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Xero x Do cuP ri nt Net w o rk Pri nte r Se r ies Guide to P e rf orming Routine Maint enance f or Models 9 6/4635 /1 80 NP S Version 7.1 August 2000 721P8664 1.
Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1997, 1998, 1999 , 2000 by X erox Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of c.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE iii La ser safe ty ! Warning: Adjustmen ts, use of cont rols, or performance of procedures other than those specified herein m ay res ult in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint printers are c ertified to c omply with th e performance standards of the U.
iv XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/463 5/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE • Nev er use a ground adapter plug to connect equipment to an electr ical out let that la c ks a ground c onnec tion ter minal. • Alway s place equipment on a solid suppor t surf ace with adequat e strengt h for its weight.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE v T abl e of conte nts Laser safety iii Ozone informati on iii Opera tion s af ety iii Intr od ucti on vii About t his guide vii Contents vii Conventions viii Related publications ix 1.
TABLE O F CONT ENTS vi XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/463 5/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 7. Mai nt ena nc e and s upp ort se rvi ces 7-1 Xerox Cust omer Services Sup port Center 7-1 Xerox Docu.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE vii Intr oduction The Xerox DocuP rint Network Pri nter Se ries , Guide to Per formin g Routine Maintenance fo r Model 96, 4635, and 180 NPS , provid es information on how to perfo rm basic maintenance t asks on the Xerox DocuPrint M odel 96, 4635, o r 180.
INTRO DU CTIO N viii XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/463 5/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Con ve nt ions This guide uses the following conventions: Ita li cs — Document and l ibrary na mes are shown i n italics (f or example, t he Xero x D ocuPri nt N et work Pr i nt er Se ri es Gu ide to Performing Routine Maintenan ce ).
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ix Relate d public ation s The Xerox DocuP rint Network Pri nter Seri es incl udes the follo wing document s: Decompos ition Ser.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1-1 1. 1 Feede r tr a ys This chapter shows th e steps needed to load and chec k feeder trays on the DocuPrint NPS, an d e xplains what actions are n ecessary if paper stock is changed.
FEE DER T RAYS 1-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE • The prin ter does not f e ed all the paper out of a tra y — approxi mat ely 1/4 in ch (6 mm) remains in the tra y . Load in g feed er t rays It is important to load paper properly in the feeder trays to prevent jam s an d los s of prod uc tion time.
FEED ER TRAY S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1-3 Follow these steps to load feeder trays 1 and 2. 1. Select t he tray y ou want to load by pressin g the T ray Unlock button on the door of the paper tra y or b y touching the appro priate unlock i con on the printer control consol e .
FEE DER T RAYS 1-4 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 7. Load p aper , f ollowing th e instr uctions o n the labe ls of the feeder tra y and carefully posi tioning th e paper i n the right front cor ner of the tray .
FEED ER TRAY S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1-5 8. Pull the length guide f orward to t ouc h the back of t he paper st a ck. 9. Latch the paper feeder assembly by pressing the green dot next to the green rele ase lev er until the assembly clicks into position.
FEE DER T RAYS 1-6 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Load ing tr a ys 3, 4, 5, and 6 1. Select t he tray y ou want to load by pressin g the T ray Unlock button on the door of the paper tra y or b y touching the appro priate unlock i con on the printer cons ole .
FEED ER TRAY S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1-7 6. Load pa per , f ollowing the instruct ions o n the label at the fron t of the f eeder t ra y and carefull y positioning the paper in the right- front cor ner of the tra y .
FEE DER T RAYS 1-8 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 9. If the printer stopped due to a lo w paper condition, press the Continue button o n the pri nter console to resum e printing.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 2-1 2. 2 Outp ut tra ys and bins Your print jobs are s ent to output trays or bins which you must unload. You can unload each of the output trays or bins while t he system is printing.
OUTPUT TRAYS AND BINS 2-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Ch ec king and un l o adi ng hi g h- capa ci ty s ta c ker (HCS ) bi ns The 463 5 an d 180 NP S printers can have up to four hi gh-capacity stacker (HCS) bins.
OUTPU T T RAYS A ND BI NS XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 2-3 Onc e a bin is selected, the bin ele vat or low ers and the bin canno t be used u ntil it is e mptied complet ely . W hen the bin ele vator s tops in the down position, the Ready to Unload indicator li ghts.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 3-1 3. 3 Fuser lubricant The f user on t he 96, 463 5, and 180 NP S i s responsible f or fusin g the print image to t he paper with heat. It is critical that the fuser be kept lubricated with fuser agent and that its reservoir be kept full.
FUSE R LU BRICANT 3-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 3. Grasp the green handle on the fuser dra w er and pull it out until it stops. 4. Put on gl ov es . ! Warning: F us er ag ent c ont ains silico ne , whic h c an cau se irritation upon contact wit h the eyes.
