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for Windo ws Visioneer ® R oadW arrior TM User's Guide.
V isioneer RoadW arrior ™ USB Scanner User’ s Guide FOR WINDOWS.
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright © 2007 Visioneer, I nc. Reproduction, adaptati on, or translation without prior written pe rmission is prohibited, ex cept as allowed under the copyright laws. The Visioneer brand name and logo are registered trademarks, and the RoadW arrior brand name is a trademark of Visioneer , Inc.
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS i T ABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 What’s in the Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Visioneer RoadWarrior Scanner .
ii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Configure Before Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Scanning with Optical Character Re cognition (OCR) . . . . . . . . 69 Scanning with sPDF or nPDF and Searching for Text . . . . . . . . 71 Scan and Burn to a CD .
V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 1 W elcome Congratulations on purchasing your Visione er RoadW arrior™ scanner . With your scanner , you can quickl y scan color and black-and-white documents and place their electron ic images on your computer .
2 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T HE V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER Alignment arrow Page sensor Page feed USB port Scanner button Pa g e f e e d — Insert the item y ou want to scan into the page feed, face do wn. The scanner grabs the item and pulls it through while scanning.
W HAT Y OU N EED 3 W HAT Y OU N EED IBM-compatible P entium 4 PC, or AMD equivalent with: ■ A CD-R OM drive ■ An available U niversal Serial Bus (USB) port; 1.
4 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Installing Installation is a quick, thr ee-step process: ■ Install the software ■ Connect and Calibrate the scanner ■ Register y our scann.
S TEP 1: I NSTALL THE S OFTWARE 5 S TEP 1: I NSTALL THE S OFTWARE The Installation CD contains all the driver software and scanning software to use y our scanner . T o install the sof tware : 1. S tart Microsoft Windo ws and make sure no other applications ar e running .
6 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 3. On the M ain Menu, select Install P r oducts . 4. Make sur e the boxes for Nua n c e Pap e r Por t ® and Scanner Driv er are selected.
S TEP 1: I NSTALL THE S OFTWARE 7 The P aperP or t softwar e will load fi rst. 1. The Select Language windo w ope ns for the P aperP ort software. Click the drop-down menu arr ow and select the language you want to use. Click OK . The first P aperP ort Installation window opens.
8 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE The W elcome to the OneT ouch 4.0 Setup Wiza rd opens . 1. Click Nex t . 2. On the Vi sioneer License Agreement window , read the license agreement.
S TEP 1: I NSTALL THE S OFTWARE 9 4. The next window lists the choices of the drivers that you can install for your scanner . 5. Select the option y ou want. ■ OneT ouch 4.0 Scan Environment + TW AIN Driver —This is the re commended installation. It installs the OneT ouch 4.
10 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. During installation you will see this window asking you to select one of the images for your Color S pace setting. The Color S pace setting sets the gamma value for the scanner so scanned items look good on your monitor .
S TEP 1: I NSTALL THE S OFTWARE 11 9. ST OP when y ou see the “Complete the installation by connecting your hardware ” window . Do NO T click OK yet. Leave the windo w open and proceed to “S tep 2: Connect and Calibrate the Scanner ” on page 12.
12 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S TEP 2: C ONNECT AND C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER Y our Visioneer scanner connects to any available USB port. Check your computer’ s manual for USB port locations. 1. U sing the on-screen window as y o ur guide, plug one end of the USB cable into any USB port on your computer .
S TEP 2: C ONNECT AND C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER 13 Because the RoadW arrior draws its power from the computer thr ough the USB cable, you can use your scanner on an airplane, at a r emote job site, in your car , or anywhere else. ■ Connect the scanner to your laptop with the USB cable.
14 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER 1. The Calibration window opens. 2. F ollo w the instructions in the calibration window to complete the scanner calibration. T o calibrate the scanner: 1. Insert the calibration page into the page feed.
C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER 15 Do not proceed until you r eceive a message that your computer has found the new har dwar e, or updated the driver database. I f your computer is running Windows XP or W indows Vista, y ou will see a message similar to the following.
