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Mode l MRC88 Page : 3 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation T ABLE OF CONT ENTS SAF ETY INSTRUCTIO NS - READ BEF OR E OPERATING E QUI P MEN T ........................................................... 2 TABLE OF C ON TEN TS .................................
Page : 4 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation DB 9 Se r ia l Co nnec tio n .......................................................................................................... ................ 38 U S B Se r ial C o nnec tion .............
Mode l MRC88 Page : 5 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Pas te ......................................................................................................................................................54 E DITING C OM MANDS ( IN T HE M ACRO C O MMAND L IS T W INDOW ) .
Page : 6 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PROGRAMM ING INT ERNAL AM PLIFIER CO MM AN DS ................................................................................. 72 ZON E EXP A NS I ON ( CON N EC TIN G MUL TI P LE MR C8 8 C ON TR OLL ERS ) .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 7 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation.
Page : 8 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 1: General I n form ation & Features GENER AL I NFORM AT ION The Xantec h MRC88 Sy stem is the next generati on in W hole-house A udio/ V i deo E nt ert ainment ( WA VE™ ) f amil y o f product s - the first being the MRC44.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 9 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation I M P O RT AN T N O T E : A MRC88 System can be a s ingl e contr oll er w it h key pads f or up t o E ight zones or t wo connect ed cont roll ers and keypads f or up to Sixteen zones. There ar e thr ee diff erent setup m odes in t he Dragon Drop- IR S oft ware.
Page : 10 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation SYST EM OVERV I EW The M RC88 is a Eight-source E i ght- zone audi o/vi deo distri buti on and cont r ol system. The Sy stem is compri sed of a Cont rol Am p, Eight LCD Keypads, and E i ght 283M IR Emitter s.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 11 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation CONT ROLLER/AMPLIFIER FE ATURES • Zone s: Eight, expandabl e t o 16-z ones w it h t he addition o f a second Contr oll er/ Amplifi er and additi onal keypads • So urces: Eight audi o AND VIDEO sources.
Page : 12 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation KEYPAD FE AT URES • Fl ush-mount , snap-in wall unit wit h universal wall mounti ng plate. Requi res a 4" x 4" hole cutout in wall (use inc l uded tem plate) . • Connects to M RC88 Contr oll er/ Amplifi er vi a CAT5 cable termi nated wit h RJ45 connector s.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 13 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation MRC88 CONT ROLL ER/AM PL IFIER PANEL AND FEAT URE DESCR IPT IONS 1 4 3 2 5 8 10 6 7 15 14 13 PROTECT OFF ON 9 11 12 PROTECT OFF ON Figur e 2 – The M ode l MRC8 8 C ontr olle r/A mplif ier – Fr on t Pa nel Fea tures an d F uncti ons MRC88 FRO NT PANEL FEA T URES AND CONNECTIONS: 1.
Page : 14 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Zon e Status ( Active-O perat ion al Mode) a) St eady G reen – indicat es that t he Zone is Activ e (Keypad ON), i s not muted and is not wit hi n 5 dB o f MAX-V. b) St eady Red – indi cates that the Zone is Activ e, i s not muted and i s withi n 5 dB of MAX-V.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 15 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 29 30 31 24 26 27 20 23 22 25 19 28 17 18 16 34 21 33 32 Figur e 3 – The M ode l MRC8 8 C ontr olle r/A mplif ier – R e ar Pa nel C onne ct ions a nd F unct ions MRC88 REAR PANEL FEAT URES AND CONNECTIONS: 16.
Page : 16 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 23 . Sourc e Lo op- Thru C onne ct i ons (8 ). a) A udio L oop- Thru . Par allel Connect i on to Audio Input s f or connecti ng Audi o Source t o another MRC- 88 in Ex panded Mode or to other l ocal devic es.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 17 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation MRC88 KEYPAD F E AT URE DESCRIPT IONS 6 7 5 2 4 11 12 9 8 10 14 13 1 3 Figur e 4 – The M ode l MRC8 8 Ke ypa d – Fro nt Pa nel Featur es a nd Funct ions MRC88 KEYPA D - FRON T FEA T URES: 1. M RC88 Keypad .
