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The Xer ox DocuPrint N24, N32, and N 4 0 Network Laser Printers User Guide V ersion 1.8.
Copyright © 1 998, 1999, X erox Corporatio n. All Rights Reser ved. Copyright pr otection claime d includes all fo rms of matters of copyrig htable material s and informati on now allowed b y statuto.
T able of Contents i DocuPr int N24, N32, and N4 0 User Guide ❖ TOC 1 Chap te r 1 Getting Starte d .......... ............. ............. ................... ........ 1-1 Introduction ................ ............. ................... ............. .
TOC 2 ❖ DocuPrint N24, N32, and N4 0 User Guide The Display ....................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ............. ....... .. 3-3 Menu Options ....... ................... ............. ................... ......... 3-4 Chap te r 4 Paper Lo ading and O rientation .
DocuPr int N24, N32, and N4 0 User Guide ❖ TOC 3 Chap te r 7 Trou bleshooti ng ........ ............. ................... ............. ........ 7-1 Diagnostic Message Di splay ................ ............. ............... 7-2 Printer Op eration Problems .
TOC 4 ❖ DocuP rint N24, N3 2, and N40 User Gui de.
Chapte r 1 : Getting Starte d ❖ 1-1 Getting Started C h a p t e r 1 Introduction ............... ................... ............. .................... . 1- 2 User Documentation Road Map ...................... .............. 1-3 Hardcopy User Docum entatio n in the Box .
Introd uctio n 1-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Intr oduction This guid e is for use with the Xerox DocuPrint N24, N32, and N40 f amily of print ers. Bec ause mo st of the prin ter ’ s fe ature s and fu nction alit y are shared by all th ree, this guide use s the gener ic name DocuPrint N40 when refer ring to these printers.
User Do cumentation Ro ad Map Chapte r 1 : Getting Starte d ❖ 1-3 Use r Documentation Road Map There is user documentatio n provided to you for the N40 printe r in severa l dif ferent places. Th is sectio n will serve as an in itia l roadma p to t hat doc umen tation .
User Documen tation Ro ad Map 1-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Y our N40 CD W hich Come s in the Box This C D contai ns the f ollowing pieces o f infor mation: 1. The N2 4, N32, an d N40 Us er Guid e (UG) 2. The N24 , N32, an d N40 Quic k Netw ork Instal l Guide (QNIG) 3.
User Do cumentation Ro ad Map Chapte r 1 : Getting Starte d ❖ 1-5 The doc uments on the N40 CD are pr ovided as PDF file s with hyperlink c apabilities which allow you to easi ly jump to and access diffe rent areas of the document.
How Muc h of Thi s Book Must I Read? 1-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide How Much of This Book Must I Read? Use this book as a refere nce fo r: • Getting Starte d ( Chapt er 1: Getting.
Printe r Componen ts Chapte r 1 : Getting Starte d ❖ 1-7 Printer Compon ents The m ajor co mponen ts of th e DocuP rint N40 are indicated in Fi gure 1.
Printe r Componen ts 1-8 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Figur e 1.2 Console configuration with options Fr ont View 1 10-b in Ma ilbox /Co l lat or 2 Face-up Outpu t Bin 3 Duplex Module 4 100 Envel ope Fee der 5 2,500 Sheet Fe eder with Paper T ray s 3, 4 , and 5 Figur e 1.
Installin g Y our Printer Chapte r 1 : Getting Starte d ❖ 1-9 Installing Y our Printer There are oth er docum ents w hich w ill hel p you inst all your prin ter . The purp ose of this sect ion is simp ly to guid e you to those documents ( and sections of documents).
Instal ling Your Print er 1-10 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide • Chapter 2 of this guide provides some direction on how to install y our DocuPrint N40 drivers and CentreWare soft ware.
Printi ng a Configuration Sheet Chapte r 1: Getting Started ❖ 1-11 Printing a Configuratio n Sheet A very c onvenie nt way of both test ing basic printer operation and determining how your printer is configured is to print a Configu ration Sheet.
