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Xant r e x XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2524 Ba tte ry Ch arger 12 V / 30 A 12 V / 50 A 24 V / 15 A 24 V / 25 A Own er’ s Gui de XC _C har ger_ Owne r .
XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 2 F r iday , Aug ust 12, 2005 3 : 2 3 PM.
Xantrex XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2524 Battery Charger Own er ’s Guide XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page i F rida y, Augu st 12 , 2 00 5 3: 23 PM.
About X antr ex Xantre x T echn ology In c. is a worl d-l eading supplie r of a dvanced power e lect ronics a nd co ntro ls wi th pr oducts from 50 watt mobi le un its to one MW util ity -scale s yste.
ii i About This Guide Pu rpose The pur pose of this Owne r’ s Guide is to provide e xplanation s and pr oc edure s for i nsta lling, oper at ing, maintaining, a nd tr oublesh ooting the Xant rex XC301 2, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2 524 Batter y Charge r .
Abo ut T his G uide iv 97 5-0187-01-01 C on v ent io n s U sed The f oll owing conve ntions ar e used in this guide. Thi s Guide contains infor m a ti on f or f ou r ve r s ions of the XC Ser ie s. The Xant rex XC3012 Battery Char ger (12 V , 30 A) will be refe r r e d to as the XC3012 when it is being refe renced indivi dua l ly .
v Important Safety I nstructions 1. Befor e in sta lling or using the Xantrex XC301 2, XC 501 2, XC 152 4 or XC2524 Bat te r y Ch ar ger (XC Ser ie s) , read all in str uctions and cauti ona r y mar kings on t he XC Serie s, the bat teries, and all appr opriate sections of t his guide .
Safety vi 97 5- 0187-01- 01 8. The XC Series is pr ovi de d wit h an AC gro und conducto r tha t must be conne c ted to th e AC input ground and a DC ground stud which must be conne cte d to th e DC system ground.
Sa f e ty 975-0187-01- 01 vii 10. Have plent y of fre sh wat e r and soap ne arby in case bat te r y a c i d conta cts skin, clot hing, or eyes. 1 1. W ear com plete e ye pr otec tion and c lothing protection. A void touc hing you r eyes wh ile w ork ing n ear batt eri es.
viii XC_Charger _ Own er .book P age viii Frid ay, August 1 2, 2005 3 :2 3 PM.
975-0187-01- 01 ix Im port an t Safety Instr uction s Ex plosiv e Ga s and Batt ery Precau tion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vi FC C Info rmat ion - - - - - - - - .
Contents x 97 5-0187-01-01 Inst a l ling Optio nal Access or i es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–13 Bat te r y Te mper a t ur e S e nsor - - - - - - - - - .
1 Intr oduction Chapter 1 describes the XC Ser ies standar d featur es. It also provides information to prepare for installation of the XC S er ies. XC _Char ger_ Owne r .
Int roduction 1–2 97 5-0187-01-01 Xantr ex XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC 2524 Battery C h ar ge r Fe at u r e s Th e XC Seri es provi des the f ollow ing s tan dar d featu r es: • t hr ee f ull c urr ent r ated, indepe ndently controll ed outpu ts whic h ena ble i t to cha rge thr ee dif fere nt batter ies or batte ry banks.
XC Series Appeara nce 975-0187-01- 01 1–3 XC Se ries App ea r a nce Thi s sectio n describe s the pa rts of the XC Ser ies. F igur e 1-2 shows the XC Serie s. Fi gure 1-1 XC Ser ies Ite m Des crip tion 1 Rem ote d isplay for al l progra m m i ng f unction s a nd moni toring of the X C Serie s.
Int roduction 1–4 97 5-0187-01-01 Inf orm at ion Cen t e rs o f th e XC Se ri es Remot e D isplay Thi s secti on de sc ribes the parts of t he remote display of the XC Series. The rem ote di spla y can be r otated 180 ° , or it c a n be removed a nd remotely m ount ed up to 20 m (65 ft) f rom the XC Series for c onvenie nce .
Informat ion C enters of the XC Series 975-0187-01- 01 1–5 The indi cator li ghts a nd displa y are also use d to indi cate error codes. See Chapter 4, “T r ouble shooting” for a list of fa ult s and how to clea r them .
Int roduction 1–6 97 5-0187-01-01 O n boa rd St atus P anel Thi s sectio n describe s the pa rts of the onboar d status panel of t he XC Serie s. Figur e 1-3 shows the panel.