Page : 18 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation d) F ast Red Bli nk = IR Sensor INPUT or Keypad O UTPUT e) F ast Amber Blink = System B USY 5. L CD Di splay. W hen t he zone pow er i s ON, the LCD will indi cat e the select ed s ource, zone v olum e level, zone and system stat us and other system condi ti ons.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 19 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation JP1 JP2 19 18 17 22 15 24 16 23 21 20 Figur e 5 – The M ode l MRC8 8 Ke ypa d – R ea r P a nel Featur es a nd Funct i ons MRC8 8 KEYPA D - REA R FEA T URES A ND CONNEC T IONS: 15. Co nt roll er Termi n al.
Page : 20 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 2: I nstallation & Connections I NS TALLA T IO N OPER A TION: OU T- OF-THE -B OX PRE TES T (BA SIC/A DVAN CED/EXPA NDED) The M RC-88 is shipped to oper ate basi c f uncti ons ‘Out-Of -The-B ox’ wit hout any progr amming.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 21 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation b) Pr ess “VO L+ ” on t he Zone 1 Keypad. The Vol ume bar s hould m ov e on the Keypad and t he audio cont ent of the source connect ed t o the Source 1 input s should be shoul d be hear d thr ough the Zone 1 speaker s.
Page : 22 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 2. If mount ed in an equipment cabi net or ot her confi ning locati on, all ow at l east 2 inches of space abov e the top c over. Be sure there are lar ge openi ngs in the shelf bel ow the unit and in the cabi net t o allow the entry of c ool air and t he escape o f warm ai r.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 23 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation b. Using a l evel, make proper hor izont al and verti cal mar ks on s urf ac e to be cut, to pr operly orient te mplate .
Page : 24 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation e. Sli de the left or ri ght side of the back -bar int o the wall as sho wn in Fi gu re 8 . f. Center the m ounting br acket i n the wall and tight en the s cre ws unti l t he brack et is firml y held in the w all .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 25 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 1 2 POWER CH CH STA TUS SELECT PLAY STOP PAUSE FF REW VOL VOL MUTE Fig ure 9 – Removing th e MRC88 Keypad fro m the wall 1.
Page : 26 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Using good qual i ty RCA- type patch c ables connect t he source VID EO OU T PUT jacks o f t he ‘Pr im ary contr oll er’ [Fi gure 3-( 23)] to the corr esponding source VI DEO IN PUT jac ks on the Secondary Cont roll er - Fig ure 3- (22).
Mode l MRC88 Page : 27 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation NOT E 3: Program IR comm ands f or the MRC44 Cont roll er curr ent sensing as described i n t he MRC44 Ins tallatio n Instr uc tions , “PR OGRA MM IN G S ENS E CO DES”. (EXPA NDED ) Connect CS M1’s as descri bed abov e t o the Prim ary Co ntroll er .
Page : 28 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Wire Color Pin # Signal white/orange 1 485 + orange 2 485 - white/green 3 12V RET blue 4 IR RET white/blue 5 IR green 6 +12V white/brown 7 Attn.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 29 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Mi ni jack to t he appropri ate zone Stat us connect or on the rear of the MRC88 Cont roll er/Am plif i er and the other end to t he de vi c e to control.
Page : 30 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation K EYPAD C ONNECTIONS AND J U M PER S ETTI NG S Sin gle K ey pad C A T5 Co n nec tio ns 1. Ref er to Fi gure 10 for pr oper termi nation at the zone-end of the CAT 5 cable.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 31 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Keypad Addr ess Set ti ng Applicat ion JP1 JP2 Firs t (or S ingl e) Keypad in Zone (Pr im ary Keypad c onnect ed dir ectl y to MRC88 Cont roller ).
Page : 32 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation L INKING T WO MRC8 8 C ON TROLLER /A MP LI F IE R U NI T S To c onnect two system s, sim ply connect the suppli ed DB15 E x pansion Cabl e t o the EXPANSIO N Port on the rear of one unit to the EXPANSIO N Port on the other – Figu re 3-( 30) .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 33 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Ext ended Runs and Secondary Keypads In Z one 125 feet max (38 m) IR Receiver 250 feet max (76 m) IR Receiver A B C POWER CH CH STATUS SELECT PLAY.
