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User Guide.
© 2007 Xe rox Corporati on. All rights reserved . This use r ’s g uide i s provide d for in formation purpos es only . All i nformatio n incl uded here in is subject t o chan ge with out notic e . Xerox is not respo nsible fo r any direc t or ind irect dam ages, arising f rom or re lated to use of t his user’s gu ide.
C ONTENT S 1. Introduction Special features ............... ............ ........... ........... ................. ........... ........... ............ .......... ............ ................. ........... 1.1 Machine o vervie w ....... ........... ..
5. Copying Selectin g the pape r tray .................... ................. ....................... ........... ................. ................ ....................... ........... 5. 1 Copying ...... ........... ................. .................
Replacin g the waste toner cont ainer ....... ........... ................. ...................... ............ ................ ................. ................. 9.8 Mainten ance parts .................. ....................... ................ ...
i Safety Intr oduction Noti ces and Safe ty Pleas e read the fol lowin g instruc tions carefu lly before op erating the mach ine and re fer to t hem as ne eded to en sure the c ontinu ed s afe o peration of your mach ine. Y o ur Xero x pro duct a nd suppl ie s have be en de signed and t ested to mee t st rict s afe ty requ ire ments.
ii • Do n ot use ae ros ol cl eaner s, t hey may b e expl osi ve and f lamm abl e unde r cert ain conditi ons • Alw ays exercis e care whe n moving or re locating equipmen t. Please conta ct your loc al Xerox S ervice De pa rtme nt to arran ge re location of the copier to a loc ation outsi de of your building .
iii Ozone Information This product produces ozo ne d uring n ormal ope ration. Th e ozon e produce d is hea vier tha n air and is depende nt on copy volume. I nst all the s ystem in a wel l-ve nti lat ed room wi th the mi nimum si ze r equir ements list ed bel ow .
iv Profes sional/Bu siness En vironmen t Appl icat io n of thi s symb ol on yo ur eq uipmen t is confir mat ion tha t you m ust dispo se of this equ ipment in complianc e with agr eed nation al proce dure s.
v mor e than 1 600 appro ved produc ts and 140 licensees . Xe rox h as be en a lead er in offer ing EcoLogo ap proved produ cts. Section 16 Illegal Cop ies USA Con gress , by sta tute, has for bidde n the r eproduc tion of the fol lowin g subjec ts unde r cert ain circum stance s.
vi Bank and gov ernment b onds and secu rities Pass ports and identi fication ca rds Copy right mate rial o r tradem arks with out the con sent of the own er Post age stamps an d other nego tiab le in strum ents NOTE : Th is list is not inclus ive and no liability is assu med for either it s compl ete ness or accura cy .
1 .1 < Introduct ion> 1 Introducti on Thank yo u for purchasing this Xerox multi func tion al p roduc t. Y ou r machine provides printi ng, copying , scanni ng functi ons.
1 .2 < Introduct ion> Machine over view These are the main co mpone nts of your machin e: Front view 1 scan ner c over 8 tray 2 scanner gla ss 9 manual feeder 3 USB me mory port 10 manual feed e.
1 .3 < Introduct ion> Control p anel overview 1 Disp lay : Shows th e current s ta tus and pr ompts du ring an ope ration. 7 Original T ype : See the do cument t ype for the cu rrent co py job. See pa ge 5.2 . 2 To n e r c o l o r s : The toner colo rs shown belo w the LCD displa y co- works wi th displa y messag es.
1 .4 < Introduct ion> LCD display with th e toner cartridge mes sages The sta tus of ton er cart ridg es i s indic ate d by th e LCD di splay . If th e tone r cartridge is low or n eeds to be changed , the displ ay show s the message. The arrow ma rk (or marks) shows whic h color toner is of concern.
1 .5 < Introduct ion> Selecting a locat ion Select a lev el, stab le place with adequate spa c e for air c irculatio n. Allow extra sp ace for opening covers an d trays. The area s hould be well -ventilate d and away fro m direct sun light or sources of heat, cold, a nd humid ity .
2 .1 < System setup> 2 System se tup This cha pter gives you an overview of menu s available on yo ur machi ne and step- by-step inst ructions for sett ing up the ma chine’ s systems .
