XeroxメーカーDocuPrint 96MXの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing Syst em Mess age Gu ide April 1998 721P8565 0.
Xerox Corpora t i on 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1998 by Xerox Corporation. A ll rights re se rved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable m.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE iii Rela te d pu bl i ca ti o ns The Xerox Do cuPrint 96/ DocuPrint 96MX Las er Printing S ystem Messag e Guide is part of the eight manual reference set for your laser printing system. The entire reference set is listed in t h e table below.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE v Table of Conte nts Related publications iii Notice iii Intr odu cti on vii About the reference set vii DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System docum ent set vii What the message guide cont ains x How the message guide is organized xi The conventions used in this guide xii 1.
TAB LE OF CO NTE NTS vi XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 13. Sys tem verif ica tion err or mes sa ges 13-1 14. Su mma ry sh eet e rro r m essag es 14-1 Appearance error message.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE vii Introduc tion The Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Las er Printing Systems Messag e Guide is one of the e ight manua ls which make up your DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System (LPS) Reference Set .
INTRO DUC TION viii XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Xerox DocuPrint 96/Docu Prin t 96MX LPS P DL Refere nce This ref erence con t ains the following informat ion: • Print De.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE i x Xerox DocuPrint 96/Docu Prin t 96MX L PS In st al lat i on Pl a nn in g Gu id e This referenc e contains t he following informati.
INTRO DUC TION x XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCU PRINT 96 MX LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Wh at th e mess age g uide co n tai ns The Xerox Do cuPrint 96/ DocuPrint 96MX LPS Messag e Guide is divided in to the f ollowi.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE x i • An order card for the Customer Doc umenta tion Catalog, which describes other avai lable Xerox doc umentation • A Reader Comment Form.
INTRO DUC TION xii XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE T he con vent ions us ed in thi s gui de The following conv entions are used throughou t this guide: • When k eyed in, mo st comm ands c an be short ened t o three le tters .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 1-1 1. 1 CP (COMPRESS command) messag es These mess ages may appear during the process of compress ing the system disk. (Refer t o your DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LP S Operations Reference chapter on managing LPS resourc es for additional information.
CP (COMPRE SS COMM AND) MES SAGES 1-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE CP270 0 Inval id keyin The compress comm and was entered incorrectly. Action Reenter com mand correctly CP271 0 Keyins are not allowe d at this ti m e Compress process h as begun.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 2-1 2. 2 DSR (disk sa ve and restore command ) messag es These mess ages may appear during the process of saving all disk files on tape or restoring all f il es to system disk from tape.
DSR (DISK S AVE AND RESTORE C OMMAND) MESSAGES 2-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE DS801 0 Tape erro r xxxx...D SR aborted The system has encountered a device error from which it was unable to recover after seve ra l att empts.
DSR (DISK SAVE AND RESTORE COMMAND) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 2-3 DS904 0 System error ...DSR aborted An un specified hardware error has caused DSR tas k to a bort. Action 1. Retr y the DSR task. 2. If the proble m con ti n ues, cont ac t your syst ems special i st or Xerox Customer Service.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 3-1 3. 3 FD (forms compila tion) messag es These mess ages may appear whi le forms are being c ompiled using Forms Description Language (FDL). (Refer t o your DocuPrint 96/ Docu Pri nt 96MX LPS Forms Cr e at i on Gui de for additional info rma tion .
FD (FO RMS COM PILATI ON) MESSA GES 3-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE FD2720 Key-in too long. Reenter The name or word entered exceeds the permitted number of characters. Action Enter a different word w ithin the permitted range.
FD (FO RMS COM PILATION) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 3-3 FD9400-FD954 0 Disk/file error messag es FD 9400 Er ro r i n c los in g t h e s our ce-i nput fi le. FD 9410 Er ro r i n c los in g t h e s our ce-i nput fi le.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-1 4. 4 HIP (host inte r face processor) messag es These messages may appear on your system controller displ ay if printer communicat ions have been es tablished through th e host interface processor (HIP).
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE HP008 5 Concatenated job operator display mode is ‘OFF’ In response to an operato r comm and, HIP will not display internal job status while in a c o ncaten ated job mode.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-3 HP021 0 Tra nsmission ab orted: JO B ID xxxx The HIP ABORT comma nd was entered.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE HP113 0 Buffer fi le allocation less than specified The HIP buffer has less space than specified in t he HIP.CMD file at installation. There may not be enough space to hold the entire job being sent .
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-5 HP1 172 Log fi le e mpt y, no thi ng to pr int . You have entered the HIP SHOW LOG [PRN] command and there are no e ntries in the l og file. Action None.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE HP120 7 Offline pendin g end o f curren t ac tive xn s session The HIP OFFLINE comm and was ente red. The printer wil l disconnect f rom Et hernet when t he current session is terminated.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-7 HP125 0 Tra nsmission co mplete: job id xxxx The host ha s completed sending the indicat ed job to the p r inte r . Th e job will now begin printing. Action None.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE HP129 9 X PAF c ommunicatio ns reco vered HI P ca n no w re ce i ve data vi a t he XPAF com m un icat i on m od e.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-9 HP142 0 End of test 3 anal ysis The syst em failed D iagnostic Test 3. HI P has com pleted an alysis of Test 3 results an d ha s identi fi ed the data l ine that has failed.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE HP212 0 Insufficient dis k space for host buffering Fewer than 256 blocks are avail able for HIP buffer space. There is not sufficien t space to rec eive and buf fer files.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-11 HP216 0 Ent er ‘ HIP sho w lo g con tinue’ for more There are more than 20 entries in the log and you must enter HIP SHOW LOG CONTINUE to view additional screens.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE HP230 0 C ommand error at: part o f co mmand in er ror The comma nd part indicated was entered incorrectly. Action Reenter the com mand correctly.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-13 HP234 4 Cannot cha nge: job does not exist. The jid specified does not exist in the HIP job queue. Action None. HP234 5 Cann ot cha nge: output file alread y exists The file specified is already resident on the disk.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE HP250 0 Change of job xxxx to file fi le-type failed: unrecover able I/O error yy. The CHANGE command failed du e to the error v a lues specified in this mess age.
HIP (HOST INTERFACE PRO CESSOR) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 4-15 HP825 0 Fatal protocol violation detected Comma nds used v iolate the higher-level software protocols used to communi cate between the DocuPrint 96/DocuP rint 96MX LPS and the ho st.
HIP (HO ST INTERF ACE P ROCESSOR) MESSAGE S 4-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE HP942 0 Host not co mmunicatin g. See host for r eason The HIP DIAGNOST IC command was entered.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-1 5. 5 IFU (Interpre ss font utility) messag es These me ss ages appear w hen the Interpres s font utility pro gram (Refer to y our DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96M X LPS Operations Reference chapter on HI P-acc essed co mmunicating modes for additional information.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE IF1100 Font family xxxx This is an inf o rmationa l message ind icating the font family name being compiled by the IPFNT S comma nd.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-3 IF141 0 Sta rt of vo lume x This message is displayed at t he st art of list ing a m edium’s contents via the IFU m e dium LIST | FILE comm and, whe n positioned at t he beginning of the medium .