16 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 5. Click Close on the OneT ouch 4.0 Installation complete window . 6. Y ou can now install the additional applications you received with your scanner .
C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER 17 A DDITIONAL A PPLICATIONS FOR Y OUR S CANNER Y our scanner includes free, addition al applications on the installation CD. T o install the additi onal applications: 1. Return to the I nstallation wi ndow and select the additional applications you want to install on your computer .
18 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 4. When installation is finished, remo ve Disc 2 and store it in a safe place. 5. If you want to install other software from Disc 1 , re-insert it into the CD-R OM drive no w . 6. F ollo w the instructions on the installation windows.
C ALIBRATE THE S CANNER 19 T o view and sav e the U ser Guides: 1. Click the name of a U ser G uide you want to view and it will open in Acrobat R eader . U se the Acrobat R eader Save command to sav e that U ser G uide on your computer . ■ The ShareP oint Mini-Guide has information abo ut a new feature in the OneT ouch 4.
20 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE R EGISTER Y OUR S CANNER Registering your scanner is important as it pro vides you with access to our free telephone support service. Registration also gives you free access to software updates for your scanner .
R EGISTER Y OUR S CANNER 21 Scanning If you sele cted the recommended F ull Install option for y our scanner’ s driver you have several differ ent options to scan with your Visionee r scanner . Each method scans equa lly well, so use the one with appropriate options for the item you are scanning.
22 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S CANNING B ASICS S CAN U SING A UTO L AUNCH When you insert an item into the sc anner , it is automatically scanned and the image is sent to a softwa r e application on your computer . T o scan using A utoLaunch: 1.
S CAN U SING A UTO L AUNCH 23 2. A scan progress windo w will open and the image is sent to the selected application from the OneT ouch utility . In the following example, the destination software is the P aperP ort desktop. The item is scanned using predef ined settings from the O neT ouch software.
24 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE The OneT ouch P anel appears with the description of the curre nt settings for th e scanner . The OneT o uch P roperties window also opens so you can choose new settings before s canning. U se this window to selec t a new destination application, file format, and so fo rth.
S CAN U SING A UTO L AUNCH 25 T o tur n the AutoLaunch Off/On fr om the OneT ouch icon: 1. Right-click on the OneT ouch icon in the Windows N otification Area (at the bottom right corner of the screen). 2. Choose Sh ow Ha rd wa re from the pop-up menu.
26 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 4. Click the Pr o p e r t i e s button. The Device Configuration P roperties windo w for the Visioneer RoadW arrior opens. 5. U ncheck the option, En able the generation of ev ents when paper is inserted into the scanner .
S CAN FROM THE O NE T OUCH P ANEL 27 S CAN FROM THE O NE T OUCH P ANEL Y ou can also scan from the computer screen using the On eT ouch panel. 1. P ress the button on the top of the scanner , or click the OneT ouch icon. U se this window to select a new destination application, file format, and scan configuration.
28 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 2. When you ’ re ready to scan, align a document betw een the P aper Guides if your scanner has them, and ins ert the document into the paper feed slot. The scanner grabs the top edge of the paper and automatically begins to scan and feed the paper thr ough the scanner .
S CAN FROM THE O NE T OUCH P ANEL 29 U SING THE O NE T OUCH P ANEL The OneT ouch panel is also your on-screen set of cont rols for the scanner . The OneT ouch panel shows information about the scanner and its settings. 1. T o open the On eT ouch panel, press the button on the t op of the scanner , or click the OneT ouch icon.
30 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 3. T o navigate thr ough the panel’ s three views, click the gr een arrows at the top of the panel. ■ The P aperI n View r eminds you to insert paper before scanning from the OneT ouch Pa nel.
T HE O NE T OUCH P ROPERTIES W INDOW 31 T HE O NE T OUCH P ROPERTIES W INDOW The OneT ouch Propertie s window list s the scanning settings for your scanner .
32 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE The settings on the O neT ouch P ro perties windo w are: Sel ec t De st in ati on —The list of applications that can open to display the scanned image. T o co nfigure the list of av ailable applications, click the Options tab at the top of the dialog box and select the desired options.
