actions Reference Page 11 0 1 Failed to send the e-mail. Failed to se nd i-F AX. Check the host name of the SMTP server on the Embedded Web Server RX. page 2-35 Failed to send via FTP .
10-31 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 11 0 4 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the E-mail address. NOTE If the address is rejected by the domain, you cannot send the E-mail. page 5-35 Failed to send i-F AX. Check the i-F AX address. NOTE If the address is rejected by the domain, you cannot send the E-mail.
10-32 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 2102 2103 Failed to send via FTP . Check the network and SMB settings. • The network cable is connected. • The hub is not operating prop erly . • The server is no t operating properly . — Check the following of the FTP server .
10-33 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Adjustment/Maintenance T one Curve Adjustment After pro longed use, or from the ef fects of su rrounding temperature or humidity , the printed output tone may d iffer fr om the original. Perform this functi on to ensure consistency with the original tone.
10-34 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Drum Refresh1 Refresh the drum when image blu r appear on printout copies. T akes ab out 85 seconds. 1 Display the screen. 1 Press the [ System M enu ] key . 2 Press [ ], [Adjustment/Main tenance], [ ] and then [Next] of "Drum Refresh1".
10-35 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Developer Refresh Adjust the printed image that is too light or incomplete, even though ther e is enough toner . In addition, Black or color dots app ear on the white background when white original is sc anned can be removed.
10-36 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Clearing P aper Jams If a paper jam occurs, the touch panel will display "Paper Jam." and the machine will stop.
10-37 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Precautions with Paper Jams • Do not reuse jammed papers. • If the paper tears during removal, be sure to remove any loose scraps of paper from inside the machine. Scrap s of paper lef t in the machine could cause subseque nt jamming.
10-38 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Cassette 1 1 2 NOTE T o remove paper which is dif ficult to get acce ss to, the inner part of the casset te can be removed .
10-39 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Cassette 2 1 2 NOTE T o remove paper which is dif ficult to get acce ss to, the inner p art of the cassette can be removed .
10-40 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Cassettes 3 and 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 B1 B2.
10-41 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Multi Purpose T ray 1 2 3 4.
10-42 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Inside the Right Covers 1, 3 and 4 1 2 If you are using the optional 4,000-Sheet Finisher , follow step on page 10-49 to remove jammed paper in the optional bridge un it .
10-43 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Duplex unit 1 2.
10-44 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Duplex Unit and Cassette 1 1 2 3 CLICK!.
10-45 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 4 NOTE T o remove paper which is dif ficult to get acce ss to, the inner p art of the cassette can be removed .
10-46 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Fixing unit 1 2 A1.
10-47 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Document Processor 1 2 3 If the original is difficult to remove, turn the dial . The original will scroll out to a position where it can be removed easily .
10-48 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Right tray 1 2 3 A1.
10-49 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Bridge Unit 1 2.
10-50 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 4,000-Sheet Finisher (Option) Coupling Section 1 2 Tr a y A 1 2 D1 D6.
10-51 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 3 NOTE If it is diff icult to remove the jammed p aper , turn feed knob D3 until the jamme d paper is in a location where it is easy to remove.
10-52 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Tr a y B 1 2 3 Tr a y C 1 D2 D3.
10-53 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Conveyor 1 2 Mailbox (Option) 1 D2 D3 1 2.
10-54 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Center-Folding Unit (Option) Ejection Section 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 D9 D9.
10-55 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Conveyor Section 1 2 If there is no pa per jam in the conveyor guide (D7), proceed to the following step. 3 4 D7 D5 D8.
10-56 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting 5 Cassette 5 (Option) Side Feeder (3,000- sheet) 1 2 2 1.
10-57 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Side Feeder (500-she et x 3) or Large Cap acity Side Feeder (500, 1,500-shee t x2) 1 2 3 NOTE When a paper jam occurs in Cassette 6 or 7, refer to Cassette .
10-58 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Cassette 6,7 (Option) Side Feeder (500-she et x3) 1 R efer ring to Side F eeder (500-sheet x 3) or Lar ge Capacity Side F eeder (500, 1,500-sh eet x2) on page 10-57 , r emo v e the jammed paper .
10-59 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting NOTE T o remove paper which is dif ficult to get acce ss to, the inner p art of the cassette can be removed .
10-60 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Large Cap acity Side Fe eder (500, 1,500-she et x2) 1 R efer ring to Side F eeder (500-sheet x 3) or Lar ge Capacity Side F eeder (500, 1,500-sh eet x2) on page 10-57 , r emo v e the jammed paper .
10-61 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting Clearing a Staple Jam St aple cartridge holder A 1 2 3 2 1 CLICK!.
10-62 Troubleshooting > Tr oubleshooting St aple cartridge holder B/C 1 2 3 4 2 1 CLICK!.
11-1 11 A ppendix This chapter explains the follo wing topics: Optional Equipment ........... ................. ................ ................ ................... ................ ............. ....... ................... .... 1 1-2 Overview of Optional Equipment .
11-2 Appendix > Optio nal Equipment Optional Equipment Ov er view of Optional Equipment The following optional equipment is availab le for the machine.
