ZyXEL Communicationsメーカー1600の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator ZyNOS Version 3.20 Dec. 2000 Configuration and Ma nagement Guide.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Copyright ii Prestige 1600 Universal A ccess Concentr ator Copyright Copyright © 2000 b y ZyXEL Com munications Corporat ion.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator ZyXEL Limited Warranty iii ZyXEL Limited W arranty ZyXEL war rants to the original end user ( purchas er) that this product is free f rom any def ects in m aterials or workm anship for a period of up to two (2) years fr om the date of purchas e.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator iv Customer Support Customer Support If you hav e questions about y our Zy XEL product or des ire assi stance, contact Z yXEL Com munications Corporation o .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator T able of Contents v T able of Contents Prestige 1 600 .................................................................................................................. .....................................
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator vi T able of Contents 4.2.1 Standards ................................................................................................................. .............................. 4-2 4.2.2 How To Configure The WAN Po rt For F r am e Relay .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator T able of Contents vii 9.1.3 How NAT works ............................................................................................................. ...................... 9- 2 9.1.4 NAT Mapping Ty pes .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator viii T able of Contents Chapter 12 S y stem Securit y ...................................................................................................... ........................................... 12-1 12.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator T able of Contents ix 15.2.3 Backup using the Console Po rt ............................................................................................ ........... 15-3 15.3 Restore Conf iguration .........
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator List of Figures xi List of Figures Figure 1-1 R emote Configuration ................................................................................................ ..........................................
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator xii List of Figures Figure 8-3 Men u 12.1 - Edit IP Static Route.................................................................................... ........................................... 8-3 Figure 9-1 How NA T W orks .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator List of Figures xiii Figure 12-2 Men u 23.1 - Sy stem Sec urity - Ch ange Password ...................................................................... ........................... 12-1 Figure 12-3 R ADIUS Authentication Example.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator xiv List of Figures Figure 16-1 Men u 25 - IP Rou ting Policy Setup .................................................................................. ..................................... 16-2 Figure 16-2 Men u 25 - IP Rou ting Policy Summary .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator List of T ables xv List of T ables T able 1-1 P1600 DSL Clients .................................................................................................... ..........................................
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator xvi List of T ables T able 14-3 NM Statu s Fields.................................................................................................... ................................................. 14-4 T able 14-4 Fields in Sys tem Maintenance .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Preface xvii Preface Congratulat ions on your pur chase o f the Pres tige 1600 Un iversal Ac cess Conce ntrator. This pre face in troduce s you to y our concen trator a nd discusse s the organizatio n and conventions of this us er’s guide.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator xviii Pre face For brevity ’s sake, we will us e “e.g.” a s a shorthan d for “for instan ce”, and “i.e.” a s a shorthan d for “that is” or “in other word s” thro ughout th is manua l. The Prest ige 1600 will also be re ferred to as the P restig e or th e P1600 in this m anual.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Quick Re ference xix What is DSL? DSL stands fo r Digital S ubscriber Line. Loca l Exchang e carriers curr ently use a single unshielded twiste d pair of wire on th e loca l loop (b etween Cen tral Of fice and Cust omer Prem ises) for tra nsm itting v oice, which requires 300- 3,400 Hz of band width.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator xx W hat is DSL? DSL Comparison Chart Technology Downstream Rate Upstream Rate Wires CO distance IDSL 128 Kbps 128 Kbps 1 Copper Pair 18,000 feet ADSL 256Kbps to 6.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Getti ng t o Kn ow Y our P restige 1-1 Chapter 1 Getting to Know Y our Concentrator This chapter describes the key features, benefits and applications of your Pres tige. The Prest ige 1600 is a scalab le, hig h- performance, ea sy- to - configure acc ess conc entrator.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 1-2 Gettin g to Kno w Y our P restige Network Address T ranslation (NA T) NAT (Network Address Translatio n - NAT, RFC 1631) allows the t ranslati on of an I nternet P rotocol add ress used within one network to a different I P address k nown within an other n etwork .