VTechメーカーCS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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BC CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2 DECT 6.0 cordless telephone Go to www .vtechphones.com to register your product for enhanced warranty support and latest VT ech product news.
Congratulations on purc hasing your new V T e ch pro duc t. Before using t his telep hone, please read Imp or ta nt safe t y instru ctio ns . This manua l has all the feature operati ons and tr ouble shooti ng neces sar y to in stall an d operate your new V T ec h teleph one.
Nev er push objects of any kind int o this produc t through the slots in the telephone base or handset because they ma y touc h dangerous voltage points or create a short c ircuit.
may cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The electrolyte may be toxic if swallowed. Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to create a short circuit with conductive materials. Charge the battery provided with this product only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in this manual.
Table of contents What’s in t he bo x.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ...1 Overvi ew ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...2 Handset ov er view ............................... 2 T elephone base overview ................... 3 Charger ov er view ....
E xp an d yo u r t e l ep h o ne s ys te m .. .2 3 Add and register a handset .............. 23 Deregister all handsets ..................... 24 Screen mess ages ....... ..... ..... .....24 Freque ntly asked ques tion s .....26 ECO m ode ....... .....
1 What’ s in the bo x Y ou r t ele pho ne pac ka ge c o nt ain s t he f ol lo wi ng ite ms . S a v e y ou r s ale s r ece ipt an d o rigi nal pa ck agi ng in cas e i t i s ne ces sary t o s hip y our te lep hon e f o r w a rr an t y serv i ce . NOTE T o purchase replacement batter ies or power adapters, visit our website at www.
2 Ov er view Handset o verview 1 – Handset earpiece 2 – LCD display 3 – MENU/SELECT • Show the menu. • While in a me nu, press to sele ct an item, or save an entry or set ting. 4 – OFF/CANCEL Hang up a c all. Silenc e the r inger temp orarily while the h andset i s ringi ng.
3 14 – REDIAL/PAUSE • Press repeatedly to review the redial l ist. • Press and hold to in ser t a di aling pause while enteri ng a number . 15 – VOLUME/ / • Review the direc tor y when t he phone i s not in use. • Increase t he listeni ng volume during a c all.
4 Displa y icons o verview The batter y icon flashes when the batter y is low and needs charging. The batter y icon animates when the batter y is charging. The batter y icon becomes solid when the batter y is fully charged. The handset ringer is off. There are new v oicemail received from y our telephone ser vice provider .
5 Connect Y ou can choo se t o con ne ct th e t ele ph one ba se f or d eskt op usage o r w al l mo un ti ng . NOTES Use on ly th e power ada pter s sup pli ed wi th thi s pro duc t. Make sure t he el ec tri ca l out lets ar e not con trol led by wal l switc hes .
6 Install and char ge the bat tery Install t he bat ter y as shown be low . NOTES Use only supplied battery . If t he ha nds et wi ll n o t be u sed fo r a l ong tim e , discon nect and rem o v e the ba t te ry to pr e v en t possib le lea ka ge.
7 Charge the batter y Place the han dset in th e telepho ne base or the ch arger to charg e. Onc e you hav e install ed the bat ter y , the hand set LCD display indi cates the batter y s tatus ( see the t able b elow) . NOTES F or b e s t p erf orm an ce , ke ep t h e h an ds et i n th e te le p h o n e b as e or c h a rge r wh en n ot i n us e .
8 Before use After you install y our telephone or power returns f ollowing a po wer outage , the handset will prompt you to set the date and time. Set date and time Use the di aling keys ( 0 - 9 ) to enter the mont h ( MM ) , date ( DD ) and year ( Y Y ) .
9 Conf igure y our telephone Usin g the handset menu Press MEN U when t he phone i s not in use. Press or until the sc reen dis plays the des ired feature menu. Press SELECT to enter th at menu. T o return to th e previous menu, pres s CANCEL o n the hand set.