Rea r P anel 975-0187-01- 01 1–7 Re ar P a nel Thi s section de scri bes the pa rts of the rear p anel of the XC Series. Fig ure 1-4 shows t he rear pane l.
Int roduction 1–8 97 5-0187-01-01 Prepa ring for In stal la tion The XC Serie s is de si gne d to be per m anently m ounte d. Figure 1-1 shows a typical i nsta llation with thr e e bat teries, a BTS a nd a r emote d ispla y . I t also shows the AC and DC wiring and protec tion devices requir ed f or a successf ul installa tion.
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01- 01 1–9 T ools and Mat eri als T o m ou nt and c o nne ct the XC Se ries y ou ne ed the f ollow ing t ools : • 10 m m wr ench or socket f or the DC te rminal.
Int roduction 1–10 97 5-0187-01-01 Location Inst a l l t he XC Ser ie s in a loc a tion that meets the foll owing r e qui rements: When pla nning whe r e and how to mount the XC Serie s, be sure the i nsta llati on allo ws t he c har ger to be mounted in one of the permit te d ver tical or horizonta l orie ntati ons.
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01- 01 1–11 Fi gure 1-6 XC Series M o unt ing Orientation s Horiz ontal Verti c al Verti cal - this conf igurati on may be used in an e nvi ronment wh ich i s dr y and cl ean only (no n-mari ne) Verti cal - this c onfig urati on is uns afe and shou ld not be used a) b) c) d) XC _Char ger_ Owne r .
Int roduction 1–12 97 5-0187-01-01 Wirin g R equ irem ents DC Wi rin g The fol lowing two ta ble s show som e typic al wire sizes, ba se d on 3% voltage drop (r ound ci r c ui t), 75 °C (167 °F) rate d wi re and wiring be ing insi de the engine comp artm e nt – assumed ambie nt of 50 ° C (122 °F).
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01- 01 1–13 Ove r -c ur rent prot ect ion disco n nec t The DC circuit fr om the batt e r y to the cha r ger must be equipped wit h a disc onne c t and ove r -current pr otection devic e .
Int roduction 1–14 97 5-0187-01-01 Battery Bank Size Requir e me n t s The XC Serie s is de si gne d to work w i th a mi nimum batt e ry bank s ize .
2 Installation Chapter 2 provides pr ocedures for ins talling, test i ng and configuring the XC S eries. The unit is pa cked with the following materials: • Owner ’ s Guide • AC cable s train re.
Insta llation 2–2 97 5-0187-01-01 Ins tal li ng t he X C Seri es Ins tallat ion Sequence T o make char ger install a t ion quick and easy , Xa n trex recommends tha t the i nstallati on tasks be perfor m ed in the f ollowing se quence : 1. Sel ect c har ge r m ounting posit ion and p la n AC a nd DC cable rout ing (pa ge 1–8) 2.
Insta lling th e XC S eries 975-0187-01- 01 2–3 Pr e-Installin g DC W iring The pro cedur e f or insta lling the DC wiring applie s to a si ngle batt e r y or m ultip le batt e r ies or battery bank s. T o in s tall DC wiring: 1. Ide ntif y the b a t tery or bank that most freq ue nt ly be c omes deeply discha rged.
Insta llation 2–4 97 5-0187-01-01 5. Route the wir ing to the batte ries and to t he XC Serie s, bu t don’t connect it ye t. A void routing wir ing through a n e lectrical dist r i bution panel, batter y i solator , or ot her dev ice that will add voltage drops .
Insta lling th e XC S eries 975-0187-01- 01 2–5 5. Ins tall the ca ble strain rel ief on the X C Seri es end o f the s our ce A C cabl e. 6. Care fully re move 50 – 75 mm ( 2 – 3 i n.) of the out er j a c ket, being c areful not to cut or nick the insul ation on the individua l conductors.
Insta llation 2–6 97 5-0187-01-01 T o c onn ect A C wi res wi th th e cri mp -on bu tt-sp lice co nne ctor: a) Using a w ire strip p er , ca ref u lly s trip 8 m m (5/1 6 i n.
Insta lling th e XC S eries 975-0187-01- 01 2–7 Mo unting the R emote D isplay T o accom modate t he cha rger m ounting orie ntati on, the remo te dis play ca n be re moved a nd tur ned 180 ° f or r e adabil ity .
Insta llation 2–8 97 5-0187-01-01 T o remot el y mo un t the displ a y: 1. Remove the disp la y as des c r ibe d on p age 2–7. 2. Secur e th e blank plate i n the display soc ket as de scr ibed. 3. Ens u re tha t the exte nsion ca ble used for the remote dis play i s long enough t o su it the i nsta llati on.