T HE O NE T OUCH P ROPERTIES W INDOW 33 The icons next to each scan configuration indicate the scanning mode. Y ou can also click the Edi t button or double click the configuration to see more de tailed information about the selected configuration. Select F ormat and P age(s) —A set of file formats for the scanned image.
34 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS The OneT ouch settings consist of a Destination Application , a Scan Configuration , and a Docu men t Forma t . The OneT ouch P roperties window is wher e you select these thr ee elements.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 35 2. F rom the Sel ec t C on fi gu rat io n list, select a scan configuration. The scan configuration list is preset for the application you select in the Select Destination list. If you select a differ ent application, the configurations are for that application.
36 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S ETTING D ESTINATION A PPLICATION P ROPERTIES The different types of Dest ination A pplications have various properties that you can select. 1. On the OneT ouch P roperties windo w , click a Destination Applic ation.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 37 P APER P ORT P ROPERTIE S These properties apply to P aperP ort, and are for designating the folder to receiv e your scanned items. 1. Select the P aperP or t folder wher e you want the file of the scanned image to be located.
38 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T EXT D OCUMENTS P ROPERTIES These properties apply to Microsoft W ord, M icrosoft Ex cel ® , Adobe Acrobat R eader , and the other applicat ions indicated by their icons in the list. The properties apply to the OCR settings for t he applications.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 39 2. T o add another application to the list, click the Add A pplication button. The Add T ext Based Link dialog box appears.
40 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 7. Click OK or A pply on the OneT ouch P rope rties window . 8. Click Refres h on the OneT ouch P roperties window . I MAGE D OCUMENTS P ROPERTIES These properties apply to Microsoft P aint and other image processing applications, including ScanSoft OmniP age Pr o.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 41 2. T o add another application to the list, click the Add A pplication button. See the steps on page 39 to add an application to the list. 3. Click OK . 4. Click OK or A pply on the OneT ouch Pr operties window .
42 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 1. Click the S torage Layout opt ions you want. All documents a re i n the root —The scanned documents are saved in the root of the folder spec ified in the St orage Location.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 43 E M AIL P ROPERTIES These properties apply to email applications so you can specify the folder for documents that you will attach to an email mes sage.
44 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 3. If you need to change your email client, or any other internet options, click the Internet Options button. The Window s Internet Options Control P anel opens. Click the P rograms tab and choose a new email client from the Email list.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 45 S ELECTING P AGE F ORMAT O PTIONS The P age F ormat options that you sele ct determines the file format of the scanned document. Appropriate page format options and file types are available for the type of Destination Application selected.
46 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE I MAGE F ORMATS Select an image file format for phot os, artwork or other documents that you want to save as images. BMP and TIFF are standar d image file formats generally used if you want to do additional image processing, such as photo touch-up or color corr ection.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 47 3. Choose the file size/image quality option for your scanned images. Mini mi ze Si ze —Smallest file size, lowest image quality . No rm a l —Medium file size, some loss of image quality . Maximum Q uality —Largest file size, no loss of image quality .
48 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE As you select D estination A pplicatio ns that ar e text applications, the text format icon changes to match th e file type of the application.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 49 Rich T ext F ormat —The .rtf file format. T ext that retains formatting when converted. A v ai lable with Microsoft W ordpad and Wo r d . Wo r d D o c u m e n t —The .doc file format used by M icrosoft W ord.
50 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S ELECTING O PTIONS FOR THE O NE T OUCH P ROPERTIES W INDOW The OneT ouch Options determine the types of Destination Applic ations avai lable on the windo w , as well as the location of the files of your scanned items.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 51 ■ Document M anagement includes P a perP ort and other applications for processing and keeping track of your scann ed documents. ■ Image Editors include M icrosoft P aint and other drawing and graphics applic ations.
52 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Cr eate copies of scanned documents —S ometimes the image of a scanned document is only saved as a temporar y file until its Destination Application is finished using it. In those cases you may want an additional, permanent c opy saved on your hard drive.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 53 Fo l d e r C o p y O p t i o n s —This section of the dialog box sets the location for copies of your scanned documents and how you want to group them. All copies of your scanned documents, regar dless of type of Destination Application, ar e saved in this folder .