Page : 34 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation If any keypad i n the zone is using an ext ernal I R receiver, or if an outdoor keypad is necessary i n a sub- zone, t he MRC88 Termi nal Bloc k on the rear of t he keypad (see Figure 12 ) can be us ed to expand t he connect i ons on the back of t he keypad as shown in Fi gures 11A, B, & C .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 35 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation SETT ING-UP T HE MRC88 SYST EM (BASIC/ADV ANCED) To bet ter demonstr ate t he ease and v ersatili t y o f progr ammi ng the MRC88, Fi gure 13 w i ll be used to ill ustrat e setup f or a ty pical appli cati on.
Page : 36 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 3: Pre- Prog ramming the MRC88 Progr ammi ng the MRC88 system i nv olves planni ng the system and most of all , programmi ng t he system.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 37 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PLANN ING T HE SYST EM Bef or e attempti ng any programmi ng, plan the system confi gur ation fi rst. This should i ncl ude the foll owing: 1. Deter mi ne the brand and t ype of all source com ponents to be used.
Page : 38 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation INCL UDED HARDWARE & SOFTWARE ITEMS The M RC88 Dragon Drop- IR pac kage includes: • DragMRC CD RO M • One DB9 M ale-t o-Female Cabl e. Connect s the MRC88 COM PORT to a DB9 SERIA L P ORT 1 on your com put er.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 39 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 3. A New Hardw are w indow shoul d appear on t he PC. Click NE XT to search the dr iv e f or an a v ail abl e driv er . For File Locati on poi nt the system t o C:Program Fil esDr agMRC USB f older .
Page : 40 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figure 14 MRC88 Syste m W indow – B AS IC Mode Figure 15 MRC88 Syste m W indow – A dvanced Mode LEA RNING IR COMMA NDS (Creating P alette File.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 41 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 1. W ith the IR Libr ary opened t o the specifi c m anuf act urers li st of Co mm and Groups as outl i ned abov e, cli ck on the fi rst Command G roup listed (i. e. Cmd Group1). A list of all of comm ands ass ociat ed wit h thi s component should be di spl ayed.
Page : 42 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 5. Clic k on the RECO RD button in the middl e of the Pal ette Edit or. The RECORD butt on text will turn red. Dragon i s now ready t o l earn t he IR codes f or the speci fi c brand/ component selec ted.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 43 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation To R e nam e a n Ex ist ing Fu ncti on 1. Ri ght -cli ck on t he f uncti on to be renam ed. 2. Choose RENAM E from the drop-down menu. 3. Edi t the text as desired and press ENTER on y our key board to sa v e.
Page : 44 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Fig ure 19: Creating a Palett e Fil e EDITI NG BRAND, COMPONENT, AND FUNC T IO N LIS T S If a brand, com ponent, or f uncti on is not found i n the Palett e Editor, each c an be added as f ollows : A DD ING B R ANDS 1.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 45 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 1. Clic k “LINKS ” on the DragM RC menu bar. 2. Clic k on Remote Cent ral W ebsite. Your browser w i l l open and tak e you to htt p:// www .rem ot ecent ral. com / 3. Clic k FILE S in Rem ote Central.
Page : 46 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figure 20: Importing Discrete IR Codes ENTERI NG RS 232 COM MA NDS (Cr eating RS 232 Com man d Palette Files) (A DVAN CED/EXPA ND ED) The M RC88 C.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 47 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figur e 21 RS232 Pal ett e Editor Windo w Fig ure 22 En terin g RS23 2 C o mman d Stri n gs T ESTIN G RS232 C O MMA N D S TRIN GS Ther e are t wo .
Page : 48 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation the pr oper Com P ort is s elec ted of the DragMRC P C f or co mm unic ating wit h the MRC88 Co ntr o ller /A m p li fie r) 4. Clic k on the comm and string t o be tested on the left -hand side of t he RS232 Palett e Editor.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 49 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 4: Prog ra mming The Controlle r Ther e are t hree ways in which t he MRC88 can be control l ed or to control your audi o, v ideo and home.
Page : 50 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figu re 24 – MRC88 Keypad L CD Icon Generato r Enter i ng Text Dir ectly ont o the icons 1. Double c li ck on the Source I con in the Virtual Keypad in the M RC88 System s w indow.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 51 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PLACING CO MM ANDS ON T O THE VIRT UAL KEYP AD Comm ands can be pl aced under any keypad butt on with the ex cepti on of the Volum e UP, Volume DO W N, and ST ATUS buttons.
