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1S7 - F 8199- E 0 T 135 SE OWNER’S MANUAL Sniper.
U5YPE0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:22 PM.
INTRODUCTION EAU10100 Welcome to the Yamaha w orld of motorcycl ing! As th e owner of th e Sniper , yo u are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and newest technology regarding th e de sign a n.
IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU1015 0 Parti cularl y impor tant info rmat ion is dis tingui shed in th is manua l by the foll owing no tati ons: NOTE: ● This ma nual sho uld be co nsider ed a pe rmanent part of this mot orc ycle and sh ould rem ain wit h it even if the m otorc ycle is subs eque ntly so ld.
IMPORTANT MANU AL INFORMATION EAU37430 Sniper OW N E R ’ S MANU AL ©2005 by Y amaha Mot or Co., L td. 1s t e d i t ion, F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 6 All right s reser ved. Any reprinting or una uthorized use without the written permissi on of Y amaha Motor Co.
TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ... ........... .... 1-1 DESCRIPTION .. ................. ........... .... 2-1 Left view ................ ........... ...............2- 1 Right view .............. ........... ...............2-2 Controls an d inst ruments.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Replacin g a fron t turn sign al lig ht bulb or a n auxi liary lig ht bulb . ... 6-31 Rear turn si gnal l ight and tail/brak e light .................... ........ 6-31 Front wheel ..................... .............. 6-32 Rear wheel .
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-2 1 due to EXCESSIV E SPEED o r un- derco rnerin g (insu fficie nt le an an- gle f or t he sp eed). • Always obey the sp eed li mit and neve r travel fas ter than war rant- ed by road and tr affic co nditions . • Alway s sign al before turnin g or changin g lane s.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-3 1 Load ing The tota l weight of th e operat or, pas- seng er, acces so ries and ca rgo must not ex ceed the maximum lo ad limit . When lo adin g within this wei ght lim it, keep the follow ing in mind: ● Cargo a nd accesso ry weight shoul d be ke pt as low and cl ose to the moto rcycle as pos sible.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-4 1 tor and may limit con trol ab ility, ther efore, such accesso ries are not r ecomm ended. ● Use c aution when ad ding el ectri- cal ac cessori es.
DESC RIPTION 2-1 2 EAU1041 0 Left view 1. F ront turn signal/auxiliary lights (page 6-31) 2. Headlight (page 6-30) 3. Batter y (page 6-28) 4. Storage compar tment ( page 3-8) 5. Owner ’ s tool kit (page 6-1) 6. Seat lock (page 3-7) 7. T ail/brak e light (page 6-31) 8.
DESCRIPTI ON 2-2 2 EAU10420 Right view 1. Kic kstar ter (page 3- 7) 2. Fuel tank cap (page 3-5) 3. Fuse (page 6-29) 4. Helmet holder (page 3-8) 5. Air filt er element (page 6-13) 6. F ront brak e fluid reservoir (page 6-21) 7. Engine oil fi lter element (page 6-9) 8.
