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- 1 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Product name: Wireless Network Camer a (PT3117/PT3127) Rel ea s e D at e: 2006/08/14 Manual R evision: 1.10 We b s i t e : Email: Made in T aiwan.
- 2 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Before You Use This Product The use of surveillance devi ces may be prohibited by law in your coun try . The Network Camera is not only a high-performance web-ready camera but also can be part of a flexible surveillance system.
- 3 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Table of Contents Before Y ou Use This Product 2 P ackage Contents 6 Installation 1 Hardware Installation 1 Software Installation 3 Initial .
- 4 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 FTP 33 DDNS and UPnP Settings 34 Audio/Video Codec Parameters 35 Audio Parameter s 35 Video Par ameters 35 Camera Control 37 Motion Detecti .
- 5 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Image Quality Configuration URL 59 Application Configuration URL 59 D. P an/Tilt Data 61 Pan 61 Tilt 61 T echnical Specifications 63.
- 6 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Package Contents PT3117 or PT31 27 P ower adapter A/V Cable R emote Controller Antennas Camera stand Software CD Quick installation gu ide W.
- 1 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Installation Hardware Installation Please verify that your product package contain s all the accessories lis ted in the foregoing Package Co ntents. Depending on the u ser’ s application, an Ethernet cable may be needed.
- 2 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 self -test, go to next paragr aph “Soft w are installation” . If the Ethernet is not available, Network Camera will switch t o wireless LAN mode.
- 3 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Software Installation I n t h i s m a n u a l , " U s e r " r e f e r s t o w h o e v e r h a s a c c e s s t o t h e N e t w o r k C a m e r a , a n d "Administrator" refers to the pe rson who can configure the Net work Camer a and grant user access to the camera.
- 4 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Upon Installation Wizard’s start up, a searching box will pop up. This progr am searches for Vivotek’s product on the same LAN: After searchi ng, Vivotek Video Serv ers or Network Cameras will be located by the Installation Wizard.
- 5 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 The IP addresses sh own in the "Current IP Address" field reflect tho se on the local network. They may be from the DHCP server . If there is no DH CP server , the ca mer a will try to find a free I P address (this takes from 15 second to 3 minutes, depending on the LAN status).
- 6 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 F or m ore detailed usage of the Installation Wizard, please refer to the user’ s manual of the Installation Wizard.
- 7 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Initial Access to the Network Camera Check Network Settings The Network Camera can be connected either be fore or immediately after software installation onto the Local A rea Network.
- 8 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 How to Use Authentication After opening the W eb browse r and typing in the URL of the Netw ork Camer a, a dialogue window po ps up to request a username and pa ssword. Upon successfu l authentication, the following fig ure is displayed.
- 9 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Installing Plug-in For the initial access to the Network Ca mer a in W indows, the web browser may prompt for permission to install a new plug-in for the Network Camera. Permission request depends on the Internet security settings of the user’s PC or notebook.
- 10 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Primary User’s Capabilities Main Screen with Camera View The main page layout has three parts: Configuration functions : The camera can be configured using these user interface s. Camera View : What the camera sees.
- 11 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 The Configuration: “Digital Output” Clicking on the “On” or “Off” bu tton turns the digital output to either on or off status. “Snapshot” The button provides users a fast way to capture a single image of the video from the Network Ca mer a.
- 12 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 “Disable digital zoom” The checkbox selection allows users to disable/enable the digital zoom function . “Zoom Factors” The range of zoom factor is fro m 100% to 400%, users can select any integer factor inside this area.
- 13 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Client Settings At the initial access to the “Connection type” page in Windows, the web browser will ask for a new plug-in installa tion, the plug-in being the Networ k Camer a.
- 14 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 The TCP p rotocol allows for less packet loss and produce a more accurate video display . The downside with this proto col is that the real-time effect is worse than that with the UDP protocol.
- 15 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Administrator’s Capabilities Fine-tuning for Best Performance There are a few choices the Adm inistr ator is allowed to maximize the capabilities of the Network Camera.
- 16 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 system and 30 fp s in a 60Hz system. If your network bandwidth is more than 38 4Kbps, you can fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and set the maximum frame r ate to 25 fps or 3 0 fps.
- 17 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Besides, “Normal x 2” selection will do 200% digital zoom for both the width and height of the video. Opening Accounts for New Users Protect Network Camera by passwords Network Camera is shipped without any password by default.
- 18 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 v alua ble customers or friends. Each account identifies the a ccess right rather than the real visitor . That allows multiple visitors share the sa me account of different level. An option to acce ss DI/DO is provided for ea ch account.
