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721P 88200.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE iii T able of Contents Intr od ucti on vii DocuPrint IP S 7.1 n ew features viii Document s cope and organization viii Intended a udience viii For additional information... ix Xerox referenc e man uals ix IBM referenc e m anuals xi 1.
TABLE O F CONTENTS iv IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 3. Doc uPrin t I PS sys te m 3-1 DocuPri nt IPS summar y 3-1 DocuPrint IP S architecture 3-4 Data towe rs 3-5 Resource towers 3-6 Product capabi li t ies 3-7 Connectivity s olutions 3-1 0 4.
TABLE O F CONTENTS v IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE MICR applications 5 -12 MICR printing on t h e DocuPrint 96, 4635, and 180 MICR I PS p ri nt er s 5- 12 Xerox E13B and CMC-7 MICR fonts 5-13 MICR application .
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE vii Intr oduc tion The Do cu P rin t IP D S Pr i nti n g S yst em ( IPS ) se ri es of p ri nte rs i s a ful l family of X erox production printers for printing in an A dvanced Function P resentation (AF P) environm ent.
INTRO DU CTION vi ii DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE Do cuP rint IPS 7.1 f eat ur es (c ontin ued) • DF A segment managem ent • F ront end resolution setting for p rint data stream • Alter nate sha ding.
INTRODUCTION DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE ix Int ende d audie nce The primary audience for t his document is the systems a nalyst or application p rogrammer who: • is res ponsib l e for migrat in g e x isting and/ or creating new A FP applicat ions to eff ec tivel y u se the unique f e atures of the Xero x DocuPrint IPS series o f p rin ters.
INTRO DU CTION x DOCUPRINT IPS SOL UT IONS GUIDE For addition al informa tion... Additional documen tation related t o the DocuPrint IPS printers is available from Xero x . You can request these publications from your Xerox represent ative. Note that the publication numbers shown a re current as of t h e date t h is document was published .
INTRODUCTION DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE xi DocuPrint 96 /4635/180 Xerox DocuPrint 96/4635/180 IPS I nstallation Planning Guid e (721P8823 0) helps y ou plan the installation of Do cuPrint 96, 463 5 and/or 1 80 printers at your site.
INTRO DU CTION xi i DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE IBM refe renc e man ua ls If you require further information about the various A FP products and system architectures, refer to these IBM publications. Note that the publication num bers shown are current as of the date this docum ent was p ublished.
INTRODUCTION DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE xi ii Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference (S 544-3417-05) d escribes the funct ions and compo siti o n of element s sent to printers t hat support the IPDS architecture.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 1-1 1. 1 DocuPr int IPS o verview In many instances, the do cuments your com pany ge nerates are the only contact you have with your c ustomers. Therefore, you need t o be able to use the m ost effective and high quality printer f e atures available to maintain a comp etiti v e edge.
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW 1-2 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Docu Print IP S printe r capabil itie s For a s um mary of printer spec ifications for t h e DocuP rint IPS pri nter series, refer to App endix A, “ DocuP rint I PS pr inter capa bilit ies.
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 1-3 When printed to the DocuP rint 96 MICR, 4635 MICR, and 18 0 MICR IPS printers, y ou can access the Xe ro x AFP MICR fonts t o print the MICR line at the s ame time the other in formation is being prin ted.
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW 1-4 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE For th is application, you coul d use the D ocuPrint 4850 IPS or 48 90 IPS printers. These printers acc ept the AFP IPDS data stream and print the p olicie s , duplex or simplex, normal or tumble, wi th full-page highlight color, even in stapled booklets, at up to 92 images per minute.
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 1-5 Ma nufa cturi ng For this example, let ’ s as sume you have custom ers in North America and in Europe. Y our c ustomers in No rth A merica expect to rec eive the docum entation you provide with your parts on US letter (8-1/2 by 11 inch) pa per.
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW 1-6 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Banking Many ba nks now handl e mutual fund or financi ng and i nvestment accounts for their customers. As a result, th e cus tomers are requesting more detailed and easier to read statements .