DESC RIPTION 2-3 2 EAU1043 0 Controls and instruments 1. Left handlebar s witches (page 3-3) 2. Speedometer unit (page 3-3) 3. Fuel gauge (pag e 3-3) 4. Main switch/steering lock (page 3-1) 5. Right handlebar switch (page 3-3) 6. Brake le v er (page 3-4) 7.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-1 3 EAU10460 Main switch/steer ing lock The main switch/st eering lo ck contro ls the igniti on and l ighti ng sys tem s, and i s used t o lock t he st eering. The various posi tions ar e descri bed belo w. EAU37441 ON All el ectric al circ uits are s uppli ed with power, and th e eng ine can b e star ted.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-2 3 EAU11003 Indicator and warning lights EAU11020 Turn signal indicator light “” This i ndic ator li ght flash es wh en the turn sig nal swi tch is pu shed to t he left or right. EAU11060 Neutral indica tor light “” This in dicato r light comes on when t he transm ission i s in the neut ral po sition.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-3 3 EAU11621 Speedometer unit The sp eedome ter uni t is equipp ed wi th a spee dometer and an od omete r. The speed omet er shows riding spe ed. The odomet er shows t he total dis tance tra v- eled . EAU37051 Fuel gauge The f uel gau ge ind icates the am ount of fuel i n the fuel tank.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-4 3 EA U 1 2 400 Di m m er s w i t ch “ / ” S e t t h is s w i t c h to “” f or t h e h i gh b e am a nd to “” f o r t h e l o w b e a m. EA U 1 2 460 Tu r n s i gn a l s w i t c h “ / ” T o s i g n al a r i g h t - h a nd tu r n , p u s h t h i s s w i t ch t o “” .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-5 3 EAU12941 Brake pe dal The brake p edal i s on t he ri ght si de of the mo torcycl e. To ap ply the rear brak e, pre ss do wn on th e bra ke ped al. EAU37470 Fuel tank cap To remove the fuel tank c ap 1. O pen the se at.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-6 3 EAU13210 Fuel Make s ure that there is su fficien t fuel i n the tank . Fill the fuel tank to the bo ttom of the f iller t ube as show n. W ARNING EWA10880 ● Do not overfill the fuel tank, o th- erwi se it may overf low w hen the fuel warms up and expands.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-7 3 EAU13590 Starter (chok e) lever “” Star ting a c old en gine req uires a riche r air-f uel mixt ure, w hich i s sup plied b y the starter (choke). Move the lever i n direction (a) t o turn on the starter (choke).
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-8 3 EAU37480 Helmet holders The he lmet holders are loc ated un der the se at. To secure a helmet to a helmet hold- er 1. Op en the s eat. ( See p age 3- 7.) 2. A ttach a helm et to a helmet hold er, and the n securely close th e seat.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-9 3 EAU37490 Sidestand The side stand is lo cated on the left side of the f rame. R aise th e side stand o r lower it wi th your foot whil e hold ing th e vehi cle uprig ht.
PRE-OPERATION CH ECKS 4-1 4 EAU15591 The con dition of a vehicl e is the owne r ’ s respons ibilit y. Vit al co mponen ts can start to de terior ate q uickly an d unex pecte dly, even if th e vehi cle rema ins u nused (f or exa mple , as a re sult of expo sure to the el emen ts).
PRE-OPERATION CHE CKS 4-2 4 EAU15603 Pre-operation check list ITEM CHECKS P A GE Fuel • Check fuel le vel in fuel tank. • Refuel if necessar y . • Check fuel line for leakage. 3-6 Engine oil • Check oil le vel in engine. • If necessar y , add recommended oil to specified lev el.
PRE-OPERATION CH ECKS 4-3 4 Wheels and tires • Check f or damage. • Check tire conditi on and tread depth. • Check air pressure. • Correct if necessar y . 6-16, 6-18 Brake pedal • Make sure that oper ation is smooth. • Lubricate pedal piv oting point if nece ssary .
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 5-1 5 EAU15950 W ARNING EWA10270 ● Become thoroughly famili ar with all operating controls and their functions before riding. Consult a Yamaha dealer re- garding any control or function that you do not thoroughly un- derstand.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 5-2 5 CAUTION: ECA11130 For maximum engine li fe, always warm the engine up before starting off. Never accelerate hard when the engine is cold! 7.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 5-3 5 ● Be sure to fully close the throttle grip whe n shift ing. ● Make sure the neutral indicator light come s on when the tran s- mission is in the neutr al posi- tion. EAU16800 Tips for reducing fuel consumption Fuel consu mption depe nds la rgely on your r iding style.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 5-4 5 Avoi d pro longe d oper ation abov e 1/3 thrott le. After every hour o f ope ration, stop th e engine , and the n let i t cool f or five t o ten minute s. Vary th e engi ne speed f rom time to tim e. Do n ot oper ate t he engi ne at one set thro ttle pos ition.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 5-5 5 EAU17212 Parking When pa rking, s top the engi ne, and then re move the ke y from th e main switch. W ARNING EWA10310 ● Since the en gine and exhaust system can beco me very ho t, park in a place where pedestri- ans or chi ldren are not lik ely to touch them.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 5-6 5 EAU37601 General note Much can be gaine d from the corr ect use an d mainte nanc e of a mot orcyc le. 1. THE CUST OMERS CAN USE THE FULLEST PO TENTIAL OF Y AMAHA MO T ORCYCLES 2.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-1 6 EAU17240 Safety is an obliga tion of the o wner. P e- riod ic ins pection , ad justmen t and lubri- cation will kee p your veh icle in t he safes t and mos t effici ent co nditio n pos- sibl e.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-2 6 EAU17710 Periodic maintenance and lubrication chart NOTE: ● The annual checks mus t be performed every year, except if a k ilometer-based ma intenance is performed in- stead. ● From 30000 km , repeat the main tenanc e interva ls star ting fr om 6000 km .
