Weil-McLainメーカーGold CGaの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 68
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 5 Failure t o adhere to the guidelines on this pag e can result in sever e personal injury , death or substantial property damage. Please read before proceeding and/or pro per ty may result. • Continual fresh mak eup water will r educe boiler life.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 2 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Ho w it w orks . . . ① Control module The contr ol module (used on spar k-ignited pilot boilers ) responds t o signals from the r oom thermostat and boiler limit circuit t o operate the boiler cir culator , pilot b urner , gas valve and ve nt damper .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 4 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Contents Hazard def initions The follo w ing defined terms are used thr oughout this manual to bring attention to the prese nce of hazards of various risk le v els or to important information conc erning the life of the product.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 6 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 • L ocal, state, provincial, and nat ional codes, laws, regulations and or dinances. • National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1–latest e dition. • Standard fo r Controls and Safety Dev ices for A utomatically Fired Bo ilers, ANSI/ASME CSD-1, wh en req uired.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 7 P repare boiler location — clearances 1b S er vice clearances 1. Provide the following clearances for cleaning and serv icing the boiler and for ac c.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 8 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 P repare boiler location — vent system 1c Failur e to follow all instructions can result in flue gas spillage and carbon mono xide emissions, causing severe personal injury or death.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 9 P r epare boiler location — air contamination T able 1 Corrosive contaminants and likely locations 1d T o prev ent potential of se v ere personal injury or death, check fo r products or areas list ed below before installing boiler .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 10 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Combustion air and v entilat ion openings must co mply with Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and V entilat ion, of N ational Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1-latest edition, or applicable local building c odes.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 11 Special considerations Tight construction ANSI Z223.1 defines unusually tight construction whe r e: a . W alls and ceilings exposed to the outside atmosphere hav e a continuous wat er vapor retarder with a r ating of 1 perm or less with op enings gasketed, and .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 12 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 P repare boiler — placement and setup T able 2 Manifold orifice sizing 2a Inspect orifices and burners 1. Re move fr ont jack et door . Remo ve base ac cess panel (See Figure 32 , item 4 , pag e 62).
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 13 P repare boiler — pressure test P erform hydrostatic pressure test Press ure test boiler befor e atta ching water or gas piping or electrical supply (ex cept as noted below). 3. When wat er flows from sh utoff valv es, close boiler drain valv e.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 14 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 15 P repare boiler — v ent damper installation These systems ar e used on gas-fired b oilers with vent damper s as shipp ed from facto r y .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 16 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 W ater piping — general inf ormation 3a Boiler model To system From system CGa-25 ¾" ¾" CGa-3 1" 1" CGa-4 1.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 17 Expansion tank Diaphragm-type or bladder -type expansion tank — Figure 9 1. Ensure expansion tank size will handle boiler and system water v olume and temperature. T ank must be located in boiler return piping as close to b oiler as possible, before inlet side of circulator .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 18 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 W ater piping — multiple z ones Failu re to preve nt low r e turn water t emperature to the boiler c ould cause corr osion of the boiler sections o r burners, resulting in seve re personal injury , death or substantial pro pert y damage.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 19 T ypical piping — multiple-z one installations Figure 1 1 Zoning with circulators — return water 130 °F or higher .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 20 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 W ater piping — lo w temp systems Failure to prevent lo w retur n water t emperatur e to the boiler could cause co r rosion of the boiler sections o r burners, resulting in seve re personal injury , death or substantial pro pert y damage.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 21 P rimar y/secondar y (preferred) piping — f or radiant heating or con v er ted gravity systems 1 Boiler isolation (balancing) valves 2 Flow/che ck v.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 22 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 W ater piping — lo w temp systems Failure to prevent lo w retur n water t emperatur e to the boiler could cause co r rosion of the boiler sections o r burners, resulting in seve re personal injury , death or substantial pro pert y damage.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 23 1 Boiler isolation (balancing) valves 2 Flow/che ck valve 3 Syste m or zone circulator 4 System te mpe ra ture gau ges 5 Zone valv e 6 Drain valve 7 S.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 24 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 W ater piping — lo w temp systems Failure to prevent lo w retur n water t emperatur e to the boiler could cause co r rosion of the boiler sections o r burners, resulting in seve re personal injury , death or substantial pro pert y damage.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 25 3 Sy stem or zone circulat or 7 Sy stem temperature va lves (see instructions to the left for adjusting valv es) 8 Blend t emperature g auge 9 Relief valve 10 A utomatic air ve nt (with diap hragm-t y pe expansion tank), o r connect to tank fitting (closed-ty pe expansion tank).
