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U ser Manual Wir eless C able/DSL Router.
i T able of C ont ents 1I nt ro duc tion 1 P ack age Contents 1 M inimum System Requir ements 1 Router F eatures 2 T echnical Suppor t 4 2C onnecting the Router 5 Ethernet Connection 5 USB Connection .
ii Ac tion tec Wir eless-Ready DSL Gatewa y User Manual AS pecifications 39 G eneral 39 Wireless Operating Range 40 Envir onmental 40 BC onfiguring T CP/IP 43 Windows 95, 98, and Me 43 Windows NT 4.
1 Intr oduc tion Thank you for pur chasing the Ac t ion te c W ireless Cable/DSL Rout er . This R outer is the simplest way t o connect a n umber of comput ers to a single high-speed broad- band modem. This easy-to-use pr oduct is perf ect for the home office or small business.
2 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Router F eatures The Rout er has a series of informational LED s (lig hts) on its front panel, and a variet y of ports on its rear panel. It is r ecommended that the user bec ome familiar w ith these features befor e installing or setting up the Router .
3 Chapter 1 Introduction Wireless LED Wh en the W ireless LED gl ow s steadily , the Router is r eady for wireless network- ing. L AN LED The LAN LED gl ow s g reen when the R outer is succ essfully connect ed to a co m- puter with the yello w (Ethernet) cable.
4 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual C able/DSL P or t The R ed port is used to connect the R outer to a cable or DSL modem with an Ethe rn et cable. USB Port The Purpl e po r t is used t o c o nnect the R ou t er t o a c o mpu t e r on the home net- wo rk w ith the Purple (Ethernet) cable.
5 C onnec ting the Router The Rout er can be physically c onnected t o the compute rs in two ways: by Ethernet cable, or USB cable, as well as wirelessly . Select the t y pe of c onnection and follow the instructions. Et hernet Connection 1. Start up the computer .
6 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual USB C onnec tion 1. Start up the computer . 2. Co nnect the square plug of the purple cable to the port labeled “ USB ”o n the back of the Rout er . Connect the rectangular plug of the blue cable to a USB port on the co mputer .
7 Basic Setup This section is a guide through a basic configuration of the R0ut er , including how to co nnect the Rout er to the ISP . Basic Setup To co nfigure the rout er for basic operation: 1. Open the W eb bro wser . I n the address bar , enter http://192.
8 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. Co mplete the three st eps listed in the “Basic Setup ” screen, then click N ext . 5. Select either DSL Option 1 , DSL O ption 2 ,o r Cable (depending on what kind of br oadband ser vice is recei ved) in the “Br oadband Connection ” screen , then click N ext .
9 Chapter 3 Basic Setup 6a. If DSL Option 1 is sele ct ed ,e nter the user name and password pr ovided by the ISP in the “DSL Br oadband Connection - PPP oE” screen. Click N ext . 6b . If DSL O ption 2 is selected, go directly to st ep 7. DSL Option 2 should only be selected if the R outer cannot c onnect using DSL Option 1 6c.
10 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 8. The “C ongr atulations” scr een appears. The Rout er is successfully c onfigured. The pow er LED flashes rapidly while the Router r estar ts, then glows steadily green when fully operational.
11 Ad v anc ed Setup This section contains information c oncerning advanced c onfiguration, such as wi re less settings, remote management, and W eb site blocking. Acc essing A dvanc ed Setup To acc ess the A dvanc ed Setup configuration screens, follow these instructions: 1.
12 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. In the next screen, read the r ecommendations. T o perform an advanced setup on the Rout er , c lick Beg in Ad vanced Setup . 5. The “C onfiguring the A dvanced Settings” scr een appears. T o check all the set- tings, or if unsure of which settings to modify , select N ext .
13 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup Af te r selecting a connection ty pe, click N ext to co ntinue co nfiguring the connection. Obtain an IP Addr ess through PPP oE Select this option to allo w the Router t o use the P oint-to-P oint ov er Ethernet pro- toc ol.
