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Xe r o x ® 490/980 TM Co l o r C ontinuous F eed P rinting S yst em C olor Management Guide 27 October 2008.
Xe rox 490/98 0 Colo r Contin uous F eed Prin ting S ystem T able of C ontents Color Management Guid e i T able of C ont ents 1 Color Management Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 CMS Option Tool Overview . . . . . . . .
T able of C onte nts Xero x 490/980 C olor Co ntinuous F eed P rinting S yst em ii Color Management Guide Create a new Simplex Qu eue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Create a new Duplex Queue . .
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 1- 1 C olor Management Ov erview The CMS (C olor Management S y stem) Option T ool is an add -on softw are f or the X erox 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed Prin ting S yst em, and it c an be inst al led on a r emote PC .
Color Manageme nt Overview Xerox 490/980 Color Continuou s F eed P rintin g System 1-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de CMS Option T ool Ov erview The CMS (Color Mana gemen t System) optional tool is installed using GUI so ftware adde d to the remote PC.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuo us Feed Printi ng Sys tem Color Manageme nt Ove rview Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 1-3 CMS Option T ool Setup This section describes the s etup of the CMS Option T ool. The CMS Option T ool should be inst alled on a remot e PC wher e the GUI is als o presen t.
Color Manageme nt Overview Xerox 490/980 Color Continuou s F eed P rintin g System 1-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de Black Overprint This op tion is a vai lable f or PS/PDF. Y ou can cho ose whet her or not t o ov erpri nt on the blac k portion of a n input color s pace, without pri nting the under-colo r.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuo us Feed Printi ng Sys tem Color Manageme nt Ove rview Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 1-5 P rint Mode Select Color or B/W. (Color is th e Def ault.) R eso urce Grou p Na me The file name of th e color re sour ce group c an be spec ified (None is Def aul t.
Color Manageme nt Overview Xerox 490/980 Color Continuou s F eed P rintin g System 1-6 C olor Mana gement Gui de R elativ e (Def ault of CM Y K) After dynamic r ange compres sion is done, colors that c an not be reproduced will be conve rted, lightness will be sust ained as much as pos sible, and saturation will be d ecreased.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuo us Feed Printi ng Sys tem Color Manageme nt Ove rview Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 1-7 P re-Pr inted P aper Select the ou tput screen characteristics of the pre-printed paper. Select the [ Setting ] button to open the [ Col or Char acteris tics [Ups tr eam] (P rin t Dat a) ] dial og box.
Color Manageme nt Overview Xerox 490/980 Color Continuou s F eed P rintin g System 1-8 C olor Mana gement Gui de.
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 2- 1 CMS Option T ool This chapter de ta ils the CMS Option T ool. Oper at ions perf ormed with the CMS O ption T ool are discus sed her e. F or det ailed in f orma tion on C ali br ation, pleas e see the r emaining cha pter s of the C olor M anagement Guide.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de Inst all the CMS Option T ool 1. Insert the CMS Option T ool CD into the CD -ROM of the remote PC. 2. Double cli ck [ setup.exe ]. The setup wizard w ill open.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-3 CMS Option tool t ab menus The f ollowing t abs are lo cated o n the CMS Option T ool windo w.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de C ancelling the installation If you wi sh to cancel the ins tallation proces s, sel ect [ Ca n c el ]. Sel ect [ Ye s ] to cancel ins tallation. Then sele ct [ Fin i sh ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-5 Using the CMS Option T ool The CMS tool can be used f o r a variet y of tas ks. The most common ta sk is printing a colorimetri c pattern to be used f or calibr ation.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-6 C olor Mana gement Gui de Lay out files f or the colorimetric patterns The l ayout file s f or t he col orime tric pat terns ar e sto red in the same f older where the C MS Option T ool is located.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-7 Sele cti ng a la y out f ile Each layout file is depe nde nt upon t he d esired m easu ring purpos e. The layout fi le chos en wi ll appe ar on the printed colorimetric pattern.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-8 C olor Mana gement Gui de Create Calibr ati on Data Use the Creat e Cali br ation Dat a tab to cre ate a t able to be used f or c alibr ation. This t able is gener ate d based on meas ured colorime tric data.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-9 Specify data file Use this option to select a data file to be applied to the desired printer. If you are using a duplex configur ation, the first pr inter is ref erred to as [ Upstream ], the second print er is ref erred to as [ Downs tream ].
