Black BoxメーカーKV9804Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Sh are a h igh r esol ut ion Dis pla yPo r t vid eo disp la y , st ereo a udi o , US B k e yboa rd, mouse and two o ther US B de vic es b etween u p to fo ur s yst ems . Y o u can swi t c h per ip he r al s i n un ison o r mi x th em se pa ra te ly be t we en th e syste ms t o s ui t yo ur i mme di at e need s.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 2 T r ademark s U sed in this M anual Black Box a nd the Double Diamond logo are register ed trademarks, and Ser vSwitch is a tr ademark, of BB T echnologies, Inc. Mac is a registered tr ademark of Apple C omputer , Inc.
FC C and IC RFI S tatemen ts 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 3 Feder al Comm uni cati ons Comm ission a nd Industr y Canad a Radi o F requency Interferenc e S tatements This equipmen t genera.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 4 Ins trucciones d e Seguridad ( Norma s O fici ales M exicanas E lec trical S afet y Statement) 1 . T odas las instruc ciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas ant es de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
T able of Co ntents 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 5 Contents 1 . Spe cific ations ..............................................................................................................................................................
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 6 1 . Spec if icat ions Approvals: C E, FC C Hardware C ompatibility: All compute rs w ith Displ ayPor t video interfaces and .
Cha pter 2: Over vi ew 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 7 2. O ver view Thank you for choosing the S erv Swit ch ™ W izard DP USB ( K V98 04 A) w hic h offers high quality video s witch ing ( DisplayPort 1 . 1 compli ant) together with ind ividual shari ng of peripheral s bet ween up to f our comput ers.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 8 2. 1 Wiza rd DP USB f eat ures The Wizard DP USB unit is housed withi n durable , metallic enclos ure with all c onnec tors situ ated at the rea r panel. The smart front f ace featu res the contr ol buttons and the operation indi cators.
Cha pter 3: Ins tal lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 9 3. Inst al lat ion 3. 1 Mount ing the modu les – de sk or r ack The Wizard DP USB unit can be situa ted on a desk or alternat ively , for larger in st all ations, moun ted within an option al rack moun t chassis.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 10 3. 2 Connections C onnections do not need to be carried out in the order given within thi s guide, ho wever , where possible connect the pow er in as a final ste p.
Cha pter 3: Ins tal lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 11 4 Vide o monitor : A t tach the Displa yPor t lead from the video monitor t o the connector within the user con sole area.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 12 3. 2.2 Computer connec ti ons Each comput er sy stem is c onnec ted t o the Wizard DP USB using u p to three cables. 3.2. 2. 1 Connecting a c omputer sys te m 1 Ensur e that power is d isconnected from the Wizard DP USB unit a nd the sy stem t o be connec ted.
Cha pter 3: Ins tal lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 13 4 5V 2.5A INDOOR USE ONLY OPTIONS USER CONSOLE USER CONSOLE 3. 2.3 Power con nec tion The Wizard DP USB unit is s upplied with a 1 2 .5W power adapte r . There is no on / off s witch on the u nit, so operation begins as soon as a power adapter is c onnec ted.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 14 3.2. 4 Opti onal remote control The optional remot e contr ol unit can be used to provide dir ec t push button acc ess to any c hannel fr om your desktop.
Cha pter 3: Ins tal lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 15 3.3 Synchron iz ing multip le unit s T wo Wizard DP USB units can be connec ted t ogether so that they operate i n a sy nch roniz ed manner .
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 16 3.4 Channel switching by ex ternal control The OP TI ONS por t featur ed on ever y Wizard DP USB allo ws ex ternal con tr.
Cha pter 3: Ins tal lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 17 3.4. 2 Control by R S -232 s erial Where the ex tern al contr ol is via RS - 23 2 signal , ensur e that the c onfigur ation menu option is set t o or t o enable RS - 23 2 contr ol.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 18 4. Configur ation 4. 1 Using the conf igur ation menu The configur ation mode allows you to determi ne numerous a spec t s of the Wizard DP USB un it capabilities.
