Xantrex TechnologyメーカーRV2012, RV2512, RV3012の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Owner’ s Manual R V2012 2512 3012 Xantrex R V Series Inverter/Charger.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual i TA BLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTA NT SA FETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................. 1 THEORY OF INVERTER OPERA TION ...............................................
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual ii Overview ....................................................................................................................... ........................... 15 AC Connections .................
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual iii Mobile Installation............................................................................................................ ....................... 28 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ..............
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 1 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! This manual c ontains im portant s afety and operating instructions as pres cribed by UL specif ications f or inver ters us ed in land vehicle applications.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 2 10. Symbols us ed in this m anual and on the inverter /charger ar e: Chassis Phase A C Output A C Input 1.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 3 Personal Precautions 1. Someone s hould be within range of your voice to com e to your aid when y ou work near batteries. 2. Have plenty of fr esh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts sk in, c lothing, or ey es .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 4 Theory of Inverter Operation Wav eform The output wavefor m of the invert er is ref erred to as a m odified sine wave.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 5 Search Sense Mode Using Optional RC7 Remote The SEARCH SENSE menu on the RC7 is us ed for adj usting the sens itivity of the searc h m ode circuit. T he RV inverter ’s searc h sensitivity can only be set using the optional RC7 remote.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 6 Battery Charger Theory of Operation Inverter t o Charger Transition The internal batter y charger and automatic transf er relay allows operation as either a battery charger or inverter (but not both at the s am e time) .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 7 • Temperatu re Compensation: The optim um voltage is temper ature dependent. As temper ature decr eases the proper voltage for eac h charge s tage needs to be increas ed. The optional temper ature probe will autom atically rescale char ge voltage settings f or am bient temper ature.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 8 Stage Three: Float Vo ltage The purpos e of s tage three is to m aintain the batter ies at a voltage that will hold full charge but not gas the batteries. T he char ger rem ains in the f loat stage until the AC input is r em oved.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 9 Batteries Batteries com e in dif fer ent sizes, ty pes , chem istries , am p hours, and voltages . Ther e are nearly as m any descriptions of how batteries should be used as ther e are people willing to off er explanations.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 10 Sealed Gel Cell Another type of battery c onstruction is the sealed gel cell. T hey don't use battery c aps. T he electrolyte is in the form of a gel (instead of a liquid) that allows the batteries to be m ounted in any position without spilling.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 11 It is also good to chec k the battery interconnections for tightness and c orrosion. If any corrosion is found, disc onnect the cables and caref ully clean wi th a m ild s olution of bak ing soda and water.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 12 located generator. High batter y tem per atures will resu lt in short battery life and should be avoided by ventilating the enc losure and r educing the external heat s ources by shading and insulation.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 13 Battery Hookup Configurations Battery banks of s ubstantial size are generally created by c onnecting sever al sm aller batter ies together. Ther e are three ways to do this. Batteries can be connec ted in parallel, series , or series - parallel.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 14 Installation Env ironment Inverters ar e sophistic ated electronic devices and s hould be treated acc ordingly.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 15 AC Wiring Ov erview The National Elec trical Code (NEC) defines the standards f or AC and DC ins tallation wiring in RV applications, but there ar e still m any installation variables.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 16 Ground Fault Interrupting Outlets (GFIs) Xantrex has tested the f ollowing GFIs and f ound them to work satis fac torily w ith our inver ters.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 17 Connection of Grounding and Battery Systems The f ollowing diagram outlines proper c onnections f or the RV Series inverter/char gers. Sever al points of c aution are: • DO NOT connect the battery negativ e (-) term inal to the vehicle chassis ground.