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE IF1503 Replacing with substitute character This is an informational message adv ising that a p arti cular cha r acter is b eing replaced with t he substitute character.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-5 IF162 9 Parser err or There is a p r oblem w it h parsing the param eters within a co mmand. Action None. IF200 0 Abo rt in g A DD The ADD command to add font families to the I nterpress or data center font environmen ts has been aborted.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE IF2025 Unknown parameter o n ADD command One of the p arameters (descriptive el ements) in the A DD command is incorrect. Action Check the ADD command and reenter it correctly.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-7 IF2050 Pleas e mount the next volume, number x This message instructs you to mount the next tape or c artridge volum e. A m essage will then ask i f you wa nt to continue or abo rt the operation.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE IF2061 Attempting to appen d to a non IFU COPY medium. Mount corre ct m ediu m or in itiali ze the me dium and re try Appendi ng an IFU COP Y WR ITE file to the en d of a n on IFU COP Y medium i s not permitted.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-9 IF209 8 Are you sure you wan t to abort? (enter ‘Y’ or ‘N’) An AB ORT com mand was entered during the IFU COPY REA D process. Acti o n Ent er N.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF2212 The wrong floppy has been m ounted A floppy disk has been mounted out of sequence fo r reading in. A message will follow asking if you want to continue or quit t his operation.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-11 IF223 5 Please confirm del etion of wildcard ed Interp ress fon t Upon entering the IFU DELETE command, you are asked by the system to confirm this operation by entering C t o continue or A to abort.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF225 0 Medium m ust be tape or cartridge . Magnetic t ape or cart ridge are the on ly media po ssible f or the A DD command (some commands do not accept floppy disks).
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-13 IF2336 Map x was not found in IPFNTS.SYS The requested Interpress ch aracter mapping is not found in the character mapping tables that are stored in the IPFNT S .
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF241 0 Orienta tion parame te r was not found in DCFONTS statemen t Ori en tati on (i.e ., P O RTRAIT , L ANDSCAPE, IPO R TRAI T , and I LANDSCAPE) has not been specified in the DCFONT S statement in the font profile.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-15 IF242 8 Orienta tion x was not found in easy values Some orientations requested are not contained in the FIS f o nt ma ster .
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF2456 WARNING: Subst itute character requires extended metrics Substitution of the requested cha racter requires extend ed metrics, which may reduce Interpress performance.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-17 IF270 8 Syntax error: une xpected token x encountered The character or symbol indicated in the messa ge is incorrectly included i n the comman d line.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF272 0 Syntax error in stateme nt x An error exists in the given s tatement. Action Check an d reenter the comm and, usi ng the c orrected statement .
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-19 IF285 2 Inval id FTYP E param eter The FTYPE paramet er in the font prof ile is incorrect. Action 1. Reen ter the FTYPE parameter to include the correct parameter (either STANDARD or EX TE NDED).
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF2860 Invalid se ctions par ameter The section pa r a meter in the GENERAL statem ent of the font profile is incorrect. Action 1. V erify and reenter the appropriate sec tions param eter in the font prof ile.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-21 IF290 3 JSL syntax err x - unclosed string There is an unclosed string in the JSL file. Action 1. Correc t the JSL file to i nclude a string enclosed in single quotes.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF291 0 JSL syntax err x - expecting an equal sign after y The system requires an equal sign (=) after t he given character in the JSL f ile. Action 1.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-23 IF2 950 JSL fi le x will not open The requested JSL file in the I P FNT S statement cannot be opened. Action Verify and reenter the JSL file name correctly.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF297 3 No valid charac ters were fou nd in character set x In process ing the FIS master, the substitute charact er’ s raster bitmap is either m issing or d efective.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-25 IF411 1 FIS processing erro r; abo rting ADD Due to an error i n the FIS master, the ADD command is being aborted. This error is p robably the result of a previ ous error which should have displaye d a message.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF7000 ** - WR I TE LOCK PRO TECTION ERROR - ** A write operation could not be completed succes sfully, probably because the write ring is no t present on the magnetic tape.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-27 IF710 8 Temp ora ry file x of decomp osed FIS will not open There is an I FU temporary access problem, probably due to a d isk error or i nsufficient space.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF770 5 Family name di rector y will not o pen The FDR packa ge is e ither not on the system or .
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-29 IF790 2 CM T packa ge erro r An error occurr ed while th e system was processi ng the charact e r mapping table, probably due to a disk e rror or insufficient space.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-30 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF790 9 SAMPL E comm and failed, retry The comm and file IFSAM$.CMD, u sed to print out the fonts specified in the SAMPLE comm and , does not exist because the FOPEN command failed.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-31 IF7914 IPM input from file x, b loc k y, failed The system f ailed in an at tempt to read a bl ock from an IPM f ile. The file is either corrupted or does not exist on the system.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-32 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF810 3 CMT symbo l table has overflowed by map x There was not eno ugh space i n the character m apping t able whe n adding t he next symbol. Acti o n Contact yo ur systems spe cial ist or Xerox Cust omer Se rvice.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-33 IF 82 0 3 Err or: from I P F_op en ( ) The s ystem is unable to op en the IPFNTS . SYS fi le. Ei th e r th e fil e is not on the system or is corrupted or there is a sof tware prob lem.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-34 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE F8210 Error : from IPF_rea d_b lock ( ) entry ( ) An error occurr e d when the system attempt ed to acce ss the IPFNT S. SYS file. E ither th e fi l e i s n o t o n th e syst em or is cor r up te d , or there is a sof tware problem .
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-35 IF8214 Erro r: from DLM_ADD ( ) An error occurr e d when the system attempt ed to acce ss the IFUDLM. SYS fil e . E i t h er t h e fi le is no t on the system or is corr upt e d, or there is a sof tware problem .
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-36 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF8218 Error: from FFM_Delete ( ) An error occurr e d when the system attempt ed to acce ss the IFUFFM.SY S fil e. Either the f i le is not on t he system or is corrupted, or there is a sof tware problem .
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-37 IF8 401 FIS fo n t req uest failed w ith EMT ret urn c ode x The FIS font request cann ot be processed due to the EMT (emulator trap) return code shown .
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-38 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF8409 Missing font mapping header at fi le offset? The text that was j us t read from the writt e n file on the m edi um was not as expected.
IFU (I NTERPR ESS FONT UT ILITY) MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 5-39 IF9000 **- DEVICE IS NO T READY -** The medium spec ified was not available when the operation was attempted, or during the o peration. Action 1. Prepare the m edium fo r operation an d retr y the command.
IFU (INTE RPRESS FONT UTILIT Y) MESS AGES 5-40 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE IF909 9 Device erro r x An in put/output o peration on the m edium failed. Action Refer to the error message appe aring on the syst em controller keyboard display and take appropriate action.