54 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE C REATING A N EW S CAN C ONFIGURATION The scan configurations are where you select the scanning r esolution, brightness, mode (color , black&white, or grayscale), and a number of other settings.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 55 text editing applications. Thus, you ca n create specific sets of scan configurations for specific functi ons and they appear only when appropriate. 3. Click the Ne w button. If you want to start from the set tings of another configuration, select the configuration, then click the Copy button.
56 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 5. Select scan settings for the new scan configuration. Mode —S elect a scanning mode: ■ Blac k& Whi te to scan in black and white. F or example, letters and memos are usually scanned in black and white.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 57 7. Click the Pa g e S e t t i n g s tab to select page settings. Size —Click Sta nd a rd , click the menu arrow and choose a page size from the list, or click Cus t o m and enter the horizontal and vertical page dimensions in the boxes.
58 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE ■ Red uc e Moi re P at te rns —Moir e patterns are wavy , rippled lines that sometimes appear on the sc anned images of photographs or illustrations, particularly newspa per and magazine illustrations.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 59 ■ Color F ilter —Color filter is the abil ity of your scanner to automatically remo ve a color from a scanned item. F or example, if you ar e scanning a letter with a red watermark, y ou can choose to filter out the r ed so the scanned letter just sho ws the text and not the red watermark.
60 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 10. Click OK to save the new configuration. I t will now appear in the list of Scan Configurations on the OneT ouch P roperties window for the appropriate Destination applications.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 61 Maintain aspect ratio —The aspect ratio is the length-to-widt h relationship of the image ’ s dimens ions.
62 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 2. Click the S torage Layout opt ions you want. All documents a re i n the root —The scanned documents are saved in the root of the folder spec ified in the St orage Location.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 63 E DITING OR D ELETING S CAN C ONFIGURATIONS T o edit or delete a scan confi guration: 1. Open the OneT ouch P roperties windo w . 2. Select the s can configuration you want to edit or delete. 3. T o delete the configurat ion, click the Delete button.
64 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE If you manually locked a scan co nfiguration, it must first be unlocked before you can edit or de lete it. Click the Lock icon to unlock the configuration. Clicking it toggles between locking and unlocking the configuration.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 65 C ONFIGURE B EFORE S CA N Choosing Configure Before Scan simply opens a scanning interface when you insert a piece of paper or click a scan button. Y o u can then use that interface to change the Resolution, Scan M ode, and other settings .
66 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T O S CAN U SING C ONFIGURE B EFO RE S CAN 1. Insert the document into th e scanner ’ s pape r feed slot. 2. The TW AIN interface will open. 3. Choose the scan settings ap plicable to your document.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 67 4. Click on the Scan button in the TW AIN interface. 5. When scanning is finish ed. Insert the nex t page in your docum ent. 6. Click on the Scan button in the TW AIN interface. 7. Continue inserting pages into th e scanner until all pages in your document have been scanned.
68 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE F or instance, if the Scanning M o de is B lack & White but your documents are in color , choose Ye s to delete any scanned pages, then select the corr ect Scanning Mode and r estart the scanning.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 69 S CANNING WITH O PTICAL C HARACTER R ECOGNITION (OCR) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is like a printer in reverse. Instead of printing what ’ s on the screen onto paper , OCR converts text and numbers on a scanned page into editable text and numbers.
70 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T o scan with OCR: 1. Select a Destinat ion Application that has one of the T ext formats available (TEXT , R TF , XLS, HTML, CSV , DOC, sPDF , nPDF).
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 71 S CANNING WITH S PDF OR N PDF AND S EARCHING FOR T EXT The searchable PDF (sPDF) and N orm al PDF (nPDF) ar e special forms of an Adobe PDF file.
72 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. Choose a Scan Configuration. 7. Click Apply or OK . N ow when you scan with that Destination A pplication selected, the scanned document will be in the sPDF or nPDF format that was selected for it.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 73 S CAN AND B URN TO A CD If you have a CD burner attached to your computer , you can scan directly from your V isioneer scan ner onto a CD. This featur e is available only on computers runn ing Windows XP or Windo ws Vista.
