ZanussiメーカーZHF 470の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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2 Thes e warnings are pro vided i n the i nterests of your safet y. Ensur e that you under stand them all befor e instal ling or using the ap pliance. Your s afet y is of par am ount im portance. If you are uns ure abo ut an y of the inform ation in this book contac t the Custom er Care Depar tm ent.
3 FOR THE USER Important Safety Information 2 Description of the Appliance 4 Getting to Kno w Your Oven 5 Introduction 6 Rating Plate 6 Preparing to Use Yo ur Applia nce 6 W hen First S witchin g On 6.
4 Built-under e lectric double ov en W ARNING: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED Please n ote that the han dle t ype on your prod uct m ay diff er in t ype and s hape fr om that s how in the diagr am . Your built-un der app liance com pr ises of a conventiona l oven and d ual gri ll in the top com par tm ent.
5 The Control Pane l GETTING TO KNOW YOUR OVEN Grill I ndic ator N eon Top Oven I ndica tor Neon Fan Oven Indicator Ne on Fan Oven Tem perature Contro l Top Oven Tem perature Contro l Dual Gril l Cont.
6 RA TING PLA TE This is situated on the lo wer fr ont fram e of the applianc e and can be seen u pon op ening the top cavit y door. Alternative ly the rating plat e m ay also be found on the back or top of som e m odels (where applicab le). The appl iance m us t be protecte d b y a suitabl y rated fuse or circuit break er.
7 COOKWARE Baking tra ys, dishes etc., s hould not be p laced directl y against th e gr id cover ing t he fan a t the back of the oven . Do not use baking tra ys larger t han 30c m x 35cm (12” x 14” ) as th ey will r estrict the c irc ulation of heat and may aff ect per form ance.
8 GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE The f ollowing item s of oven fur niture have be en supplied with th e appl iance. If you req uire replacem ents of any of the item s listed b elo w pleas e contact your local Service Force Centr e, quot ing th e relevant part number .
9 KEY A COOK TIME B END TIM E C COUNTDOWN DT I M E E DECRE ASE CONTROL F SELECT OR CONT ROL G INCREASE CONTROL NOTE: The time of da y must be set before the main oven will operate manual ly. 1. SET THE TIME OF DA Y The oven has a 24 hour c lock . W hen the electricit y suppl y is f irst s witched ON , the displa y will sho w 12.
10 The 'Countd own' wil l sound interm ittentl y for up to 2 minutes at the en d of the tim ed per iod. T he so und can be st opped b y press ing an y button.
11 B) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH OFF ONLY i) Ensure the electric it y supp ly is s witch ed ON and that the cor rect t im e of day is displ ayed, e.g. 10.00am as Fig. 9. ii) Place f ood in o ven. iii) To s et the length of cook ing t ime, pr ess the Selector C ontro l butto n until t he 'Cook T ime' ( ) indic ator is illum inated.
12 6. THINGS TO NOTE In the even t of an inter ruption of the electr icit y suppl y, the tim er will r eset itse lf to zero, and all program ming wil l be canc elle d. 7. A UTO MATIC COOKING It is advisab le to l eave food in the oven f or as short a t ime as possible before autom atic cook ing.
13 WARNING – Accessible parts become ho t when the grill is in u se. Keep children away. USES OF THE GR ILL The grill is sit uated i n the T op oven com par tm ent. The gr ill is a dual cir cuit gr ill wh ich m eans that t he f ull area of the grill or the centre s ection onl y can be used.
14 THE GRILL PAN AND HANDLE The grill pan has a rem ovabl e hand le. To insert the handl e, press the bu tton on the han dle with the thumb and pivot s lightl y upwards inserting the lip into the widest par t of the brack et. Mo ve the handle towards the left, l ower into posi tion a nd release the butt on.
15 · The grill pa n grid is re vers ible. Th is is us eful if you wan t to cook f oods of var ying th ick nesses . As a general ru le, br ead f or toastin g should be placed on the grid in the ‘h igh’ posit ion in the gr ill pan. Foods such as chic k en pieces or chops m ay be grille d using t he gr illing gr id in t he lo w position.
16 The chart bel ow gi ves rec omm ended cook ing tim es and s helf posit ions. Rem em ber that t hese ar e a gu ide and should be adjuste d to su it pers onal tast e.
