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SIDE B Y SIDE R EFR IGERATOR Use & Care Guide For quest ions abo ut features, o peration/ performanc e, parts, accessories or servic e, call: 1-800-44- ROPER (1- 800-447- 6737) . In Canada, call fo r assistance 1- 800-461 -5681 , f or installation and service, call: 1-800- 807-67 77 or visit ou r website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGERATOR SAFETY .................................. ........................... 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator ......... ........................... 3 REFRIGERATOR INSTALLATION ...................... ...............
3 REFR IGERATOR SAFETY Pr oper Disposal of Yo u r O l d R e f r i g e r a t o r IMPORT ANT : Ch ild ent rapment a nd suffocation are not problems of the past. Junk ed or abandoned r efrigerators are still da ngerous – ev en i f th ey w ill s it for “ just a few d ays.
4 REFR IGERATOR INSTALLATION Unpacking Removin g packaging mat erials ■ Remove tape an d glue residue from surfaces before turni ng on the refrigerator . Rub a small amount of l iquid dish soap over th e adhesiv e with y our fingers. W ipe wi th warm wa ter and dry .
5 Electrical Require ments Before you move your refrige rator i nto its fi nal lo cation, it is important to make sure you have the proper electrical connection : Reco mmended gr ound ing met hod A 115 V olt, 60 Hz., AC only 15 or 20 amper e fused, gr ounded electrica l supply is required.
6 Door Rem o v al TOOLS NE EDED: ¹⁄₄ in., ¹⁄ ₂ in., an d ⁵⁄₁₆ in. hex-head socke t wrenches, a flat-head s crewdriver and a Phi llips screwdriver . IMPORT ANT : Before you begin, turn the refri gerator control OFF , unplug r e frigerator or disconnect power .
7 Handle Removal (optional) 1. Apply fi rm pr essure with your hand on the face of tri m. Slid e top trim up an d bottom trim down away fr om handle . Lif t tri m pieces off shoulder screws (see Graphic 1). NOTE : Some models in clude accent pi eces betwe en the handle and the han dle trim.
8 Door Closin g Y our refriger ator has t wo front ad justab le rollers — one on the right and one on the l eft. If your refrigerator seems unstead y or if you want the doors to close more easily , adjust th e ref riger ator 's tilt us ing the instruct ions below: 1.
9 W ater S ystem Prep aration (on some models) Please read before using the wa ter system. Immediately af ter install ation, follow th e steps below to make sure that the wat er system is properly cl eaned. 1. Open the freezer door and tur n off the ice maker by lifting u p the wire shutoff arm as shown.
10 Using the Con tr ols Rotary Contr ols (on some models) For your convenience, your refrigerator controls are preset at the factory . When install ing your refrigerator , make sure that the controls are still preset t o the “ mid -se tti ng s ” as shown.
11 3. Remo ve the glas s to s top di spensing. NOTE : The first few batches of ice may have an off-flavor from new plumbing and p arts. Throw the ice aw ay .
12 Style 1: Behind the base grille filter 1. Remove the ba se grille (see “ Remo ving t he bas e gril le ” section ). Rotate th e cartridge counterclockwi se to a vertic al positio n and pul l the fil ter car tridge out. NOTE : There will be water in the cartridge.
13 T o remo ve and rep lace the ice bin: 1. Pull the co verin g pan el out from the bott om and then slide it back toward the r ear . 2. Li f t t h e w i re s h ut o ff ar m so i t c l ic k s i n to t he O FF ( up ) po s it i on . Ice can still be dispens ed, but no more can be m ade.
14 Flip- up Shelf (on some models) T o raise or lower the shelf: 1. Raise the sh elf by pulling forward on the lever located at the bottom front of the shelf an d lift until th e shelf lo cks into the vertical posi tion. 2. Lower th e shelf unt il it is latc hed s ecur ely in pla ce.
15 Meat storage guid e Store most meat in original wrapping as long as it is airtight an d moisture-proof. Rewrap if nec essary . See the follow ing chart for storage times. When s toring meat longer than the times gi ven, freeze the meat. Fr esh fish or shellf ish .
16 DOOR FEATURES Y our model may have some or all of these featu res. Featur es that can be purchased separate ly as product access ories are labe led with th e wor d “ Accessory .
17 If you need to cl ean the condense r: ■ Remove the ba se grille (see “ Base Grille ” or “ Door Removal ” sect ion). ■ Use a vacuu m with a soft brush to clean the gri lle, the open areas behind the grill e and the front surface area of the conde nser .