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-10 Color Manag ement Gu ide Custom P aper Use th e Custom P aper tab to cr eate a c olor co nver sion t able to be use d f or custom pape r. This t able is based on mea sured col orimetric val ues f rom the dat a file.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-1 1 Specify data file Use this option to select a data file to be applied to the desired printer. If you are using a duplex configur ation, the first pr inter is ref erred to as [ Upstream ], the second print er is ref erred to as [ Downs tream ].
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-12 Color Manag ement Gu ide R egist ering Cust om P a per T o re gister custo m pap er: 1. Enter the Pape r Setting. S et P aper Length to 18 inches. 2. Select a co lorimetric pattern fo r col or conversion.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-1 3 Custom Ink Char acte ristic Use the Custom Ink Characteristic t ab to specify inf ormation f or a new custom in k.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-14 Color Manag ement Gu ide Commen t Any r egister ed comment s are lis ted in the properties of paper inf ormation. Download P a per Inf ormation P aper inf ormation can be downloaded to the print er.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 2-1 5 CM YK ink chara cteristics The regist ered ink charact eristics are liste d here. If you wish to rename or del ete a char acteristic, right-click on the specific charac t eristic.
CMS Option T ool Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 2-16 Color Manag ement Gu ide R estore of paper inf ormation P aper inf ormation c an be re stored if it was back ed up. If this opt ion is sel ected , it will o ve rwrit e the current inf o rmation.
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 3- 1 P repare f or C olor Ca l i b ra t i o n This chapt er discuss es what needs to be done be f ore the proce dures in the remai ning chapters of t he Co l o r M a na g e m en t G ui d e a re p e r for m e d .
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de R ecommended C alibr ation C onditions This section describes the recommended conditions f o r pe rforming the pr e- calib ratio n an d col or calibr ation pr ocedures in the f ollowing chapters.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous Feed Pri nting Sys tem Prepare for Co lor Ca librati on Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 3-3 V erif y C olor C alibr ation R esources The purpose of this procedure is to ve.
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de Note The directo ry tree ref erenced in the f oll owing step is on pages 3-4 to 3-7.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous Feed Pri nting Sys tem Prepare for Co lor Ca librati on Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 3-5 T OF Mark • T O F M a r k 3 .
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-6 C olor Mana gement Gui de Note The contents of the following directory [ Re so u r c e Gr o u p N a m e s ] continues o nto the next page. R esource Gr oup Names • TR C_PRINTER1.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous Feed Pri nting Sys tem Prepare for Co lor Ca librati on Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 3-7 Note The contents of the following directory [ Re so u r c e Gr o u p N a m e s ] is continued from the pre vious page. R esource Gr oup Names • TR C_PRINTER2.
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-8 C olor Mana gement Gui de C opy C olor C alibr ation R esources This procedure descr ibes how to c opy the.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous Feed Pri nting Sys tem Prepare for Co lor Ca librati on Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 3-9 3. Righ t-click the f older [ Color Calibr a tion R esources ]. A pop-up menu will ap pear. 4. Select [ Cop y ]. 5. Right-click on the clock shown on the Wind ows tas kbar.
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-10 Color Manag ement Gu ide Download C olorP ort Utility Software The pu rpos e of this s ecti on is to do wnlo ad t h e late st document ation-su p port ed v ersi on of the ColorP o rt Utility Software (version 1.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous Feed Pri nting Sys tem Prepare for Co lor Ca librati on Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 3-1 1 Check f or Queue and Imposition Files The pu rpose of th is secti on is to determ ine i f any o f the i mpositi on fi les o r queue s us ed in chapter 4 ha ve already been crea ted.