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Getti ng t o Kn ow Y our P restige 1-3 ! Monitoring of WAN/LAN st atus and por t status ! Diagnost ics ! Safety tested and h igh secur ity 1.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 1-4 Gettin g to Kno w Y our P restige Figure 1-1 Remote Configuration Please not e that for figures in this manu al, the “Prestige” refers to the Prestige 1 600 and that the Prest ige 1600 cl ients ar e n ot labeled - pl ease see th e next secti o n.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Getti ng t o Kn ow Y our P restige 1-5 1.4 Prestige 1600 and Prestige DSL Clients DSL clients su itable fo r the Pr estige 1600 are shown in the following t able.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 2-1 Chapter 2 Prestige 1600 Applications This chapter shows you some applications of the Prestige 1600. 2.1 Multi Purpose Concentrator The Prest ige 1600 is a hig hly fle xible, h igh- speed Internet acce ss solu tion.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 2-2 Init ial Set up For Interne t access wi th the P160 0 in standa lone mode, y ou can connect a broadb and devic e such a s a DSL modem or cable m odem to the Etherne t port.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 2-3 Figure 2-3 Deployed at an ISP A few examples of poss ible config urat ions for these depl oyments a re shown nex t. 2.2.4 Configuration Example One Figure 2-4 A Very High Capacity Concentrator 2.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 2-4 Init ial Set up Figure 2-5 High Capacity Concentrator 2.2.6 Configuration Example Three Depending on y our requir ement y ou can vary the num ber of Prestige 1600 sec ondaries a s shown next . Figure 2-6 Medium Capac ity Concentrator 2.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 3-1 Chapter 3 Initial Setup This chapter shows you how to per form initial setup using the SMT. 3.1 Initial Scre en When you powe r on your Pres tige 160 0, the router p erform s severa l inte rnal tests and in itia lizes the ports.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 3-2 Init ial Set up 3.2 Navigating the SMT Interface The SMT (Sy stem Managem ent Term inal) is th e inte rface that y ou use to c onfigure y our Prestige. Several o perat ions tha t you shou ld be f amilia r with be fore you attem pt to m odify the config uration a re lis ted in Table 3-1.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 3-3.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 3-4 Init ial Set up 3.3.1 P1600 Main Menu - Primary The SMT disp lays a g eneral Main Menu firs t. Once you co nfig ure the sy stem in Menu 1 - Gener al Setup you can see the P16 00 prim ary Main Menu, as shown next.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 3-5 99 Exit To ex it the SMT and return to a blank screen. 3.3.2 Secondary and Standalone Main Menu The SMT Mai n Menu for the secon dary and standa lone Prest ige m odels is as s hown next.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 3-6 Init ial Set up Figure 3-6 Menu 23.1 - Sy stem Security - Change Password Step 4. Enter y our new syst em password a nd press [EN TER] . Step 5. Re- type your new sy stem password fo r confirm ation and press [EN TER] .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Initial Set up 3-7 Figure 3-7 Menu 1 - Gener al Setup (Primary ) When you con figure th e Prest ige as a sec ondary or stand alone m odel ( C onf igur ati on Typ e field), y ou will see t he following screen .
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 3-8 Init ial Set up Field Descript ion Example Leave these entries at 0 .0.0.0 if a W AN DHCP s erver provid es them.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator WAN Port Setup 4- 1 Chapter 4 WA N P o r t Setup This section describes setting up your WAN port including Frame Relay. Select opti on 2 from the Mai n Menu by typing 2 at the m enu selection num ber prom pt.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 4-2 W AN Port Setup Figure 4-2 Configuri ng The WA N Port for PPP over HDLC To run PPP over HDLC directly without fram e relay, the Line Type f ield in Menu 2 .1.2 - Fra me Relay Setup must be se t to None .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator WAN Port Setup 4- 3 4.2.2 How T o Configure The W AN Port For Frame Rela y Go to menu 2, th en m ove the cursor to the Ed it Frame Relay Setup= fie ld, pre ss the [SPACEBAR] once to display Yes and th en press [EN T ER].
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 4-4 W AN Port Setup 4.3.2 DLCI The carr ier giv es you a DLCI (Data Link Connection I dentifi er) for ea ch fram e relay connection to a des tinat ion. Identifie rs can range f rom 1 to 991 w ith restrictio ns as shown in the following table.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator WAN Port Setup 4- 5 Figure 4-6 Menu 4.2 - Inter net Setup Frame Relay Options Table 4-4 Menu 4.2 - Internet Se tup Frame Relay Options Field Description Options/Exa mples Encapsu lation Be sure to use the encapsul ation m ethod required b y your IS P.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 4-6 W AN Port Setup Figure 4-7 Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile Figure 4-8 Menu 11.4 - Rem ote Node Frame Relay O pt ions The fields i n this table are the same as describ ed in Table 4-4 above . Menu 11.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Intern et Acce ss 5-1 Chapter 5 Internet Access This chapter shows you how to configure the Prestige 1600 p rimary and Prestige 1600 standalone for Internet access .