FUS ER L UBRICANT XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 3-3 6. Remov e the cap from a ne w bottle of fu ser agen t and carefully pour the fuser agent into the reser voir , until t he le vel reaches the MAX line. ! Warning: I f any fuser agent sp ills on the floor, remov e it imm ediately.
FUSE R LU BRICANT 3-4 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 8. Push the fus er dra wer in u ntil it latches in pl ace. 9. Dispose of the dropcloth and any empty agent bot tles i n a trash receptacle. If there i s any agent left in t he bottle, cap the bottle and store it f or future use.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 4-1 4. 4 Ad ding dry ink Dry ink is the black po wder that fo r ms t he imag e on the printed p age.
ADDING DRY INK 4-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE To add dry ink: 1. Open the pr inter doors and locate the dry ink area on the left side of the pr inter . 2. Place a dropcloth on the floor under the dry ink area.
ADDING DRY INK XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 4-3 4. Mov e the green handle to the right (the unlatched position ) to release the car tri dge and lid.
ADDING DRY INK 4-4 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 8. Mov e the green handle to t he left (the latched position) to secure the lid o f the car tridge. 1 Dry ink cartridg e 2 Gre en han dle 9. Hold the car tri dge in place and pull off the paper seal.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 5-1 5. 5 Rep laci ng the dry ink was te container The dry in k waste container r ece ives the dry ink inside t he printer t hat does not fuse to paper during pri n ti ng. This container mus t be replaced when full.
REPLAC ING THE D RY INK WA STE CON TAINE R 5-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 3. Pull t he full waste containe r out o f the printer. 4. Remov e the cap from the top of t he full c ontainer and sc rew the cap onto the mout h of the container .
REPLACING T HE DRY INK W ASTE CONTAINER XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 5-3 6. Slide a new , empty dry ink waste con tainer i nto the p rinter until it stops. Note: Do not remove th e cap from the container. 7. Close the printer doors.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 6-1 6. 6 C lean ing This chapter describes the cleaning tasks you need to p erform regularly on the 96/4635/180 printer.
CLEANING 6-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Cautio n: Do not use an y abrasi ves or strong solvents on the sensor. Clea nin g the Q 850 s ensor To clean the Q850 sensor: 1. Open the pr inter r ight a nd left doors a nd l ocate area 4.
CLEANING XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 6-3 3. Locate the Q 850 sensor and ge ntly wipe t he sens or with a d r y cleaning pad.
CLEANING 6-4 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Clea nin g the Q 1011 sens or and mi rr or To clean the Q1011 sensor and mirror: 1. Open the r ight an d l eft doors of the pr inter and lo cate th e Q1011 s ensor .
CLEANING XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 6-5 3. Gently wipe the sensor an d m irror with the cleanin g pad. 4. Close the printer doors.
CLEANING 6-6 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Clea nin g add iti ona l sen sor s Open t he top cover of th e high-capac ity stac ker. Locate and c lean the following sensors with a c leanin g pad. Sensor Q1107 Sensor Q11 07 is at the right fron t corner of the st acker, shown below.
CLEANING XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 6-7 Q1106 a nd Q1166 Raise the By pass Transport upper baf fle by lifting the green ha ndle. Sensors Q1106 and Q116 6 are shown below. Clean the sensors gently, with a cleaning pad.
CLEANING 6-8 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Sensor Q1164 Sensor Q1164 is on the last feeder/stacker module (the one containing t he purge t ray), as show n below. Clean the sensor gently, with a c leaning pad.
CLEANING XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 6-9 Cl eani n g th e 4mm ca rtri dge ta pe dri ve Clean the 4mm cartridge tape drive every 25 hours of actual t ape operation. Use only a cleaning cartridge designed for the 4mm cartridge tape drive.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 7-1 7. 7 Maintena nce and supp or t servic es This chapte r provides information on the services Xerox provides to help you keep your DocuP r int printer running efficiently. It describes the services av ailable to you a nd how t o ta ke advan tage of these serv ices.
MAINTENANCE AND SUP PORT SERVICES 7-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/4 635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Xero x Do cum enta tion and So ft ware Serv ic es XDSS distribut es the documents you need to install and use the DocuPrint prin ter, other X erox printers, an d associated software.
MAINTENANCE AND SUP PORT SERVICES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 7-3 Xero x Cu stom e r Ed ucat io n Xerox offers instructor-l ed workshops that teach DocuPrint NPS system t echnical tr aining curriculum.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERF ORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INDEX-1 Inde x Numerics 4mm cartridge tape drive, cleaning, 6-9 A Advanced Cus tomer Training ( ACT ), 7-2 C checki ng feeder t.
INDEX INDEX-2 XEROX DOCUP RINT 96/463 5/180 NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE adding, 4-2 – 4-4 waste container, replacing , 5-1 – 5-3 fuser agent, adding, 3 -1 – 3-4 sensors, cleaning.
デバイスXerox 96の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 96をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 96の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 96の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 96で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 96を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 96の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 96に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 96デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。