Prepare f or C olor Calibration Xerox 490/980 C olor Continuou s F e ed P rintin g System 3-12 Color Manag ement Gu ide.
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 4- 1 Pr e - Ca l i b ra t i o n Engine Density Adjustment This chapter di scusses how to set the color dens ities of Y e llow, Mage nta, C y an and Black (Y/M/ C/K) to within optimal parameters f or color calibration.
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de Creat e an Empty C olor R esource In order to perf orm the pre-calibr ation engi ne density adjustment, a C olor R esource must be crea ted wi th no cali bratio n data as soc iat ed wit h it.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-3 6. F or the Pa per Name fiel d, type [ TRC ]. 7. Select [ Sav e As ]. 8. After the pop-up windo w appea rs, select [ Ye s ].
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de F o r Duplex S ystems 1. Ensure that the Xe rox 490/980 C olo r Con tinuous F eed P rinti ng Sy stem is po we red on and is connected to the PC-UI.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-5 6. F or the Pa per Name fiel d, type [ TRC ]. 7. Select [ Sav e As ]. 8. After the pop-up windo w appea rs, select [ Ye s ].
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-6 C olor Mana gement Gui de Set Up Imposition Files This section expl ains how to import either a si.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-7 Manipulat e the Impo rted Simp lex Imposition F ile Now that you.
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-8 C olor Mana gement Gui de Manipulate the Imported Duplex Imposi tion File Now that you hav e impor.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-9 Creat e a New Queue The purpose of this section is to su bmit the density test pattern using the proper imposition, queu e and co lor set ting s.
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-10 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note F or the nex t step, th e Queue Name sh ould f ollow the con ve ntion of [ TR C_ ] and the num ber in inch es or mill imet ers of the pape r stock wi dth (i.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-1 1 12. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 13. In the Co lor Char acteristics [Ups tream] box, in the P rinte r Name drop-down menu, se lect [ PRINTER1 ].
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-12 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note In the f ollowing s tep, whil e using Inches is recommende d, it is no t requir ed. Mil limeter s are also su ppor ted b y this document ati on.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-1 3 Create a ne w Duple x Queue On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed P rinting S ys tem PC-UI, select [Queue Ma nagement].
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-14 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note F or the nex t step, th e Queue Name sh ould f ollow the con ve ntion of [ TR C_ ] and the num ber in inch es or mill imet ers of the pape r stock wi dth (i.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-1 5 Decimal poi nts are not allo we d in a Queue Name, so substitute i n a dash [ - ] if the paper stock width is in a half-inch increment.
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-16 Color Manag ement Gu ide 12. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 13. In the Co lor Char acteristics [Ups tream] box, in the P rinte r Name drop-down menu, se lect [ PRINTER1 ].
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-1 7 21. Select the [ PDF ] tab. 22. In the P age Size dr op-down menu, se lect [ Non-standa rd ]. Note In the f ollowing s tep, whil e using Inches is recommende d, it is no t requir ed.
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-18 Color Manag ement Gu ide C olor Density Adjustment The purp ose of the following proce dure is t o achi eve the proper colo r densi ty levels for optimum color calibra tion.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co ntinu ous F eed Pri nting Sys tem Pre-Ca librati on Engi ne De nsity Adjustmen t Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 4-1 9 Note As a remi nder, the qu eue name used to submit the job in the next st ep is [ TR C _ [Pa pe r Stock Width] ].
Pre-Calibr ation Engin e Density Ad justment Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 4-20 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note In order to change colo r density va lues, t he syste m must be paused (in NOT READ Y mode) and the user must be l ogged in as a S yst em Administr ator.
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 5- 1 s C o lor C alibr ation P rocess f or v1.1.6 Software This chapter di scusses how to prope rly cali br ate the color outpu t of the printer.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de Creat e a TR C File The purpose of this procedure is to set up a queue f or printing the color c alibration grids. T here is a sep ar ate pro cedure f or simplex and duplex sy stems .
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-3 11. On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor Co ntinuous F eed P rinting S yst em PC-UI, se lect [ Qu eue Management ].