XERPX DOCUPRI NT 96/DOC UPRINT 96MX L PS MESSAGE GUI DE 6-1 6. 6 OSS (ope rating system software ) messag es The OS messa ges appeari ng on your system contr o ller d ispl ay are generated by the operating syst em software (OSS). These messag es are as signed t o levels 0 through 9.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS006 0 Resu ming full performan ce The printer had be en opera ti ng in a reduced perf ormance m ode due to pag e complexi t y and is now ret urning to f ull performanc e.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-3 OS032 0 Ou tput tray 2 s elected One of the following com m ands was entered: -S ELECT -S EL EC T 2 -S EL EC T AUT O -S EL ECT 2,SAMPL E Output wi ll be delivered to st acker tray 2.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS051 0 Inpu t stoppe d The STOP or STOP I command was entered, or t h e <STOP> k ey was p r essed. The sy stem has stopped transmitting data an d is reading it onto t he system disk.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-5 OS073 0 Fini shing e xerciser utility: Su ccessful E xit.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS080 1 NVM update co m plete The periodic acquisition of in form ation from the printer control console has been comp leted. Action None. OS 0 830 Att e n tio n Li gh t ena bl ed.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-7 OS085 3 Mode: xxx housing , -plex During PQA, this message ide ntifies the housings being adj usted and whether simplex or duplex printing i s specified for the current PQA operation.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS086 2 Subs tituting colo r for all othe r inks for t his report After you enter a valid SUB S.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-9 OS087 3 Substituting co lor for color for th i s job After you enter a SUBS TITUT E INK comman d, this message tells you which p r ima r y col or is being substituted for the s p ecified color in your current j ob.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS L evel 1 : Infor matio n In fo rms you of syste m acti vit i e s. OS100 0 R eady for c omman ds hh :mm:ss The system is ready to proc ess commands entered.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-11 OS100 6 Prin ter is not available; Pr inter is being servi ced The printer is un able to respond to the entered com man d because the Xerox service repres entative is performing diagnostic te sts.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS101 0 Sta rting job xxxx The system i s i nitiat i ng proces si ng for th e indica ted job. Action None. OS101 1 Starting diagn ostic print job The syst em diagno stic interf ace (SDI) ta sk is i nvolved.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-13 OS101 7 P hysical d evice %0 substituted for log ical dev ice %1. The dev ice subs titution specified in t he SUB DEV comman d has taken pl ace. Action None.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS107 2 B ar OF F, n co unt satisfi ed, reader is n ow en abled The comm and BAR OFF n was entered disabling the barcode reader for a s p ecified num ber of sheets.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-15 OS109 6 Activ ity report end ing Processing of the Activity Report has comp leted. No action. Action None. OS109 7 User rep ort end ing Processing of the User Report has completed.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS110 6 Lowerc ase char acters no t valid in machine seri al numb er Lowercase characters are not valid i n the machine serial num ber. Action 1.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-17 OS113 6 Sheet rotation: ‘0’ = None or ‘ 1 ’ = Rotate sh e et: This is one of a series of FE X q uestions abou t the test prin t job, which also include s m essages O S2922, O S2923, OS2924, and O S2008.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS119 0 In valid p arameter, comma nd i gnored. An undefined bin is specified or the sheet count for the bi n is not within th e allowable range.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-19 OS12 35 CLP Co mmands n o t allo wed while prin ting A CLP command was entered. CLP commands m ay not be used while t he print er is a ctiv e. Action None.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS126 2 Sysgen pape r size ou t of range If a pa per size statement is not i ncluded in t he JDL, the system w ill use the values specified at SYSGE N.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-21 OS127 0 Comman d file aborted The @ABORT command was entered. The system has abandoned processing of the initiated command f ile. Action None. OS127 1 Cannot nes t comm and files.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS1279 Command file error - label not found An incorrect p refix was entered for the com man d file. Action Reenter the statement correctly. OS128 0 Me ssage file is not defined.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-23 OS129 1 C l uster name n ot defined . or Cluster <cluster -name> *** Cluster has no current trays *** You h ave en tered a PQA com mand or a job start command containing an undefined cluster or one with no current trays.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS129 6 There is no stockse t speci fied at this time The CLUSTER SET or CLUSTER SET N/R command wa s entered but the collection of stocks to be used in t he print job has not been specified.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-25 Action None. OS132 2 Lead edg e screen setting i s nn This message con firms that your EDGE (lead edge screen) command parameters h ave been acce pted or provides you wit h the current setting s if you have not entere d new pa rameters.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS133 1 XPS Accou nting aborted XPS has stopped accumulating acc ount ing data becaus e there is a disk ac cess err o r .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-27 OS13 8 0 Align ment i s nn Sc an Li nes and nn Dot s Printed da ta will ap pear at th e indicated.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS141 0 S ample not allowed by JD E The <S AMPL E> key was pressed but JDE spec if ied ABNO RMAL SECURITY = YES. The system canno t produce a sample print.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-29 OS142 1 P age spa cing no t allowed fo r N-1 repor t Page spacing is not allowed when printing N-1. Action None. OS143 0 B l ock spacing not allowed by JDE The S PACE n BLOCK S comma nd w as entered.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-30 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS151 0 Page spa cing stopped by End-o f-Repor t The SPACE n PAGES command was ent ered. The syst em cannot space forward an y mo re because it sensed a tape la bel indicating the end of the r e port.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-31 OS154 0 Cannot spa ce past start of job One of the following com m ands was entered: MOVE n B LOCKS MOVE n FILE S SPAC E n PAGES SPAC E n REPO RTS The system has reached the beginning of a job and cannot space backward any farther.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-32 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS155 4 Insufficie nt file space for acco unting The ACCOUN T ADD, departme nt comman d was entered. The system c annot add the de partment nam e becaus e all a v ailable entries ha ve bee n used .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-33 OS156 0 Tape rewi nd compl ete The system has fini she d rewindi n g the tap e. Action None. OS156 1 Fo nt mapp ing do es not exist for fi le-name.FNT .
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-34 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS158 5 Can‘t read messa ge file. No Ethernet error p age p ri nted The system c a nnot print the error page at t he end of the Ethernet- transmitted report because the required message file is missing .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-35 OS165 0 Output process ing has caugh t up with input processing All co mpleted pa ges of input d ata have been prin ted. Out put is waiting for more pages to pri nt.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-36 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS173 0 Cle ar invalid with displ ay, clea r ignore d The editor CLEAR comm and was entered while the DISPLAY command was in ef fect. The syst em cannot clear the working file because sec tions of it are being di spl ayed.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-37 OS178 0 “ONLINE” input i s re ceivin g data Data is being transmitted from the host and written to the s yst em disk.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-38 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS182 0 Output process ing is aborting curren t repor t The automat ic job recovery attempt was unsuccessful. The current report has been deleted.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-39 OS 1 830 Pri nti ng 1 cop y of cur rent repo rt The “P RI NT 1” opt ion was selected in respon se to “Disk saturation” message O S6300 or O S2871.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-40 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS192 7 This system does no t support E thern et processi ng The comma nd entere d applies only to Ethernet. The system is not equipped with the Ethernet Controller Option for operating o n the network.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-41 OS196 2 The ‘PQA CO NTINUE’ parameter is not allowed wi th the current selections.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-42 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE O S 1 9 7 0 F E X e x i t i n g . U n a b l e t o r u n d u r i n g a p r i n t j o b . F C G ex it ing . Una bl e t o ru n du ri ng a p ri nt jo b.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-43 OS197 9 NV M address . . . (4050/4090/4650 ) This mes sage either lists a series of f our wire managem ent or seven third party device pa rameters fo r you to ent er or simply gives the current va lues.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-44 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS198 2 FCG exiting. Invalid p rofile en countered. (4050/4090/4650 only) The system ca nnot accept the param eters or values you have entered. The cause may be incorrec t syntax, too many cha r a cters, etc.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-45 OS L evel 2 : R outine Ma inten ance States a conditio n and e xplains what action(s) to ta k e.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-46 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS200 4 P aper trays not s et for sa me s ize The length guides of the feeder trays are adjust ed for different paper lengths. A utomatic switching will not be pos sible.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-47 OS200 7 Empty sam ple ou tput tray The sampl e tray contains m ore than 100 sh eets. It must be emp tied fo r pri nting to re sume. The printer c o ntrol console displays: EMPT Y SAMPLE TRAY A ctio n R em o ve o utp u t fr om the s am pl e tra y.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-48 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS202 5 R emount volume n for n ext c opy of rep ort. CON I when ready. This me ssage appe ars when making mult iple copies o f multi-volume reports in a noncollate mode.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-49 OS205 5 Establishin g com municati on s with IOT. The OUTPUT task is establishing commun ication with the printer. Until communications are established, printer status information is not avai lable.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-50 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS207 0 Paper Tr ay 2 is empty No paper remains in feeder t ray 2. The printer c o ntrol console displays one of the foll o wing: BOT H TRA YS SET FOR _.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-51 OS209 1 N o availa ble trays a re ready The tra y (s) available f or your job a re not read y to be used. Pos sible causes m ay be that they are empty, have t he wrong t ype of st ock, are not prop erly latched, etc.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-52 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS222 0 Ou t put Tra y 2 is fu ll Stacker tray 2 cont ains it s capacity a mount of shee ts. The printer c o ntrol console displays one of the foll o wing: JOB IS PRINT ING.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-53 OS226 0 Paper in selected tray too large. Change if desired. The paper le ngth guide in t he selected tray is set for paper of a larger size than that set at m ini-sysgen .