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 5-2 I nternet Access Configuration Type (Menu 1) P1600 IP address Por t numbers IP address ra nge assigned to DSL Clients (Menu 6.1) IDSL:16 ports 192.168. 253 .17 ~ 192. 16 8.25 3.3 2 Slot 2 ADSL/SDSL: 8 ports 192.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Intern et Acce ss 5-3 5.1.2 Standalone IP Pool When the Prestig e Configuration Type (M enu 1) i s set up as Standa lone and I nternet acces s is config ured through the E t hernet port, y ou have to m anually enter Ethe rnet TCP/IP info rmation using Menu 3.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 5-4 I nternet Access The Prestig e support s both I GMP v ersion 1 ( IGMP -v1 ) and IGM P-v 2 . At sta rt up, th e Prestig e queri es all directly connected ne tworks to g ather group m embership.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Intern et Acce ss 5-5 Field Descriptio n Example IP Policies You can a pply up to f our IP Po lic y sets (from twelve) b y entering t heir num bers separate d by comm as, e.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 5-6 I nternet Access Figure 5-2 Menu 4 - In ternet A ccess Setup Table 5-4 con tains ins truction s on how to conf igure y our Prestig e 1600 for I nternet access.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator DSL Port Setup 6-1 Chapter 6 DSL Port Setup This chapter explains how to edit DSL Port information. Use Menu 6 to configure the DSL ports. Se lect 6 from the Main M enu to en ter Men u 6 - Slot Selection . The Prestig e autom atically detects wh ich network m odule is inse rted in each slot.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 6-2 DSL Port Setup Figure 6-2 DSL Port Setup Table 6-1 DSL Port Setup Fields Field Description Option port # Refers to the DSL port number . The port num ber range changes accordin g to the conf iguratio n type an d network module t ype.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator DSL Port Setup 6-3 6.1 Port Usage Enter a port num ber to bring up the following m enu (for an I DSL m odule installed ). Figure 6-3 Menu 6.1 - Port Usage The follow ing table desc ribes fields in this m enu.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 6-4 DSL Port Setup Field Description Option Authen(tic atio n) Method This field sets the authentic ation m ethod for incom ing calls. You can choose Local or R ADIUS. The def ault for th is field is Local.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator DSL Port Setup 6-5 Figure 6-4 Example IDSL Por t Setup Configuration Figure 6-5 Example IDSL Por t Setup Scenario In this e xam ple, “ a” is a num ber be twee n 0 a nd 255 and i s not acc eptable entr y for an IP a ddre ss.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Remote Node Configuration 7-1 Chapter 7 Remote Node Confi guration This chapter shows you how to con figure the profile and TCP/IP parameters of a remote node. A remote node is requ ired fo r plac ing ca lls to a remote g atew ay.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 7-2 Remote Node Configur ation The follow i ng tab l e cont ains th e inst ructio ns on how to con f igure the Remote Node Pro file Menu for leas ed line s. Table 7-1 Remote Node Prof ile Menu Fields for Leased L ines Field Description Options Rem Node Nam e This is a required f ield.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Remote Node Configuration 7-3 Field Description Options defined . Once you have com pleted fi lling in Me nu 11.1.1 - Remote No de Profile , press [E NTER] at t he mess age “Press ENT ER to Confir m…” to s ave your c onfiguratio n, or pres s [ESC] at a ny tim e to cancel.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 7-4 Remote Node Configur ation Table 7-2 Remote Node PPP Options Menu Fields Field Description Option Select th e vendor -specif ic encaps ulation f or the li nk. The def ault is St andard PPP . Selec t Cisco PP P onl y when the rem ote gate way is a Cis co mac hine.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Remote Node Configuration 7-5 To config ure the TCP/I P param eters of a rem ote node, f irst conf igure the two fiel ds in Men u 11 - Remote Node Pro fil e , as shown. Ta ble 7-3 TC P/IP re lated fi elds in Menu 11 .
