Velocity MicroメーカーMS-3の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Micr oscan MS -3 Laser Scann er Devi ce Driv er Us er Gu id e Jul y 2007 VWorks3 and BenchWorks.
Velocity11 3565 Haven Avenue Menlo P ark, C A 9402 5 USA Technical S upport: 1. 800.979.48 11 or +1.650.8 46.6611 Customer S erv ice: 1. 866.428.9 811 o r +1.
T able of Contents Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanne r Device Driver User Guide i Cha pt e r 1. In tr od uc ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Who shoul d read this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of Contents Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e ii.
1 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Introduc tion 1 This c hapter introduces V elocity 11 device dri vers and provides some basic proc edures that are need ed t o u se t hem.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 2 Who sho uld re ad this guide Job roles This user gui de is for peo p le wit h the following job role s: Relat.
3 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Abou t V e locit y11 use r guides About thi s top ic Thi s topic describes the diff er ent formats of V e lo city11 user informat ion and explai ns h ow to acc ess the use r in formati on.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 4 PDF user guides Comp uter requirements T o o p en a u ser g u ide in P DF form at, y o u n eed a P DF viewer . Y o u ca n downloa d a free P DF viewer fro m th e inte r net .
5 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e What th is guide c overs About thi s top ic This top ic p resen ts an over view of what proc edures an d infor m ation are provide d in this u ser gu id e .
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 6 VW orks or Benc hWorks co mp at i b ilit y If yo u h av e pu rchase d a device dr i ver pl ug-in and are i ns.
7 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Devic e file loca tion Device files have the file n am e fo r mat f ile n a me .dev and are st ored i n the f older loca tion tha t y ou specify when sa ving the file .
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 8 Ad vantages of di stributing devic e dr i v er s as plu g-ins a r e : ❑ Y ou onl y need to inst all the plug -ins f or the devi ces y ou use ❑ Whe n new plug -ins become av aila ble , the y can be easil y ad ded.
9 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Inst alling dev ice drivers About thi s top ic Device s are int eg rated in to VW orks o r B enchW orks software u s ing device dr i ver p lug-in s. P lu g-i ns ne ed t o b e in st alle d be fore th e devi ce can b e conf igure d an d used.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 10 Addin g devices About thi s top ic T o c onfig ure y our lab automa t ion syste m to use a devic e , y ou need to ad d it to a devi ce fil e in VW orks or Bench W ork s sof twa re .
11 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e 8. Se lect Fil e > Device F ile > Save . If y ou are crea ting a new de vic e file , y ou ar e prompt e d to ent er a n am e for you r d e vi c e fi l e.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 12 Related topi cs Open ing di agnostics About thi s top ic E ver y d ev i c e ha s di agn o st ic s s o ftwa re to a ssi st yo u w it h tro u ble sh o o ti ng and setting up the devic e .
13 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e 2. In the Diagnostics w ind ow , s ele ct t hed evice. E xp and t he gen e ral name of the dev ice, if n ec es sar y . 3. Click Device diagnostics . The dev ice’ s diagno stics dialog bo x o pen s.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 14 3. Click Device diag nost ics located at th e bo ttom of the Device List toolbar . The devic e’ s diagno sti cs dia log b o x op ens. Related topi cs For i n for m ation about.
15 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Abou t pr ofiles About thi s top ic T his to pic descr ibes w ha t prof ile s ar e and w ha t they do . Read th is top ic if y ou are an ad min istrator in charge o f m an aging Ve l o c i t y 1 1 d e v i c e s .
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 16 Setting the pro p erties fo r a device About thi s top ic The devic e p rope r ties provid e V W o rks o r B.
17 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Se tt ing t ea ch p oin ts T e achpo ints are the coo rdinates in spac e th at a rob ot tra vels to in orde r to intera ct with a device . Only the devic es tha t are accessi ble b y robots are able to ha ve te achpoin ts .
