WalkerメーカーMW 15 HPの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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OWNER’S MANUAL Safety , Assembly , Ope rating, and Maintenance I nstructions and ILLUSTRA TED P AR TS MANUAL Model MW - W alk -Behind (15 HP) Please Read and Save These Instr uctions Effective D ate: 1 1- 01-03 For Safety , Read All Safet y and Op eration P/N 900 1 Instruc tions Pr ior to O peratin g Mac hine Price $5.
For eword Thank you. . . for purchasi ng a Wa l k e r b y Wa l k e r (Model M W). E very e ffort has bee n made to pro- vide y ou with the mos t reliab le prod uct on the mar ket, and we ar e sure you w ill be a mong our many satisfi ed customers .
T able of Conten ts Owner ’ s Manual General Informat ion ________ ______ __ 1 HIGHLIGHTED INFORMATION ________ _____ 1 GLOSSARY __________ __________ ______ __ 1 IDENTIFYING NUMBER LOCATIONS ______.
T able of Conten ts CLEANING _____ ______ __________ ______ _ 36 Engine Air Cleaner System _________ ____ 36 Foam Prec leane r Eleme nt _________ ____ 36 Paper P recleaner Element ________ ____ 36 Eng.
General Information 1 HIGHLIGHTED INFORMA TION W alker Manu facturi ng recom mends that any ser vice requir ing spec ial train ing or tools be perform ed by an author ized Walker Mower Deale r . There ar e sev- eral g eneral pra ctices to be aware of i n the are a of safety .
2 General Information Deck Serial Nu mber Loc ation ENGINE SERIAL NUMBE R LOCA TION The K awasaki eng ine mo del, type , and cod e num- bers a re lo cated o n the si de of th e engin e op posit e the rec oil starter h andle (o n the alum inum h ousin g).
Specifications 3 MODEL MW ENGINE Manufac turer/Mo del Kawasaki , FH43 0V , OHV , 2 Cyl. V -T win ( Air-C ooled) Displac ement 431CC (2 6.3 cu. in .) HP (@ 3600 RPM) 15 Max. RPM (No L oad) 4000 Gove r ned R PM 3600 Max. T o rque [ft-lb (N ⋅ m ) @ RPM] 23.
Specifications 4 MODEL MW TRANSMISSION (continued) T ran smission Flu id Factor y Servic e 20W50 Multi -V iscosi ty Moto r Oil T ransmiss ion Flui d Capacity 79 fl. oz . (2336 m l.) T ransmiss ion Cool ing Cooling Fan M ounted on Drive Pu lley Ground T ravel Speed Forw ard m .
Specifications 5 MODEL MW MOW ER D ECK Width of Cut 36-, 42-, 4 8-, 52- , or 56-in.( 91, 107, 1 22, 132, or 142 c m) Cutting He ight 1 to 4 in . (3 to 10 cm) Height Adjustm ent 7 Posi tions - 1/2 in. (1 cm) Inc rement Hi tch Pins Installed i n Mult i-Posi tion De ck S upport Blade Size 42 in .
Component Identification 6 Front Vi ew and Right Side View NOT E: Control Iden tific atio n shown in Operating Instructions section. Engin e Cover Coun terwei ght S pring and Pro tective Cover Ti l t .
Component Identification 7 Lef t H and Drive Whee l PTO C lut ch Lever S teeri ng C ont rol Rod (RH) S teeri ng C ont rol Rod (LH) T ail pipe Muffler Pisto l Grips Oper ator Prese nce Sw itch Cont rol.
Component Identification 8 Fuel Pi ckup Line Oil Dips tick/ Oil F ill Oil Filt er Recoil S tarte r Handle T ransaxle Pressure Relief Va l v e [ ( L H ) Not Visibl e] FSC Elec tric Actuator Fuel Pump P.
Safety Instructions 9 Pay particu lar atten tion to any infor mation l abele d DANGER , W ARNING , CAUTION , IMPORT ANT , and NOTE in this man ual. W h e n y o u s e e t h e S a f e t y A l e r t S y m b o l ( ) , read, unde rst and, and follow the instr uctions.
Safety Instructions 10 7. Do not w ear lo ose fittin g clothin g that coul d get caugh t in mo ving p arts. Always wear ad e- quate protective c lothing includi ng lon g pants. Wearing safety g lasses and safety shoe s is advisable and re quired by some local ordina nces and insu rance r egula tions.