DOCUPRINT IPS OVERVIEW DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 1-7 Doc u me nt ty pe s You can cr eate several different types of documen ts using AFP and then p rint them on DocuP rint IPS printers. This s ection des cribes some of these document s and how the X e rox value-added fe atures can be used.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-1 2. 2 AFP s ummary This chapter provides a summary of IBM ’ s Advanced Function Presentation (A FP) architecture and the A FP features s upported by Xerox D ocuPrin t IPS p rinter s. What is AFP? AFP is a collection of programs used t o format a nd print documen ts.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-2 IPS SOLUT IONS GUID E AF P reso ur ces You can use different A FP resou rces to cr eate you r document . For example, y ou m ay wish to create an application t hat includes an electronically created form (overlay), v a r i able data, c o nstant data, a signature, an d your company logo.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-3 O ver la ys Overlays a re electronic forms that may c ontain lines, boxes , const ant text, and page s egments . To in clude an overlay i n a document, you can r e ference it i n a PageDe f or FormD ef or vi a a m ixed-mode or fully-compos ed AFPDS appl ication.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-4 IPS SOLUT IONS GUID E AFP ar ch ite c tu re The AFP system is a sub-arch it e cture of the Sy stems Application Ar chitectu re (SAA). Th e AFP prin t platfo rm consis ts of arc hitec ted data stream s for t hree areas: applications, print resourc es, and printers.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-5 Data streams Data stream s define the st ructure and content of an a pplication . Three t ypes of data st r e ams used by AF P are: • Mixed Object D ocume nt Content A rchitecture (MO:DCA) data streams, which are generated by an appl ication a nd are de vice independe nt.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-6 IPS SOLUT IONS GUID E PSF pl atf orms You have seve r a l options for connecting your DocuPr int IP S printers to the host. Each platform determines h ow IBM ’ s Print Se rvices Faci lity ( PSF) p rogram in teract s with the DocuPri nt IPS prin ter.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-7 Mainf rame c onnection s You m ay use several different f ormats to conn ect you r mainfra me to the DocuPrint IPS printer. The various connection formats are described and pictured in this section. Note that o n this platform, the PSF c ontrol fu ncti on s are IPDS em itters o nly.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-8 IPS SOLUT IONS GUID E Remote conn ection: channel extender For the channe l extender connection, the prin ter is connected directly to the channel extension device. T he channel extender is then connected to another channel ext ender through telecommuni cation lines.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-9 Remote conn ection: BARR/RJE Using the remote BARR/RJE connection, t he printer is att ached to a PC containing BARR software and hardware. The PC is connected to a Front End Proces sor (FEP) through tele communication lines.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-1 0 IPS SOLUTIO NS GUIDE TCP/IP connection: T oken Ring For TCP/IP connectivity via a Token Ring, the mainframe is connected to a 3174 or 3745 IBM control unit. The control unit is connected t o a modula r a ccess unit (MA U), which acts as the T oken Ring.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-1 1 AS/400 re mote connection AS/400 does not use a direct Bus & Tag connection . I nst ead, you must set up a remote PS F/2, PSF for AIX , or BARR/AFP connec tion. An AS/400 cha nnel conn ection requires either BARR/AF P or a PS/2.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-1 2 IPS SOLUTIO NS GUIDE TCP/IP connection: T oken Ring For the Token Rin g TCP/IP conne ction, you must have a Token Rin g card installed inside the AS/400. A router directs the jobs being run on the Token Ring to the appropriate device.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-1 3 InfoPri nt Ma nag er remot e co nne ction Using th e remote Inf oPrint Manage r solution , the prin ter is attached to an RS/6000 system con taining an M CA C hannel Card and r u nning InfoPrint Manager. The RS/6000 is co nnected to a com munications controller th rou gh tele communication lines.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-1 4 IPS SOLUTIO NS GUIDE InfoPri nt Ma nag er LAN conne c tion You m ust use the TCP/IP n etwork protocol to conne ct your DocuP rint IPS printers by a LAN t h rough InfoPrint Manager.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-1 5 TCP/IP connection : T o ken Ring For the Token Rin g TCP/IP conne ction, you must have a Token Rin g card installed inside the RS/400. A router di rects the j ob s being run on the Token Ring to the appropriate device.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-1 6 IPS SOLUTIO NS GUIDE PSF/ 2 You can attach the DocuPrint IPS printer to a PS/ 2 PC that has a n MCA Chann el Card i nstalled and is run ning PSF/2. The PS/2 is connected to a Front End Proces s o r (FEP) through telecommun ication lines.