74 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. S tart scanning a page. When scanning is finished, a bubb le message on the screen tells y ou that files are waiting t o be burned to the CD. 7. On the OneT ouch window , make sure that the Burn t o CD Destination Application is st ill selected and click the Pr o p e r t i e s button.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 75 S CANNING WITH E VENT F ORWARDING If you want to specify an application to use for scanning at the start of the process, you can use event forwar ding. The scanner will feed in t he first page, but will then stop until you select the application to use.
76 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 5. S tart scanning a page. A dialog box appears for you to se lect the application to use for scanning. 6. Select the applicatio n in the box and click OK . N ow the application y ou selected opens and you can continue the scanning from that appl ication ’ s TW AIN interface.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 77 C REATING AN HTML W EB P AGE FROM Y OUR S CANNED D OCUMENTS If you scan a document, whether a si ngle page or multiple pages, you can have the pages converted direct ly to HTML formatted pages for posting directly to y our web site.
78 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. N ow scan the image from t he OneT ouch Button P anel. When scanning is finished, the document is first conv erted to editable text using the OCR process, then is converted into an HTML format.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 79 T RANSFERRING S CANNED D OCUMENTS TO S TORAGE With the T ransfer to Storage scanni ng process, y ou can scan documents and save them in a folder in one st ep. The process is ideal for archiving documents without having to manuall y save or process them in any other way .
80 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 5. Click Apply or OK . Y our scanned pages are stored in the location that you specified on the OneT ouch 4.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 81 S CANNING TO M ULTIPLE F OLDERS When archiving documents with the T r ansfer to S torage option, you can scan them to multiple folders.
82 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 5. Click the Scan Settings , P age Settings , and Advanced Settings tabs, and select the settings y ou want. T o help you remember which folder it is, give the new configuration a name that indicates the folder name, such as “S torage for Business Receipts.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 83 9. Click OK . The selected folder will no w be set as the S torage Location, such as “Business Receipts.” 10. Click Apply . The new configuration is now listed as a T ransfer to S torage configuration.
84 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Scan to multiple storage folders: 1. Click the OneT ouch icon. 2. If the T ransfer to S torage option is not selected, right-click the P aperI n icon to see the OneT ouch Pr operties window . 3.
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 85 T O T RANSFER D OCUMENTS TO A S ER VER OR M APPED D RIVE When selecting the storage location for scanne d documents, you can select a local folder , or a folder on a server or mapped drive.Y ou select a mapped drive using the Browse button.
86 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 2. Select a storage location on th e mapped drive or s erver for the scanned documents. Servers and mapped drives ar e repr es ented by an icon that indicates its network connection. 3. Click OK .
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 87 C HECK THE H ARDWARE AND S ELECT D EVICE S ETTINGS 1. Right-click on the On eT ouch icon and choose Sh ow Ha rd wa re from the pop-up menu. Y ou can also click the scanner icon at the top of the OneT ouch Button P anel.
88 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 2. Click the Pr o p e r t i e s button. The Device Configuration P ropert ies windo w opens. Y ou use this window to select new devi ce settings for you scanner .
S ELECTING N EW O NE T OUCH S CAN S ETTINGS 89 The Interface information refers to the USB port where your scanner is connected. The scanner automatically detects the type of USB port and displays the information here. Th e example abo ve shows a scanner connected a USB 2.
90 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S CANNING FROM TW AIN S OFTWARE Y ou can scan from any TW AIN sc anning application instead of scanning using the OneT ouch A uto Launch feature or the O neT ouch Button P anel. A N OTE A BOUT THE TW AIN S TANDARD Y our scanner uses the T W AIN inte rface to scan photographs and documents.
S CANNING FROM TWAIN S OFTWARE 91 A CCESSING THE TW AIN I NTERFACE As previously stated, you can access the TW AIN interface from any TW AIN compliant scanning applicat ion. Y ou can configure any of your OneT ouch buttons to automatically open the TW AIN interface when you press a butt on on the scanner .