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de 23. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 24. In the Color Char acteristics (Upstream) box, in the Printe r Name drop-down menu s elect [ PRINTER1 ], the n select [ Setting ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-5 Note As a remi nder, the qu eue name used to submit the job in the next st ep is [ Cali bra t i o n ].
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-6 C olor Mana gement Gui de F o r Duplex S ystems 1. On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed P rinting S yst em PC-UI, se lect [ R esource Ma nage ment ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-7 11. On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor Co ntinuous F eed P rinting S yst em PC-UI, se lect [ Qu eue Management ].
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-8 C olor Mana gement Gui de 23. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 24. In the Color Char acteristics (Upstream) box, in the Printe r Name drop-down menu s elect [ PRINTER1 ], the n select [ Setting ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-9 32. Select the [ PDF ] tab. 33. In the P age Size dr op-down menu, se lect [ Non-standa rd ]. Note In the f ollowing s tep, whil e using Inches is recommende d, it is no t requir ed.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-10 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note As a remi nder, the qu eue name used to submit the job in the next st ep is [ Cali bra t i o n ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-1 1 R egional Settings This i s to en sure tha t the ColorPort Utility S oftware can function prop erly when m easu ring t argets in the next section.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-12 Color Manag ement Gu ide Use C olorP ort to Measure T argets This is to measure the pri nted test grids using the ColorPort Utility Software. 1. Open the C olo rP ort Util ity Softwar e (v1.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-1 3 Note Each test pattern tak es about two minutes f or the Eye-One iSis to process. 6. Insert a test pattern into the Ey e-One iS is with the soli d black bar f acing upwards.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-14 Color Manag ement Gu ide Creat e TR C File with TR C View er Depe nding on wheth er you have a si mple x syst em or a dup lex s ystem, use the appropri ate proced ure.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-1 5 7. Click into the f ourth field down from the top of the window . Delete the _1 from the end of the filename (e nds with .
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-16 Color Manag ement Gu ide F o r Duplex S ystems 1. Ensure that the 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed P rinti ng Sys tem Custo mer Document ation CD is inser ted int o the CD-R OM Driv e of the P C-UI comput er.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-1 7 6. Click into the f ourth field down from the top of the window . Delete the _1 from the end of the filename (e nds with .
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-18 Color Manag ement Gu ide Import TR C File into PC-UI F or Simp lex S ystems 1. On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed P rinting S yst em PC-UI, se lect [ R esource Ma nage ment ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-1 9 6. Select the ap propria te director y (i.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-20 Color Manag ement Gu ide F o r Duplex S ystems 1. On the left-sid e navigati on pane of the X ero x 490/980 C olor C ontinuous F eed P rinting S yst em PC-UI, se lect [ R esource Ma nage ment ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-2 1 Creat e a New Queue f or C alibr ation C onf irmation Dependi ng on whether a simpl ex or duplex syst em exists, us e the ap propriat e proc edure on the f o llowing page s.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-22 Color Manag ement Gu ide F or Simp lex S ystems Creat e a queue that uses the TR C cr eate d f or the upstre am User TR C.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-2 3 12. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 13. In the Co lor Char acteristics [Ups tream] box, in the P rinte r Name drop-down menu, se lect [ PRINTER1 ].
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-24 Color Manag ement Gu ide Note In the f ollowing s tep, whil e using Inches is recommende d, it is no t requir ed. Mil limeter s are also su ppor ted b y this document ati on.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-2 5 F o r Duplex S ystems Creat e a queue that uses the TR C’s cr eated f o r the upstr eam and downst ream as User TR C’s.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-26 Color Manag ement Gu ide 11. Select the [ C olor ] tab. 12. In the Co lor Char acteristics [Ups tream] box, in the P rinte r Name drop-down menu, se lect [ PRINTER1 ].
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-2 7 22. Select the [ PDF ] tab. 23. In the P age Size dr op-down menu, se lect [ Non-standa rd ]. Note In the f ollowing s tep, whil e using Inches is recommende d, it is no t requir ed.