Page : 52 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 1. Select the K EYPAD tab in the M RC88 Sys tems w indow 2. Clic k the desir ed Sourc e butt on on the virtual MRC88 Keypad. 3. Clic k the Func tion butt on you wish to plac e a comm and under and s el ect the appli cable c ommand fr om the pal ette f or that component functi on.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 53 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Comm ands can be repeat ed t o extend the am ount o f time the comm and is being issued. Thi s i s sometim es necessary f or STOP commands or any c ommands that seem to be intermi ttent wit h a s hort but ton pr ess.
Page : 54 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation D ELETE K EY (BA SIC/A DVAN CED/EXPA NDED) Selecting DELETE KEY f rom t he pop-up menu will del ete A LL commands placed under the selected butt on fr om the cur rent Keypad only . In BASI C Mode this appli es to all key pads in the system .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 55 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figur e 27 : Editing Co m mands IR I N Z ON E (A DVAN CED/EXPA ND ED) Highli ghti ng a singl e command in t he Macro Comm and List and selec ti ng.
Page : 56 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation D ELETE (BA SIC/A DVAN CED/EXPA NDED) Highli ghti ng a singl e command in t he Macro Comm and List and selec ti ng Delete f rom the pop- up menu wil l remov e the command from the Macro Command List.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 57 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation (BA SIC) 1. Sel ect the POWE R MANAGEMENT t ab in the MRC88 System s w indow. 2. Sel ect the SOURCE to program ( be s ure to hav e the component s IR Palette open wit h t he proper power com m ands opened).
Page : 58 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PROGRA MMIN G SENSE T RIGG ER COD ES (A DVAN CED/EXPA ND ED) In Adv anced and Ex panded modes, t he avail able Video or Sense input s can be used f or eit her pow er m anagement of source component s or as Trigger s to initi at e IR codes, RS232 Codes or Int ernal Am plif i er Comm ands.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 59 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 6. Sel ect POW ER OFF in t he Macro Comm and List. The POW ER OFF butt on will become outli ned in RED. 7. Sel ect the appr opri ate comm and(s) t o be as sociat ed wi th t he absenc e of a Sense Input (i.
Page : 60 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation ZONE OPT IONS CONFIGURA T ION In BA SIC mode, t he system i s con fi gur ed as a w hole and m ost f eatures are fix ed t o the de f ault settings. T he only feature t hat i s configurabl e in the Key pad screen is the RC68 G roup Code.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 61 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation (BA SIC) In basi c mode, the code group c an only be set f or the entir e system. To change t he Code Group, click on the drop-do wn m enu in the “SYSTE M CODE GROUP” box and select one of the displ ayed Code Group choi c es.
Page : 62 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Figur e 32 : Conf iguring Co m mands for IR IN ZONE T RANSFERRING T H E PROJECT (BA SIC) The pr oj ect can now be transf err ed to the MRC88 if it is being set up in t he Basic mode. For Ad v anced and Ex panded system s, c ontinue t o next secti on.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 63 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 5: Advance d/Expanded Prog ramming All features di scussed in S ecti on 5 are only av ailable in ADVANCE D or EXPANDED modes of oper ation.
Page : 64 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation IR R OU TING (Factory De fault = “ ENABLED ”) Thi s mode all ows select iv e cont rol of multi ple sam e-brand same-m odel component s such as multi pl e DVD play ers or Sat elli t e recei v ers .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 65 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation RS232 SETT INGS To c onfigur e the setti ngs of t he RS232 Port loc ated in the rear of the MRC88 Cont roll er/Am plif i er – Figu re 3 - (29) , clic k on the CHANGE SETTI NGS button under t he RS232 Setti ngs secti on of the CO NTROLLER tab.
Page : 66 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation i. e. If S ource #2 is a DVD player that should not be viewed by those in Z ONE 5, sel ect the box at the cr oss secti on of S ource 2 and Zone 5 .
Mode l MRC88 Page : 67 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation ZONE L INKI NG PROGR AMMING Zones i n the M RC88 System can be linked t oget her to all ow any co m binati on of zones to behav e as a singl e zone wit h regard t o power (ON/O FF) and sourc e selection.
Page : 68 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation NOT E: Aft er the proj ect has been tr ansf erred to t he MR C88 Control l er, the Z ones w ill be perm anentl y li nk ed unless reprogramm ed t o be otherwise.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 69 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation NOT E: Aft er progr ammi ng the contr oll er, to activ ate the Dynami c Link Mode, please see SEC TION 8 (O perati ng Instr ucti ons – Dynami c Zone Link). LI NK ALL DYNA MI C Sel ecti ng this butt on will set A LL zones to all ow Dynami c Zone Li nking bet ween ANY zones.