14 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual User Name and Password If a Us e r N ame and P assw ord was enter ed during Basic Setup, it should be dis- play ed in the “Br oadband Connection via PPP oE ” screen. If not, ent er the informa- tion now .
15 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup Specify a Static IP A ddress Select this option if assig ned a static (specific) IP A ddress b y the Int ernet Serv ice Prov i der ( ISP) . Enter the IP A ddr ess , along w ith the Sub n et M ask and Default Gateway A ddress (also provided by the ISP ), in the “Br oadband Connection via Static IP A ddress ” screen.
16 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual ESSID ESSID is the network name assigned to the wireless network. The factory default setting is “ A CTIONTEC .” Althoug h Ac t ion te c recommends k eeping the default value intact, the ESSID value can be modified, using an y combination of alphanu- meric characters (i.
17 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup 64-bit WEP 64-bit WEP re quires four separate keys. Each key comprises fiv e hexadecimal digit pairs. A hexadecimal dig it consists of an alphanumeric char acter ranging from 0-9 or A -F . An example of a 64-bit WEP ke y is: 4E-A3-3D-68-72.
18 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Wir eless MA C A uthentication Selecting Wi re less MA C A uthentication in the “ Ad vanced Configuration ” screen generates the “W ireless MA C A uthentication ” screen. Here, the user can manage the acc ess other w ireless networking devices hav e on the wireless network.
19 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup L AN IP Addr ess Selecting LAN IP A ddress in the “ Ad vanced Configuration ” screen generates the “ LAN IP A ddress” screen. The value in the LAN IP A ddress te xt bo x is the IP address of the Router as seen on the network.
20 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Ac t ion te c strongly recommends lea ving the DHCP Ser ver option On .I f the DHCP Ser ver option is Off ,e nsure the IP addresses of the networked co mputers are on the same subnet as the IP address of the Router .
21 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup DNS Ser v er 1 - the primar y DNS ser ver pro v ided by the I nternet Ser vice Pr ovider ( ISP) .I f the ISP provided DNS ser ver informa- tion, enter it her e. If not, leav e the text bo x intact. DNS Server 2 - the secondary DNS provided by the Int ernet Serv ice Prov i der ( ISP) .
22 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Netmeeting To allow the c omputers on the R outer’ s network to ac cess N etmeeting, ent er the Ne tm eeting IP address in the IP te xt bo x, then select On .I fN etmeeting is not needed, select Off .
23 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup VPN Pass T hrough Selecting VPN P ass Through in the “ A dvanced Co nfiguration ” screen generates the “ VPN P ass Through ” screen. T o set up V ir tual Privat e N etworking ( VPN ) using IPS ec/ L 2 TP (which allo ws multiple, client-initiated VPN pass-through sessions), select On .
24 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Po rt Fo rw arding Selecting Po r t F o r warding in the “ A dvanced C onfiguration ” screen generates the “P or t Forwarding ” screen.
25 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup DMZ Hosting Selecting DMZ H osting in the “ A dvanced Co nfiguration ” screen generates the “ DMZ H osting” screen. T o use DMZ hosting, ent er the IP address of the computer on the network to be used as a DMZ host in the “ DMZ H ost IP A ddress ” text bo x, then click On .
26 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Fi re w all Selecting Firewall in the “ Ad vanced Configuration ” screen generates the “ Fir ewall Securit y Level ” scr een. Select the level of securit y needed for the network. See Ap pendix E for details concerning each level of secur ity .
27 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup Static Routing Selecting Static Routing in the “ A dvanced Settings ” screen generates the “Static Ro uting” screen. Enter the addresses in their r espectiv e text bo x es, then click Add . The address will appear in the “Static R outing T able.
28 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Status Af te r configuring the Router , settings can be v iewed by selecting Status in the M ain M enu.
29 Chapter 4 Adv anced Setup 2. Fr om the Setup/Configuration screen, select Change Admin Passw ord . 3. The “C hange A dmin P assword” screen appears. Enter the new passwor d in the “N ew P asswor d” te xt bo x, then enter it again in the “R e-enter N ew P asswor d” text bo x.
