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Xer o x DocuPrint 4050/4090 NPS/IPS System Overview Guide 721P9 0190 V e r si o n 8 . 0 October 20 0 2.
Xerox Cor poration 701 S. A viatio n Boul ev a rd El Segu ndo , CA 9 0245 ©2002 by Xerox Cor poratio n. All r ights reser ved. Copyright prot ectio n claime d includ es all forms and m atters of copy.
System O verview Gui de iii T able of contents Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Laser sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of co ntents iv System Overview Guid e 3. Prin ter c om ponen ts and o ption s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1 Printer comp onents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Printer control co nsole .
Tabl e o f cont ents System O verview Gui de v Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7 Consumable su pplies tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8 Paper an d special stocks table s .
Table of co ntents vi System Overview Guid e.
System Overview Gu ide vii Safety Laser safe ty W ARNING Adjustments, use of con trols, or perf ormance of procedures other than those spec ified herein may result in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint pr inters are cer tified to comply with the perform ance s t and ard s of t he U .
Safety viii System Overview Guid e Ozone information : U . S. only This pr oduct produ ces oz one during no r mal opera tion. The amoun t of oz one produ ced depe nds on cop y vo lume .
Safety System O verview Gui de ix • Nev er use suppli es o r c leani ng mat er ial s for other th an th e ir intend ed purposes. K eep al l materials out of the re ach of chil dren . • Nev er op erat e th e equ i pmen t if you not i c e unusu al no ises or odors .
Safety x Syst em Overview Guide Electrical supply This pr oduct shall be oper ated from t he type of electrical suppl y indicate d on the product’ s data p late labe l. If y ou are not sure that your ele ctr i c al supp ly meet s the requi rem ents, plea se consul t your loc al power comp any f or ad vice.
Safety System O verview Gui de xi Maintenance Any operator pro duct mainte nance pro cedur es will be descr ibed in the u s er docu menta tion s uppli ed with t he prod uct. Do n ot carry out an y maintenan ce on the product, wh ich is not described in the custome r document ation.
Safety xii System Overview Guid e Radio and telecom munica tions equipment directive (Eur ope onl y) Certification to 1999/5 /EC Radi o Equipment and T elecomm unications T ermina l Equipment Directiv.
Safety System O verview Gu ide xiii For fur ther information F or mor e infor mat ion on Enviro nmen t, Heal th an d Sa fety in relatio n to th is Xerox produc t and s upp lie s, pleas e cont act t he.
Safety xiv System Overview Guid e.
System O verview Gui de xv Intr oduction This gui de pr o vides a n o v e rview of th e i nd ivid ual co mp on ents of the NPS/IP S printing system and ho w the y work toget her . It is design ed to pro vide y ou with bac kgr ound in f or mation that can be used to make inf or med decisio ns rega rdin g pr int er use and perf or mance .
Introductio n xvi System Overview Guid e Con v entions This gui de uses the f ollo wing con v entions: • All caps and a ngle bracke ts: Withi n procedures , the names of k ey s are sho wn in all caps wit hin angle brac k ets (f or e xample, pr ess <ENTER>).
Introd uction System Overview Gu ide xvii NO TE: Note s are hi nts that h elp you perfor m a t as k or under stand the text . CA UTION Cautio ns al er t you to an a cti on th a t could dama ge ha rd ware or software. W ARNING W a rnin gs aler t you to conditions that ma y affect the safety of people.
Introductio n xviii System Overview Guid e • Submitting y our Jobs fro m Windo ws NT 4.0 ( QuickP rint) Quick Ref erence Card • Submitting your Jobs Using Wind ows NT 4.0 Drivers Quic k Ref erence Card The docum entation set also in cludes an e lectroni c ve rsion, the DocuPrint NPS/IPS Interact iv e C ustomer Documentation CD .
System O verview Gui de 1-1 1. System o ver view This chapter introduces the Do cuPrint NPS/IPS printing system and de scribes its major a nd option al compone nts.
System o verview 1-2 Syste m Over view G u ide The f ollowing ta ble show s how dat a streams of diff erent resolution s are interpolated. NO TE: F or mor e infor mation on spe cify i ng appr opr iat e resolution se ttings, re f er to the Guide to Managing Print Jobs and the Guide to Config uring and Ma naging th e System.
System o verview System O verview Gui de 1-3 Connectivity configurations The NPS/ IPS c an pr oces s net wor k PDL a nd IP DS jobs concur rently . T o su ppo r t the submi ssion of jo bs fr o m a vari.
System o verview 1-4 Syste m Over view G u ide SNMP was designed to f acilitate man aging a h eterogene ous set of netw ork ed de vices that comm unicate usi ng TCP/IP . Specifi cally , it addr essed mana gement of the net work itself a nd the netw ork traffic be tw een th ose de vice s.
