Bosch AppliancesメーカーX10 SNの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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VideoJet X10 SN Network Video Server en Installation and Operating Manual.
VideoJet X10 SN.
Vide oJ et X10 SN Table of Cont ents | en 3 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 T able of Contents 1P r e f a c e 7 1.1 About this Manual 7 1.2 Conventions in this Man ual 7 1.3 Intended Use 7 1.4 EU Directives 8 1.
4 en | Table of Cont ents Vide oJ et X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.19 Advanced Mode: Encoder Profile 46 5.20 Advanced Mode: Audio 49 5.21 Advanced Mode: Storage Management 50 5.22 Advanced Mode: Remote Video Device 52 5.
Vide oJ et X10 SN Table of Cont ents | en 5 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 8.3 Malfunctions with iSCSI Connections 106 8.4 LEDs 107 8.5 Processor Load 108 8.6 Network Connection 108 8.7 Serial Interface 108 8.
6 en | Table of Cont ents Vide oJ et X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems.
VideoJe t X10 SN Preface | en 7 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 1P r e f a c e 1.1 About this Manual This manual is intended for persons responsibl e for the installation and operation of the VideoJet X10 SN.
8 en | Preface VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 1.4 EU Dir ective s The VideoJet X10 SN network vi deo server complies with the requirements of EU Directives 89/336 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) an d 73/23, amended by 93/68 (Low Voltage Directive).
VideoJe t X10 SN Sa fe t y In for m at i on | e n 9 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 2 Safety Information 2.1 Electric Shock Hazard – Never attempt to connect the unit to any powe r network other than the type for which it is intended.
10 en | S a fe t y I nfo r ma t io n VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems.
VideoJe t X10 SN Product Descrip tion | en 11 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 3 Product De scription 3.1 Scope of Deliver y – VideoJet X10 SN network v.
12 en | Product Descrip tion VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 3.2 Sy stem R equirements General Requirements – Computer with Windows XP.
VideoJe t X10 SN Product Descrip tion | en 13 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 3.3 Over view of F unctions Network Video Server The VideoJet X10 SN is a compact network video server for a connected video source.
14 en | Product Descrip tion VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Remote Control For remote control of exte rnal units such as pa n or tilt heads for came ras or motorized zoom lenses, control data is transmitte d via the VideoJet X10 S N's bidirectional serial interface.
VideoJe t X10 SN Product Descrip tion | en 15 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Summary The VideoJet X10 SN provides th e following main functions: – Vid.
16 en | Product Descrip tion VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 3.4 Connections on the F ront Panel 1U S B inte rface for future expansion of functions 2V i d e o I n video input BNC socket for connecting the video source 3 Audio In audio line input 3.
VideoJe t X10 SN Product Descrip tion | en 17 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 3.5 Connections on the Rear Panel 7E T H RJ45 socket for connecting to an E.
18 en | Product Descrip tion VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems.
VideoJe t X10 SN Installation | en 19 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 4 Installation 4.1 Preparations Please ensure the following installation conditions: – Do not install the unit close to heaters or other heat sources.
20 en | Installation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 4.3 Connections Camera You can connect a video source to the VideoJ et X10 SN. Any cameras and other video sourc es that produce a standard PAL or NTSC signal are suitable.
VideoJe t X10 SN Installation | en 21 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 1. Carefully slide the CF card, top side do wn, into the slot as far as it will go.
22 en | Installation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Relay Outputs The VideoJet X10 SN has four relay outputs for switching external units such as lamps or alarm sirens. You can operate these relay outputs manually while there is an active connection to the VideoJet X10 SN.
VideoJe t X10 SN Installation | en 23 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Backup Power Supply If the VideoJet X10 SN doe s no t have a permanent power supply, it may be necessary to supply the internal clock separ ately.
24 en | Installation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 4. 4 Powe r O n /Powe r O f f Power Supply The VideoJet X10 SN does not have a power s wit ch. Power is supplied via a separate unit. Connect the VideoJet X10 SN to the power s upply un it and plug this into the mains.
VideoJe t X10 SN Installation | en 25 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Configuring the VideoJet X10 SN You can start the Configuration Manager immediately after installation. 1. Double-click the icon on the desktop or st art the program via the Start menu.
26 en | Installation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 27 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5 Configuration Using a W eb Brow ser 5.1 Connecting The integrated HTTP server in the VideoJet X10 SN provides you with the option to configure the unit over the network with a Web browser.
28 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Establishing the Connection Before you can operate the VideoJet X 10 SN within your network, it must have a valid IP address for your network and a compatible subnet mask.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 29 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Protected VideoJet X10 SN If the VideoJet X10 SN is password .