Printin g a Co nfiguration Sheet 1-12 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide.
Chapter 2: Printer Manage ment Software and D r i ver s ❖ 2-1 Printer Management Softwar e and Drivers C h a p t e r 2 Using Cent reWare DP with th e DocuPrin t N40 .... ........ 2- 2 DocuPrint N40 PCL Emula tion Printe r Driver s .............. 2-4 DocuPrint N40 PostScript Printer Drivers .
Usin g CentreWare DP with the DocuPrin t N40 2-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Using Centr eW are DP with the DocuPrint N40 Xerox CentreW are DP is easy-to- use printer management software for Xerox printe rs.
Using Ce ntreW are DP with the DocuP rint N40 Chapter 2: Printer Manage ment Software and D r i ver s ❖ 2-3 CentreW are Sun OS/Solaris Se rvic es are also a vailab le to all ow you t o set up qu eues a nd also contai n your N40 drivers f or Sun OS /Solaris.
DocuPrint N 40 PCL Emul ation Pri nter Drivers 2-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide DocuPrint N40 PCL Emul at io n Printe r Dri vers The base DocuPrint N40 supports the PCL printer drivers listed in T able 2.
DocuPr int N40 PostScrip t Printer Driv ers Chapter 2: Printer Manage ment Software and D r i ver s ❖ 2-5 DocuPrint N40 PostScr ipt Printe r Dri vers The PostScript option suppo rts the PostScript drivers listed in T able 2.
Driver Features 2-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Driver Features DocuPrint N40 drivers will suppor t the following standa rd feature s: • Input tray/Outpu t bin selection • Duplex selecti on • Paper size, ori entation and med ia • Number of copie s •C o l l a t i n g T able 2.
Driver Feat ures Chapter 2: Printer Manage ment Software and D r i ver s ❖ 2-7 T able 2.4 DocuPr int N40 driv er feature s Dri ver Image Quality Cover Sheet s Secure Printing Ed ge-to -Edge N-Up Wa t e r- Mark Fit-to- size 1 PCL W i n d o w s 3 . 1 x ( C u s t o m )YYYY N N N W i n d o w s 9 5 ( C u s t o m ) YYYYN N N W i n d o w s N T 3 .
Instal ling CentreWar e DP and Drivers 2-8 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Installin g Centr eW are DP and Drivers Inside the co ver of th e DocuP rint N4 0 CDs, whi ch co me with you r .
Chapter 3: Using the Cont rol Panel ❖ 3-1 Using the Contr ol Panel C h a p t e r 3 Control Panel Features ................. ............. ............. ....... . 3-2 The Display .. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ............. ...... ..
Control Pan el Features 3-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Contr ol Panel Features The DocuPri n t N40 C ontrol Panel serves two purposes: 1.
Control Pan el Features Chapter 3: Using the Cont rol Panel ❖ 3-3 The Display The Control Panel's displa y performs two functions. 1. I t informs you of prin ter status con ditions, such as when toner is low , when a paper tray is empty , when a job is in proc ess, and so on .
Menu Option s 3-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Menu Option s Figure 3.2 on page 3-5 depic ts a “Menu Map” for the DocuPrint N40. T his map shows which variables are controlled by the DocuPrint N40 menus.
Menu Opt ions Chapter 3: Using the Cont rol Panel ❖ 3-5 Figur e 3.2 DocuPrint N40 Menu Map Paper Size Paper T yp e Page Policy Page Timeout Copies Orientatio n Duplex 4 Draft Mode Edge-to -Edge Outp.
Menu Option s 3-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide.
Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientati on ❖ 4-1 Paper Loading and Orientation C h a p t e r 4 Selecting P aper .... ............. ................... ............. .............. 4-2 Storing Pa per ............. ............. ................... ...