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 26 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Gas piping Natural Gas: 1. Refer t o T able 4 f or pipe length and diameter . Base on rated boiler input (divide by 1,000 to obtain cubic feet per hour). T able 4 is only for gas w ith specific gra vity 0.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 27 Field wiring For y our safet y , tur n off electrical po wer supply at service entrance panel bef ore making an y electrical connections to av oid possible electric sho ck hazard. Failur e to do so can cause severe per sonal injur y or death.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 28 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Start -up — preparation 6a Determine if water treatment is needed Verify water chemistry Cons ult local water treatment companies for unus ual ly hard wate r areas (above 7 grains hardness) or lo w pH water c onditions (below 7.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 29 Fill the system with water Inspect system water piping After filling the boiler and system with water , inspect all piping throughout the system for leaks. If found, repair immediately . R epeat this inspection after the boile r has b een started and the system has heated up .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 30 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Start -up — operate boiler 6b DO NO T proceed with boiler operation unless boiler and syste m have been filled w ith water and all instructions and proc edures of previous manual sections have been completed.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 31 Start the boiler Start -up — if boiler doesn ’t start . . . 6c Check for: 4. Gas not turned on at meter or boiler? 5. Inc oming gas pressure less than: 5" w .c. for natural gas? 11" w .c.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 32 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Star t-up — verify operation 6d The boiler model suffix will b e “ SPD ” . F or spark-ignited pilot boilers (suffix “ PID ”), see Section 8 or 9 for operation and light ing/operating information.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 33 Check - out procedure — checklist 7 ❏ Boiler and heat distribution units filled with water? ❏ A utomatic air ve nt, if used, open one full turn?.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 34 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Operation — s tanding pilot boiler s 8a Figure 23 Wiring diagram — Standing pilot system 4 2 5 3 6 1 CIRCULA TOR 120 V .
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 35 Lighting instructions — CGa-25 to CGa-8 8b FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING LIGHTING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any p hone in your building.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 36 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING LIGHTING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 37 Figure 24 Ignition control module sequence of operation — status light indications Follo w all procedur es g iv en in this manual and operat ing instructions when operating the boiler . Failur e to do so could result in sev ere personal injur y , death or substantial pro p erty damage.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 38 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Figure 25a Sc hematic wiring diagram — Spark-ignited pilot system Operation — spark-ignited pilot system continued 9a Plug-in c.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 39 Figure 25b Ladder wiring diagram — Spark-ignited pilot system 59347a Honeywell VR8204 Honeywell VR8304 Rober tshaw 7200 White-Rodgers 36C * T erminals 2–4 are factory-jumpered on the White-Rodgers 36C gas valve.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 40 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERA TING OPERA TING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 41 FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERA TING OPERA TING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any p hone in your building.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 42 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERA TING OPERA TING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 43 FOR Y OUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERA TING OPERA TING INSTRU CTIONS T O TURN OFF GAS T O THE APPLIANCE • Do not tr y to light any applianc e. • Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any p hone in your building.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 44 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 S er vice and maintenance — sc hedule 10a Fo llow the Service and maintenance pr ocedures giv en throughout this manual and in component lite rature shipped with the b oiler . Fail ure to perform the service and maintenance c ould result in damage to the boiler or system.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 45 Service & maintenance — annual start -up 10b The boiler should be inspected and star ted annually , at the beg inning of the heat ing season, only by a qualified service te chnician .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 46 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Service & maint. — annual start -up continued 10b ❏ Service . . . . . . . .