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 18 Stacking Inverters Precautions • Only stack the s ame m odels of the RV inver ter. For ex am ple, stack an RV2012 only wi th an RV2012. • Use only a Xantrex stack er c able, available in RV Series Ex ternal Shunt Kit (part #2813) .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 19 A C Wiring for Stacked Inv erters Due to the neutral ground switching des ign of the RV Series Inverter/char ger, it is m andatory that the AC input and AC output neutrals be isolated f rom one another.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 20 Search Sense Mode Operation w ith Stacked Pairs W hen two RV inverters are s tack ed the searc h control on the m as ter unit will determ ine how muc h load m ust be pres ent to “wake- up” both inverters .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 21 RC6 Remote Control The optional RC6 rem ote c ontrol unit duplicates the Power On/Of f Switch on the RV Series Inverter/char ger. It connects directly to the port labeled REMOT E CONTROL on the f ront of the inverter using a s tandard phone jac k.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 22 RC7 Remote Control The optional RC7 rem ote c ontrol has the ability to comm unic ate and adjust s ettings in the RV Series Inverter/Char gers. Installation To hook up the RC7 Remote Control: 1.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 23 User Menu The ON /OFF s witch on the RC7 operates the sam e as the inverter’s O N/OFF switch. In order f or the RC7 to rem otely pow er up the inver ter, the inverter m us t be started up with the RC7 connected so the inver ter k nows it is pres ent.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 24 Lobat/Start Chr g: T he batteries have r eached their m inim um allowable charge and the c harger will now take over and begin rechar ging them if AC power is pr esent to the inverter .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 25 operation with the remaining power in the batter y . In the off position the batter y voltage w ill drop to roughly 8–8.5 volts DC before the inverter will shut down. Bat Capacity: This m ode allows the user to input the batter y bank size in am p hours.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 26 Battery Cable Connection Observe Battery Polarity! Place the r ing term inal over the bolt and direct ly agains t the inverter’s battery terminal, place a lock washer over the term inal and tighten the 5/16” nut to 10–15 f t.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 27 Installation w ith External Transfer Relay (120/240 Sy stem) W hen the generator is r unning the m ain AC panel, leg 1 and leg 2 of the generator are connec ted independently to the two halves of the m ain AC panel.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 28 Mobile Installation RV Inverter BA T + IN OUT.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 29 T roubleshooting Guide Symptoms Problem Remedy No power output and no warning LEDs Battery voltage at the inverter’s term inals is too high.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 30 Applications Resistiv e Loads Thes e are the loads that the inverter finds the s imples t and m ost ef ficient to dr ive. Voltage and current ar e in phase, or, in this c ase, in step with one another.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 31 volts due to internal loss es. T heref ore, the tim e needed to cook food will be incr eased if battery voltage is low. Clocks: T he inverter’s crystal-controlled os cillator k eeps the f requency accurate to within a few seconds a day.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 32 Ty pical Battery Draw of Common Appliances TIM E IN M INUT ES A PPLIANCE WATTS 5 15 30 60 120 240 Single PL Light 10 .
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 33 English to Metric Wire Conv ersion AG W D I AM E T E R (mm) A REA (mm²) DC Resistance / 1000 ft 14 1.628 2.082 3.14 12 2.052 3.308 1.98 10 2.588 5.261 1.24 8 3.264 8.367 0.778 6 4.115 13.299 0.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 34 RC7 Menu Map Setup Menu To ENTER and EXIT the Setup menu press both the M enu Item buttons for f ive seconds .
Xantrex RV Series Invert er/Charger Owner’s Manu al 35 User Menu The f ollowing is the infor mation nor m ally available to the sy stem us ers. Met ers Men u To ENT ER and EXIT the M ET ERS MENU pres s the right M enu Item button for f ive seconds AC Output: 0 VAC Pass-thr u Amps: 0 amps AC Solar Panel: 0 amps DC Battery : 12.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 36 T echnical Information RV Series Specifications Models RV2012 RV2512 RV3012 Continuous P ower @ 25°C 2000 watts 2500 watts 3000 watts Max AC Current 16.6 am ps 20.8 am ps 25 amps Effi ciency 94% Maximum 94% Max im um 94% Maximum Input Current Search Mode 0.
Xantrex RV Seri es I nverter/C harger Owner’s Man ual 37 Limited W arranty Wh at does this warranty cover? This Limi ted W arrant y is provided by Xantrex Technology, I nc. (" Xantrex") and covers defect s in workm anship and m aterial s in your Xantrex RV Series I nverter/Charger.
Xantrex T echnology Inc. T oll free 1 800 670 0707 Direct 1 604 422 2777 F ax 1 604 420 2145 CustomerService@xantrex.com www .xantrex.com 445-0202-01-01 Rev .
デバイスXantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXantrex Technology RV2012, RV2512, RV3012デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。