AFP SUMMA RY IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 2-1 7 PS F/2 LA N Another option is t o connect your DocuPrint IPS print ers to a local area network (LAN). When connected through P SF/2, you can use TCP/IP, OS/2 LAN Manag er, or Nove ll as the network protocol. Using this connection, you can join OS/2, DO S, A I X, and other types of worksta ti o ns toget her.
AFP SUMMAR Y 2-1 8 IPS SOLUTIO NS GUIDE PS F/2 T oken Rin g TCP /IP For the Token Rin g TCP/IP conne ction, you must have a Token Rin g card installed inside the PS/2. A rout er directs t h e jobs being run on the Token Ri ng to the appropriate d evice.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-1 3. 3 DocuPrint IPS s ystem This chapt er provides a n o verview of the DocuP rint IPS s eries. It describes the features , f un ctions, and limitations of thi s product. Do cuP rint IPS s ummary The DocuPrint IPS pri nt ers are true IPDS printers, emulating an IBM Group 3 IPDS page printer.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM 3-2 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Software The IPS software resides on the S un SPARCstation processor. It consists of these software compon ents: • input, imager a nd outp ut processes • I O T d evi ce dr ive r • pr int engine monitor p rocess • test pattern process • user interf ace.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-3 Enterprise Printing O ption If your app lications require you to print b oth IPDS and PostScript/ PCL data streams but you do not have e nough volum e to sup port two production printers, the DocuPrint IPS p rinters provide part of t he perfect solution.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM 3-4 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Doc uPrin t IPS archit ectu re DocuPrint IPS printers function in all I BM environments runni ng the current level of PS F software.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-5 These co mmand sets have c orresponding towers . Figure 3-2 shows the data and resource towers and their ass ociated comman d s ets.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM 3-6 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE IO Imag e function set – IOCA (IO/1) The I O-image c ommand s et a lso contains the commands for presenting image raster data o n a logical page, a page segm ent, or an overlay. The Wri te Image 2 com mand wi thin the IO/1 com mand set carries data defined by the IOCA FS10 subset.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-7 Product cap abilit ies This section describes the capabilities of the DocuPrint IPS printers. User interface Each DocuPrint IPS pri n ter provide.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM 3-8 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Sens e Ty pe and M o del (STM ) com man d When an STM co mmand is issued by the host, t he DocuPrint IPS printer respo nds that i t is a Group 3 pag e printer.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-9 Remote p ri n ti n g solutions You can conne ct DocuP r i nt IPS printers to a n IBM host in many ways.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM 3-1 0 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE Conn ectiv ity so lutio ns This sec tion/table p rovides the valid c onnectivity solu tions for t he stand-alone and dual mode conf igurations of the DocuPrint IPS printer series.
DOCUPRINT IPS SYSTEM DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 3-1 1 Dual Mode IPS/NPS B u s & T ag ( IPS) Token Ring (N PS ) Bus & Tag ( IPS) Ethernet 10Mb (NPS) Bus & Tag ( IPS) Ethernet 100Mb (NPS).
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-1 4. 4 IPS a pplication migration Now that you k now more about AFP and how the DocuPri nt I PS printers work, you c an start pri nting you r AFP applications to DocuPrint IPS printers. This chapter explains the steps required to modify an existing AFP application for printing to a X erox DocuPrint IPS p rinte r.
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-2 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE IBM As part of t h e AFP architecture, IBM provides several produc ts which you can use to create resources.