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-54 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS226 2 Paper in cluster xxxx i s too large The specifie d c lus ter contains paper that is larger than t hat specified by the print job Action Change the paper in the specified cluster.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-55 OS2288 WARNING: Current se lect command over ri des d ata destination value. Change Select com mand or Con O Th e data str eam c o ntains a DESTINA TION=EXPORT state ment, and th e current o perator SE LECT keyin is other than AUTO or E .
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-56 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS229 6 Log printing not allowed until system status=’Idle The system must b e offline and not p rinting to process a log print request.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-57 OS240 0 P rinter misfeed detected . Che ck pap er suppl y. Paper was imprope rly fed from t he main and/or auxiliary feeder tray, causing a jam condition.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-58 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS25 12 Col or h ous ing: n ot pre sent This message is displayed if a color housing is not installed in the printer be fore the printer doors are c los ed.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-59 OS257 0 Vary system offline at the host and en ter ‘CONTI NUE I’ or Vary system offline at the host and select ‘CO NTINUE I’ The OFFL INE comm and was ente red.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-60 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Action Retry the operation, using one of these two file-types. OS261 3 In k parame ter r equired on sam ple co mmand You have ent ered a comm and which is mi ssing an ink-name o r a file containing an ink-name.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-61 OS2670 Enter PQA o r SUB INK Command or Abor t Report or Print Job. The color housing is not ready. This message is displayed whe n the system requires a print quality adjust ment (PQA ).
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-62 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS 2 676 Ink su bsti tut ion is not al l owe d by thi s job. You h ave requ ested ink substitution but ink substitution is no t allowed by the job.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-63 OS26 8 3 C han ge ho us in g for col or p rint in g or This message is displayed when a problem occurs with the current color housing.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-64 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS271 0 Inval id com mand reenter. A command was entered that the syste m does not recognize, or a command was improperly keyed in. Action 1. Reen ter the command correctly.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-65 OS272 0 Invalid contro l key. Retry The s y stem cannot respond at this time to the function key that was pressed d ue to a conflicting proc ess or condition o f the pri nter.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-66 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS274 0 JDE not found. Check an d retry. The JDE entered in the START comm and doe s not exist on the sy stem d is k . Action Reenter the START comma nd with t he correct JD E.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-67 OS280 0 Move or space func tion comp lete. The system has com pleted spacing over information on magnetic tape a s requested.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-68 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS282 5 Comp lete Onlin e Jobs. The n vary system offline. A task was requested for which t he syst em must be offline. Action 1. E nt er the CONTINUE command or press the <CON> key to process remai ning jobs.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-69 OS287 1 S DI Job s aturates sh ared d isk - possible acti ons: Release SDI Jobs and enter ’ C O.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-70 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS291 0 No accoun ting file entry for departmen t. No accou nting file was set up at installation f or the department name entere d . The syst e m will repor t data in a “NODEPT” file.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-71 OS295 0 Software timing problem has cau sed a printer cycle-dow n Input is being processed too rapidly f or outp ut to pri nt. Output has stopped. Action Enter the CO NTINUE O c ommand to resum e printing.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-72 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS L evel 3 : Prin te r pro blem Indicates specific DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS problems and explains what action(s) to take. OS300 1 Chec k printer do ors an d top covers A door or c ove r on the printer i s not closed correctly.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-73 OS300 3 Paper Tr ay 2 fault--see message at printer Feeder tray 2 has not risen c ompletely, or a paper j am has occurred at the area indicat ed on the printer control console display.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-74 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS300 5 Unusabl e she ets cleared to sample tray. The printer is pu r g ing any pages that are dam aged or have poor print quality. Pages will be del ivered to t he sampl e tray and pr inting w ill resume whe re it was stopped.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-75 OS300 8 Transp aren cies loaded--p rint simplex to samp le tray. Transparencies were lo aded in selected tray. JSL di d not s pecify simplex printing or delivery to the sam ple tray.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-76 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS301 0 Prin ter is war m ing up . The printer is un able to respond to the entered com man d because the fuser h as coole d to below operating temperat ure.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-77 OS301 2 Paper Tr ay 3 fault -- see message at printer. Feed tray 3 has not risen completely or a paper jam has oc c urred at the area indicated o n the printer control c onsole displ ay.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-78 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS302 5 If fau lt c ontinues ent er ‘S EL TRAY’ o r ‘ABORT O ’ or A fault in the collection area of the s titcher/stac ker has occurred (followed by message OS20 00 PR ESS CONTINUE TO RE SUME PRI NTIN G).
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-79 OS340 0 Prin ter jam... see printer mess age. A paper jam has oc curred at the area ind icat e d on the printer control console display. The printer c o ntrol console displays one of the foll o wing: CHECK FOR PAPER IN A REA 6.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-80 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS371 0 S et integrity problem. P artial se t ejected . The integrity of the current s et i n t he stitcher/sta c ker‘s coll ection area is ques ti onable; i.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-81 OS L evel 4 : Sy stem or tape proble m States a problem and ex plains w hat act ion(s) to take. OS401 0 Ca nno t fi nd e nd of t ape refl ect or s tri p.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-82 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS415 0 Inp ut dr iv e is o ffl ine. ‘ CONTINUE I’ w h en it is read y. The START or MOVE comma nd was entered while the tape drive was n ot online to the pri nt er.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-83 OS450 0 Bad block on input medium. Do one of the following: Software has e nc ountered a n un readable bloc k.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-84 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS 46 51 Out put h as r ecov ered to page bo unda ry . Automatic job recove ry has been initi ated after a system rol lover. Output has resumed printing at the page where the software fail u re occurr e d.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-85 OS482 0 Powe r int errup tion. A power failure has occurred, or the system was inadvert ently tu rne d of f. Action Reboot the syst em when power is restored.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-86 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS L evel 6 : Jo b int egri ty Identifies possible errors af fecting out put and what action(s), if any, to t a k e .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-87 OS601 0 Tape "LABEL ERR OR" me ssage s OS601 0 Lab el error: Invalid labe l format; Con.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-88 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE c. If there are no J SL errors, enter the STAR T n, DUMP com mand to o btain a t ape dum p for analysis. d. Recreate the job with correct t ape labels.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-89 OS610 2 D isk re ad erro r - RT EXT file. The RTEXT statemen t is entere d incorre ctl y in JDE. The syste m cannot rea d it. Action 1. Press the <CO N> key to resume printing.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-90 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS619 0 Grap hic file xxxxxxx not fo und. The graphic file specified by JDE does not exi st on the system disk. The job will abort . Action 1. Rel oad the desired file onto the system disk.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-91 OS619 5 Page interleaved graphic xxxxxx read but not reference d. A graphic interleave d with te xt is bein g input but is not referenc ed by a DJDE.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-92 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS630 0 Current report satu rates disk. Enter o ption: “CONTINUE I” - con tinue m ultic opy mo de. The report currently be ing input excee ds the capa city of t he print file.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-93 OS650 0 Cannot val idate first data record; space to next repo rt. The tape record or block does not conform to t he description in JSL. Action 1. E nt er the SPACE 1 REPORTS com ma nd to go to the n ext report.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-94 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS655 5 Interpr ess data extrac tion error . An error has o c curred when the software was dec oding information from the Interpress master for use by t he DocuP rint 96/DocuPrint 96MX L PS.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-95 OS65 6 5 U nab le to read IDR from di s k. Input cannot access IDR file f r om disk.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-96 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS66 70 Form paper si ze to o sma ll. F orm will not be pr inted. The pap er size specified f or the form called up for the current jo b is smaller than the size specified by the PAPERS IZE st ate ment in JSL.