Selecting Paper 4-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Selecting Paper This chapter will help you understa nd wh at kinds of paper you can use with th e DocuPrint N40 and also how to properly positio n paper in the different paper input trays so as to ac complish what you want with the DocuPri nt N40.
Selecting Paper Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientati on ❖ 4-3 • Paper with sp ecial c oating • Paper u nable to w ithstand a temperatur e of 150º C (302º F) • Thermal paper • C ar b o n pa pe r • Paper with paper fasteners, ribbons, tape, etc.
Selecting Paper 4-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide For acc eptable media si zes for use with the Du plex Module, see T able 4.2 on page 4-22.
Stori ng Pape r Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientati on ❖ 4-5 Storing Paper The DocuPrint N40’ s print quality is optimized wh en paper and other pri nt media ar e properl y stored. Proper storage ensu res opti mum print qual ity and tr ouble-fre e pri nte r o ptio ns.
Loading P aper 4-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Loadin g Paper The DocuPrint N40 accepts paper fr om the fo llowing input trays: • T ra ys 1 (500 she ets) and 2 (500 shee ts) in the.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientati on ❖ 4-7 Using T rays 1, 2, and 3 (if installed) T rays 1 a nd 2 in t he printer , and T ray 3 in the opt ional 2,500 Shee t Feeder , ho ld up to 500 sheets o f 20 lb. (80 g/m 2 ) paper each. Refe r to the section “Select ing Paper” (page 4-2) for accepta ble paper sizes a nd weights.
Loading P aper 4-8 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide 5 Place the paper in the tray , betwee n the guides (see Figure 4.1 on page 4-9 and Figure 4.2 on page 4-10 for orientation). Do not stac k paper above the indicated mark. 6 Adjust the side guide to the paper length.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Loading and Orientati on ❖ 4-9 9 If changing p aper size, you may want to insert the correct pa per size label in the paper siz e slot on the fron t of the tray . 10 Push the tray all the way back in to the printer until it latches.
Loading P aper 4-10 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Figur e 4.2 T rays 1/2/3 paper orientation (short edge feed) T op Vie w 1 Duplex pri nting 2 Simplex printing Load th e followin g pape.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-11 Using T rays 4 and 5 in the 2,500 Sheet Feeder T rays 4 a nd 5 in t he option al 2,500 Sheet Feede r hold up to 1,000 sheets of 20 l b. (80 g/m 2 ) paper each (in A4, Lett er and E xecu tive si ze only) .
Loading P aper 4-12 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide 3 Place paper in th e tray , against the left side (re fer to Figure 4.3 on page 4-13 for orientation). Slide back the stop. Do not stac k paper above the indicated mark. 4 Push the tray back in.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-13 Figur e 4.3 T rays 4 and 5 paper orientation T op Vie w T ray 4 1 Duplex pri nting 2 Simplex printing Load the foll owing sizes with .
Loading P aper 4-14 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Using the 50 Shee t Bypa ss Fee der The DocuPrint N40’ s 5 0 Sheet Bypass Feeder ho lds up to 50 sheets of 20 lb (80 g /m 2 ) paper . Refer to the section “Selecting Pa per” (page 4-2) for accep table media size s and weights.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-15 3 Push the p aper guid e to sligh tly touc h the paper stack (to ensure contact with th e paper sen sor).
Loading P aper 4-16 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Figur e 4.4 50 Sheet Bypass Feeder paper orientation (long edge feed) T op Vie w 1 Simplex printing 2 Duplex pri nting Load the fol low.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-17 Figur e 4.5 50 Sheet Bypass Feeder paper orientation (short edge feed) T op Vie w 1 Simplex printing 2 Duplex pri nting Load the fol .
Loading P aper 4-18 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Figure 4.6 50 Sheet Bypass Fee der en velope o rientatio n 1 T op Vie w 1 Envelo pe 2 DL Envelope 3 C5 Envelo pe 1 Some PostScri pt app.