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-3 6 9 * Wheels • Check runout, spoke t ightness and f or damage. • Tighten spokes if necessary . √√√√ 10 * Ti res • Check tread depth and for damage . • Replace if necessary . • Check air pressure.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-4 6 EAU18660 NOTE: ● The air f ilter ne eds m ore fr equent serv ice if you are r iding in unu suall y wet o r dusty area s. ● Hydrauli c brake se rvice • Regularly check a nd, if necessary, correct t he bra ke fluid level.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-5 6 EAU18730 Removing and installing the cowlings and panel The cow lings and pane l shown abo ve need to b e re moved t o perfo rm so me of the main tena nce job s descr ibed in th is chapte r. Refer to this sec tion each time a cowl ing or the panel need s to be re- moved an d instal led .
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-6 6 To instal l the cowl ing Plac e the co wling i n the or igina l posi - tion, and th en insta ll the bolts a nd screw. EAU37730 Cowling D To remov e the cowling 1. Rem ove co wlings A an d B. (See page 6-5 .
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-7 6 To ins tall the pa nel Place the p anel in the ori ginal positi on, and then instal l the scre w and bolts . EAU37560 Checki ng the spark plug The s park p lug i s an i mportan t engi ne compon ent, which is ea sy to chec k.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-8 6 To c heck the s park plug 1. Che ck that the porcel ain ins ulator around the center electrod e of the spark plug is a med ium-t o-light tan (the id eal colo r when th e vehi cle is ridd en nor mally).
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-9 6 EAU37570 Engine oil and oil filter element The en gine oi l lev el shou ld be c hecke d befor e each r ide . In addi tion , the oi l must be change d and th e oil filt er ele - ment repl aced a t the inter vals s pecif ied in the perio dic ma inte nance and lub ri- catio n chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-10 6 CAUTION: ECA11000 When removing the engine oil dr ain bolt, the O-ring, compression spring, and oi l strainer will fa ll out. Take care not to lose these parts. NOTE: Check t he O-r ing fo r dama ge and r e- place it if necessa ry.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-11 6 CAUTION: ECA10420 Before installing the engine oil drain bolt, do not forget t o install the O- ring, compression s pring, and oil stra iner i n posit ion. 9. Ad d the spe cifie d amou nt of the reco mmende d engi ne oil, an d then insta ll and tighten th e oil fill er cap.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-12 6 NOTE: The coo lant shoul d be betwe en the mini mum a nd max imum leve l mark s. 3. If th e coolant is at or belo w the minimu m lev el ma rk, re move cowl- ing A. (See page 6-5.) 4. Lo osen th e coolant reser voir cap r e t a i n er b o l t , a n d t h en l i f t the r e - tainer u pward.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-13 6 NOTE: ● The ra diat or fan is aut omatic ally switch ed on o r off acco rding to th e cool ant tem peratu re in the ra dia- tor. ● If th e engin e over heats, see pa ge 6-36 fo r furthe r instru ctio ns.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-14 6 4. Inse rt the ai r filt er elemen t into the air fi lter case. CAUTION: ECA10480 ● Make sure tha t the air filter ele- men t is prope rly seat ed in t he air fil ter cas e.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-15 6 EAU37520 Adjusting the engine idling speed The en gine i dling sp eed m ust be check ed and, if ne cess ary, adj uste d as follo ws at t he int erval s spe cified in the peri odic main tenan ce and lu brica tion char t.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-16 6 2. To i ncre ase th e thr ottle cabl e free play, tu rn the ad just ing nut i n direc- tion (a). To decrease the throttl e cable free pl ay, turn the ad justi ng nut in directio n (b). 3. Ti ghten t he loc knut .
