BiostarメーカーiDEQ 200Nの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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M7NBA BIO S Setup i BIOS Setup ....................................................................................... 1 1 Main Menu .................................................................................................... 3 2 Standard CMOS Features.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 1 BIOS Setup Introdu ction This manua l discussed A war d™ Setup pr ogra m built i nto the ROM BIOS. The Setup progra m a llows use rs to m odify the basic sy stem c onfig uration. T his spec ial inf orm ation is then stored in batte ry-bac ked RAM so that it retains the Setup information w hen the pow er is turned of f.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 2 PCI Bus Su pport This A WARD BIOS a lso suppo rts Ver sion 2.1 of the Intel PCI ( Periphe ral Com ponen t Interconn ect ) l ocal bus sp ecification . DRAM Suppo rt DDR SDR AM (D ouble Da ta Rate Sync hronous DRA M) are support ed. Supported CPU s This AW ARD BIOS supports the A MD ® CPU.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 3 1 Main Menu Once you e nter Aw ard BIOS™ CMOS Se tup Util ity, the Main Me nu will a ppear on the scre en. The Main Men u all ows you to s elec t from se ver al setup func tions. U se the arr ow keys to select a mong the i t ems and p r ess <Enter> to accep t and enter th e sub-menu .
M7NBA BIO S Setup 4 Input/ Output f eature s. Pow er M anage ment S etu p This s ubme nu allow s you to c onf igure the pow er m anagem ent fe atures. PnP/PCI Configuration s This s ubme nu allow s you to c onf igure c ertain “ Plug a nd Play ” a nd PCI optio ns.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 5 Set User Passw ord If the Superv isor Passw ord is not se t, then the User Password w ill function i n the sam e way as the Supe rvis or Pass word. If the Supe rvisor Passw ord is set and t he Use r Passw ord is set, the “Use r” w ill only be able to vie w c onfigura tions but w ill not be able t o change the m.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 6 2 Standard CM OS Feature s The item s in Sta ndard C MOS Se tup Me nu are div ide d into 10 c ate gorie s. Each c ateg ory includes no, one or m ore than on e setup item s. Use the arrow keys to hig hlight the ite m a nd then use t he<PgUp> o r <PgDn> keys to sel ect the valu e you want i n each it em.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 7 Main M enu Selectio ns This ta ble show s the se lections tha t y ou can ma ke on the Main Me nu. Item Options Description Date mm : dd : yy Set the system date. Note that the ‘Day’ a utomatical ly changes w hen you se t the date.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 8 Item Options Description Halt On All Errors No Errors All , but Keyb oard All, but Diske tte All, but Disk/ K ey Select the si tuation in whic h you w ant the BIOS to sto p the POST proce ss and notify you. Base Memory N/A Displays th e amount of convention al memory detected during boot up.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 9 3 Advanced BIOS Feat ures Figure 3. Advan ced BIOS S etup Boot Seq & F lo ppy Setup First/ Secon d/ Third/ Boot Ot her Device These BIOS atte mpt to l o ad th e op erating syst em fro m th e d evice i n the seq u ence selected in these it ems.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 10 Cache Setup External Cac he This opt ion y ou to enable or disa ble “Lev el 2” s econda ry cache on the CPU, whic h may improv e per forma nce.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 11 The Cho ice s: 250 (default) , 500, 750,100 0. Security Option This option will ena ble o nly indi viduals w ith pa sswords to bring t he sy stem online and/or to use the CMOS Setup Utility . Sys tem A passw ord is required f or the sy stem to boot a nd is also required to access the Setup Utility.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 12 4 A dvanced Chipset Features This sub menu allo ws y ou to configure th e specific featu res of the ch ipset inst alled on your system. This chipset manag e bus speed s and access to system memor y resources, su ch as DRAM. It also coordina tes com munica tions with the PCI bus.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 13 CPU Interface Optimal (De fault) This item allows y ou to use the m ost stable CPU/ FSB param eters. Aggressive This ite m allow s you to us e ov ercl ocked C P U/ FSB pa ram eters . Memory Frequency Selec t “Auto” for be st per form an ce.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 14 AGP Spread Spectrum This item allows y ou to select the AGP Spread Spectrum . The Cho ices : 0.5% (De fault). Frame Buffer Size This item allows y ou to select the Fram e Buffer Size . The Choices: 32M (Defa ult), 8M, 16M, 64M, 128M, Dis able d.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 15 Video RAM Ca cheable Enabling this option a llows caching of the vide o RAM, resulting a be tter system perf orma nce. H oweve r, if any progr am wr ites to this mem ory are a, a sy stem error m ay result. The Ch oices: Disabled (d efau lt), Enabl ed.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 16 5 Integrate d Peripherals Figure 5. Integrated Peripherals IDE Functio n Set up The c hipset conta ins a PCI IDE inter face w ith support for tw o IDE cha nnels. Select “En abled” to activate th e first and / or second IDE interface.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 17 IDE Pri mary / S econdary Master / Sl ave UDM A Ultra DM A/100 f unctionali ty can be im plem ented if it is support ed by the IDE hard driv es in y our sy stem . As well, y our oper ating e nvironm ent re quires a DMA driver (Window s 95 O SR2 or a third pa rty IDE bus mast er driv er).