2 .2 < System setup> Changing the disp lay language T o ch ange the language that appears o n the co ntrol panel, fo llow these step s: 1 Press Menu u ntil Copy Menu appears on th e bottom line o f the display and press En ter . 2 Pre ss th e Scr oll butto ns until Syst em Set up appea rs and press Ent er .
3 .1 < Software over view> 3 Software overv iew This chap ter gives you an ov erview of th e software tha t comes with your machine . Further det ails about ins talling and using the so ftware are explain ed in the Sof tware section .
3 .2 < Software over view> System requ irements Before you begin, ensure th at your system meet s the fo llowing requ irem ents: Windows Item Requirem ent s Recomme nded Operatin g syst em Windo.
4 .1 < Selecting and loading print media> 4 Selecti ng and l oading print medi a This cha pter intro duces y ou to how s elect and load print me dia for your mach ine.
4 .2 < Selecting and loading print media> Supported print medi a types and sizes Ty p e Size Dim ensions Wei gh t Capacity a Plai n paper Letter 216 x 27 9 mm (8.50 x 1 1.00 i nches) • 60 to 90 g/ m 2 (16 to 24 lb bond) for th e paper input tray .
4 .3 < Selecting and loading print media> Media sizes supported in e a ch mode Guidelines for se lecting and storing print media When select ing o r load ing pap er , envel opes, or ot her pri nt m ateria ls, keep these gui delines in mind: • Always use p rint media th at conform with th e specificatio ns listed on page 4.
4 .4 < Selecting and loading print media> T ransparen cies • T o avoi d damaging t he machi ne, use only transp arencies desi gned for use in l aser printers. • T ransp arencies used in the printer must be able to withs tand t he machine ’s fusing te mpera ture.
4 .5 < Selecting and loading print media> Loading p aper In the tray Load the p rint media you use for the majo rity of your pr int jobs i n the t ray . The t ray ca n hold a maximu m of 15 0 shee ts of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb bo nd) plain p aper . Loading p aper in the tr ay 1 Pull the t ray out of the machine.
4 .6 < Selecting and loading print media> 8 Clos e the pap er co ver . 9 Slide the tray back into the mach ine. Y ou can l oad letterhead with the design s ide face up. The top ed ge of the sh eet with the lo go sho uld be go into the machi ne first.
4 .7 < Selecting and loading print media> For pap er smaller than Letter-s ized, return the p aper guide s to their original positions and ad just the paper l ength guide and p aper width guide. 5 Clos e the pap er co ver . 6 Slide the tray back into the machine .
4 .8 < Selecting and loading print media> 2 Squeeze th e manual feeder pa per width guide s and adjust them to the wid th of the p aper . Do not force too much, or t he p aper wi ll be bent, w hich wi ll result in a pape r jam o r skew . 3 Af ter lo adin g p aper , set the pa per ty pe a nd siz e for th e manu al fee der .
5 .1 < Copy ing > 5 Copying This chap ter gives you ste p-by-st ep instruc tions for copy ing docum ent s. This cha pter include s: • Selecting the pap er tray • Copying • Changing t he se.
5 .2 < Copy ing > Darkness If you hav e an o rigina l docume nt con tainin g faint marking s and dark images, you can adjus t the brightness to make a copy that is e asier to read. 1 Press Menu u ntil Copy Menu appears on th e bottom line o f the display and press En ter .
5 .3 < Copy ing > Sett ing c opy t imeo ut Y ou can s et the time the machine wait s before it restores the default cop y settings , if you do no t start copying af ter chan ging them on th e control panel . 1 Press Menu u ntil Copy Menu appears on th e bottom line o f the display and press En ter .
5 .4 < Copy ing > 2-up or 4-up copying Y our mac hine can print 2 or 4 original image s reduced to fit on to one sheet of pap er . 1 Place the docum ent to be copied on the scan ner glass, a nd close the sc anner cover . For det ails a bout lo ading an original, se e page 4.
5 .5 < Copy ing > Clone copying Y our mac hine can print multiple im age copi es from the origi nal docum ent on a sin gle page . Th e numb er of images is auto matically dete rmined by th e original image and paper si ze. This c opy feature is a vailable on ly when you p lace origi nals o n the s cann er glas s.