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-3 Elixir Desktop an d Con verters for AF P The Elixir Desktop an d Converters for AFP provide an i ntegrated set of tools for conversion .
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-4 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE ISIS ISIS provides two different product families to create, edit, and pri n t AFP resources and docum ents: • The ISIS OverVie w prod.
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-5 Pap yrus Do cEXEC DocEXEC formats t he high quality, data-driven, multi-page document s you cr e ated using Papyrus Designer. The sourc e code created i s upwardly c ompatible t o PageDefs.
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-6 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Other utilities to complement PR eS: Tra nsFon t This utility allows printer fonts to be c reated for the target printer from TrueType, PostScript, and Raster o utlines. It also allows for these fonts to be edited and manipulated.
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-7 Font s This section descr ibes the actions you ma y need to perform to mak e your fonts available f or use with the DocuP rint IPS pri nters. Review each section to determine if it applies to your site.
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-8 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE If you plan to convert your c o ntinuous form docume nts t o cut s heet format, make sure that you use the 300 pel version for the b est resolution quality.
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-9 Cus tom font s If you require spe cial character sets or ne ed to add new characters to an existing charac ter set, you m ay choose to crea te custom fonts for your site.
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-1 0 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE P age s egment s The print quality of the p age segments you currently use with AFP may dep end on how t hey were created originally.
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-1 1 Imag es When y ou print A FP documents that cont ain 240 pel i mages t o DocuPrint IPS pr int e rs set to run in 300 dpi mode , PSF converts the IM imag es to IOCA im age format .
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-1 2 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE Note: Note that support for printing these images wa s added to the PSF/MV S en vir o nment by IB M ’ s PTF UW 26975 (APAR OW 18369).
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-1 3 • Using t he Conf igurat i on menu select the Maximum Simplex option . • Set the Maximum S imple x value to 0. The IPS system will start the first job in the plex mode of the first sheet received .
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-1 4 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE Con tinuo us for m to c ut sh ee t conversion If you t ry to p rint the s ame application o n both an IBM 3800 printer (continuous form) and a DocuPrint I P S printer (cut sheet ), y our output m ay appe ar in the wrong orientation or extend off the edge of the page .
IPS A PPL ICATIO N MIG RATIO N DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 4-1 5 However, if you a re migrating applications o riginally creat ed for th e IBM 3800 that use wide forms, you must modify the AFP resou.
IPS APPLICAT ION M IGRA TION 4-1 6 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE If you u s e thes e 3800-compat ible FormDefs in application s you plan to print o n DocuPrint IPS printers, you should perform either.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 5. 5 Inco rporating Xero x v alue-ad ded f eatu res The DocuP rint IPS series all ows you to take a dvantage of m any Xerox value-added featu res. These features include highlight color, paper handling and pape r tr a y selection, enhanced resource resolution, and guaranteed MICR printing.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-2 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE V ariab le and con stant data This section explains how to add color to variable and constant data using either PPFA or ElixirForm f or AFP (v ersion 3.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-3 Co nditio nal pr ocessing Conditional process ing allows an action to be taken dependen t on a field in t he input data. You can use conditional processing to determine whether certain elements on a page will print in color.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-4 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE For this example, your PageDef may look something like this: When c ondition B ex ists, the system uses the PAGEFORMA T PF2. When condition C exists , the system uses the PAGEFORMAT PF1.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-5 Overla ys IB M ’ s O verlay Generation Language (OG L) compiler vers ion 1.1 supports color for fonts, r u les, patterns, and other commands . You can al so generate c olor over lays using utilit y program s or thir d-party packages.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-6 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Pa ge segme nts and images Page segme nts and images only print i n color i f there is no conversion by PSF from 240 pels to 300 dpi. If a c onversion is required, PSF converts the page segment or IM im age to an I O CA image.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-7 Lin e s an d bo r d e rs OGL v1.1 supports color using the DRA WRULE , DRAWMASK and DRAWBOX commands. Exampl e: DRAWRUL E ...COLOR BLUE You can use either OGL, DC F/Script or E lixirForm for AFP to c olori ze lines and borders in your document.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-8 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Sha ding an d shad ed f orm bo xes OGL v 1.1supports c olor usin g the DRA WBOX, PATTERN and DRAWRULE c ommands.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-9 The stitching options are supported for the DocuPri nt 4050, 4090, 4850, and 4890 IPS printers. Ma rkForm facility The M arkForm facility was originally imple mented f or continuous feed p rinters to put a b lack m ark on t he edge of t he separat or pages .