11-3 Appendix > Optional Equipment (17) Key Counter (14) Fax System(W) (12) Card Authentic ation Kit (B) (13) MM-16-128 (15) IB-50 (16) IB-51 (10) Printed Document Guard Kit(B) Sof tware option (18.
11-4 Appendix > Optio nal Equipment (1) MT -730 "Mailbox" Makes it easy to sort output into separate tray s. Inst alling this option adds 7 output trays. When multip le computer users share the print er , each use r can print to a specified tray .
11-5 Appendix > Optional Equipment (9) PF-780 + PF-740 "Large Capacity Side Feeder (500, 1,500-sheet x 2)" PF-780 "Multime dia Side T ra y (500-sheets)" Same type of cassette as Casset te 1 on the machine, and is attached to the Paper Feeder (500-she et x 2) or Large Capacity F eeder (1,500-sheet x 2).
11-6 Appendix > Optio nal Equipment (17) Key C ounter "Key Counter" Use the key counter to monitor machine usage. The key counter of fers a convenient solution for centralized management of copy volume for dif ferent department s in a large company .
11-7 Appendix > Optional Equipment Optional A pplica tions Overview of the Applications The applications listed below are inst alled on this machine. * This can be used on a trial basis for a limited time. St arting Application Use Use the procedure below to start using an application.
11-8 Appendix > Optio nal Equipment 4 Press [Of ficial ] in the licen se key entry sc reen. Some applications do not require you to enter a license key . If the license key entry screen does not appear , go to S tep 5. T o use the application as a trial, press [T ria l] without entering the license key .
11-9 Appendix > Character Entry Method Char acter Entr y Method T o enter characters for a name, use the on-display keyboard in the touch p anel following the steps as expl ained below .
11-10 Appendix > Character Entry Method Upper-case Letter Entry Screen Number/Symbol Entry Screen No. Display/Key Description 12 [ ] / [ ] T o enter a number or symbol not shown in the keyboard, press the cursor key and scro ll the screen to view ot her numbers o r symbols to e nter .
11-11 Appendix > Character Entry Method Entering Char acter s Follow the steps sh own below to enter "List A-1" for example. 1 Press [Upper-case]. 2 Press [L]. The letter "L" is s hown on the display . 3 Press [Low er-case]. 4 Press [i], [s], [t] and [S pace].
11-12 Appendix > Paper Pa p e r This section explains the paper sizes and ty pes that can be used in the paper source. For details on the sizes, types, and number of sheet s of paper that can be loaded in each paper tray , refer to S pecifications on page 1 1-21 .
11-13 Appendix > Paper Choosing the A ppr opria te P aper This section describes guid elines for choo sing paper . Condition Avoid using paper with ben t corners or that is curled, dirty , or torn. Do not use pap er that has a rough surface or p aper fiber lint, or that is especially delicate.
11-14 Appendix > Paper Smoothness The pape r surface should be smooth, but it must be unco at ed. With pap er that is too smooth and slippery , several sheets may accident ally be supplied at once, causing jams.
11-15 Appendix > Paper Other Paper Specifications Porosity : The density of the p aper fibers St iffness : Paper must be stif f enough or it may buckle in the machine, causing jams. Curl : Most paper na turally tends to curl af ter the package is opened .
11-16 Appendix > Paper Special P aper This section desc ribes printing onto spec ial paper and print media. The following pa per and media can be used.
11-17 Appendix > Paper Choosing Special Paper Although special paper that meets the following requirements c an be used with the machine, print quality will vary considerably due to differences in the co nstruction and quality of special paper . Thus, special p aper is more likely than regular pa per to cause printing problems.
11-18 Appendix > Paper Label Be sure to feed labels from the multi purpose tr ay . For selecting labels, use e xtreme care so that the ad hesive ma y not come in direct cont act with any par t of the machine and that the labels are not easily peeled from the carrier shee t.
11-19 Appendix > Paper Hagaki Before loading Hag aki into the multi purpo se tray , fan th em and align the edges. If th e Hagaki paper is cur led, straighten it before loading. Printing onto curled Hagaki may cause jams. Use unfolded Oufuku haga ki (available at post of fices).
11-20 Appendix > Paper Preprinted Paper Preprinted pa per must conform to the specificatio ns listed on page 1 1-12. The colored ink must be able to withst and the heat of printing. It must be resi stant to silicone oil as well. Do not use pape r with a treated surface such as glossy paper used for calendars.
11-21 Appendix > Specifications Specifica tions Common functions IMPORT ANT Specif ications are subject to change wit hout notice. NOTE For more information on using the F AX, refer to the F AX Operation Guide .
11-22 Appendix > Specifications Paper Cap acity Ca ssette 1 500 sheets (80 g/m 2 ) Cassette 2 500 sheets (80 g/m 2 ) Casset te 3, 4 1,500 sheets (80 g/m 2 ) Multi Purpose Tr a y A4/Letter or less 1.
11-23 Appendix > Specifications Cop y functions Printer functions Item Description Copy S peed 6555i 8055i A4/Letter 65 sheets/min A4-R/Letter-R 45 sheet s/min A3/Ledger 32 sheets/min B4/Legal 39 s.