92 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. The TW AIN inter face will now open. No t e : If you choose to use O neT ouch Configure Before Scan for scanning from the TW AIN interface, the final image will be sent to the destination application set for that button.
S CANNING FROM TWAIN S OFTWARE 93 O PENING THE TW AIN I NTERFACE FROM P APER P ORT The instructions in this section ar e for scanning with your scanner ’ s TW AIN interface.
94 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE The F olders pane is replaced by the Scan pane. 3. F rom the P aperP ort scanner selection windo w , choose the TW AIN: Visioneer RoadW arrior scanner . No t e : Please wait a few moments for your selection from the drop- down list to become active.
S CANNING FROM TWAIN S OFTWARE 95 S CANNING F ROM THE TW AIN I NTERFACE The TW AIN inter face allows y ou to modify the scan settings for your document. The options on the Visioneer RoadW arrior™ TW AIN interface are: ■ Mode —S elect a scanning mode: Blac k& Whi te to scan in black and wh ite.
96 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Color to scan magazine articles, photographs, and other color images in full color . Color scans have the largest file siz e. ■ Res ol uti on —Drag the slider to the right or left to adjust the dots per inch (dpi) of the resolution .
S CANNING FROM TWAIN S OFTWARE 97 ■ AutoCr op to Length —Select this option to let the scanner automatically crop the scanned do cument from the top to the bottom edge of the page, affe cting only the length of the document. The width of the scan ar ea is not affected.
98 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Sel ec ti ng Reduce M oir e P atterns will limit or eliminate moire patterns in the scanned image. This option is only available for the G rayScale or Color Mode at 200dpi or less. ■ Define pag e size —Click this option to activate the Defi ne button.
S CANNING FROM TWAIN S OFTWARE 99 1. When you ’ re ready to scan, align the document betw een the P aper Guides if your scanner has them, and ins ert the document into the paper feed. 2. Click the Scan button (if the AutoScan feat ure is not turned on).
100 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE O N THE P APER P ORT DESKTOP U nless y ou changed it with the S ettings option, the name of the scanned image is the day , date, and number of scanned items that day . F or example, the second item scanned on a day is follo wed by a (2), the third by a (3) and so on.
S ETTING U P Y OUR S CANNER TO W ORK WITH P APER P ORT 101 S ETTING U P Y OUR S CANNER TO W ORK WITH P APER P ORT When you selected a scanning optio n from the Scanner drop-do wn list, such as TW AIN: Visioneer RoadW arrior , the Scan button at the bottom of the panel should become active after approximately 5 to 10 seconds.
102 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T o set up y our scanner: 1. F rom the Scanner drop-do wn list, select one of the options, such as TW AIN: Visioneer RoadW arrior . 2. Click the Set up button. A window opens to begin the s etup process.
S ETTING U P Y OUR S CANNER TO W ORK WITH P APER P ORT 103 4. Click Y e s (r ecommended) then click Ne x t . The next window is for checking the connection between your scanner and the computer . 5. Click Nex t . After the Setup W izard checks the connections, the next window is displayed.
104 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. Click Nex t . The TW AIN Interface opens. 7. Insert a page into the scanner and the Scan button on the TW AIN Interface will become activ e. No t e : If you are setting up the scanner for the WIA scanning options, the WIA interface opens instead.
S ETTING U P Y OUR S CANNER TO W ORK WITH P APER P ORT 105 8. Click the Scan button. The Setup W izard runs the scan test. A message window ope ns that says “Basic scan test passed.” 9. Click Nex t on the message window . The final Setup window opens to let you kno w the setup process is finished.
106 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE S CANNING FROM THE WIA I NTERFACE The instructions in this section are for scanning using WIA on computers runn ing Windows XP or Windo ws Vista. If your computer is running an earlier version of Wi ndows, it cannot use WIA to scan.
S CANNING FROM THE WIA I NTERFACE 107 The Scan using Visioneer RoadW arrior window opens . U se this window to select scanning opt ions and start the scanner . 3. Click the button most appropriate for the item you ’ re scanning. T o scan with the C ustom Settings option see the next sect ion, “F ine T uning Y our Scans ”.