18 V acation and M o ving Care V a cations If you choose to leave the refrigerator on wh ile you ’ r e away: 1. Use up any peri shables a nd freeze other items. 2. If your refrigerator has an au tomatic ice ma ker: ■ Raise wire shutof f arm to OFF (up) position or move the switc h to the OF F (right) setti ng.
19 ■ Are the doors not closed completely? Close the doors firmly . If they d o not cl ose complet ely , see “ The doors will not close completel y ” later in this secti on. ■ Are the co ndenser coils dirty? This prevents air tran sfer and make s th e m otor w or k har der .
20 Ice bucket difficult to remove ■ Is the ice bucket difficult to r emove (on some models)? For models with an ice bu cket located on th e freezer door , select “ cubed ” i ce. Usin g a sturdy glass, quickly depress and release the ice dispe nser arm.
21 The doors will not close comp letely ■ Are food packages blocki ng the door open? Rearrange containers s o that they fi t mor e tightl y and take up les s space. ■ Is the ice bin or ice bucket out of position? For models with an int erior ice bin, push the ic e bin in all the way .
22 In Canada Call the Wh irlpool Canad a Inc . Custo mer I nterac tion Ce nte r toll free: 1-800- 461-5 681 M onday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ( EST). Satur day 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p .m. (ES T). Our consultants provide assistance with: ■ Featu res an d spe cific atio ns on our fu ll line of applia nces .
23 P ERF OR MANCE DATA SHEETS Base Grille W ater Fi ltration System Model WF-NL300/NL300 capaci ty 300 Gal lons (1136 Liters) Model WF-L500/L500 capacity 500 Gallons (1893 Liters) This system has b een tested acc or ding to ANSI/NS F 42/53 for the reduction of the s ubstances lis ted below .
24 R OPER ® REFRIGERA T OR W ARRANTY ONE-YE AR FULL WARRANTY O N REFRIGERA TOR For one year from the date of purchase, when th is refrigerator (excludi ng the water filter) is operated and main taine.
25 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise au rebut de v otre vieux r é fr ig é rateu r IMPORT ANT : L ’ empriso nnement et l ’é touf feme nt de s enf ants n e sont p as un probl è me du pas s é .
26 INSTALLATION DU R É FR IG É RATEUR D é ballag e Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ emball age ■ Enlev er le ruba n adh é si f et tou t r é sidu de coll e du r é frig é rateur avant d e le mettre en marche. Fr otter une pet ite quanti t é de savon liqui de à vaissel le sur l ’ ad h é sif avec les doigts.
27 Sp é cificati ons é lectr iques Avant de place r le r é fri g é rateur à son empl acement f inal, il e st impor tant de vou s assurer d ’ avoir la connexi on é lectrique appropri é e : M .
28 Enl è ve m e n t d e s p o r t e s OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é s à douill es à t ê te hexa gon ale de ¹⁄₄ p o, ¹⁄₂ po et ⁵⁄₁₆ po, un tournevis à lame plate et un tour nev is Phillip s.
29 Enl è vement des poign é es (facultat if) 1. Appliq uer une pression forte avec votre main sur la surface de la g arnitur e. Glisser la ga rniture sup é rieur e vers le haut et la garnitur e inf é rieur e vers le bas hors d e la poign é e. Soulever les pi è ces de la gar ni ture des vis de fixat ion (voir dessin 1).
30 5. Replacer le couvercle de la charn i è re gauc he et les vi s. 6. Repl acer la port e du r é fri g é rateur en soulevan t soigneusemen t la porte dans la charni è re i n f é rieure dr oite. 7. Aligner et replacer la charn i è re s up é rieure dr oite tel qu'indi qu é (voi r dessin 6).
31 Racco r demen t au r é fr ig é rateur 1. Connecter le tu be en cuivre au robinet d ’ ea u en ut ili sant un é crou et une bague de compression te l qu ’ illustr é .
32 UTILISATION DU R É FR IG É RATEUR Po u r s ’ assurer d ’ une circula tion d ’ air a ppropr i é e Pour s ’ assurer d ’ avoir les temp é ratur es appr opri é es, il faut permettr e à l ’ air de circuler entre les deux comparti ments.
33 Distr ibuteu r s d ’ eau et de gla ç on s (sur cer tains mod è les) Selon le mod è le que vous avez, vous pouvez avoir une ou plusi eurs des option s suivan tes : la capacit é de choi sir de .