Loading Pa per Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-19 Using the 100 En vel ope F eed er The 100 Envelope Feeder is an optional paper handling device availa ble for the DocuPrint N40. Refe r to T able 4.1 on page 4-4 for ac cepta ble envelop e sizes.
Automatic Tray Switchi ng 4-20 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Au to ma tic T ray Switching Automatic tr ay switching, available for both PCL and PostScript jobs, enabl es yo u to group t.
Automatic T ray Switching Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-21 Paper Size/T ype Mismatch Paper size/t ype misma tch occu rs when t he re quested si ze is not available in the printer .
Duplex ( Two-Sided) Printing 4-22 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Duplex (T wo-Sided) Printing Once the optional Dupl ex Module i s installed a nd Duplex printing is ena bled in the Control Panel, you can print two-sided (duplex ) jobs. Duplex printing can also be enabled from you r prin ter driv er .
Duplex (T wo-Sid ed) Printing Chapter 4: Paper Lo ading an d Orientation ❖ 4-23 Print Orie ntation and Control Panel Settings T o ensure that duplex jobs print in the p roper orient ation, set the Duplex option (in the System Menu) to the appropriate setting (s ee Figure 4 .
Duplex ( Two-Sided) Printing 4-24 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide.
Chapter 5: Clearing Jam s and Jam Recover y ❖ 5-1 Clearing Jams and Jam Recovery C h a p t e r 5 Paper Jams .... ............. ................... ............. .................... . 5- 2 What Caus es a Paper Jam? ................. ................
Paper Jams 5-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Paper Jams Y our DocuPrint N40 printer has been desig ned to provide reliab le, trou ble-fre e operati on.
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jam s and Jam Recover y ❖ 5-3 T able 5.1 Paper jam message s Message Descriptio n/Corrective Action Clear Area A Clear Env/Bypass A paper ja m has occurr ed in Ar ea A. ACTIO N: Cl ear the Envelo pe Fee der or t he Bypa ss Feed er .
Paper Jams 5-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Clear Area C Reset Tray 5 A paper ja m has occurr ed in Ar ea C. Use the pr ocedur e “Cleari ng Area C ” (page 5-12) to clear Ar ea C. Then r ese at T ray 5. Clear Area A,B Reset Tray 3 A paper ja m has occurr ed in Ar eas A and B .
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jam s and Jam Recover y ❖ 5-5 Paper J am Clear A rea A A paper ja m has occurr ed in Ar ea A. Use one of the follow ing proc edures : • “Clearin g Area A (No Dupl ex Module)” (page 5-7). • “Clearin g Area A (With Dupl ex Module) ” (page 5-9).
Paper Jams 5-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Paper J am Clear A rea D A paper ja m has occurr ed in Ar ea D (Mai lbox/Collator). Use the p rocedur e “Clear ing Ar ea D” (page 5-13). Paper J am Clear D uplx Unit A paper ja m has occu rred in th e Duplex Modul e.
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jam s and Jam Recover y ❖ 5-7 Clearing Area A (No Duplex Module) Follow the procedure below to clear a paper jam from Area A when the Control Panel di splay re ads Clear Area A an d the printer does not have the Duplex Module in stalle d.
Paper Jams 5-8 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide B If the paper is jam med in the Fuser area , remove it ca refully without touching the Fuser . If it becomes difficult to pull o ut the paper , locate the gr een knob— at the s ame time, press it in and tu rn it until the paper is adequately out and easy to pull.
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jam s and Jam Recover y ❖ 5-9 Clearing Area A (Wit h Duplex Module) Follow the procedure below to clear a paper jam from Area A when the Control Panel di splay re ads Clear Area A and there is a Duplex Module installe d on the printer .
Paper Jams 5-10 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide 3 Remo ve an y jam med paper : A If the leading e dge of the paper is already in the Face-down Bin , gently pull out the paper until it is completely remo ved. B If the paper is jam med in the Fuser area , remove it ca refully without touching the Fuser .