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 7-6 Remote Node Configur ation Field Description Option Multicas t Turn on/of f IGMP support and sel ect the ver sion from IGMP- v2/IGMP- v1/None. IGMP-v 2 IGMP-v2 None IP Policies You can a pply up to f our IP Polic y sets (from twelve) by entering their num bers s eparated b y commas , e.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Static Route 8- 1 Chapter 8 Static Route This chapter tells you how to configure static routes for the Prestige. 8.1.1 Basics If you wish to k now m ore about s tatic rou te basics , p lease read on. Sk ip to the Stati c Route Se tup section for the actual conf ig ura tion.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 8-2 Static Route To config ure an I P static route, use Menu 12 - IP Static Route Setup , as dis play ed next. Figure 8-2 Menu 12 - IP S tatic Route Setup Menu 12 - IP Static Route Setup No. Name No. Name No.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Static Route 8- 3 Choosing a sta tic route to edit pr oduces the f ollowing sc reen. Figure 8-3 Men u 12 .1 - Ed it IP Static R ou te The follow ing table desc ribes the fie lds for Menu 12.1 - E dit I P Static Route Se tup .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-1 Chapter 9 Network Address T ranslation (NA T) This chapter discusses how to configure NAT on the Prestige. 9.1 Introduction NAT (Network Address Transla tion - NAT, RFC 1631) is the transl ation of t he IP addres s of a hos t in a p acket, e.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-2 NA T 9.1.3 How NA T works Each packet ha s two addr esses - a source add ress an d a destina tion add ress. For ou tgoing packets, the I LA (I nside Local Address) is the source addr ess on th e LAN, and the I GA ( Inside Globa l Address ) is the sourc e addres s on the WAN.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-3 Table 9-1 NAT Mapping Types Type IP Mapping SMT abbreviation One-to-O ne ILA1 "# IGA1 1:1 Many-to-O ne (SU A/PAT) ILA1 "# IGA 1 ILA2 &quo.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-4 NA T Figure 9-2 A pplying NAT for Interne t A ccess The follow ing fig ure shows h ow you apply NAT to the rem ote node in Menu 11.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-5 9.2.2 Configuring NA T To config ure NAT, en ter 15 from the Main Me nu to bring up the fo llowing screen. Figure 9-4 Menu 15 NA T Setup 9.2.3 Address Mapping Sets and NA T Serve r Sets: Use the Address Mapping Sets m enus and submenus to creat e th e mapping table for transl ation.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-6 NA T Figure 9-6 SUA Address Mapping Rules The follow ing table explains the f ields in t his sc reen. Please n ote that the fi elds in this menu are r ead-on ly. The T ype, Lo cal an d Glo bal Star t/End IPs ar e normall y (not for this r ead-on ly men u) conf igure d in Me nu 15.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-7 Please note th at if the Set N ame fie ld is left bla nk, the e ntire se t will be delete d. Figure 9-7 First Set in Menu 15.1.1 The Ty pe, Loca l and Gl obal Start/ End IP s are c onfig ured in M enu 1 5.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-8 NA T N.B.: Save Set i n the Ac t ion fi eld me ans to save t he whole se t. You m ust do t his if you m ake a ny changes to the set - inc ludin g dele ting a r ule. No c hanges to the set t ake plac e unti l this ac t ion is taken.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-9 9.3 NA T Server Sets A NAT server se t is a li st of ins ide serv ers (be hind NAT on th e LAN) that you can m ake v isible to the ou tside world. Menu 15.2 - NAT Se rver Set s is use d to config ure these serv ers.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-10 NA T Press [EN TER] at the “Press EN T ER to con firm …” prom pt to sav e your con figuratio n after you define all the servers or pres s ESC at any time to c ancel. Th e mo st often used p ort num bers are shown in the fo llowing table.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-1 1 Figure 9-11 NAT Example 1 Figure 9-12 NAT Example for Interne t Access In Menu 4 choos e the S UA Only option fo r the Ne twork Address Translat ion field. This is a pre-config ur ed Many- to-One m apping discussed in section 9.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-12 NA T Figure 9-14 Specifying an Inside Sever 9.4.3 Example 3 - General Case In this exam ple, there are 3 I GAs from your ISP. Ther e are m any departm ents but two have t heir own F TP server. All departm ents shar e the sam e router.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-13 Step 1. You need to config ure Address Mapping Set 1 from Menu 15.1 - Address Mapping S ets. The refore y ou must choose the Full Feature o pt ion from the Network Address Transl ation field ( in Menu 4 or Menu 11.