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w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 1 Indoor Mini Dome & Indoor Mini Fisheye Dome Hardware Manu al D91, D92, E91, E92 , E93, E94, E95, E96, E97, E98 V er .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 2 T able of Contents Precautions 4 Safety Instructions ........................................................................... 6 Introduction 7 List of Models ....................................................
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 3 Using DHCP Server to Assign IP Addresses ................................ 29 Using the Default Camera IP Address .......................................... 31 A cces s the Camera ..................................
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 4 Precautions Read these instructio ns Y ou should r ead all the safet y and operating instruct io ns before using this pro duct. Heed all warnings Y ou must ad here to all the warnings on the product and in the i nstructi on m anual.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 5 Federal Communic ations Commission Statement This equipment has been tested and foun d to com ply with the limi ts for a class B digital device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are designed to provide r easonable protection ag ainst harmf ul interf erence in a residential installation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 6 Safety Instructions Cleaning Disconnect this video prod uct from the po wer supply before cleaning. Attachments Do not use attachments not recom mended b y the video product m anufacturer as they m ay cause hazards.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 7 In troduction List of Models This hardware m anual contains the follo wing models : D91 1MP Indoor Mini Dom e with Fixed lens D92 3MP Indoor Mini Dom e with Fixed.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 8 Package Contents Camera (Mini Dome) Camera (Mini Fisheye Dome) Screw Kit Drill Template Hexagon Screwdriver Lens Focus Tuner (Not available in E93, E96, and E97 m.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 9 Physical Descri ption Mini Dome Mini Fisheye Dome.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 10 1) Ethernet Port The Ethernet port c onnects to a network using an Ether net cable. 2) Reset Button The Reset B utton is used to restore the f actory default set tings of t he c amera, including the administrator ’s pass word.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 11 Installation Procedure s Before mounting the c amera, rem ove the dome cover b y loosening t he three (3) s crews. NOTE: Som e models have st y r ofoam inside the d ome cover which is used t o protect the le ns during shipping.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 12 Installing the C amera on a Surface 1. Mark the location of the scr ew holes base o n the drill t emplate included in the pack age. NOTE: Depending on the surface where y ou will install the camera, it ma y be necessar y to drill three (3) holes with φ 3.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 13 3. Use the cam era bod y and locate the t hree (3) scre w holes. 4. Install th e camer a body to the ceiling us ing the three ( 3 ) screws included in t he cam era package. NOTE: Please m ake sure the scr ew is flat on the plate .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 14 5. Conn ect the Ethernet c able to the Ethern et port of the cam era. 6. Adjust th e cam era viewing angle and focus . See How to Adjust the V iewing Angle and Focus on page 21 . NOTE: Not applica ble to E96 m odel.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 15 Installing the Camera o n a Gang Box In case the cam era has to be installed on a g ang box, use the ga ng box converter below to install your cam era.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 16 Step 1: Install the Gang Box Before installation, no te that the gang b ox must be inst alled with either of the f ollowing orientation: Screw Holes from Left t o Right Screw Holes from Right t o Left 4” Round 4” Octagon 1.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 17 Step 2: Install the Gang Box Converter 1. Route the network cable to pass through the hole of the gang box con verter . 2. Install th e gang box convert er onto the gang box us ing the scre ws included in the gang box package.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 18 Step 3: Connect the Cable Connect the network cable to the Ethern et port of the cam era. Step 4: Install the Camera 1.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 19 Step 5: Connect to Network On the network side, connect the other end of the network cable to a network switch. See Basic Connections on page 20 for m ore information.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 20 Basic Connections Follow the procedures b elow to connect the cam era to the net work . Please use a Po E (Power ov er Ethernet) supported switch or injector: 1) Connect your IP Camera to the PoE Switch / Injector us ing an Ethernet cab le.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 21 Other Adjustments and Accessories How to Adjust the Vie w ing Angle and Focus NOTE: The following procedures are not applicable to E96 ( Mini Fishe ye Dome) cam eras. 1. Loosen the three (3) screws to remove the dom e cover .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 22 3. Adjust th e focus. NOTE: Not applica ble for E 93 / E97 m odel because the cam era is already pre-f ocused. a. Attach the f ocus tuner (incl uded in the cam era pack age) on the lens and adjust the focus of the lens.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 23 How to Rotate the Vie w ing Orientation (E96 / E 98) This section describes the procedures in rotating the viewing orientation of Mini Fishe ye Dome cameras. 1. Open t he dome cover . 2. Loosen the screw as m arked below .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 24 How to Replace the Dome Co ver For more disc rete surveillance needs, t he pre- installed dome cover can be replac ed with a smoked , non - vandal proof dome cover . The smoked dom e cover is an optional accessor y; contact your sales agent to purchase.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 25 3. Rem ove the ring from the cover . 4. Insert rin g to the new dom e cover and latch it to th e cover body ..
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 26 How to Replace the Lens ( D91 / D92 onl y) For wider v iewing angle, the bundled lens can be replaced with the optional IR -com patible lens. Contact your sales age nt to purchase. T o replace the lens, f ollow the procedures below: 1.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 27 4. Rem ove the transparent pl astic from the replacem ent lens. 5. Attach the spr ing to the repl acement lens. 6.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 28 7. Attach the lens focus tuner when the tip of the lens is difficult to hold then turn it clock wise or counter-clock wise to adjust the cam era focus . See How to Adjust the V iewin g Angle and Focus on page 21 for more inf ormation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 29 Accessing the Camera Configure the IP A ddresse s In order to be able to communicate with the camera from y o ur P C , both the cam era and th e PC have to be within the s ame network segm ent.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 30 By double-click ing with th e left mouse on the cam era m odel, it is possible to autom atically launch t he default browser of th e PC with the IP ad dress of the t arget camera filled in the address bar of the bro wser already .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 31 Us ing the Default Camera IP A ddress If there is no DHCP server in the given network, the user ma y have to assign the IP ad dresses to both PC and cam era m anually to make sure they are in the s ame network segment.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 32 Manually adjust the IP addresses of mu ltiple came ras: If there are m ore than 1 c am era to be use d in th e sam e local area network and there is no DHCP server to assign uni que IP addresses to each of them, all of the cam eras would the n ha ve the initial IP a ddress of 19 2.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 33 Access the Ca mera Now that the cam era and the PC are both ha ving their unique IP addresses an d are under the same network s egment, it is possible to use the W eb brow ser of the PC to access the camera.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 34 The follow ing examples in this m anual a re based on Internet Explorer brow ser in order to cover all functions of t he camera.
Copyright © 2014 , ACTi Corporation, A ll Rights Reser ved 7F , No. 1, Alle y 20, Lane 407, Sec. 2, Ti-Ding Blvd., Neihu D istrict, T aipei, T aiwan 1 14, R.
デバイスACTi D91の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ACTi D91をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはACTi D91の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ACTi D91の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ACTi D91で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ACTi D91を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はACTi D91の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ACTi D91に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちACTi D91デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。