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jams and J am R ecovery ❖ 5- 11 C If the pape r jammed in Area A is below the Fuser , remove it by pu lling it away from the printer . 4 Close Doo r A, then close the Dupl ex Module. If the Control Panel message indicates an Area B jam, co ntinue to the section “ Clearing Area B” (page 5-12).
Paper Jams 5-12 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Clearing Ar ea B Follow the procedur e below to clear a paper jam from Area B of the prin ter when the Contr ol Panel display reads Cl ear Are a B .
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jams and J am R ecovery ❖ 5- 13 Clearing Area D Follow the proce dure below to clear a paper jam from Area D (Mailbo x/Coll ator) wh en the Control Panel dis play r eads Clear Area D . 1 Open D oo r D. 2 Remo ve an y jam med paper.
Paper Jams 5-14 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide Clearing T ray 5 Follow the procedure below to clear a paper jam from T ra y 5 of the 2,500 She et Feede r when the Con trol Pa nel dis play r eads Reset Tray 5 . 1 Open Do or C and r emove any ja mmed paper .
Paper Jams Chapter 5: Clearing Jams and J am R ecovery ❖ 5- 15 Clearing the Duplex Module Follow the proce dure belo w to cl ear a pa per j am fr om the Duplex Module w hen the Con trol Panel disp lay rea ds Clear Duplx Unit . 1 Open the Duplex Module .
Paper Jams 5-16 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide.
Chapter 6: Replacin g Y our T oner Car tridge ❖ 6-1 Replacing Y our T oner Cartridge C h a p t e r 6 Replacing the Toner Cartridge ........... ............. .............. 6- 2 Standard Co nfiguratio n .... ............ .................... ........
Replacing t he Toner Cartridge 6-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Replac ing the T o ner Ca rtr idge This section descr ibes how to replace the DocuPrint N40 T oner Cartridge in bo th a standa rd configuration printe r and a pr inter w ith a Dup lex Modu le attac hed.
Replaci ng the T oner Cartrid ge Chapter 6: Replacin g Y our T oner Car tridge ❖ 6-3 Standard Configur ation Follow this proced ure to r epla ce the T oner Cartridge on a standard configur ation printer . 1 Open D oo r A. 2 Open the fr ont cover (which is spring loaded; yo u must hold it open or else it will shut).
Replacing t he Toner Cartridge 6-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide 3 Remove the T oner Cartridge b y lifting the amber handle and gently pulling it out. W rap the used T oner Cartridge in its original pa cking and retur n it as per directions in the packaging.
Replaci ng the T oner Cartrid ge Chapter 6: Replacin g Y our T oner Car tridge ❖ 6-5 7 Gently pull the sea ling tape straight out in the direc tion of the arrow . If the tape is pulled o ut at an an gle, it may br eak. 8 Close th e front cover and Door A.
Replacing t he Toner Cartridge 6-6 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Duplex Confi guration Follow this proc edure to re place the T oner Cart ridge o n a printer with the Duplex Module inst alled. 1 Open the Duplex Module by pulling on its latch.
Replaci ng the T oner Cartrid ge Chapter 6: Replacin g Y our T oner Car tridge ❖ 6-7 5 Remove the new T oner Cartridge fr om its package and pull out the pr otective paper sheet from th e drum shutter . 6 Hold the T oner Cartridg e horizontally and gently sha ke it 5 to 6 times to e venly distribute the toner inside.
Replacing t he Toner Cartridge 6-8 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide 9 Close th e front cover and Door A. When closin g Door A, do not use the latch o n the cover . Instead, follow th e instruction label on the cover for the correct locatio n at which to push the cover cl osed.
About the Maint enance Ki t Chapter 6: Replacin g Y our T oner Car tridge ❖ 6-9 About the Mainte nanc e Kit The DocuPrint N40 al so has a Maintenance Kit which is customer installable. This kit should be installed after every 300,00 0 impressio ns. Y ou will be told by a message on the Display when to inst all this kit.
About the Maintena nce Kit 6-10 ❖ DocuPrint N2 4, N32, and N40 Use r Guide.