17 USES OF THE TOP OV EN The Top oven is the sm aller of the tw o ovens . T he Top oven gives you th e optio n of cook ing without t he fan. It is convenient f or m id-week m eals where smaller quantiti es or c onven ience f oods ar e be ing cook ed.
18 HINTS AND TIPS · Use the top oven when you want to warm plates. Use a sett ing of 80°C – 1 00°C on the o ven temper ature contr ol. · You can o nl y cook on o ne she lf when using the top oven. F or the best res ults foo d s hould be placed i n the centr e of the oven.
19 Note: Shelf posit ions are cou nted f rom the bot tom upwards . FOOD SHELF POSIT ION TEM P (° C) Biscu its Bread Bread r olls/buns Cakes : Sm all & Queen 3 3 3 3 170 - 190 210 - 220 210 - 220 .
20 USES OF THE MA IN OVEN The main fan oven is partic ularl y suit able f or cook ing larger qua ntities of f ood, or for we ekend or celebrat ion m eals . The adva ntages of f an oven co oking ar e: PREHE A TI NG The f an oven qu ick ly reaches its tem per ature so it is not usual ly necess ary to pre heat th e oven.
21 TO FIT THE FAN OVEN SHELVES The s helves s hould be f itted with t he s traight r ods upperm ost on the f ram e and the f orms towards the back of the ove n. If not fitted cor rect ly the anti- tilt and safet y stop m ec hanism will be aff ected. HINTS AND TIPS · Arrange the shelves in the re quir ed posit ions before s witching t he ov en on.
22 The oven tem peratures ar e int ended as a guid e onl y. It ma y be n ecess ary t o i ncrease or decr ease th e temper atures b y a further 10°C t o suit indivi dual pr efer ences and requir em ents. Note: Shelf posit ions are cou nted f rom the bot tom of the ov en.
23 ROASTING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URE S – Rare : 50-60 °C, Med ium : 60-70°C, W ell done : 70-8 0°C MEAT FAN OVEN COOKING TIME Beef 160 – 180°C 20-35 m inutes per ½kg ( 1lb) and 20-35 m in.
24 USES OF DEFROST FEATURE This fan oven function enabl es you to defr ost m ost foods without heat f aster than s om e convent ional methods as the o ven fan c irculates air arou nd t he food. It is part icular ly suit able for delic ate fro zen foods which are to be s er ved cold e.
25 Before cleaning the applian ce al ways allow the cooling fan for the controls to cool the appliance down befor e switching off the appliance. CLEANING MATERI ALS Before us ing an y cleani ng m aterials on your applianc e, check that t he y are suita ble and that their use is rec omm ended b y the m anufac turer.
26 CLEANING THE OUTER AND INNER DOOR GLASS PA NELS To prevent dam aging or weak ening of the door glass panels avoid the us e of the follo wing: · Household dete rgents and bleach es · Impregnated p.
27 TO REPLACE THE OUTER DOOR GLA SS 1. Holding th e oven glass with both hands , gentl y place the locat ors into th e holes of th e brack ets at the bottom of the oven do or. 2. Holding the do or glas s with your l eft han d, use your right hand t o open t he oven d oor.
28 CLEANING THE GRILL / TOP OVEN COMPARTMENT The grill / top o ven com par tment base, s ides an d back panel can be cleaned usin g oven c leaners or aerosol oven clean ers with car e. Ens ure that the manuf actur ers inst ructions ar e foll owed an d that all parts are well rinsed af ter wards.
29 CLEA NING THE SHELVES, W IREWORK RUNNERS AND GRILL/OVEN FURNITURE All rem ovabl e part s, exc ept the grill p an hand le ca n be washed in the dish washer. The grill pan, gr ill pa n grid, m eat tin , oven shelves and wire work r unners m a y be cleaned us ing a s oap impr egnated steel woo l pad.
30 COOKING TO REDUCE SOILAGE. · Cook at the recom m ended tem peratur es. Higher temper atures dur ing roas ting will inc rease soilage. T ry cooking at lo wer tem per ature for an increased length of tim e, you will s ave ener gy and of ten the join t is m ore tend er.