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 9-14 NA T Step 9. Enter 2 from this m enu and configure it as shown i n Figure 9-18 . Figure 9-18 Example 3 - M enu 15 .2 9.4.4 NA T Unfriendl y Application Programs Many applic ations, e.g., g aming prog rams are NAT unfr iendly because they em bed addressing inform ation in the data stream .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator NA T 9-15 Figure 9-19 Ethernet SUA Figure 9-20 A pplying NAT on the LA N Port To use the E t herne t port for I nternet A ccess, go to Men u 12 - IP St ati c Ro ute Setu p to set u p th e static d efaul t route using a P1600 standalone.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-1 Chapter 10 Filter Configuration This chapter shows you how to create and apply filter(s). 10.1 About Filtering Your Prestig e uses filter s to decide whether to allow pas sage of a data pa cket an d/or to m ake a call.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-2 Fi lt er Configuration Start Fetch First Filter Set Fetch First Filter Rule Active? Execute Filter Rule Fetch Next Filter Rule Next filter Rule A.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-3 10.3 Configuring a F ilter Set To configure a filter se ts, follow the proced ure bel ow: Step 1. Enter 21 from the M ain Men u to open Menu 21 - Fi lte r Se t Co nfi gura tio n. Figure 10-3 Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration Step 2.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-4 Fi lt er Configuration Figure 10-4 Menu 21.1 - F ilter Rules Summary 10.3.1 Filter Rules Summary Menu These scr eens show a summ ar y of the e xisting rules in an exam ple filter set. The follow ing tables con tain a brie f descrip tion of the abb reviation s used in Menu 21.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-5 A bbreviations Description Display [F] m eans to forward the pack et imm ediately and s kip chec king the rem aining rules if an y. pack et. [D] means to drop the pack et. [N] means check the next rule.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-6 Fi lt er Configuration enabled, the inside I P address an d port number are replaced on a con nectio n- by-connection ba sis, w hich m akes it impossibl e to k now the exac t address an d port on the wir e.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-7 Figure 10-6 Menu 21 .1.1 - T CP /IP F ilte r Rule The follow ing table desc ribes how to config ure your TCP/I P filte r rule. Table 10-4 TCP/IP Filter Rule Menu Fields Field Description Option Filter # This is the filt er set, filt er rule co-ordi nates, i.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-8 Fi lt er Configuration Field Description Option Destinati on: Por t #. Equal Source: IP Addr Enter the s ource IP Ad dress of the pack et you wish to f ilter. This field is a ignor ed if it is 0.0.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-9 Packet into IP Filter Matched Matched Yes Action Matched Action Not Matched More? No Filter Active? Check IP Protocol Drop Drop P.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-10 Fi lt er Configuration Figure 10-8 Menu 21.1.2 - D evice Filter Rule The fo llowing table d escribe s the fields in the D evice Fi lter Ru le Menu . Table 10-5 Device Filter Rule Menu F ields Field Description Option Filter # This is the filt er set, filt er rule co-ordinat es, i.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-1 1 Field Description Option Both - All pack ets will b e logged. Both Action Matched Sel ect the acti on for a m atching pack et. Check Next Rule Forward Drop Action Not Matched Sel ect the acti on for a pac ket not m atching the r ule.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-12 Fi lt er Configuration 10.6.2 Remote Node Filters Go to Menu 11.1 (shown nex t ) and en ter t he num ber(s) of t he fi lter s et(s) as appropr iate. You can s pecify up to four filt er sets by entering their num bers sep arated by com mas.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-13 Figure 10-11 FTP_WAN Filter Configuration Create two fil ter ru les in Menu 21.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 10-14 Fi lt er Configuration Rule 2- block the inboun d FTP pack et, TCP (06) protoco l with port n umb er 21 Figure 10-13 Filter Rule Con figuration Check if th e filte r rule s have be en corr ectly config ured using the M enu 21.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Filter Configur ation 10-15 Apply the f ilte r set in Menu 11. 1 - Remote Node Profile. Put th e filter set num ber 2 to th e Inp ut P roto col Fil ter Set for ac tiv ating th e F TP_WAN filte r. Figure 10-15 Remote Node Profile Menu 11.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator SNMP Configuration 11 - 1 This chapter explains how to configure SNMP. 11.1 About SNMP SNMP (Simple Ne twork Man agem ent Protocol) is a pro tocol used f or exchang ing m anagem ent inform ation between network devices .