30 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Starting Configuration X Click the SETTINGS link in the upper section of th e win dow. The Web browser opens a new page with the configuration menu.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 31 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.3 Basic Mode: Unit Access Device name You can give the VideoJet X10 SN a name to make it easier to identify.
32 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems The highest authorization level is servi ce . After entering the correct password, you can access all the functions of the VideoJet X10 SN and change all configuration settings.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 33 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Time server type Select the protocol that is supported by the selected time server. Preferably, you should select the SNTP server as the protocol.
34 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.6 Basic Mode: Encoder Pr ofile Active profile You can select a profile for encoding the video signal.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 35 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.7 Basic Mode: Audio You can set the gain of the audio signals to suit your specific requirements.
36 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.9 Basic Mode: Sy stem Ov er view The data on this page are for information purposes only an d cannot be changed.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 37 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 The device name is used for the remote identifi cation of a unit, in the event of an alarm for example. For this reason, enter a name that makes it as easy as possible to quickly identify the location.
38 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.11 Advanced Mode: Passw ord A VideoJet X10 SN is generally protected by a password to prevent unau thorized acces s to the unit.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 39 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.12 Advanced Mode: Dat e/Time Date format Select your required date format.
40 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8. If there are empty lines at the bottom of th e table, for example after deletions, you can add new data by marking the row and selecting required values from the list fields.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 41 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Display milliseconds If necessary, you can also display milliseconds . This information can be useful for recorded video images; however, it does increase the processor's computin g time.
42 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Company logo Enter the path to a suitable graphic if y ou want to replace the manufact urer's logo. The image file can be stored on a local computer, in the loc al network or at an Inte rnet address.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 43 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 On this page you can adapt the LIVEPAGE functions to your requirements. You can choose from a variety of different options fo r displaying information and controls.
44 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Path for JPEG and MPEG files 1. Enter the path for the storage location of individual images and video sequences that you can save from the LIVEPAGE .
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 45 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 for the internal PLL as a result of jitter effects caused by th e mechanical components of a VCR. 5.18 Advanced Mode: Picture Set tings You can set the video image of the camera to su it your requirements.
46 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.19 Advanced Mode: Encoder Pr ofile For the video signal encoding, you can select a code algorithm for each and two profiles, and you can change the presets for the prof iles.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 47 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 – High resolution (4CIF/D1) High resolution for high bandwi.
48 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Target data rate You can limit the data rate for the VideoJet X10 SN to optimize utilization of the bandwidth in your network.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 49 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Video quality This setting allows you to adjust the image quality. The Auto option automatically adjusts to the optimum combination of movement and image definition (focus).
50 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Line In 1 You can set the line input gain. Make sure that the display does not go beyond the green zone during modulation.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 51 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 video servers.
52 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems means that you can record the standard data stream on a hard drive and record ala rm images on the mobile CF card, for example.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 53 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 IP Address Enter the IP address for the remote video device. 1. If you do not know the IP address, click the Network Scan button.
54 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 2. If necessary, click the De fault button to return all settin gs to their default values. 3. Click the Copy Settings button if you want to copy the currently visible settings to other profiles.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 55 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Recording includes You can specify whether, in addition to vi deo data, audio data and metadata (for example alarms, VCA data and serial data) should also be recorded.
56 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.25 Advanced Mode: Recording Sche duler The recording schedu.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 57 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Holidays You can define holidays that are not in the standard weekly sche dule on which recordings are to apply.
58 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.26 Advanced Mode: Recording S tatus Certain details on the recording status are di splayed here for info rmation purposes.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 59 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 By setting Follows input 1 the unit maintains the connection that has been automatically established for as long as an alarm exists on alarm input 1.
60 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Video output If you know which unit is being used as the re ceiver, you can select the analog video output to which the signal should be switched.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 61 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.28 Advanced Mode: V CA The VideoJet X10 SN contains an integrated video content analys is (VCA), wh ich can detect and analyze changes in the signal on the basis of image processing.
62 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.29 Advanced Mode: V CA Pr ofiles You can configure two profiles with different VC A configurations. You can save profiles on your computer's hard drive and lo ad saved profiles from th ere.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 63 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 3. Click the Save... button to save the profile settings to another file. A new window is opened, in which you can specify where you wa nt to save the file and what name you want to save it under.
64 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Sensitivity (MOTION+ only) The basic sensitivity of the motion detector ca n be adjusted for the en vironmental conditions to which the camera is subject.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 65 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Global change You can set how large the global change in th e video image must be for an alarm to be triggered. This setting is independent of the sensor fields selected under Select Area .
66 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 3. Left-click the fields to be activate d. Activated fields are marked yellow. 4. If necessary, click Select All to select the entire vi deo frame for monitoring.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 67 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 1. Click the profile you want to link in the Time periods field. 2. Click in a field in the table, hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor over all the periods to be assigned to the selected profile.