Cha pter 7 : T roub leshooti ng ❖ 7-1 T r oub leshooting C h a p t e r 7 Diagnostic Message Display ............... ............. .............. 7-2 Printer Operation Problems .
Diagnostic Me ssage Display 7-2 ❖ D o cu Print N24, N32, and N40 End Us er Gui d e Diagnosti c Messag e Displa y Chapter 6 of the D ocuPrint N40 System Administra tor Guide con tains the en tire set of messages wh ich ca n appear on the DocuPrint N40 Control Panel display .
Printe r Operat ion Problems Cha pter 7 : T roub leshooti ng ❖ 7-3 Printer Operation Pr oblems Cons ult T able 7.1 for corr ecti ve actio ns when the pr inter will not prin t or when the printed output is not what you expect.
Printer Op eration Problems 7-4 ❖ D o cu Print N24, N32, and N40 End Us er Gui d e A printed pa ge does not look like it sh ould. 1. Ma ke cert ain that the sof tware appl icati on you are us i ng to creat e yo ur pri nt job is configu red pr operly .
Printe r Operat ion Problems Cha pter 7 : T roub leshooti ng ❖ 7-5 PostScr ipt com mands are printed in stead of the PostSc ript job. 1. Ma ke certain that the softwar e appli catio n you ar e using to cr eate your job is configur ed pr operly . Refer to yo ur software documentatio n.
Printer Op eration Problems 7-6 ❖ D o cu Print N24, N32, and N40 End Us er Gui d e.
Chapter 8: Referen ces ❖ 8-1 Refer ences C h a p t e r 8.
Further Re ferences 8-2 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide Further Refer ences If you ne ed fu rther in format ion ove r and a bove what is contained in this Guide , please consult the area.
Fur ther Refe rences Chapter 8: Referen ces ❖ 8-3 • Printer Specificati ons App endix E of the Do cuPri n t N40 Syst em Admini s trator G uide • DocuPrint N 40 Unique Printe r Commands Appendix .
Further Re ferences 8-4 ❖ D ocuPrint N2 4, N 32, and N40 User Guide.
Appe ndix A: CE De clarat ion ❖ A-1 CE Declaration A p p e n d i x A This Appendi x co ntains th e “CE Decla rat ion” which only applies to Eu rope an Countries.
CE Declarat ion A-2 ❖ DocuPr int N24 , N32, a nd N40 User Gui de.
CE Declarat ion Appe ndix A: CE De clarat ion ❖ A-3.
CE Declarat ion A-4 ❖ DocuPr int N24 , N32, a nd N40 User Gui de.
Index ❖ IX-1 Index I X Numerics 100 Envel ope Feed er Capacity 4-4 Envelope orientation 4-18 Env elope sizes suppor ted 4-4 Loading envelopes 4-1 9 Locat ion on pr inter 1-8 10-bin Mailbox/Collator .
D IX-2 ❖ Doc uPrint N24, N3 2, and N40 Use r Guide Dimens ions 4-4 Supporte d trays/bins 4-4 Cont rol Pane l 3-2 to 3-3 Display Descripti on 3-3 Location o n printer 3-2 Indicator lights Location o .
L Index ❖ IX-3 L Labels Sizes supp orted 4-4 Supporte d T rays/Bins 4-4 Ledger size p aper Dimens ions 4-4 Supporte d trays/bins 4-4 Legal siz e paper Dimens ions 4-4 Supporte d trays/bins 4-4 Lette.
S IX-4 ❖ Doc uPrint N24, N3 2, and N40 Use r Guide S Statement s ize paper Dimens ions 4-4 Supporte d trays/bins 4-4 T Toner Also see T oner Cartridge Toner Cartridge Location in printer 1-8 Recy cl.
デバイスXerox N32の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox N32をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox N32の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox N32の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox N32で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox N32を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox N32の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox N32に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox N32デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。