Safety Instructions 11 10. Dis engage th e blade dri ve when transp ortin g the ma chine a cross dr ives, s idewalk s, etc. Never rai se the mow er deck while blades are rot ating. 11 . The maximum recommended si de slope op- erating angle is 20 degre es or 33% grade.
Safety Instructions 12 9. Do not change the engi ne gove rnor se ttings or oversp eed the engine . The go vern or has been fact ory- s et fo r max im um- safe engi ne ope ratin g speed. 10. Us e genuine factory replacement p art s . Substi tute parts may resu lt in produ ct mal func- tion and p ossible injury to the opera tor and/or others .
Safety Instructions 13 On Body Adjacent to Parki ng Brak e Lev er (P/N 98 02) SAFETY , CONTROL, A ND INSTRUCTION DECALS Safet y , Control , an d Inst r ucti on D ecals are inst alled on the machi ne; if any are mis sing, ille gible , or damaged, a replace ment sh ould be ordered and inst all ed bef or e putti ng the ma chine i nt o oper at ion.
Asse mbly Instr uctions 14 SETUP INSTRUCTIONS W alk er Mo wers ar e shi pped p ar tiall y assem ble d. After unc rating t he tra ctor an d mower deck, i nitial setup is requ ired .
Asse mbly Instr uctions 15 Mower De ck Assem bly Deck Ca ster Wheels I nstallati on 1. R emove th e bo lt, n ut, axle sp ac er t ube, and spacer wash ers from eac h deck c aster wh eel fork. NOTE: S pac er w ash ers are u sed onl y whe n the optional semi- pneumatic deck wheels (8.
Asse mbly Instr uctions 16 PTO Shaft Guard Insta llation Position the s haft guard as show n and mount wit h two 1/4 -20 x 1/ 2 in. bolts. PTO Shaft Guard Installation Til t-U p Roll er Wh eel I nst all ati on NOTE: A 2-1/2" diameter tilt-u p roller wh eel (P/N 9 772) is requir ed for d ecks in stalled on the walk -behind .
Asse mbly Instr uctions 17 Mower Deck Installation (PTO S haf t Connection) Inst alling PT O Quick Coupler Coupler Ring “Locked” Position 5. Pull out c ounterw eight sp ring rece ptacle assi st handle and lift up on lock ing fin ger slig htly to unlock the rece ptacle as sembly .
Asse mbly Instr uctions 18 Deck Leve ling 1. Posi tion mow er on a smoo th, leve l surfac e. Set the cutti ng height to the highest position - 4 in. (102 mm) - for easy ac cess under the dec k to measur e blade h eight. Refer to ADJUSTING CUTTING HEIGHT in Operating Instructions .
Asse mbly Instr uctions 19 PREOPERA TING CHECKLIST Before operating the mower for the first time, and as a routi ne befo re dail y ope rations, it is impo rtant to make s ure the mower is proper ly pre pared and ready for opera tion. The follow ing is a l ist of item s to be che cked.
Asse mbly Instr uctions 20 IN SPEC T TW O (2) D RIVE BEL TS PTO Drive and Hydros tatic Ground Drive. CH ECK TIRE PRES SURE Deck Ca ster Wheel = 20 PSI ( 137 kPa) Drive = 15 PS I (103 kP a) Rear = 20 P.
Operatin g Instr uctions 21 CONTROL IDENTIFICA TION, LOCA TI ON, AND FUNCTION Operating Controls Engine Throttle/Choke The thr ottle/ choke c ontro l lever (red knob) i s lo cated to the left h and si de of the oper ator’s control panel. This cont rol is a dual- functioni ng contr ol (cho ke and throttle) .
Operatin g Instr uctions 22 IMPORT ANT : Make sur e the choke is in the OFF positi on durin g normal engi ne operat ion; runn ing with the choke in the ON po sition CAN damage the engine. Forward Spe ed Control (FSC) The Forw ard S p eed Control (FS C) is a rocker switch located adjacent to the RH thumb po sitio n near the RH pi stol gr ip.
Operatin g Instr uctions 23 Ignition Switch The ig nition sw itch has tw o positi ons: a RUN and an OFF positio n. The RUN posit io n sho uld be used when starti ng (using the reco il starter) an d running the engi ne. The OFF position s tops the e ngine.
Operatin g Instr uctions 24 1. Place both ha nds on their r espec tive g rips and using your RH thumb, tog gle the FSC switc h out of N EUTRAL- P ARK positio n to the desir ed for- ward sp eed.