68 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.31 Advanced Mode: V CA Ev ent T riggere d This configuration allows you stipulate that the vi deo content analysis is only to be activated when triggered by an event.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 69 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Trigger active Select the VCA configuration here that is to be enabled via an active trigger. A green check mark to the right of the list field indicates that the trigger is active.
70 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Name The name makes it easier to identify the alar m in exte nsive video monitoring systems, for example with the VIDOS and Bosch Video Management System programs.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 71 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Mail server IP address Enter the IP address of a mail server that op erates on the SMTP standard (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
72 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.34 Advanced Mode: Alarm T ask Editor As an alternative to the alarm settings on the various alarm pages, you can enter your desired alarm functions in script fo rm here.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 73 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.35 Advanced Mode: Alarm Inputs You can configure the alarm inputs of the VideoJet X10 SN. Alarm input Select Active high if the alarm is to be triggere d when the contact closes.
74 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Operating mode Select an operating mode for the relay. For example, if you want an alarm-activated lamp to stay on after the alarm ends, select Bistable .
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 75 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.37 Advanced Mode: CO M1 You can configure the serial interface paramete rs (orange terminal block) to meet your requirements.
76 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.38 Advanced Mode: Network The settings on this page are used to integrate the VideoJet X10 SN into an existing network.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 77 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Autom atic IP assignm ent If a DHCP server is employed in the network for the dynamic assign ment of IP addresses, you can activate acceptance of IP addresses au tomatically assigned to the VideoJet X 10 SN.
78 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems You can activate and configure encryption of the media data (v ideo, audio and metadata) on the Encryption page (see Section 5.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 79 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Force registration now You can force the registration by transferring the IP address to the DynDNS se rver. Entries that change frequently are not prov ided in the Domain Name System.
80 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems SNMP The VideoJet X10 SN supports the SNMP V2 (Simple Ne twork Management Protoco l) for managing and monitoring network components , and can send SNMP messages (traps) to IP addresses.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 81 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.40 Advanced Mode: Multicasting In addition to a 1:1 connect.
82 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Port Assign a different port to each data stream if there are simultaneous data streams at the same multicast address.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 83 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 File name You can select how file names will be created for the individual imag es that are transmitted.
84 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.43 Advanced Mode: Maint enance Firmware The VideoJet X10 SN is designed in such a way that its functions and parameters can be updated with firmware.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 85 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Upload 1. Enter the full path of the file to upload or click Browse to select the required file. 2. Make certain that the file to be loaded comes from the same unit type as the unit you want to configure.
86 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 5.44 Advanced Mode: L icenses You can enter the activation key to release additional fu nctions or softwa re modules.
VideoJe t X10 SN Configuration Using a Web Brow ser | en 87 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 5.46 Function T est The VideoJet X10 SN offer s a variety of configuration options. You sh ould therefore check that it is functioning correctly af ter installation and configuration.
88 en | Configuration Using a Web Br owser VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 89 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 6 Operation 6.1 Operation with Microsoft Internet Explorer A computer with Microsoft Intern et Explorer (version 6.
90 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems Establishing the Connection Before you can operate the VideoJet X 10 SN within your network, it must have a valid IP address for your network and a compatible subnet mask.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 91 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 6.2 The LIVEP AGE Once the connection is established , the Web browser displays the LIVEPAGE . It shows the live video image on the right of the browser window.
92 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems View Control Control options for perip herals (for example a pa n/tilt head or dome camera) depend on the type of unit installed and on the configuration of the VideoJet X10 SN.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 93 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 System Log / Event Log The System Log field contains information about the operating status of the VideoJet X10 SN and the connection. You can s ave these messages automatically in a fi le (see Section 5.
94 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 6.3 Sa ving Snapshots You can save individu al images from the video seq uence currently show n on the LIVEPAGE in JPEG format on your computer's hard drive.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 95 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 6.6 The RECORDINGS Page The RECORDINGS page for playing back recorded video sequences can be accessed from the LIVEPAGE and from the SETTINGS menu.
96 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems The time bar offers vario us options for navigation. Red bars indicate the points in time where al arms were triggered. Dr ag the green arrow to navigate to these points quickly.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 97 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 significantly higher memory capacity and comp uting power. For th is reason, the number o f cameras used in this mode can be restri cted in the Configuration Manager program.
98 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 6.8 Hardware Connections Between Video Ser vers A VideoJet X10 SN with a camera connec.
VideoJe t X10 SN Operati on | en 99 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Connecting with a Terminal Program Various requirements must be met in order to operate with a terminal program (see Section 8.9 Communication with Terminal Progra m, page 110 ).