- 19 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 2. Click on “Securit y ” in the left column, 3. Go to the b ottom of the page and check off on “ Allo w more viewers with snapsh ot mode” , 4. Set the snapsh ot interval to refresh the still image au tomatically .
- 20 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 4. Click on “ Applicati on” in the left column , 5. Select the day or days of the week in “W eekly schedule” you want to upload the pictures, 6. Select “Sequential operation” and set the interval, 7.
- 21 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 <html> <p align=left> <font size="7" face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000"> Network Camera Demo </fo nt> </p> <p align=left> <!-- Begin of scripts to auto re fresh the image.
- 22 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Building a Security Application The Administrator can combine options o n the application page to perform many useful security applications. There are two trigger sources c oming from attached d evices, such as for motion detection.
- 23 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 4. Check the “Event operation” . The triggering condition can be set to detected motion or status of the attached de vice, 5. Set the delay before dete cting next event to avoid continuous false alarms following the original event, 6.
- 24 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 11. Use the mouse to click, hold, and drag the window corner to resize or the title ba r to move, 12. Fine-tune using the “Sensitivity” and “ P er centage” fields to best suit the camer a’ s environment.
- 25 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Software Revision Upgrade Customers can obtain the up-to-date software from the we b site of Vivotek. An easy -to -use Upgr ade Wizard is provided to upgr ade the Netw ork Camer a with just a few clicks.
- 26 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Definitions in Configuration Only the Administrator can access sys tem configuration. Each category in the left column will be explained in the following pages. The bold texts are the specific phrases on the Option pages.
- 27 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 System Parameters " Host name " The text displays the title at the top of the main page. “ Turn off the LED indicator ” Check this option to shut off the LED be side the lens. It can prevent the camera’ s operation being noticed.
- 28 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 User Group Administration “ Root password ” Change the Administrator’s password by typing in the new password identically i n both text boxes. The typed entries will be disp lay e d as asterisks for security purposes.
- 29 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Network Settings Any changes made on this page will restart the system in order to validate the changes.
- 30 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 when the Administrator changes the HT TP po rt of the Network Camera whose IP address is 192.16 8.0.100 from 80 to 80 80, the User must type in the w eb browser “ 0:8080” instead of “http:// 192.
- 31 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 “Channe l” While in infrastructure mode, the channel is sele cted automatically to match the channel setting for the selected Access Point. In Ad-Hoc mode, the channel must be manually set t o the same channel for each wirele ss adapter .
- 32 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 128 bites key length : 26 Hex digits or 13 char acters . Note: When 22(“), 3C(<) or 3E(>) a re in put in net work key , the key format can’ t be changed to ASCII format.
- 33 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 “ SMTP account name 2 ” The account login name for the second SMTP server . “ SMTP password 2 ” The password for t he second SMTP account name. “ Return email address ” The return email address used in the ev ent the mails fail to be sent out.
- 34 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 DDNS and UPnP Settings “ Enable DDNS ” This option turns on the DDNS function. “ Provider ” The provider list contains four host s that provide DDNS services. Please connect to the service provider ’ s websit e to make sure the service charges.
- 35 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Audio/Video Codec Parameters Audio Parameters “Mute” C heck the option will make the Network Camera reboot to force all the connection using HTTP mode to view the video, therefore no aud io can be heard at any client side.
- 36 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 (quantization rate) regardless of the network, it will ut ilize more bandwidth to send th e maximal frames when imag es change drastically . " Flip " V ertically rotate th e v ideo.
- 37 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Camera Control On the Camera Control page, there are two main function co ntrol areas: Camera Control Area The pan and tilt functions can be controlled with these buttons.
- 38 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 “ Auto pan/patrol speed ” This defines the speed of panning and patrol, the greater the v alue, the faster the speed. Preset Function Area ” Enable IR control” Checking this box allows the Administ r ator to e nable the IR controll e r to move the aim of t he camera.
- 39 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Motion Detection “ Enable motion detection ” Check this option to t urn on motion detection. Click on this button to add a new window . At most three windows can exist simultaneously . Use the mou se to click, hold, and drag the window frame to resize or the title bar to mov e.
- 40 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Application Setup Weekly Schedule “ Sun ” ~ “ Sat ” Select the days of the week to perfo rm the following operations. “ Snapshots begin at ” Set the time to start oper ations. “ Snapshots stop at ” Se t the time to stop operations.
- 41 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 stand for the snapshots, before event, right upon event, and after event. The date and time suffix may also be a dded as an option . Confirm the external mail or F TP server settings in the network configuration.