30 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual.
31 Utilities To acc ess the Router’ s utilities select Ut ilit ies from the “Main M enu ” screen. The “U tilities” screen appears. Fr om here, the W eb activ ity log can be v iewed, the R outer’ s factory default setting s r estored, and the Router’ s firm ware upgraded.
32 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Restore Default Settings To r estore the R outer to its fact or y default settings, select R estore Default Settings from the “U tilities” screen. W hen the “R estore Default Settings ” screen appears, click R estore Default Settings .
33 Tr oubleshooting This chapter c ontains a list of problems that ma y be encounter ed while using the Ro uter , and solutions t o ov ercome the pr oblem.
34 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL User Manual If still disconnect ed, click Setup at the top of the page and go through the Basic setup to c onfigure the r outer for your c onnection to the I nternet. Mak e the appropriate selections for DSL/Cable, Ethernet/USB and Us er name/P asswor d.
35 Chapter 6 Tr oubleshooting 3. Click Adv anced and in the “Pr opert y” list find an entr y for speed or media ty pe and click it to highlig ht it. T o the rig ht of that should be a “V alue” drop down menu. Click on the drop do w n arrow and then click on A uto , Au t oselect, or A uto sense in that menu.
36 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL User Manual O ther Problems L AN Connection F ailure Ensure the R outer is properly installe d, the LAN connections ar e correct, and the pow er is on. Co nfirm the computer and R outer ar e on the same network segment.
37 Chapter 6 Tr oubleshooting Unable to get an IP address from Cable/DSL Modem. Ensure the R outer is pr operly connected t o the compute r and is plugged in. Tu rn off the cable/DSL modem and wait a few seconds. T ur n the modem back on, wait for it to go thr oug h its self-test, then check for the IP address.
38 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL User Manual.
39 Specifica tions G eneral Model Number GE344000-01 (Single-P ort W ireless Cable/DSL Rout er) Standards IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT) IEEE 802.3u (100BaseTX) IEEE 802.
40 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Modem User Manual Wir eless Opera ting Range Indoors Up to 30M (100 ft.) @ 11 Mbps Up to 50M (165 ft.) @ 5.5 Mbps Up to 70M (230 ft.) @ 2 Mbps Up to 91M (300 ft.) @ 1 Mbps Outdoors Up to 152M (500 ft.) @ 11 Mbps Up to 270M (885 ft.
41 App endix A Specifications.
42 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Modem User Manual.
43 C onfiguring T CP/IP To co nfigure comput ers using operating systems other than W indow s XP (for W indows XP instructions, see “Before Connecting ”), choose the operating system and follow th.
44 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. Select TC P/IP from the “The following network components ar e installed” list bo x, then click Prop er t ies .I f T CP/IP is not listed, add it by clicking Add … and following the prompts.
45 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 6. Select Gatewa y .I f there is an IP address in the “I nstalled gatewa ys” list bo x, click on it, then click Re mo ve .
46 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 7. Select DNS Co nfiguration , then click Disable DNS . 8. Select WINS Co nfiguration . Ensure U se DHCP for WINS R esolution is acti- vated, and Disable WINS R esolution is not activated.
47 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 9. Click OK and, in the “N etwork ” window , select Id entificat ion . The “I dentification ” tab contains three t ext bo x es: Co mputer N ame - Enter the name of the compute r (i.e., M yComputer , J ohn, CPU654) in this text bo x.
48 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 11. The “S ystem Settings Chang e” w indow appears. Click Ye s to r estar t the com- puter . ☞ No te :I f the “S ystem Settings Change ” w indow does not appear , r estar t the comput er manually after c ompleting step 10.
49 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 3. Wh en the “N etwork ” w indow appears, select Id entificat ion . 4. In the “Identification ” tab, enter a Co mput er N ame (if needed) and Wo r k gr oup in their r espectiv e text bo xes. 5. R estart the computer .