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-97 OS670 6 D JDE error - ill egal d isk interleave d grap hic cal lout. The current job con tains DJDE s pecifying a shared disk (SD) interleaved grap hic.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-98 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE OS671 2 DJDE processi ng err or: JDL no t foun d. The JDL invoked by DJDE statem ent JDL = jdl-id does not e xist on th e syste m disk. Action 1.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-99 OS672 1 D JDE proc essing err or: inval id loadab le PD E. The PDE file loa ded from magnet ic tape has an incorrect format . The job will no t p rint c orr ect ly.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-100 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS672 8 DJDE proc essing error: Fee d stock not in stockset A DJDE FEED opti on cal ls ou t a stock that is no t i n the sto ckset defined for the current cluster.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 01 OS673 3 File x overflow—excess card image data lost. The file indicated contains more card-im ages than speci fi e d in DJDE. The extra card-images will not be c opied to disk.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-102 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS673 7 File proces sing erro r— secu rity violation. The file being sent has the same file name as a file on di sk that is protected by ABNORMAL SE CURITY = YES comma nd.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 03 OS675 4 Wo rd processing merge j ob - switch codes m issing. During printing, a file was discovered to be incorrectly form atted, or wrong s wit ch code was e ntered in CCL M ERGE com mand.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-104 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS67 8 0 U nsu pp orted JDL op tion m ay jeo pard ize j ob i nt egr ity. You have submitted a parameter in a DJDE or PDL command, such as SESM AP or TRANS, which is not supp ort ed by 40 50, 4090, 4650 printers.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 05 OS682 1 Improp er col or -name spe cificati on. The ink-nam e you have spec ified contains either incorrect characters or more than 3 2 characters.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-106 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS690 0 Data on page exceeds page size. Check outpu t. There is too much data to fi t on the page being ima ged. Some data may have been imaged off the page.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 07 OS692 0 LINE exceede d page limit. Line trunca ted. A new margi n has taken effect or a n ew line was st arted. Current line length is longer than page size.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-108 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS695 2 Imagi ng error. Possible data off page. Pag e integrity cannot be guaran teed, therefore page will not be printed . An imagi ng error has occ urred on the current page .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 09 OS L evel 7 : Sy stem prob lem Indicates a problem with a specific job. Run the next job and report the prob lem to your supervisor. OS710 0 P CC or tr anslate ta ble unre adable.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-110 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS721 0 Input can not re cover — not en ough d ynamic memor y. Automatic job recovery has been attempted after a software fail u re caused a syst e m rollover.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 11 OS740 1 JDE /JDL requ ire o nlin e mode . E nter “ONL INE” The JDE or JDL specified requires the system to be online. Action 1. Restart the job w ith a different J DE/JDL ID.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-112 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS7500 Insufficient memory for JDE. OS751 0 Insufficie nt memory for JDE Tables . OS752 0 Insufficient memory for VFU Tables. OS753 0 Insufficie nt memory for CM E Tables.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 13 OS783 0 Insufficient dyn amic memo ry for Fo untainh ead s. Not enough dynam ic memory remains to process the Font Index option; or multiple DJDE “J DE =” or “JDL = ” comma nds were incorrectly i nvoked .
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-114 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS795 0 Unable to open print file... E nter “RESET” then RE A. The print file on the system disk was left in s u ch state that it can not be opened.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 15 OS L evel 8 : Pro bable s ever e sof tware e rror Warns of probable severe software errors. OS 8 010 Inp ut fo un d nothi ng t o pr int . The file just processed by input has generate d no printed output.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-116 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS80 51 I PD communic atio n; in itia liza tion fail u re. An unexpected error was detected when attempting to open communi cations with input and the j o b was then aborted.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 17 OS810 0 Requested task already active - Reboot the system. The task requested is still a ctive improperly, possibly due to i mproper job recov ery after a software f ailure.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-118 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS841 0 Byte aligned disk I/O req ues t... input aborting. The input task issued a disk input/outp ut request o n a byte boundary rather than a correct word bou ndary.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 19 OS855 5 Dri ve xxx not use able: wron g disk ID. The indi cated disk d rive canno t be u sed becau se it was moved f rom another system and was not formatted for t h is one.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 21 OS885 5 Inval id form file h eader. The input ta sk is unable to read a form file header due to software or disk/CPU problems. The job will abort.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-122 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS898 0 Unable to initiate i npu t task. The requested inpu t task cannot be found or read from disk. Action 1. E nt er the RESET comma nd. 2. Res tart the j ob.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 23 OS L evel 9 : Pro babl e seve re h ard ware erro r Warns of probable hardware errors. OS905 0 U nexpected e rror d etected by RIP. Enter: A RIP error has occ urred.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-124 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS910 3 Disk error with IPD messa ge file, ETNMSG.S YS. The system det e cted a read error the I nterpress message file and could not generat e the job error summ ary; the error summary is stopped a t this poi nt.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 25 OS921 0 Parity err or on input medium . A parity error has bee n discovered in the magne tic tape input buf fer in CPU mem ory. (The error w as not reported by t he magne tic tape drive it sel f.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-126 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS931 0 Outp ut di s k erro r. Page won‘ t be pri nted . ABOR T O or The page cannot be printed becaus e print data cannot be read off disk d ue to a system d isk er ror .
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 27 OS936 9 N VM failed to clear. The printer is unable to clear and reset the error count (Non-Volatile Memory) used by the Xerox service representative.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-128 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS946 0 Dis k error - OCS. Call for service. OS950 0 Bad block on disk - Input. Call for service. OS953 0 D isk er ror - In put. C all for s ervice.
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 29 OS980 0 Hard ware error/Di sk - I n put. Call for service. A fat al syst e m disk er ror has occur re d in input. Action 1. Res tart the j ob. 2. I f the failure recurs, contact your systems specialist or Xerox Custom er Service.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-130 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS998 9 Unable to acquire memor y for device drivers : Memory problems are sufficiently severe that there is not enough memory to load ha rdware p eripheral handler(s).
OSS (OPERA TING S YSTEM SOFTWARE) M ESSAGES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 6-1 31 OS999 4 Unable to find system tasks. The disk files requ ired for proper operation of the system appear to have been destro yed on the system disk.
OSS (OP ERATING SYSTEM SOFTWA RE) MES SAGES 6-132 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE OS999 8 Unable to acquire memor y for initialization. Memory problems are sufficiently severe that there is not enough memo ry to i nitiali ze t he syst em at sta rtup.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 7-1 7. 7 PDL (jo b source l ibrary compil ation) mes sages These mess ages may appear whil e a Job Source Library is being compiled using Print Description Language (PDL). PDL messages are assigned to levels 0-9, depen ding on th e severity of the condi tion being reported.
PDL (JOB SOURCE LIBRARY COMPILATION) M ESSAGES 7-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE PD025 0 Replace de ni ed by operato r. The operat or has specified NOREP LACE in the P DL invocation l ine. No action is needed. Action None. PD 030 0 Noth ing to pri nt, PDL t erm i nat e d.
PDL (J OB SOUR CE LIBRARY COMPIL ATION) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 7-3 PD 111 0 JS L con ta in s uns upp or ted fe a ture s . There are features invoked in the JSL which are not currently supported by the DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX.
PDL (JOB SOURCE LIBRARY COMPILATION) M ESSAGES 7-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE PD705 0 Tape record size err or. The record size entered i n JSL is incorrect for t he t ape format. Acti on Enter the correct reco rd size PD720 0 PDL internal ta ble overflow .
PDL (J OB SOUR CE LIBRARY COMPIL ATION) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 7-5 PD 855 0 I/O erro r, proc e ssi ng S E F m app ing f ile. An I/O e rror occurred w hile proc essing th e Short Edge Feed font mapping file. Action Recom pile the JS L th at generated the req uested m apping fil e and retry the operation.
PDL (JOB SOURCE LIBRARY COMPILATION) M ESSAGES 7-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE PD951 0 PDL restart erro r ope ning Save File. At termination of P DL processing, an attempt to save the fil e was unsuccessful due to a syst em disk error.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 8-1 8. 8 PG (PU RGE command) messag es These mess ages may appear du ring process of purging disk or print fil e. Refer t o your Docu Pri nt 96/Doc uPrint 96MX LPS Operation s Reference for det ailed information about the PURGE comm and.