108 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE F INE T UNING Y OUR S CANS Y ou can select ne w settings befor e you scan an item to fine tune exactly how y ou want to scan a particular item. T o select the scanner settings before y ou scan: 1.
S CANNING FROM THE WIA I NTERFACE 109 2. Select the options for scanning. Brightness an d Contrast —Drag the sliders to the right or left to adjust the brightness and contrast of the s canned image. The Contrast setting does not apply to the setting Black and Whi te picture or text .
110 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE Maintenance This chapter contains information on recalibrating, troubleshooting, cleaning, unin stalling, a n d scanner specifications.
R ECALIBRATING OR C LEANING Y OU R S CANNER 111 ■ Click the small scanner icon on a OneT ouch P anel, or right-click the scanner icon on the OneT ouch Har dware P anel to open the Hard wa re Prop er t ies wi nd ow r igh t a wa y .
112 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 2. When the Har dware P roperties window appears, click the P roperties button The Device Configuration P ropert ies windo w opens and shows the Device Settings. N ote that th e “Last calibrated” date is red , indicating that calibrat ion is now d ue.
R ECALIBRATING OR C LEANING Y OU R S CANNER 113 3. T o recalibrate the s canner , click the Cal ibr ate button. T o clean the scan ner , click the Cl ean button. A message appears for you to insert the calibration or cl eaning page. This sample shows the message for inserting the calibration page.
114 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE 6. Close the Device Configuration P roperties window , and remove the calibration paper , or cleaning paper and replace it in its plastic bag. No t e : Do not discard the cleaning paper . Y ou can use it several times.
T ROUBLESHOOTING 115 T ROUBLESHOOTING In addition to the tr oubleshootin g information contained in this section, please see the Readme file in the P aperP ort directory on your computer’ s hard drive. The R eadme file contains additional information that may help you diagnose problems with the scanner .
116 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE P roblem: D uring installation I got the error message: P aperP ort Installation is no t complete. What do I do? The installation procedure was not successful. Y ou need to reinstall the P aperP or t software.
H OW TO U NINSTALL Y OUR S CANNER 117 H OW TO U NINSTALL Y OUR S CANNER T o uninstall the scanner , remo ve the Visioneer R oadW arrior™ software, the P aperP ort software, or other scanner softwar e prov ided with your scanner . U NINSTALLING THE O NE T OUCH S OFTWARE 1.
118 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE T O I NSTALL A NOTHER D RIVER Before y ou can install another driver for your scanner , you must remove the currently installed driver first. Th en the new driver can be installed. 1. U ninstall the OneT ouch 4.
V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR ™ S CANNER S PECIFI CATION S 119 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR ™ S CANNER S PECIFICATIONS Optical re solution 600 dpi Bit Dept h 36-Bit color (int ernal, 12-bit a/d converter.
120 V ISIONEER R OAD W ARRIOR S CANNER U SER ’ S G UIDE V ISIONEER S CANNER P ARTS L IST Please use the follo wing part names and part numbers when ordering replacements for yo ur scanner . Visi t our web site at www .visioneer .com to order replacement parts.
I NDEX 121 INDEX A advanced settings 59 aspect ratio 61 Autocrop to Length 97 Autocrop to Original 57, 96 AutoLaunch 21 AutoRotate image 61 AutoScan 22 B Black&White 56, 95 BMP 46 Brightness 56, 9.
I NDEX 122 Moire Patterns 58, 97 monitor 3 N Normal PDF 49, 71 nPDF 49, 71 O OCR 47 OCR Options 69 OCR options 70 OmniPage Pro 40, 49 OneTouch Button Panel 24 OneTouch Properties window 24, 31, 36 opt.
Copyright © 200 7 Visioneer , Inc. 05-07 46-000 v is i on e e r.
デバイスVisioneer RoadWarriorの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Visioneer RoadWarriorをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVisioneer RoadWarriorの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Visioneer RoadWarriorの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Visioneer RoadWarriorで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Visioneer RoadWarriorを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVisioneer RoadWarriorの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Visioneer RoadWarriorに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVisioneer RoadWarriorデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。