31 Please car ry out the follo wing check s on your app liance b efor e callin g a Ser vice Engineer . It m a y be that the problem is a s im ple one which you c an solv e yourself without t he expens e of a service cal l.
32 The Ov en Light fails to illuminate The O ven Light b ulb m a y nee d replac ing see page 3 1. If the Fan O ven is set for au tom atic c ook ing the light will illum inate when the c ook tim e begins. The Oven Fan is noisy Check that the Ove n is level.
33 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your appl iance r equir ing ser vice, or if you wish to purc hase spar e parts , ple ase cont act your local Service F orce C entre by telep honing:- 0870 5 929929 Your tel ephone ca ll will be a utom aticall y routed t o the Ser vic e Force Ce ntre co veri ng your post co de area.
34 Standard guarantee conditions W e, Zanussi, undertak e that if within 24 months of the date of the purc hase this Zanus si app lianc e or an y part thereof is prove d to be defective b y reason onl.
35 Voltage: 230-240 Volts AC 50Hz W attage: 5.0-5.5kW Height: 720 m m W idth: 593 mm Depth: 585 m m (excludin g hand les a nd knobs ) W eight: 50k g This appli ance co mplies with: Eur opean Council Di rectiv e 73/23/ EEC. ECM Di rective 89/336 /EEC. CE Marking Dire ctive 93/ 68/EE C.
36 WARNINGS: · This appliance m us t be ins talle d b y a qu alif ied electrici an/com petent person. S afet y may be im paired if instal lation is not car ried out in accordanc e with these instr uctions . · This appliance m us t be earthe d. · Do not rem ove the scr ews f rom the earth tab extending from the oven m ains ter minal b lock (Fig.
37 NOTE: It is good pr actic e to : · Fit an Earth Leak age Circ uit Br eaker to your house wiring. · W ire your applianc e to t he lat est IEE r egulati ons. THINGS TO NOTE · This appliance is des igned t o be f itted between cabinets with the rec omm ended dim ensions as shown in F ig.
38 PREPARING CABINET FOR FITTING OVEN · Make s ure the sp ace bet ween th e c abinets is the correc t size for the appl iance to b e fitte d (R ef. Fig. 5 & 6). · The plin th board s pann ing th e space into wh ich the app liance is to be ins talled shou ld be rem oved.
39 · Check that the m ounting brack ets are le vel. The y can be adjus ted if necessar y by using the extra holes at the ends of the brac kets . Once the brack ets are level, dril l a pilot ho le throu gh the central hole in th e brack et and fit the r em aining screw.
40 TO REMOVE COVER OF MAINS TERMINAL From the rear of the applianc e, r emo ve mains input terminal c over to gain acc ess to ter m inal bloc k. · First remove reta ining screw with pozidrive screwdri ver. Se e Fig. 9. · Prise co ver loose using s crewdr iver i n positi on (1) then lever of f with sc rewdri ver in posit ion (2) at either si de.
41 CONNECTING TO THE MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This applia n ce must b e earthed . · W e recommend you use a new l ength of 6mm 2 twin core and eart hed cabl e to ensure your safe ty .
42 CHECKING ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS · Confirm the applianc e is corr ectl y connecte d b y switchin g on an d obs erving t he var ious oven functions indica tors.
43 FITTING INTO THE SPA CE BETWEEN CABINETS IMPO RT A NT: Ensure t hat th e oven is swit ched off at the w all bef ore any furt her work is car ried out . · Ensure t he app liance is in f ront of the cab inet. See Fig. 13. · Tak e out all o ven fur niture bef ore insta llatio n to reduce th e weig ht you need to l ift.
IMP OR T A NT NO TIC E In line with our continu ing polic y of research and dev elopm ent, we reserve th e right t o alter m odels and specif icatio ns wit hout prior not ice. This instruc tion bo oklet is accur ate at t he date of print ing, bu t will be super sed ed if specif ications or appeara nce are changed.
デバイスZanussi ZHF 470の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zanussi ZHF 470をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZanussi ZHF 470の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zanussi ZHF 470の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zanussi ZHF 470で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zanussi ZHF 470を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZanussi ZHF 470の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zanussi ZHF 470に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZanussi ZHF 470デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。