10 Home area code If you dial your loc al call s using o nly seven digits (area c od e not required ), you can progr am your home area co de so that when you rec eive a call wi thin your local area , the telep hone num ber is automatic ally store d withou t the area cod e in the c aller ID log.
11 T el ephone Operations Make a call Press or on the handset. When you hear a dial tone , dial the number . The hand set dis plays Unabl e to call if t he telepho ne line is i n use. NOTES The handset shows the elapsed time as you talk (in hours , minutes and seconds).
12 V olume con trol During a c all, press /VOLUME/ . If this is a c ell c all and the volu me is too loud or qui et, tr y c hangi ng the volume on your cell pho ne. On some c ell phones, c hangi ng the volume o n the cell ph one af fect s your cell call volu me on the C S6 719 handset.
13 T o acce ss a number from t he caller ID lo g while on a call: Press MEN U . Press or to highlight C alle r ID log, an d then pre ss SE LECT . Press or to scroll to the d esired entr y . Press SELECT to d ial the d ispl ay ed number . To access a number from the redial list while on a call: Press REDIAL to enter the redial list.
14 Press INT on your handset whe n not in use. If you ha ve only one handset, your handset displa ys INT needs 2 HS . If you ha ve two handsets , your handset displa ys Calling HS X . If you ha ve three or more handsets, y our handset displa ys Intercom to .
15 3. F rom this intercom call, you hav e the f ollowing options: Y ou can let the destination handset join you on the outside call in a three-wa y conv ersation. Press and hold INT on the originating handset. Y ou can transfer the call. Press OFF , or place your handset bac k in the telephone base or charger .
16 Directory The director y can store up to 50 entries, whic h are shared by all hand sets. Each entr y may consist of a tel ephon e number u p to 30 di gits, an d a name up to 1 5 char acters. Each hand set direc tor y is i ndep endent (for multi ple hand set mod els onl y).
17 While e ntering n ame s and numb er s, you can: Press or to mo v e the cursor to the left or right. Press DELETE to erase a digit. Press and hold DELETE to erase all digits. Press and hold PAUSE to enter a dialing pause (a p appears). Press 0 to add a spac e.
18 Spe ed dial Y ou can copy up to 9 directory entr ies into the speed dial locations ( 0 and 2 - 9 ) so that you can dial these n umbers using f ew er k eys than usual. The speed dial memor y locations are stored in the telephone base and are shared by all handsets .
19 Delete a spe ed dial entry Press MEN U when t he phone i s not in use. Press or to scroll to D ire ctor y , then pres s SELEC T . Press or to scroll to S pe e d dial , then pres s SELEC T . Press or , or use the dia ling k eys to choo se the de sired sp eed dia l loc ation, the n press D ELET E .
20 - OR - Press MEN U when t he phone i s not in use. Press or to sc roll to Ca ller I D log , and t hen press S ELECT t wi ce to choo se Review . T he hand set disp lays the first entr y in the c aller ID log. Press or to browse. NOTE Y ou hear a d oub le be ep whe n you reac h th e beg inni ng or en d of th e cal ler ID l og.
21 Save a c aller ID log entry to the directory Search for the desired caller ID lo g ent ry (s ee Re view the Ca ller ID lo g ). When the d esired ent r y dis plays, press SE LECT . Press SELECT to c hoos e T o Dir ecto r y . Then the h andset d ispl ays Enter num be r .
22 Press or to hig hlig ht Ringe r tone , and then pre ss SE LECT . Press or to sa mple eac h ring er tone. Press SELECT to s av e your selec tio n. Then the ha ndset return s to the previous me nu. Y ou hear a confir mation to ne. NOTE If you turn off the ringer volume, y ou will not hear ringer tone samples.
23 Retrie ve v oicemai l fr om telephone service V oi cemail i s a feature a vailable from most telep hone ser vic e provider s. It may be includ ed wit h your telephone ser vi ce, or may be optiona l. Fees ma y appl y . Retrie ve v oicemail When you rece ived a voicemail, t he handset d ispl ays New voicema il and .