6 .1 < Basic print ing> 6 Basic printing This chap ter exp lai ns comm on pri ntin g tasks . Printing a document Y our mach ine allows yo u to pri nt from v arious Win dows, Macint osh, or Linux ap plications. The exac t steps for p rinting a doc ument may vary dependin g on the appl ication y ou use.
7 .1 < Scanning > 7 Scanni ng Scanning with your machin e lets you t urn pictures and text into digit al files that c an be stored on y our computer . Then yo u can email the files , upload th em to your webs ite, o r use them to create projec ts that yo u can print.
7 .2 < Scanning > Changing the sett ings for each scan job Y our mach ine provides yo u with the f ollowin g sett ing option s. • Scan Size : Sets the image size. • Original T ype : Se ts the original document’ s type. • Resolution : Set s the image res olution.
8 .1 < Using USB fl ash memory> 8 Using USB flash memory This cha pter expl ains how to use a USB memory dev ice with your mach ine. This cha pter include s: • About USB memory • Plugging i .
8 .2 < Using USB fl ash memory> Scanning to a USB memo ry device Y ou can s c an a documen t and save the sca nned image onto a USB memory device. There are two ways of doing thi s: you can sc an to the device using the def ault setti ngs, or you can customize yo ur own scan settin gs.
8 .3 < Using USB fl ash memory> Printing fro m a USB memory device Y ou can dire ctly print file s stored on a USB me mory device. Y ou c an print TIFF , BM P , JPEG . Direct Pr int option supported file ty pes: • BMP : BMP Unco mpresse d • TIFF: TIFF 6 .
8 .4 < Using USB fl ash memory> Vie wing the USB memory st atus Y ou can c heck the amo unt of mem ory spa ce avail able for scannin g and savi ng document s. 1 Insert the USB memory device into the USB memory po rt on your machi ne. 2 Press Scan T o .
9 .1 < Maintenan ce> 9 Maintenance This chap ter pr ovid es in form ation for ma intai ning your m achin e and t he toner cartri dge. This cha pter include s: • Printing report s • Clearing .
9 .2 < Maintenan ce> Cleaning you r machine T o ma intain pri nt and sc an quality , follow th e cleaning p rocedures below each tim e the toner cartrid ge is replaced or if print and scan qua lity proble ms occu r . Cleaning the out side Clean t he covers of the machine with a sof t lint-free cloth.
9 .3 < Maintenan ce> 5 T o i nstall the imaging unit pull the im aging unit about half way and push it until it sounds ‘click’. Repea t this action tw o or three times. 6 Push the imaging unit un til it sounds ‘ click’ in to th e machine.
9 .4 < Maintenan ce> Maint aining the toner cartridge T oner cartridge s t orage T o get t he most from the tone r cartridge, keep the following guid elines in mind: • Do not re move the t oner cartr idge f rom i ts p ackage u ntil ready f or use.
9 .5 < Maintenan ce> Replacing t h e toner cartridge The mach ine uses four colors and has a diff erent tone r cartridge for ea ch one: yell ow (Y), ma genta (M), cy an (C), and black (K).
9 .6 < Maintenan ce> Replacing t h e imagin g unit The life o f the imaging un it is approx imately 20,000 pages for black or 50,000 im age printing whiche ver come s first.
9 .7 < Maintenan ce> 7 Holdin g the handles on the new imaging unit, push the i maging unit until it sounds ‘cl ick’ int o the machine. 8 Remove f our dummy cap s which are on the toner c artridg e entrance s of the imag ing unit. When you remov e the dummy ca p from the cartridge, lif t the handle u p and pull it out .
9 .8 < Maintenan ce> Replacing the wa ste toner cont ainer The l ife of the w aste to ner co ntaine r uni t is app roxi mat ely 1, 250 page s for full color 5% i mage pri nting or 5,000 images for black p rinting.
9 .9 < Maintenan ce> Maintenance p art s T o av oid pr int qua lity and paper feed proble ms resul ting from worn parts and to ma intain yo ur machine in t op working co ndition th e following items will need to be repla ced at the s pecified numbe r of pages or when the l ife span of e ach it em has e xpi red.