34 Lumi è re du distrib uteur L ’ espace de distribu tion comporte une lumi è r e. Elle peut ê tre allum é e manuellement en appuya nt su r le bouton ON (allu m é e) au c ô t é droit du panneau d e r é glage. L ’ indica teu r r ouge appara î tra au- dessu s d u bo uton ON ( allu m é e).
35 3. Sor tir la nou vel le car to uche de son emb all age pu is d é gager le couvercle protecteur des anneaux d ’é tanch é it é . 4. Faire glisser le couvercle de la carto uche sur la nouvelle cartouche comme le mont r e l ’ illu stration à l ’é tap e 2.
36 ■ É viter de branch er la machine à gla ç ons à un appr ovisionnement d ’ eau adoucie. Les p roduits chimiqu es adoucisseu rs d ’ eau (tels q ue le sel) peuvent endomma ger des pi è ces de la machine à gla ç ons et causer une pi è tre qualit é des gla ç on s.
37 Tiroir pour sp é cialit é s aliment air es (sur cer tains mod è les) Le t iroir pour sp é cia lit é s alimenta ir es fournit un endr oit pratique pour garder les raisi ns secs, noix, t artinade s et autres petits articles à des temp é rature s normal es de r é fr ig é rateur .
38 ■ Frui ts : L aver , la isser s é cher et garder au r é frig é rateu r dans un sac en plas tique ou dans l e bac à l é gume s. Ne pas laver n i é queute r les p etits fruit s avant l e moment de leu r util isatio n.
39 C ARA CT É RISTIQUES DE LA POR TE Vo t r e m o d è le peut comporter l ’ ensemble de ces caract é rist iques ou certaines d ’ entre elles. Les ca ract é rist iques q ui pe uve nt ê tr e achet é es s é par é me nt comme accessoires du produit comportent le m ot “ accessoire ” .
40 V eille r à ce que le nett oyant et po li pour aci er inoxydabl e n ’ entre pas en co ntact avec le s pi è ces de p lastiq ue tell es que garni tures, couvercles de distri buteurs ou jo ints de porte . En cas de contact, nettoyer la pi è c e de plastiq ue avec une é ponge et un d é tergent doux et de l ’ eau ti è de.
41 ■ Replacer le protecteur d ’ ampoule en ins é rant la languette gauche d ans la p ar oi du cong é la teur . Aligner la langu ette sup é rieure avec le t rou de la vis et replacer la vis.
42 ■ Le r é fr ig é rateur est-il en train de se d é givrer? V é rifier pour voir si le r é frig é ra teur fonc tionne au bou t de 30 minu tes. Le r é frig é rateur ex é cute ra r é guli è r ement un programme automatiqu e de d é givrage.
43 Mauvais go û t , odeur ou couleur grise de s gla ç ons ■ Les raccord s de plomberie sont-ils neufs et causent-ils une d é colorati on et un mauvais go û t des gla ç ons? Jeter les premi è re s q u an ti t é s de gl a ç ons.
44 L ’ eau ou la glace coule du distribu teur ■ La glace se r enverse-t-elle parce qu e le verre n ’ est pas tenu sou s le di stributeu r de gla ç ons assez longtemps? T enir le c ontenan t sous la goulotte de gla ç on s pendant 2 à 3 secondes ap r è s av oi r rel â ch é le bras de dis tribu tion.
45 ■ Les portes ont-el les é t é enlev é es durant l ’ installation de l ’ appareil et mal r é install é es? Enlever et replacer les portes en suiv ant la sectio n “ Enl è vement des portes ” sur certains mod è les ou faire venir un technicien qualifi é .
46 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PR ODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Mod è le WF-NL300/NL300 Ca pacit é : 300 gallons (1 136 litres) Mod è le WF-L500/L500 Capacit é.
47 GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR R OPER ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pend ant un an à compter de la date d ’ ac hat , lo rsq ue ce r é frig é rateur ( à l ’ excl.
2254901 © 2002 Whirlpool Corporation. All r ights res erved. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered T rademark /TM Trad emark of Whirlp ool, U.S.A ., Whirlpo ol Canad a Inc. Licen see in Ca nada ® Marqu e d é pos é e/T M Mar que de co mme rce de Whi rlp ool, U.
デバイスWhirlpool RS25AQXKQ00の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool RS25AQXKQ00をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool RS25AQXKQ00の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool RS25AQXKQ00の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool RS25AQXKQ00で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool RS25AQXKQ00を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool RS25AQXKQ00の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool RS25AQXKQ00に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool RS25AQXKQ00デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。