PG (PUR GE COMMA ND) MESS AGES 8-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE PG0 21 7 Purg ing H IP Sp oo l Fil e . The PURGE command is removing unwanted data from the HIP spool file. Action None PG030 0 Processin g the entire disk except the Print File.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 9-1 9. 9 PR (HARDCOPY graphics p rinting comm and ) messag es These messages may appear during the HARDCOP Y process (printing copy of graphic .
PR (HARDCOPY GRA PHICS PRINT ING COMMAND) MESS AGES 9-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE PR260 0 Not enoug h spac e on disk to hardcop y. The selected file cannot be hardcopied bec ause the print fi le is not large enough to hold it Action 1.
PR (HARDCO PY GRAPHI CS PRI NTING COMMAND) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 9-3 PR278 0 No files found matching mask No files were found conta ining file name characters entered in the “mask” opt ion of the HARDCOPY command.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 10-1 10. 10 PSC (printer sub system co ntrolle r command ) messag es The PSC comm and enabl es the selectable download of a printer controller and RIP s o ftware.
PSC (PRINT ER SUB SYSTEM CO NTROLLER COMMAN D) MESSA GES 10-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE PS9001 C S I downl o ad erro r —CS I not loaded . The CSI board is not funct ional. Acti o n Contact your systems sp ecia list o r th e X erox Custo mer Service .
PSC (PRINTE R SUBS YSTEM CONTROL LER COMMAND) MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 10-3 PS996 0 Dow nloa d er ror : SAN nn. nn This message provides the Software Analysis Code (SAN) needed by Xerox Customer Service to c orrect the download error.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 11-1 11. 11 SCALE comm and messag es The SCALE comm and enable s scanned graph ic image s (fonts, forms, and logos) to print at an enlarged or red uced size under certain conditions.
SCALE COM MAND MESS AGES 11-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE ** EDIM META- Code no t su ppor ted ** The extended dimens io n (EDIM) function canno t be scaled to 600 spi. Action None. Enter Input file nam e or <RETURN> to exit.
SCALE COMMAND MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 11-3 **File type in output name must be xxxx The f ile type in the output nam e mu st be f rom an acceptable font directory. Action Reenter the output name using a font f rom the specified directory.
SCALE COM MAND MESS AGES 11-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE **Font scali ng res ul ted in size mismatch ** Scaling caused a mismat ch between the estimated and actu al bitm a p size s. Acti o n Contact yo ur systems spe cial ist or Xerox Cust omer Su pport.
SCALE COMMAND MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 11-5 **More than one w hite space character n ot suppor t ed** The requested form consists of a fo rmat which cannot be scaled to 600 spi correctly. Action None **N o dyna mic memory* * There is no dynamic m emory av ailable.
SCALE COM MAND MESS AGES 11-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE **Ru n font t hro ug h fix on CD /IG Ve rsi on 2 or hi gh er** The font mu st be modified through the FIX comma nd before scaling. Action 1. E nter the appropriate FI X comm and.
SCALE COMMAND MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 11-7 Scaling h eader. The font or logo header i s bein g scaled. Action None Scaling log o: xxxx The requested logo is being scaled. Acti o n nON E. Scaling TL number : n Text l ine num ber n is being sc aled.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 12-1 12. 12 SFS (sta tus file s ervices command ) messag es The following message s refer to t he status file services (SFS ) command , which creates, clears, displays, prints, an d stores status file in f or mat ion .
SFS (STA TUS FILE SE RVICES CO MMAND) M ESSAG ES 12-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE SF210 0 Invalid field fo r ‘Byte counter ’ Sf210 0 In valid termin ating char acter S.
SFS ( STATU S FILE SERV ICES COMMAND) M ESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 12-3 SF450 0 Cannot write on tape . Check tape and try again. The write enable ring i s mis sing from magn etic tape, magnetic tap e is not load ed correctly, or the m agnetic tape dri v e is not online to th e printer.
SFS (STA TUS FILE SE RVICES CO MMAND) M ESSAG ES 12-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE SF6050 A - cannot open fi le. Abort The comma nd file needed for the user-created form cannot be access e d due t o syst e m di sk e rror. (“A -” i ndicate s SF S i s abo r ti n g.
SFS ( STATU S FILE SERV ICES COMMAND) M ESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 12-5 SF607 0 E - value for ‘Width’ unspecified or ex ceeds l imit. The value e ntered for the WI DTH state ment for a user-created form is larger than that permitted for the column width; or no WI DTH stat em ent was ente red.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 13-1 13. 13 System verificati on error messag es These messages appear on the syst em controller display if problems are detected during the verification self-tests that the s ystem runs at start-up after the D ate and T ime display is entered or disabled.
SYSTEM VERIFICA TION E RROR MESSA GES 13-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE FCG star ting. V ersion x FCG is starting wi th the parameters (or version) indicated. Action 1. Ret ry the FCG command. 2. I f the message reappears, look for other syst em or printer mess ages to explain t he condition.
SYSTE M VERIF ICAT ION ERR OR MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 13-3 No font memory available . All banks of font memory appear not to be functional or t o have suffered data loss. Action None. No g raphics me mory. All banks of graphics memory appear to be missing or ha ve failed testing.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14-1 14. 14 Summar y she et error messag es Your DocuPr int 96/Doc uPrint 96MX LPS communi c ates Interpress error mess ages to you on t he s ystem con trol ler display a nd on summary sh eets that accomp any your printed output.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE your Docu Print 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS Operation s Reference chapter on HIP-accessed com municating mode s. Note: In the Meaning/action colum n of this chapter, the term operand refers to that which is acted upon (i.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14-3 Feature requires RIP option; diagonal lines. Diagonal lines can be drawn only with the R aster Image Processo r (RIP) option. Action None. Feature requires RIP option; graphi c figures/lines.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Over lappi ng fo rm c opy ra nge s on on e pa ge. Multiple forms per page were reques t ed and the LPS does not hav e the Raster Im age Processor (RIP) option.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14-5 Appea r ance warn ing m essa g es Appearan ce Warn ing: App ea ran ce Wa rn in g: imag e off pape r on pag e n a t <nn. nn n >, <nn. nnn>[ inch es]; <nn.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Font “interpressFo ntName” sub stituted for "interpressFo ntName." The default font family has been substituted for the requested font fam il y.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14-7 Master Error (p age n): Problem with ins ert file; invalid file folder: “f ile-t y pe ”. An SIF reques ted a file folder (type) n ot a ccessible from an interpres s master.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Specified color no t implemen ted. The colors av ailable in t he Publication S et cannot be used for text or pixel arrays i f the Raster Image Processor (RIP) option is not supported.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14-9 Fat a l e rror mess ages Fatal Err or: Incorrect size for jobAcco unt name; the size must be between 1 and 3 1 charac ters i nclusiv e. The jobAc count nam e t aken from the docum ent exc eeded the lengt h of the allowable range.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Insufficient disk space for image file <O/I error co de: nB> When readi ng an image f rom Ra ster Image Processor (RI P), a full system disk condition occurred.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 11 Operator reque sted job abort. The ABORT I command terminated docum ent processing at the end of the current page. Action None. Page too com pl ic a te d; t oo m an y font s+f o rms+ o pe r a tors text+graph ics.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Unexpected disk er ror <I/O error code: nB > crea ting temp orary fi le f ile T y pe > f il eName. An error was found whil e writ ing t o t he system disk.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 13 Inf ormat ion al mess ages Information al Messag es Character nB is not in font “fileType> localFontName” , set nB. This message ident ifies character referen ces beyond the last character, highes t character code, in an LPS font and follows .
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Document pr inting term inated du e to error(s). The job was ended becau se of a previo us error on the sum mary sheet. This messa ge is added to the actual error m essage.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 15 Substituting n point (rotated n degrees) c haracters. The desired point size was not satisfied an d the n ext smaller (or next larger if there is no next sm aller) point size is substituted .