Insta lling th e XC S eries 975-0187-01- 01 2–9 3. Secur e th e encl osed m ounting t e mplate to the mount ing surf a ce wit h tape. 4. Drill the six pil ot hole s for the mounti ng screws, taking care t ha t t here i s not hing be hind the s urface that can be damaged by the drill.
Insta llation 2–10 97 5-0187-01-01 Fina l Connections On ce the DC cable s , AC cabl es and XC Se ries are all in pl ace the fina l conn ecti o n may be made. Figur e 2-1 shows the conn e c tio n or de r . Fi gure 2-1 DC W ir ing Connecti on Order 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 9 10 12 13 14 1 11 15 XC _Char ger_ Owne r .
Insta lling th e XC S eries 975-0187-01- 01 2–11 Final DC Connect ions T o m ak e the las t DC conn ecti o ns: 1. Conne ct the ne gat ive ca ble from the neg at ive termi na l on the batte r y (if y.
Insta llation 2–12 97 5-0187-01-01 8. Secur e ca ble s i n place using tie -wraps, P-cl amps or cabl e str a ps a c c ording to elect rical codes . C oil a nd tie any ext ra BTS or rem ote di spla y exten sio n ca b le. 9. Th e DC b reak ers may b e cl osed o r fu ses i nserted at this time.
Inst alling Op tiona l Accesso r i es 975-0187-01- 01 2–13 Ins t alli ng Opt iona l Acce ssor ies The XC Series ships with a battery temperature sens or ( BTS) a nd drip pr otecti on rubbe r bo ots fo r the DC cable s.
Insta llation 2–14 97 5-0187-01-01 Drip Protection Rubbe r Bo ots Xantr e x re co m mends tha t you inst all the supplie d rubbe r b oots ove r the XC Series DC te rm i nals t o provi de dr ip prote c tion.
Configurin g the XC S er i es 975-0187-01- 01 2–15 C onfi guri ng t he XC Seri es Once the char ger is connect e d to a batter y on bank 1 or to AC, it is live and it may be c onfig ur ed. Th e re wil l be a short delay o f a bout 15 se conds before the remot e di spla y begins repor ting.
Insta llation 2–16 97 5-0187-01-01 T o c onfi gure the ch argi ng ty pe: 1. Pr e ss a nd hold MODE until (s etu p) is d is pla yed . 2. Pr e ss M ODE to se le c t 2-sta ge ( ) or 3-stag e ( ) c har ging. When you have sele cte d a char ging type tha t is d iffe rent fr om the present configur a tion, the bank indi c a tor light flashe s.
3 Op erat ion Chapter 3 des cr ibes the operating states and provides procedures for cha r ging a ba ttery and pe rforming an equalization. XC _Char ger_ Owne r .
Operat i on 3–2 97 5-0187-01-01 About C harging The XC Serie s has thre e full curre nt r ated, independent ly cont r olle d outputs which ena ble i t to c harg e thr ee dif ferent batte ries or b a tt ery banks.
Ab out Char ging 975-0187-01- 01 3–3 Se quen tia l 2- St age C harg ing In se quen tial char ging m ode the cha r ger will check all batt e r y ba n ks eve ry 15 minute s to de te r m ine whi c h ba nks a r e pre se nt, he althy , and in most in need of cha r ge.
Operat i on 3–4 97 5-0187-01-01 Dis q ualifie d B att erie s Th e XC Seri es can ide ntify wh en a battery will not accept a charge (bat t ery is damage d) or when it is f ully c har ged ( he alt hy) and doe s not requir e furthe r char ge.
Ab out Char ging 975-0187-01- 01 3–5 Thi n gs t o be aware of When the XC Series is ope rati ng, fans and light s (DC loads ) may vary in speed or i ntensity . This is nor mal. The XC S eries wil l not ha rm a ny load c onnected t o it as l ong as ther e is a batter y pr ese nt on that bank.
Operat i on 3–6 97 5-0187-01-01 Cha r g in g Batt er ies Befor e you start to ch a r ge batter ies rea d the “Importa nt Saf ety I nst r ucti ons ” on page v and fol low a ll sa f e ty pr e c a u tions when working with bat teries. T o c h arge your b a t t eries: 1.
Ch a r ging Batte ries 975-0187-01- 01 3–7 Afte r c hargi ng is com plete, the XC Seri e s e nters in to one of these m odes: Fl oat mode When the re a dy in dicator light illuminates, all batterie s are f ully cha rged a nd ready for us e.