M7NBA BIO S Setup 18 Init Display First This ite m allow s y ou to decide t o a ctive whethe r PCI Slot or on-c h ip VGA firs t. The Choices: Onboard/A GP, PC I Solt (default). OnChip USB This item allows y ou to set the onchip USB. The Ch oices: V1.1+V2.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 19 chip. The Choices: Normal, ASKIR, IrDA (default). RxD, TxD Active This ite m a llows you to deter mine whic h Infra red (IR ) func tion of onboard I/O chip. The Choices: Hi / Lo (def ault), Hi / Hi, L o / Hi, L o / Lo. IR Transmission Delay This item allows y ou to enable/ disable IR tra nsmission dela y.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 20 The Cho ices : 201 ( defa ult), 209, D isable d. Mi di P or t Addre ss Midi Port Base I/O A ddres s. The Cho ice s: 330 ( def ault), 300, 290, Dis abled.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 21 6 Pow er Management Setup The Pow er Mana gement Se tup Me nu all ows y ou to conf igure your sy st em to utilize e nergy conser vation a nd p owe r up/pow er dow n fe ature s. Figure 6. Power Mana gement Setup ACPI function This item displa ys the status of the Adv ance d Config uration and Power Manag ement (ACPI).
M7NBA BIO S Setup 22 There are four opt ions of Pow er Manag eme nt, three of whic h have f ixed m ode settings Min. Pow er Savi ng Minimum pow er mana gement. Suspen d Mode = 1 hr. HDD Power Down = 15 min Max. P o wer Savin g Maxim um pow er m anagem ent only available for s l CPU’s .
M7NBA BIO S Setup 23 Soft- Off state when the sys tem has “hung .” The Choices: Delay 4 Sec, Instant-Off (default ). WOL (PME#) From Soft-Off This item allows y ou to enable or disable the WOL (PME#) From Sof t-Off. The Choices: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 24 7 PnP/PCI Configurations This s ection de scribe s conf igur ing the PCI bus s y stem . PCI, or Perso nal Com puter Interconn ect, i s a system which allo ws I/O devices t o op erate at speeds nearin g the sp eed of the CPU its elf us es w hen communica ting w ith its ow n specia l com ponents.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 25 non-P nP ISA add-on card s. PCI / ISA PnP si gnifies that a reso urce is assigned to the PCI Bus or provide s f or ISA PnP a dd- on cards and peri phera ls.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 26 8 PC Health Sta tus Figure 8. PC Health S tatus Current CPU Temperature Show y ou the current C P U tem perat ure. Current JCFAN1 Speed This field di splays the curren t CPUFAN1 speed. Current SYSFAN Speed This field di splays the curren t SYSFAN speed.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 27 Show H/W M onitor in PO ST If you c omputer conta in a m onitoring system, it will show PC healt h status during POST stag e. The item offers sev eral delay time to select y ou want.
M7NBA BIO S Setup 28 9 Frequenc y Control Figure 9. Frequency Co nt ro l CPU Voltage Regulator This item allows y ou to select C PU Voltage Re gulator. The Choices: Default (default), -0.025 V, -0.050 V, -0.075 V, -0.1 00V, +0 .025V, + 0.050V, +0.
デバイスBiostar iDEQ 200Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Biostar iDEQ 200Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBiostar iDEQ 200Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Biostar iDEQ 200Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Biostar iDEQ 200Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Biostar iDEQ 200Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBiostar iDEQ 200Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Biostar iDEQ 200Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBiostar iDEQ 200Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。