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 11 - 2 SNMP Configurat ion Managem ent I nformation Bas e (MI B) is a collection of manag ed object s. SNMP allows m anager and agents to comm unicate for the purp ose of a ccess ing thes e objec ts. SNMP itself is a sim ple request/respo nse p rotocol ba sed on th e m anager/ag ent m odel.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator SNMP Configuration 11 - 3 Figure 11-2 Menu 22 - SN MP Configuration The follow i ng table desc ribes the SNMP con f igura t ion pa rameter s.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 11 - 4 SNMP Configurat ion Port 2 : PVC 1 Port 3 : PVC 2 Port 4 : PVC 3 Port 5 : xDS L 1 Port 6 : xDS L 2 … Port 36 : xD SL 32 Please note that xDSL ref ers to t he type of ne twork module installed, i.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator RADIUS Support 12-1 This chapter discusses the s ystem password and RADIUS authentication. The first s tep towa rds ensu ring se curity is chang ing your sy stem password from the defau lt valu e to y our person al password.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r RADIUS Support 12-2 12.2 RADIUS Support This sec tion show s you to con f igure user authentica tion and account ing using an extern al RADIU S server.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator RADIUS Support 12-3 Figure 12-3 RADIUS Authentication Example 12.3.2 The Key Field The “key ”, or password, mu st match tha t in the client file in the RADIUS server ’s /etc/raddb direc tory, as shown in the fo llowing exam ple: # Client Name Key #------------------------- 192.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r RADIUS Support 12-4 The early deploy ment of RADI US was done using the chose n port num ber 1645. Currently, th e offi cially assigned port num ber for RADI US is 1812. So, che ck the po rt num ber used by your RADI US server befor e config uring it in the Pres tige.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator RADIUS Support 12-5 authentica tion serv er, or on a separa te host. RADI US accounting can b e configured in Menu 24.3.2 - Syste m Maintenanc e - Exte rnal Serve r as shown n ext. Figure 12-5 Menu 24.3.2 - Sy stem M ai ntenance - Accounting Server These fi elds ar e explained in the follow ing table.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r RADIUS Support 12-6 The follow i ng tab l e desc ribes the accou nting attribut es mentio ned in t he abov e exam ple.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Remote Management 13-1 Chapter 13 Remote Managem ent This chapter discusses Telnet and re mote management of the P restige using NAT. 13.1 About T elnet Before the Pr estig e 1600 is p roperly se tup for TCP/I P, the only op tion for config uring it is thro ugh the console po rt.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Remote Managem ent 13-2 13.3 T elnet Capabi lities 13.3.1 Single Administrator To prevent confus ion and discr epancy on the con figurat ion, y our Prestig e only a llows one a dminist rator to log in at any tim e.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Remote Management 13-3 The I SP assigns an I P address of a.b.c.1 to the Pre stige prim ary and IP address es of a.b. c.2 to a. b.c.5 to the P r estig e secondary units. The p rivate I P addresses for the prim ary and secondaries a re 192.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Remote Managem ent 13-4 Figure 13-5 A ddress Mapping Rule Summary Step 4. Save the rule back to the P r est ige, then g o to Me nu 4 to ap ply th is newly config ured set. Figure 13-6 Apply the New NAT Set Step 5.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator System Information and Maintenance 14-1 Chapter 14 System Inform ation and Maintenance This chapter provides information about the diagnostic tools that help you maintain your Prestige.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r System Information and Maintenance 14-2 Figure 14-2 Menu 24.1 - Sy stem Maintenance - Status 14.1.1 W AN/LAN Status Type “1” in Menu 24.1 to enter Menu 24.1.1 f or deta iled WAN/ LAN Stat us. Figure 14- 3 Menu 24.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator System Information and Maintenance 14-3 Field Descrip tion System Up Tim e Displa y s the total e lapsed tim e your s ystem has bee n running. Current T ime Displa y s the c urrent tim e accor ding to ho w you have the tim e set in Menu 24.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r System Information and Maintenance 14-4 (*) ind icates the port y ou can res et (p ress “b”) or dro p (pres s “d”) th e coun ters. Press “i” to m ove the asteri sk to th e preceding port and “ j” to the next po rt.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator System Information and Maintenance 14-5 Len T his is the len gth of the s ubnet m ask (24 bits = 255.2 55.255.0) Device This is the ph ysical de vice. Enet0 is Ether net. Gatewa y This is the g ateway IP addr ess or t he remote n ode nam e.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r System Information and Maintenance 14-6 14.2.1 Console Port Speed You can chang e the con sole po rt speed s throug h Menu 24.2.2 - Console Port Sp eed . Your Prestige sup ports 96 00 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200b ps for the conso le port.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator System Information and Maintenance 14-7 Examples of typica l erro r and in formation m essages a re prese nted in the fig ure below.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r System Information and Maintenance 14-8 14.4 Diagnostic The diag nostic facility allows y ou to te st the d iffe rent as pects o f your Pr estig e to determ ine if it is wo rking properly .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator System Information and Maintenance 14-9 14.5 Boot Module Commands Prestige boo t module comm a nds are show n below. For ATBAx, x denot es th e number pr eceding the co lon to g ive the speed fo llowing the colon in the list of num bers that follows; e.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r System Information and Maintenance 14-10 For more det ailed in form ation, r efer to th e list of CI comm ands appended at the end o f this g uide, check the ZyXEL Web site. Figure 14-13 Command Mode 14.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-1 Chapter 15 Configurati on & Firm ware Maintenance This chapter describes how to backup and restore your configuration file as well as upload new firmware and a new configuration file.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-2 Figure 15-1 Internal and E xternal Filenames Table 15-1 Filenames Internal Fil ename Descriptio n Extern al Filename FTP Command Example rom- spt The rom -spt f ile is the user configur ation fi le.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-3 15.2 Backup Configurati on 15.2.1 Backup using FTP To trans fer the con figura tion f ile using FTP to y our workstat ion, fol low the ins tructions as shown in the fo llowing screen.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-4 You can perform the backup eithe r through F T P or TFTP (pref erred method s as they are fast er) or th rough the RS- 232 console por t (if th e network is down).
