XeroxメーカーPHASER 5400の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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P HAS ER™ 5400 L AS ER P R I NTE R Quick Net work Inst all Guide.
Xerox Pha ser ™ 5 400 Laser P rin ter Quick Net work I nstall G uid e 721P 57820 Sep tember 20 01.
Copyright © 2001, Xerox Corporati on. All Rights Reserve d. Unpublished righ ts reserved unde r the c opyr ight l aws of the U nited State s. Co nten ts of th is p ublica tion m ay no t be reprodu ced in any fo rm with out p ermissi on of Xe rox Co rporatio n.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide iii Cont ents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Requ i remen ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Additi onal informa tion .
iv Xerox Phase r 5400 Laser P rinter UNIX Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Quick install steps .
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 1 Intr oduc tion The purpo se of th is docum ent is to provid e an exp erienced Systems Administrator w ith information for setting up the X erox Phaser 5400 pri nter on the va rious netwo rks indica ted .
2 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer How t o use this docu ment This docu ment ha s been arrang ed to ge t the print er set up on your netw ork quickly an d with mini mu m readin g . 1. Review the Table of Contents. 2. Find the Netw ork Operat ing Sy stems (NO S), whi ch pertai ns to your netwo rk.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 3 Wind ows (all versio ns) Network Quic k CD-ROM i nstall step s 1. Insert your printer’s CD-ROM into your comp uter’s CD-ROM driv e. If your P C is set to aut orun, a CD Navig ato r Ut ility s houl d auto matica lly start .
4 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Wind ows 95/98/Me Netwo rk Quic k inst all steps 1. Insert your printer’s CD-ROM into your comp uter’s CD-ROM dri ve. If your PC is set to auto run , a CD Navig ato r Ut ility sho uld auto matica lly star t. If it do es not start , then: a.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 5 Ad ding a port 1. To add a TCP/IP po rt, open th e Print er Pr oper tie s dia log bo x fo r the pri nter y ou woul d like to at tac h the new TCP/IP po rt. a. Click Start, scroll to Se tting s , and cli ck Prin ters . b.
6 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 7. After all t he port setti ngs have bee n configu red an d veri fied, a Comp leti ng dialo g box appear s summ arizing a ll of the settings . You have the op portu nity to cha nge any of the settings by c lic king the Ba c k key.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 7 Wind ows NT 4.x Netw ork Int roduc tion Your p ri n te r can be instal led on a W indow s NT network us ing one of three met hods: Mic rosoft T CP /I P protocol Xerox .
8 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 5. Open the Cont rol Pa nel and dou ble-c lick the Printer s ic on. 6. Dou ble- click Ad d Prin ter ; the Ad d Prin ter Wi zard st arts. 7. Verif y that My Compu ter is sele cted and click Next> . 8. Click Add Port .
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 9 23. If yo ur print job di d not print, see th e Troubl eshootin g sect ion f or your o peratin g syste m in the Adva nce d Feat ur es and Troubl eshootin g Manual to correct the problem .
10 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 2. Run the TCP/IP Port Monitor Set up program locate d on your print er’s CD-R OM: a. Click Start and Run . b. In th e Run wi ndow, typ e: <CD driv e>:i nsta luti lit yTc p Ip Port Mo nitor Window s NT4<lan guage>set up.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 11 In the Add X erox TC P/IP Po rt wi nd ow: a. Under E nter a Port Name , en ter a uni que nam e for the po rt being ad ded. b. Under Ent er a printer name or IP address , enter th e print er’s host name or IP Add ress.
12 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 10. Choo se yo ur pr inter dev ice fro m the li st , then cl ick OK . 11. Click OK . The Wi zard return s you to the p revious dialog.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 13 Wind ows 200 0 Netwo rk Int roduc tion Your printer can be inst a lle d on a Win d o ws 2000 netw ork using o n e of three met hods: Mic rosoft T CP /I P protocol Xer.
14 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 4. If t he TCP /IP s oft ware is not p rese nt, i nst all it usin g the docu mentatio n provi ded by M icroso ft, and then retu rn to this docu ment. 5. Open the Cont rol Pa nel and dou ble-c lick the Printer s ic on.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 15 24. The Compl eti ng the Add Prin ter Wizard window appears. If all the dat a presen ted is correct, cli ck the Fini sh b utto n. If no t, cl ick the <Back butt on to correc t any errors. 25. Wait f or the Te st Pri nt t o prin t.