Operat i on 3–8 97 5-0187-01-01 Equali zing Fl oode d Batt eri es Ab out Eq ual iz ing The XC Serie s equaliz es o nly fl ooded lead- a cid or lead- calcium ba tte r ies . It does not equalize sealed l ead-aci d batterie s since they can be damaged by this process.
E q ualizing F looded B att eri es 975-0187-01- 01 3–9 Per formin g A n Equal iza t i on T urn o ff o r disc onnec t a ll DC l oa ds on the ba tte ry dur ing equa lization. Th e volt a ge appli e d to the ba t tery during equa liz a t ion may be a bove th e sa f e le ve l s for som e lo a ds.
Operat i on 3–10 97 5-0187-01-01 T r an siti oni ng t he XC Ser ies to O n, Dis abl ed o r O ff Th ere are tw o wa ys to tur n the XC Se ries o n: • connec t AC power at the sourc e • press ON / STAN DB Y on the remote display if AC is s till conne cted.
Accessing C harge r Infor m at ion 975-0187-01- 01 3–11 Acce ss ing Ch arg er Info rma ti on The XC Serie s c a n give you a l ot of infor m a tion a bout the st at us of t he c ha rger and t he batte ries.
Operat i on 3–12 97 5-0187-01-01 T able 3-1 Reading X C Series Stat us Char ger Stat us Remo t e Displ a y Onboa r d Stat us I ndicat or Ligh ts Char g ing in bulk or absorp tio n mode. Remot e dis play shows sc rolling dis play o f c harg ing stat e, b atter y volt a ge i n volt s and char ging c urrent in amp s.
Accessing C harge r Infor m at ion 975-0187-01- 01 3–13 Re porting W hile Char g ing or Equ alizing Afte r conf igur ation, the XC Series de faul ts to a sc r ol ling displa y .
Operat i on 3–14 97 5-0187-01-01 Repo rtin g W h ile Ba tte ry Moni tori ng The XC Serie s is consid ere d to be ba tt ery monitoring i f it is experi encing a char ger l e vel faul t.
Accessing C harge r Infor m at ion 975-0187-01- 01 3–15 ◆ Pre ss ON / S T ANDB Y on the option al remote displa y to initia liz e anothe r cycl e. If AC p ow er is con n ected , the X C S erie s wi ll turn on, ch eck whic h batt ery banks a re pr e se nt a nd health y , a n d be gin c hargin g.
3–16 XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 16 Frida y, Au gust 12 , 200 5 3:23 PM.
4 T r oubleshoot ing Chapter 4 contains information o n er ror codes and procedures for tr oubleshooting yo ur XC Series charger . XC _Char ger_ Owne r .
T roubleshooting 4–2 97 5-0187-01-01 Ca re an d Mai ntena nc e The XC S e r ies c onta ins solid-sta te electronic c om pone nts that requi r e no mai ntenan c e. The best c are you c an g ive th e unit is to protect i t from contac t wi th l iquids , spray , or f umes whic h may cause cor ros ion.
Indicator Light F lashing Sequences 975-0187-01- 01 4–3 Indica tor Li ght Fla s hing S equences T able 4-1 Indicat or Light Seq uences on t he XC Series Acti vity Ch arg er status Char g ing indic a.
T roubleshooting 4–4 97 5-0187-01-01 Er r o r Mess ages o n R em ote Di spla y T able 4-2 Er r or M essag es Di sp la y Onboar d Status P anel Ind icat or light s F au lt Solut ion Red f au lt in dic ator lig ht fl ashi ng or illum inated F a ult A fa ult has bee n det ected.
Error Messages on Rem ote Display 975-0187-01- 01 4–5 Red f au lt in dic ator lig ht il lum in ate d Green 10% i ndicator light flashe s Di spla y gree n b ank in dicat or l ight for a f fected ba ttery ban k il lum in ate d Batte ry T oo Cold Shutdo w n All ow batt e ri es to warm up bef ore a tt em pti ng to ch arg e ag ai n.
T roubleshooting 4–6 97 5-0187-01-01 Green 100% indi cator light flashe s Di spla y gree n b ank in dicat or li g h t for th e affe ct ed ba tt e ry bank il lumin ated Batte ry too Hot W arning Allow ba tte ry to c ool. Im prove ve ntila ti on or inst all in coo ler l oca tion .