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-5 Figure 15-6 Menu 24.6 as seen using Telne t 15.3.2 Restore using TFTP Even thoug h TFTP should work over WAN a s well, it is no t recommended. To u se TFTP, your wo rkstat ion must have both telnet and TFTP cl ients.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-6 Step 3. Click Transfer in the Hyper Terminal m e nu bar, th en Send File from the drop- down m enu. Step 4. Enter the config uration f ilenam e on your com puter.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-7 Figure 15-10 Menu 24.7.1 as seen using Telnet 15.4.3 Example - Using the FTP command f rom the DOS Prompt Use “put” to transfe r fi les from the wo rkstat ion to the Pr estig e, e.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-8 15.4.4 Upload Prestige Firmware using TFTP To use TF TP, your work statio n m ust have both telne t and TF TP client s. Follow step s 1 to 4 a s outlined p revious ly in 15.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-9 Figure 15-12 Menu 24.7.1 as seen using the Console Por t. You ca n type ' atur' t o uploa d ras c ode to the P1 600 main bloc k as atur = atum.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-10 Figure 15-13 Menu 24.7.2 as seen using Telnet 15.5.2 Upload Prestige Configuration File using TFTP To use TF TP, your work statio n m ust have both telne t and TF TP client s.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Configuration & Firmware Maintenance 15-1 1 Step 1. Click Transfer in the Hyper Terminal m e nu bar, th en Send File from the drop- down m enu. Step 2. Enter the config uration f ilenam e on your com puter.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator IP Policy Routing 16-1 Chapter 16 IP Policy Routing This chapter explains IP Policy Routing and helps you to configure IP Policy Routing. 16.1 Introduction Traditiona lly, rou ting is ba sed on th e destination add ress only and the router tak es the shorte st path to forw ard a packet.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 16-2 IP Policy Routing Menu 25 shows a ll th e polic ies de fined. Figure 16-1 Menu 25 - IP Rou ting Policy Setup To setup a routing policy , follow the p rocedu re below: Step 1. Enter 25 in the M ain Men u to open Menu 25 - IP Routing Policy Setup.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator IP Policy Routing 16-3 Table 16-1 IP Routing Policy Summary Abbreviat ion Mean ing Criteria SA Source I P address SP Source port DA Destinati on IP addres s.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 16-4 IP Policy Routing Table 16-2 IP Routing Policy Field Descrip tion Polic y Set Name This is the nam e of the pol icy s et assigne d in Me nu 25 - IP Routing Pol ic y Setup . Active Pr ess the sp acebar to s elect Yes to activ ate the polic y.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator IP Policy Routing 16-5 You can choose up to four I P Policy sets (fr om twelve) by entering their num bers separated by comm as, e.g., 2, 4, 7, 9. Figure 16-4 Ethernet IP Po licies 16.3.2 DSL IP Routing Policies Go to Menu 6.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 16-6 IP Policy Routing Figure 16-6 Example of IP Po licy Routing To force Web pack ets com ing from clients wi th IP addres ses of 1 to 192.168.25 5.32 to be routed to the Intern et via the WAN port of the P1600, follow the steps m entioned next.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator IP Policy Routing 16-7 Step 1. Create a routing policy set in Men u 25. Step 2. Create a rule fo r thi s set i n Menu 25.1 - IP Routing Policy as sh own next. Figure 16-7 IP Routing Policy Example Step 3. Check Menu 25.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r 16-8 IP Policy Routing Figure 16-9 Apply ing IP Policies Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP Ethernet Setup TCP/IP Setup: IP Address= IP Subnet Mask= RIP Direction= Both Version= RIP-2B Multicast = IGMP-v2 IP Policies= 1,2 Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL: Press Space Bar to Toggle.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator T roubleshoot ing 17-1 Chapter 17 T roubleshooting 17.1 Problems Starting Up the Prestig e 16 00 Table 17-1 Troubleshooting the Start-Up of your Prestige 1600 Troubleshooting Corrective A ction None of the L EDs are on whe n you power on the Prestig e 1600.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r T roubleshoot ing 17-2 17.4 Problems w ith the LAN Interface Table 17-4 Troubleshooting the LA N Interface Troubleshooting Corrective A ction Check the Ethernet L ED on the f ront panel of your Prestig e 1600.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator CI Commands A CI Commands Use M enu 24 .8 to enter com mand line m ode. Ple ase refer to t he secti on 14.6 Command Interpreter Mode fo r details a bout the S MT m enu. The follo wing tabl e describ es the s yntax used to c onfigur e your Pres tige using Comm and Interfac e (CI) comm ands.