System o verview System O verview Gui de 1-5 IPP suppor t The system sup por t s the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), which allows y ou to: • Add the printer t o yo ur PC di rectly as an Internet printer with a URL, rath er t han indi rect ly as an lpr-c onnec ted lo cal pr inter .
System o verview 1-6 Syste m Over view G u ide Softwar e license In order to use the oper ating system softw are , the own er must obtain a softw are lice nse from X ero x. The lice nse, which is a 20- char acter text str ing, is entere d at the printer controller k eyb oard.
Xerox Do cuPrint 40 50/4090 N PS/IPS System O verview Gui de 2-1 2. Printer controller o ver view The printer control ler manage s print opti ons , prov ides the u ser interf ace , and runs system man agement and diag nostic oper ations on de mand.
Printer con troller ove rview 2-2 Xerox DocuP rint 4050 /4090 NPS/I PS S y stem O ver v iew Gu ide Printer controller components The printer controll er consists of a specially-co nfigured Sun workstat ion a nd uses prop rietar y Xero x hardwar e , firmwar e, and soft ware.
Printer con troller ove rview Xerox Do cuPrint 40 50/4090 N PS/IPS System O verview Gui de 2-3 6. CD-ROM 7. Option al car tr idge tape driv e 8. Option al HCU Pr ocessor The ce ntral pr ocessing unit contains the memory , internal disk driv e, a CD-R OM driv e, a disk ette driv e, pow er recepta cle and outl et, c onn ect ors an d p or ts.
Printer con troller ove rview 2-4 Xerox DocuP rint 4050 /4090 NPS/I PS S y stem O ver v iew Gu ide Printer contr oller software and f onts The installa tion of pr inter controller software is perform ed by y our ser vice repr esentativ e once all th e hardw are com ponents are i n place and pro perly connect ed.
Printer con troller ove rview Xerox Do cuPrint 40 50/4090 N PS/IPS System O verview Gui de 2-5 – Times (Roma n, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) Using font insta llati on comm ands, y ou c a n load other T yp e 1 P ostScript f onts in *.PFB file f ormat from a M S-DOS- f ormatted, 3.
Printer con troller ove rview 2-6 Xerox DocuP rint 4050 /4090 NPS/I PS S y stem O ver v iew Gu ide.
System O verview Gui de 3-1 3. Printer componen ts and options The printer processes the electronic data and im ages recei ve d from t he contro ller an d produces th e printed out put. This ch apter describes the components a nd option s av ailab le f or the printer .
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-2 Syste m Over view G u ide Figure 3-1 . DocuPrint 405 0/4090 pr inter sho wn with dua l stacker tr ays 1. Printer cont ro l cons ole 2.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-3 Dual stac ker tra ys 1 and 2 Each output stac ker tr a y has a ca pacity of 75 0 sheets of 20 - pound or 80-gsm paper (1,500 shee ts total capa city). The alte r nativ es to the dual st ack er co nfig urat ion a r e the st itche r/ stac ker o r bypa ss transport option.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-4 Syste m Over view G u ide 4. F eeder tra y in dicator lig hts 5. Message displa y 6. P ow er on/off s w it ch 7. Co ntinue button 8.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-5 F a ult code displa y Sho ws the n umber of p r ints completed and conf igured b y technician, and displa ys the pr inter f ault message s, such as L152.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-6 Syste m Over view G u ide Printer configurati ons The Docu Pr int 4050 and 409 0 NPS ma y be configur ed with a high -c apac ity feeder , a dual stacker , or a wir e stit c her/s tack er .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-7 Dual stac ker The dual stac ke r tr ays e ach hold 750 sheets o f 20-pound or 80- gsm paper (1, 500 sheet s total capac ity). Figure 3-3 . DocuPrint 4050/4090 N PS dual stac ker configurati on 1.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-8 Syste m Over view G u ide Stitc her/stac ker The stitcher/st ack er wire-stitches documents of up to 50 sheets of pape r . The sta ck er tra y holds up to 2, 000 s heets of uns titc hed 20-pou nd or 80-g sm pape r .
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-9 Additional printer features Instruction labels Located throughou t the printer to assist y ou with a va riety of tasks. A udible tones Aler t you to cer tain c on dit ions. V olume may be adjust ed by a ser vice r epresentati v e.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-10 Syste m Over view G uide Figure 3-5. Language button on printer control console.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-11 P aper paths The pape r path is the rout e that mate rials (paper , transpare nc ies, labe ls, and so on) f ollow thro ugh t he pr in ter f rom the f eeder tra ys to the output t ra ys.