10 .1 < Troubleshoot ing> 10 Troubl eshooting This chapt er gives helpful information for what to do if you encounte r an error . This cha pter include s: • Tip s for avoiding paper jams • C.
10 .2 < Troubleshoot ing> In the manual feeder 1 Pull the t ray out. 2 Push the manual feeder t ab down. 3 Pull the j ammed pape r out of the manu al feeder . 4 Inser t the tray i nto the machine until it snap s into place. 5 Open an d close the fron t cover .
10 .3 < Troubleshoot ing> 5 Lowe ring down the sc an uni t gent ly a nd slo wly u nti l it is comple tely closed . The inner cove r will be clos ed aut omatical ly by the scan unit clo s ing.
10 .4 < Troubleshoot ing> Inst all T oner The c olor tone r cartridge is not inst alled. T he arrow indicate s which colo r toner cartr i dge. Insta ll the color toner cartridge . Inst all Imaging Unit The corres ponding Imaging Unit of the mach ine is no t inst alle d.
10 .5 < Troubleshoot ing> Rep lace [zzz] * zzz indica tes the part o f the m achi ne. The life o f the part expir es tota lly . Replace the p art with a new o ne. Call for servi ce. Rep lace [zzz] Soon * xxx indica tes the part o f the m achi ne.
10 .6 < Troubleshoot ing> Printing problems Condition Possible cause Suggested solu tions The mach ine does not print. The mach ine is not receivin g power . Check the powe r cord conne ctions. C heck t he power s witch and t he power sourc e. The mach ine is not selecte d as the default pr inter .
10 .7 < Troubleshoot ing> Page s pri nt, but are blank. The tone r cartridge is defectiv e or out of toner . Redistr ibute the tone r , if necessa ry . See page 9.4. If necess ary , replace t he toner cartri dge. The file m ay have blank p ages.
10 .8 < Troubleshoot ing> White S pot s White spo ts appears o n the page : • The pa per is too rough and a lot of dirt f rom a pape r falls to the in ner devices with in the machine , so the transfer roller may be di rty . Clean the inside of y our machin e.
10 .9 < Troubleshoot ing> Curl or wave • Ensure tha t the paper is loaded prope rly . • Check the paper type and qualit y . Both high temperatu re and humidity can cause p aper curl. S ee pag e 4.1. • Turn ov er t he stac k of pa per i n the tra y .
10 .10 < Troubleshoot ing> Copying problems Condition Sugges ted so lut ions Copies are too lig ht or too dark . Use Darkness to darke n or li ghten the back ground of th e cop ies. Smears, line s , mark s, or s pots appears o n copies. • If defect s are on the or iginal, use Dar kne ss to ligh ten the backgrou nd of your co pies.
10 .11 < Troubleshoot ing> Common Windows problems Common Macintosh problems Condition Suggeste d solutions “File in Us e” messag e appears during in stallatio n. Exit all software ap plications. Rem ove all softwa re from the St artUp Group, then re start Window s.
10 .12 < Troubleshoot ing> Some color im age s come out all b lack. This is a known bug in G hostscript ( until GNU Gh ostsc ript version 7.0 5) when the base color sp ace of the docum ent is indexed color spa ce and i t is converted through C IE color sp ace.
10 .13 < Troubleshoot ing> The mach ine does not scan . • Check if a docu ment is l oaded into the machi ne. • Check if your m achine i s con nected to the comp uter . Make sure if it is connect ed properly i f an I/O err or is repo rted whil e sca nning .
11 .1 < Ordering su pplies> 11 Ordering suppl ies This cha pter provi des inform ation on purcha sing sup plies for your mach ine. • Supplies • How to purcha se Supplies When the tone r runs.
12 .1 < Specif ications> 12 Specifications This cha pter include s: • General sp ecifications • Printer specific ations • Scanner and c opier specificatio ns General specificatio ns Item D.
12 .2 < Specif ications> Scanner and copier specificat ions Item Description Com pa tibility TW AIN standa rd / WIA st andard Scannin g method Color CIS Reso lutio n Optical: U p to 600 x 1200 dpi (m ono an d color) Enhanced : 4,800 x 4,80 0 dpi Effe ctive scan ning len gth Max.