16 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Print er dr iver inst allation 1. Inst al l the pri nte r drive rs f or yo ur p rinte r. Wi thin C D Na vig ator, sel ect Prin ter Dri vers , and then select Instal l Xerox Ph aser 5400 Lase r Prin ter Drive rs . Note Th e Xerox TCP/I P Port Mon itor h as n ot been i ns talled yet.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 17 4. At th is point, you enter th e Xer ox T CP /IP Pr inter Port Wiza rd . The wiz ard guid es you step -by-ste p thro ugh the pr ocess of: a. Choos ing a nam e for th e new po rt. b. Iden tifying a printe r by its DNS Na me or IP Address.
18 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Re-c onfi gurin g an e xistin g port 1. With in the Printe r Pr oper ties dialog box, click the P o rts tab. 2. Select the TCP/IP port yo u want to re-confi gure fro m the l ist sho wn, the n click the C onfigur e Port button .
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 19 12. You are now pres ented wit h a list of zon es disco vered on the netw ork . Dou ble- click th e Zone Name your pr int er is o n to expa nd the l ist. N ow sel ect yo ur p rinter f rom the list, an d click OK . 13.
20 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Macintos h EtherTa lk Network Quic k inst all steps 1. Pr int t he C onfig ura tion Shee t. De tail s are in t his do cum ent in Append ix A: Pr int th e Confi gura tion Sh eet .
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 21 Novell NetWare 3.1x, 4.1x, 5.x Networks Note If you us e NetWare 4.x or 5.x an d print usi ng NDPS /NEPS, Xerox provi des a Xerox N DP S /NEPS s olution. Th is is availab le from t he Xero x web sit e at: http ://www.
22 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Advan ced setu p The Adv anced Set up optio n of Cent reWare DP gives you a tool to contro l how you r devic es are co nfigur ed in y our Nove ll NetW are network environme nt. This tool is only necessa ry for connec ting yo ur device to more than one file s erver or q ueue.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 23 UNIX Network Overview Your P haser print er supp orts connec tion to a varie ty of UNIX pla tfo r ms . Below is a list of the c urren tly sup porte d vers ions : Sol .
24 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer 4. Sola ris: Refer to the Centr e War e Se rvice s for Un ix Sy stems U s er Guide (En gli sh on ly) i nclude d o n the Prin ter M anagem ent Sof twa re C D-R OM for Cen treWa re ins tallat ion a nd detai led pri nter se tup in struct ions .
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 25 Intern et Print er Services Overview Your Phaser printer includ es an i ntegrated web s erver. This means you can no w check up on you r prin ter sta tus us ing you r favo rite w eb bro wser s oftwar e! Thi s sect ion show s you h ow to s et up this fe atur e.
26 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Con figure y our web bro wser This proc edure configure s your web browser so ftware t o connect to your p rinter on th e netw ork. 1. Cons ult Appendix B: Set an IP Addre ss a nd as si gn yo ur p rin ter a TCP/I P addres s.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 27 Appen d ix A: Print the Con figuration Sheet It is imp ortant to pri nt a C onfi gura tion S hee t for p rop er se tup o f the prin ter on the ne twor k.
28 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Appen dix B: Set an IP Address Your printer ca n be se t up on a varie ty of TCP/I P ne tworks. T here are sev eral ways in whic h your prin ter ca n be assig ned a TCP/I P ad dres s, depend ing on your net work. This ap pendix co ntains procedu res for each of th ese meth ods.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 29 For Ph ase r ne twor ked prin ters Static addressing The print er is as signed a TCP/I P addres s by a netw ork admin istra tor and thi s addr ess is manu all y inpu t to the prin ter. P erfor m the s teps bel ow: 1. Press Menu Up or Menu Down u nti l you s ee: Menu Ether net M enu 2.
30 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer Dynami c addressin g (RARP/BOOTP) The TCP/IP ad dress is assigned a utoma ticall y by the Se rver. Foll ow the st eps b elow : 1. Press Menu Up or Me nu D own unt il yo u see: Menus Ether net Menu 2. Press Item Up or Item Down un til you se e: Ether net Menu IP Addre ss Res.
Quick N etwork I nstall G uide 31 Dyna mi c add ressi ng (DHCP ) The TCP/IP ad dress is assigned a utoma ticall y by the s erver. 1. Press Menu Up or Menu Down u nti l you s ee: Menus Ether net M enu 2. Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see : Ether net M enu IP Addr ess Res.
32 Xerox Pha ser 5400 Lase r Printer.
デバイスXerox PHASER 5400の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox PHASER 5400をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox PHASER 5400の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox PHASER 5400の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox PHASER 5400で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox PHASER 5400を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox PHASER 5400の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox PHASER 5400に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox PHASER 5400デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。