BoschメーカーKGF 39PI23の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 27
en In s tr u ct i o n f o r U s e KG F. ..
en I nstructio n for Use Safe ty and wa rning inform ation ............ 3 Information con cernin g disposa l .......... 5 Scop e of deliver y .................................... 5 Obse rve amb ien t tempera ture and v entilatio n ....................
en 3 enTable of Conte nts en In s tr u ct ion fo r U se Saf ety and war nin g informati on Before y o u switch ON t he applian ce Please r ead the operat ing and installatio n instructions carefully! T hey contain importa nt information on h ow to install, u se and m aintain the a pplian ce.
en 4 ■ B efore defrosting a nd clea ning the a ppli ance , pu ll o ut th e mai ns plug or switch off the fuse. Do n ot p ull ou t the m ains p lug by tu gging the cable . ■ B ottles which c ontain a high perc enta ge o f al cohol mu st b e sea led and stored in an u pright position .
en 5 Inf orma tio n co ncerni ng disp osal * Disposal of p ackagin g Th e packag ing p rotects your ap pliance from dama ge during trans it. All utilised mater ials are en vironme ntally s afe and recy clab le. P le ase help us by d ispo si ng of the p ackagin g in an enviro nmentally frie ndly ma nner .
en 6 Obser ve ambient tem perature and ventilatio n Ambien t t emperatur e The a ppl ianc e is des igne d fo r a s peci fi c climate class. D epending on th e climate class , the a ppliance c an be op erated at the follow ing tem peratur es. Th e climate cl ass can be fou nd on th e r at i ng p l at e.
en 7 Electr ical co nnectio n Th e socket mu st b e ne ar the app lianc e and also fr eely a cce ssib le fol lowin g installatio n of the appliance. Th e appliance complie s with the pro tecti on clas s I. C onne ct the ap plian ce to 220–24 0 V /50 Hz al ternating cu rrent via a co rrectly in stalle d socke t with pro tective condu ctor.
en 8 Controls Fig. 2 1 Se lection button for the r ef rigerator or freezer compar tment To s et the refrige rator or freez er comp artmen t, pr ess th e se lection bu tton until the req uired area of the r efrigerator or freez er comp artmen t displa y is activated.
en 9 S w itch in g the appliance o n Switch on th e applianc e with the On/Off button 1 /2. A w arn ing si gnal so und s. “A L” flashe s on the t em perat ure displ ay 5 . Press the a larm button 2 /6. Th e warnin g signal s witches off. Th e war mes t tempera ture is d isplayed briefly.
en 10 Sp ecia l funct i ons Fig. 2 timer You can u se this function to set a per iod of time of 1– 99 min utes. A sign al reminds yo u, e.g. w hen food is to be tak en out of the comp artmen t after a cer tain time. A valu e of 20 minute s has been pres et at the facto ry.
en 11 “holida y” If leav ing the a pplian ce for a lon g peri od o f time, you c an s wi tch the appl iance ove r to the energy-savin g hol ida y m od e. The re frigerator c ompartment is autom atically sw itched to +14 °C . Th e “cool-fre sh” comp artment and the fre ezer comp artmen t retain the se t tempera tures.
en 12 Usable cap acity Informatio n on the usable c apacity ca n be fo und in si de yo ur appl ia nce o n th e r at i ng p l at e. Fi g. / Refrigerator compar t ment The refrigerator c ompartment is t.
en 13 Hum idit y co nta iner Fig. 1 /10 The hu midity container is co vered with a spe cial filter which optimises re tention of the air hum idity in the s torage comp artmen t. As a result, th ere is up to 95% air humidity in the humidity con t ai ner , dep end i ng on t h e am oun t o f produ cts put in.
en 14 F reezer co mpar t ment Use t he freez er compartment ■ To store de ep-fro zen f ood. ■ To make ice cubes . ■ To freeze food . Not e Ensur e that the fre ezer comp artmen t door has b een clos ed pr operly. If the d oor is open, th e frozen food will thaw.
en 15 ■ Th e follow ing food s a re not suita ble for freezing : Typ es of vegetab le s, which are us ually cons umed raw, such a s lettuce or rad ishes, e ggs in she lls, grape s, whol e a pples , pe ars and p eac hes , hard -boil ed eggs , yo ghur t, sou red mil k, s our cr eam , cr è me f r aî che an d may o nna i se.
en 16 Tha wing fr oz e n f ood Depend ing on the type a nd application, selec t one o f the follow ing options : ■ at roo m temper ature ■ in the refriger ator ■ in an e lectric oven, w ith/withou t fan a ssis ted hot- air ■ in the m icrowave ã= Cau t ion Do no t refr eeze food w hich is beg inn ing to thaw or which h as alread y thawe d.
en 17 Swi tchi ng of f a nd disco nnect in g the appl iance Switch ing off the a pplian ce Fig. 1 Press the O n/Off button 2. Refrigeratin g unit and light switc h off. Dis conn ecti ng the a ppli anc e If you do n ot use the applian ce for a p rolong ed pe riod: 1.
en 18 8. Put the frozen food bac k in the fre ezer com partmen t. Not es ■ Re gularl y clea n the con densa tion cha nne l and d rainag e hol e, Fig.
en 19 Operati ng noises Quite n ormal noises Dro ni ng Motor s are runnin g (e.g. re frigerating uni ts , fa n) . Bubbling , humming or gurgling no ises Refrigerant is flowing through the tubing. Clicking Motor , switche s or solenoid valves ar e switching on /off.
en 20 Fault Possible cause Remedial action Dis pla ys do not illumi nate. Pow er f ailure; the f use has b een switch ed off; the main s plug has no t be en inser ted pro perl y. Con nect mains plug . Ch eck wh ethe r the po wer is on , check th e fus es.
en 21 Fault Possible cause Remedial action Freeze r com partme nt door was op en for a long time ; tempe rature is no longe r reached . Th e ev apora tor (re frig era tio n ge ne rat o r) in th e N o F ro st syste m is covered in th ick ice and c an no lo nger be defros ted fully autom aticall y.
en 22 Customer servi ce Your loc al custom er s ervice c a nb ef o u n d i nt h et e l e p h o n e d i r e c t o r y or in th e custom er-service index. Ple ase pro vide custome r serv ice with th e appliance product n umber (E- Nr.) and pro d uctio n numb er (FD ).
2 34.
56 78 9*.
+, - . / vitaFresh + 0 °C F ru it a n d v e g e te a b le s.
Rob ert Bosch Hau sge räte Gm bH C arl-We ry-Straße 34 81739 Mün chen DEUTS CHLAND 900012345 90006 83 019 ( 9202 ) en.
デバイスBosch KGF 39PI23の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bosch KGF 39PI23をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch KGF 39PI23の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch KGF 39PI23の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch KGF 39PI23で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch KGF 39PI23を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch KGF 39PI23の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch KGF 39PI23に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch KGF 39PI23デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。