1 I NDEX Numerics 2/4-up, sp ecial copy 5.4 B Back 1.3 backgrou nd image, erase 5.5 Black Start 1.3 C cleaning insi de 9.2 outside 9.2 scan un it 9.3 clone, s pecial copy 5.5 contras t, copy 5.2 copyi ng 2/4-up 5.4 darkn ess 5.2 default s etting, change 5.
2 specifi cations gener al 12.1 printer 12.1 scanne r and copi er 12.2 Status 1.3 Stop/Cle ar 1.3 suppl ies checki ng life 9.9 order info rmation 11.1 sys tem re qui remen ts Macin tosh 3.2 T toner cartridg e maintai ning 9.4 redistrib uting 9.4 repl aci ng 9.
Software section.
1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST ALLI NG P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software ......... ................... ............... ................... ................... .............. .... . .... 4 Installing Softwar e for Local Printing .
2 Editing a Watermar k ........ ................... .......... .............. ................... ................... .......... .. 16 Deleting a Watermar k ...... .......... ......... ............... ................... ................... ..........
3 Opening the Unified Driver Configurator ............... ................... .............. ................... ....... 23 Printers Configurati on ...... .......... .............. ................... ................... ............... ..............
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This cha pte r incl ude s: • Installing P rinter Software • Removing Prin ter Software Installing P rinter Softwar e Y ou can install the pr inter software for local printi ng .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the comput er , the foll owing wi ndow wil l appe ar . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n’t want to connect the printer at this time, click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the comput er , the foll owing wi ndow wil l appe ar . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n’t want to connect the printer at this time, click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een.
Basic Printing 7 2 Basic Printing This chapter exp lains the printing options an d comm o n printing tasks in Windows. This cha pte r incl ude s: • Printing a Docu ment • Printing to a file (PRN) .
Basic Printing 8 Printer Settings Y ou can use t he printer p roperti es window , which all ows you to access all of the print er options you need when using your printer . When the printer properties are display ed, you can revi ew and change the setti ngs needed for your p rint job.
Basic Printing 9 Pap er Tab Use the fo llowing options to set the basic paper handling specif ica tions when yo u access t he print er proper tie s. See “Print ing a Document” on page 7 for more information on accessing printer propertie s. Click the Paper tab to access v arious paper propertie s.
Basic Printing 10 Gra phi cs Tab Use the followin g Gr aphic options to adjust the print qualit y for your specifi c printi ng needs. See “Pri nting a Document” on page 7 for more infor mation on accessing pri nter properti es. Click the Graphic tab to displa y the pro perties shown below .
Basic Printing 11 Ohte r Feat ures Tab Y ou can select output opti ons for your do cument. See “Printi ng a Document” on page 7 for more information about accessing the printe r proper ties.
Basic Printing 12 Using a Favorite Setting The Fav orit es option, which is visibl e on each prope rties ta b, allows you to save the c urrent properti es settings for future use. To s a v e a Favorites item: 1 Change the settings as need ed on ea ch tab.
Adv anced Printi ng 13 3 Advance d Printing This chapter e xplains pri nting opti ons and advanced printing tasks. N OTE : • Y our pr inter dri ver Properties window that appears in this User ’s Guide may differ de pending on th e print er in use .
Adv anced Printi ng 14 Printing Posters This featur e allows you t o print a single-page document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheets of pa per , for t he purpo se of past ing t he sheet s togethe r to form o ne poster-siz e document. 1 T o change the print setting s from you r softwar e appli cati on, acce ss print er propert ies.
Adv anced Printi ng 15 Printing on Both Sides of Paper Y ou can print on bot h side s of a sheet of pape r . Before print ing, decide how you want your document orie nted. The options are : • None • Long Edge , whi ch is the con ventio nal lay out used in book bi nding.
Adv anced Printi ng 16 Using Watermar ks The W aterm ark option allows yo u to print text over an ex isting document. For example, you may want to have large gray lett ers r eading “ DRAFT” or “C ONFIDENTIAL ” pr inte d diagonall y acros s the fi rst page or all pages of a document.
Adv anced Printi ng 17 Using Overlays What is a n Overlay? An overlay is text and/ or images st ored in t he computer hard dis k dr ive (H DD) as a spe cial fi le form at th at can be p rinte d o n any do cument. Ov erlay s are ofte n used to tak e the pla ce of preprinte d forms and letterhe ad paper .