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-12 Syste m Over view G uide The fo llowing figure illu strates the duple x (two-sided output) paper path of a printer with a du al stac k er a nd a stan dard f e eder . Materials ma y originat e in eith er f eeder tra y 1 or f eeder tra y 2.
Printer component s and optio ns System O verview Gui de 3-13 The f ol lowing figure illustr ates the si mple x pap er path of a printer with the high-c apacity f eeder .
Printer compon ents and opti ons 3-14 Syste m Over view G uide.
System Overview Gu ide 4-1 4. Netw ork printing en vir onme nt The NP S/IPS s ystem su pports the person al comp uter (PC) , Sun workstation, DEC wor kstat ion, HP/Apollo, I BM RS/6000 an d Apple Macintosh. It accepts P ostScript le ve ls 1 and 2, PCL 5, TIFF , and AS CII output.
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-2 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide Client software On y our PC o r workstation , yo u must i nstall or set up a supported means of submitt ing jobs to the printer . Depend ing on y our system, y ou can use th e f ollowing: • Xero x drivers f or Windo ws 3.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System Overview Gu ide 4-3 • Xero x C lien t So ftware : Provides a pr in t co mmand for submitti ng job s and s pecifyi ng print op tions . Th e fun ction ality of the p rint command is dependen t on the TCP/ IP softw are instal led on the workstatio n.
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-4 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide Sho wn belo w are the w orkstations , netw orking optio ns , and job submission methods a vailab le f or each client.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System Overview Gu ide 4-5 Job stat us f e edbac k Client workstations d ispla y f ault me ssages and ad ditional inf or mation, such a s th e sta tu s of f eeder tr a ys and outp ut bi ns . If proper ly configur ed, th e wor kstat ions may be able to displ ay job statu s, as shown below .
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-6 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide The job status command (lpq) is av ailab le at clie nt workstation s unles s y ou r TCP/IP networ k c om munica ti ons ut ilitie s do no t support it. Xerox Client Softw are provides comm ands for listing the status of the job and f or list ing the queu e.
Network pr in ti ng enviro nment System Overview Gu ide 4-7 Multiple networ k connectivity The system sup por t s multiple ne twork connectivity , that is , the abili ty for protoco ls such as TCP/ IP t o r un on mo re than one netwo r k interface . F or TCP/IP , th e system can supp or t any combi nation of E thernet or T oken R ing.
Network prin ting enviro nmen t 4-8 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide.
System Overview Gu ide 5-1 5. IPDS printing en vironment The NPS /IPS emu lates an IBM AFP Gr oup 3 page printer wi th the Adv anced Function Ima ge and Graph ics (AFIG) option.
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-2 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide The NPS/IP S can be set up to receiv e d ata from the IB M host in one of tw o w a ys: • Thr ough a bus and ta g chan nel c onn ec tio n.
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System Overview Gu ide 5-3 Figure 5-2. Printing system: TCP/IP configuration 1. Host system (PC or mainframe) 2. Interf ace netw ork (Ethernet or T oken Ring) 3.
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-4 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide Figure 5-3. Channel boa r d and control unit 1. Printer 2. Printer control an d video cab le 3. Printer controller with chan nel inter f ace boa rd 4. Channel cabl e connector bo x 5. Ch annel c ables 6.
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System Overview Gu ide 5-5 Figure 5-4. Host Channel Unit (H CU) The front pane l of the HCU provides a sing le- digit LED display that en able s you to monito r pow er-up an d offline sta tus, a nd aler ts you to error conditions .
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-6 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide • OL1: Ove rla y One • PS1 : P age Segment On e • Line mode data streams Each of the da ta objects f ollo w the same obje ct rule of containi ng delimiting fi elds with str uctured fields describing each object.
IPDS prin ti ng envi ro nm en t System Overview Gu ide 5-7 Color image suppor t Some I M1 image s (f or e xample , logos) can be con ve r ted to IOCA f or resoluti on correction . The bi-le vel IOCA f eature ena bles such IM1 images to be printed in col or on the highlig ht-color printer .
IPDS p rinting environ ment 5-8 S y stem O verv iew Gu ide.
System O verview Gui de A-1 A. Supplies This app endix pro vides i nf or mation and specific ations f or the media y ou use with you r Xero x DocuPrint 4050 /4090 NPS/I PS pr in ter .
Supp lies A-2 System Overview Guid e Recommended weight and grade: Use a good qua lity , x erogr aphic -gr ade pape r . F or best results , use pa pe r tha t is 20-p ound or 8 0 gsm (gram s per squ are met er) bond, x erog raphi c gr ade. Xero x 4024 Dual Pur pose P aper pro vides opti mal perf or mance in t he printer .