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-1 0 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE This table show s the resolutions available an d the s caling operations performed by the IPS sof t ware for the D ocuPrint I P S printers.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 1 Di sab le h ar d ware sca ling an d alter nate shad ing Two new resolution options have been adde d t o the IP S software: • Disable Hardw a re Scaling • Alter nate S hading.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-1 2 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE MIC R appl icat ions You may print documents that include MICR fonts on the DocuPrint 96, 46 35, and 180 M ICR IPS printers. Xerox provides the IPS MICR font kit whi ch includes t he E 13B an d the CM C-7 MICR f onts, MICR diagnostic forms and in stallation instructions.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 3 Xer ox E 13B and CM C-7 MI CR fon ts Xerox provid es its ow n version of AF P MICR f onts for us e with the DocuPrint 96, 4 635, and 180 MICR IPS prin ters. This version is fully compatible with the I B M version of the AFP MICR f ont s.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-1 4 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE St e p 3 . Refer to the code page/character set desc riptions in the IBM manu als and Xerox supplem ents.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 5 Inp ut and outpu t tra y pr oce ssing The DocuP rint IPS printers sup port man y of the input and out put tray options available with P SF. T his section explains h ow to activate these feat ures.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-1 6 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE Changing input trays for copy sub groups You m ay n eed to print mu lti- p art applications, su ch as invoices, t hat use a different color stock f o r each page of the document.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 7 Media d estination (out put bin) sel ection This feature allows you to select a specific output bin for an individual job instead of waiting f or the current bin t o be filled before switching to the next av ailable out put bin.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES 5-1 8 DOCUPRINT IPS S OLUTIONS GUIDE DFA is supported on the DocuPrint 180 IPS, 4 635 IPS, 96 MICR IPS, 4635 M ICR IPS, 18 0 M ICR, and 4890 I PS. Currently, D FA is not supported for t he Doc uPrint 405 0 IPS, 40 90 IPS , and 4 850 IPS.
INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FE ATURES DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 5-1 9 Ente rpri se Print ing Opt ionSw itch ing mo des The Xerox En terprise Pr inting Option is a dual mode system t hat supports both the AFP and PostScript/PCL env ironments.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE 6-1 6. 6 Commo nly ask ed qu estions This chapt er prov ides answ ers to q uestions frequent ly as ked about the Docu Print IPS print e r s by Xerox custo m ers.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS 6-2 DOCUP RINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE Wha t i s the Di agno st ic Lo ckout feat ure on th e Doc uPr int 1 80 IP S? The Diagnostic Lockout feature allows your Xerox Service Representative t o acc ess the p rograms required for run ning diagnostics on your DocuPrint 180 IPS printer.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE A-1 A. A DocuPrint IPS printer capa bilities This appendix provides a table showing the IPS print controller platforms supported for the various versions o f IPS sof tware. It also provides tables that sum marize the Xerox value-adde d features available on the DocuPrint IPS printers.
DOCU PRINT IP S PRI NTER CAPABI LITIES A-2 IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE Doc uPrin t IPS prin ter sp ecific at ion s - in put trays a nd feed ing opt ions 4890 92 Yes 300 x 300 1,300,000 Inches : 8 x 10 to 8.5 x 14 MM: 2 03 x 254 to 216 x 356, inclu d ing A4 92C 92 Yes 6 0 0 x 6 0 0 1,300,000 Inches: 8 x 10 to 8.