Sha ring the Prin ter L ocall y 18 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer directly to a selected computer , which is called “host c om puter , ” on the ne twork. The follo wing procedure i s for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer to the corr esponding Windows U ser's Guide or online help.
Using Uti lity Appl ications 19 5 Using Utility Applications If an err or occurs while pr inting, t he Status Monitor window appears, showing the error .
Sca nning 20 6 Scanning Scanning with your machine let s you turn pictures and te xt into digital files on y our comput er . Then y ou can fax or e-m ail the files, display th em on your w e b site or use them to create projects that y ou can print using the WIA driver .
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 21 7 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou can use your machine in a Linux envir onment. This cha pte r incl ude s: • Gettin g Started • Installi ng the Unified Linux Dri.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 22 5 When the installation is complete, click Finis h . The in stall ation pr ogram has added th e Unifie d Driver Confi gurator desktop i con and Xerox Unified Driver group to the system menu for your convenience.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 23 Using the Unifi ed Driver Configurator Unifie d Linux Driver Configurator is a tool pr imarily intended for configuring Printer or MFP devices. Since an MFP device combines the pr inter and scanner , the Unified Li nux Driver Configurator p rovides opti ons logical ly grouped for printe r and scanner functions .
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 24 Cla sses Tab The Classes tab shows a list of available printer classes. • Refresh : Renews the classes list. • Add Class... : Allows y ou to add a new printer class. • Remove Class : Remo ves the selected printer cl ass.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 25 Configuring Printer Properties Using th e prope rties wind ow provided by the Printers configuration, you can change the v a rious prope rties for your machine as a printer . 1 Open the Unified Driver Configurator . If necessary , switch to Printers confi guration.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 26 The following fo ur tabs disp lay at the to p of the w i ndow . • Gene ral - allows yo u to change the pap er size, the pa per type, an d the or ientation of the documents, ena bles the duple x feature , adds s tar t and end ba nners, and cha nges the number of pages per shee t.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 27 The document is scanned and the image preview appears in th e Pre vi ew P an e. 7 Change the scan o ptions in the Im age Qua l ity and Sca n Area sections. • Image Quality : allows you to select the color composition and the scan resolution fo r the image.
Usin g Your Print er in Lin ux 28 Y ou can u se the followin g tools to edit the image: For further detai ls about the Image Manager application, re fer to the onscr een help. Tools Functi on Saves th e imag e. Cance ls y our last action. Re stores the acti on y o u canc eled .
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 29 8 Using Your Printer with a Macin tosh Y our printer supports Macintosh systems with a built-in USB interface. Whe n you print a file from a Macintosh com puter , you can use the C UPS driv er by installing the PPD file.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 30 Insta ll the Scan driver 1 Make sure that you connect your printe r to the computer . T urn on your computer and printer . 2 Insert the CD- ROM which cam e with y our printer into the CD-ROM drive. 3 Do ub le-cli ck CD-ROM icon that appears o n your Macintosh desktop.
31 Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh pri nter ’ s p roperti es window that appears in this User’s Guide may diffe r depending on t he printe r in use. Howev er the co mposition of th e printer prope r ties wind ow is similar .
32 Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh Printer Features Setting The Prin ter F eatures tab provides op tions for sel ecting t he paper t ype and ad justi ng print qualit y .
33 Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh Scanning If you want to scan documents using ot her software, you will need to use TWAI N -compliant software, such as Adob e PhotoDeluxe or A dobe Photoshop. The fi rst ti me you scan with your machine, select it as your TW AIN source in the application you u se .
34 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 13 B booklet printing 14 C canceling scan 20 Color 10 D document, print Macintosh 31 Windows 7 double-sided printing 15 F favorites setti ngs, use .
35 printing 26 S scanning Linux 26 TWAIN 20 scanning from Macintosh 33 setting darkness 10 favorites 12 image mode 10 resolution Macintosh 32 Win dows 10 true-type option 10 software install Macintosh.
デバイスXerox 6110MFPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 6110MFPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 6110MFPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 6110MFPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 6110MFPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 6110MFPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 6110MFPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 6110MFPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 6110MFPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。