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 47 ❏ Start-up . . . . . . . . . 1. P erform start-up procedur es section 6 , pages 28-32, including proc edure to v erify op eration of burners and vent damper on page 32. 2. V erify cold fill pressur e is correct and that fill syst em is working pr operly .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 48 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Service & maint. — annual start -up continued 10b ❏ Check/test . . . . . . . Figure 27 Relief valve, typical 59343 circulation of air-saturated tank water back to the system and pr events the air fr om bubbling up through the water as it r eturns from the sy stem.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 49 1. Review the User’ s Inf ormation Manual with the ow ner. 2. Emphasize the need to perfo rm the maintenanc e schedule specifie d in the User ’ s Infor mation Manual (and in this manual as well). 3.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 50 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 51 Is 24VAC present across transformer terminals C & Y ? Is damper harness securely plugged in at both ends? Secure connections. Check for open thermostat, LWCO, high limit, spill switch or rollout thermal fuse element contacts or check for loose wire connections.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 52 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 T roubleshooting — spark -ignited pilot boilers 11 c Make sur e gr ound wiring is installed per w iring diagr am.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 53 Figure 30 Control module connections 1 2 3 4 Indicator lights POWER TST A T CIRC LIMIT DAMPER FLAME 120 V AC IN 120 V AC to transformer High voltage t.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 54 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 T roubleshooting — spark -ignited pilot boilers 11 c Electrical shock hazard — Wherever you see ▲ TURN OFF POWER ▲ , follow the instructions. Failure to follow instructions could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 55 Electrical shock hazard — Wherever yo u se e ▲ TURN OFF POWER ▲ , follow the instructions. Failure to fo llow instructions could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial prop erty damage.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 56 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 T roubleshooting — spark -ignited pilot boilers 11 c • Reset boiler control by turning off power at service switch or turning down thermostat for at least 45 seconds. • Thermostat should call for heat and appropriate zone valves open.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 57 continued • Turn off power to the boiler at service switch or breaker. • Wait at least 45 seconds. • Turn on power to boiler. • Restart boiler, following Operating instructions in this manual or on boiler label.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 58 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 T roubleshooting — spark -ignited pilot boilers 11 c • ▲ TURN OFF POWER ▲ to boiler at service switch or breaker. • Remove base access panel (see Figure 32 , page 62 for location).
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 59 continued Electrical shock hazard — Wherever you see ▲ TURN OFF POWER ▲ , follow the instructions. Failure to follow instructions could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 60 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Replacement parts 12a Section assembly ............................................... 61 Base assembly .................................................... 62 Jack et assembly .....
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired Water Boiler 66 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 Dimensions 13a Figure 36 Dimensional drawing — ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES R IGHT SIDE L EFT SIDE T OP VIEW F RONT 19 19 13¹¹₁₆ 28³⁄₈ 1⁵⁄₈ 4³⁄₄ 4³⁄₄ 13¹⁄₄ 6¹⁄₄ Boiler circulator is shipped loose.
Boiler Manual Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099 67 Ratings 13b 1 .S e e T able 7 for available pilot sy stems. The suffix sho w n in the table is added to the boiler model number . (N ot available for milliv olt systems.) 2. Based on standard test proced ures prescribed by the U nited States Department of Energy .
GOLD CGa Gas-F ired W ater Boiler — Boiler Manual 68 Par t Number 550-1 1 0-593/1 099.
デバイスWeil-McLain Gold CGaの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Weil-McLain Gold CGaをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWeil-McLain Gold CGaの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Weil-McLain Gold CGaの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Weil-McLain Gold CGaで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Weil-McLain Gold CGaを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWeil-McLain Gold CGaの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Weil-McLain Gold CGaに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWeil-McLain Gold CGaデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。