11-24 Appendix > Specifications Scanner functions *1 When using th e document processor (except TW AIN and WIA scanning) *2 Available Operating System : Windows XP , Windows Server 2003, Windows Vi.
11-25 Appendix > Specifications Side F eeder (500-sheet x 3) (Option) * Only Cassette 5 can be used. Lar ge Ca pacity Side F eeder (500, 1,500-sheet x 2) (Option) * Only Cassette 5 can be used. Side F eeder (3,000-sheet) (Option) Item Description Paper Supply Method Feed & reverse roller method (No.
11-26 Appendix > Specifications 4,000-Sheet Finisher (Option) * When the Folding Unit is installed, 3000 sheets. Hole Punc h Unit (Option) Item Description Number of T rays 3 trays Paper Size (80 g.
11-27 Appendix > Specifications Mailbo x (Option) Center-F olding Unit (Option) Item Description Number of T rays 7 trays Paper Size (80 g/m 2 ) A3, B4, Ledger , Legal: 50 sheets A4, A4-R, B5, B5-R.
11-28 Appendix > Specifications Banner T r ay (Option) Item Description Max. number of sheets 10 sheets (Multi Purpose tray) Paper length 210 (8.26") to 304.
11-29 Appendix > Glossary Glossar y Accessibility The machine is designed featur ing good accessibility even for the elderly and those who ar e physically challenged or visually impair ed. T ouch panel ch aracters can be enla rged while the touch panel is adjust able in two angles.
11-30 Appendix > Glossary DHCP (IPv6) DHCP (IPv6) is the next-generation of th e Internet's Dynamic Host Configura tion Protocol and support s IPv6. It extends the BOOTP startup pr otocol that defines the prot ocols used for transfe rring configuration information to host s on the network.
11-31 Appendix > Glossary Multi Purpose (MP) T ray The pape r supply tray on the right side of the machine. Use this tray instead of the cassettes when printing onto envelopes, Hagaki, transp arencies, or labels. NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) An interface, developed by IBM in 1985, as an update fr om NetBIOS.
11-32 Appendix > Glossary St atus Page The page lists machine conditio ns, such as the memory capacity , total number of prints and scans, and p aper source settings. Subnet Mask The subnet mask is a way of augmenting the network addres s section of an IP address.
Index-1 Inde x (Paper Width Guide) Lo ck 2-3 Numerics 2-sided/Book Original 6-56 4,000-Sheet Fin isher 2-5 , 11-4 Manual Staple 5-73 A Accessibility 11-29 Accessibility Functions 3-13 Adding a Destination 3-45 Adjusting the Operation Panel Ang le 3-3 Adjustment/M aintenance Auto Color Correction 8-58 Background Density Adj.
Index-2 Connecting LAN Cable 2-8 Power Cable 2-1 1 USB cable 2-11 Connecting Power Cable 2-11 Connection Method 2- 6 Continuous Scan Default 8-18 Control Sectio n of the 4,00 0-Sheet Finish er 2-5 Con.
Index-3 Delete after Transmitted 6-63 Density 6-21 Density Adjustment 8-57 Destination Address Book 5-26 Address Book Type 8-53 Check before Send 8-29 Checking and Editing 5-34 Confirmation Screen of Destinations 5- 35 Entering a New E-mail Address 5-29 Entry Check for New Dest.
Index-4 H Handle 2-2 Handles 2-3 Hard Disk Initialization 8-50 Help 11-30 Home 8-28 Customize Desktop 3-5 Customize Taskbar 3-5 Wallpaper 3-5 Home Screen 3-4 Host Name 8-43 HTTP Protocol Settings 8-46.
Index-5 LPD Protocol Settings 8-45 M Machine Interi or Cleaning 10-4 Mailbox 2-5 , 11-4 Main Power Switch 2-2 Management 9- 1 Manual Setting (IPv6) 8-44 Manual Staple 5-73 Margin 6-3 2 Default 8-18 Ma.
Index-6 Paper Checking the Remaining Amount of Pape r 7-18 Appropriate Paper 11 -13 Cassette 8-7 Custom Paper Size 8-10 Default Paper Source 8-11 Index Tab Dividers 3-29 Loading Envelope s 3-28 Loadin.
Index-7 Report Admin Report Settings 8-38 Device Log History Settings 8-41 Login History Settings 8- 40 Print Report 8-37 Result Report Settings 8-38 Secure Comm.
Index-8 System Menu 8-2 Adjustment/M aintenance 8-57 Application 8-60 Cassette/MP Tray Settings 8-7 Common Settings 8-9 Copy 8-28 Date/Timer/Energy Saver 8-5 4 Document Box/Removable Memory 8-34 Edit .
First edition 2013.7 2N7GEEN000 TA Triumph-Adler GmbH Betriebsstätte Norderstedt Ohechaussee 235 22848 Norderstedt Germany.
デバイスUtax 6555iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Utax 6555iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはUtax 6555iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Utax 6555iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Utax 6555iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Utax 6555iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はUtax 6555iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Utax 6555iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちUtax 6555iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。