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-17 6 W ARNING EWA10530 Proper loading of you r motorcycle is import ant for severa l char acterist ics of you r motorc ycle; su ch as han- dling, braking, performance and safety. Do not carry l oosely p acked ite ms that ca n shif t.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-18 6 W ARNING EWA10560 ● It is da ngerous to ride with a worn-out tire. When a tire tre ad begins to show crosswise lines, have a Yamaha dealer replace the ti re imm ediatel y.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-19 6 EAU37910 Checking the brake l ever free play There s hou ld be n o free play a t the brake l ever end. If there is fre e pl ay, have a Yamaha deal er in spect the brak e system.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-20 6 EAU22270 Adjusting th e rear brak e light switch The re ar br ake li ght swit ch, wh ich is ac- tivat ed b y the brak e peda l, is pro perly adjust ed when the br ake li ght come s on just before braking takes ef fect.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-21 6 EAU37001 Checking the front brake fluid level Insuf ficient brake fluid m ay allow air to enter the brake system, p ossibly ca us- ing it to b ecom e inef fect ive. Befor e riding , check that the brake fluid is a bove th e mi nimum l evel mar k and reple nish if ne cessar y.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-22 6 EAU22720 Changing the brake fluid Have a Yam aha deal er cha nge the brak e flui d at the inte rvals s peci fied in the NOTE after the perio dic mai nte- nan ce and lu bricat ion cha rt.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-23 6 en th e dri ve ch ain, t urn th e adju st- ing nut at each en d of the swinga rm in dir ectio n (b), an d then push th e rear wh eel f orwar d.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-24 6 makin g sure that all sid e plat es and ro llers h ave been s uffici ently oiled. EAU23100 Checking and lubricating the cables The o perati on of all co .
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-25 6 EAU23160 Lubricating the brake lever The p ivoting point of th e brake lever must be lu bric ated at the in ter vals speci fied in the pe riodic mainte nanc e and lubr icati on chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-26 6 EAUM1650 Lubricating the swingarm pivots The sw inga rm pivo ts mus t be lubr icat - ed at t he i ntervals specif ied in the peri- odic ma intena nce and lubri cation chart .
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-27 6 EAU23280 Checking the steering Worn or lo ose st eering bea rings may caus e danger. Ther efore, the oper ation of the steer ing mus t be che cked as fol- lows at the in terva ls sp ecifie d in the pe- riod ic maint enance and lu brica tion char t.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-28 6 EAU37530 Battery A poorly mainta ined b attery wi ll corr ode and di scha rge qu ickly . The e lectro lyte level, ba ttery le ad conne ctions an d brea t.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-29 6 CAUTION: ECA10610 Use only distill ed water, as tap water contains minerals that are harmful to the battery. 6. Check a nd, if ne cessary, tighten the batte ry lead co nnecti ons and corre ct the bre ather ho se routing .
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-30 6 CAUTION: ECA10640 Do not use a fuse of a higher amper- age rating than recommended to avoid causing extensive da mage to the ele ctric al sy stem an d possi bly a fire. 3. Tu rn the k ey to “ ON ” and turn on the el ectri cal circu its to c heck if the devic es ope rat e.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-31 6 EAU37680 Replacing a front turn si gnal light bulb or an auxiliary li ght bulb If a fro nt tu rn si gnal light or an au xiliary ligh t bulb bur ns out , replace it as fol - lows . 1. Remove cowlings A, B and D.
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-32 6 EAU24360 Front wheel EAU37760 To remove the front wheel W ARNING EWA10820 ● It is advisa ble t o have a Yamaha deal er serv ice th e wheel . ● Securely support the motor- cycle so that th ere is no danger of it falli ng over.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-33 6 3. Inse rt th e whee l axle, and t hen in - stall th e washer and th e axle nut . 4. Take the mo torcycle o ff the c enter- stand so that t he front wheel i s on the gro und. 5. Ti ghten th e axle nu t to the spec i- fied t orque .