Chapter 4 : Configur ation 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 19 4. 2 General c onfig urat ion 4. 2. 1 Cha ngi ng hotk eys Wizard DP USB units use and as their standard ho tkeys. These can be changed if they cl ash with o ther soft ware or hard - ware within the ins tallation.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pa g e 20 4. 2.4 OP TIONS por t ch annel c ontro l behav ior Y ou can determine ho w the OP TI ONS por t responds to chan nel contr ol inputs. 4. 2.4. 1 T o de fine t he OP TIONS por t beha vior 1 Ente r the C onfigur ation menu.
Chapter 4 : Configur ation 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 21 4. 2.6 Mi scel lan eous functions 4. 2.6. 1 T o reset con fig ura ti on to f ac tor y def aults 1 Ente r the C onfigur ation menu. 2 Press to en ter the Fun ctions m enu 3 Press and then .
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 22 4. 3 Per for ming up grades The Wizard DP USB unit is fu lly upgradeable via flas h upgrade. S uch upgrades requi re a Windows- based comput er sy stem to be link ed via the OPTIONS por t.
Chapter 4 : Configur ation 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 23 5 - Run the KV M Firmwa re Uploader utility From that f o lder , select the K V MUploader icon to run the upgrade util ity .
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 24 7 - Selec t the upgrade file t o be used From the mai n K VM Firmware Uploader dialog, clic k the B r o w s e ... but ton and select the upgrade file . The upgrade file details will be displa yed within the di alog.
Cha pter 5: Operat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 25 5. Ope ra t ion 5. 1 Selecting a compu ter There are fo ur main wa ys to switch the common periphera ls to specific comput er chan .
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pa g e 26 5. 1 .2 Selec ti ng a comp uter usi ng hotkeys Using ho tkey c ombination s, you can quickly switch the k eybo ard , video monitor( s) , mouse and speak er s and US B peripherals t o any c omputer channel .
Cha pter 5: Operat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 27 5. 1 .2. 3 Add iti ona l hotk ey pr ess combi nat ions In addition to the standard hotk ey press combination s (shown lef t), you can also add additional k eypresses in order to determine which periphera ls are switched: 1 Simultaneously press and hold and .
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pa g e 28 5. 1 . 3 Selec ti ng a computer using the mouse but tons Using the mou se but ton s, you can quickly switch the k eyb oard , mouse, video monitor(s ), speakers and / or USB peripher als to an y computer ch annel.
Cha pter 5: Operat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pa g e 29 5. 1 .4 Locki ng acc ess to the c omputers When privac y is requ ired, you can lock ac cess to the connected compute rs v ia the u nit. 5. 1 .4. 1 T o loc k the un it 1 Simultaneously press and hold and (or other hotk eys, if altered).
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 3 0 5. 2 Au tos c anni ng When enabled, the aut oscan mod e switches betwe en the c onnec ted comp uters in sequence . This is useful t o allow you t o sample acti vity among the connected computers.
Cha pter 5: Operat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P a g e 31 5.2. 2 T o selec t an aut os can per iod 1 Ente r the C onfigur ation menu. 2 Press and then press either : to choose Autoscan disa.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pa g e 32 63 TXD RXD 22 GND GND A . 1 C able pin - out s The OP TI ONS por t uses a 1 0p 1 0 c socket whic h can accommodat e both 1 0 p 10c connectors as well as the much more c ommon 8p8 c con nec tors, which are used on E thernet leads and pat ch cables.
Ap pe ndice s 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo P ag e 33 A .2 Safe t y Inform ation • Fo r use in dr y , oil free indoor envi ronments only . • Do not use to link bet ween buildings. • N ot suitable for use in hazardous or explosive environmen ts or nex t to highly flammable materia ls.
Ser vSwit ch ™ Wiz ard DP U SB 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo Pag e 3 4.
72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo About Bl ack Bo x Black Box Network Ser vices is your sourc e for an extensive ra nge of networking and infr astruc tur e product s.
デバイスBlack Box KV9804Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Black Box KV9804Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBlack Box KV9804Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Black Box KV9804Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Black Box KV9804Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Black Box KV9804Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBlack Box KV9804Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Black Box KV9804Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBlack Box KV9804Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。