Pr o b lem So lv ing 975-0187-01- 01 4–7 Prob le m Sol vin g If the remote displa y is not f u nctionin g, tr oubleshoot your XC Serie s using the t abl e s be low . In the event that you have a proble m with your X C S eri e s , the foll owing table s will he lp you to i den tify t he proble m and offe r poss ible s oluti ons t o t he proble m .
T roubleshooting 4–8 97 5-0187-01-01 Sym pto m Fau lt indica tor light fla shes. XC Series stops f unction ing. Sym pto m Fau lt indicator l ight il luminat es. 100% indic ator l ight fla shes. Sym pto m Fau lt indicator l ight il luminat es. 10% indic ator li ght flas he s.
Pr o b lem So lv ing 975-0187-01- 01 4–9 Sym pto m The XC Serie s appear s to be taking too lon g to char ge batt ery . R eady i ndicat or light does not ill um i nate after 24 hours of char ging. Sym pto m The XC Series will not tr a nsitio n to e qualization mode.
4–10 XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 10 Frida y, Au gust 12 , 200 5 3:23 PM.
A Sp ec ific at ions Appendix A details the s pecif ications for the XC Series. XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 1 F r iday , Aug ust 12, 2005 3 : 2 3 PM.
Specif ication s A–2 97 5- 0187-01- 01 Ph ys ic a l Spe c if i cat ion s El ec t rica l Sp ec if i cat ions Dimensio ns Base un it: 367 m m x 240 mm x 106 mm 14.45 in. x 9.45 in . x 4.17 in. Remote Dis play: 1 18 mm x 41 mm x 32 mm 4.65 in. x 1. 6 in.
AC Input Specific ations 975-0187-01- 01 A–3 A C In pu t Spe cif i c at ions Floa t volt age (in VDC for XC3 012 and XC5012) (Mult iply VDC by 2 to get the float vol tage for XC1524 and X C 2524) 50 °C (122 °F) 25 °C (7 7 °F) < 0° C ( 3 2° F ) Floode d 12.
Specif ication s A–4 97 5- 0187-01- 01 T empe rature Sp eci fica tion s Protec t ion Feat ure s Nominal am bient 25 °C (77 °F) Operati ng rang e 0 – 50 °C (32 – 122 °F) Current de -rating approx.
Approvals 975-0187-01- 01 A–5 Approval s Safety CSA/NR TL a pprov e d to CSA107 . 2 a nd UL1236 , inc luding the m arin e supple m e nt, igniti on protec tion, a nd UL1564 EN60335-1, EN6033 5-2-29 B.
A–6 XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 6 F r iday , Aug ust 12, 2005 3 : 2 3 PM.
975-0187-01- 01 WA–1 W arranty and Pr o duct Information Lim ite d W a rrant y f or: Xa ntrex XC3 012 Bat tery Char ger Xa nt rex XC5 012 Bat tery Ch arg e r Xa nt rex XC1 524 Bat tery Ch arg e r Xa.
W arra nty a nd Pro duct Inf ormati on WA–2 975-0187-01-01 What doe s this war r anty not cover? This Li m it ed W arra nty does n ot cover normal we ar and te ar of the p rod uct or co sts re lated t o th e rem oval , ins tall at ion, or tr oubles hooti ng of the c us tome r's e lect ri cal sy stems.
975-0187-01- 01 WA–3 W ARNI NG: LIMIT A TI ONS ON USE Plea se ref er to your produc t user man ual for li mitat ions on us es of th e produc t. Spec ific ally , plea se note t hat th e Xa ntrex Batt.
W arra nty a nd Pro duct Inf ormati on WA–4 975-0187-01-01 Inform ation Abo ut Y our System As s oon a s you open you r Xan tr ex XC3012, XC5 012, X C 1524 o r XC252 4 Bat tery Cha rger packag e, reco rd the f ol lowing i nform a tion an d be sure t o keep your proof of purcha se.
XC _Char ger_ Owne r .boo k Page 5 F r iday , Aug ust 12, 2005 3 : 2 3 PM.
Xantr ex Techno logy Inc. Phone: 1 800 670 0707 (toll free North America) +34 93 470 5330 (Europe) 1 360 925 5097 (dire c t and rest of wor l d) Fax: 1-800 994 7828 (toll free North America) +34 93 473 6093 (Europe) 1 360 925 5143 (dire c t and rest of wor l d) Email : cu stom erse rvice@ xant rex.
デバイスXantrex XC1524の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xantrex XC1524をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXantrex XC1524の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xantrex XC1524の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xantrex XC1524で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xantrex XC1524を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXantrex XC1524の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xantrex XC1524に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXantrex XC1524デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。