24 Deregister all handsets T o r eplace a ha ndse t o r rea ssign the design at ed handse t numbe r o f a regis te red ha ndset , y ou mus t d ere gist er all handsets a nd then i ndividu ally r egis te r each ha ndset .
25 Intercom to (for models with three or more handsets only) Y ou hav e star ted the intercom process or star ted transf erring a call, and need to enter the desired handset number . Line in use A system handset or another telephone on the same line is in use.
26 F re quently as ked question s Below a re the questions most f requently asked about the cordless t elephone. If y ou cannot find the a nsw er to y our question, visit our w ebsite at w w w . v techphone s.com or call 1 (800) 595 -9 51 1 for cust omer se r vice.
27 I hear other calls when using the telephone. Disconnect the telephone base from the telephone wall jac k. Plug in a diff erent telephone. If you still hear other calls , the problem is probab ly in the wiring or telephone ser vice. Contact your telephone ser vice provider .
28 I subscribe to a nontraditional telephone ser vice that uses my computer to establish connections, and my telephone doesn’t work. Make sure y our computer is powered on, and your Internet is working properly . Make sure to plug y our USB telephone adapter into a dedicated USB por t on your computer .
29 General product care Taking care of your telephone Y our cordless telephone contains sophisticated electronic par ts, so it must be treated with care. Avoid rough treatment Place the handset down gently . Sav e the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you e ver need to ship it.
30 FCC , ACT A and IC regulati ons FCC P art 1 5 This eq uipment h as been tested an d found to com ply wit h the req uirements for a Class B di git al device u nder Par t 1 5 of the Feder al Com munic ations Commi ssio n ( FCC) rul es.
31 con ne cti ng t o a si ng le l ine and an RJ 1 4 ja ck f or two lin es . Se e th e i ns ta ll a tio n ins tructi on s in t he use r’ s manu al. The Ringer Equ ivalence Numbe r (REN) is used to dete rmine ho w man y devices you ma y connect to y our telephone line and still ha ve them ring when y ou are called.
32 C a l if or n ia E ner gy Co mm i s s io n b a tt ery c h a rg in g te s ti ng i ns tr uc t i on s This telephone meets the Calif ornia Energy Commission (CEC) regulations f or energy consumption.
33 vo us ne conna isse z pas le v olta ge de v otre mai son , con sult e z v otre mar chand ou v ot re fo urni sseu r d’ électricit é . Ne d épose z rien sur l e co rdon d’ alimen tati on.
34 ventilation adé quate; d es ga z indus triels ( dis solvants de net toyage, des vapeurs d ’ essenc e, etc.); une fuite de ga z naturel, etc. Ne plac ez que le com biné de votre télépho ne près de votre oreille lorsq u’ en m ode d e conversatio n.
35 com muni ca ti on s té lé ph on iqu es sa ns fi l com me ét an t au ss i co nf id en ti ell es. Alimentation électrique: Le socle de ce téléphone sans fil doit être branché à une prise électrique f onctionnelle. La pr ise électrique ne doit pas être contrôlée par un interrupteur mural.
36 for a perio d of either ( a) 9 0 days from the date the re paired or repl acement Produc t is ship ped to you or ( b) the time remai ning on th e origi nal one -year warrant y; whi chever is longer .
37 Ot her limi tat ions This warrant y is t he co mplete and exclusive agreement bet ween you and V T ech. It super sed es all other writ ten or oral c ommun icati ons related to this Produ ct. V T ec h provides n o other warranties for t his Produc t.
VTech Communications, Inc. A member of THE VTECH GROUP OF COMPANIES. VTech is a registered trademark of VTech Holdings Limited. Spe ci fi cat io ns are s ubj ec t to ch ang e wit ho ut not ic e. Copyright © 201 4 for VTech Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
デバイスVTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
VTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。VTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。VTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
VTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、VTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVTech CS6719 CS6719-15 CS6719-16 CS6719-2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。