DOCUPRINT IPS P RINT ER CAPABILITIES IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE A-3 Doc uPr int IPS prin ter sp eci ficat ion s - o ut put trays a nd fini sh ing o pt ions 4635 4635 M ICR 1 (Main) 2 (Aux.) 3 (HCF1) 4 (HCF1) 5 (HCF1) - optional 6 (HCF1) - optional 1,100 6 00 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 Re q uir es Inp ut Enablement Kit 4850 1 (Main) 2 (Aux.
DOCU PRINT IP S PRI NTER CAPABI LITIES A-4 IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE 4050 Dual Bin Stacker 1 Dual Bin Stacker 2 or Sti tcher/ Stacker 750 750 2,000 (unstitched ) 50 (per s titched set) Yes Not sup ported 4.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE B-1 B. B Reso urce crea tion and co n vers ion pr ogram s This table lists several of the res ource creation and conversion programs av ailable t o users.
RESOURCE CREATION AN D CONVERSION PROGRAMS B-2 DOCUPRINT IPS SOL UT IONS GUIDE Ad va nce d Function Presentation Util ities (AFP U/ 400) IBM Resource generation Overl ays, PF Ds (s imil ar to PageDefs.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE C-1 C. C DocuPrin t IPS limitatio ns While the DocuPrint IPS pri nt ers a llow you to perform many p rint functions, there are some features that they do not support.
DOCUPRINT IPS LIMITATIONS C-2 DOCUPRINT IPS SOL UT IONS GUIDE N-UP Pro cessing N-UP jobs are processed in segments based on the number of images pe r page, wh ich varies bas ed upon the N-UP settings of each job.
DOCUPRINT IPS L IMITATIONS DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE C-3 Hin ts and Tip s This section includes several hints and tips that may help you use your Doc u Pri nt I PS systems.
DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE D-1 D. D AFP print flows This appendix shows the AFP print flows for the diffe rent environment s supported b y PSF. T hese print flo ws apply to b oth PSF and the DocuPrint IPS printers.
AFP PRINT FLOWS D-2 DOCUPRINT IPS SOL UT IONS GUIDE VM p rint f low 1. CMS pr int com mand is is s u ed. 2. CMS wr ites to a vir tual printer . 3. CP intercepts the command and data. 4. CP spools the data to D A SD . 5. When the specified pr inter is a vail a ble according to j ob con trol parameters, CP schedules the job to P SF .
AFP PR INT F LOW S DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDE D-3 RS/600 0 data f low The RS/6000 connection accepts ASCII, ditroff, M O :DCA-P, PCL 5e, EUC (Extended UNIX commands), D BASCI I ( d ouble-byte ASCII), 1403 line-mode (E BCDIC) data, Post Script level 2 and 3, SAP ABAP li ne data, and SAP OTF data stre ams.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE INDEX-5 Inde x Numerics 3800 compat ible f o rm definitions, 4-13 to 4-14 A Advanced Func tion Presentation , see AFP AFP data flows, D-1 to D-3 definition, 2-1 overview, 1-1 page.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE INDEX-6 INDEX PSF/2, 2-17 RS/6000, 2-14 explanatio n of benef its, se e EOBs Extraction Color menu option, using, 5-1 F FDO CA , 2-4 feeding options, 5-16 specifications, A-2 to A.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE INDEX-7 INDEX IO CA ( Ima g e O b jec t Co n ten t Arc hi te ct ur e) , 2-4 IOT (input/output terminal), 3-1 IPDS, 2-5, 6 -1 ISIS products, 4-4 t o 4-5 J jam reco very, ordered stock, C-2 L LAN, PSF/2, 2-17 limit ati ons, C -1 to C- 3 lines and borders, adding color, 5-7 loaded f ont comm and set, 3-6 LU 6.
IPS SOLUT IONS GUIDE INDEX-8 INDEX S scaling operations, 5-10 securi ty, MICR, 5-13 shading adding col or, 5-8 limit ati ons, C -2 Sixth Sense Technol ogy, 6-2 sof tware, 3-2 Sonoran fonts, 4-6 specif.
デバイスXerox 721P88200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 721P88200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 721P88200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 721P88200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 721P88200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 721P88200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 721P88200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 721P88200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 721P88200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。