- 42 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Remote Controller Models PT3117 and PT 3127 both provide a remote cont roller to command the camera’ s pan/tilt and other functions. Th e direction co ntrol part provides the function as on the main web page.
- 43 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Viewing System Log Click on the link on the configuration page to view the system log file. The content o f this file provides use ful information abou t configuration and connections after system boot-up .
- 44 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Appendix A. Troubleshooting Status LED After powering up, the Network Camera performs a self-diagnostic to detect any hardware defects. The following table lists the LED patterns in general.
- 46 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 B. Frequently Asked Questions Q What if I for get my password? A After the Ad ministrator's password has been assigned, every access to the Network Camera needs authentication. If you are one of the managed users, you have to ask the Administrator for the pa ssword.
- 47 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Q Can I install it on ceiling? A Y es. There are flip and mirr or options in the vid eo configur ation page to correct the images for upside down installation. Q The image is not clear enough.
- 48 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Q How fast is the video rate of the Network Camera? A The MPE G4 codec engine can process up to 30 frames per s econd internally . However , the total performance is subje ct to many coefficients such as: 1.
- 49 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 C. URL Commands of the Network Camera F or so me custom ers who alread y have their own web sit e or web con trol application, the Network Camera can be ea sily integr ated through convenient URLs.
- 50 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Restart System /setup/reset.cgi R estart the Network Camera without warning..
- 51 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Page URL The configuration page has a frame layout includin g an option list frame and an option page frame. R eferen ced URLs, except for th e configuration page, direct users to the option page frame only .
- 52 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 General Format of Command URL Every configuration can be set through URL with the POST method by the Administrator only . <general format> URL[?[name=value][&name=v alue]……] <method> POST <authorized user> root System Configuration URL URL: /setup/system.
- 53 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Security Configuration URL URL: /setup/security .cgi NAME V ALUE DESCRIPTION rootpass <text string shorter than 15 characters> change.
- 54 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 cport <number less than 6 5535> control Channel port vport <number less than 65535> video Channel port aport <number less th.
- 55 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 open open-key authentication 1 64 bits key length klen 2 128 bits key length h hexadecimal format of key kform a ASCII format of key dkey 1.
- 56 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 enupnp anything Enable UPnP func tion. This option must be resent whenever the URL is called, if UPnP function is to be enabled.
- 57 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 characters> ftpfolder2 <text string shorter than 40 characters> upload folder in secondary FTP server Audio/Video Configuration URL URL: /setup/video.
- 58 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 1200000 set bit rate to 1200K bps 1 set maximum frame rate to 1 fps 2 set maximum frame rate to 2 fps 3 set maximum frame rate to 3 fps 5 s.
- 59 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 addpos <the position name> add preset location w ith its name delpos <the position name> delete preset location with its name s.
- 60 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 ftp upload snapshots by FTP suffix <not required> F TP file with date and tim e suffix delay <integer> seconds delay to d etect.
- 61 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 D. Pan/Tilt Data Pan z unit pan angle: 1.292 degree z auto pan speed 1: 8. 41 degree/sec z auto pan speed 2: 16.82 degree /sec z auto pan speed 3: 22.43 degree /sec z auto pan speed 4: 26.04 degree /sec z auto pan speed 5: 67.
- 62 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 z tilt speed -3 -> move 9.20 degree z tilt speed -2 -> move 12.27 degree z tilt speed -1 -> move 15.34 degree z tilt speed 0 -> mo ve 18.41 degree z tilt speed 1 -> mo ve 21.48 degree z tilt speed 2 -> mo ve 24.
- 63 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Technical Specifications - System CPU: T ri media PNX1300 RAM: 16MB SDRAM ROM: 2MB FLASH ROM - Networking Protocol TCP /IP , HT TP , SMTP , FTP , T elnet, NTP , DNS, DDNS, UPnP and DHCP Physical 10Base T Ethernet or 100Base T F ast Ethernet WLAN 2.
- 6 - www T : 886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532 Technology License Notice MPEG-4 Visual Technology This product includes one MPEG-4 encoder and one MPEG-4 deco der license. Installation of more than one decod er is prohibited. Please contact your reseller to purchase additional decode r licenses.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) This device co mpiles with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the follo w ing two conditions. z This device may not cause harmful interference, and z This device must accept any interfe rence received, includ in g interference that may cause undesired operation.
デバイスVivotek PT3127の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vivotek PT3127をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVivotek PT3127の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vivotek PT3127の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vivotek PT3127で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vivotek PT3127を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVivotek PT3127の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vivotek PT3127に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVivotek PT3127デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。