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r B CI Commands CI Command Options Description filter disp Display filt er stati stic c ounters clear Clear filter statist ic co unter sw [on|off] hostn.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator CI Commands C CI Command Options Description debug <level> Enable/di sable roadru nner serv ice 0: diable <de fault> 1: enable restart <iface.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r D CI Commands DSL related C I Commands CI Command Options Description xdsl cnt disp chann name|s cc2|s cc4 Display idsl chann el/line counter clear ch.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator CI Commands E IP re lated C I Command s CI Command Options Description ip address display host i p addre ss arp add <host id> ether <ether addr>.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r F CI Commands ifconfig display ifconfig ping <hostid> ping r emote host pong <hostid> [<size> <time- interval>] pong r emote h.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator CI Commands G trace [on|off] turn on/off trace for debugging window [size] TCP input w indow size tftp stats support udp status.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r H CI Commands Ethernet Related CI Command CI Command Options Description ether config disp lay LAN c onfigura tion inf ormation driver cnt disp <c .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Glossary I Glossary 10BaseT The 10-Mbps bas eband Et hernet s pecific ation that uses two pairs of twisted-pair cabling (Category 3 or 5): one pair for transmitt i ng dat a and the other for receivi ng data.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Glossary J are divided into i ncoming and outgoing fil t ers, depending on the direction of the packet relative to a port. Data filteri ng can be applied on either the WAN side or the LAN side. DCE Data Communications E quipment is typically a modem or other type of communication device.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Glossary K FCC The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is in charge of all ocating t he electromagnetic spectrum and thus t he bandwidth of vari ous c ommunication systems. Filters Your Prestige uses filters to decide whether to allow passage of a data packet and/or to make a call.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Glossary L recommendations about telephone and data (including fax) communications sys t ems for service providers and suppl i ers. LAN Local A rea Network is a shared comm unication system t o which many c omputers are attached.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Glossary M RADIUS Acc ounti ng This f aci l ity logs i nform at i on about dial -i n connections . It can be used independently of RADI US Authentic ation. It allows data to be sent at the start and the end of sessions, indi cating the amount of resources (t ime, pack e t s, byt es, etc.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r Glossary N Terminal A device that al lows you to send c ommands to a c omputer somewhere els e. At a mi nimum, this usually means a keyboard and a displ ay screen and some simpl e circui try.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Index O Index A Acct-Session-Id, 12-6 Acct- Status-T ype, 12-6 Ac tion Matched, 10-4 ADSL (Asym metric DSL), xix ANSI (America n National Sta ndar ds Instit ute), 4-2 Authentic ation, 7- 2 Method, 6-4 Outgoing, 7- 3 B Boot Mo dule C omm ands, 14- 9 C CHAP , 7 -2 CI Commands.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r P Index Abbre viations , 10-5 Device Filter Rule, 10- 9 Executing a Filter Rule, 1 0-1 IP Abbre viations , 10-5 Logic Flow of an IP Filter , 10- 8 Mor.
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Index Q Seconda ry , 3-5 Summ ary , 3-4 Management Information Base (MIB), 1 1-2 MDU, 2-1 Metric, 7- 5 My W AN Addr , 5- 6, 7-5 N NAS- Port, 12- 6 NAS-Port-.
Prestig e 1600 Univ ersal Ac ces s Concentrat o r R Index S SDSL (Sy mmetric D SL), xix Seconda ry , 1-3 Security , 1- 2 Serve r , 3-7, 9-2, 9- 3, 9-4, 9-6, 9-8, 9-10 , 9-12 Single Us er A ccount, 5-6 slot 3, xvii SMT .
Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator Index S V VT10 0, 17- 1 W W AN Port Setup, 4-1 Z ZyNO S, 9-4, 1 5-8, 16-1 ZyXEL Limited W arranty , iii.
デバイスZyXEL Communications 1600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ZyXEL Communications 1600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZyXEL Communications 1600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ZyXEL Communications 1600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ZyXEL Communications 1600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ZyXEL Communications 1600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZyXEL Communications 1600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ZyXEL Communications 1600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZyXEL Communications 1600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。