Page : 70 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Fi gur e 38 – IRS232 Input Translat or PROG RAMMING IR COMMANDS A ND SEQ UENCE S The RS 232 Input Translat or get s programm ed in the same m anner as program mi ng the keypads. P al ettes are used to associ ate c ommands with any of the 128 av ailable A SCII stri ngs.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 71 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation RC68+ IR CODE T RIGGERED SEQUENC ER The M RC88 Contr oll er/Amplifi er c an generat e IR code s equenc es t ri ggered by single RC68+ comm ands.
Page : 72 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation can do one func tion when the I R is receiv ed at Z one 1’s IR Receiv er and have a totally different Macro associ ated wit h it when the sam e IR code is receiv ed in Zone 2). 4. Sel ect the RC68+ S equence T rigger Command to be programm ed.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 73 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation zone (i . e. lower the v olume in the Kids zone whil e sitti ng i n the Master Bedr oom) . A list of the avail able comm ands appears in Tabl e 2 on the ne x t page. NOT E: TH ESE C OMMAND S ARE ALREAD Y PR OG R AMMED INTO THE MRC8 8 AT THE FACTORY.
Page : 74 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation wil l tur n the zone “OFF”. (B e sure to set the PLA Y co mm and f or the proper Sourc e Emitt er Output. i. e. Right -clic k on command i n Macro Command Li st and s elec t S ource 1 output ) 9.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 75 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation NOT E: Duri ng the EXPA ND ED Se t-Up ins truct i ons , w e w ill re f er to the PRI M ARY and SECONDARY Contr oll er s.
Page : 76 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 2. Any RS232 Comm ands pl aced on any key pad will be execut ed out of the PRIM ARY Controll er s rear RS232 Connect or O NLY regar dless of whic h zone is issuing t he comm and.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 77 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 6: Completing the Prog ramming Pr oce ss Aft er compl eti ng the previ ous 5 Sections, i t is f i nally time to t rans f er the proj ect to the Cont roller and star t usi ng the system .
Page : 78 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation SAVING AND BACKING-UP F ILES A UT OM AT I C S AV E W hen w orki ng on a proj ect in Dr agMRC, it is aut omatical l y sa v ed on a continuous ba si.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 79 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 4. To use them at a lat er dat e, drag & drop t he contents of eac h of these f ol ders back int o the appropri at e f olders on t he main hard driv e NOT E: T o a v o i d the potenti al loss of work, back up fil es f requent ly.
Page : 80 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 7: Tweakin g the S y st em Aft er the pr oject has been transf err ed and the sys tem d eem ed operat ional , ther e are still ar eas that mi ght need mi nor adjustm ents to customi ze the system.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 81 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 8. Put t he Lear ning re mote into LEARN mode. 9. Sel ect the f unction t o be Taught f rom the l ef t- hand side of the P al ette Edit or 10.
Page : 82 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Z O N E AD J U S T M E NT S These adj ustm ent s allow custom ized bass, trebl e, balance and m aximum level sett ings t o best complim ent the acousti cs and pref erences for eac h zone. 1. Go t o des ir ed zone.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 83 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 8: Opera ting I nstru ctions W ith all system co m ponents connect ed and t he MRC88 Cont roll er and K eypads program m ed, The sys tem is ready f or use. T he foll owing i nstructi ons are for the end-user on how to operate t he system on a daily basi s.
Page : 84 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation ZO NE SETT INGS SYSTEM S TA T US (BASIC/ADV ANCED) A singl e pr ess of the “STATUS ” button will show which s ource s are cur rent l y selected by zone f or zones 1 thru 4. Pr ess the STATUS button agai n to view the status of Z ones 5 thru 8.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 85 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 2. Press the butt on f or the zone t o be unli nked. (Z1, Z2, et c) T he keypad status LED’s wil l sho w ‘busy’ (rapi d am ber fl ash) f or 10 seconds aft er t he last button press, t hen ‘tim e out’ and r etur n to normal use mode ( LED / green, LCD/norm al di splay ).