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Mas t e r erro r messag es Master Error (pag e n): Disk pro ble m with insert file: “ fileType>fileName.” An error was found while reading the system disk.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 17 Font pro ble m ; fo nt “i nte r pre ss Fo nt N am e” un kno w n. The def ault famil y name, as s pecified in the font profile or IPFNTS.JS L, does not have a m apping to LP S font s defined for the identified family.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Fo r m prob lem; f orm/ job pa per s ize mi smat ch: “fil eType >loca lForm Na me.” The form file identified was c ompi led with a paper si ze which does not m atch pag e n’ s pape r size.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 19 Master not well -formed ; bad documen t header. The Interpress header, “Interpress/Xerox/n.0.. .” was not f ound in a file that r e quired one. The file is either the Interpress master or an SIF.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Parse failure; illegal operator o rdering; nested C ORRECT bodi e s not al lo wed . The Interpress master has a CORRECT body beginning befo re the current body is comple te.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 21 Parse failure; u nrecognized o perator: <n> When proce s sin g a f o r m, a form file with an invalid format was found. Action Recompile the form’s F SL.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Mast er warn ing mess ages Master Warn ing (pag e n): Proce s sin g nes te d too de ep. Nesting of Interpress bodies exc eeds the program stack space o f the decompos er.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 23 Syst em p rob lem mess ag es System P roblem: Accoun ting in iti alizati o n f ailur e. A probl em process ing the a ccounting i nformation was found. Action None.
SUMMAR Y SHEET ERROR MESS AGES 14-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Disk er ror rec ording erro rs; all me ssage s los t . An error was found while reading the system disk. The system disk has one or more bad sect ors which are no t included in the bad b lock fi le.
SU MMARY SHEE T ERR OR MESSAG ES XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 14- 25 Unrecove rable disk erro r readi ng “SY S>IPFNTS” ; recomp ile “J SL >IP FN T S.” An error was found while reading the system disk. The system disk contains o ne o r more b ad sectors that a re not in the bad block file.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15-1 15. 15 Do cuPrint 96/Doc uPrint 96MX LPS additional messag es These messages may a ppear on y our Doc uPrint 96 /DocuPrint 96MX LPS PC User Interface ( PC UI).
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE Ge nera l act i on t o t a ke As a general rule, when an error m essage i s displaye.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15-3 Numb ered Do cuP rint 96/D ocu Print 96 MX L PS m essag es Message s 7 thr ough 36 Messages 7 throug h 36 appear when serious Us er I nterface s o ftware problems occur.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE 544 Signal ex pected b ut not rec eived The PC user interface was expecting to recei ve signal data. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15-5 552 Can’ t post SM_COM M messa ge Posting of the SM_COMM message to t he applica ti o n’ s queue f ailed. The comm unication with the system controller has not been initiated.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE 559 Data Set Ready timeout The Data Set Ready timeout has been exce eded. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss. If the problem persi st s, call Xerox Customer Serv ice.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15-7 567 Parity err or wh ile recei ving The user interface does not use this feature of RS232. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS M ESSAGE G UIDE 574 Invalid cu stom si gnal data The format of thi s syst em controller signal is in valid. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15-9 1545 Invalid mouse speed rate An incorrect mouse speed was s pecified. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss. If the problem persi st s, call Xerox Customer Serv ice.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 1554 Invalid comm device; m ust be 1 or 2 The param eter val ue of th e “DEVICE” statement in the SysUI configuration file is in valid.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 11 1561 Cannot create UI Dirty File; UI can not run MS-DOS cannot create a SysUI dirty file. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 1568 No reco rd types speci fied for console lo g report Th e par ameter s o f th e opti onal “REPTYPE” sta te ment i n t he Sys U I configuration file are missing.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 13 3539 Creation of Console Log File failed 3540 Read Console Log File Header failed 3.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 3553 Conso le Log f ile wrap f ail ed Console log record could not be wrap ped on d isk due to h ardware considerations.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 15 357 8 A Cons ol e Log is being form a tt ed f or pri nti ng Formatting of a con sole log in preparation for printing i s currently in progress.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 4137 th rough 414 5 These messag es r elate to th e loading of the symbol table, w hich contains object and data variable informati on for action processing .
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 17 9041 Invalid access req uest code The calling program has requested an invalid DDB (Dialog Data B ase ) ope ra tio n . Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 9049 Not a maintenan ce file The DDB (Dialog Data Base) data file is being used in the wrong mode. Action Select the OK header b utton to retry t he proce ss.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 19 906 0 No da ta fil e on re -ope n erro r Intermediate DDB (Dialog Data Base) data fil e not found. The missing file may represent the results of one or more previous steps in the proc ess of the pro gram (MM, CD or TDB).
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE 9537 Can ’t al lo ca t e mem ory General PC user interface memory allocation failure. Call to Microsoft W indows Glo balAlloc has (or woul d have) f ailed.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Attempting completion but no completio n phas e record exists. Following the end of report printing, the phase manager cannot find a phas e record to mana ge the complet ion of t he audit l og.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 23 AUD file Mgr ex t ended file not found. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. AUD File Mgr file access denie d d ue to re ad only mode or own er name .
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE AUD Fil e Mgr fi le not found. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. AUD Fil e Mgr fi le not o pen. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 25 AUD File Mgr lock error. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. AUD Fil e Mgr operation n ot allowed at this time.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE AUD File Mgr rejected # of r ecords specified in reject c ount for Extended Get/Step. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 27 Audit Log formatting - no fi l es selected . The criteria selected in the audit log print optio ns or audit log job options window are not met.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE BTEXT date param eter exce eds 365 da ys. The number of days specified in the BTEXT LDT param eter is too large. Action Check JSL or DJDE in job st ream to ensure that all BTEXT LDT keywords and pa r ameters a r e correct.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 29 Cannot acces s memo ry for report forma t buffer. Report format buffer does not exist. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-30 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Cannot allocate me mory for report phase reco rd during crash recovery. Insufficient Windows resources to allocate a report phase record to support cr ash re c overy.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 31 Cannot use Reserved Words in file names. The words CON, CL OCK$, AUX, CO M(1-4), LPT(1-4) , NUL, and PRN are recognize d by th e PC User Interface as DOS comm ands and therefore cannot be used in file names.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-32 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Completed repo rts not finished transferring from In-Pro cess Log.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 33 Em pty del e te lis t. Dialog has requested that an Audit Log be deleted but has not provided a report name or job number. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-34 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Error exten ding AU D File Mgr file . TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. Error open ing repo rt form at ou tput f ile.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 35 Expan ded M emo ry Man age r r eports e rror to B treive. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. Extended Ge t/Step opera tions have exceed ed pre-im age buffer.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-36 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Failure to create DDL window for auditor. This could occur during PC UI session startup. Windows has failed to allow the auditor feature t o create a window.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 37 Fail u re to stop AUD fi le Mgr. This m ay occur when the Exit T o DOS op tion is selected from the System Cont rol or Utilities Menu.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-38 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE FCG Exi t in g: In vali d P rof i le —O utpu t or in put no t spe ci f ied The profile requires OUT135 prior to parameter 1 to determine if these values a re to be u sed f or an output p rofile.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 39 File co uld no t be fo und . Ensu re tha t t he f ile nam e is vali d. An incorrect file name may have been ent ered, or t he file name does not exist .