50 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 7 .I n the “N etwork Serv ices ” list bo x, ensure the following serv ices are list ed: Co mputer Bro wser , RPC Co nfigurat ion , Server , and Wo r kstation .T hese ser vices should be present after a T CP/IP installation.
51 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 8. Select Prot ocols and v erify TC P/IP Pro t ocol is listed in the “N etwork Pr otoc ols” list box. If not, add it b y clicking Add … and following the prompts. 9. Select TC P/IP Prot ocol in the “Netwo rk Prot ocols ” list bo x and click Prop e r t ies .
52 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 10. Wh en the “Micr osoft T CP/IP” w indow appears, select IP A ddress . 11. Click Ob tain an IP A ddress from a DHCP Se r ver .
53 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 12. Select WINS A ddress and verify the only entr y in the “ Adapter” list bo x is the E thernet adapter installed in the comput er . 13. Select Ro ut ing ,v e r ify Enable IP For warding is not checke d, then click OK to re tur n to the “N etwo rk” w indow .
54 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 14. Wh en the “N etwork” window appears, click A dapt ers and ve r ify the installed E thernet adapter is listed. If the card is not listed, add it by clicking A dd… and following the prompts.
55 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 15. Click the B indings tab, select All Ser v ices from the “ Show Bindings for” drop- down list, and verify T CP/IP is bound to the Ethernet adapter , as shown below .
56 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 17. Select All A dapters from the “ Show Bindings for” drop-down list in the “Bindings” tab and expand all entries shown by clicking the plus signs ( + ).
57 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 18. R estart the computer . After the c omputer restarts, verify the settings. Click Star t , Pro g r ams and Co mmand Prompt .A t the command pr ompt, enter: ipconfig /all Ve r ify an IP addr ess was recei ved, then close the w indow .
58 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 3. Fr om the “N etwork and Dial-U p Connections ” w indow , double-click Local Area Co nnection Status .
59 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP 5. In the “C onnect using” text bo x of the “Local A rea Connection P roperties” w indow , the Ethernet adapter used by the Local Area C onnection is display ed.
60 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. Wh en the Inte rnet Prot ocol ( T CP/IP ) Pr oper ties window appears, ensure both Ob tain an IP address aut omatically and Ob tain DNS ser ver address auto- matically are activated. If not, click their respectiv e radio buttons.
61 App endix B C onfiguring T CP/iP Macintosh The Rout er suppor ts both the Classic Macint osh operating systems (9.2.1 and below), as well as OS X . ☞ No te :W hen installing an y software, consult the user manual and help files supplied with the software for detailed information.
62 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. Select U sing DHCP Server fr om the “C onfigure ” drop-do w n list. 5. Ensure the “U se 802.3” option is not che cked. 6. Disregar d any addr esses in the IP A ddress t ext bo x es. They w ill be reac quired when the first connection is made.
63 Sharing F iles and Pr inters The Rout er suppor ts file and printer sharing , allowing any c omputer on the net- wo rk to share files and access a shar ed printer . T o co nfigure file and printer shar- ing, select the operating system and follo w the instructions.
64 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 4. In the “Select Netw ork Component T y pe” window , select Se r v ice in the “Click the ty pe of network component y ou want to install” list box, then click A dd… . 5. The “Select N etwork Serv ice ” window appears.
65 App endix C Sharing F iles and Printers 7. The “N etwork ” w indow reappears. Select Id entification . The “I dentification ” tab contains three t ext bo x es: Co mputer N ame - Enter the name of the compute r (i.e., M yComputer , J ohn, CPU654) in this text bo x.
66 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 8. Select Co nfiguration .I n the “Primar y Netw ork Logon ” list box, ensure Client for Microsoft N e tworks is selected. If not, select it from the dr op- down list, then click OK . 9. The “S ystem Settings Chang e” w indow appears.
67 App endix C Sharing F iles and Printers 11. Right-click the file or dr iv e to share. In the pop-up menu that appears, select Sharing . 12. Select Shared As from the “File Share Scr een Properties” windows and enter a name in the “Shar e N ame” text bo x.