Page : 86 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation Section 9: Appendix RS232 C ON T ROL Thi s document descri bes the bi-di r ecti onal RS232 int erf ace o f the MRC88 using t he COM PORT on the rear of the system ( Fig . 3-29) . This interf ac e allows an ex ter nal RS232 devic e to contr ol the MRC88 via a set of ASCII text commands.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 87 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation The par sing of incoming dat a on the COM PORT can be disabled vi a a setting i n the Dragon proj ect. Thi s mi ght be necessary if t he COM port is to be used to control an external dev i ce and any i ncomi ng data f rom that devi ce is to be ignor ed.
Page : 88 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation COMM ANDS N ote: A n explana tion of i tems in parenthe sis ( {} ) can be found below . NAME COMM AND EXA MPLES/ C OMMEN T S Zone P ower !{ z# } P.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 89 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation QUERIES N ote: A n explana tion of i tems in parenthe sis ( {} ) can be found below . NAME QUERY RESPONSE EXAMPL E RESPONSE EX PLANATION Zone P ower ?{ z# } PR + ?{ z# }PR{ 0/1 }+ ?7PR0+ Power in z one 7 i s OFF.
Page : 90 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation VOL UME LEVEL (39 S t ep s) MRC88 SE TTI NG ATTENUATIO N LEVEL ( in dB) 38 0 37 -1. 25 36 -2. 50 35 -3. 75 34 -5. 00 33 -6. 25 32 -7. 50 31 -8. 75 30 -10. 00 29 -11. 25 28 -12. 50 27 -13. 75 26 -15.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 91 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation KEYPAD B UTTON ID MRC88 SETTING Keypad But t on Label 1 NOT AVAILABL E 2 NOT AVAILABL E 3 Sourc e Sel ect 1 4 Sourc e Sel ect 2 5 Sourc e Sel ect .
Page : 92 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation BA SS/TREBLE LEVEL MRC88 SETTIN G LEVEL ( in dB) 14 +14 13 +12 12 +10 11 +8 10 +6 9 +4 8 +2 7 0 6 -2 5 -4 4 -6 3 -8 2 -10 1 -12 0 -14.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 93 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation BALA NCE LEVEL (63 steps) MRC8 8 Setting Lef t Speaker A ttenuation (in dB) Rig ht Speaker A ttenuation ( in dB) 0 0 Mut e 1 0 -37.5 2 0 -36. 25 … … … 29 0 -2. 5 30 0 -1. 25 31 0 0 32 0 0 33 -1.
Page : 94 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation T ROUBLES HOO T ING If you encounter probl ems, r eview each o f t he followi ng item s and take cor rectiv e action as descri bed.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 95 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PROBLEM PROBA BLE CA USE A ND SOLU TION Unit will not learn IR comm ands f r om certain br ands and m odels of rem otes.
Page : 96 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PROBLEM PROBA BLE CA USE A ND SOLU TION W hen Transfer ri ng the proj ect to a MRC88, the transf er stop s w it h a "Transf er abort ed-Receiv er Stopped Respondi ng" or a " Communi cati ons Erro r---" m es sage.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 97 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation PROBLEM PROBA BLE CA USE A ND SOLU TION Probl ems Cont rolli ng the MRC88 vi a the RS232 por t o n the r ear of the system. 1. Check t he cabli ng bet ween the contr olli ng unit and the M RC88. 2.
Page : 98 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation 1 NC 1 IR Source 1 2 Tx 2 IR Sou rce 2 3 Rx 3 IR Sou rce 3 4 H S Ou t 4 IR Sou rce 4 5 G ND 5 IR Source 5 6 H S In 6 IR Source 6 7 RTS 7 IR Source.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 99 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation SPEC IFIC AT IONS A udio (ea channel ) Mi n Input: ...................................................................................................... 250m V f or f ull rat ed Output Input O v erload: .
Page : 100 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation.
Mode l MRC88 Page : 101 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation.
Page : 102 Mode l MRC88 © 2003 X an tech Co rporation XANTE CH CORPORA T IO N 12950 Bradl ey Avenue, Syl mar CA 91342-3829 pho ne 818. 362. 0353 • fax 818.
デバイスXantech MRC88の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xantech MRC88をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXantech MRC88の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xantech MRC88の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xantech MRC88で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xantech MRC88を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXantech MRC88の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xantech MRC88に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXantech MRC88デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。