Operatin g Instr uctions 25 ENGAGING THE MOWER 1. Set the en gine th rottle at a bout 1/3 speed . Do not attem pt to engage the blade clut ch at high engine speeds. This will dra sticall y shor t- en driv e belt life . Use onl y modera te engin e speed wh en enga ging the b lade c lutch.
Operatin g Instr uctions 26 4. Slow th e eng ine to idle, p ut thr ottle in IDLE po- sition ; and turn the igniti on switc h OFF . 5. Engage the parki ng brak e. IMPORT ANT : The transaxles lock to prevent the mower f rom rolling free ly with the en gine stopped.
Operatin g Instr uctions 27 Fre ewhe el Po siti on Operating Position RECOMMENDA TIONS FOR MOWING IMPORT ANT : Oper ate th e en gin e at full speed when mowin g, to allow the engine to prod uce full horse power and to incr ease efficiency of the engin e coolin g sys t em.
Operati ng In stru cti ons Mainten a nc e Instru ction s 28 • When o perating on a slope, reduc e speed and use caution to start, stop, and m aneuver . Avoid sharp turns or s udden chang es in dir ection . The maximum recommended side slope operating angle is 20 degrees or 33% g rade.
Mainten an ce Instruction s 29 CAUTION Maintenance procedures requir ing special training or tools should be performed by a trained technician. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHART - RECOMMENDED SE R VICE INTER V ALS - M ODEL MW Service Item Daily 25 Hou rs 50 Hours 100 Hours 200 Hours Ref.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 30 LUBRICA TION Proper lub ricati on is an important mainten ance pro- cedur e. It reduc es wear an d make s the ma chin e quie ter and ea sier to operate. Engine Oil Engine Break- In Oil No spe cial break -in oil i s requir ed.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 31 4. Before removi ng the o il filte r , clea n the are a around the filter to k eep dirt and debris out of the engi ne. 5. Remove the old o il filte r and wi pe off the filter mountin g surfac e on th e engin e.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 32 2. Clean the area around the i ndividua l gearbox cover pla tes to prev ent contaminan ts from en- tering the gearcas e. 3. Remove t he scre ws securi ng th e cove r plat es on th e blade dr ive gear boxe s. 4.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 33 T ractor PTO Gear box Lu brication Checki ng Gear box Oil Le vel The tracto r P TO gearbox is permane ntly lubricate d (oil fill ed) and sealed req uiring no schedule d lubric a- tion. Howev er , th e gearbox oil seal s shou ld be checke d ever y 25 ho urs for indic ation of oil leaks.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 34 Ident Lubrication No. No. Location T ype Places Ident Lubrication No. No. Location T ype Places 1 Deck Caster Wheel Fork Pivot Grease 2 2 Deck Caster Wheel B.
Mainten an ce Instruction s LUBRICATION 35 3 4 5 6 7 7 10 14 16 9 8 1 2 4 7 8 7 10 12 11 13 15 13 16 18 13 17 1 19 19 12 2 Chassis and Deck Lubrication Points.
Mainten an ce Instruction s CLEANING 36 CLEANING Engine Air Cleaner System There a re two compone nts in th e engine air cl eaner system: a foam prefilt er elem ent and a paper ele- ment. Each c ompone nt is che cked, c leaned and main tained on a d ifferent sch edule based on the fil- tering action re quire d.
37 Mainten an ce Instruction s CHECKING/SERVICING CHECKING/SERVICING Battery Charging th e Batte ry Limit i nitia l char ging cu rrent to 1000mA . Cha rge u n- til batter y voltage (u nder charge ) reach es 14.40 to 14.7 0 vol t s at 68° F (20° C). Hol d at 14.
38 Mainten an ce Instruction s CHECK ING/SER VICING Mower Blade P rofile For Sha rpening 6. Check blade balance by pos itioning the blad e horizont ally on a blade balancer or use a nail or shaft thr ough the cente r hole . If either end of the blade r otates downw ard, grind ( remove ) metal on that e nd unti l the bl ade wi ll balan ce.
39 Mainten an ce Instruction s CHECK ING/SER VICING Blade Br ake Action Check the function of the c utter blade brake by en- gaging t he blad e clutch (PTO), operatin g the eng ine at full t hrottle, th en diseng aging the c lutch an d mea- surin g how quickl y the blades st op.