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-40 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Filter fi le read / ope n error. One of the filter fil es cannot be opened. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 41 In-process reco rd read is not Log Header. The expected Au dit Log header record was not read from the audit log i n-process f ile. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-42 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Invali d AUD File Mg r op code. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. Invalid au dit log d ata request parameter.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 43 Invalid ke y type w hen creating or ex t ending file. TBD Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service. Invalid mix of single/multiple reco rd locks.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-44 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE In va lid p ar am et er - FP O SL c om m and . An FPOS L comm and has an invalid p arameter. The report defini tion fi l e ma y be co rru p t.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 45 In va lid p ar am et er - PL IN ES com m an d. A PLINES comman d has an invalid paramete r . The report def inition fi l e ma y be co rru p t.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-46 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Invalid re sponse for BT EXT NSE numb er of sheets expected par amet er. The number of sheets expec ted paramet er is incorrectly specified.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 47 Key not found reading in-proce ss file for completion copy. An expe cted key value i n the in-proces s file was not found whi le copying records from the file.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-48 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Log xxx is unreadable and cann ot be (emptied/del eted /printed/ displayed / saved). If the problem p ersists, ca ll for S ervice . The saved console log cannot be read and no action can be performed on it.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 49 No Master Directory file found. Attempting to list Audit Logs, but no M aster Di r ectory is f ound. This condition exists if no Audit Logging has been performed.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-50 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE Number of accel erated files ex ceeds n umber o f availab le AUD File M gr bu f fe rs. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 51 Read err or du ring save. The record manager has detected a read error during an Audit L og save op eration. Action If the probl em persists, call Xerox Customer Service.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-52 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE SOR-input re ceived out of seq uence - already in inp ut phase. A Start Of Report signal has been received from the ESS befo r e an End Of Report signal for the preceding job.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 53 The Cu rrent Log is unreada ble and cannot be (emp tied/deleted/ printed/displayed /saved). Call for Serv ice. The c urrent consol e log i s unreadable and no act ion can b e performed on it.
DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUP RINT 96MX LPS ADDI TIONAL MESSAGES 15-54 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE The UI has reached its memory limit. All windows an d menu s are being closed to restore m emory . The system is a utomatically closing windows and menus, in order t o prevent the PC user interface from crashing.
DOCUPR INT 96/DO CUPRINT 96M X LPS ADDITIONAL MESSAGE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE 15- 55 Unable to write the File. Try again. The cons ole log record could not be written t o disk due to hardware consideration. The actions need to be repeated.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE A-1 A. A Xero x support s ervices Xerox suppo rt services are t here to h elp you i f your l aser printing system should d evelop a se v ere hardware, software, or applications problem.
XEROX SUPPORT SERVICES A-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE GU IDE Xero x Cust omer Ser vi ce Suppo rt Cent er The Xerox Cust omer Service S upport Center is av ailable to a ddress yo.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLOSS ARY-1 Gloss ary A3 Paper size measuring 297 by 420 mm. A4 Paper size measuring 210 by 297 mm. abort To term inate the printing of a job or execut ion of a program before it comple tes. algorithm Com putational procedure that can be repeated any number of t imes.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE backg round job Low-priority job, usually b atched, that is execu ted automatic ally as system res ources become av ailable. backu p file Fil e c opied to a storage medium for safekee ping in case the original is dama ged or lo st.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLOSS ARY-3 bl ocking Process of combi ning two or more records into a single block o f data which can then be moved, operated upon, or stored, as a single unit by the comp uter.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE character code identifier Code as sociated w ith the universal identifier “X e rox” to i ndicate the version of the Xe r o x cha r a cter code standard used to code Interpress stri ngs.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLOSS ARY-5 communi cations A bilit y o f two de v ic es to tr an smi t inf or m a tio n to ea c h o the r. co mpatibil ity Charact eristic of computer equipment permitting one device to use the same information or programs as another device without conversion or code modification.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE CPU central processing unit. Interprets and executes instructions, performs all operations and calculation s, and controls input and output units and auxiliary attachments .
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLOSS ARY-7 di gi tiz e To express or represent data in digit al (binary) form so t hat i t can be processed e lectronically.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE ex te nde d m et ric s Me asureme nts used in Interpress to alter t he size of fonts, allowing more precisi on with c haracter escapem ent. Used for rende red characters. FCB f orms con trol buffer.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLOSS ARY-9 format 1. Layout of a docum ent, including margins , page length , line spacing, typefac e, and so on. 2. In data storage, the way the surface of a di s k i s organized to store dat a.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE HCS high-capacity stacker. St acker bin capable of holding 2500 sheet s of 20 pound/75 gsm paper. In the LPS, the high-capacity stacker bins are locate d in the top ha lf of t he fee der/stacker modul es.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-11 in te rpo lat i on Series of logical rules impleme nted in the printer to convert a 300 spi input video stream to a 600 spi o utput video stream. Interpolation is functionally an alogous to bit doubling (2x sc aling), exce pt the logical rules result i n superior output.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE lands ca pe pag e ori ent at i on Orientation of pri nt lines or top of an i llustrat ion parallel t o the lon g edge of the paper if the sheet is within t he standard size ran ge.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-13 log Coll e c tion o f messages or message s egments p laced on an au xiliary storage device for accounting or data collection purposes. logi ca l pag e In the Xerox printing systems environm ent, a formatted page that is smaller than the physical pa ge.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE menu Li st of a vailable funct ions, com mands, and options. m essage Unit of information trans mitted by one facility to another in a form that the receivi ng facility can u nderstand an d act u pon.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-15 offse t pri nt i ng Widely-used m ethod of com mercial and corporat e printing, where i nk is picked up by a metal or paper plate, passed to an offset d r u m, and then p assed to the pape r.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE pag e ori e nta ti on Direction in which dat a is printed on a rep ort. See also landscape page orientation; portrait page orientation. par amet e r Part of a command , other than the keyword.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-17 print f ile Position of t he syst em disk memory (u p to 4 MB) re ceived for temporary storage of formatted pages for pri n ting. Pages are retained until they are delivered to the output tray .
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE rec ord Coll e ction of data or words t reat ed as a unit. recover y Act of overcoming a problem or error du ring processing. Typically, a specialized sof tware recovery ro utine gains c ontrol and attempts t o resolve the error without cra shing the system.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-19 sequen t ial In numeric sequence, usually in ascendin g order. As ap plied to a file organization, describes files in which records are wri tten one after another and cannot be r a ndomly accessed.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE stock User-defined name i n the JSL that specifies a certain type o f paper for prin ting a job. See also cluster. stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a pri nt job.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-21 tab To move the cursor on a displ ay or printer to a prespecified column on the display or paper, most of ten by using t he <TAB > key on a keyboard. tape Recording media for data or comput er program s.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE transaction processing Me t hod o f data proces sing in which files are updated and resul ts are generated imme diately after data entry. translation 1. In dat a commu nications, the conversion o f one code to another on a character-by-character bas is.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-23 virt ual pag e Page area selected by a f orms desig ner for printing. warni ng m essage System -issued m essage indicating that an error has been encountered even tho ugh the program has not failed.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE bpi bi ts per inch bps bit s per second BSC binary synchro nous comm unicat ions CD character dispatcher CDC control da t.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-25 DT E data term inal equi pment EBCDIC Extende d Binary Coded Decim al Intercha nge Code EN ET Ethernet network EOT end of ta.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE hpos hori zontal positioni ng IBM International Business Machines Corporation IF U Interpress font utility IG image gener.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-27 LF long-edge feed lpi lines pe r in c h LPS Laser P rinting S ystem MT U magnetic t ape unit (refers to the 9-trac k magnet .
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 9 6/DOCU PRINT 96M X LPS MESS AGE G UIDE QIC 1/4 in ch cartridge RAM random a ccess memory RO S raster output scanner SAFES st and-alone field engineering sof twa.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 /DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSA GE GUIDE GLO SSARY-29 VM vi r t ual me mo ry vpos vertical po sitioning VS virtual storage WAN wi de area network XCSC Xerox Custom er Suppo rt Ce.
デバイスXerox DocuPrint 96MXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox DocuPrint 96MXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox DocuPrint 96MXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox DocuPrint 96MXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox DocuPrint 96MXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox DocuPrint 96MXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox DocuPrint 96MXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox DocuPrint 96MXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox DocuPrint 96MXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。