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-28 Color Manag ement Gu ide P ost-C alibr ation Density Check The purp ose of th e f ollowing procedure is to conf irm tha t the prop er co lor den sity levels have been achiev ed f or optimum color calibr ation.
Xerox 490 /980 Co lor Con tinuous Feed Printing System Color Calibr ation Process for v1.1.6 Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 5-2 9 Note As a remi nder, the qu eue name used to submit the job in the next st ep is [Cal ibr ation Confir mation].
Color Calibration Process f or v1.1.6 Software Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous F eed Printing System 5-30 Color Manag ement Gu ide Ap ply a C alibr ation TR C to existing Queues using the User TR C option F or the queues that you w ould lik e cali brat ed, f ollow this proce dure.
Colo r Mana geme nt Guide 6- 1 C o lor C alibr ation Using C olorP ort Utility Software This chapter dis cusse s how to pe rf orm Calibration. All proc esse s that need to be pe rf orme d bef ore calibr ation ar e discussed in ea rlier chapters.
Co lor C alibr atio n Using C olorP ort Utility Sof tware Xe rox 490/ 980 CCF P rin ting S yste m 6-2 C olor Mana gement Gui de C olor C alibr ation Bef ore perf ormi ng color calibra tion, set the cutter to A3 and e nsure that all color settings f or both print ers are set at 4 (C,M,Y,K).
Xerox 490/980 CCF P rinting System Color Calibratio n Using ColorPort Utility Software Color Ma nagem ent Gu ide 6-3 Using C olorP ort f or C olor C alibr ation Open the Colorport soft ware. Select [ Start: P rogr ams: C olorport ] on your PC or sel ect [ Colorpor t.
Co lor C alibr atio n Using C olorP ort Utility Sof tware Xe rox 490/ 980 CCF P rin ting S yste m 6-4 C olor Mana gement Gui de.
Printer Operator Guide A-1 Ap pendix L ogical P age Setting The purpose of this ap pendix is to help y ou create imposition files in the pre-calibr ation and color calibr at ion chapters of the C olor Managemen t Guide. The Logical P a ge Setting is one of the necessary properties that needs to be c onfigured when creati ng an imposition file.
Appendix Xerox 490/980 C olor Cont inu ous F eed Printing System A-2 Printer Operator Guide Off set Sp ecif i cation an d Logical P a ge Size Expla ined The t wo se ts of numer ical va lues that make up the O ffset Spec ificati on and the Logi cal Page Size are de pendent on two variables : 1.
Xerox 490 /980 C olor Co nti nuous F eed Pri nting System Appendi x Printer Operator Guide A-3 C alculate Off set Specif ication and L ogical P age Size V alues The f ollowing s ample pro cedur e uses the f ollowin g h ypothetical pap er stock width, logical page size (image area) and DPI sett ings: • P aper Stock Width: 8.
Appendix Xerox 490/980 C olor Cont inu ous F eed Printing System A-4 Printer Operator Guide T able of Offset Specif ication and L ogical P age Size V alues The f ollowing t able shows the numeric al val ues f o r the Offset Specif ication and Logical P age Size for: • Widths of pape r stock f rom 8.
Printer Operator Guide B-1 Ap pendix P rint Using LPR The purpose of this appendix is to help you submit the various test patterns necessary to perf orm the pr e-calibr ation and col or calibr ation pr ocedures f ound in this guide to the printer. The f ollowing proced ure uses LP R (Line P rint er R emote ) to submit a job to the pr inter.
Appendix Xerox 490/980 C olor Cont inu ous F eed Printing System B-2 Printer Operator Guide 6. Dra g and drop the .pdf into the command-pro mpt window . The location o f the .pdf w ill automatically be e ntered into the co mmand-prompt window in double-quotes.
©2008 by Xero x Corpor ation. All ri ghts reser ved. Xerox ® and the sph ere of conne ctivity design and 490/98 0 TM are trade marks of Xerox Corpo ration in the United States an d/or other count ries.
デバイスXerox 490の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 490をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 490の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 490の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 490で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 490を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 490の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 490に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 490デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。