100 en | Operation VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 6.9 Operation Using Software Decoders The VideoJet X10 SN video server combines wi th VIDOS to provide a high-performance system solution.
VideoJe t X10 SN Maintenance and Upgrades | en 101 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 7 Maintenance and Upgrades 7.1 T esting the Ne twork Connection You can use the ping command to check the connection between two IP addresses.
102 en | Maintenance and Upgrades VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 7.3 Repairs Ensure that all maintenance or repair work is carried out only by qualified pe rsonnel (electrical engineers or network technology sp ecialists).
VideoJe t X10 SN Appendix | en 103 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 8 Appendix 8.1 T roubleshoo ting If you are unable to resolve a malfunction, please contact your supplier or systems integrator, or go directly to Bosch Secu rity Systems Cust omer Service.
104 en | Appendix VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8.2 G eneral Malfunctions Malfunction Possible causes Recommended solution No connection between the unit and terminal program. Incorrect cable connections.
VideoJe t X10 SN Appendix | en 105 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 The unit does not report an alarm. Alarm source is not selected. Select poss ible alarm sources on the Alarm Inputs configuration page. No alarm response specifie d.
106 en | Appendix VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8.3 Malfunctions with iSCSI Connections Malfunction Possible causes Recommended solution After connecting to the iSCSI destination, no LUNs are disp layed.
VideoJe t X10 SN Appendix | en 107 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 8.4 LEDs The VideoJet X10 SN networ k video server has a number of LEDs on its fr ont .
108 en | Appendix VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8.5 Processor L oad If the VideoJet X10 SN is accessed via the Web browser, you will see the processor load indicator in the top right of the wind ow next to the manufacturer's logo.
VideoJe t X10 SN Appendix | en 109 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 8.8 T er minal Block The terminal block has several contacts for: – 4 alarm inputs �.
110 en | Appendix VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8.9 Communication with T erminal Program Data Terminal If a VideoJet X10 SN cannot be .
VideoJe t X10 SN Appendix | en 111 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Assigning an IP Address Before you can operate a VideoJ et X10 SN in your network you must first assign it an IP address that is vali d for your network.
112 en | Appendix VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 8.10 Copyright s The firmware 4.0 uses the fonts "Adobe-H elvetica-Bold-R-Normal-.
VideoJe t X10 SN Specif icat ions | en 113 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 9 Specifications 9.1 Unit Operating voltage 10 to 30 V DC, power supply via external unit Power consumption Approx.
114 en | Specifications VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems 9.2 Prot ocols/Standar ds Video standards PAL, NTSC Video coding protocols H.264 Basel ine Profile, MPEG-4, M-JPEG, JPEG Video data rate 9.
VideoJe t X10 SN Glossar y | en 115 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 10 Glossar y Symbols 10/100/1000 Base-T IEEE-802 .3 specification for 10, 100 or 1000 Mbps Ethernet 802.1x The IEEE 802.1x standard provides a general method for authentication and authorization in IEEE-802 networks.
116 en | Glossar y VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems H HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol: p rotocol for transmitting data over a network HT.
VideoJe t X10 SN Glossar y | en 117 Bosch Security Syst ems Installation and Operating Manual DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 MPEG-4 A further d evelopment of MP EG-2 designed for tr ansmitting audiovisual data .
118 en | Glossar y VideoJe t X10 SN DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Syst ems SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol ; a simplified version of NTP ( see NTP) SSL Secure.
Vide oJ et X10 SN Inde x | de 119 Bosch Security Syst ems Installations- und Bedienungshandbuch DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 11 Inde x A Activating the recording 57 Activation key 86 Alarm 17 , 41 , 92 Alarm .
120 de | Index Vide oJet X10 S N DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installations- und Bedienungshandbuch Bosch Security Syst ems M Main functions 15 Maintenance 9 Manufacturer logo 41 Media-replay 95 Milliseconds .
Vide oJ et X10 SN Inde x | de 121 Bosch Security Syst ems Installations- und Bedienungshandbuch DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Transmission parameters 110 Transmission protocol 59 , 77 Transmission rate 75 Tran.
122 de | Index Vide oJet X10 S N DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installations- und Bedienungshandbuch Bosch Security Syst ems.
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Koch-Straße 100 85521 Ottobrunn Germany Telefon 089 6290-0 Fax 089 6290-1020 © Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH, 2009.
デバイスBosch Appliances X10 SNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bosch Appliances X10 SNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch Appliances X10 SNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch Appliances X10 SNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch Appliances X10 SNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch Appliances X10 SNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch Appliances X10 SNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch Appliances X10 SNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch Appliances X10 SNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。