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-3 • Tinted paper: A vailable in a vari e ty of colors, it has ma ny uses, including calling a ttention to cer tain pr inted mater ia l, separ ating spe cial sect ions , or dividi ng chapter s of a report. • Preprinted pa per: Ma y be lett erhead, f or ms, or logos .
Supp lies A-4 System Overview Guid e Figure 5-5. Stori ng paper correctly Figure 5-6. Recommended temp erature and humidity f or paper storage Conditioning paper Beca use te mperat ur e and humid ity af fect paper p erfor ma nce in the pr in ter , you need to c o ndit ion pape r before usin g it.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-5 The len gth of tim e yo u should co nditio n y our paper depends on the am ount of pap er a nd the dif f er ence betw een the stor age a nd oper a t ing tem p er ature s . Use the f ollo wing ch ar t to de ter mine the lengt h of time needed to condit ion stac ke d car tons of paper .
Supp lies A-6 System Overview Guid e Dry ink Dry ink (also ca lled tone r) is the powde r which f or ms the image on the pr inted page . There a re six car tridges of dr y ink in e ach car ton. Y ou shou ld k eep at le ast one e xtra cartridge on hand at all t imes.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-7 Stitch er wire Stitch er wire is a consuma ble item f or a pr inter eq uipp ed with th e stitcher/st ac k er optio n.
Supp lies A-8 System Overview Guid e Lice nsed f onts Additional f onts ma y be ordere d from y our local Xero x F ont Center . Custom f onts Custom f onts and gr aphic ima ges such as com pany logos and signat ures can be d igitiz ed b y the Xer ox F ont Cen ter f or use on y our prin ter .
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-9 8.5 x 11 i nch 4024 Dual Purp ose Paper , 7-hol e 3R1984 8.5 x 11 i nch 4024 Dual Purp ose P aper, 7- hole* 3R3010 8.5 x 11 i nch 4024 Smoo th 3R2675 8.5 x 14 i nch 4024 Smoo th 3R2677 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Purpos e Color s—Blue 3R3052 8.
Supp lies A-10 System Overview Guid e 8.5 x 11 i nches 4200 Prima ry Im age 3R5802 8.5 x 14 i nches 4200 Prima ry Im age 3R5804 8.5 x 11 i nches 4200 Pr imary Im age, 3-ho le 3R5803 8.5 x 11 i nch 10 Seri es Dual P urpose Paper 3R2950 8.5 x 11 i nch 10 Seri es Dual P urpose Paper, 3-hole 3R2952 8.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-11 Complete supplies lis t—4050/4090 printers The f ollowi ng tab le lists the su ppl ie s in addition to pap er th at a re a v ailab le f or yo ur printer . Use this tab le to help y ou determine y our suppli es needs .
Supp lies A-12 System Overview Guid e Be sur e to check your supp lies reg ular ly a nd ord e r before you r un out. Plan on ap proximate l y fi ve work in g days f or del iver y afte r pla cin g t he or der . Y ou c an make arran ge ment s to re c eive them so oner in em ergency situati ons.
Supplie s System O verview Gui de A-13 – If y our comp an y req uires a purch ase or der f or pa yment of an in v oice , y ou ne ed to pro vide the pu rchase orde r num ber to Xer o x at the time y ou plac e the orde r . The f ollo wing ta bl e is a chec klist y ou can u se to kee p trac k of the supplie s you order .
Supp lies A-14 System Overview Guid e Stitcher w ire Cart ridge tapes Cleaning supplies T able A-2. Supplie s c hec klis t f or DocuPr int 4 050/4090 NPS/IPS printer (Continued) Supplies checklist Use.
System O verview Gu ide INDE X-1 Inde x A addi tion al feat ures 3-9 Adob e fonts 2-4 Advanced Function Im age and Gr aphics (AFIG) 5-1 AFP en vironmen t 5 -5 audi ble ton es 3-9 B BCOCA (Bar code Obj.
Index INDEX-2 Syst em Overview Guide G GOCA (Graphics Object Co ntent Architecture ) 5-5 grap hic d isp lay 3-4 H hardwa re netw ork o pti ons 4- 4 – 4-5 HCU 5-4 Hewlett-Packard PCL fon ts 2-5 high .
Index System O verview Gu ide INDE X-3 prep rin ted paper A-3 print jobs submitti ng 4-2 – 4-5 printe r dual stacker 3-7 high -capa city f eed er 3-6 stitcher/stacker 3 -8 printer control conso le C.
Index INDEX-4 Syst em Overview Guide translati on requir ements, pr otocol 4-4 – 4-5 trans missi on rat e 5-2 transparencies, se lecting A-2 trays dual stacker 3-7 stitcher/stacker 3 -8 U under scor.
デバイスXerox 4090の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 4090をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 4090の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 4090の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 4090で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 4090を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 4090の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 4090に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 4090デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。