68 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Fu l l - Allo ws other users on the network to read, modify , mov e, and delete an y information in the selected file or drive. Shar ing privileges can be r estricted by entering a passwor d in the “Full A cc ess P asswor d” text bo x.
69 App endix C Sharing F iles and Printers Depends on P assword - Allo ws both read-only and full ac cess on the shared file or driv e. The level of access depends on the passw ords enter ed in the “R ead-Only P assword” and “Full A ccess P assword” te xt box es.
70 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual W indo ws 2000 1. Af te r configuring the computer (including installing and c onfiguring the net- wo rk adapter), W indows 2000 automatically enables file and print sharing. The only item to be c hecked is the c omputer and wo rkg roup names.
71 App endix C Sharing F iles and Printers 4. In the “W orkgroup ” text bo x, enter the netw ork name. This name m ust be the same on ever y comput er on the network. Click OK . 5. The “N etwork Pr operties” w indow appears. Click OK , and restart the comput er .
72 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 5. To allow other users t o access the c omputer without giv ing out the owner name and owner passwor d, select Us ers and Groups , then Ne w Us e r . 6. Wh en the “N ew U ser” w indow appears, enter the N ame and P assw ord of the user in their respecti ve te xt bo x es.
73 F inding the MA C A ddress This appendix explains ho w to determine the MA C address of an Ethernet adapter installed on a comput er . Select the operating system and follow the instructions. W indo ws 95, 98 1. Click Star t , then Ru n . 2. The “R un ” window appears.
74 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual W indo ws 2000 1. Click Star t , Prog r ams , A cc essories , Co mmand Pr ompt . 2. Wh en the “C ommand Pr ompt” w indow appears, enter : ipconfig /all then press Enter on the k eyboard. 3 A list of information about the Ethernet adapter appears.
75 Glossar y Acc ess Point A dev ice that allo ws wireless clients to connect t o one another . An access point can also act as a bridge between w ireless clients and a “wired” network, such as an Ethernet network. W ireless clients can be mo ved an ywhere within the co ver- age area of the access point and re main connected t o the network.
76 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Fi re wa l l Pr ev ents users outside the netw ork from acc essing and/or damaging files or co mputers on the network. Gat ew a y A dev ice that manages the data traffic of a network, as well as data traffic to and from the I nternet.
77 App endix E Glossary Subnet Mask A set of four numbers configur ed like an IP addr ess used to creat e IP address nu mbers used w ithin a particular network only . T CP/IP ( T ransmission C ontrol P rotocol/Internet P rotocol) The standard pr otocol for data transmission ov er the Inte rnet.
78 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual.
79 Notic es Regulatory Complianc e Notices Class B Equipment This equipment has been tested and found t o comply with the limits for a Class B digital dev ice, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are designed to pro v ide reasonable pr otection against harmful interferenc e in a residential installa- tion.
80 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual 2. This dev ice must ac cept an y interfer ence rec eived, including interferenc e that may cause un wanted operation.
81 Limited W arr anty Har d ware : Ac t ion te c Elect ronics, Inc., warr ants to the end user (“ C ustomer”) that this hard ware product will be free fr om defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and ser v ice, for twelve (12) months fr om the date of purchase from Ac t ion te c Elect ronics or its authorized r eseller .
84 Ac tion tec Wir eless Cable/DSL Router User Manual Gov erning L aw :T his Limited W ar rant y shall be gov erned by the la ws of the State of California, U .S.A., ex cluding its conflicts of laws and principles, and ex cluding the U nited N ations Con vention on C ontra cts for the Int ernational Sale of Goods.
デバイスActionTec GE344000-01の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ActionTec GE344000-01をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはActionTec GE344000-01の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ActionTec GE344000-01の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ActionTec GE344000-01で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ActionTec GE344000-01を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はActionTec GE344000-01の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ActionTec GE344000-01に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちActionTec GE344000-01デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。