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-34 6 3. Loos en th e brake t orque rod nu t at the br ake shoe pl ate. 4. Disc onnec t the brak e torqu e rod from th e brake s hoe pl ate b y re- mov ing the co tter pin, the nut , the washer and th e bolt . 5.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-35 6 7. Take the mo torcycle o ff the c enter- stand so th at the rear wheel is on the gro und. 8. Ti ghten th e brak e torque r od nut and axle nu t to th e spec ified torqu es. NOTE: When ti ghteni ng the axle n ut, ho ld the wheel a xle wi th a w rench to keep i t from turning .
PERIODI C MAINTENAN CE AND MINOR REPAIR 6-36 6 EAU37620 Troubleshooting charts Starting problems or poor engine performance W ARNING EWA10840 Keep away open flames and do not smoke while checking or wor king on the fuel system. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank.
PERIODI C MAINTENA NCE AND MINOR REP AIR 6-37 6 Engine overheating W ARNING EWA10400 ● Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Sc alding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under press ure, which could c ause serious in jury.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 7-1 7 EAU26000 Care While t he open design of a mo torcycl e reve als th e attr activ eness of the tech - nology, it also ma kes it mo re vulner a- ble. Ru st an d corros ion can de velop even if h igh-q uality c omp onents are used.
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 7-2 7 After normal use Remove dirt with warm water, a mild deterg ent, and a soft, c lean spo nge, and then rins e thoro ughly with cl ean wate r.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 7-3 7 ● Never apply o il or wax to an y rubber and plastic parts, but treat t hem wit h a suitab le care product. ● Avoid using a brasive polishing compounds as t hey will we ar away the pai nt. NOTE: Cons ult a Ya maha de aler for advi ce on what produ cts to u se.
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 7-4 7 W ARNING EWA10950 To prevent damage or injury from sparking, make sure to ground the spark plug electrodes while turning the engine over. 6. L ubricat e al l contr ol ca ble s and th e pivo ting po ints of a ll le vers and pedals a s well a s of the sid e- stand/ center stand.
SPECIFICATIONS 8-1 8 Dimensions: Overall le ngth: 1945 mm (76.6 in) Overall w idth: 705 mm ( 27.8 in) Overall h eight: 1065 mm (41.9 in) Seat heig ht: 770 mm ( 30.3 in) Wheelb ase: 1245 mm (49.0 in) Groun d clearan ce: 140 mm (5.51 in) Minimu m turni ng radius : 1900 mm (74.
SPECI FIC ATIO NS 8-2 8 Caster angle: 2 5 . 50 ° Tra il : 7 5 .0 m m ( 2 . 95 i n ) Front tire: Type : With tube Size: 70/90 - 1 7 M / C 3 8 P Manufa cturer /model: IRC/NF63B Manufa cturer /model: DU.
SPECIFICATIONS 8-3 8 Auxiliary light: 12 V, 5.0 W × 2 Meter ligh ting: 12 V, 1.7 W × 1 Neutral ind icator ligh t: 12 V, 1.7 W × 1 Gear position indicato r light: 12 V, 1.7 W × 4 High beam indicator light: 12 V, 1.7 W × 1 Turn sign al indicator light: 12 V, 1.
CONSUMER INFORMA TION 9-1 9 EAU26360 Identification numbers Record th e key id entifi cation nu mber, vehicl e iden tifica tion n umbe r and en- gine se rial number in th e spac es pro- vided be low f or assista nce when orderi ng sp are part s from a Yamaha dealer or for r eferen ce in ca se the v ehi- cle is sto len.
CONSUMER INFORMATI ON 9-2 9 EAU26440 Engine serial num ber The engine serial numb er is stamp ed into th e cra nkcase . 1. Engine serial number U5YPE0E0.
INDEX A Air filter element, cleaning ................... .. 6-13 B Batte ry....... ...... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... 6-28 Brake fluid, changing ............................ 6-22 Brak e flu id le vel, che cking .... ...... ..... .... .
INDEX W Wheel bearings, checking .................... 6-27 Wheel (fr ont) .......... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ..... 6-32 Wheel (r ear)....... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... ... 6-33 Wheels......... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ...
A5-yoko_Blank.fm P age 1 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:43 A M.
A5-yoko_Blank.fm P age 1 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:43 A M.
デバイスYamaha T135の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Yamaha T135をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはYamaha T135の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Yamaha T135の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Yamaha T135で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Yamaha T135を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はYamaha T135の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Yamaha T135に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちYamaha T135デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。