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 18 3. Som e s oftw ar e dev ice driv ers o n l y . Set the Appr oach he ight and All owe d/ proh ib it ed l a bware . F ol l o w the pr oced ur e i n “Setting gener al prop e rties” on pa ge 16 .
19 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Addin g and linking S ub Proc ess tasks About thi s top ic T his to pic describ es ho w to ad d a sub- pro c ess to a pro tocol a nd configur e it.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 20 3. If ther e is only one sub-pro cess and y ou need to create a second on e , c lic k Ad d N ew .
21 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Related topi cs Usin g JavaSc r ipt to set t ask par amet ers About thi s top ic Ja va Scri pt pr ogra ms (s cript s) c an be us e d t o chang e the par amet e rs of a proto col t ask im m ediately be fore it is schedu le d.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 22 F o r more infor m ation about us ing Jav a Sc ri pt, ref er to the VW ork s V ersi on 3 Autom ation C ontrol Use r G uide or the Benc hW orks Au toma tion Cont r ol User Guide .
23 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e The exact n a me of the file is specif ic to the device. F or exam ple, the R V SI V R 40 00 dev ice dr i ver cre ates a file wit h th e na m e vialrea der resu lts.
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 24 Overri ding output file names with tasks Y ou can o verride the default output file name tha t is set in the prof ile usi ng the Output file name property of the Read task parameters.
25 Chapt er 1: In tro duction Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Abou t devic e initi alizat ion About thi s top ic Whe n wo rking in devi ce diagn ostics soft war e , y ou are often r equi red to initial ize th e dev ic e .
Chapt er 1: Intr oduction Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 26.
27 Chapte r 2: Micr oscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Microsc an MS-3 Laser Scanner 2 The Micro scan MS-3 Laser is a barc ode scanner tha t can be configure d to w ork in la b automa tion syste ms runni ng VW orks or Bench W orks sof t ware .
Chapt er 2: Micr oscan MS- 3 Las er Scan ner Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 28 W orkfl ow for c onfigu ring the Mic r oscan MS-3 Laser About thi s top ic T his to pic prese nts the w orkfl ow f or config uring th e Micr osc an MS-3 Laser device dr i ver .
29 Chapte r 2: Micr oscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e Cr eating a Micr oscan MS-3 La ser pr ofile About thi s top ic T his to pic describe s ho w to cr eat e a profi le f or the Micr oscan MS- 3 Laser .
Chapt er 2: Micr oscan MS- 3 Las er Scan ner Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 30 Related topi cs Settin g Micros can MS-3 Laser task param eters About thi s top ic When the Microscan MS-3 Laser is ad ded to the device manage r , the task assoc iated w ith the device bec om es availab le in th e pro tocol edi tor .
31 Chapte r 2: Micr oscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e This ta sk is av ai lable in the p rotoco l ed itor . Setti ng the Microscan MS-3 Laser task parameters T o set the Scan bar code task parameters: 1.
Chapt er 2: Micr oscan MS- 3 Las er Scan ner Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 32 Operat ing t he Micr oscan MS-3 Laser with di agnost ics About thi s top ic T his to pic .
33 Chapte r 2: Micr oscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Micro scan MS-3 Laser Sc an ner Devic e D r iver U ser Guid e 3. Click Sc an . T he decoded barc ode a pp ear s in the Re sul t bo x and re sult s are sa ve d in the pr otocol log . 4. Click Calibrate to optimiz e the Microscan MS-3 Laser sc anner sett ings.
Chapt er 2: Micr oscan MS- 3 Las er Scan ner Micro scan M S-3 Laser S ca nner De vic e Dri ver Us er Guid e 34 3. Se lect a p rofil e fro m t he Prof ile n ame list .
デバイスVelocity Micro MS-3の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Velocity Micro MS-3をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVelocity Micro MS-3の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Velocity Micro MS-3の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Velocity Micro MS-3で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Velocity Micro MS-3を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVelocity Micro MS-3の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Velocity Micro MS-3に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVelocity Micro MS-3デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。