40 Mainten an ce Instruction s REPLACING/REP AIRING REPLACING/RE P AIRI NG IMPORT ANT : AL W A Y S use genui ne f act ory re - placem ent parts. Subs titute parts CAN result in produc t malfunc tion and possible i njury to the oper- ator an d/or other s.
Mainten an ce Instruction s REPLACING/REP AIRING 41 Blade Ove rload Sh ear Bolts NOTE: Shear bolts are not used on the D SD52 mowe r deck . The c utting bl ade is keyed to the blade hub by two (2) shear bolts (10-24 x 5/8 in. stainles s steel ma- chine s crews).
Mainten an ce Instruction s REPLACING/REP AIRING 42 • An exces sive amo unt of the flat sect ion of the blade has been ground away (remove d) w hen th e blade is sharpened. Replace the blade when less than a 3/4 in . (19 mm) flat sect ion remains at th e blade ti p.
43 Mainten an ce Instruction s REPLACING/REP AIRING ADJUSTMENTS 7. Install the ne w gearbo x on the spl ine coupl ing of the dr ive sh af t. Establis h correc t timing of the blade dr ive gearboxe s by s etting flats on th e output s haft at 90 deg rees whe n connec ting the gearbo x(es) to the sp line coup ling.
Mainten an ce Instruction s ADJUSTMENTS 44 2. Use the ad justm ent nut on the PTO clutch actu- ator as sembly (refe r to PTO Clutch Link age Adjustment photo) t o set the ten sion appl ied by the PT O clutch lev er .
Mainten an ce Instruction s ADJUSTMENTS 45 Control Arm Rod Adjustme nt - Step 2 1. For bo th co ntr ol ar m rod s, l oose n ja m nut on ball jo int end of contro l arm ro d and adj ust to ob- tain a 1- 1/4" meas urement between jam nuts (4-1/ 2" me asureme nt betwe en center s of b all joints).
Mainten an ce Instruction s ADJUSTMENTS 46 2. If one wheel is mo ving too fas t, bring th e mower back into NEUTRAL ( using th e FSC sw itch) and sligh tly tight en the adjustme nt bolt on the s peed contro l actuator on the sid e that is moving fas ter .
Mainten an ce Instruction s ADJUSTMENTS 47 Carburetor Carbureto r adjus tments are requir ed to c ompensat e for di fferences in al titude, temperatu re, a nd fuel.
49 (IIHFWLYH'DWH 8VHRQOJHQXLQH :DONHU UHSODFHPHQWSDUWV %2'<&+ $66,6$66(0%/ < F375 22 1 4 F055 F025 7 8 F068 F098 F002 2.
51 (IIHFWLYH'DWH 8VHRQOJHQXLQH :DONHU UHSODFHPHQWSDUWV 0$,1&20321(1732:(575$160,66,21 F026 F029 F029 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17.
53 (IIHFWLYH'DWH 8VHRQOJHQXLQH :DONHU UHSODFHPHQWSDUWV (1*,1(*5283 F184 F025 F025 F002 F184 F009 F163 F240 F163 F035 F185 F002 F185 8 12 13 10 .
55 (IIHFWLYH'DWH 8VHRQOJHQXLQH :DONHU UHSODFHPHQWSDUWV )25: $5'63(('67((5,1*&21752/6 F373 F069 F060 F069 F069 F029 F0.
57 (IIHFWLYH'DWH 8VHRQOJHQXLQH :DONHU UHSODFHPHQWSDUWV 68/.<$ 77 $&+0(17 F020 F009 F151 F049 F034 F049 F049 F226 F049 F014 F009 F151 F04.
62 Operator ’ s Notes.
63 LIMITED W AR RANTY FOR WA L K E R COMMERCIAL RIDER MOWER 1. WHA T THIS W ARRANTY COVERS, AND FOR HOW LONG: W alker Manufacturing company will, at it s option, repair or re place, without charge, an.
W ALKER MFG . CO. • 592 5 E. HARMONY ROAD, FORT COLLINS, C O 80528 • (970) 22 1-5614 FORM NO. 1 10103 PRINTED IN USA www .walkermowe rs.com © 2004 W ALKER MFG .
デバイスWalker MW 15 HPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Walker MW 15 HPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWalker MW 15 HPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Walker MW 15 HPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Walker MW 15 HPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Walker MW 15 HPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWalker MW 15 HPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Walker MW 15 HPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWalker MW 15 HPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。